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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function createCommand(type) {
return {
} ;
const CLICK_COMMAND = createCommand('CLICK_COMMAND');
const PASTE_COMMAND = createCommand('PASTE_COMMAND');
const UNDO_COMMAND = createCommand('UNDO_COMMAND');
const REDO_COMMAND = createCommand('REDO_COMMAND');
const KEY_DOWN_COMMAND = createCommand('KEYDOWN_COMMAND');
const MOVE_TO_END = createCommand('MOVE_TO_END');
const MOVE_TO_START = createCommand('MOVE_TO_START');
const KEY_TAB_COMMAND = createCommand('KEY_TAB_COMMAND');
const DROP_COMMAND = createCommand('DROP_COMMAND');
const COPY_COMMAND = createCommand('COPY_COMMAND');
const CUT_COMMAND = createCommand('CUT_COMMAND');
const CAN_REDO_COMMAND = createCommand('CAN_REDO_COMMAND');
const CAN_UNDO_COMMAND = createCommand('CAN_UNDO_COMMAND');
const FOCUS_COMMAND = createCommand('FOCUS_COMMAND');
const BLUR_COMMAND = createCommand('BLUR_COMMAND');
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const CAN_USE_DOM = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document.createElement !== 'undefined';
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const documentMode = CAN_USE_DOM && 'documentMode' in document ? document.documentMode : null;
const IS_APPLE = CAN_USE_DOM && /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform);
const IS_FIREFOX = CAN_USE_DOM && /^(?!.*Seamonkey)(?=.*Firefox).*/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
const CAN_USE_BEFORE_INPUT = CAN_USE_DOM && 'InputEvent' in window && !documentMode ? 'getTargetRanges' in new window.InputEvent('input') : false;
const IS_SAFARI = CAN_USE_DOM && /Version\/[\d.]+.*Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent);
const IS_IOS = CAN_USE_DOM && /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream;
const IS_ANDROID = CAN_USE_DOM && /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Keep these in case we need to use them in the future.
// export const IS_WINDOWS: boolean = CAN_USE_DOM && /Win/.test(navigator.platform);
const IS_CHROME = CAN_USE_DOM && /^(?=.*Chrome).*/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// export const canUseTextInputEvent: boolean = CAN_USE_DOM && 'TextEvent' in window && !documentMode;
const IS_APPLE_WEBKIT = CAN_USE_DOM && /AppleWebKit\/[\d.]+/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !IS_CHROME;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// DOM
const DOM_TEXT_TYPE = 3;
// Reconciling
const NO_DIRTY_NODES = 0;
const HAS_DIRTY_NODES = 1;
// Text node modes
const IS_NORMAL = 0;
const IS_TOKEN = 1;
const IS_SEGMENTED = 2;
// IS_INERT = 3
// Text node formatting
const IS_BOLD = 1;
const IS_ITALIC = 1 << 1;
const IS_STRIKETHROUGH = 1 << 2;
const IS_UNDERLINE = 1 << 3;
const IS_CODE = 1 << 4;
const IS_SUBSCRIPT = 1 << 5;
const IS_SUPERSCRIPT = 1 << 6;
const IS_HIGHLIGHT = 1 << 7;
// Text node details
const IS_UNMERGEABLE = 1 << 1;
// Element node formatting
const IS_ALIGN_LEFT = 1;
const IS_ALIGN_CENTER = 2;
const IS_ALIGN_RIGHT = 3;
const IS_ALIGN_START = 5;
const IS_ALIGN_END = 6;
// Reconciliation
const NON_BREAKING_SPACE = '\u00A0';
const ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = '\u200b';
// For iOS/Safari we use a non breaking space, otherwise the cursor appears
// overlapping the composed text.
const DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK = '\n\n';
// For FF, we need to use a non-breaking space, or it gets composition
// in a stuck state.
const RTL = '\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFD\uFE70-\uFEFC';
const LTR = 'A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6' + '\u00F8-\u02B8\u0300-\u0590\u0800-\u1FFF\u200E\u2C00-\uFB1C' + '\uFE00-\uFE6F\uFEFD-\uFFFF';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-misleading-character-class
const RTL_REGEX = new RegExp('^[^' + LTR + ']*[' + RTL + ']');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-misleading-character-class
const LTR_REGEX = new RegExp('^[^' + RTL + ']*[' + LTR + ']');
bold: IS_BOLD,
code: IS_CODE,
highlight: IS_HIGHLIGHT,
italic: IS_ITALIC,
strikethrough: IS_STRIKETHROUGH,
subscript: IS_SUBSCRIPT,
superscript: IS_SUPERSCRIPT,
underline: IS_UNDERLINE
directionless: IS_DIRECTIONLESS,
unmergeable: IS_UNMERGEABLE
[IS_ALIGN_CENTER]: 'center',
[IS_ALIGN_END]: 'end',
[IS_ALIGN_JUSTIFY]: 'justify',
[IS_ALIGN_LEFT]: 'left',
[IS_ALIGN_RIGHT]: 'right',
[IS_ALIGN_START]: 'start'
normal: IS_NORMAL,
segmented: IS_SEGMENTED,
token: IS_TOKEN
[IS_NORMAL]: 'normal',
[IS_SEGMENTED]: 'segmented',
[IS_TOKEN]: 'token'
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// The time between a text entry event and the mutation observer firing.
let isProcessingMutations = false;
let lastTextEntryTimeStamp = 0;
function getIsProcessingMutations() {
return isProcessingMutations;
function updateTimeStamp(event) {
lastTextEntryTimeStamp = event.timeStamp;
function initTextEntryListener(editor) {
if (lastTextEntryTimeStamp === 0) {
getWindow(editor).addEventListener('textInput', updateTimeStamp, true);
function isManagedLineBreak(dom, target, editor) {
return (
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
target.__lexicalLineBreak === dom ||
// @ts-ignore We intentionally add this to the Node.
dom[`__lexicalKey_${editor._key}`] !== undefined
function getLastSelection(editor) {
return editor.getEditorState().read(() => {
const selection = $getSelection();
return selection !== null ? selection.clone() : null;
function handleTextMutation(target, node, editor) {
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
let anchorOffset = null;
let focusOffset = null;
if (domSelection !== null && domSelection.anchorNode === target) {
anchorOffset = domSelection.anchorOffset;
focusOffset = domSelection.focusOffset;
const text = target.nodeValue;
if (text !== null) {
$updateTextNodeFromDOMContent(node, text, anchorOffset, focusOffset, false);
function shouldUpdateTextNodeFromMutation(selection, targetDOM, targetNode) {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchorNode = selection.anchor.getNode();
if (anchorNode.is(targetNode) && selection.format !== anchorNode.getFormat()) {
return false;
return targetDOM.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE && targetNode.isAttached();
function $flushMutations$1(editor, mutations, observer) {
isProcessingMutations = true;
const shouldFlushTextMutations = performance.now() - lastTextEntryTimeStamp > TEXT_MUTATION_VARIANCE;
try {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const selection = $getSelection() || getLastSelection(editor);
const badDOMTargets = new Map();
const rootElement = editor.getRootElement();
// We use the current editor state, as that reflects what is
// actually "on screen".
const currentEditorState = editor._editorState;
const blockCursorElement = editor._blockCursorElement;
let shouldRevertSelection = false;
let possibleTextForFirefoxPaste = '';
for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
const mutation = mutations[i];
const type = mutation.type;
const targetDOM = mutation.target;
let targetNode = $getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(targetDOM, currentEditorState);
if (targetNode === null && targetDOM !== rootElement || $isDecoratorNode(targetNode)) {
if (type === 'characterData') {
// Text mutations are deferred and passed to mutation listeners to be
// processed outside of the Lexical engine.
if (shouldFlushTextMutations && $isTextNode(targetNode) && shouldUpdateTextNodeFromMutation(selection, targetDOM, targetNode)) {
// nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE is a Text DOM node
targetDOM, targetNode, editor);
} else if (type === 'childList') {
shouldRevertSelection = true;
// We attempt to "undo" any changes that have occurred outside
// of Lexical. We want Lexical's editor state to be source of truth.
// To the user, these will look like no-ops.
const addedDOMs = mutation.addedNodes;
for (let s = 0; s < addedDOMs.length; s++) {
const addedDOM = addedDOMs[s];
const node = getNodeFromDOMNode(addedDOM);
const parentDOM = addedDOM.parentNode;
if (parentDOM != null && addedDOM !== blockCursorElement && node === null && (addedDOM.nodeName !== 'BR' || !isManagedLineBreak(addedDOM, parentDOM, editor))) {
const possibleText = addedDOM.innerText || addedDOM.nodeValue;
if (possibleText) {
possibleTextForFirefoxPaste += possibleText;
const removedDOMs = mutation.removedNodes;
const removedDOMsLength = removedDOMs.length;
if (removedDOMsLength > 0) {
let unremovedBRs = 0;
for (let s = 0; s < removedDOMsLength; s++) {
const removedDOM = removedDOMs[s];
if (removedDOM.nodeName === 'BR' && isManagedLineBreak(removedDOM, targetDOM, editor) || blockCursorElement === removedDOM) {
if (removedDOMsLength !== unremovedBRs) {
if (targetDOM === rootElement) {
targetNode = internalGetRoot(currentEditorState);
badDOMTargets.set(targetDOM, targetNode);
// Now we process each of the unique target nodes, attempting
// to restore their contents back to the source of truth, which
// is Lexical's "current" editor state. This is basically like
// an internal revert on the DOM.
if (badDOMTargets.size > 0) {
for (const [targetDOM, targetNode] of badDOMTargets) {
if ($isElementNode(targetNode)) {
const childKeys = targetNode.getChildrenKeys();
let currentDOM = targetDOM.firstChild;
for (let s = 0; s < childKeys.length; s++) {
const key = childKeys[s];
const correctDOM = editor.getElementByKey(key);
if (correctDOM === null) {
if (currentDOM == null) {
currentDOM = correctDOM;
} else if (currentDOM !== correctDOM) {
targetDOM.replaceChild(correctDOM, currentDOM);
currentDOM = currentDOM.nextSibling;
} else if ($isTextNode(targetNode)) {
// Capture all the mutations made during this function. This
// also prevents us having to process them on the next cycle
// of onMutation, as these mutations were made by us.
const records = observer.takeRecords();
// Check for any random auto-added <br> elements, and remove them.
// These get added by the browser when we undo the above mutations
// and this can lead to a broken UI.
if (records.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
const record = records[i];
const addedNodes = record.addedNodes;
const target = record.target;
for (let s = 0; s < addedNodes.length; s++) {
const addedDOM = addedNodes[s];
const parentDOM = addedDOM.parentNode;
if (parentDOM != null && addedDOM.nodeName === 'BR' && !isManagedLineBreak(addedDOM, target, editor)) {
// Clear any of those removal mutations
if (selection !== null) {
if (shouldRevertSelection) {
selection.dirty = true;
if (IS_FIREFOX && isFirefoxClipboardEvents(editor)) {
} finally {
isProcessingMutations = false;
function flushRootMutations(editor) {
const observer = editor._observer;
if (observer !== null) {
const mutations = observer.takeRecords();
$flushMutations$1(editor, mutations, observer);
function initMutationObserver(editor) {
editor._observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => {
$flushMutations$1(editor, mutations, observer);
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function $canSimpleTextNodesBeMerged(node1, node2) {
const node1Mode = node1.__mode;
const node1Format = node1.__format;
const node1Style = node1.__style;
const node2Mode = node2.__mode;
const node2Format = node2.__format;
const node2Style = node2.__style;
return (node1Mode === null || node1Mode === node2Mode) && (node1Format === null || node1Format === node2Format) && (node1Style === null || node1Style === node2Style);
function $mergeTextNodes(node1, node2) {
const writableNode1 = node1.mergeWithSibling(node2);
const normalizedNodes = getActiveEditor()._normalizedNodes;
return writableNode1;
function $normalizeTextNode(textNode) {
let node = textNode;
if (node.__text === '' && node.isSimpleText() && !node.isUnmergeable()) {
// Backward
let previousNode;
while ((previousNode = node.getPreviousSibling()) !== null && $isTextNode(previousNode) && previousNode.isSimpleText() && !previousNode.isUnmergeable()) {
if (previousNode.__text === '') {
} else if ($canSimpleTextNodesBeMerged(previousNode, node)) {
node = $mergeTextNodes(previousNode, node);
} else {
// Forward
let nextNode;
while ((nextNode = node.getNextSibling()) !== null && $isTextNode(nextNode) && nextNode.isSimpleText() && !nextNode.isUnmergeable()) {
if (nextNode.__text === '') {
} else if ($canSimpleTextNodesBeMerged(node, nextNode)) {
node = $mergeTextNodes(node, nextNode);
} else {
function $normalizeSelection(selection) {
return selection;
function $normalizePoint(point) {
while (point.type === 'element') {
const node = point.getNode();
const offset = point.offset;
let nextNode;
let nextOffsetAtEnd;
if (offset === node.getChildrenSize()) {
nextNode = node.getChildAtIndex(offset - 1);
nextOffsetAtEnd = true;
} else {
nextNode = node.getChildAtIndex(offset);
nextOffsetAtEnd = false;
if ($isTextNode(nextNode)) {
point.set(nextNode.__key, nextOffsetAtEnd ? nextNode.getTextContentSize() : 0, 'text');
} else if (!$isElementNode(nextNode)) {
point.set(nextNode.__key, nextOffsetAtEnd ? nextNode.getChildrenSize() : 0, 'element');
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
let keyCounter = 1;
function generateRandomKey() {
return '' + keyCounter++;
function getRegisteredNodeOrThrow(editor, nodeType) {
const registeredNode = editor._nodes.get(nodeType);
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`registeredNode: Type ${nodeType} not found`);
return registeredNode;
const scheduleMicroTask = typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' ? queueMicrotask : fn => {
// No window prefix intended (#1400)
function $isSelectionCapturedInDecorator(node) {
return $isDecoratorNode($getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(node));
function isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput(anchorDOM) {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (activeElement === null) {
return false;
const nodeName = activeElement.nodeName;
return $isDecoratorNode($getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(anchorDOM)) && (nodeName === 'INPUT' || nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || activeElement.contentEditable === 'true' &&
// @ts-ignore iternal field
activeElement.__lexicalEditor == null);
function isSelectionWithinEditor(editor, anchorDOM, focusDOM) {
const rootElement = editor.getRootElement();
try {
return rootElement !== null && rootElement.contains(anchorDOM) && rootElement.contains(focusDOM) &&
// Ignore if selection is within nested editor
anchorDOM !== null && !isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput(anchorDOM) && getNearestEditorFromDOMNode(anchorDOM) === editor;
} catch (error) {
return false;
function getNearestEditorFromDOMNode(node) {
let currentNode = node;
while (currentNode != null) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const editor = currentNode.__lexicalEditor;
if (editor != null) {
return editor;
currentNode = getParentElement(currentNode);
return null;
function getTextDirection(text) {
if (RTL_REGEX.test(text)) {
return 'rtl';
if (LTR_REGEX.test(text)) {
return 'ltr';
return null;
function $isTokenOrSegmented(node) {
return node.isToken() || node.isSegmented();
function isDOMNodeLexicalTextNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE;
function getDOMTextNode(element) {
let node = element;
while (node != null) {
if (isDOMNodeLexicalTextNode(node)) {
return node;
node = node.firstChild;
return null;
function toggleTextFormatType(format, type, alignWithFormat) {
const activeFormat = TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[type];
if (alignWithFormat !== null && (format & activeFormat) === (alignWithFormat & activeFormat)) {
return format;
let newFormat = format ^ activeFormat;
if (type === 'subscript') {
newFormat &= ~TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT.superscript;
} else if (type === 'superscript') {
newFormat &= ~TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT.subscript;
return newFormat;
function $isLeafNode(node) {
return $isTextNode(node) || $isLineBreakNode(node) || $isDecoratorNode(node);
function $setNodeKey(node, existingKey) {
if (existingKey != null) {
node.__key = existingKey;
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
const key = generateRandomKey();
editorState._nodeMap.set(key, node);
// TODO Split this function into leaf/element
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
editor._dirtyElements.set(key, true);
} else {
editor._dirtyType = HAS_DIRTY_NODES;
node.__key = key;
function internalMarkParentElementsAsDirty(parentKey, nodeMap, dirtyElements) {
let nextParentKey = parentKey;
while (nextParentKey !== null) {
if (dirtyElements.has(nextParentKey)) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nextParentKey);
if (node === undefined) {
dirtyElements.set(nextParentKey, false);
nextParentKey = node.__parent;
function removeFromParent(node) {
const oldParent = node.getParent();
if (oldParent !== null) {
const writableNode = node.getWritable();
const writableParent = oldParent.getWritable();
const prevSibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
const nextSibling = node.getNextSibling();
// TODO: this function duplicates a bunch of operations, can be simplified.
if (prevSibling === null) {
if (nextSibling !== null) {
const writableNextSibling = nextSibling.getWritable();
writableParent.__first = nextSibling.__key;
writableNextSibling.__prev = null;
} else {
writableParent.__first = null;
} else {
const writablePrevSibling = prevSibling.getWritable();
if (nextSibling !== null) {
const writableNextSibling = nextSibling.getWritable();
writableNextSibling.__prev = writablePrevSibling.__key;
writablePrevSibling.__next = writableNextSibling.__key;
} else {
writablePrevSibling.__next = null;
writableNode.__prev = null;
if (nextSibling === null) {
if (prevSibling !== null) {
const writablePrevSibling = prevSibling.getWritable();
writableParent.__last = prevSibling.__key;
writablePrevSibling.__next = null;
} else {
writableParent.__last = null;
} else {
const writableNextSibling = nextSibling.getWritable();
if (prevSibling !== null) {
const writablePrevSibling = prevSibling.getWritable();
writablePrevSibling.__next = writableNextSibling.__key;
writableNextSibling.__prev = writablePrevSibling.__key;
} else {
writableNextSibling.__prev = null;
writableNode.__next = null;
writableNode.__parent = null;
// Never use this function directly! It will break
// the cloning heuristic. Instead use node.getWritable().
function internalMarkNodeAsDirty(node) {
const latest = node.getLatest();
const parent = latest.__parent;
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
const dirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
if (parent !== null) {
internalMarkParentElementsAsDirty(parent, nodeMap, dirtyElements);
const key = latest.__key;
editor._dirtyType = HAS_DIRTY_NODES;
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
dirtyElements.set(key, true);
} else {
// TODO split internally MarkNodeAsDirty into two dedicated Element/leave functions
function internalMarkSiblingsAsDirty(node) {
const previousNode = node.getPreviousSibling();
const nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
if (previousNode !== null) {
if (nextNode !== null) {
function $setCompositionKey(compositionKey) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const previousCompositionKey = editor._compositionKey;
if (compositionKey !== previousCompositionKey) {
editor._compositionKey = compositionKey;
if (previousCompositionKey !== null) {
const node = $getNodeByKey(previousCompositionKey);
if (node !== null) {
if (compositionKey !== null) {
const node = $getNodeByKey(compositionKey);
if (node !== null) {
function $getCompositionKey() {
if (isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode()) {
return null;
const editor = getActiveEditor();
return editor._compositionKey;
function $getNodeByKey(key, _editorState) {
const editorState = _editorState || getActiveEditorState();
const node = editorState._nodeMap.get(key);
if (node === undefined) {
return null;
return node;
function getNodeFromDOMNode(dom, editorState) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
// @ts-ignore We intentionally add this to the Node.
