
351 lines
16 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var nearley = require('nearley');
var moo = require('moo');
function _interopNamespace(e) {
if (e && e.__esModule) return e;
var n = Object.create(null);
if (e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== 'default') {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return e[k];
n['default'] = e;
return Object.freeze(n);
var moo__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(moo);
// Generated automatically by nearley, version 2.20.1
// http://github.com/Hardmath123/nearley
// Bypasses TS6133. Allow declared but unused functions.
// @ts-ignore
function id(d) { return d[0]; }
const lexer = moo__namespace.compile({
ws: { match: /[ \t\r\n\f]+/, lineBreaks: true },
idn: { match: /[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/ },
hashToken: { match: /#[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/, value: (s) => s.slice(1) },
str1: { match: /'(?:\\['\\]|[^\n'\\])*'/, value: (s) => s.slice(1, -1) },
str2: { match: /"(?:\\["\\]|[^\n"\\])*"/, value: (s) => s.slice(1, -1) },
asterisk: '*',
fullstop: '.',
comma: ',',
lbr: '[',
rbr: ']',
eq: '=',
gt: '>',
vbar: '|',
plus: '+',
tilde: '~',
caret: '^',
dollar: '$',
//colon: ':',
//lpar: '(',
//rpar: ')',
function firstTokenValue(tokens) {
return tokens[0].value;
function second(tokens) {
return tokens[1];
function sumSpec([a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2]) {
return [a0 + b0, a1 + b1, a2 + b2];
const grammar = {
Lexer: lexer,
ParserRules: [
{ "name": "main", "symbols": ["_", "listSelector", "_"], "postprocess": second },
{ "name": "mainNoList", "symbols": ["_", "complexSelector", "_"], "postprocess": second },
{ "name": "listSelector", "symbols": ["complexSelector"], "postprocess": ([next]) => ({ type: 'list', list: [next] }) },
{ "name": "listSelector", "symbols": ["listSelector", "_", (lexer.has("comma") ? { type: "comma" } : comma), "_", "complexSelector"], "postprocess": ([acc, , , , next]) => ({ type: 'list', list: [...acc.list, next] }) },
{ "name": "complexSelector", "symbols": ["compoundSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "complexSelector", "symbols": ["complexSelector", "__", "compoundSelector"], "postprocess": ([left, , right]) => ({
type: 'compound',
list: [...right.list, { type: 'combinator', combinator: ' ', left: left, specificity: left.specificity }],
specificity: sumSpec(left.specificity, right.specificity)
}) },
{ "name": "complexSelector", "symbols": ["complexSelector", "_", "combinator", "_", "compoundSelector"], "postprocess": ([left, , c, , right]) => ({
type: 'compound',
list: [...right.list, { type: 'combinator', combinator: c, left: left, specificity: left.specificity }],
specificity: sumSpec(left.specificity, right.specificity)
}) },
{ "name": "combinator", "symbols": [(lexer.has("gt") ? { type: "gt" } : gt)], "postprocess": () => '>' },
{ "name": "combinator", "symbols": [(lexer.has("plus") ? { type: "plus" } : plus)], "postprocess": () => '+' },
{ "name": "combinator", "symbols": [(lexer.has("tilde") ? { type: "tilde" } : tilde)], "postprocess": () => '~' },
{ "name": "combinator", "symbols": [(lexer.has("vbar") ? { type: "vbar" } : vbar), (lexer.has("vbar") ? { type: "vbar" } : vbar)], "postprocess": () => '||' },
{ "name": "compoundSelector", "symbols": ["typeSelector"], "postprocess": ([next]) => ({
type: 'compound',
list: [next],
specificity: next.specificity
}) },
{ "name": "compoundSelector", "symbols": ["subclassSelector"], "postprocess": ([next]) => ({
type: 'compound',
list: [next],
specificity: next.specificity
}) },
{ "name": "compoundSelector", "symbols": ["compoundSelector", "subclassSelector"], "postprocess": ([acc, next]) => ({
type: 'compound',
list: [...acc.list, next],
specificity: sumSpec(acc.specificity, next.specificity)
}) },
{ "name": "subclassSelector", "symbols": ["idSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "subclassSelector", "symbols": ["classSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "subclassSelector", "symbols": ["attrSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "attrSelector", "symbols": ["attrPresenceSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "attrSelector", "symbols": ["attrValueSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "typeSelector", "symbols": ["tagSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "typeSelector", "symbols": ["uniSelector"], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "attrPresenceSelector", "symbols": [(lexer.has("lbr") ? { type: "lbr" } : lbr), "_", "wqname", "_", (lexer.has("rbr") ? { type: "rbr" } : rbr)], "postprocess": ([, , wqname]) => ({
