
517 lines
21 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const PendingOperation_1 = require("./PendingOperation");
const Resource_1 = require("./Resource");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const events_1 = require("events");
const timers_1 = require("timers");
class Pool {
constructor(opt) {
this.destroyed = false;
this.emitter = new events_1.EventEmitter();
opt = opt || {};
if (!opt.create) {
throw new Error('Tarn: opt.create function most be provided');
if (!opt.destroy) {
throw new Error('Tarn: opt.destroy function most be provided');
if (typeof opt.min !== 'number' || opt.min < 0 || opt.min !== Math.round(opt.min)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: opt.min must be an integer >= 0');
if (typeof opt.max !== 'number' || opt.max <= 0 || opt.max !== Math.round(opt.max)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: opt.max must be an integer > 0');
if (opt.min > opt.max) {
throw new Error('Tarn: opt.max is smaller than opt.min');
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.acquireTimeoutMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.acquireTimeoutMillis ' + JSON.stringify(opt.acquireTimeoutMillis));
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.createTimeoutMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.createTimeoutMillis ' + JSON.stringify(opt.createTimeoutMillis));
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.destroyTimeoutMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.destroyTimeoutMillis ' + JSON.stringify(opt.destroyTimeoutMillis));
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.idleTimeoutMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.idleTimeoutMillis ' + JSON.stringify(opt.idleTimeoutMillis));
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.reapIntervalMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.reapIntervalMillis ' + JSON.stringify(opt.reapIntervalMillis));
if (!utils_1.checkOptionalTime(opt.createRetryIntervalMillis)) {
throw new Error('Tarn: invalid opt.createRetryIntervalMillis ' +
const allowedKeys = {
create: true,
validate: true,
destroy: true,
log: true,
min: true,
max: true,
acquireTimeoutMillis: true,
createTimeoutMillis: true,
destroyTimeoutMillis: true,
idleTimeoutMillis: true,
reapIntervalMillis: true,
createRetryIntervalMillis: true,
propagateCreateError: true
for (const key of Object.keys(opt)) {
if (!allowedKeys[key]) {
throw new Error(`Tarn: unsupported option opt.${key}`);
this.creator = opt.create;
this.destroyer = opt.destroy;
this.validate = typeof opt.validate === 'function' ? opt.validate : () => true;
this.log = opt.log || (() => { });
this.acquireTimeoutMillis = opt.acquireTimeoutMillis || 30000;
this.createTimeoutMillis = opt.createTimeoutMillis || 30000;
this.destroyTimeoutMillis = opt.destroyTimeoutMillis || 5000;
this.idleTimeoutMillis = opt.idleTimeoutMillis || 30000;
this.reapIntervalMillis = opt.reapIntervalMillis || 1000;
this.createRetryIntervalMillis = opt.createRetryIntervalMillis || 200;
this.propagateCreateError = !!opt.propagateCreateError;
this.min = opt.min;
this.max = opt.max;
// All the resources, which are either already acquired or which are
// considered for being passed to acquire in async validation phase.
this.used = [];
// All the resources, which are either just created and free or returned
// back to pool after using.
this.free = [];
this.pendingCreates = [];
this.pendingAcquires = [];
this.pendingDestroys = [];
// When acquire is pending, but also still in validation phase
this.pendingValidations = [];
this.destroyed = false;
this.interval = null;
this.eventId = 1;
numUsed() {
return this.used.length;
numFree() {
return this.free.length;
numPendingAcquires() {
return this.pendingAcquires.length;
numPendingValidations() {
return this.pendingValidations.length;
numPendingCreates() {
return this.pendingCreates.length;
acquire() {
const eventId = this.eventId++;
this._executeEventHandlers('acquireRequest', eventId);
const pendingAcquire = new PendingOperation_1.PendingOperation(this.acquireTimeoutMillis);
// If the acquire fails for whatever reason
// remove it from the pending queue.
pendingAcquire.promise = pendingAcquire.promise
.then(resource => {
this._executeEventHandlers('acquireSuccess', eventId, resource);
return resource;
.catch(err => {
this._executeEventHandlers('acquireFail', eventId, err);
remove(this.pendingAcquires, pendingAcquire);
return Promise.reject(err);
return pendingAcquire;
release(resource) {
this._executeEventHandlers('release', resource);
for (let i = 0, l = this.used.length; i < l; ++i) {
const used = this.used[i];
if (used.resource === resource) {
this.used.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
isEmpty() {
return ([
].reduce((total, value) => total + value) === 0);
* Reaping cycle.
check() {
const timestamp = utils_1.now();
const newFree = [];
const minKeep = this.min - this.used.length;
const maxDestroy = this.free.length - minKeep;
let numDestroyed = 0;
this.free.forEach(free => {
if (utils_1.duration(timestamp, free.timestamp) >= this.idleTimeoutMillis &&
numDestroyed < maxDestroy) {
else {
this.free = newFree;
// Pool is completely empty, stop reaping.