const key = dom[`__lexicalKey_${editor._key}`];
if (key !== undefined) {
return $getNodeByKey(key, editorState);
return null;
function $getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(startingDOM, editorState) {
let dom = startingDOM;
while (dom != null) {
const node = getNodeFromDOMNode(dom, editorState);
if (node !== null) {
return node;
dom = getParentElement(dom);
return null;
function cloneDecorators(editor) {
const currentDecorators = editor._decorators;
const pendingDecorators = Object.assign({}, currentDecorators);
editor._pendingDecorators = pendingDecorators;
return pendingDecorators;
function getEditorStateTextContent(editorState) {
return editorState.read(() => $getRoot().getTextContent());
function markAllNodesAsDirty(editor, type) {
// Mark all existing text nodes as dirty
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
if (editorState.isEmpty()) {
if (type === 'root') {
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
for (const [, node] of nodeMap) {
}, editor._pendingEditorState === null ? {
tag: 'history-merge'
} : undefined);
function $getRoot() {
return internalGetRoot(getActiveEditorState());
function internalGetRoot(editorState) {
return editorState._nodeMap.get('root');
function $setSelection(selection) {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
if (selection !== null) {
if (Object.isFrozen(selection)) {
throw Error(`$setSelection called on frozen selection object. Ensure selection is cloned before passing in.`);
selection.dirty = true;
editorState._selection = selection;
function $flushMutations() {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
function getNodeFromDOM(dom) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const nodeKey = getNodeKeyFromDOM(dom, editor);
if (nodeKey === null) {
const rootElement = editor.getRootElement();
if (dom === rootElement) {
return $getNodeByKey('root');
return null;
return $getNodeByKey(nodeKey);
function getTextNodeOffset(node, moveSelectionToEnd) {
return moveSelectionToEnd ? node.getTextContentSize() : 0;
function getNodeKeyFromDOM(
// Note that node here refers to a DOM Node, not an Lexical Node
dom, editor) {
let node = dom;
while (node != null) {
// @ts-ignore We intentionally add this to the Node.
const key = node[`__lexicalKey_${editor._key}`];
if (key !== undefined) {
return key;
node = getParentElement(node);
return null;
function doesContainGrapheme(str) {
return /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g.test(str);
function getEditorsToPropagate(editor) {
const editorsToPropagate = [];
let currentEditor = editor;
while (currentEditor !== null) {
currentEditor = currentEditor._parentEditor;
return editorsToPropagate;
function createUID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substr(0, 5);
function getAnchorTextFromDOM(anchorNode) {
if (anchorNode.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE) {
return anchorNode.nodeValue;
return null;
function $updateSelectedTextFromDOM(isCompositionEnd, editor, data) {
// Update the text content with the latest composition text
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
if (domSelection === null) {
const anchorNode = domSelection.anchorNode;
let {
} = domSelection;
if (anchorNode !== null) {
let textContent = getAnchorTextFromDOM(anchorNode);
const node = $getNearestNodeFromDOMNode(anchorNode);
if (textContent !== null && $isTextNode(node)) {
// Data is intentionally truthy, as we check for boolean, null and empty string.
if (textContent === COMPOSITION_SUFFIX && data) {
const offset = data.length;
textContent = data;
anchorOffset = offset;
focusOffset = offset;
if (textContent !== null) {
$updateTextNodeFromDOMContent(node, textContent, anchorOffset, focusOffset, isCompositionEnd);
function $updateTextNodeFromDOMContent(textNode, textContent, anchorOffset, focusOffset, compositionEnd) {
let node = textNode;
if (node.isAttached() && (compositionEnd || !node.isDirty())) {
const isComposing = node.isComposing();
let normalizedTextContent = textContent;
if ((isComposing || compositionEnd) && textContent[textContent.length - 1] === COMPOSITION_SUFFIX) {
normalizedTextContent = textContent.slice(0, -1);
const prevTextContent = node.getTextContent();
if (compositionEnd || normalizedTextContent !== prevTextContent) {
if (normalizedTextContent === '') {
// For composition (mainly Android), we have to remove the node on a later update
const editor = getActiveEditor();
setTimeout(() => {
editor.update(() => {
if (node.isAttached()) {
}, 20);
} else {
const parent = node.getParent();
const prevSelection = $getPreviousSelection();
const prevTextContentSize = node.getTextContentSize();
const compositionKey = $getCompositionKey();
const nodeKey = node.getKey();
if (node.isToken() || compositionKey !== null && nodeKey === compositionKey && !isComposing ||
// Check if character was added at the start or boundaries when not insertable, and we need
// to clear this input from occurring as that action wasn't permitted.
$isRangeSelection(prevSelection) && (parent !== null && !parent.canInsertTextBefore() && prevSelection.anchor.offset === 0 || prevSelection.anchor.key === textNode.__key && prevSelection.anchor.offset === 0 && !node.canInsertTextBefore() && !isComposing || prevSelection.focus.key === textNode.__key && prevSelection.focus.offset === prevTextContentSize && !node.canInsertTextAfter() && !isComposing)) {
const selection = $getSelection();
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection) || anchorOffset === null || focusOffset === null) {
selection.setTextNodeRange(node, anchorOffset, node, focusOffset);
if (node.isSegmented()) {
const originalTextContent = node.getTextContent();
const replacement = $createTextNode(originalTextContent);
node = replacement;
function $previousSiblingDoesNotAcceptText(node) {
const previousSibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
return ($isTextNode(previousSibling) || $isElementNode(previousSibling) && previousSibling.isInline()) && !previousSibling.canInsertTextAfter();
// This function is connected to $shouldPreventDefaultAndInsertText and determines whether the
// TextNode boundaries are writable or we should use the previous/next sibling instead. For example,
// in the case of a LinkNode, boundaries are not writable.
function $shouldInsertTextAfterOrBeforeTextNode(selection, node) {
if (node.isSegmented()) {
return true;
if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
return false;
const offset = selection.anchor.offset;
const parent = node.getParentOrThrow();
const isToken = node.isToken();
if (offset === 0) {
return !node.canInsertTextBefore() || !parent.canInsertTextBefore() || isToken || $previousSiblingDoesNotAcceptText(node);
} else if (offset === node.getTextContentSize()) {
return !node.canInsertTextAfter() || !parent.canInsertTextAfter() || isToken;
} else {
return false;
function isTab(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey) {
return keyCode === 9 && !altKey && !ctrlKey && !metaKey;
function isBold(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
return keyCode === 66 && !altKey && controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey);
function isItalic(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
return keyCode === 73 && !altKey && controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey);
function isUnderline(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
return keyCode === 85 && !altKey && controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey);
function isParagraph(keyCode, shiftKey) {
return isReturn(keyCode) && !shiftKey;
function isLineBreak(keyCode, shiftKey) {
return isReturn(keyCode) && shiftKey;
// Inserts a new line after the selection
function isOpenLineBreak(keyCode, ctrlKey) {
// 79 = KeyO
return IS_APPLE && ctrlKey && keyCode === 79;
function isDeleteWordBackward(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey) {
return isBackspace(keyCode) && (IS_APPLE ? altKey : ctrlKey);
function isDeleteWordForward(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey) {
return isDelete(keyCode) && (IS_APPLE ? altKey : ctrlKey);
function isDeleteLineBackward(keyCode, metaKey) {
return IS_APPLE && metaKey && isBackspace(keyCode);
function isDeleteLineForward(keyCode, metaKey) {
return IS_APPLE && metaKey && isDelete(keyCode);
function isDeleteBackward(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
if (IS_APPLE) {
if (altKey || metaKey) {
return false;
return isBackspace(keyCode) || keyCode === 72 && ctrlKey;
if (ctrlKey || altKey || metaKey) {
return false;
return isBackspace(keyCode);
function isDeleteForward(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey) {
if (IS_APPLE) {
if (shiftKey || altKey || metaKey) {
return false;
return isDelete(keyCode) || keyCode === 68 && ctrlKey;
if (ctrlKey || altKey || metaKey) {
return false;
return isDelete(keyCode);
function isUndo(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
return keyCode === 90 && !shiftKey && controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey);
function isRedo(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
if (IS_APPLE) {
return keyCode === 90 && metaKey && shiftKey;
return keyCode === 89 && ctrlKey || keyCode === 90 && ctrlKey && shiftKey;
function isCopy(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
if (shiftKey) {
return false;
if (keyCode === 67) {
return IS_APPLE ? metaKey : ctrlKey;
return false;
function isCut(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
if (shiftKey) {
return false;
if (keyCode === 88) {
return IS_APPLE ? metaKey : ctrlKey;
return false;
function isArrowLeft(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 37;
function isArrowRight(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 39;
function isArrowUp(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 38;
function isArrowDown(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 40;
function isMoveBackward(keyCode, ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowLeft(keyCode) && !ctrlKey && !metaKey && !altKey;
function isMoveToStart(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowLeft(keyCode) && !altKey && !shiftKey && (ctrlKey || metaKey);
function isMoveForward(keyCode, ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowRight(keyCode) && !ctrlKey && !metaKey && !altKey;
function isMoveToEnd(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowRight(keyCode) && !altKey && !shiftKey && (ctrlKey || metaKey);
function isMoveUp(keyCode, ctrlKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowUp(keyCode) && !ctrlKey && !metaKey;
function isMoveDown(keyCode, ctrlKey, metaKey) {
return isArrowDown(keyCode) && !ctrlKey && !metaKey;
function isModifier(ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey) {
return ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey || metaKey;
function isSpace(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 32;
function controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey) {
if (IS_APPLE) {
return metaKey;
return ctrlKey;
function isReturn(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 13;
function isBackspace(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 8;
function isEscape(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 27;
function isDelete(keyCode) {
return keyCode === 46;
function isSelectAll(keyCode, metaKey, ctrlKey) {
return keyCode === 65 && controlOrMeta(metaKey, ctrlKey);
function $selectAll() {
const root = $getRoot();
const selection = root.select(0, root.getChildrenSize());
function getCachedClassNameArray(classNamesTheme, classNameThemeType) {
if (classNamesTheme.__lexicalClassNameCache === undefined) {
classNamesTheme.__lexicalClassNameCache = {};
const classNamesCache = classNamesTheme.__lexicalClassNameCache;
const cachedClassNames = classNamesCache[classNameThemeType];
if (cachedClassNames !== undefined) {
return cachedClassNames;
const classNames = classNamesTheme[classNameThemeType];
// As we're using classList, we need
// to handle className tokens that have spaces.
// The easiest way to do this to convert the
// className tokens to an array that can be
// applied to classList.add()/remove().
if (typeof classNames === 'string') {
const classNamesArr = classNames.split(' ');
classNamesCache[classNameThemeType] = classNamesArr;
return classNamesArr;
return classNames;
function setMutatedNode(mutatedNodes, registeredNodes, mutationListeners, node, mutation) {
if (mutationListeners.size === 0) {
const nodeType = node.__type;
const nodeKey = node.__key;
const registeredNode = registeredNodes.get(nodeType);
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`Type ${nodeType} not in registeredNodes`);
const klass = registeredNode.klass;
let mutatedNodesByType = mutatedNodes.get(klass);
if (mutatedNodesByType === undefined) {
mutatedNodesByType = new Map();
mutatedNodes.set(klass, mutatedNodesByType);
const prevMutation = mutatedNodesByType.get(nodeKey);
// If the node has already been "destroyed", yet we are
// re-making it, then this means a move likely happened.
// We should change the mutation to be that of "updated"
// instead.
const isMove = prevMutation === 'destroyed' && mutation === 'created';
if (prevMutation === undefined || isMove) {
mutatedNodesByType.set(nodeKey, isMove ? 'updated' : mutation);
function $nodesOfType(klass) {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
const readOnly = editorState._readOnly;
const klassType = klass.getType();
const nodes = editorState._nodeMap;
const nodesOfType = [];
for (const [, node] of nodes) {
if (node instanceof klass && node.__type === klassType && (readOnly || node.isAttached())) {
return nodesOfType;
function resolveElement(element, isBackward, focusOffset) {
const parent = element.getParent();
let offset = focusOffset;
let block = element;
if (parent !== null) {
if (isBackward && focusOffset === 0) {
offset = block.getIndexWithinParent();
block = parent;
} else if (!isBackward && focusOffset === block.getChildrenSize()) {
offset = block.getIndexWithinParent() + 1;
block = parent;
return block.getChildAtIndex(isBackward ? offset - 1 : offset);
function $getAdjacentNode(focus, isBackward) {
const focusOffset = focus.offset;
if (focus.type === 'element') {
const block = focus.getNode();
return resolveElement(block, isBackward, focusOffset);
} else {
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (isBackward && focusOffset === 0 || !isBackward && focusOffset === focusNode.getTextContentSize()) {
const possibleNode = isBackward ? focusNode.getPreviousSibling() : focusNode.getNextSibling();
if (possibleNode === null) {
return resolveElement(focusNode.getParentOrThrow(), isBackward, focusNode.getIndexWithinParent() + (isBackward ? 0 : 1));
return possibleNode;
return null;
function isFirefoxClipboardEvents(editor) {
const event = getWindow(editor).event;
const inputType = event && event.inputType;
return inputType === 'insertFromPaste' || inputType === 'insertFromPasteAsQuotation';
function dispatchCommand(editor, command, payload) {
return triggerCommandListeners(editor, command, payload);
function $textContentRequiresDoubleLinebreakAtEnd(node) {
return !$isRootNode(node) && !node.isLastChild() && !node.isInline();
function getElementByKeyOrThrow(editor, key) {
const element = editor._keyToDOMMap.get(key);
if (element === undefined) {
throw Error(`Reconciliation: could not find DOM element for node key ${key}`);
return element;
function getParentElement(node) {
const parentElement = node.assignedSlot || node.parentElement;
return parentElement !== null && parentElement.nodeType === 11 ? parentElement.host : parentElement;
function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(editor, selectionRect, rootElement) {
const doc = rootElement.ownerDocument;
const defaultView = doc.defaultView;
if (defaultView === null) {
let {
top: currentTop,
bottom: currentBottom
} = selectionRect;
let targetTop = 0;
let targetBottom = 0;
let element = rootElement;
while (element !== null) {
const isBodyElement = element === doc.body;
if (isBodyElement) {
targetTop = 0;
targetBottom = getWindow(editor).innerHeight;
} else {
const targetRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
targetTop = targetRect.top;
targetBottom = targetRect.bottom;
let diff = 0;
if (currentTop < targetTop) {
diff = -(targetTop - currentTop);
} else if (currentBottom > targetBottom) {
diff = currentBottom - targetBottom;
if (diff !== 0) {
if (isBodyElement) {
// Only handles scrolling of Y axis
defaultView.scrollBy(0, diff);
} else {
const scrollTop = element.scrollTop;
element.scrollTop += diff;
const yOffset = element.scrollTop - scrollTop;
currentTop -= yOffset;
currentBottom -= yOffset;
if (isBodyElement) {
element = getParentElement(element);
function $hasUpdateTag(tag) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
return editor._updateTags.has(tag);
function $addUpdateTag(tag) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
function $maybeMoveChildrenSelectionToParent(parentNode) {
const selection = $getSelection();
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection) || !$isElementNode(parentNode)) {
return selection;
const {
} = selection;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if ($hasAncestor(anchorNode, parentNode)) {
anchor.set(parentNode.__key, 0, 'element');
if ($hasAncestor(focusNode, parentNode)) {
focus.set(parentNode.__key, 0, 'element');
return selection;
function $hasAncestor(child, targetNode) {
let parent = child.getParent();
while (parent !== null) {
if (parent.is(targetNode)) {
return true;
parent = parent.getParent();
return false;
function getDefaultView(domElem) {
const ownerDoc = domElem.ownerDocument;
return ownerDoc && ownerDoc.defaultView || null;
function getWindow(editor) {
const windowObj = editor._window;
if (windowObj === null) {
throw Error(`window object not found`);
return windowObj;
function $isInlineElementOrDecoratorNode(node) {
return $isElementNode(node) && node.isInline() || $isDecoratorNode(node) && node.isInline();
function $getNearestRootOrShadowRoot(node) {
let parent = node.getParentOrThrow();
while (parent !== null) {
if ($isRootOrShadowRoot(parent)) {
return parent;
parent = parent.getParentOrThrow();
return parent;
function $isRootOrShadowRoot(node) {
return $isRootNode(node) || $isElementNode(node) && node.isShadowRoot();
function $copyNode(node) {
const copy = node.constructor.clone(node);
$setNodeKey(copy, null);
// @ts-expect-error
return copy;
function $applyNodeReplacement(node) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const nodeType = node.constructor.getType();
const registeredNode = editor._nodes.get(nodeType);
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`$initializeNode failed. Ensure node has been registered to the editor. You can do this by passing the node class via the "nodes" array in the editor config.`);
const replaceFunc = registeredNode.replace;
if (replaceFunc !== null) {
const replacementNode = replaceFunc(node);
if (!(replacementNode instanceof node.constructor)) {
throw Error(`$initializeNode failed. Ensure replacement node is a subclass of the original node.`);
return replacementNode;
return node;
function errorOnInsertTextNodeOnRoot(node, insertNode) {
const parentNode = node.getParent();
if ($isRootNode(parentNode) && !$isElementNode(insertNode) && !$isDecoratorNode(insertNode)) {
throw Error(`Only element or decorator nodes can be inserted in to the root node`);
function createBlockCursorElement(editorConfig) {
const theme = editorConfig.theme;
const element = document.createElement('div');
element.contentEditable = 'false';
element.setAttribute('data-lexical-cursor', 'true');
let blockCursorTheme = theme.blockCursor;
if (blockCursorTheme !== undefined) {
if (typeof blockCursorTheme === 'string') {
const classNamesArr = blockCursorTheme.split(' ');
// @ts-expect-error: intentional
blockCursorTheme = theme.blockCursor = classNamesArr;
if (blockCursorTheme !== undefined) {
return element;
function needsBlockCursor(node) {
return ($isDecoratorNode(node) || $isElementNode(node) && !node.canBeEmpty()) && !node.isInline();
function removeDOMBlockCursorElement(blockCursorElement, editor, rootElement) {
editor._blockCursorElement = null;
const parentElement = blockCursorElement.parentElement;
if (parentElement !== null) {
function updateDOMBlockCursorElement(editor, rootElement, nextSelection) {
let blockCursorElement = editor._blockCursorElement;
if ($isRangeSelection(nextSelection) && nextSelection.isCollapsed() && nextSelection.anchor.type === 'element' && rootElement.contains(document.activeElement)) {
const anchor = nextSelection.anchor;
const elementNode = anchor.getNode();
const offset = anchor.offset;
const elementNodeSize = elementNode.getChildrenSize();
let isBlockCursor = false;
let insertBeforeElement = null;
if (offset === elementNodeSize) {
const child = elementNode.getChildAtIndex(offset - 1);
if (needsBlockCursor(child)) {
isBlockCursor = true;
} else {
const child = elementNode.getChildAtIndex(offset);
if (needsBlockCursor(child)) {
const sibling = child.getPreviousSibling();
if (sibling === null || needsBlockCursor(sibling)) {
isBlockCursor = true;
insertBeforeElement = editor.getElementByKey(child.__key);
if (isBlockCursor) {
const elementDOM = editor.getElementByKey(elementNode.__key);
if (blockCursorElement === null) {
editor._blockCursorElement = blockCursorElement = createBlockCursorElement(editor._config);
rootElement.style.caretColor = 'transparent';
if (insertBeforeElement === null) {
} else {
elementDOM.insertBefore(blockCursorElement, insertBeforeElement);
// Remove cursor
if (blockCursorElement !== null) {
removeDOMBlockCursorElement(blockCursorElement, editor, rootElement);
function getDOMSelection(targetWindow) {
return !CAN_USE_DOM ? null : (targetWindow || window).getSelection();
function $splitNode(node, offset) {
let startNode = node.getChildAtIndex(offset);
if (startNode == null) {
startNode = node;
if (!!$isRootOrShadowRoot(node)) {
throw Error(`Can not call $splitNode() on root element`);
const recurse = currentNode => {
const parent = currentNode.getParentOrThrow();
const isParentRoot = $isRootOrShadowRoot(parent);
// The node we start split from (leaf) is moved, but its recursive
// parents are copied to create separate tree
const nodeToMove = currentNode === startNode && !isParentRoot ? currentNode : $copyNode(currentNode);
if (isParentRoot) {
if (!($isElementNode(currentNode) && $isElementNode(nodeToMove))) {
throw Error(`Children of a root must be ElementNode`);
return [currentNode, nodeToMove, nodeToMove];
} else {
const [leftTree, rightTree, newParent] = recurse(parent);
const nextSiblings = currentNode.getNextSiblings();
newParent.append(nodeToMove, ...nextSiblings);
return [leftTree, rightTree, nodeToMove];
const [leftTree, rightTree] = recurse(startNode);
return [leftTree, rightTree];
* @param x - The element being tested
* @returns Returns true if x is an HTML anchor tag, false otherwise
function isHTMLAnchorElement(x) {
return isHTMLElement(x) && x.tagName === 'A';
* @param x - The element being testing
* @returns Returns true if x is an HTML element, false otherwise.
function isHTMLElement(x) {
// @ts-ignore-next-line - strict check on nodeType here should filter out non-Element EventTarget implementors
return x.nodeType === 1;
* This function is for internal use of the library.
