
772 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
var clipboard = require('@lexical/clipboard');
var selection = require('@lexical/selection');
var utils = require('@lexical/utils');
var lexical = require('lexical');
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function caretFromPoint(x, y) {
if (typeof document.caretRangeFromPoint !== 'undefined') {
const range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y);
if (range === null) {
return null;
return {
node: range.startContainer,
offset: range.startOffset
// @ts-ignore
} else if (document.caretPositionFromPoint !== 'undefined') {
// @ts-ignore FF - no types
const range = document.caretPositionFromPoint(x, y);
if (range === null) {
return null;
return {
node: range.offsetNode,
offset: range.offset
} else {
// Gracefully handle IE
return null;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const CAN_USE_DOM = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined';
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const documentMode = CAN_USE_DOM && 'documentMode' in document ? document.documentMode : null;
CAN_USE_DOM && /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform);
CAN_USE_DOM && /^(?!.*Seamonkey)(?=.*Firefox).*/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
const CAN_USE_BEFORE_INPUT = CAN_USE_DOM && 'InputEvent' in window && !documentMode ? 'getTargetRanges' in new window.InputEvent('input') : false;
const IS_SAFARI = CAN_USE_DOM && /Version\/[\d.]+.*Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent);
const IS_IOS = CAN_USE_DOM && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;
CAN_USE_DOM && /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Keep these in case we need to use them in the future.
// export const IS_WINDOWS: boolean = CAN_USE_DOM && /Win/.test(navigator.platform);
const IS_CHROME = CAN_USE_DOM && /^(?=.*Chrome).*/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// export const canUseTextInputEvent: boolean = CAN_USE_DOM && 'TextEvent' in window && !documentMode;
const IS_APPLE_WEBKIT = CAN_USE_DOM && /AppleWebKit\/[\d.]+/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !IS_CHROME;
/** @module @lexical/rich-text */
const DRAG_DROP_PASTE = lexical.createCommand('DRAG_DROP_PASTE_FILE');
/** @noInheritDoc */
class QuoteNode extends lexical.ElementNode {
static getType() {
return 'quote';
static clone(node) {
return new QuoteNode(node.__key);
constructor(key) {
// View
createDOM(config) {
const element = document.createElement('blockquote');
utils.addClassNamesToElement(element, config.theme.quote);
return element;
updateDOM(prevNode, dom) {
return false;
static importDOM() {
return {
blockquote: node => ({
conversion: convertBlockquoteElement,
priority: 0
exportDOM(editor) {
const {
} = super.exportDOM(editor);
if (element && utils.isHTMLElement(element)) {
if (this.isEmpty()) element.append(document.createElement('br'));
const formatType = this.getFormatType();
element.style.textAlign = formatType;
const direction = this.getDirection();
if (direction) {
element.dir = direction;
return {
static importJSON(serializedNode) {
const node = $createQuoteNode();
return node;
exportJSON() {
return {
type: 'quote'
// Mutation
insertNewAfter(_, restoreSelection) {
const newBlock = lexical.$createParagraphNode();
const direction = this.getDirection();
this.insertAfter(newBlock, restoreSelection);
return newBlock;
collapseAtStart() {
const paragraph = lexical.$createParagraphNode();
const children = this.getChildren();
children.forEach(child => paragraph.append(child));
return true;
function $createQuoteNode() {
return lexical.$applyNodeReplacement(new QuoteNode());
function $isQuoteNode(node) {
return node instanceof QuoteNode;
/** @noInheritDoc */
class HeadingNode extends lexical.ElementNode {
/** @internal */
static getType() {
return 'heading';
static clone(node) {
return new HeadingNode(node.__tag, node.__key);
constructor(tag, key) {
this.__tag = tag;
getTag() {
return this.__tag;
// View
createDOM(config) {
const tag = this.__tag;
const element = document.createElement(tag);
