
232 lines
6.4 KiB

var util = require('util');
var path = require('path');
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
var extend = require('extend');
var resolve = require('resolve');
var flaggedRespawn = require('flagged-respawn');
var isPlainObject = require('is-plain-object');
var mapValues = require('object.map');
var fined = require('fined');
var findCwd = require('./lib/find_cwd');
var findConfig = require('./lib/find_config');
var fileSearch = require('./lib/file_search');
var parseOptions = require('./lib/parse_options');
var silentRequire = require('./lib/silent_require');
var buildConfigName = require('./lib/build_config_name');
var registerLoader = require('./lib/register_loader');
var getNodeFlags = require('./lib/get_node_flags');
function Liftoff(opts) {
extend(this, parseOptions(opts));
util.inherits(Liftoff, EE);
Liftoff.prototype.requireLocal = function(module, basedir) {
try {
var result = require(resolve.sync(module, { basedir: basedir }));
this.emit('require', module, result);
return result;
} catch (e) {
this.emit('requireFail', module, e);
Liftoff.prototype.buildEnvironment = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
// get modules we want to preload
var preload = opts.require || [];
// ensure items to preload is an array
if (!Array.isArray(preload)) {
preload = [preload];
// make a copy of search paths that can be mutated for this run
var searchPaths = this.searchPaths.slice();
// calculate current cwd
var cwd = findCwd(opts);
// if cwd was provided explicitly, only use it for searching config
if (opts.cwd) {
searchPaths = [cwd];
} else {
// otherwise just search in cwd first
// calculate the regex to use for finding the config file
var configNameSearch = buildConfigName({
configName: this.configName,
extensions: Object.keys(this.extensions),
// calculate configPath
var configPath = findConfig({
configNameSearch: configNameSearch,
searchPaths: searchPaths,
configPath: opts.configPath,
// if we have a config path, save the directory it resides in.
var configBase;
if (configPath) {
configBase = path.dirname(configPath);
// if cwd wasn't provided explicitly, it should match configBase
if (!opts.cwd) {
cwd = configBase;
// TODO: break this out into lib/
// locate local module and package next to config or explicitly provided cwd
/* eslint one-var: 0 */
var modulePath, modulePackage;
try {
var delim = path.delimiter;
var paths = (process.env.NODE_PATH ? process.env.NODE_PATH.split(delim) : []);
modulePath = resolve.sync(this.moduleName, { basedir: configBase || cwd, paths: paths });
modulePackage = silentRequire(fileSearch('package.json', [modulePath]));
} catch (e) {}
// if we have a configuration but we failed to find a local module, maybe
// we are developing against ourselves?
if (!modulePath && configPath) {
// check the package.json sibling to our config to see if its `name`
// matches the module we're looking for
var modulePackagePath = fileSearch('package.json', [configBase]);
modulePackage = silentRequire(modulePackagePath);
if (modulePackage && modulePackage.name === this.moduleName) {
// if it does, our module path is `main` inside package.json
modulePath = path.join(path.dirname(modulePackagePath), modulePackage.main || 'index.js');
cwd = configBase;
} else {
// clear if we just required a package for some other project
modulePackage = {};
var exts = this.extensions;
var eventEmitter = this;
var configFiles = {};
if (isPlainObject(this.configFiles)) {
var notfound = { path: null };
configFiles = mapValues(this.configFiles, function(prop, name) {
var defaultObj = { name: name, cwd: cwd, extensions: exts };
return mapValues(prop, function(pathObj) {
var found = fined(pathObj, defaultObj) || notfound;
if (isPlainObject(found.extension)) {
registerLoader(eventEmitter, found.extension, found.path, cwd);
return found.path;
return {
cwd: cwd,
require: preload,
configNameSearch: configNameSearch,
configPath: configPath,
configBase: configBase,
modulePath: modulePath,
modulePackage: modulePackage || {},
configFiles: configFiles,
Liftoff.prototype.handleFlags = function(cb) {
if (typeof this.v8flags === 'function') {
this.v8flags(function(err, flags) {
if (err) {
} else {
cb(null, flags);
} else {
process.nextTick(function() {
cb(null, this.v8flags);
Liftoff.prototype.prepare = function(opts, fn) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new Error('You must provide a callback function.');
process.title = this.processTitle;
var completion = opts.completion;
if (completion && this.completions) {
return this.completions(completion);
var env = this.buildEnvironment(opts);
fn.call(this, env);
Liftoff.prototype.execute = function(env, forcedFlags, fn) {
if (typeof forcedFlags === 'function') {
fn = forcedFlags;
forcedFlags = undefined;
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new Error('You must provide a callback function.');
this.handleFlags(function(err, flags) {
if (err) {
throw err;
flags = flags || [];
flaggedRespawn(flags, process.argv, forcedFlags, execute.bind(this));
function execute(ready, child, argv) {
if (child !== process) {
var execArgv = getNodeFlags.fromReorderedArgv(argv);
this.emit('respawn', execArgv, child);
if (ready) {
preloadModules(this, env);
registerLoader(this, this.extensions, env.configPath, env.cwd);
fn.call(this, env, argv);
Liftoff.prototype.launch = function(opts, fn) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new Error('You must provide a callback function.');
var self = this;
self.prepare(opts, function(env) {
var forcedFlags = getNodeFlags.arrayOrFunction(opts.forcedFlags, env);
self.execute(env, forcedFlags, fn);
function preloadModules(inst, env) {
var basedir = env.cwd;
env.require.filter(toUnique).forEach(function(module) {
inst.requireLocal(module, basedir);
function toUnique(elem, index, array) {
return array.indexOf(elem) === index;
module.exports = Liftoff;