* Please do not use it as it may change in the future.
function INTERNAL_$isBlock(node) {
if ($isDecoratorNode(node) && !node.isInline()) {
return true;
if (!$isElementNode(node) || $isRootOrShadowRoot(node)) {
return false;
const firstChild = node.getFirstChild();
const isLeafElement = firstChild === null || $isLineBreakNode(firstChild) || $isTextNode(firstChild) || firstChild.isInline();
return !node.isInline() && node.canBeEmpty() !== false && isLeafElement;
function $getAncestor(node, predicate) {
let parent = node;
while (parent !== null && parent.getParent() !== null && !predicate(parent)) {
parent = parent.getParentOrThrow();
return predicate(parent) ? parent : null;
* Utility function for accessing current active editor instance.
* @returns Current active editor
function $getEditor() {
return getActiveEditor();
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function $garbageCollectDetachedDecorators(editor, pendingEditorState) {
const currentDecorators = editor._decorators;
const pendingDecorators = editor._pendingDecorators;
let decorators = pendingDecorators || currentDecorators;
const nodeMap = pendingEditorState._nodeMap;
let key;
for (key in decorators) {
if (!nodeMap.has(key)) {
if (decorators === currentDecorators) {
decorators = cloneDecorators(editor);
delete decorators[key];
function $garbageCollectDetachedDeepChildNodes(node, parentKey, prevNodeMap, nodeMap, nodeMapDelete, dirtyNodes) {
let child = node.getFirstChild();
while (child !== null) {
const childKey = child.__key;
// TODO Revise condition below, redundant? LexicalNode already cleans up children when moving Nodes
if (child.__parent === parentKey) {
if ($isElementNode(child)) {
$garbageCollectDetachedDeepChildNodes(child, childKey, prevNodeMap, nodeMap, nodeMapDelete, dirtyNodes);
// If we have created a node and it was dereferenced, then also
// remove it from out dirty nodes Set.
if (!prevNodeMap.has(childKey)) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
function $garbageCollectDetachedNodes(prevEditorState, editorState, dirtyLeaves, dirtyElements) {
const prevNodeMap = prevEditorState._nodeMap;
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
// Store dirtyElements in a queue for later deletion; deleting dirty subtrees too early will
// hinder accessing .__next on child nodes
const nodeMapDelete = [];
for (const [nodeKey] of dirtyElements) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if (node !== undefined) {
// Garbage collect node and its children if they exist
if (!node.isAttached()) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
$garbageCollectDetachedDeepChildNodes(node, nodeKey, prevNodeMap, nodeMap, nodeMapDelete, dirtyElements);
// If we have created a node and it was dereferenced, then also
// remove it from out dirty nodes Set.
if (!prevNodeMap.has(nodeKey)) {
for (const nodeKey of nodeMapDelete) {
for (const nodeKey of dirtyLeaves) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if (node !== undefined && !node.isAttached()) {
if (!prevNodeMap.has(nodeKey)) {
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
let subTreeTextContent = '';
let subTreeDirectionedTextContent = '';
let editorTextContent = '';
let activeEditorConfig;
let activeEditor$1;
let activeEditorNodes;
let treatAllNodesAsDirty = false;
let activeEditorStateReadOnly = false;
let activeMutationListeners;
let activeTextDirection = null;
let activeDirtyElements;
let activeDirtyLeaves;
let activePrevNodeMap;
let activeNextNodeMap;
let activePrevKeyToDOMMap;
let mutatedNodes;
function destroyNode(key, parentDOM) {
const node = activePrevNodeMap.get(key);
if (parentDOM !== null) {
const dom = getPrevElementByKeyOrThrow(key);
if (dom.parentNode === parentDOM) {
// This logic is really important, otherwise we will leak DOM nodes
// when their corresponding LexicalNodes are removed from the editor state.
if (!activeNextNodeMap.has(key)) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const children = createChildrenArray(node, activePrevNodeMap);
destroyChildren(children, 0, children.length - 1, null);
if (node !== undefined) {
setMutatedNode(mutatedNodes, activeEditorNodes, activeMutationListeners, node, 'destroyed');
function destroyChildren(children, _startIndex, endIndex, dom) {
let startIndex = _startIndex;
for (; startIndex <= endIndex; ++startIndex) {
const child = children[startIndex];
if (child !== undefined) {
destroyNode(child, dom);
function setTextAlign(domStyle, value) {
domStyle.setProperty('text-align', value);
const DEFAULT_INDENT_VALUE = '40px';
function setElementIndent(dom, indent) {
const indentClassName = activeEditorConfig.theme.indent;
if (typeof indentClassName === 'string') {
const elementHasClassName = dom.classList.contains(indentClassName);
if (indent > 0 && !elementHasClassName) {
} else if (indent < 1 && elementHasClassName) {
const indentationBaseValue = getComputedStyle(dom).getPropertyValue('--lexical-indent-base-value') || DEFAULT_INDENT_VALUE;
dom.style.setProperty('padding-inline-start', indent === 0 ? '' : `calc(${indent} * ${indentationBaseValue})`);
function setElementFormat(dom, format) {
const domStyle = dom.style;
if (format === 0) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, '');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_LEFT) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'left');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_CENTER) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'center');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_RIGHT) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'right');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_JUSTIFY) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'justify');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_START) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'start');
} else if (format === IS_ALIGN_END) {
setTextAlign(domStyle, 'end');
function createNode(key, parentDOM, insertDOM) {
const node = activeNextNodeMap.get(key);
if (node === undefined) {
throw Error(`createNode: node does not exist in nodeMap`);
const dom = node.createDOM(activeEditorConfig, activeEditor$1);
storeDOMWithKey(key, dom, activeEditor$1);
// This helps preserve the text, and stops spell check tools from
// merging or break the spans (which happens if they are missing
// this attribute).
if ($isTextNode(node)) {
dom.setAttribute('data-lexical-text', 'true');
} else if ($isDecoratorNode(node)) {
dom.setAttribute('data-lexical-decorator', 'true');
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const indent = node.__indent;
const childrenSize = node.__size;
if (indent !== 0) {
setElementIndent(dom, indent);
if (childrenSize !== 0) {
const endIndex = childrenSize - 1;
const children = createChildrenArray(node, activeNextNodeMap);
createChildrenWithDirection(children, endIndex, node, dom);
const format = node.__format;
if (format !== 0) {
setElementFormat(dom, format);
if (!node.isInline()) {
reconcileElementTerminatingLineBreak(null, node, dom);
if ($textContentRequiresDoubleLinebreakAtEnd(node)) {
subTreeTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
editorTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
} else {
const text = node.getTextContent();
if ($isDecoratorNode(node)) {
const decorator = node.decorate(activeEditor$1, activeEditorConfig);
if (decorator !== null) {
reconcileDecorator(key, decorator);
// Decorators are always non editable
dom.contentEditable = 'false';
} else if ($isTextNode(node)) {
if (!node.isDirectionless()) {
subTreeDirectionedTextContent += text;
subTreeTextContent += text;
editorTextContent += text;
if (parentDOM !== null) {
if (insertDOM != null) {
parentDOM.insertBefore(dom, insertDOM);
} else {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const possibleLineBreak = parentDOM.__lexicalLineBreak;
if (possibleLineBreak != null) {
parentDOM.insertBefore(dom, possibleLineBreak);
} else {
// Freeze the node in DEV to prevent accidental mutations
setMutatedNode(mutatedNodes, activeEditorNodes, activeMutationListeners, node, 'created');
return dom;
function createChildrenWithDirection(children, endIndex, element, dom) {
const previousSubTreeDirectionedTextContent = subTreeDirectionedTextContent;
subTreeDirectionedTextContent = '';
createChildren(children, element, 0, endIndex, dom, null);
reconcileBlockDirection(element, dom);
subTreeDirectionedTextContent = previousSubTreeDirectionedTextContent;
function createChildren(children, element, _startIndex, endIndex, dom, insertDOM) {
const previousSubTreeTextContent = subTreeTextContent;
subTreeTextContent = '';
let startIndex = _startIndex;
for (; startIndex <= endIndex; ++startIndex) {
createNode(children[startIndex], dom, insertDOM);
if ($textContentRequiresDoubleLinebreakAtEnd(element)) {
subTreeTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalTextContent = subTreeTextContent;
subTreeTextContent = previousSubTreeTextContent + subTreeTextContent;
function isLastChildLineBreakOrDecorator(childKey, nodeMap) {
const node = nodeMap.get(childKey);
return $isLineBreakNode(node) || $isDecoratorNode(node) && node.isInline();
// If we end an element with a LineBreakNode, then we need to add an additional <br>
function reconcileElementTerminatingLineBreak(prevElement, nextElement, dom) {
const prevLineBreak = prevElement !== null && (prevElement.__size === 0 || isLastChildLineBreakOrDecorator(prevElement.__last, activePrevNodeMap));
const nextLineBreak = nextElement.__size === 0 || isLastChildLineBreakOrDecorator(nextElement.__last, activeNextNodeMap);
if (prevLineBreak) {
if (!nextLineBreak) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const element = dom.__lexicalLineBreak;
if (element != null) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalLineBreak = null;
} else if (nextLineBreak) {
const element = document.createElement('br');
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalLineBreak = element;
function reconcileBlockDirection(element, dom) {
const previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent =
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const previousDirection = dom.__lexicalDir;
if (previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent !== subTreeDirectionedTextContent || previousDirection !== activeTextDirection) {
const hasEmptyDirectionedTextContent = subTreeDirectionedTextContent === '';
const direction = hasEmptyDirectionedTextContent ? activeTextDirection : getTextDirection(subTreeDirectionedTextContent);
if (direction !== previousDirection) {
const classList = dom.classList;
const theme = activeEditorConfig.theme;
let previousDirectionTheme = previousDirection !== null ? theme[previousDirection] : undefined;
let nextDirectionTheme = direction !== null ? theme[direction] : undefined;
// Remove the old theme classes if they exist
if (previousDirectionTheme !== undefined) {
if (typeof previousDirectionTheme === 'string') {
const classNamesArr = previousDirectionTheme.split(' ');
previousDirectionTheme = theme[previousDirection] = classNamesArr;
// @ts-ignore: intentional
if (direction === null || hasEmptyDirectionedTextContent && direction === 'ltr') {
// Remove direction
} else {
// Apply the new theme classes if they exist
if (nextDirectionTheme !== undefined) {
if (typeof nextDirectionTheme === 'string') {
const classNamesArr = nextDirectionTheme.split(' ');
// @ts-expect-error: intentional
nextDirectionTheme = theme[direction] = classNamesArr;
if (nextDirectionTheme !== undefined) {
// Update direction
dom.dir = direction;
if (!activeEditorStateReadOnly) {
const writableNode = element.getWritable();
writableNode.__dir = direction;
activeTextDirection = direction;
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalDirTextContent = subTreeDirectionedTextContent;
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalDir = direction;
function reconcileChildrenWithDirection(prevElement, nextElement, dom) {
const previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent = subTreeDirectionedTextContent;
subTreeDirectionedTextContent = '';
reconcileChildren(prevElement, nextElement, dom);
reconcileBlockDirection(nextElement, dom);
subTreeDirectionedTextContent = previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent;
function createChildrenArray(element, nodeMap) {
const children = [];
let nodeKey = element.__first;
while (nodeKey !== null) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if (node === undefined) {
throw Error(`createChildrenArray: node does not exist in nodeMap`);
nodeKey = node.__next;
return children;
function reconcileChildren(prevElement, nextElement, dom) {
const previousSubTreeTextContent = subTreeTextContent;
const prevChildrenSize = prevElement.__size;
const nextChildrenSize = nextElement.__size;
subTreeTextContent = '';
if (prevChildrenSize === 1 && nextChildrenSize === 1) {
const prevFirstChildKey = prevElement.__first;
const nextFrstChildKey = nextElement.__first;
if (prevFirstChildKey === nextFrstChildKey) {
reconcileNode(prevFirstChildKey, dom);
} else {
const lastDOM = getPrevElementByKeyOrThrow(prevFirstChildKey);
const replacementDOM = createNode(nextFrstChildKey, null, null);
dom.replaceChild(replacementDOM, lastDOM);
destroyNode(prevFirstChildKey, null);
} else {
const prevChildren = createChildrenArray(prevElement, activePrevNodeMap);
const nextChildren = createChildrenArray(nextElement, activeNextNodeMap);
if (prevChildrenSize === 0) {
if (nextChildrenSize !== 0) {
createChildren(nextChildren, nextElement, 0, nextChildrenSize - 1, dom, null);
} else if (nextChildrenSize === 0) {
if (prevChildrenSize !== 0) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const lexicalLineBreak = dom.__lexicalLineBreak;
const canUseFastPath = lexicalLineBreak == null;
destroyChildren(prevChildren, 0, prevChildrenSize - 1, canUseFastPath ? null : dom);
if (canUseFastPath) {
// Fast path for removing DOM nodes
dom.textContent = '';
} else {
reconcileNodeChildren(nextElement, prevChildren, nextChildren, prevChildrenSize, nextChildrenSize, dom);
if ($textContentRequiresDoubleLinebreakAtEnd(nextElement)) {
subTreeTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
dom.__lexicalTextContent = subTreeTextContent;
subTreeTextContent = previousSubTreeTextContent + subTreeTextContent;
function reconcileNode(key, parentDOM) {
const prevNode = activePrevNodeMap.get(key);
let nextNode = activeNextNodeMap.get(key);
if (prevNode === undefined || nextNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`reconcileNode: prevNode or nextNode does not exist in nodeMap`);
const isDirty = treatAllNodesAsDirty || activeDirtyLeaves.has(key) || activeDirtyElements.has(key);
const dom = getElementByKeyOrThrow(activeEditor$1, key);
// If the node key points to the same instance in both states
// and isn't dirty, we just update the text content cache
// and return the existing DOM Node.
if (prevNode === nextNode && !isDirty) {
if ($isElementNode(prevNode)) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const previousSubTreeTextContent = dom.__lexicalTextContent;
if (previousSubTreeTextContent !== undefined) {
subTreeTextContent += previousSubTreeTextContent;
editorTextContent += previousSubTreeTextContent;
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent = dom.__lexicalDirTextContent;
if (previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent !== undefined) {
subTreeDirectionedTextContent += previousSubTreeDirectionTextContent;
} else {
const text = prevNode.getTextContent();
if ($isTextNode(prevNode) && !prevNode.isDirectionless()) {
subTreeDirectionedTextContent += text;
editorTextContent += text;
subTreeTextContent += text;
return dom;
// If the node key doesn't point to the same instance in both maps,
// it means it were cloned. If they're also dirty, we mark them as mutated.
if (prevNode !== nextNode && isDirty) {
setMutatedNode(mutatedNodes, activeEditorNodes, activeMutationListeners, nextNode, 'updated');
// Update node. If it returns true, we need to unmount and re-create the node
if (nextNode.updateDOM(prevNode, dom, activeEditorConfig)) {
const replacementDOM = createNode(key, null, null);
if (parentDOM === null) {
throw Error(`reconcileNode: parentDOM is null`);
parentDOM.replaceChild(replacementDOM, dom);
destroyNode(key, null);
return replacementDOM;
if ($isElementNode(prevNode) && $isElementNode(nextNode)) {
// Reconcile element children
const nextIndent = nextNode.__indent;
if (nextIndent !== prevNode.__indent) {
setElementIndent(dom, nextIndent);
const nextFormat = nextNode.__format;
if (nextFormat !== prevNode.__format) {
setElementFormat(dom, nextFormat);
if (isDirty) {
reconcileChildrenWithDirection(prevNode, nextNode, dom);
if (!$isRootNode(nextNode) && !nextNode.isInline()) {
reconcileElementTerminatingLineBreak(prevNode, nextNode, dom);
if ($textContentRequiresDoubleLinebreakAtEnd(nextNode)) {
subTreeTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
editorTextContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
} else {
const text = nextNode.getTextContent();
if ($isDecoratorNode(nextNode)) {
const decorator = nextNode.decorate(activeEditor$1, activeEditorConfig);
if (decorator !== null) {
reconcileDecorator(key, decorator);
} else if ($isTextNode(nextNode) && !nextNode.isDirectionless()) {
// Handle text content, for LTR, LTR cases.
subTreeDirectionedTextContent += text;
subTreeTextContent += text;
editorTextContent += text;
if (!activeEditorStateReadOnly && $isRootNode(nextNode) && nextNode.__cachedText !== editorTextContent) {
// Cache the latest text content.
const nextRootNode = nextNode.getWritable();
nextRootNode.__cachedText = editorTextContent;
nextNode = nextRootNode;
// Freeze the node in DEV to prevent accidental mutations
return dom;
function reconcileDecorator(key, decorator) {
let pendingDecorators = activeEditor$1._pendingDecorators;
const currentDecorators = activeEditor$1._decorators;
if (pendingDecorators === null) {
if (currentDecorators[key] === decorator) {
pendingDecorators = cloneDecorators(activeEditor$1);
pendingDecorators[key] = decorator;
function getFirstChild(element) {
return element.firstChild;
function getNextSibling(element) {
let nextSibling = element.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling !== null && nextSibling === activeEditor$1._blockCursorElement) {
nextSibling = nextSibling.nextSibling;
return nextSibling;
function reconcileNodeChildren(nextElement, prevChildren, nextChildren, prevChildrenLength, nextChildrenLength, dom) {
const prevEndIndex = prevChildrenLength - 1;
const nextEndIndex = nextChildrenLength - 1;
let prevChildrenSet;
let nextChildrenSet;
let siblingDOM = getFirstChild(dom);
let prevIndex = 0;
let nextIndex = 0;
while (prevIndex <= prevEndIndex && nextIndex <= nextEndIndex) {
const prevKey = prevChildren[prevIndex];
const nextKey = nextChildren[nextIndex];
if (prevKey === nextKey) {
siblingDOM = getNextSibling(reconcileNode(nextKey, dom));
} else {
if (prevChildrenSet === undefined) {
prevChildrenSet = new Set(prevChildren);
if (nextChildrenSet === undefined) {
nextChildrenSet = new Set(nextChildren);
const nextHasPrevKey = nextChildrenSet.has(prevKey);
const prevHasNextKey = prevChildrenSet.has(nextKey);
if (!nextHasPrevKey) {
// Remove prev
siblingDOM = getNextSibling(getPrevElementByKeyOrThrow(prevKey));
destroyNode(prevKey, dom);
} else if (!prevHasNextKey) {
// Create next
createNode(nextKey, dom, siblingDOM);
} else {
// Move next
const childDOM = getElementByKeyOrThrow(activeEditor$1, nextKey);
if (childDOM === siblingDOM) {
siblingDOM = getNextSibling(reconcileNode(nextKey, dom));
} else {
if (siblingDOM != null) {
dom.insertBefore(childDOM, siblingDOM);
} else {
reconcileNode(nextKey, dom);
const appendNewChildren = prevIndex > prevEndIndex;
const removeOldChildren = nextIndex > nextEndIndex;
if (appendNewChildren && !removeOldChildren) {
const previousNode = nextChildren[nextEndIndex + 1];
const insertDOM = previousNode === undefined ? null : activeEditor$1.getElementByKey(previousNode);
createChildren(nextChildren, nextElement, nextIndex, nextEndIndex, dom, insertDOM);
} else if (removeOldChildren && !appendNewChildren) {
destroyChildren(prevChildren, prevIndex, prevEndIndex, dom);
function reconcileRoot(prevEditorState, nextEditorState, editor, dirtyType, dirtyElements, dirtyLeaves) {
// We cache text content to make retrieval more efficient.