const theme = config.theme;
const classNames = theme.heading;
if (classNames !== undefined) {
const className = classNames[tag];
utils.addClassNamesToElement(element, className);
return element;
updateDOM(prevNode, dom) {
return false;
static importDOM() {
return {
h1: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
h2: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
h3: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
h4: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
h5: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
h6: node => ({
conversion: convertHeadingElement,
priority: 0
p: node => {
// domNode is a <p> since we matched it by nodeName
const paragraph = node;
const firstChild = paragraph.firstChild;
if (firstChild !== null && isGoogleDocsTitle(firstChild)) {
return {
conversion: () => ({
node: null
priority: 3
return null;
span: node => {
if (isGoogleDocsTitle(node)) {
return {
conversion: domNode => {
return {
node: $createHeadingNode('h1')
priority: 3
return null;
exportDOM(editor) {
const {
} = super.exportDOM(editor);
if (element && utils.isHTMLElement(element)) {
if (this.isEmpty()) element.append(document.createElement('br'));
const formatType = this.getFormatType();
element.style.textAlign = formatType;
const direction = this.getDirection();
if (direction) {
element.dir = direction;
return {
static importJSON(serializedNode) {
const node = $createHeadingNode(serializedNode.tag);
return node;
exportJSON() {
return {
tag: this.getTag(),
type: 'heading',
version: 1
// Mutation
insertNewAfter(selection, restoreSelection = true) {
const anchorOffet = selection ? selection.anchor.offset : 0;
const newElement = anchorOffet === this.getTextContentSize() || !selection ? lexical.$createParagraphNode() : $createHeadingNode(this.getTag());
const direction = this.getDirection();
this.insertAfter(newElement, restoreSelection);
if (anchorOffet === 0 && !this.isEmpty() && selection) {
const paragraph = lexical.$createParagraphNode();
this.replace(paragraph, true);
return newElement;
collapseAtStart() {
const newElement = !this.isEmpty() ? $createHeadingNode(this.getTag()) : lexical.$createParagraphNode();
const children = this.getChildren();
children.forEach(child => newElement.append(child));
return true;
extractWithChild() {
return true;
function isGoogleDocsTitle(domNode) {
if (domNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'span') {
return domNode.style.fontSize === '26pt';
return false;
function convertHeadingElement(element) {
const nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
let node = null;
if (nodeName === 'h1' || nodeName === 'h2' || nodeName === 'h3' || nodeName === 'h4' || nodeName === 'h5' || nodeName === 'h6') {
node = $createHeadingNode(nodeName);
if (element.style !== null) {
return {
function convertBlockquoteElement(element) {
const node = $createQuoteNode();
if (element.style !== null) {
return {
function $createHeadingNode(headingTag) {
return lexical.$applyNodeReplacement(new HeadingNode(headingTag));
function $isHeadingNode(node) {
return node instanceof HeadingNode;
function onPasteForRichText(event, editor) {
editor.update(() => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
const clipboardData = event instanceof InputEvent || event instanceof KeyboardEvent ? null : event.clipboardData;
if (clipboardData != null && selection !== null) {
clipboard.$insertDataTransferForRichText(clipboardData, selection, editor);
}, {
tag: 'paste'
async function onCutForRichText(event, editor) {
await clipboard.copyToClipboard(editor, utils.objectKlassEquals(event, ClipboardEvent) ? event : null);
editor.update(() => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
} else if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection)) {
selection.getNodes().forEach(node => node.remove());
// Clipboard may contain files that we aren't allowed to read. While the event is arguably useless,
// in certain occasions, we want to know whether it was a file transfer, as opposed to text. We
// control this with the first boolean flag.