type: 'attrPresence',
name: wqname.name,
namespace: wqname.namespace,
specificity: [0, 1, 0]
{ "name": "attrValueSelector", "symbols": [(lexer.has("lbr") ? { type: "lbr" } : lbr), "_", "wqname", "_", "attrMatcher", "_", "attrValue", "_", (lexer.has("rbr") ? { type: "rbr" } : rbr)], "postprocess": ([, , wqname, , matcher, , v]) => ({
type: 'attrValue',
name: wqname.name,
namespace: wqname.namespace,
matcher: matcher,
value: v.value,
modifier: v.modifier,
specificity: [0, 1, 0]
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '=' },
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("tilde") ? { type: "tilde" } : tilde), (lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '~=' },
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("vbar") ? { type: "vbar" } : vbar), (lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '|=' },
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("caret") ? { type: "caret" } : caret), (lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '^=' },
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("dollar") ? { type: "dollar" } : dollar), (lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '$=' },
{ "name": "attrMatcher", "symbols": [(lexer.has("asterisk") ? { type: "asterisk" } : asterisk), (lexer.has("eq") ? { type: "eq" } : eq)], "postprocess": () => '*=' },
{ "name": "attrValue", "symbols": ["str"], "postprocess": ([v]) => ({ value: v, modifier: null }) },
{ "name": "attrValue", "symbols": ["idn"], "postprocess": ([v]) => ({ value: v, modifier: null }) },
{ "name": "attrValue", "symbols": ["str", "_", "attrModifier"], "postprocess": ([v, , mod]) => ({ value: v, modifier: mod }) },
{ "name": "attrValue", "symbols": ["idn", "__", "attrModifier"], "postprocess": ([v, , mod]) => ({ value: v, modifier: mod }) },
{ "name": "attrModifier", "symbols": [{ "literal": "i" }], "postprocess": () => 'i' },
{ "name": "attrModifier", "symbols": [{ "literal": "I" }], "postprocess": () => 'i' },
{ "name": "attrModifier", "symbols": [{ "literal": "s" }], "postprocess": () => 's' },
{ "name": "attrModifier", "symbols": [{ "literal": "S" }], "postprocess": () => 's' },
{ "name": "idSelector", "symbols": [(lexer.has("hashToken") ? { type: "hashToken" } : hashToken)], "postprocess": ([{ value: name }]) => ({ type: 'id', name: name, specificity: [1, 0, 0] }) },
{ "name": "classSelector", "symbols": [(lexer.has("fullstop") ? { type: "fullstop" } : fullstop), "idn"], "postprocess": ([, name]) => ({ type: 'class', name: name, specificity: [0, 1, 0] }) },
{ "name": "tagSelector", "symbols": ["wqname"], "postprocess": ([wqname]) => ({
type: 'tag',
name: wqname.name,
namespace: wqname.namespace,
specificity: [0, 0, 1]
{ "name": "uniSelector", "symbols": [(lexer.has("asterisk") ? { type: "asterisk" } : asterisk)], "postprocess": () => ({ type: 'universal', namespace: null, specificity: [0, 0, 0] }) },
{ "name": "uniSelector", "symbols": ["ns", (lexer.has("asterisk") ? { type: "asterisk" } : asterisk)], "postprocess": ([ns]) => ({ type: 'universal', namespace: ns, specificity: [0, 0, 0] }) },
{ "name": "wqname", "symbols": ["idn"], "postprocess": ([name]) => ({ name: name, namespace: null }) },
{ "name": "wqname", "symbols": ["ns", "idn"], "postprocess": ([ns, name]) => ({ name: name, namespace: ns }) },
{ "name": "ns", "symbols": [(lexer.has("vbar") ? { type: "vbar" } : vbar)], "postprocess": () => '' },
{ "name": "ns", "symbols": ["idn", (lexer.has("vbar") ? { type: "vbar" } : vbar)], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "str", "symbols": [(lexer.has("str1") ? { type: "str1" } : str1)], "postprocess": firstTokenValue },
{ "name": "str", "symbols": [(lexer.has("str2") ? { type: "str2" } : str2)], "postprocess": firstTokenValue },
{ "name": "idn", "symbols": [(lexer.has("idn") ? { type: "idn" } : idn)], "postprocess": firstTokenValue },
{ "name": "_$ebnf$1", "symbols": [(lexer.has("ws") ? { type: "ws" } : ws)], "postprocess": id },
{ "name": "_$ebnf$1", "symbols": [], "postprocess": () => null },
{ "name": "_", "symbols": ["_$ebnf$1"], "postprocess": () => null },
{ "name": "__", "symbols": [(lexer.has("ws") ? { type: "ws" } : ws)], "postprocess": () => null }
ParserStart: "main",
var ast = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null
// Passing the start argument to a parser or grammar constructor
// doesn't seem to work as expected.
const compiledRulesNoList = { ...grammar, ParserStart: 'mainNoList' };
* Parse a CSS selector string.