// The cache must be rebuilt during reconciliation to account for any changes.
subTreeTextContent = '';
editorTextContent = '';
subTreeDirectionedTextContent = '';
// Rather than pass around a load of arguments through the stack recursively
// we instead set them as bindings within the scope of the module.
treatAllNodesAsDirty = dirtyType === FULL_RECONCILE;
activeTextDirection = null;
activeEditor$1 = editor;
activeEditorConfig = editor._config;
activeEditorNodes = editor._nodes;
activeMutationListeners = activeEditor$1._listeners.mutation;
activeDirtyElements = dirtyElements;
activeDirtyLeaves = dirtyLeaves;
activePrevNodeMap = prevEditorState._nodeMap;
activeNextNodeMap = nextEditorState._nodeMap;
activeEditorStateReadOnly = nextEditorState._readOnly;
activePrevKeyToDOMMap = new Map(editor._keyToDOMMap);
// We keep track of mutated nodes so we can trigger mutation
// listeners later in the update cycle.
const currentMutatedNodes = new Map();
mutatedNodes = currentMutatedNodes;
reconcileNode('root', null);
// We don't want a bunch of void checks throughout the scope
// so instead we make it seem that these values are always set.
// We also want to make sure we clear them down, otherwise we
// can leak memory.
// @ts-ignore
activeEditor$1 = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activeEditorNodes = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activeDirtyElements = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activeDirtyLeaves = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activePrevNodeMap = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activeNextNodeMap = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activeEditorConfig = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
activePrevKeyToDOMMap = undefined;
// @ts-ignore
mutatedNodes = undefined;
return currentMutatedNodes;
function storeDOMWithKey(key, dom, editor) {
const keyToDOMMap = editor._keyToDOMMap;
// @ts-ignore We intentionally add this to the Node.
dom['__lexicalKey_' + editor._key] = key;
keyToDOMMap.set(key, dom);
function getPrevElementByKeyOrThrow(key) {
const element = activePrevKeyToDOMMap.get(key);
if (element === undefined) {
throw Error(`Reconciliation: could not find DOM element for node key ${key}`);
return element;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND = Object.freeze({});
const rootElementEvents = [['keydown', onKeyDown], ['pointerdown', onPointerDown], ['compositionstart', onCompositionStart], ['compositionend', onCompositionEnd], ['input', onInput], ['click', onClick], ['cut', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['copy', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['dragstart', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['dragover', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['dragend', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['paste', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['focus', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['blur', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND], ['drop', PASS_THROUGH_COMMAND]];
rootElementEvents.push(['beforeinput', (event, editor) => onBeforeInput(event, editor)]);
let lastKeyDownTimeStamp = 0;
let lastKeyCode = 0;
let lastBeforeInputInsertTextTimeStamp = 0;
let unprocessedBeforeInputData = null;
let rootElementsRegistered = 0;
let isSelectionChangeFromDOMUpdate = false;
let isSelectionChangeFromMouseDown = false;
let isInsertLineBreak = false;
let isFirefoxEndingComposition = false;
let collapsedSelectionFormat = [0, '', 0, 'root', 0];
// This function is used to determine if Lexical should attempt to override
// the default browser behavior for insertion of text and use its own internal
// heuristics. This is an extremely important function, and makes much of Lexical
// work as intended between different browsers and across word, line and character
// boundary/formats. It also is important for text replacement, node schemas and
// composition mechanics.
function $shouldPreventDefaultAndInsertText(selection, domTargetRange, text, timeStamp, isBeforeInput) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
const domAnchorNode = domSelection !== null ? domSelection.anchorNode : null;
const anchorKey = anchor.key;
const backingAnchorElement = editor.getElementByKey(anchorKey);
const textLength = text.length;
return anchorKey !== focus.key ||
// If we're working with a non-text node.
!$isTextNode(anchorNode) ||
// If we are replacing a range with a single character or grapheme, and not composing.
(!isBeforeInput && (!CAN_USE_BEFORE_INPUT ||
// We check to see if there has been
// a recent beforeinput event for "textInput". If there has been one in the last
// 50ms then we proceed as normal. However, if there is not, then this is likely
// a dangling `input` event caused by execCommand('insertText').
lastBeforeInputInsertTextTimeStamp < timeStamp + 50) || anchorNode.isDirty() && textLength < 2 || doesContainGrapheme(text)) && anchor.offset !== focus.offset && !anchorNode.isComposing() ||
// Any non standard text node.
$isTokenOrSegmented(anchorNode) ||
// If the text length is more than a single character and we're either
// dealing with this in "beforeinput" or where the node has already recently
// been changed (thus is dirty).
anchorNode.isDirty() && textLength > 1 ||
// If the DOM selection element is not the same as the backing node during beforeinput.
(isBeforeInput || !CAN_USE_BEFORE_INPUT) && backingAnchorElement !== null && !anchorNode.isComposing() && domAnchorNode !== getDOMTextNode(backingAnchorElement) ||
// If TargetRange is not the same as the DOM selection; browser trying to edit random parts
// of the editor.
domSelection !== null && domTargetRange !== null && (!domTargetRange.collapsed || domTargetRange.startContainer !== domSelection.anchorNode || domTargetRange.startOffset !== domSelection.anchorOffset) ||
// Check if we're changing from bold to italics, or some other format.
anchorNode.getFormat() !== selection.format || anchorNode.getStyle() !== selection.style ||
// One last set of heuristics to check against.
$shouldInsertTextAfterOrBeforeTextNode(selection, anchorNode);
function shouldSkipSelectionChange(domNode, offset) {
return domNode !== null && domNode.nodeValue !== null && domNode.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE && offset !== 0 && offset !== domNode.nodeValue.length;
function onSelectionChange(domSelection, editor, isActive) {
const {
anchorNode: anchorDOM,
focusNode: focusDOM,
} = domSelection;
if (isSelectionChangeFromDOMUpdate) {
isSelectionChangeFromDOMUpdate = false;
// If native DOM selection is on a DOM element, then
// we should continue as usual, as Lexical's selection
// may have normalized to a better child. If the DOM
// element is a text node, we can safely apply this
// optimization and skip the selection change entirely.
// We also need to check if the offset is at the boundary,
// because in this case, we might need to normalize to a
// sibling instead.
if (shouldSkipSelectionChange(anchorDOM, anchorOffset) && shouldSkipSelectionChange(focusDOM, focusOffset)) {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
// Non-active editor don't need any extra logic for selection, it only needs update
// to reconcile selection (set it to null) to ensure that only one editor has non-null selection.
if (!isActive) {
if (!isSelectionWithinEditor(editor, anchorDOM, focusDOM)) {
const selection = $getSelection();
// Update the selection format
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
// Badly interpreted range selection when collapsed - #1482
if (domSelection.type === 'Range' && domSelection.anchorNode === domSelection.focusNode) {
selection.dirty = true;
// If we have marked a collapsed selection format, and we're
// within the given time range then attempt to use that format
// instead of getting the format from the anchor node.
const windowEvent = getWindow(editor).event;
const currentTimeStamp = windowEvent ? windowEvent.timeStamp : performance.now();
const [lastFormat, lastStyle, lastOffset, lastKey, timeStamp] = collapsedSelectionFormat;
const root = $getRoot();
const isRootTextContentEmpty = editor.isComposing() === false && root.getTextContent() === '';
if (currentTimeStamp < timeStamp + 200 && anchor.offset === lastOffset && anchor.key === lastKey) {
selection.format = lastFormat;
selection.style = lastStyle;
} else {
if (anchor.type === 'text') {
if (!$isTextNode(anchorNode)) {
throw Error(`Point.getNode() must return TextNode when type is text`);
selection.format = anchorNode.getFormat();
selection.style = anchorNode.getStyle();
} else if (anchor.type === 'element' && !isRootTextContentEmpty) {
selection.format = 0;
selection.style = '';
} else {
const anchorKey = anchor.key;
const focus = selection.focus;
const focusKey = focus.key;
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
const nodesLength = nodes.length;
const isBackward = selection.isBackward();
const startOffset = isBackward ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
const endOffset = isBackward ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
const startKey = isBackward ? focusKey : anchorKey;
const endKey = isBackward ? anchorKey : focusKey;
let combinedFormat = IS_ALL_FORMATTING;
let hasTextNodes = false;
for (let i = 0; i < nodesLength; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
const textContentSize = node.getTextContentSize();
if ($isTextNode(node) && textContentSize !== 0 &&
// Exclude empty text nodes at boundaries resulting from user's selection
!(i === 0 && node.__key === startKey && startOffset === textContentSize || i === nodesLength - 1 && node.__key === endKey && endOffset === 0)) {
// TODO: what about style?
hasTextNodes = true;
combinedFormat &= node.getFormat();
if (combinedFormat === 0) {
selection.format = hasTextNodes ? combinedFormat : 0;
dispatchCommand(editor, SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND, undefined);
// This is a work-around is mainly Chrome specific bug where if you select
// the contents of an empty block, you cannot easily unselect anything.
// This results in a tiny selection box that looks buggy/broken. This can
// also help other browsers when selection might "appear" lost, when it
// really isn't.
function onClick(event, editor) {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const selection = $getSelection();
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
const lastSelection = $getPreviousSelection();
if (domSelection) {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
if (anchor.type === 'element' && anchor.offset === 0 && selection.isCollapsed() && !$isRootNode(anchorNode) && $getRoot().getChildrenSize() === 1 && anchorNode.getTopLevelElementOrThrow().isEmpty() && lastSelection !== null && selection.is(lastSelection)) {
selection.dirty = true;
} else if (event.detail === 3 && !selection.isCollapsed()) {
// Tripple click causing selection to overflow into the nearest element. In that
// case visually it looks like a single element content is selected, focus node
// is actually at the beginning of the next element (if present) and any manipulations
// with selection (formatting) are affecting second element as well
const focus = selection.focus;
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (anchorNode !== focusNode) {
if ($isElementNode(anchorNode)) {
} else {
} else if (event.pointerType === 'touch') {
// This is used to update the selection on touch devices when the user clicks on text after a
// node selection. See isSelectionChangeFromMouseDown for the inverse
const domAnchorNode = domSelection.anchorNode;
if (domAnchorNode !== null) {
const nodeType = domAnchorNode.nodeType;
// If the user is attempting to click selection back onto text, then
// we should attempt create a range selection.
// When we click on an empty paragraph node or the end of a paragraph that ends
// with an image/poll, the nodeType will be ELEMENT_NODE
if (nodeType === DOM_ELEMENT_TYPE || nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE) {
const newSelection = internalCreateRangeSelection(lastSelection, domSelection, editor, event);
dispatchCommand(editor, CLICK_COMMAND, event);
function onPointerDown(event, editor) {
// TODO implement text drag & drop
const target = event.target;
const pointerType = event.pointerType;
if (target instanceof Node && pointerType !== 'touch') {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
// Drag & drop should not recompute selection until mouse up; otherwise the initially
// selected content is lost.
if (!$isSelectionCapturedInDecorator(target)) {
isSelectionChangeFromMouseDown = true;
function getTargetRange(event) {
if (!event.getTargetRanges) {
return null;
const targetRanges = event.getTargetRanges();
if (targetRanges.length === 0) {
return null;
return targetRanges[0];
function $canRemoveText(anchorNode, focusNode) {
return anchorNode !== focusNode || $isElementNode(anchorNode) || $isElementNode(focusNode) || !anchorNode.isToken() || !focusNode.isToken();
function isPossiblyAndroidKeyPress(timeStamp) {
return lastKeyCode === 229 && timeStamp < lastKeyDownTimeStamp + ANDROID_COMPOSITION_LATENCY;
function onBeforeInput(event, editor) {
const inputType = event.inputType;
const targetRange = getTargetRange(event);
// We let the browser do its own thing for composition.
if (inputType === 'deleteCompositionText' ||
// If we're pasting in FF, we shouldn't get this event
// as the `paste` event should have triggered, unless the
// user has dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled disabled in
// about:config. In that case, we need to process the
// pasted content in the DOM mutation phase.
IS_FIREFOX && isFirefoxClipboardEvents(editor)) {
} else if (inputType === 'insertCompositionText') {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const selection = $getSelection();
if (inputType === 'deleteContentBackward') {
if (selection === null) {
// Use previous selection
const prevSelection = $getPreviousSelection();
if (!$isRangeSelection(prevSelection)) {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
// Used for handling backspace in Android.
if (isPossiblyAndroidKeyPress(event.timeStamp) && editor.isComposing() && selection.anchor.key === selection.focus.key) {
lastKeyDownTimeStamp = 0;
// Fixes an Android bug where selection flickers when backspacing
setTimeout(() => {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchorNode = selection.anchor.getNode();
selection.format = anchorNode.getFormat();
if (!$isTextNode(anchorNode)) {
throw Error(`Anchor node must be a TextNode`);
selection.style = anchorNode.getStyle();
const selectedText = selection.anchor.getNode().getTextContent();
if (selectedText.length <= 1) {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, true);
} else {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, true);
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const data = event.data;
// This represents the case when two beforeinput events are triggered at the same time (without a
// full event loop ending at input). This happens with MacOS with the default keyboard settings,
// a combination of autocorrection + autocapitalization.
// Having Lexical run everything in controlled mode would fix the issue without additional code
// but this would kill the massive performance win from the most common typing event.
// Alternatively, when this happens we can prematurely update our EditorState based on the DOM
// content, a job that would usually be the input event's responsibility.
if (unprocessedBeforeInputData !== null) {
$updateSelectedTextFromDOM(false, editor, unprocessedBeforeInputData);
if ((!selection.dirty || unprocessedBeforeInputData !== null) && selection.isCollapsed() && !$isRootNode(selection.anchor.getNode()) && targetRange !== null) {
unprocessedBeforeInputData = null;
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (inputType === 'insertText' || inputType === 'insertTranspose') {
if (data === '\n') {
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, false);
} else if (data === DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK) {
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_PARAGRAPH_COMMAND, undefined);
} else if (data == null && event.dataTransfer) {
// Gets around a Safari text replacement bug.
const text = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
} else if (data != null && $shouldPreventDefaultAndInsertText(selection, targetRange, data, event.timeStamp, true)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, CONTROLLED_TEXT_INSERTION_COMMAND, data);
} else {
unprocessedBeforeInputData = data;
lastBeforeInputInsertTextTimeStamp = event.timeStamp;
// Prevent the browser from carrying out
// the input event, so we can control the
// output.
switch (inputType) {
case 'insertFromYank':
case 'insertFromDrop':
case 'insertReplacementText':
dispatchCommand(editor, CONTROLLED_TEXT_INSERTION_COMMAND, event);
case 'insertFromComposition':
// This is the end of composition
dispatchCommand(editor, CONTROLLED_TEXT_INSERTION_COMMAND, event);
case 'insertLineBreak':
// Used for Android
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, false);
case 'insertParagraph':
// Used for Android
// Safari does not provide the type "insertLineBreak".
// So instead, we need to infer it from the keyboard event.
// We do not apply this logic to iOS to allow newline auto-capitalization
// work without creating linebreaks when pressing Enter
if (isInsertLineBreak && !IS_IOS) {
isInsertLineBreak = false;
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, false);
} else {
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_PARAGRAPH_COMMAND, undefined);
case 'insertFromPaste':
case 'insertFromPasteAsQuotation':
dispatchCommand(editor, PASTE_COMMAND, event);
case 'deleteByComposition':
if ($canRemoveText(anchorNode, focusNode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, REMOVE_TEXT_COMMAND, event);
case 'deleteByDrag':
case 'deleteByCut':
dispatchCommand(editor, REMOVE_TEXT_COMMAND, event);
case 'deleteContent':
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, false);
case 'deleteWordBackward':
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_WORD_COMMAND, true);
case 'deleteWordForward':
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_WORD_COMMAND, false);
case 'deleteHardLineBackward':
case 'deleteSoftLineBackward':
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_LINE_COMMAND, true);
case 'deleteContentForward':
case 'deleteHardLineForward':
case 'deleteSoftLineForward':
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_LINE_COMMAND, false);
case 'formatStrikeThrough':
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'strikethrough');
case 'formatBold':
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'bold');
case 'formatItalic':
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'italic');
case 'formatUnderline':
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'underline');
case 'historyUndo':
dispatchCommand(editor, UNDO_COMMAND, undefined);
case 'historyRedo':
dispatchCommand(editor, REDO_COMMAND, undefined);
// NO-OP
function onInput(event, editor) {
// We don't want the onInput to bubble, in the case of nested editors.
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const selection = $getSelection();
const data = event.data;
const targetRange = getTargetRange(event);
if (data != null && $isRangeSelection(selection) && $shouldPreventDefaultAndInsertText(selection, targetRange, data, event.timeStamp, false)) {
// Given we're over-riding the default behavior, we will need
// to ensure to disable composition before dispatching the
// insertText command for when changing the sequence for FF.
if (isFirefoxEndingComposition) {
onCompositionEndImpl(editor, data);
isFirefoxEndingComposition = false;
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
if (domSelection === null) {
const offset = anchor.offset;
// If the content is the same as inserted, then don't dispatch an insertion.
