
739 lines
22 KiB

* XmlHttpRequest implementation that uses TLS and flash SocketPool.
* @author Dave Longley
* Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Digital Bazaar, Inc.
var forge = require('./forge');
/* XHR API */
var xhrApi = module.exports = forge.xhr = forge.xhr || {};
(function($) {
// logging category
var cat = 'forge.xhr';
XMLHttpRequest interface definition from:
interface XMLHttpRequest {
// event handler
attribute EventListener onreadystatechange;
// state
const unsigned short UNSENT = 0;
const unsigned short OPENED = 1;
const unsigned short HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2;
const unsigned short LOADING = 3;
const unsigned short DONE = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
// request
void open(in DOMString method, in DOMString url);
void open(in DOMString method, in DOMString url, in boolean async);
void open(in DOMString method, in DOMString url,
in boolean async, in DOMString user);
void open(in DOMString method, in DOMString url,
in boolean async, in DOMString user, in DOMString password);
void setRequestHeader(in DOMString header, in DOMString value);
void send();
void send(in DOMString data);
void send(in Document data);
void abort();
// response
DOMString getAllResponseHeaders();
DOMString getResponseHeader(in DOMString header);
readonly attribute DOMString responseText;
readonly attribute Document responseXML;
readonly attribute unsigned short status;
readonly attribute DOMString statusText;
// readyStates
var UNSENT = 0;
var OPENED = 1;
var LOADING = 3;
var DONE = 4;
// exceptions
var SYNTAX_ERR = 12;
var SECURITY_ERR = 18;
var NETWORK_ERR = 19;
var ABORT_ERR = 20;
// private flash socket pool vars
var _sp = null;
var _policyPort = 0;
var _policyUrl = null;
// default client (used if no special URL provided when creating an XHR)
var _client = null;
// all clients including the default, key'd by full base url
// (multiple cross-domain http clients are permitted so there may be more
// than one client in this map)
// TODO: provide optional clean up API for non-default clients
var _clients = {};
// the default maximum number of concurrents connections per client
var _maxConnections = 10;
var net = forge.net;
var http = forge.http;
* Initializes flash XHR support.
* @param options:
* url: the default base URL to connect to if xhr URLs are relative,
* ie: https://myserver.com.
* flashId: the dom ID of the flash SocketPool.
* policyPort: the port that provides the server's flash policy, 0 to use
* the flash default.
* policyUrl: the policy file URL to use instead of a policy port.
* msie: true if browser is internet explorer, false if not.
* connections: the maximum number of concurrent connections.
* caCerts: a list of PEM-formatted certificates to trust.
* cipherSuites: an optional array of cipher suites to use,
* see forge.tls.CipherSuites.
* verify: optional TLS certificate verify callback to use (see forge.tls
* for details).
* getCertificate: an optional callback used to get a client-side
* certificate (see forge.tls for details).
* getPrivateKey: an optional callback used to get a client-side private
* key (see forge.tls for details).
* getSignature: an optional callback used to get a client-side signature
* (see forge.tls for details).
* persistCookies: true to use persistent cookies via flash local storage,
* false to only keep cookies in javascript.
* primeTlsSockets: true to immediately connect TLS sockets on their
* creation so that they will cache TLS sessions for reuse.
xhrApi.init = function(options) {
forge.log.debug(cat, 'initializing', options);
// update default policy port and max connections
_policyPort = options.policyPort || _policyPort;
_policyUrl = options.policyUrl || _policyUrl;
_maxConnections = options.connections || _maxConnections;
// create the flash socket pool
_sp = net.createSocketPool({
flashId: options.flashId,
policyPort: _policyPort,
policyUrl: _policyUrl,
msie: options.msie || false
// create default http client
_client = http.createClient({
url: options.url || (
window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host),
socketPool: _sp,
policyPort: _policyPort,
policyUrl: _policyUrl,
connections: options.connections || _maxConnections,
caCerts: options.caCerts,
cipherSuites: options.cipherSuites,
persistCookies: options.persistCookies || true,
primeTlsSockets: options.primeTlsSockets || false,
verify: options.verify,
getCertificate: options.getCertificate,
getPrivateKey: options.getPrivateKey,
getSignature: options.getSignature
_clients[_client.url.origin] = _client;
forge.log.debug(cat, 'ready');
* Called to clean up the clients and socket pool.
xhrApi.cleanup = function() {
// destroy all clients
for(var key in _clients) {
_clients = {};
_client = null;
// destroy socket pool
_sp = null;
* Sets a cookie.