// Next .acquire will start reaping interval again.
if (this.isEmpty()) {
destroy() {
const eventId = this.eventId++;
this._executeEventHandlers('poolDestroyRequest', eventId);
this.destroyed = true;
// First wait for all the pending creates get ready.
return utils_1.reflect(Promise.all(this.pendingCreates.map(create => utils_1.reflect(create.promise)))
.then(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// poll every 100ms and wait that all validations are ready
if (this.numPendingValidations() === 0) {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (this.numPendingValidations() === 0) {
}, 100);
.then(() => {
// Wait for all the used resources to be freed.
return Promise.all(this.used.map(used => utils_1.reflect(used.promise)));
.then(() => {
// Abort all pending acquires.
return Promise.all(this.pendingAcquires.map(acquire => {
return utils_1.reflect(acquire.promise);
.then(() => {
// Now we can destroy all the freed resources.
return Promise.all(this.free.map(free => utils_1.reflect(this._destroy(free.resource))));
.then(() => {
// Also wait rest of the pending destroys to finish
return Promise.all(this.pendingDestroys.map(pd => pd.promise));
.then(() => {
this.free = [];
this.pendingAcquires = [];
})).then(res => {
this._executeEventHandlers('poolDestroySuccess', eventId);
return res;
on(event, listener) {
this.emitter.on(event, listener);
removeListener(event, listener) {
this.emitter.removeListener(event, listener);
removeAllListeners(event) {
* The most important method that is called always when resources
* are created / destroyed / acquired / released. In other words
* every time when resources are moved from used to free or vice
* versa.
* Either assigns free resources to pendingAcquires or creates new
* resources if there is room for it in the pool.
_tryAcquireOrCreate() {
if (this.destroyed) {
if (this._hasFreeResources()) {
else if (this._shouldCreateMoreResources()) {
_hasFreeResources() {
return this.free.length > 0;
_doAcquire() {
// Acquire as many pending acquires as possible concurrently
while (this._canAcquire()) {
// To allow async validation, we actually need to move free resource
// and pending acquire temporary from their respective arrays and depending
// on validation result to either leave the free resource to used resources array
// or destroy the free resource if validation did fail.
const pendingAcquire = this.pendingAcquires.shift();
const free = this.free.pop();
if (free === undefined || pendingAcquire === undefined) {
const errMessage = 'this.free was empty while trying to acquire resource';
this.log(`Tarn: ${errMessage}`, 'warn');
throw new Error(`Internal error, should never happen. ${errMessage}`);
// Make sure that pendingAcquire that is being validated is not lost and
// can be freed when pool is destroyed.
// Must be added here pre-emptively to prevent logic that decides
// if new resources are created will keep on working correctly.
// if acquire fails also pending validation, must be aborted so that pre reserved
// resource will be returned to free resources immediately
const abortAbleValidation = new PendingOperation_1.PendingOperation(this.acquireTimeoutMillis);
// eslint-disable-next-line
pendingAcquire.promise.catch(err => {
.catch(err => {
// There's nothing we can do here but log the error. This would otherwise
// leak out as an unhandled exception.
this.log('Tarn: resource validator threw an exception ' + err.stack, 'warn');
return false;
.then(validationSuccess => {
try {
if (validationSuccess && !pendingAcquire.isRejected) {
// At least one active resource exist, start reaping.
else {
remove(this.used, free);
// Only destroy the resource if the validation has failed
if (!validationSuccess) {
// Since we destroyed an invalid resource and were not able to fulfill
// all the pending acquires, we may need to create new ones or at
// least run this acquire loop again to verify it. But not immediately
// to prevent starving event loop.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
else {
// is acquire was canceled, failed or timed out already
// no need to return it to pending queries
if (!pendingAcquire.isRejected) {
finally {
remove(this.pendingValidations, pendingAcquire);
// try to validate
.then(validationSuccess => {
.catch(err => {
_canAcquire() {
return this.free.length > 0 && this.pendingAcquires.length > 0;
_validateResource(resource) {
try {
return Promise.resolve(this.validate(resource));
catch (err) {
// prevent leaking of sync exception
return Promise.reject(err);
_shouldCreateMoreResources() {
return (this.used.length + this.pendingCreates.length < this.max &&
this.pendingCreates.length < this.pendingAcquires.length);
_doCreate() {
const pendingAcquiresBeforeCreate = this.pendingAcquires.slice();
const pendingCreate = this._create();
.then(() => {
// Not returned on purpose.