// Given onInput doesn't take the current selection (it uses the previous)
// we can compare that against what the DOM currently says.
if (!CAN_USE_BEFORE_INPUT || selection.isCollapsed() || !$isTextNode(anchorNode) || domSelection.anchorNode === null || anchorNode.getTextContent().slice(0, offset) + data + anchorNode.getTextContent().slice(offset + selection.focus.offset) !== getAnchorTextFromDOM(domSelection.anchorNode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, CONTROLLED_TEXT_INSERTION_COMMAND, data);
const textLength = data.length;
// Another hack for FF, as it's possible that the IME is still
// open, even though compositionend has already fired (sigh).
if (IS_FIREFOX && textLength > 1 && event.inputType === 'insertCompositionText' && !editor.isComposing()) {
selection.anchor.offset -= textLength;
// This ensures consistency on Android.
if (!IS_SAFARI && !IS_IOS && !IS_APPLE_WEBKIT && editor.isComposing()) {
lastKeyDownTimeStamp = 0;
} else {
const characterData = data !== null ? data : undefined;
$updateSelectedTextFromDOM(false, editor, characterData);
// onInput always fires after onCompositionEnd for FF.
if (isFirefoxEndingComposition) {
onCompositionEndImpl(editor, data || undefined);
isFirefoxEndingComposition = false;
// Also flush any other mutations that might have occurred
// since the change.
unprocessedBeforeInputData = null;
function onCompositionStart(event, editor) {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
const selection = $getSelection();
if ($isRangeSelection(selection) && !editor.isComposing()) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const node = selection.anchor.getNode();
if (
// If it has been 30ms since the last keydown, then we should
// apply the empty space heuristic. We can't do this for Safari,
// as the keydown fires after composition start.
event.timeStamp < lastKeyDownTimeStamp + ANDROID_COMPOSITION_LATENCY ||
// FF has issues around composing multibyte characters, so we also
// need to invoke the empty space heuristic below.
anchor.type === 'element' || !selection.isCollapsed() || node.getFormat() !== selection.format || $isTextNode(node) && node.getStyle() !== selection.style) {
// We insert a zero width character, ready for the composition
// to get inserted into the new node we create. If
// we don't do this, Safari will fail on us because
// there is no text node matching the selection.
function onCompositionEndImpl(editor, data) {
const compositionKey = editor._compositionKey;
// Handle termination of composition.
if (compositionKey !== null && data != null) {
// Composition can sometimes move to an adjacent DOM node when backspacing.
// So check for the empty case.
if (data === '') {
const node = $getNodeByKey(compositionKey);
const textNode = getDOMTextNode(editor.getElementByKey(compositionKey));
if (textNode !== null && textNode.nodeValue !== null && $isTextNode(node)) {
$updateTextNodeFromDOMContent(node, textNode.nodeValue, null, null, true);
// Composition can sometimes be that of a new line. In which case, we need to
// handle that accordingly.
if (data[data.length - 1] === '\n') {
const selection = $getSelection();
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
// If the last character is a line break, we also need to insert
// a line break.
const focus = selection.focus;
selection.anchor.set(focus.key, focus.offset, focus.type);
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, null);
$updateSelectedTextFromDOM(true, editor, data);
function onCompositionEnd(event, editor) {
// Firefox fires onCompositionEnd before onInput, but Chrome/Webkit,
// fire onInput before onCompositionEnd. To ensure the sequence works
// like Chrome/Webkit we use the isFirefoxEndingComposition flag to
// defer handling of onCompositionEnd in Firefox till we have processed
// the logic in onInput.
isFirefoxEndingComposition = true;
} else {
updateEditor(editor, () => {
onCompositionEndImpl(editor, event.data);
function onKeyDown(event, editor) {
lastKeyDownTimeStamp = event.timeStamp;
lastKeyCode = event.keyCode;
if (editor.isComposing()) {
const {
} = event;
if (dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_DOWN_COMMAND, event)) {
if (isMoveForward(keyCode, ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ARROW_RIGHT_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isMoveToEnd(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, MOVE_TO_END, event);
} else if (isMoveBackward(keyCode, ctrlKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ARROW_LEFT_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isMoveToStart(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, MOVE_TO_START, event);
} else if (isMoveUp(keyCode, ctrlKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ARROW_UP_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isMoveDown(keyCode, ctrlKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ARROW_DOWN_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isLineBreak(keyCode, shiftKey)) {
isInsertLineBreak = true;
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isSpace(keyCode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_SPACE_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isOpenLineBreak(keyCode, ctrlKey)) {
isInsertLineBreak = true;
dispatchCommand(editor, INSERT_LINE_BREAK_COMMAND, true);
} else if (isParagraph(keyCode, shiftKey)) {
isInsertLineBreak = false;
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ENTER_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isDeleteBackward(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
if (isBackspace(keyCode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_BACKSPACE_COMMAND, event);
} else {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, true);
} else if (isEscape(keyCode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_ESCAPE_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isDeleteForward(keyCode, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
if (isDelete(keyCode)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_DELETE_COMMAND, event);
} else {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_CHARACTER_COMMAND, false);
} else if (isDeleteWordBackward(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_WORD_COMMAND, true);
} else if (isDeleteWordForward(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_WORD_COMMAND, false);
} else if (isDeleteLineBackward(keyCode, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_LINE_COMMAND, true);
} else if (isDeleteLineForward(keyCode, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, DELETE_LINE_COMMAND, false);
} else if (isBold(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'bold');
} else if (isUnderline(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'underline');
} else if (isItalic(keyCode, altKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, FORMAT_TEXT_COMMAND, 'italic');
} else if (isTab(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_TAB_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isUndo(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, UNDO_COMMAND, undefined);
} else if (isRedo(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, REDO_COMMAND, undefined);
} else {
const prevSelection = editor._editorState._selection;
if ($isNodeSelection(prevSelection)) {
if (isCopy(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, COPY_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isCut(keyCode, shiftKey, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, CUT_COMMAND, event);
} else if (isSelectAll(keyCode, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, SELECT_ALL_COMMAND, event);
// FF does it well (no need to override behavior)
} else if (!IS_FIREFOX && isSelectAll(keyCode, metaKey, ctrlKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, SELECT_ALL_COMMAND, event);
if (isModifier(ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, metaKey)) {
dispatchCommand(editor, KEY_MODIFIER_COMMAND, event);
function getRootElementRemoveHandles(rootElement) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
let eventHandles = rootElement.__lexicalEventHandles;
if (eventHandles === undefined) {
eventHandles = [];
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
rootElement.__lexicalEventHandles = eventHandles;
return eventHandles;
// Mapping root editors to their active nested editors, contains nested editors
// mapping only, so if root editor is selected map will have no reference to free up memory
const activeNestedEditorsMap = new Map();
function onDocumentSelectionChange(event) {
const target = event.target;
const targetWindow = target == null ? null : target.nodeType === 9 ? target.defaultView : target.ownerDocument.defaultView;
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(targetWindow);
if (domSelection === null) {
const nextActiveEditor = getNearestEditorFromDOMNode(domSelection.anchorNode);
if (nextActiveEditor === null) {
if (isSelectionChangeFromMouseDown) {
isSelectionChangeFromMouseDown = false;
updateEditor(nextActiveEditor, () => {
const lastSelection = $getPreviousSelection();
const domAnchorNode = domSelection.anchorNode;
if (domAnchorNode === null) {
const nodeType = domAnchorNode.nodeType;
// If the user is attempting to click selection back onto text, then
// we should attempt create a range selection.
// When we click on an empty paragraph node or the end of a paragraph that ends
// with an image/poll, the nodeType will be ELEMENT_NODE
if (nodeType !== DOM_ELEMENT_TYPE && nodeType !== DOM_TEXT_TYPE) {
const newSelection = internalCreateRangeSelection(lastSelection, domSelection, nextActiveEditor, event);
// When editor receives selection change event, we're checking if
// it has any sibling editors (within same parent editor) that were active
// before, and trigger selection change on it to nullify selection.
const editors = getEditorsToPropagate(nextActiveEditor);
const rootEditor = editors[editors.length - 1];
const rootEditorKey = rootEditor._key;
const activeNestedEditor = activeNestedEditorsMap.get(rootEditorKey);
const prevActiveEditor = activeNestedEditor || rootEditor;
if (prevActiveEditor !== nextActiveEditor) {
onSelectionChange(domSelection, prevActiveEditor, false);
onSelectionChange(domSelection, nextActiveEditor, true);
// If newly selected editor is nested, then add it to the map, clean map otherwise
if (nextActiveEditor !== rootEditor) {
activeNestedEditorsMap.set(rootEditorKey, nextActiveEditor);
} else if (activeNestedEditor) {
function stopLexicalPropagation(event) {
// We attach a special property to ensure the same event doesn't re-fire
// for parent editors.
// @ts-ignore
event._lexicalHandled = true;
function hasStoppedLexicalPropagation(event) {
// @ts-ignore
const stopped = event._lexicalHandled === true;
return stopped;
function addRootElementEvents(rootElement, editor) {
// We only want to have a single global selectionchange event handler, shared
// between all editor instances.
if (rootElementsRegistered === 0) {
const doc = rootElement.ownerDocument;
doc.addEventListener('selectionchange', onDocumentSelectionChange);
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
rootElement.__lexicalEditor = editor;
const removeHandles = getRootElementRemoveHandles(rootElement);
for (let i = 0; i < rootElementEvents.length; i++) {
const [eventName, onEvent] = rootElementEvents[i];
const eventHandler = typeof onEvent === 'function' ? event => {
if (hasStoppedLexicalPropagation(event)) {
if (editor.isEditable()) {
onEvent(event, editor);
} : event => {
if (hasStoppedLexicalPropagation(event)) {
if (editor.isEditable()) {
switch (eventName) {
case 'cut':
return dispatchCommand(editor, CUT_COMMAND, event);
case 'copy':
return dispatchCommand(editor, COPY_COMMAND, event);
case 'paste':
return dispatchCommand(editor, PASTE_COMMAND, event);
case 'dragstart':
return dispatchCommand(editor, DRAGSTART_COMMAND, event);
case 'dragover':
return dispatchCommand(editor, DRAGOVER_COMMAND, event);
case 'dragend':
return dispatchCommand(editor, DRAGEND_COMMAND, event);
case 'focus':
return dispatchCommand(editor, FOCUS_COMMAND, event);
case 'blur':
return dispatchCommand(editor, BLUR_COMMAND, event);
case 'drop':
return dispatchCommand(editor, DROP_COMMAND, event);
rootElement.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
removeHandles.push(() => {
rootElement.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
function removeRootElementEvents(rootElement) {
if (rootElementsRegistered !== 0) {
// We only want to have a single global selectionchange event handler, shared
// between all editor instances.
if (rootElementsRegistered === 0) {
const doc = rootElement.ownerDocument;
doc.removeEventListener('selectionchange', onDocumentSelectionChange);
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
const editor = rootElement.__lexicalEditor;
if (editor !== null && editor !== undefined) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
rootElement.__lexicalEditor = null;
const removeHandles = getRootElementRemoveHandles(rootElement);
for (let i = 0; i < removeHandles.length; i++) {
// @ts-expect-error: internal field
rootElement.__lexicalEventHandles = [];
function cleanActiveNestedEditorsMap(editor) {
if (editor._parentEditor !== null) {
// For nested editor cleanup map if this editor was marked as active
const editors = getEditorsToPropagate(editor);
const rootEditor = editors[editors.length - 1];
const rootEditorKey = rootEditor._key;
if (activeNestedEditorsMap.get(rootEditorKey) === editor) {
} else {
// For top-level editors cleanup map
function markSelectionChangeFromDOMUpdate() {
isSelectionChangeFromDOMUpdate = true;
function markCollapsedSelectionFormat(format, style, offset, key, timeStamp) {
collapsedSelectionFormat = [format, style, offset, key, timeStamp];
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function removeNode(nodeToRemove, restoreSelection, preserveEmptyParent) {
const key = nodeToRemove.__key;
const parent = nodeToRemove.getParent();
if (parent === null) {
const selection = $maybeMoveChildrenSelectionToParent(nodeToRemove);
let selectionMoved = false;
if ($isRangeSelection(selection) && restoreSelection) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
if (anchor.key === key) {
moveSelectionPointToSibling(anchor, nodeToRemove, parent, nodeToRemove.getPreviousSibling(), nodeToRemove.getNextSibling());
selectionMoved = true;
if (focus.key === key) {
moveSelectionPointToSibling(focus, nodeToRemove, parent, nodeToRemove.getPreviousSibling(), nodeToRemove.getNextSibling());
selectionMoved = true;
} else if ($isNodeSelection(selection) && restoreSelection && nodeToRemove.isSelected()) {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection) && restoreSelection && !selectionMoved) {
// Doing this is O(n) so lets avoid it unless we need to do it
const index = nodeToRemove.getIndexWithinParent();
$updateElementSelectionOnCreateDeleteNode(selection, parent, index, -1);
} else {
if (!preserveEmptyParent && !$isRootOrShadowRoot(parent) && !parent.canBeEmpty() && parent.isEmpty()) {
removeNode(parent, restoreSelection);
if (restoreSelection && $isRootNode(parent) && parent.isEmpty()) {
class LexicalNode {
// Allow us to look up the type including static props
/** @internal */
/** @internal */ //@ts-ignore We set the key in the constructor.
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
// Flow doesn't support abstract classes unfortunately, so we can't _force_
// subclasses of Node to implement statics. All subclasses of Node should have
// a static getType and clone method though. We define getType and clone here so we can call it
// on any Node, and we throw this error by default since the subclass should provide
// their own implementation.
* Returns the string type of this node. Every node must
* implement this and it MUST BE UNIQUE amongst nodes registered
* on the editor.
static getType() {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${this.name} does not implement .getType().`);
* Clones this node, creating a new node with a different key
* and adding it to the EditorState (but not attaching it anywhere!). All nodes must
* implement this method.
static clone(_data) {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${this.name} does not implement .clone().`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
constructor(key) {
this.__type = this.constructor.getType();
this.__parent = null;
this.__prev = null;
this.__next = null;
$setNodeKey(this, key);
if (this.__type !== 'root') {
errorOnTypeKlassMismatch(this.__type, this.constructor);
// Getters and Traversers
* Returns the string type of this node.
getType() {
return this.__type;
isInline() {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${this.constructor.name} does not implement .isInline().`);
* Returns true if there is a path between this node and the RootNode, false otherwise.
* This is a way of determining if the node is "attached" EditorState. Unattached nodes
* won't be reconciled and will ultimatelt be cleaned up by the Lexical GC.
isAttached() {
let nodeKey = this.__key;
while (nodeKey !== null) {
if (nodeKey === 'root') {
return true;
const node = $getNodeByKey(nodeKey);
if (node === null) {
nodeKey = node.__parent;
return false;
* Returns true if this node is contained within the provided Selection., false otherwise.
* Relies on the algorithms implemented in {@link BaseSelection.getNodes} to determine
* what's included.
* @param selection - The selection that we want to determine if the node is in.
isSelected(selection) {
const targetSelection = selection || $getSelection();
if (targetSelection == null) {
return false;
const isSelected = targetSelection.getNodes().some(n => n.__key === this.__key);
if ($isTextNode(this)) {
return isSelected;
// For inline images inside of element nodes.
// Without this change the image will be selected if the cursor is before or after it.
if ($isRangeSelection(targetSelection) && targetSelection.anchor.type === 'element' && targetSelection.focus.type === 'element' && targetSelection.anchor.key === targetSelection.focus.key && targetSelection.anchor.offset === targetSelection.focus.offset) {
return false;
return isSelected;
* Returns this nodes key.
getKey() {
// Key is stable between copies
return this.__key;
* Returns the zero-based index of this node within the parent.
getIndexWithinParent() {
const parent = this.getParent();
if (parent === null) {
return -1;
let node = parent.getFirstChild();
let index = 0;
while (node !== null) {
if (this.is(node)) {
return index;
node = node.getNextSibling();
return -1;
* Returns the parent of this node, or null if none is found.
getParent() {
const parent = this.getLatest().__parent;
if (parent === null) {
return null;
return $getNodeByKey(parent);
* Returns the parent of this node, or throws if none is found.
getParentOrThrow() {
const parent = this.getParent();
if (parent === null) {
throw Error(`Expected node ${this.__key} to have a parent.`);
return parent;
* Returns the highest (in the EditorState tree)
* non-root ancestor of this node, or null if none is found. See {@link lexical!$isRootOrShadowRoot}
* for more information on which Elements comprise "roots".
getTopLevelElement() {
let node = this;
while (node !== null) {
const parent = node.getParent();
if ($isRootOrShadowRoot(parent)) {
if (!$isElementNode(node)) {
throw Error(`Children of root nodes must be elements`);
return node;
node = parent;
return null;
* Returns the highest (in the EditorState tree)
* non-root ancestor of this node, or throws if none is found. See {@link lexical!$isRootOrShadowRoot}
* for more information on which Elements comprise "roots".
getTopLevelElementOrThrow() {
const parent = this.getTopLevelElement();
if (parent === null) {
throw Error(`Expected node ${this.__key} to have a top parent element.`);
return parent;
* Returns a list of the every ancestor of this node,
* all the way up to the RootNode.
getParents() {
const parents = [];
let node = this.getParent();
while (node !== null) {
node = node.getParent();
return parents;
* Returns a list of the keys of every ancestor of this node,
* all the way up to the RootNode.
getParentKeys() {
const parents = [];
let node = this.getParent();
while (node !== null) {
node = node.getParent();
return parents;
* Returns the "previous" siblings - that is, the node that comes
* before this one in the same parent.
getPreviousSibling() {
const self = this.getLatest();
const prevKey = self.__prev;
return prevKey === null ? null : $getNodeByKey(prevKey);
* Returns the "previous" siblings - that is, the nodes that come between
* this one and the first child of it's parent, inclusive.
getPreviousSiblings() {
const siblings = [];
const parent = this.getParent();
if (parent === null) {
return siblings;
let node = parent.getFirstChild();
while (node !== null) {
if (node.is(this)) {
node = node.getNextSibling();
return siblings;
* Returns the "next" siblings - that is, the node that comes
* after this one in the same parent
getNextSibling() {
const self = this.getLatest();
const nextKey = self.__next;
return nextKey === null ? null : $getNodeByKey(nextKey);
* Returns all "next" siblings - that is, the nodes that come between this
* one and the last child of it's parent, inclusive.
getNextSiblings() {
const siblings = [];
let node = this.getNextSibling();
while (node !== null) {
node = node.getNextSibling();
return siblings;
* Returns the closest common ancestor of this node and the provided one or null
* if one cannot be found.
* @param node - the other node to find the common ancestor of.
getCommonAncestor(node) {
const a = this.getParents();
const b = node.getParents();
if ($isElementNode(this)) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const aLength = a.length;
const bLength = b.length;
if (aLength === 0 || bLength === 0 || a[aLength - 1] !== b[bLength - 1]) {
return null;
const bSet = new Set(b);
for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {
const ancestor = a[i];
if (bSet.has(ancestor)) {
return ancestor;
return null;
* Returns true if the provided node is the exact same one as this node, from Lexical's perspective.
* Always use this instead of referential equality.
* @param object - the node to perform the equality comparison on.
is(object) {
if (object == null) {
return false;
return this.__key === object.__key;
* Returns true if this node logical precedes the target node in the editor state.
* @param targetNode - the node we're testing to see if it's after this one.
isBefore(targetNode) {
if (this === targetNode) {
return false;
if (targetNode.isParentOf(this)) {
return true;
if (this.isParentOf(targetNode)) {
return false;
const commonAncestor = this.getCommonAncestor(targetNode);
let indexA = 0;
let indexB = 0;
let node = this;
while (true) {
const parent = node.getParentOrThrow();
if (parent === commonAncestor) {
indexA = node.getIndexWithinParent();
node = parent;
node = targetNode;
while (true) {
const parent = node.getParentOrThrow();
if (parent === commonAncestor) {
indexB = node.getIndexWithinParent();
node = parent;
return indexA < indexB;
* Returns true if this node is the parent of the target node, false otherwise.
* @param targetNode - the would-be child node.
isParentOf(targetNode) {
const key = this.__key;
if (key === targetNode.__key) {
return false;
let node = targetNode;
while (node !== null) {
if (node.__key === key) {
return true;
node = node.getParent();
return false;
// TO-DO: this function can be simplified a lot
* Returns a list of nodes that are between this node and
* the target node in the EditorState.