function eventFiles(event) {
let dataTransfer = null;
if (event instanceof DragEvent) {
dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
} else if (event instanceof ClipboardEvent) {
dataTransfer = event.clipboardData;
if (dataTransfer === null) {
return [false, [], false];
const types = dataTransfer.types;
const hasFiles = types.includes('Files');
const hasContent = types.includes('text/html') || types.includes('text/plain');
return [hasFiles, Array.from(dataTransfer.files), hasContent];
function handleIndentAndOutdent(indentOrOutdent) {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
const alreadyHandled = new Set();
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
const key = node.getKey();
if (alreadyHandled.has(key)) {
const parentBlock = utils.$getNearestBlockElementAncestorOrThrow(node);
const parentKey = parentBlock.getKey();
if (parentBlock.canIndent() && !alreadyHandled.has(parentKey)) {
return alreadyHandled.size > 0;
function $isTargetWithinDecorator(target) {
const node = lexical.$getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(target);
return lexical.$isDecoratorNode(node);
function $isSelectionAtEndOfRoot(selection) {
const focus = selection.focus;
return focus.key === 'root' && focus.offset === lexical.$getRoot().getChildrenSize();
function registerRichText(editor) {
const removeListener = utils.mergeRegister(editor.registerCommand(lexical.CLICK_COMMAND, payload => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection)) {
return true;
return false;
}, 0), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, isBackward => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DELETE_WORD_COMMAND, isBackward => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DELETE_LINE_COMMAND, isBackward => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.CONTROLLED_TEXT_INSERTION_COMMAND, eventOrText => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (typeof eventOrText === 'string') {
if (selection !== null) {
} else {
if (selection === null) {
return false;
const dataTransfer = eventOrText.dataTransfer;
if (dataTransfer != null) {
clipboard.$insertDataTransferForRichText(dataTransfer, selection, editor);
} else if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const data = eventOrText.data;
if (data) {
return true;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.REMOVE_TEXT_COMMAND, () => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, format => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.FORMAT_ELEMENT_COMMAND, format => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection) && !lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
for (const node of nodes) {
const element = utils.$findMatchingParent(node, parentNode => lexical.$isElementNode(parentNode) && !parentNode.isInline());
if (element !== null) {
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, selectStart => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.INSERT_PARAGRAPH_COMMAND, () => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.INSERT_TAB_COMMAND, () => {
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.INDENT_CONTENT_COMMAND, () => {
return handleIndentAndOutdent(block => {
const indent = block.getIndent();
block.setIndent(indent + 1);
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.OUTDENT_CONTENT_COMMAND, () => {
return handleIndentAndOutdent(block => {
const indent = block.getIndent();
if (indent > 0) {
block.setIndent(indent - 1);
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ARROW_UP_COMMAND, event => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection) && !$isTargetWithinDecorator(event.target)) {
// If selection is on a node, let's try and move selection
// back to being a range selection.
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
if (nodes.length > 0) {
return true;
} else if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const possibleNode = lexical.$getAdjacentNode(selection.focus, true);
if (!event.shiftKey && lexical.$isDecoratorNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isIsolated() && !possibleNode.isInline()) {
return true;
return false;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ARROW_DOWN_COMMAND, event => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection)) {
// If selection is on a node, let's try and move selection
// back to being a range selection.
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
if (nodes.length > 0) {
nodes[0].selectNext(0, 0);
return true;
} else if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
if ($isSelectionAtEndOfRoot(selection)) {
return true;
const possibleNode = lexical.$getAdjacentNode(selection.focus, false);
if (!event.shiftKey && lexical.$isDecoratorNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isIsolated() && !possibleNode.isInline()) {
return true;
return false;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ARROW_LEFT_COMMAND, event => {
const selection$1 = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection$1)) {
// If selection is on a node, let's try and move selection
// back to being a range selection.
const nodes = selection$1.getNodes();
if (nodes.length > 0) {
return true;
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection$1)) {
return false;
if (selection.$shouldOverrideDefaultCharacterSelection(selection$1, true)) {
const isHoldingShift = event.shiftKey;
selection.$moveCharacter(selection$1, isHoldingShift, true);
return true;
return false;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ARROW_RIGHT_COMMAND, event => {
const selection$1 = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isNodeSelection(selection$1) && !$isTargetWithinDecorator(event.target)) {
// If selection is on a node, let's try and move selection
// back to being a range selection.