* @param cookie the cookie with parameters:
* name: the name of the cookie.
* value: the value of the cookie.
* comment: an optional comment string.
* maxAge: the age of the cookie in seconds relative to created time.
* secure: true if the cookie must be sent over a secure protocol.
* httpOnly: true to restrict access to the cookie from javascript
* (inaffective since the cookies are stored in javascript).
* path: the path for the cookie.
* domain: optional domain the cookie belongs to (must start with dot).
* version: optional version of the cookie.
* created: creation time, in UTC seconds, of the cookie.
xhrApi.setCookie = function(cookie) {
// default cookie expiration to never
cookie.maxAge = cookie.maxAge || -1;
// if the cookie's domain is set, use the appropriate client
if(cookie.domain) {
// add the cookies to the applicable domains
for(var key in _clients) {
var client = _clients[key];
if(http.withinCookieDomain(client.url, cookie) &&
client.secure === cookie.secure) {
} else {
// use the default domain
// FIXME: should a null domain cookie be added to all clients? should
// this be an option?
* Gets a cookie.
* @param name the name of the cookie.
* @param path an optional path for the cookie (if there are multiple cookies
* with the same name but different paths).
* @param domain an optional domain for the cookie (if not using the default
* domain).
* @return the cookie, cookies (if multiple matches), or null if not found.
xhrApi.getCookie = function(name, path, domain) {
var rval = null;
if(domain) {
// get the cookies from the applicable domains
for(var key in _clients) {
var client = _clients[key];
if(http.withinCookieDomain(client.url, domain)) {
var cookie = client.getCookie(name, path);
if(cookie !== null) {
if(rval === null) {
rval = cookie;
} else if(!forge.util.isArray(rval)) {
rval = [rval, cookie];
} else {
} else {
// get cookie from default domain
rval = _client.getCookie(name, path);
return rval;
* Removes a cookie.
* @param name the name of the cookie.
* @param path an optional path for the cookie (if there are multiple cookies
* with the same name but different paths).
* @param domain an optional domain for the cookie (if not using the default
* domain).
* @return true if a cookie was removed, false if not.
xhrApi.removeCookie = function(name, path, domain) {
var rval = false;
if(domain) {
// remove the cookies from the applicable domains
for(var key in _clients) {
var client = _clients[key];
if(http.withinCookieDomain(client.url, domain)) {
if(client.removeCookie(name, path)) {
rval = true;
} else {
// remove cookie from default domain
rval = _client.removeCookie(name, path);
return rval;
* Creates a new XmlHttpRequest. By default the base URL, flash policy port,
* etc, will be used. However, an XHR can be created to point at another
* cross-domain URL.
* @param options:
* logWarningOnError: If true and an HTTP error status code is received then
* log a warning, otherwise log a verbose message.
* verbose: If true be very verbose in the output including the response
* event and response body, otherwise only include status, timing, and
* data size.
* logError: a multi-var log function for warnings that takes the log
* category as the first var.
* logWarning: a multi-var log function for warnings that takes the log
* category as the first var.
* logDebug: a multi-var log function for warnings that takes the log
* category as the first var.
* logVerbose: a multi-var log function for warnings that takes the log
* category as the first var.
* url: the default base URL to connect to if xhr URLs are relative,
* eg: https://myserver.com, and note that the following options will be
* ignored if the URL is absent or the same as the default base URL.
* policyPort: the port that provides the server's flash policy, 0 to use
* the flash default.
* policyUrl: the policy file URL to use instead of a policy port.
* connections: the maximum number of concurrent connections.
* caCerts: a list of PEM-formatted certificates to trust.
* cipherSuites: an optional array of cipher suites to use, see
* forge.tls.CipherSuites.
* verify: optional TLS certificate verify callback to use (see forge.tls
* for details).
* getCertificate: an optional callback used to get a client-side
* certificate.
* getPrivateKey: an optional callback used to get a client-side private key.
* getSignature: an optional callback used to get a client-side signature.
* persistCookies: true to use persistent cookies via flash local storage,
* false to only keep cookies in javascript.
* primeTlsSockets: true to immediately connect TLS sockets on their
* creation so that they will cache TLS sessions for reuse.