* @param targetNode - the node that marks the other end of the range of nodes to be returned.
getNodesBetween(targetNode) {
const isBefore = this.isBefore(targetNode);
const nodes = [];
const visited = new Set();
let node = this;
while (true) {
const key = node.__key;
if (!visited.has(key)) {
if (node === targetNode) {
const child = $isElementNode(node) ? isBefore ? node.getFirstChild() : node.getLastChild() : null;
if (child !== null) {
node = child;
const nextSibling = isBefore ? node.getNextSibling() : node.getPreviousSibling();
if (nextSibling !== null) {
node = nextSibling;
const parent = node.getParentOrThrow();
if (!visited.has(parent.__key)) {
if (parent === targetNode) {
let parentSibling = null;
let ancestor = parent;
do {
if (ancestor === null) {
throw Error(`getNodesBetween: ancestor is null`);
parentSibling = isBefore ? ancestor.getNextSibling() : ancestor.getPreviousSibling();
ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
if (ancestor !== null) {
if (parentSibling === null && !visited.has(ancestor.__key)) {
} while (parentSibling === null);
node = parentSibling;
if (!isBefore) {
return nodes;
* Returns true if this node has been marked dirty during this update cycle.
isDirty() {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const dirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
return dirtyLeaves !== null && dirtyLeaves.has(this.__key);
* Returns the latest version of the node from the active EditorState.
* This is used to avoid getting values from stale node references.
getLatest() {
const latest = $getNodeByKey(this.__key);
if (latest === null) {
throw Error(`Lexical node does not exist in active editor state. Avoid using the same node references between nested closures from editorState.read/editor.update.`);
return latest;
* Returns a mutable version of the node. Will throw an error if
* called outside of a Lexical Editor {@link LexicalEditor.update} callback.
getWritable() {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
const key = this.__key;
// Ensure we get the latest node from pending state
const latestNode = this.getLatest();
const parent = latestNode.__parent;
const cloneNotNeeded = editor._cloneNotNeeded;
const selection = $getSelection();
if (selection !== null) {
if (cloneNotNeeded.has(key)) {
// Transforms clear the dirty node set on each iteration to keep track on newly dirty nodes
return latestNode;
const constructor = latestNode.constructor;
const mutableNode = constructor.clone(latestNode);
mutableNode.__parent = parent;
mutableNode.__next = latestNode.__next;
mutableNode.__prev = latestNode.__prev;
if ($isElementNode(latestNode) && $isElementNode(mutableNode)) {
mutableNode.__first = latestNode.__first;
mutableNode.__last = latestNode.__last;
mutableNode.__size = latestNode.__size;
mutableNode.__indent = latestNode.__indent;
mutableNode.__format = latestNode.__format;
mutableNode.__dir = latestNode.__dir;
} else if ($isTextNode(latestNode) && $isTextNode(mutableNode)) {
mutableNode.__format = latestNode.__format;
mutableNode.__style = latestNode.__style;
mutableNode.__mode = latestNode.__mode;
mutableNode.__detail = latestNode.__detail;
mutableNode.__key = key;
// Update reference in node map
nodeMap.set(key, mutableNode);
// @ts-expect-error
return mutableNode;
* Returns the text content of the node. Override this for
* custom nodes that should have a representation in plain text
* format (for copy + paste, for example)
getTextContent() {
return '';
* Returns the length of the string produced by calling getTextContent on this node.
getTextContentSize() {
return this.getTextContent().length;
// View
* Called during the reconciliation process to determine which nodes
* to insert into the DOM for this Lexical Node.
* This method must return exactly one HTMLElement. Nested elements are not supported.
* Do not attempt to update the Lexical EditorState during this phase of the update lifecyle.
* @param _config - allows access to things like the EditorTheme (to apply classes) during reconciliation.
* @param _editor - allows access to the editor for context during reconciliation.
* */
createDOM(_config, _editor) {
throw Error(`createDOM: base method not extended`);
* Called when a node changes and should update the DOM
* in whatever way is necessary to make it align with any changes that might
* have happened during the update.
* Returning "true" here will cause lexical to unmount and recreate the DOM node
* (by calling createDOM). You would need to do this if the element tag changes,
* for instance.
* */
updateDOM(_prevNode, _dom, _config) {
throw Error(`updateDOM: base method not extended`);
* Controls how the this node is serialized to HTML. This is important for
* copy and paste between Lexical and non-Lexical editors, or Lexical editors with different namespaces,
* in which case the primary transfer format is HTML. It's also important if you're serializing
* to HTML for any other reason via {@link @lexical/html!$generateHtmlFromNodes}. You could
* also use this method to build your own HTML renderer.
* */
exportDOM(editor) {
const element = this.createDOM(editor._config, editor);
return {
* Controls how the this node is serialized to JSON. This is important for
* copy and paste between Lexical editors sharing the same namespace. It's also important
* if you're serializing to JSON for persistent storage somewhere.
* See [Serialization & Deserialization](https://lexical.dev/docs/concepts/serialization#lexical---html).
* */
exportJSON() {
throw Error(`exportJSON: base method not extended`);
* Controls how the this node is deserialized from JSON. This is usually boilerplate,
* but provides an abstraction between the node implementation and serialized interface that can
* be important if you ever make breaking changes to a node schema (by adding or removing properties).
* See [Serialization & Deserialization](https://lexical.dev/docs/concepts/serialization#lexical---html).
* */
static importJSON(_serializedNode) {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${this.name} does not implement .importJSON().`);
* @experimental
* Registers the returned function as a transform on the node during
* Editor initialization. Most such use cases should be addressed via
* the {@link LexicalEditor.registerNodeTransform} API.
* Experimental - use at your own risk.
static transform() {
return null;
// Setters and mutators
* Removes this LexicalNode from the EditorState. If the node isn't re-inserted
* somewhere, the Lexical garbage collector will eventually clean it up.
* @param preserveEmptyParent - If falsy, the node's parent will be removed if
* it's empty after the removal operation. This is the default behavior, subject to
* other node heuristics such as {@link ElementNode#canBeEmpty}
* */
remove(preserveEmptyParent) {
removeNode(this, true, preserveEmptyParent);
* Replaces this LexicalNode with the provided node, optionally transferring the children
* of the replaced node to the replacing node.
* @param replaceWith - The node to replace this one with.
* @param includeChildren - Whether or not to transfer the children of this node to the replacing node.
* */
replace(replaceWith, includeChildren) {
let selection = $getSelection();
if (selection !== null) selection = selection.clone();
errorOnInsertTextNodeOnRoot(this, replaceWith);
const self = this.getLatest();
const toReplaceKey = this.__key;
const key = replaceWith.__key;
const writableReplaceWith = replaceWith.getWritable();
const writableParent = this.getParentOrThrow().getWritable();
const size = writableParent.__size;
const prevSibling = self.getPreviousSibling();
const nextSibling = self.getNextSibling();
const prevKey = self.__prev;
const nextKey = self.__next;
const parentKey = self.__parent;
removeNode(self, false, true);
if (prevSibling === null) {
writableParent.__first = key;
} else {
const writablePrevSibling = prevSibling.getWritable();
writablePrevSibling.__next = key;
writableReplaceWith.__prev = prevKey;
if (nextSibling === null) {
writableParent.__last = key;
} else {
const writableNextSibling = nextSibling.getWritable();
writableNextSibling.__prev = key;
writableReplaceWith.__next = nextKey;
writableReplaceWith.__parent = parentKey;
writableParent.__size = size;
if (includeChildren) {
if (!($isElementNode(this) && $isElementNode(writableReplaceWith))) {
throw Error(`includeChildren should only be true for ElementNodes`);
this.getChildren().forEach(child => {
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
if (anchor.key === toReplaceKey) {
$moveSelectionPointToEnd(anchor, writableReplaceWith);
if (focus.key === toReplaceKey) {
$moveSelectionPointToEnd(focus, writableReplaceWith);
if ($getCompositionKey() === toReplaceKey) {
return writableReplaceWith;
* Inserts a node after this LexicalNode (as the next sibling).
* @param nodeToInsert - The node to insert after this one.
* @param restoreSelection - Whether or not to attempt to resolve the
* selection to the appropriate place after the operation is complete.
* */
insertAfter(nodeToInsert, restoreSelection = true) {
errorOnInsertTextNodeOnRoot(this, nodeToInsert);
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
const writableNodeToInsert = nodeToInsert.getWritable();
const oldParent = writableNodeToInsert.getParent();
const selection = $getSelection();
let elementAnchorSelectionOnNode = false;
let elementFocusSelectionOnNode = false;
if (oldParent !== null) {
// TODO: this is O(n), can we improve?
const oldIndex = nodeToInsert.getIndexWithinParent();
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const oldParentKey = oldParent.__key;
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
elementAnchorSelectionOnNode = anchor.type === 'element' && anchor.key === oldParentKey && anchor.offset === oldIndex + 1;
elementFocusSelectionOnNode = focus.type === 'element' && focus.key === oldParentKey && focus.offset === oldIndex + 1;
const nextSibling = this.getNextSibling();
const writableParent = this.getParentOrThrow().getWritable();
const insertKey = writableNodeToInsert.__key;
const nextKey = writableSelf.__next;
if (nextSibling === null) {
writableParent.__last = insertKey;
} else {
const writableNextSibling = nextSibling.getWritable();
writableNextSibling.__prev = insertKey;
writableSelf.__next = insertKey;
writableNodeToInsert.__next = nextKey;
writableNodeToInsert.__prev = writableSelf.__key;
writableNodeToInsert.__parent = writableSelf.__parent;
if (restoreSelection && $isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const index = this.getIndexWithinParent();
$updateElementSelectionOnCreateDeleteNode(selection, writableParent, index + 1);
const writableParentKey = writableParent.__key;
if (elementAnchorSelectionOnNode) {
selection.anchor.set(writableParentKey, index + 2, 'element');
if (elementFocusSelectionOnNode) {
selection.focus.set(writableParentKey, index + 2, 'element');
return nodeToInsert;
* Inserts a node before this LexicalNode (as the previous sibling).
* @param nodeToInsert - The node to insert before this one.
* @param restoreSelection - Whether or not to attempt to resolve the
* selection to the appropriate place after the operation is complete.
* */
insertBefore(nodeToInsert, restoreSelection = true) {
errorOnInsertTextNodeOnRoot(this, nodeToInsert);
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
const writableNodeToInsert = nodeToInsert.getWritable();
const insertKey = writableNodeToInsert.__key;
const prevSibling = this.getPreviousSibling();
const writableParent = this.getParentOrThrow().getWritable();
const prevKey = writableSelf.__prev;
// TODO: this is O(n), can we improve?
const index = this.getIndexWithinParent();
if (prevSibling === null) {
writableParent.__first = insertKey;
} else {
const writablePrevSibling = prevSibling.getWritable();
writablePrevSibling.__next = insertKey;
writableSelf.__prev = insertKey;
writableNodeToInsert.__prev = prevKey;
writableNodeToInsert.__next = writableSelf.__key;
writableNodeToInsert.__parent = writableSelf.__parent;
const selection = $getSelection();
if (restoreSelection && $isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const parent = this.getParentOrThrow();
$updateElementSelectionOnCreateDeleteNode(selection, parent, index);
return nodeToInsert;
* Whether or not this node has a required parent. Used during copy + paste operations
* to normalize nodes that would otherwise be orphaned. For example, ListItemNodes without
* a ListNode parent or TextNodes with a ParagraphNode parent.
* */
isParentRequired() {
return false;
* The creation logic for any required parent. Should be implemented if {@link isParentRequired} returns true.
* */
createParentElementNode() {
return $createParagraphNode();
selectStart() {
return this.selectPrevious();
selectEnd() {
return this.selectNext(0, 0);
* Moves selection to the previous sibling of this node, at the specified offsets.
* @param anchorOffset - The anchor offset for selection.
* @param focusOffset - The focus offset for selection
* */
selectPrevious(anchorOffset, focusOffset) {
const prevSibling = this.getPreviousSibling();
const parent = this.getParentOrThrow();
if (prevSibling === null) {
return parent.select(0, 0);
if ($isElementNode(prevSibling)) {
return prevSibling.select();
} else if (!$isTextNode(prevSibling)) {
const index = prevSibling.getIndexWithinParent() + 1;
return parent.select(index, index);
return prevSibling.select(anchorOffset, focusOffset);
* Moves selection to the next sibling of this node, at the specified offsets.
* @param anchorOffset - The anchor offset for selection.
* @param focusOffset - The focus offset for selection
* */
selectNext(anchorOffset, focusOffset) {
const nextSibling = this.getNextSibling();
const parent = this.getParentOrThrow();
if (nextSibling === null) {
return parent.select();
if ($isElementNode(nextSibling)) {
return nextSibling.select(0, 0);
} else if (!$isTextNode(nextSibling)) {
const index = nextSibling.getIndexWithinParent();
return parent.select(index, index);
return nextSibling.select(anchorOffset, focusOffset);
* Marks a node dirty, triggering transforms and
* forcing it to be reconciled during the update cycle.
* */
markDirty() {
function errorOnTypeKlassMismatch(type, klass) {
const registeredNode = getActiveEditor()._nodes.get(type);
// Common error - split in its own invariant
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`Create node: Attempted to create node ${klass.name} that was not configured to be used on the editor.`);
const editorKlass = registeredNode.klass;
if (editorKlass !== klass) {
throw Error(`Create node: Type ${type} in node ${klass.name} does not match registered node ${editorKlass.name} with the same type`);
* Insert a series of nodes after this LexicalNode (as next siblings)
* @param firstToInsert - The first node to insert after this one.
* @param lastToInsert - The last node to insert after this one. Must be a
* later sibling of FirstNode. If not provided, it will be its last sibling.
function insertRangeAfter(node, firstToInsert, lastToInsert) {
const lastToInsert2 = lastToInsert || firstToInsert.getParentOrThrow().getLastChild();
let current = firstToInsert;
const nodesToInsert = [firstToInsert];
while (current !== lastToInsert2) {
if (!current.getNextSibling()) {
throw Error(`insertRangeAfter: lastToInsert must be a later sibling of firstToInsert`);
current = current.getNextSibling();
let currentNode = node;
for (const nodeToInsert of nodesToInsert) {
currentNode = currentNode.insertAfter(nodeToInsert);
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class LineBreakNode extends LexicalNode {
static getType() {
return 'linebreak';
static clone(node) {
return new LineBreakNode(node.__key);
constructor(key) {
getTextContent() {
return '\n';
createDOM() {
return document.createElement('br');
updateDOM() {
return false;
static importDOM() {
return {
br: node => {
if (isOnlyChild(node)) {
return null;
return {
conversion: convertLineBreakElement,
priority: 0
static importJSON(serializedLineBreakNode) {
return $createLineBreakNode();
exportJSON() {
return {
type: 'linebreak',
version: 1
function convertLineBreakElement(node) {
return {
node: $createLineBreakNode()
function $createLineBreakNode() {
return $applyNodeReplacement(new LineBreakNode());
function $isLineBreakNode(node) {
return node instanceof LineBreakNode;
function isOnlyChild(node) {
const parentElement = node.parentElement;
if (parentElement !== null) {
const firstChild = parentElement.firstChild;
if (firstChild === node || firstChild.nextSibling === node && isWhitespaceDomTextNode(firstChild)) {
const lastChild = parentElement.lastChild;
if (lastChild === node || lastChild.previousSibling === node && isWhitespaceDomTextNode(lastChild)) {
return true;
return false;
function isWhitespaceDomTextNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE && /^( |\t|\r?\n)+$/.test(node.textContent || '');
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function getElementOuterTag(node, format) {
if (format & IS_CODE) {
return 'code';
if (format & IS_HIGHLIGHT) {
return 'mark';
if (format & IS_SUBSCRIPT) {
return 'sub';
if (format & IS_SUPERSCRIPT) {
return 'sup';
return null;
function getElementInnerTag(node, format) {
if (format & IS_BOLD) {
return 'strong';
if (format & IS_ITALIC) {
return 'em';
return 'span';
function setTextThemeClassNames(tag, prevFormat, nextFormat, dom, textClassNames) {
const domClassList = dom.classList;
// Firstly we handle the base theme.
let classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(textClassNames, 'base');
if (classNames !== undefined) {
// Secondly we handle the special case: underline + strikethrough.
// We have to do this as we need a way to compose the fact that
// the same CSS property will need to be used: text-decoration.
// In an ideal world we shouldn't have to do this, but there's no
// easy workaround for many atomic CSS systems today.
classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(textClassNames, 'underlineStrikethrough');
let hasUnderlineStrikethrough = false;
const prevUnderlineStrikethrough = prevFormat & IS_UNDERLINE && prevFormat & IS_STRIKETHROUGH;
const nextUnderlineStrikethrough = nextFormat & IS_UNDERLINE && nextFormat & IS_STRIKETHROUGH;
if (classNames !== undefined) {
if (nextUnderlineStrikethrough) {
hasUnderlineStrikethrough = true;
if (!prevUnderlineStrikethrough) {
} else if (prevUnderlineStrikethrough) {
for (const key in TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT) {
const format = key;
const flag = TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[format];
classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(textClassNames, key);
if (classNames !== undefined) {
if (nextFormat & flag) {
if (hasUnderlineStrikethrough && (key === 'underline' || key === 'strikethrough')) {
if (prevFormat & flag) {
if ((prevFormat & flag) === 0 || prevUnderlineStrikethrough && key === 'underline' || key === 'strikethrough') {
} else if (prevFormat & flag) {
function diffComposedText(a, b) {
const aLength = a.length;
const bLength = b.length;
let left = 0;
let right = 0;
while (left < aLength && left < bLength && a[left] === b[left]) {
while (right + left < aLength && right + left < bLength && a[aLength - right - 1] === b[bLength - right - 1]) {
return [left, aLength - left - right, b.slice(left, bLength - right)];
function setTextContent(nextText, dom, node) {
const firstChild = dom.firstChild;
const isComposing = node.isComposing();
// Always add a suffix if we're composing a node
const suffix = isComposing ? COMPOSITION_SUFFIX : '';
const text = nextText + suffix;
if (firstChild == null) {
dom.textContent = text;
} else {
const nodeValue = firstChild.nodeValue;
if (nodeValue !== text) {
if (isComposing || IS_FIREFOX) {
// We also use the diff composed text for general text in FF to avoid
// the spellcheck red line from flickering.
const [index, remove, insert] = diffComposedText(nodeValue, text);
if (remove !== 0) {
// @ts-expect-error
firstChild.deleteData(index, remove);
// @ts-expect-error
firstChild.insertData(index, insert);
} else {
firstChild.nodeValue = text;
function createTextInnerDOM(innerDOM, node, innerTag, format, text, config) {
setTextContent(text, innerDOM, node);
const theme = config.theme;
// Apply theme class names
const textClassNames = theme.text;
if (textClassNames !== undefined) {
setTextThemeClassNames(innerTag, 0, format, innerDOM, textClassNames);
function wrapElementWith(element, tag) {
const el = document.createElement(tag);
return el;
/** @noInheritDoc */
class TextNode extends LexicalNode {
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
static getType() {
return 'text';
static clone(node) {
return new TextNode(node.__text, node.__key);
constructor(text, key) {
this.__text = text;
this.__format = 0;
this.__style = '';
this.__mode = 0;
this.__detail = 0;
* Returns a 32-bit integer that represents the TextFormatTypes currently applied to the
* TextNode. You probably don't want to use this method directly - consider using TextNode.hasFormat instead.
* @returns a number representing the format of the text node.
getFormat() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__format;
* Returns a 32-bit integer that represents the TextDetailTypes currently applied to the
* TextNode. You probably don't want to use this method directly - consider using TextNode.isDirectionless
* or TextNode.isUnmergeable instead.
* @returns a number representing the detail of the text node.
getDetail() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__detail;
* Returns the mode (TextModeType) of the TextNode, which may be "normal", "token", or "segmented"
* @returns TextModeType.
getMode() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return TEXT_TYPE_TO_MODE[self.__mode];
* Returns the styles currently applied to the node. This is analogous to CSSText in the DOM.