return null;
.catch(err => {
if (this.propagateCreateError && this.pendingAcquires.length !== 0) {
// If propagateCreateError is true, we don't retry the create
// but reject the first pending acquire immediately. Intentionally
// use `this.pendingAcquires` instead of `pendingAcquiresBeforeCreate`
// in case some acquires in pendingAcquiresBeforeCreate have already
// been resolved.
// Save the create error to all pending acquires so that we can use it
// as the error to reject the acquire if it times out.
pendingAcquiresBeforeCreate.forEach(pendingAcquire => {
pendingAcquire.possibleTimeoutCause = err;
// Not returned on purpose.
utils_1.delay(this.createRetryIntervalMillis).then(() => this._tryAcquireOrCreate());
_create() {
const eventId = this.eventId++;
this._executeEventHandlers('createRequest', eventId);
const pendingCreate = new PendingOperation_1.PendingOperation(this.createTimeoutMillis);
// If an error occurs (likely a create timeout) remove this creation from
// the list of pending creations so we try to create a new one.
pendingCreate.promise = pendingCreate.promise.catch(err => {
if (remove(this.pendingCreates, pendingCreate)) {
// TODO: figure out more consistent way for different error handlers in next rewrite
this._executeEventHandlers('createFail', eventId, err);
throw err;
.then(resource => {
if (pendingCreate.isRejected) {
return null;
remove(this.pendingCreates, pendingCreate);
this.free.push(new Resource_1.Resource(resource));
// Not returned on purpose.
this._executeEventHandlers('createSuccess', eventId, resource);
return null;
.catch(err => {
if (pendingCreate.isRejected) {
return null;
if (remove(this.pendingCreates, pendingCreate)) {
this._executeEventHandlers('createFail', eventId, err);
// Not returned on purpose.
return null;
return pendingCreate;
_destroy(resource) {
const eventId = this.eventId++;
this._executeEventHandlers('destroyRequest', eventId, resource);
// this.destroyer can be both synchronous and asynchronous.
// so we wrap it to promise to get all exceptions through same pipeline
const pendingDestroy = new PendingOperation_1.PendingOperation(this.destroyTimeoutMillis);
const retVal = Promise.resolve().then(() => this.destroyer(resource));
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
// In case of an error there's nothing we can do here but log it.
return pendingDestroy.promise
.then(res => {
this._executeEventHandlers('destroySuccess', eventId, resource);
return res;
.catch(err => this._logDestroyerError(eventId, resource, err))
.then(res => {
const index = this.pendingDestroys.findIndex(pd => pd === pendingDestroy);
this.pendingDestroys.splice(index, 1);
return res;
_logDestroyerError(eventId, resource, err) {
this._executeEventHandlers('destroyFail', eventId, resource, err);
this.log('Tarn: resource destroyer threw an exception ' + err.stack, 'warn');
_startReaping() {
if (!this.interval) {
this.interval = setInterval(() => this.check(), this.reapIntervalMillis);
_stopReaping() {
if (this.interval !== null) {
this.interval = null;
_executeEventHandlers(eventName, ...args) {
const listeners = this.emitter.listeners(eventName);
// just calling .emit() would stop running rest of the listeners if one them fails
listeners.forEach(listener => {
try {
catch (err) {
// There's nothing we can do here but log the error. This would otherwise
// leak out as an unhandled exception.
this.log(`Tarn: event handler "${eventName}" threw an exception ${err.stack}`, 'warn');
exports.Pool = Pool;
function remove(arr, item) {
const idx = arr.indexOf(item);
if (idx === -1) {
return false;
else {
arr.splice(idx, 1);
return true;
function callbackOrPromise(func) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (err, resource) => {
if (err) {
else {
utils_1.tryPromise(() => func(callback))
.then(res => {
// If the result is falsy, we assume that the callback will
// be called instead of interpreting the falsy value as a
// result value.
if (res) {
.catch(err => {