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declare namespace mingo {
export const VERSION: string;
export const OP_EXPRESSION: 'expression';
export const OP_GROUP: 'group';
export const OP_PIPELINE: 'pipeline';
export const OP_PROJECTION: 'projection';
export const OP_QUERY: 'query';
export type OperatorClass =
| 'expression'
| 'group'
| 'pipeline'
| 'projection'
| 'query';
export interface MingoOptions {
key: string;
// export interface StreamOptions {
// objectMode?: boolean;
// }
export interface MingoInternal {
* Shallow clone an object
clone<T>(obj: T): T;
* Deep clone an object
cloneDeep<T>(obj: T): T;
* Computes the actual value of the expression using the given object as context
* @param obj The current object from the collection
* @param expr The expression for the given field
* @param operator The operator to resolve the field with
* @param opt {Object} extra options
obj: any,
expr: any,
operator?: string,
opt?: { root?: any }
): any;
* Iterate over an array or object.
* @param obj An object-like value.
* @param fn The callback to run per item.
* @param ctx The object to use a context.
each(obj: object, fn: Function, ctx?: any): void;
* Generate hash code
* This selected function is the result of benchmarking various hash functions.
* This version performs well and can hash 10^6 documents in ~3s with on average 100 collisions.
getHash(value: any): number;
* Returns the key used as the collection's objects ids
idKey(): string;
* Transform values in a collection.
* @param obj An array/object whose values to transform.
* @param fn The transform function.
* @param ctx The value to use as the "this" context for the transform.
* @return Result object after applying the transform.
obj: any,
fn: (value: any, index: any, obj: any) => T,
ctx?: any
): Array<T>;
* Returns the operators defined for the given operator classes.
ops(...args: string[]): Array<any>;
* Reduce any array-like object.
obj: any,
fn: (memo: T, value: any, index: any, obj: any) => T,
accumulator: T
): T;
* Resolve the value of the field (dot separated) on the given object
* @param obj The object context.
* @param selector Dot separated path to field.
resolve(obj: any, selector: string): any;
obj: any,
selector: string,
opt: { meta: true }
): { result: any; depth: number };
* Returns the full object to the resolved value given by the selector.
* This function excludes empty values as they aren't practically useful.
* @param obj The object context
* @param selector Dot separated path to field.
resolveObj(obj: any, selector: string): any;
assert(condition: any, message: string): void;
err(s: string): void;
getType(v: any): string;
has(obj: any, prop: string): boolean;
includes(arr: Array<any>, item: any): boolean;
isArray(v: any): boolean;
isBoolean(v: any): boolean;
isDate(v: any): boolean;
isEmpty(v: any): boolean;
isEqual(v: any): boolean;
isFunction(v: any): boolean;
isNil(v: any): boolean;
isNull(v: any): boolean;
isNumber(v: any): boolean;
isObject(v: any): boolean;
isRegExp(v: any): boolean;
isString(v: any): boolean;
isUndefined(v: any): boolean;
keys(o: {}): string[];
* Exported to the users to allow writing custom operators.
export function _internal(): MingoInternal;
* Register new operators for the given operator category type.
* @param opClass The operator class to extend.
* @param fn A function returning an object of new operators.
export function addOperators(
opClass: OperatorClass,
fn: (internal: MingoInternal) => { [op: string]: Function }
): void;
* Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline.
export function aggregate<T>(collection: T[], expressions: any): T[];
* Performs a query on a collection and returns a cursor object.
export function find<T>(collection: T[], criteria: any): Cursor<T>;
export function find<P>(
collection: Array<any>,
criteria: any,
projection: any
): Cursor<P>;
* Returns the non-matched objects as a collection from executing a Mingo.Query with the given criteria
export function remove<T>(collection: T[], criteria: any): T[];
* Setup default settings for Mingo
export function setup(options: Partial<MingoOptions>): void;
* Query object to test collection elements with.
export class Query {
* Creates a Query object with the given query criteria.
* @param criteria The pass criteria for the query.
* @param projection Optional projection specifiers.
constructor(criteria: any, projection?: any);
* Checks if the object passes the query criteria. Returns true if so, false otherwise.
test(obj: any): boolean;
* Performs a query on a collection and returns a Cursor object.
find<T>(collection: T[]): Cursor<T>;
find<P>(collection: Array<any>, projection: any): Cursor<P>;
* Remove matching documents from the collection and return the remainder.
remove<T>(collection: T[]): T[];
* Return a Mingo.Stream to filter and transform JSON objects from a readable stream. Use via mingo-stream.
// stream(options?: StreamOptions): Stream;
* A Transform stream that can be piped from/to any readable/writable JSON stream.
// export class Stream extends Transform {
// constructor(query: Query, options?: StreamOptions);
// }
* Aggregator for defining filter using mongoDB aggregation pipeline syntax.
export class Aggregator {
* Creates a Mingo.Aggregator object with a collection of aggregation pipeline expressions.
* @param operators An array of pipeline operators.
constructor(operators: Array<any>);
* Apply the pipeline operations over the collection by order of the sequence added
* @param collection an array of objects to process
* @param query the `Query` object to use as context
run<P>(collection: Array<any>, query?: Query): P[];
* Cursor to iterate and perform filtering on matched objects.
export class Cursor<T> {
* Creates a Mingo.Cursor object which holds the result of applying the query over the collection.
constructor(collection: T[], query: Query, projection?: any);
* Returns all the matched documents in a cursor as a collection.
all(): T[];
* Returns the first documents in a cursor.
first(): T;
* Returns the last document in a cursor
last(): T;
* Returns a count of the documents in a cursor.
count(): number;
* Constrains the size of a cursor's result set.
* @param n The number of results to limit to.
* @return Returns the cursor, so you can chain this call.
limit(n: number): this;
* Returns a cursor that begins returning results only after passing or skipping a number of documents.
* @param n The number of results to skip.
* @return Returns the cursor, so you can chain this call.
skip(n: number): this;
* Returns results ordered according to a sort specification.
* @param modifier An object of key and values specifying the sort order. 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.
* @return Returns the cursor, so you can chain this call.
sort(modifier: any): this;
* Returns the next document in a cursor.
next(): T | null;
* Returns true if the cursor has documents and can be iterated.
hasNext(): boolean;
* Applies a function to each document in a cursor and collects the return values in an array.
* @param callback
map<P>(callback: { (document: T, index: number): P }): P[];
* Applies a JavaScript function for every document in a cursor.
forEach(callback: { (document: T, index: number): void }): void;
* A mixin object for Backbone.Collection which adds query() and aggregate() methods.
export interface CollectionMixinInterface<T = object> {
* Performs a query on the collection and returns a Mingo.Cursor object.
query(criteria: any): T[];
query<P>(criteria: any, projection: any): Array<P>;
* Performs aggregation operation using the aggregation pipeline.
aggregate<P>(expressions: Array<any>): Array<P>;
* A mixin object for Backbone.Collection which adds query() and aggregate() methods.
export const CollectionMixin: CollectionMixinInterface;
export default mingo;