* @returns CSSText-like string of styles applied to the underlying DOM node.
getStyle() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__style;
* Returns whether or not the node is in "token" mode. TextNodes in token mode can be navigated through character-by-character
* with a RangeSelection, but are deleted as a single entity (not invdividually by character).
* @returns true if the node is in token mode, false otherwise.
isToken() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__mode === IS_TOKEN;
* @returns true if Lexical detects that an IME or other 3rd-party script is attempting to
* mutate the TextNode, false otherwise.
isComposing() {
return this.__key === $getCompositionKey();
* Returns whether or not the node is in "segemented" mode. TextNodes in segemented mode can be navigated through character-by-character
* with a RangeSelection, but are deleted in space-delimited "segments".
* @returns true if the node is in segmented mode, false otherwise.
isSegmented() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__mode === IS_SEGMENTED;
* Returns whether or not the node is "directionless". Directionless nodes don't respect changes between RTL and LTR modes.
* @returns true if the node is directionless, false otherwise.
isDirectionless() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return (self.__detail & IS_DIRECTIONLESS) !== 0;
* Returns whether or not the node is unmergeable. In some scenarios, Lexical tries to merge
* adjacent TextNodes into a single TextNode. If a TextNode is unmergeable, this won't happen.
* @returns true if the node is unmergeable, false otherwise.
isUnmergeable() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return (self.__detail & IS_UNMERGEABLE) !== 0;
* Returns whether or not the node has the provided format applied. Use this with the human-readable TextFormatType
* string values to get the format of a TextNode.
* @param type - the TextFormatType to check for.
* @returns true if the node has the provided format, false otherwise.
hasFormat(type) {
const formatFlag = TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[type];
return (this.getFormat() & formatFlag) !== 0;
* Returns whether or not the node is simple text. Simple text is defined as a TextNode that has the string type "text"
* (i.e., not a subclass) and has no mode applied to it (i.e., not segmented or token).
* @returns true if the node is simple text, false otherwise.
isSimpleText() {
return this.__type === 'text' && this.__mode === 0;
* Returns the text content of the node as a string.
* @returns a string representing the text content of the node.
getTextContent() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__text;
* Returns the format flags applied to the node as a 32-bit integer.
* @returns a number representing the TextFormatTypes applied to the node.
getFormatFlags(type, alignWithFormat) {
const self = this.getLatest();
const format = self.__format;
return toggleTextFormatType(format, type, alignWithFormat);
* @returns true if the text node supports font styling, false otherwise.
canHaveFormat() {
return true;
// View
createDOM(config, editor) {
const format = this.__format;
const outerTag = getElementOuterTag(this, format);
const innerTag = getElementInnerTag(this, format);
const tag = outerTag === null ? innerTag : outerTag;
const dom = document.createElement(tag);
let innerDOM = dom;
if (this.hasFormat('code')) {
dom.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false');
if (outerTag !== null) {
innerDOM = document.createElement(innerTag);
const text = this.__text;
createTextInnerDOM(innerDOM, this, innerTag, format, text, config);
const style = this.__style;
if (style !== '') {
dom.style.cssText = style;
return dom;
updateDOM(prevNode, dom, config) {
const nextText = this.__text;
const prevFormat = prevNode.__format;
const nextFormat = this.__format;
const prevOuterTag = getElementOuterTag(this, prevFormat);
const nextOuterTag = getElementOuterTag(this, nextFormat);
const prevInnerTag = getElementInnerTag(this, prevFormat);
const nextInnerTag = getElementInnerTag(this, nextFormat);
const prevTag = prevOuterTag === null ? prevInnerTag : prevOuterTag;
const nextTag = nextOuterTag === null ? nextInnerTag : nextOuterTag;
if (prevTag !== nextTag) {
return true;
if (prevOuterTag === nextOuterTag && prevInnerTag !== nextInnerTag) {
// should always be an element
const prevInnerDOM = dom.firstChild;
if (prevInnerDOM == null) {
throw Error(`updateDOM: prevInnerDOM is null or undefined`);
const nextInnerDOM = document.createElement(nextInnerTag);
createTextInnerDOM(nextInnerDOM, this, nextInnerTag, nextFormat, nextText, config);
dom.replaceChild(nextInnerDOM, prevInnerDOM);
return false;
let innerDOM = dom;
if (nextOuterTag !== null) {
if (prevOuterTag !== null) {
innerDOM = dom.firstChild;
if (innerDOM == null) {
throw Error(`updateDOM: innerDOM is null or undefined`);
setTextContent(nextText, innerDOM, this);
const theme = config.theme;
// Apply theme class names
const textClassNames = theme.text;
if (textClassNames !== undefined && prevFormat !== nextFormat) {
setTextThemeClassNames(nextInnerTag, prevFormat, nextFormat, innerDOM, textClassNames);
const prevStyle = prevNode.__style;
const nextStyle = this.__style;
if (prevStyle !== nextStyle) {
dom.style.cssText = nextStyle;
return false;
static importDOM() {
return {
'#text': () => ({
conversion: convertTextDOMNode,
priority: 0
b: () => ({
conversion: convertBringAttentionToElement,
priority: 0
code: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
em: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
i: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
s: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
span: () => ({
conversion: convertSpanElement,
priority: 0
strong: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
sub: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
sup: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
u: () => ({
conversion: convertTextFormatElement,
priority: 0
static importJSON(serializedNode) {
const node = $createTextNode(serializedNode.text);
return node;
// This improves Lexical's basic text output in copy+paste plus
// for headless mode where people might use Lexical to generate
// HTML content and not have the ability to use CSS classes.
exportDOM(editor) {
let {
} = super.exportDOM(editor);
if (!(element !== null && isHTMLElement(element))) {
throw Error(`Expected TextNode createDOM to always return a HTMLElement`);
element.style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';
// This is the only way to properly add support for most clients,
// even if it's semantically incorrect to have to resort to using
// <b>, <u>, <s>, <i> elements.
if (this.hasFormat('bold')) {
element = wrapElementWith(element, 'b');
if (this.hasFormat('italic')) {
element = wrapElementWith(element, 'i');
if (this.hasFormat('strikethrough')) {
element = wrapElementWith(element, 's');
if (this.hasFormat('underline')) {
element = wrapElementWith(element, 'u');
return {
exportJSON() {
return {
detail: this.getDetail(),
format: this.getFormat(),
mode: this.getMode(),
style: this.getStyle(),
text: this.getTextContent(),
type: 'text',
version: 1
// Mutators
selectionTransform(prevSelection, nextSelection) {
* Sets the node format to the provided TextFormatType or 32-bit integer. Note that the TextFormatType
* version of the argument can only specify one format and doing so will remove all other formats that
* may be applied to the node. For toggling behavior, consider using {@link TextNode.toggleFormat}
* @param format - TextFormatType or 32-bit integer representing the node format.
* @returns this TextNode.
* // TODO 0.12 This should just be a `string`.
setFormat(format) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__format = typeof format === 'string' ? TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[format] : format;
return self;
* Sets the node detail to the provided TextDetailType or 32-bit integer. Note that the TextDetailType
* version of the argument can only specify one detail value and doing so will remove all other detail values that
* may be applied to the node. For toggling behavior, consider using {@link TextNode.toggleDirectionless}
* or {@link TextNode.togglerUnmergeable}
* @param detail - TextDetailType or 32-bit integer representing the node detail.
* @returns this TextNode.
* // TODO 0.12 This should just be a `string`.
setDetail(detail) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__detail = typeof detail === 'string' ? DETAIL_TYPE_TO_DETAIL[detail] : detail;
return self;
* Sets the node style to the provided CSSText-like string. Set this property as you
* would an HTMLElement style attribute to apply inline styles to the underlying DOM Element.
* @param style - CSSText to be applied to the underlying HTMLElement.
* @returns this TextNode.
setStyle(style) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__style = style;
return self;
* Applies the provided format to this TextNode if it's not present. Removes it if it's present.
* The subscript and superscript formats are mutually exclusive.
* Prefer using this method to turn specific formats on and off.
* @param type - TextFormatType to toggle.
* @returns this TextNode.
toggleFormat(type) {
const format = this.getFormat();
const newFormat = toggleTextFormatType(format, type, null);
return this.setFormat(newFormat);
* Toggles the directionless detail value of the node. Prefer using this method over setDetail.
* @returns this TextNode.
toggleDirectionless() {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__detail ^= IS_DIRECTIONLESS;
return self;
* Toggles the unmergeable detail value of the node. Prefer using this method over setDetail.
* @returns this TextNode.
toggleUnmergeable() {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__detail ^= IS_UNMERGEABLE;
return self;
* Sets the mode of the node.
* @returns this TextNode.
setMode(type) {
const mode = TEXT_MODE_TO_TYPE[type];
if (this.__mode === mode) {
return this;
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__mode = mode;
return self;
* Sets the text content of the node.
* @param text - the string to set as the text value of the node.
* @returns this TextNode.
setTextContent(text) {
if (this.__text === text) {
return this;
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__text = text;
return self;
* Sets the current Lexical selection to be a RangeSelection with anchor and focus on this TextNode at the provided offsets.
* @param _anchorOffset - the offset at which the Selection anchor will be placed.
* @param _focusOffset - the offset at which the Selection focus will be placed.
* @returns the new RangeSelection.
select(_anchorOffset, _focusOffset) {
let anchorOffset = _anchorOffset;
let focusOffset = _focusOffset;
const selection = $getSelection();
const text = this.getTextContent();
const key = this.__key;
if (typeof text === 'string') {
const lastOffset = text.length;
if (anchorOffset === undefined) {
anchorOffset = lastOffset;
if (focusOffset === undefined) {
focusOffset = lastOffset;
} else {
anchorOffset = 0;
focusOffset = 0;
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return internalMakeRangeSelection(key, anchorOffset, key, focusOffset, 'text', 'text');
} else {
const compositionKey = $getCompositionKey();
if (compositionKey === selection.anchor.key || compositionKey === selection.focus.key) {
selection.setTextNodeRange(this, anchorOffset, this, focusOffset);
return selection;
selectStart() {
return this.select(0, 0);
selectEnd() {
const size = this.getTextContentSize();
return this.select(size, size);
* Inserts the provided text into this TextNode at the provided offset, deleting the number of characters
* specified. Can optionally calculate a new selection after the operation is complete.
* @param offset - the offset at which the splice operation should begin.
* @param delCount - the number of characters to delete, starting from the offset.
* @param newText - the text to insert into the TextNode at the offset.
* @param moveSelection - optional, whether or not to move selection to the end of the inserted substring.
* @returns this TextNode.
spliceText(offset, delCount, newText, moveSelection) {
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
const text = writableSelf.__text;
const handledTextLength = newText.length;
let index = offset;
if (index < 0) {
index = handledTextLength + index;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
const selection = $getSelection();
if (moveSelection && $isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const newOffset = offset + handledTextLength;
selection.setTextNodeRange(writableSelf, newOffset, writableSelf, newOffset);
const updatedText = text.slice(0, index) + newText + text.slice(index + delCount);
writableSelf.__text = updatedText;
return writableSelf;
* This method is meant to be overriden by TextNode subclasses to control the behavior of those nodes
* when a user event would cause text to be inserted before them in the editor. If true, Lexical will attempt
* to insert text into this node. If false, it will insert the text in a new sibling node.
* @returns true if text can be inserted before the node, false otherwise.
canInsertTextBefore() {
return true;
* This method is meant to be overriden by TextNode subclasses to control the behavior of those nodes
* when a user event would cause text to be inserted after them in the editor. If true, Lexical will attempt
* to insert text into this node. If false, it will insert the text in a new sibling node.
* @returns true if text can be inserted after the node, false otherwise.
canInsertTextAfter() {
return true;
* Splits this TextNode at the provided character offsets, forming new TextNodes from the substrings
* formed by the split, and inserting those new TextNodes into the editor, replacing the one that was split.
* @param splitOffsets - rest param of the text content character offsets at which this node should be split.
* @returns an Array containing the newly-created TextNodes.
splitText(...splitOffsets) {
const self = this.getLatest();
const textContent = self.getTextContent();
const key = self.__key;
const compositionKey = $getCompositionKey();
const offsetsSet = new Set(splitOffsets);
const parts = [];
const textLength = textContent.length;
let string = '';
for (let i = 0; i < textLength; i++) {
if (string !== '' && offsetsSet.has(i)) {
string = '';
string += textContent[i];
if (string !== '') {
const partsLength = parts.length;
if (partsLength === 0) {
return [];
} else if (parts[0] === textContent) {
return [self];
const firstPart = parts[0];
const parent = self.getParentOrThrow();
let writableNode;
const format = self.getFormat();
const style = self.getStyle();
const detail = self.__detail;
let hasReplacedSelf = false;
if (self.isSegmented()) {
// Create a new TextNode
writableNode = $createTextNode(firstPart);
writableNode.__format = format;
writableNode.__style = style;
writableNode.__detail = detail;
hasReplacedSelf = true;
} else {
// For the first part, update the existing node
writableNode = self.getWritable();
writableNode.__text = firstPart;
// Handle selection
const selection = $getSelection();
// Then handle all other parts
const splitNodes = [writableNode];
let textSize = firstPart.length;
for (let i = 1; i < partsLength; i++) {
const part = parts[i];
const partSize = part.length;
const sibling = $createTextNode(part).getWritable();
sibling.__format = format;
sibling.__style = style;
sibling.__detail = detail;
const siblingKey = sibling.__key;
const nextTextSize = textSize + partSize;
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
if (anchor.key === key && anchor.type === 'text' && anchor.offset > textSize && anchor.offset <= nextTextSize) {
anchor.key = siblingKey;
anchor.offset -= textSize;
selection.dirty = true;
if (focus.key === key && focus.type === 'text' && focus.offset > textSize && focus.offset <= nextTextSize) {
focus.key = siblingKey;
focus.offset -= textSize;
selection.dirty = true;
if (compositionKey === key) {
textSize = nextTextSize;
// Insert the nodes into the parent's children
const writableParent = parent.getWritable();
const insertionIndex = this.getIndexWithinParent();
if (hasReplacedSelf) {
writableParent.splice(insertionIndex, 0, splitNodes);
} else {
writableParent.splice(insertionIndex, 1, splitNodes);
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
$updateElementSelectionOnCreateDeleteNode(selection, parent, insertionIndex, partsLength - 1);
return splitNodes;
* Merges the target TextNode into this TextNode, removing the target node.
* @param target - the TextNode to merge into this one.
* @returns this TextNode.
mergeWithSibling(target) {
const isBefore = target === this.getPreviousSibling();
if (!isBefore && target !== this.getNextSibling()) {
throw Error(`mergeWithSibling: sibling must be a previous or next sibling`);
const key = this.__key;
const targetKey = target.__key;
const text = this.__text;
const textLength = text.length;
const compositionKey = $getCompositionKey();
if (compositionKey === targetKey) {
const selection = $getSelection();
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
if (anchor !== null && anchor.key === targetKey) {
adjustPointOffsetForMergedSibling(anchor, isBefore, key, target, textLength);
selection.dirty = true;
if (focus !== null && focus.key === targetKey) {
adjustPointOffsetForMergedSibling(focus, isBefore, key, target, textLength);
selection.dirty = true;
const targetText = target.__text;
const newText = isBefore ? targetText + text : text + targetText;
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
return writableSelf;
* This method is meant to be overriden by TextNode subclasses to control the behavior of those nodes
* when used with the registerLexicalTextEntity function. If you're using registerLexicalTextEntity, the
* node class that you create and replace matched text with should return true from this method.
* @returns true if the node is to be treated as a "text entity", false otherwise.