const nodes = selection$1.getNodes();
if (nodes.length > 0) {
nodes[0].selectNext(0, 0);
return true;
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection$1)) {
return false;
const isHoldingShift = event.shiftKey;
if (selection.$shouldOverrideDefaultCharacterSelection(selection$1, false)) {
selection.$moveCharacter(selection$1, isHoldingShift, false);
return true;
return false;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_BACKSPACE_COMMAND, event => {
if ($isTargetWithinDecorator(event.target)) {
return false;
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
const {
} = selection;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
if (selection.isCollapsed() && anchor.offset === 0 && !lexical.$isRootNode(anchorNode)) {
const element = utils.$getNearestBlockElementAncestorOrThrow(anchorNode);
if (element.getIndent() > 0) {
return editor.dispatchCommand(lexical.OUTDENT_CONTENT_COMMAND, undefined);
return editor.dispatchCommand(lexical.DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, true);
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_DELETE_COMMAND, event => {
if ($isTargetWithinDecorator(event.target)) {
return false;
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return editor.dispatchCommand(lexical.DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, false);
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, event => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
if (event !== null) {
// If we have beforeinput, then we can avoid blocking
// the default behavior. This ensures that the iOS can
// intercept that we're actually inserting a paragraph,
// and autocomplete, autocapitalize etc work as intended.
// This can also cause a strange performance issue in
// Safari, where there is a noticeable pause due to
// preventing the key down of enter.
return false;
if (event.shiftKey) {
return editor.dispatchCommand(lexical.INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, false);
return editor.dispatchCommand(lexical.INSERT_PARAGRAPH_COMMAND, undefined);
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.KEY_ESCAPE_COMMAND, () => {
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (!lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DROP_COMMAND, event => {
const [, files] = eventFiles(event);
if (files.length > 0) {
const x = event.clientX;
const y = event.clientY;
const eventRange = caretFromPoint(x, y);
if (eventRange !== null) {
const {
offset: domOffset,
node: domNode
} = eventRange;
const node = lexical.$getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(domNode);
if (node !== null) {
const selection = lexical.$createRangeSelection();
if (lexical.$isTextNode(node)) {
selection.anchor.set(node.getKey(), domOffset, 'text');
selection.focus.set(node.getKey(), domOffset, 'text');
} else {
const parentKey = node.getParentOrThrow().getKey();
const offset = node.getIndexWithinParent() + 1;
selection.anchor.set(parentKey, offset, 'element');
selection.focus.set(parentKey, offset, 'element');
const normalizedSelection = lexical.$normalizeSelection__EXPERIMENTAL(selection);
editor.dispatchCommand(DRAG_DROP_PASTE, files);
return true;
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return true;
return false;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DRAGSTART_COMMAND, event => {
const [isFileTransfer] = eventFiles(event);
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (isFileTransfer && !lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.DRAGOVER_COMMAND, event => {
const [isFileTransfer] = eventFiles(event);
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (isFileTransfer && !lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
const x = event.clientX;
const y = event.clientY;
const eventRange = caretFromPoint(x, y);
if (eventRange !== null) {
const node = lexical.$getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(eventRange.node);
if (lexical.$isDecoratorNode(node)) {
// Show browser caret as the user is dragging the media across the screen. Won't work
// for DecoratorNode nor it's relevant.
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.SELECT_ALL_COMMAND, () => {
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.COPY_COMMAND, event => {
clipboard.copyToClipboard(editor, utils.objectKlassEquals(event, ClipboardEvent) ? event : null);
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.CUT_COMMAND, event => {
onCutForRichText(event, editor);
return true;
}, lexical.COMMAND_PRIORITY_EDITOR), editor.registerCommand(lexical.PASTE_COMMAND, event => {
const [, files, hasTextContent] = eventFiles(event);
if (files.length > 0 && !hasTextContent) {
editor.dispatchCommand(DRAG_DROP_PASTE, files);
return true;
// if inputs then paste within the input ignore creating a new node on paste event
if (lexical.isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput(event.target)) {
return false;
const selection = lexical.$getSelection();
if (selection !== null) {
onPasteForRichText(event, editor);
return true;
return false;
return removeListener;
exports.$createHeadingNode = $createHeadingNode;
exports.$createQuoteNode = $createQuoteNode;
exports.$isHeadingNode = $isHeadingNode;
exports.$isQuoteNode = $isQuoteNode;
exports.HeadingNode = HeadingNode;
exports.QuoteNode = QuoteNode;
exports.eventFiles = eventFiles;
exports.registerRichText = registerRichText;