* @return the XmlHttpRequest.
xhrApi.create = function(options) {
// set option defaults
options = $.extend({
logWarningOnError: true,
verbose: false,
logError: function() {},
logWarning: function() {},
logDebug: function() {},
logVerbose: function() {},
url: null
}, options || {});
// private xhr state
var _state = {
// the http client to use
client: null,
// request storage
request: null,
// response storage
response: null,
// asynchronous, true if doing asynchronous communication
asynchronous: true,
// sendFlag, true if send has been called
sendFlag: false,
// errorFlag, true if a network error occurred
errorFlag: false
// private log functions
var _log = {
error: options.logError || forge.log.error,
warning: options.logWarning || forge.log.warning,
debug: options.logDebug || forge.log.debug,
verbose: options.logVerbose || forge.log.verbose
// create public xhr interface
var xhr = {
// an EventListener
onreadystatechange: null,
// readonly, the current readyState
readyState: UNSENT,
// a string with the response entity-body
responseText: '',
// a Document for response entity-bodies that are XML
responseXML: null,
// readonly, returns the HTTP status code (i.e. 404)
status: 0,
// readonly, returns the HTTP status message (i.e. 'Not Found')
statusText: ''
// determine which http client to use
if(options.url === null) {
// use default
_state.client = _client;
} else {
var url;
try {
url = new URL(options.url);
} catch(e) {
var error = new Error('Invalid url.');
error.details = {
url: options.url
// find client
if(url.origin in _clients) {
// client found
_state.client = _clients[url.origin];
} else {
// create client
_state.client = http.createClient({
url: options.url,
socketPool: _sp,
policyPort: options.policyPort || _policyPort,
policyUrl: options.policyUrl || _policyUrl,
connections: options.connections || _maxConnections,
caCerts: options.caCerts,
cipherSuites: options.cipherSuites,
persistCookies: options.persistCookies || true,
primeTlsSockets: options.primeTlsSockets || false,
verify: options.verify,
getCertificate: options.getCertificate,
getPrivateKey: options.getPrivateKey,
getSignature: options.getSignature
_clients[url.origin] = _state.client;
* Opens the request. This method will create the HTTP request to send.
* @param method the HTTP method (i.e. 'GET').
* @param url the relative url (the HTTP request path).
* @param async always true, ignored.
* @param user always null, ignored.
* @param password always null, ignored.
xhr.open = function(method, url, async, user, password) {
// 1. validate Document if one is associated
// TODO: not implemented (not used yet)
// 2. validate method token
// 3. change method to uppercase if it matches a known
// method (here we just require it to be uppercase, and
// we do not allow the standard methods)
// 4. disallow CONNECT, TRACE, or TRACK with a security error
switch(method) {
case 'DELETE':
case 'GET':
case 'HEAD':
case 'OPTIONS':
case 'PATCH':
case 'POST':
case 'PUT':
// valid method
case 'CONNECT':
case 'TRACE':
case 'TRACK':
throw new Error('CONNECT, TRACE and TRACK methods are disallowed');
throw new Error('Invalid method: ' + method);
// TODO: other validation steps in algorithm are not implemented
// 19. set send flag to false
// set response body to null
// empty list of request headers
// set request method to given method
// set request URL
// set username, password
// set asychronous flag
_state.sendFlag = false;
xhr.responseText = '';
xhr.responseXML = null;
// custom: reset status and statusText
xhr.status = 0;
xhr.statusText = '';
// create the HTTP request
_state.request = http.createRequest({
method: method,
path: url
// 20. set state to OPENED
xhr.readyState = OPENED;
// 21. dispatch onreadystatechange
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
* Adds an HTTP header field to the request.
* @param header the name of the header field.
* @param value the value of the header field.
xhr.setRequestHeader = function(header, value) {
// 1. if state is not OPENED or send flag is true, raise exception
if(xhr.readyState != OPENED || _state.sendFlag) {
throw new Error('XHR not open or sending');
// TODO: other validation steps in spec aren't implemented
// set header
_state.request.setField(header, value);
* Sends the request and any associated data.