* This function supports comma-separated selector lists
* and always returns an AST starting from a node of type `list`.
* @param str - CSS selector string (can contain commas).
function parse(str) {
return _parse(grammar, str);
* Parse a CSS selector string.
* This function does not support comma-separated selector lists
* and always returns an AST starting from a node of type `compound`.
* @param str - CSS selector string (no commas).
function parse1(str) {
return _parse(compiledRulesNoList, str);
function _parse(compiledRules1, str) {
const parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(compiledRules1));
if (parser.results.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse - input string might be incomplete.');
return parser.results[0];
* Convert a selector AST back to a string representation.
* Note: formatting is not preserved in the AST.
* @param selector - A selector AST object.
function serialize(selector) {
if (!selector.type) {
throw new Error('This is not an AST node.');
switch (selector.type) {
case 'universal':
return _serNs(selector.namespace) + '*';
case 'tag':
return _serNs(selector.namespace) + selector.name;
case 'class':
return '.' + selector.name;
case 'id':
return '#' + selector.name;
case 'attrPresence':
return `[${_serNs(selector.namespace)}${selector.name}]`;
case 'attrValue':
return `[${_serNs(selector.namespace)}${selector.name}${selector.matcher}${_serStr(selector.value)}${(selector.modifier ? selector.modifier : '')}]`;
case 'combinator':
return serialize(selector.left) + selector.combinator;
case 'compound':
return selector.list.reduce((acc, node) => {
if (node.type === 'combinator') {
return serialize(node) + acc;
else {
return acc + serialize(node);
}, '');
case 'list':
return selector.list.map(serialize).join(',');
function _serNs(ns) {
return (ns || ns === '')
? ns + '|'
: '';
function _serStr(str) {
if (str.indexOf('"') === -1) {
return `"${str}"`;
else if (str.indexOf("'") === -1) {
return `'${str}'`;
else {
return `"${str.replace('"', '\\"')}"`;
* Modifies the given AST **in place** to have all internal arrays
* in a stable order. Returns the AST.
* Intended for consitent processing and normalized `serialize()` output.
* @param selector - A selector AST object.
function normalize(selector) {
if (!selector.type) {
throw new Error('This is not an AST node.');
switch (selector.type) {
case 'compound': {
selector.list.sort((a, b) => _compareArrays(_getSelectorPriority(a), _getSelectorPriority(b)));
case 'combinator': {
case 'list': {
selector.list.sort((a, b) => (serialize(a) < serialize(b)) ? -1 : 1);
return selector;
function _getSelectorPriority(selector) {
switch (selector.type) {
case 'universal':
return [1];
case 'tag':
return [1];
case 'id':
return [2];
case 'class':
return [3, selector.name];
case 'attrPresence':
return [4, serialize(selector)];
case 'attrValue':
return [5, serialize(selector)];
case 'combinator':
return [15, serialize(selector)];
* Compare selectors based on their specificity.
* Usable as a comparator for sorting.
* @param a - First selector.
* @param b - Second selector.
function compareSelectors(a, b) {
return _compareArrays(a.specificity, b.specificity);
* Compare specificity values without reducing them
* as arbitrary base numbers.
* Usable as a comparator for sorting.
* @param a - First specificity value.
* @param b - Second specificity value.
function compareSpecificity(a, b) {
return _compareArrays(a, b);
function _compareArrays(a, b) {
if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(b)) {
throw new Error('Arguments must be arrays.');
const shorter = (a.length < b.length) ? a.length : b.length;
for (let i = 0; i < shorter; i++) {
if (a[i] === b[i]) {
return (a[i] < b[i]) ? -1 : 1;
return a.length - b.length;
exports.Ast = ast;
exports.compareSelectors = compareSelectors;
exports.compareSpecificity = compareSpecificity;
exports.normalize = normalize;
exports.parse = parse;
exports.parse1 = parse1;
exports.serialize = serialize;