* @param data a string or Document object to send, null to send no data.
xhr.send = function(data) {
// 1. if state is not OPENED or 2. send flag is true, raise
// an invalid state exception
if(xhr.readyState != OPENED || _state.sendFlag) {
throw new Error('XHR not open or sending');
// 3. ignore data if method is GET or HEAD
if(data &&
_state.request.method !== 'GET' &&
_state.request.method !== 'HEAD') {
// handle non-IE case
if(typeof(XMLSerializer) !== 'undefined') {
if(data instanceof Document) {
var xs = new XMLSerializer();
_state.request.body = xs.serializeToString(data);
} else {
_state.request.body = data;
} else {
// poorly implemented IE case
if(typeof(data.xml) !== 'undefined') {
_state.request.body = data.xml;
} else {
_state.request.body = data;
// 4. release storage mutex (not used)
// 5. set error flag to false
_state.errorFlag = false;
// 6. if asynchronous is true (must be in this implementation)
// 6.1 set send flag to true
_state.sendFlag = true;
// 6.2 dispatch onreadystatechange
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
// create send options
var options = {};
options.request = _state.request;
options.headerReady = function(e) {
// make cookies available for ease of use/iteration
xhr.cookies = _state.client.cookies;
// TODO: update document.cookie with any cookies where the
// script's domain matches
// headers received
xhr.readyState = HEADERS_RECEIVED;
xhr.status = e.response.code;
xhr.statusText = e.response.message;
_state.response = e.response;
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
if(!_state.response.aborted) {
// now loading body
xhr.readyState = LOADING;
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
options.bodyReady = function(e) {
xhr.readyState = DONE;
var ct = e.response.getField('Content-Type');
// Note: this null/undefined check is done outside because IE
// dies otherwise on a "'null' is null" error
if(ct) {
if(ct.indexOf('text/xml') === 0 ||
ct.indexOf('application/xml') === 0 ||
ct.indexOf('+xml') !== -1) {
try {
var doc = new ActiveXObject('MicrosoftXMLDOM');
doc.async = false;
xhr.responseXML = doc;
} catch(ex) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
xhr.responseXML = parser.parseFromString(ex.body, 'text/xml');
var length = 0;
if(e.response.body !== null) {
xhr.responseText = e.response.body;
length = e.response.body.length;
// build logging output
var req = _state.request;
var output =
req.method + ' ' + req.path + ' ' +
xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText + ' ' +
length + 'B ' +
(e.request.connectTime + e.request.time + e.response.time) +
var lFunc;
if(options.verbose) {
lFunc = (xhr.status >= 400 && options.logWarningOnError) ?
_log.warning : _log.verbose;
lFunc(cat, output,
e, e.response.body ? '\n' + e.response.body : '\nNo content');
} else {
lFunc = (xhr.status >= 400 && options.logWarningOnError) ?
_log.warning : _log.debug;
lFunc(cat, output);
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
options.error = function(e) {
var req = _state.request;
_log.error(cat, req.method + ' ' + req.path, e);
// 1. set response body to null
xhr.responseText = '';
xhr.responseXML = null;
// 2. set error flag to true (and reset status)
_state.errorFlag = true;
xhr.status = 0;
xhr.statusText = '';
// 3. set state to done
xhr.readyState = DONE;
// 4. asyc flag is always true, so dispatch onreadystatechange
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
// 7. send request
* Aborts the request.
xhr.abort = function() {
// 1. abort send
// 2. stop network activity
// 3. set response to null
xhr.responseText = '';
xhr.responseXML = null;
// 4. set error flag to true (and reset status)
_state.errorFlag = true;
xhr.status = 0;
xhr.statusText = '';
// 5. clear user headers
_state.request = null;
_state.response = null;
// 6. if state is DONE or UNSENT, or if OPENED and send flag is false
if(xhr.readyState === DONE || xhr.readyState === UNSENT ||
(xhr.readyState === OPENED && !_state.sendFlag)) {
// 7. set ready state to unsent
xhr.readyState = UNSENT;
} else {
// 6.1 set state to DONE
xhr.readyState = DONE;
// 6.2 set send flag to false
_state.sendFlag = false;
// 6.3 dispatch onreadystatechange
if(xhr.onreadystatechange) {
// 7. set state to UNSENT
xhr.readyState = UNSENT;
* Gets all response headers as a string.
* @return the HTTP-encoded response header fields.
xhr.getAllResponseHeaders = function() {
var rval = '';
if(_state.response !== null) {
var fields = _state.response.fields;
$.each(fields, function(name, array) {
$.each(array, function(i, value) {
rval += name + ': ' + value + '\r\n';
return rval;
* Gets a single header field value or, if there are multiple
* fields with the same name, a comma-separated list of header
* values.
* @return the header field value(s) or null.
xhr.getResponseHeader = function(header) {
var rval = null;
if(_state.response !== null) {
if(header in _state.response.fields) {
rval = _state.response.fields[header];
if(forge.util.isArray(rval)) {
rval = rval.join();
return rval;
return xhr;