isTextEntity() {
return false;
function convertSpanElement(domNode) {
// domNode is a <span> since we matched it by nodeName
const span = domNode;
// Google Docs uses span tags + font-weight for bold text
const hasBoldFontWeight = span.style.fontWeight === '700';
// Google Docs uses span tags + text-decoration: line-through for strikethrough text
const hasLinethroughTextDecoration = span.style.textDecoration === 'line-through';
// Google Docs uses span tags + font-style for italic text
const hasItalicFontStyle = span.style.fontStyle === 'italic';
// Google Docs uses span tags + text-decoration: underline for underline text
const hasUnderlineTextDecoration = span.style.textDecoration === 'underline';
// Google Docs uses span tags + vertical-align to specify subscript and superscript
const verticalAlign = span.style.verticalAlign;
return {
forChild: lexicalNode => {
if (!$isTextNode(lexicalNode)) {
return lexicalNode;
if (hasBoldFontWeight) {
if (hasLinethroughTextDecoration) {
if (hasItalicFontStyle) {
if (hasUnderlineTextDecoration) {
if (verticalAlign === 'sub') {
if (verticalAlign === 'super') {
return lexicalNode;
node: null
function convertBringAttentionToElement(domNode) {
// domNode is a <b> since we matched it by nodeName
const b = domNode;
// Google Docs wraps all copied HTML in a <b> with font-weight normal
const hasNormalFontWeight = b.style.fontWeight === 'normal';
return {
forChild: lexicalNode => {
if ($isTextNode(lexicalNode) && !hasNormalFontWeight) {
return lexicalNode;
node: null
const preParentCache = new WeakMap();
function isNodePre(node) {
return node.nodeName === 'PRE' || node.nodeType === DOM_ELEMENT_TYPE && node.style !== undefined && node.style.whiteSpace !== undefined && node.style.whiteSpace.startsWith('pre');
function findParentPreDOMNode(node) {
let cached;
let parent = node.parentNode;
const visited = [node];
while (parent !== null && (cached = preParentCache.get(parent)) === undefined && !isNodePre(parent)) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
const resultNode = cached === undefined ? parent : cached;
for (let i = 0; i < visited.length; i++) {
preParentCache.set(visited[i], resultNode);
return resultNode;
function convertTextDOMNode(domNode) {
const domNode_ = domNode;
const parentDom = domNode.parentElement;
if (!(parentDom !== null)) {
throw Error(`Expected parentElement of Text not to be null`);
let textContent = domNode_.textContent || '';
// No collapse and preserve segment break for pre, pre-wrap and pre-line
if (findParentPreDOMNode(domNode_) !== null) {
const parts = textContent.split(/(\r?\n|\t)/);
const nodes = [];
const length = parts.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const part = parts[i];
if (part === '\n' || part === '\r\n') {
} else if (part === '\t') {
} else if (part !== '') {
return {
node: nodes
textContent = textContent.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/[ \t\n]+/g, ' ');
if (textContent === '') {
return {
node: null
if (textContent[0] === ' ') {
// Traverse backward while in the same line. If content contains new line or tab -> pontential
// delete, other elements can borrow from this one. Deletion depends on whether it's also the
// last space (see next condition: textContent[textContent.length - 1] === ' '))
let previousText = domNode_;
let isStartOfLine = true;
while (previousText !== null && (previousText = findTextInLine(previousText, false)) !== null) {
const previousTextContent = previousText.textContent || '';
if (previousTextContent.length > 0) {
if (/[ \t\n]$/.test(previousTextContent)) {
textContent = textContent.slice(1);
isStartOfLine = false;
if (isStartOfLine) {
textContent = textContent.slice(1);
if (textContent[textContent.length - 1] === ' ') {
// Traverse forward while in the same line, preserve if next inline will require a space
let nextText = domNode_;
let isEndOfLine = true;
while (nextText !== null && (nextText = findTextInLine(nextText, true)) !== null) {
const nextTextContent = (nextText.textContent || '').replace(/^( |\t|\r?\n)+/, '');
if (nextTextContent.length > 0) {
isEndOfLine = false;
if (isEndOfLine) {
textContent = textContent.slice(0, textContent.length - 1);
if (textContent === '') {
return {
node: null
return {
node: $createTextNode(textContent)
const inlineParents = new RegExp(/^(a|abbr|acronym|b|cite|code|del|em|i|ins|kbd|label|output|q|ruby|s|samp|span|strong|sub|sup|time|u|tt|var)$/, 'i');
function findTextInLine(text, forward) {
let node = text;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
let sibling;
while ((sibling = forward ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling) === null) {
const parentElement = node.parentElement;
if (parentElement === null) {
return null;
node = parentElement;
node = sibling;
if (node.nodeType === DOM_ELEMENT_TYPE) {
const display = node.style.display;
if (display === '' && node.nodeName.match(inlineParents) === null || display !== '' && !display.startsWith('inline')) {
return null;
let descendant = node;
while ((descendant = forward ? node.firstChild : node.lastChild) !== null) {
node = descendant;
if (node.nodeType === DOM_TEXT_TYPE) {
return node;
} else if (node.nodeName === 'BR') {
return null;
const nodeNameToTextFormat = {
code: 'code',
em: 'italic',
i: 'italic',
s: 'strikethrough',
strong: 'bold',
sub: 'subscript',
sup: 'superscript',
u: 'underline'
function convertTextFormatElement(domNode) {
const format = nodeNameToTextFormat[domNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
if (format === undefined) {
return {
node: null
return {
forChild: lexicalNode => {
if ($isTextNode(lexicalNode) && !lexicalNode.hasFormat(format)) {
return lexicalNode;
node: null
function $createTextNode(text = '') {
return $applyNodeReplacement(new TextNode(text));
function $isTextNode(node) {
return node instanceof TextNode;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class TabNode extends TextNode {
static getType() {
return 'tab';
static clone(node) {
const newNode = new TabNode(node.__key);
// TabNode __text can be either '\t' or ''. insertText will remove the empty Node
newNode.__text = node.__text;
newNode.__format = node.__format;
newNode.__style = node.__style;
return newNode;
constructor(key) {
super('\t', key);
this.__detail = IS_UNMERGEABLE;
static importDOM() {
return null;
static importJSON(serializedTabNode) {
const node = $createTabNode();
return node;
exportJSON() {
return {
type: 'tab',
version: 1
setTextContent(_text) {
throw Error(`TabNode does not support setTextContent`);
setDetail(_detail) {
throw Error(`TabNode does not support setDetail`);
setMode(_type) {
throw Error(`TabNode does not support setMode`);
canInsertTextBefore() {
return false;
canInsertTextAfter() {
return false;
function $createTabNode() {
return $applyNodeReplacement(new TabNode());
function $isTabNode(node) {
return node instanceof TabNode;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
class Point {
constructor(key, offset, type) {
this._selection = null;
this.key = key;
this.offset = offset;
this.type = type;
is(point) {
return this.key === point.key && this.offset === point.offset && this.type === point.type;
isBefore(b) {
let aNode = this.getNode();
let bNode = b.getNode();
const aOffset = this.offset;
const bOffset = b.offset;
if ($isElementNode(aNode)) {
const aNodeDescendant = aNode.getDescendantByIndex(aOffset);
aNode = aNodeDescendant != null ? aNodeDescendant : aNode;
if ($isElementNode(bNode)) {
const bNodeDescendant = bNode.getDescendantByIndex(bOffset);
bNode = bNodeDescendant != null ? bNodeDescendant : bNode;
if (aNode === bNode) {
return aOffset < bOffset;
return aNode.isBefore(bNode);
getNode() {
const key = this.key;
const node = $getNodeByKey(key);
if (node === null) {
throw Error(`Point.getNode: node not found`);
return node;
set(key, offset, type) {
const selection = this._selection;
const oldKey = this.key;
this.key = key;
this.offset = offset;
this.type = type;
if (!isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode()) {
if ($getCompositionKey() === oldKey) {
if (selection !== null) {
selection.dirty = true;
function $createPoint(key, offset, type) {
// @ts-expect-error: intentionally cast as we use a class for perf reasons
return new Point(key, offset, type);
function selectPointOnNode(point, node) {
let key = node.__key;
let offset = point.offset;
let type = 'element';
if ($isTextNode(node)) {
type = 'text';
const textContentLength = node.getTextContentSize();
if (offset > textContentLength) {
offset = textContentLength;
} else if (!$isElementNode(node)) {
const nextSibling = node.getNextSibling();
if ($isTextNode(nextSibling)) {
key = nextSibling.__key;
offset = 0;
type = 'text';
} else {
const parentNode = node.getParent();
if (parentNode) {
key = parentNode.__key;
offset = node.getIndexWithinParent() + 1;
point.set(key, offset, type);
function $moveSelectionPointToEnd(point, node) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const lastNode = node.getLastDescendant();
if ($isElementNode(lastNode) || $isTextNode(lastNode)) {
selectPointOnNode(point, lastNode);
} else {
selectPointOnNode(point, node);
} else {
selectPointOnNode(point, node);
function $transferStartingElementPointToTextPoint(start, end, format, style) {
const element = start.getNode();
const placementNode = element.getChildAtIndex(start.offset);
const textNode = $createTextNode();
const target = $isRootNode(element) ? $createParagraphNode().append(textNode) : textNode;
if (placementNode === null) {
} else {
// Transfer the element point to a text point.
if (start.is(end)) {
end.set(textNode.__key, 0, 'text');
start.set(textNode.__key, 0, 'text');
function $setPointValues(point, key, offset, type) {
point.key = key;
point.offset = offset;
point.type = type;
class NodeSelection {
constructor(objects) {
this._cachedNodes = null;
this._nodes = objects;
this.dirty = false;
getCachedNodes() {
return this._cachedNodes;
setCachedNodes(nodes) {
this._cachedNodes = nodes;
is(selection) {
if (!$isNodeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
const a = this._nodes;
const b = selection._nodes;
return a.size === b.size && Array.from(a).every(key => b.has(key));
isCollapsed() {
return false;
isBackward() {
return false;
getStartEndPoints() {
return null;
add(key) {
this.dirty = true;
this._cachedNodes = null;
delete(key) {
this.dirty = true;
this._cachedNodes = null;
clear() {
this.dirty = true;
this._cachedNodes = null;
has(key) {
return this._nodes.has(key);
clone() {
return new NodeSelection(new Set(this._nodes));
extract() {
return this.getNodes();
insertRawText(text) {
// Do nothing?
insertText() {
// Do nothing?
insertNodes(nodes) {
const selectedNodes = this.getNodes();
const selectedNodesLength = selectedNodes.length;
const lastSelectedNode = selectedNodes[selectedNodesLength - 1];
let selectionAtEnd;
// Insert nodes
if ($isTextNode(lastSelectedNode)) {
selectionAtEnd = lastSelectedNode.select();
} else {
const index = lastSelectedNode.getIndexWithinParent() + 1;
selectionAtEnd = lastSelectedNode.getParentOrThrow().select(index, index);
// Remove selected nodes
for (let i = 0; i < selectedNodesLength; i++) {
getNodes() {
const cachedNodes = this._cachedNodes;
if (cachedNodes !== null) {
return cachedNodes;
const objects = this._nodes;
const nodes = [];
for (const object of objects) {
const node = $getNodeByKey(object);
if (node !== null) {
if (!isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode()) {
this._cachedNodes = nodes;
return nodes;
getTextContent() {
const nodes = this.getNodes();
let textContent = '';
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
textContent += nodes[i].getTextContent();
return textContent;
function $isRangeSelection(x) {
return x instanceof RangeSelection;
class RangeSelection {
constructor(anchor, focus, format, style) {
this.anchor = anchor;
this.focus = focus;
anchor._selection = this;
focus._selection = this;
this._cachedNodes = null;
this.format = format;
this.style = style;
this.dirty = false;
getCachedNodes() {
return this._cachedNodes;
setCachedNodes(nodes) {
this._cachedNodes = nodes;
* Used to check if the provided selections is equal to this one by value,
* inluding anchor, focus, format, and style properties.
* @param selection - the Selection to compare this one to.
* @returns true if the Selections are equal, false otherwise.
is(selection) {
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return false;
return this.anchor.is(selection.anchor) && this.focus.is(selection.focus) && this.format === selection.format && this.style === selection.style;
* Returns whether the Selection is "collapsed", meaning the anchor and focus are
* the same node and have the same offset.
* @returns true if the Selection is collapsed, false otherwise.
isCollapsed() {
return this.anchor.is(this.focus);
* Gets all the nodes in the Selection. Uses caching to make it generally suitable
* for use in hot paths.
* @returns an Array containing all the nodes in the Selection
getNodes() {
const cachedNodes = this._cachedNodes;
if (cachedNodes !== null) {
return cachedNodes;
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
const isBefore = anchor.isBefore(focus);
const firstPoint = isBefore ? anchor : focus;
const lastPoint = isBefore ? focus : anchor;
let firstNode = firstPoint.getNode();
let lastNode = lastPoint.getNode();
const startOffset = firstPoint.offset;
const endOffset = lastPoint.offset;
if ($isElementNode(firstNode)) {
const firstNodeDescendant = firstNode.getDescendantByIndex(startOffset);
firstNode = firstNodeDescendant != null ? firstNodeDescendant : firstNode;
if ($isElementNode(lastNode)) {
let lastNodeDescendant = lastNode.getDescendantByIndex(endOffset);
// We don't want to over-select, as node selection infers the child before
// the last descendant, not including that descendant.
if (lastNodeDescendant !== null && lastNodeDescendant !== firstNode && lastNode.getChildAtIndex(endOffset) === lastNodeDescendant) {
lastNodeDescendant = lastNodeDescendant.getPreviousSibling();
lastNode = lastNodeDescendant != null ? lastNodeDescendant : lastNode;
let nodes;
if (firstNode.is(lastNode)) {
if ($isElementNode(firstNode) && firstNode.getChildrenSize() > 0) {
nodes = [];
} else {
nodes = [firstNode];
} else {
nodes = firstNode.getNodesBetween(lastNode);
if (!isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode()) {
this._cachedNodes = nodes;
return nodes;
* Sets this Selection to be of type "text" at the provided anchor and focus values.
* @param anchorNode - the anchor node to set on the Selection
* @param anchorOffset - the offset to set on the Selection
* @param focusNode - the focus node to set on the Selection
* @param focusOffset - the focus offset to set on the Selection
setTextNodeRange(anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset) {
$setPointValues(this.anchor, anchorNode.__key, anchorOffset, 'text');
$setPointValues(this.focus, focusNode.__key, focusOffset, 'text');
this._cachedNodes = null;
this.dirty = true;
* Gets the (plain) text content of all the nodes in the selection.
* @returns a string representing the text content of all the nodes in the Selection
getTextContent() {
const nodes = this.getNodes();
if (nodes.length === 0) {
return '';
const firstNode = nodes[0];
const lastNode = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
const isBefore = anchor.isBefore(focus);
const [anchorOffset, focusOffset] = $getCharacterOffsets(this);
let textContent = '';
let prevWasElement = true;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
if ($isElementNode(node) && !node.isInline()) {
if (!prevWasElement) {
textContent += '\n';
if (node.isEmpty()) {
prevWasElement = false;
} else {
prevWasElement = true;
} else {
prevWasElement = false;
if ($isTextNode(node)) {
let text = node.getTextContent();
if (node === firstNode) {
if (node === lastNode) {
if (anchor.type !== 'element' || focus.type !== 'element' || focus.offset === anchor.offset) {
text = anchorOffset < focusOffset ? text.slice(anchorOffset, focusOffset) : text.slice(focusOffset, anchorOffset);
} else {
text = isBefore ? text.slice(anchorOffset) : text.slice(focusOffset);
} else if (node === lastNode) {
text = isBefore ? text.slice(0, focusOffset) : text.slice(0, anchorOffset);
textContent += text;
} else if (($isDecoratorNode(node) || $isLineBreakNode(node)) && (node !== lastNode || !this.isCollapsed())) {
textContent += node.getTextContent();
return textContent;
* Attempts to map a DOM selection range onto this Lexical Selection,
* setting the anchor, focus, and type accordingly
* @param range a DOM Selection range conforming to the StaticRange interface.
applyDOMRange(range) {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const currentEditorState = editor.getEditorState();
const lastSelection = currentEditorState._selection;
const resolvedSelectionPoints = internalResolveSelectionPoints(range.startContainer, range.startOffset, range.endContainer, range.endOffset, editor, lastSelection);
if (resolvedSelectionPoints === null) {
const [anchorPoint, focusPoint] = resolvedSelectionPoints;
$setPointValues(this.anchor, anchorPoint.key, anchorPoint.offset, anchorPoint.type);
$setPointValues(this.focus, focusPoint.key, focusPoint.offset, focusPoint.type);
this._cachedNodes = null;
* Creates a new RangeSelection, copying over all the property values from this one.
* @returns a new RangeSelection with the same property values as this one.
clone() {
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
const selection = new RangeSelection($createPoint(anchor.key, anchor.offset, anchor.type), $createPoint(focus.key, focus.offset, focus.type), this.format, this.style);
return selection;
* Toggles the provided format on all the TextNodes in the Selection.
* @param format a string TextFormatType to toggle on the TextNodes in the selection
toggleFormat(format) {
this.format = toggleTextFormatType(this.format, format, null);
this.dirty = true;
* Sets the value of the style property on the Selection
* @param style - the style to set at the value of the style property.
setStyle(style) {
this.style = style;
this.dirty = true;
* Returns whether the provided TextFormatType is present on the Selection. This will be true if any node in the Selection
* has the specified format.
* @param type the TextFormatType to check for.
* @returns true if the provided format is currently toggled on on the Selection, false otherwise.
hasFormat(type) {
const formatFlag = TEXT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[type];
return (this.format & formatFlag) !== 0;
* Attempts to insert the provided text into the EditorState at the current Selection.
* converts tabs, newlines, and carriage returns into LexicalNodes.
* @param text the text to insert into the Selection
insertRawText(text) {
const parts = text.split(/(\r?\n|\t)/);
const nodes = [];
const length = parts.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const part = parts[i];
if (part === '\n' || part === '\r\n') {
} else if (part === '\t') {
} else {
* Attempts to insert the provided text into the EditorState at the current Selection as a new
* Lexical TextNode, according to a series of insertion heuristics based on the selection type and position.
* @param text the text to insert into the Selection
insertText(text) {
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
const isBefore = this.isCollapsed() || anchor.isBefore(focus);
const format = this.format;
const style = this.style;
if (isBefore && anchor.type === 'element') {
$transferStartingElementPointToTextPoint(anchor, focus, format, style);
} else if (!isBefore && focus.type === 'element') {
$transferStartingElementPointToTextPoint(focus, anchor, format, style);
const selectedNodes = this.getNodes();
const selectedNodesLength = selectedNodes.length;
const firstPoint = isBefore ? anchor : focus;
const endPoint = isBefore ? focus : anchor;
const startOffset = firstPoint.offset;
const endOffset = endPoint.offset;
let firstNode = selectedNodes[0];
if (!$isTextNode(firstNode)) {
throw Error(`insertText: first node is not a text node`);
const firstNodeText = firstNode.getTextContent();
const firstNodeTextLength = firstNodeText.length;
const firstNodeParent = firstNode.getParentOrThrow();
const lastIndex = selectedNodesLength - 1;
let lastNode = selectedNodes[lastIndex];
if (this.isCollapsed() && startOffset === firstNodeTextLength && (firstNode.isSegmented() || firstNode.isToken() || !firstNode.canInsertTextAfter() || !firstNodeParent.canInsertTextAfter() && firstNode.getNextSibling() === null)) {
let nextSibling = firstNode.getNextSibling();
if (!$isTextNode(nextSibling) || !nextSibling.canInsertTextBefore() || $isTokenOrSegmented(nextSibling)) {
nextSibling = $createTextNode();
if (!firstNodeParent.canInsertTextAfter()) {
} else {
nextSibling.select(0, 0);
firstNode = nextSibling;
if (text !== '') {
} else if (this.isCollapsed() && startOffset === 0 && (firstNode.isSegmented() || firstNode.isToken() || !firstNode.canInsertTextBefore() || !firstNodeParent.canInsertTextBefore() && firstNode.getPreviousSibling() === null)) {
let prevSibling = firstNode.getPreviousSibling();
if (!$isTextNode(prevSibling) || $isTokenOrSegmented(prevSibling)) {
prevSibling = $createTextNode();
if (!firstNodeParent.canInsertTextBefore()) {
} else {
firstNode = prevSibling;
if (text !== '') {
} else if (firstNode.isSegmented() && startOffset !== firstNodeTextLength) {
const textNode = $createTextNode(firstNode.getTextContent());
firstNode = textNode;
} else if (!this.isCollapsed() && text !== '') {
// When the firstNode or lastNode parents are elements that
// do not allow text to be inserted before or after, we first
// clear the content. Then we normalize selection, then insert
// the new content.
const lastNodeParent = lastNode.getParent();
if (!firstNodeParent.canInsertTextBefore() || !firstNodeParent.canInsertTextAfter() || $isElementNode(lastNodeParent) && (!lastNodeParent.canInsertTextBefore() || !lastNodeParent.canInsertTextAfter())) {
normalizeSelectionPointsForBoundaries(this.anchor, this.focus, null);
if (selectedNodesLength === 1) {
if (firstNode.isToken()) {
const textNode = $createTextNode(text);
const firstNodeFormat = firstNode.getFormat();
const firstNodeStyle = firstNode.getStyle();
if (startOffset === endOffset && (firstNodeFormat !== format || firstNodeStyle !== style)) {
if (firstNode.getTextContent() === '') {
} else {
const textNode = $createTextNode(text);
if (startOffset === 0) {
firstNode.insertBefore(textNode, false);
} else {
const [targetNode] = firstNode.splitText(startOffset);
targetNode.insertAfter(textNode, false);
// When composing, we need to adjust the anchor offset so that
// we correctly replace that right range.
if (textNode.isComposing() && this.anchor.type === 'text') {
this.anchor.offset -= text.length;
} else if ($isTabNode(firstNode)) {
// We don't need to check for delCount because there is only the entire selected node case
// that can hit here for content size 1 and with canInsertTextBeforeAfter false
const textNode = $createTextNode(text);
const delCount = endOffset - startOffset;
firstNode = firstNode.spliceText(startOffset, delCount, text, true);
if (firstNode.getTextContent() === '') {
} else if (this.anchor.type === 'text') {
if (firstNode.isComposing()) {
// When composing, we need to adjust the anchor offset so that
// we correctly replace that right range.
this.anchor.offset -= text.length;
} else {
this.format = firstNodeFormat;
this.style = firstNodeStyle;
} else {
const markedNodeKeysForKeep = new Set([...firstNode.getParentKeys(), ...lastNode.getParentKeys()]);
// We have to get the parent elements before the next section,
// as in that section we might mutate the lastNode.
const firstElement = $isElementNode(firstNode) ? firstNode : firstNode.getParentOrThrow();
let lastElement = $isElementNode(lastNode) ? lastNode : lastNode.getParentOrThrow();
let lastElementChild = lastNode;
// If the last element is inline, we should instead look at getting
// the nodes of its parent, rather than itself. This behavior will
// then better match how text node insertions work. We will need to
// also update the last element's child accordingly as we do this.
if (!firstElement.is(lastElement) && lastElement.isInline()) {
// Keep traversing till we have a non-inline element parent.
do {
lastElementChild = lastElement;
lastElement = lastElement.getParentOrThrow();
} while (lastElement.isInline());
// Handle mutations to the last node.
if (endPoint.type === 'text' && (endOffset !== 0 || lastNode.getTextContent() === '') || endPoint.type === 'element' && lastNode.getIndexWithinParent() < endOffset) {
if ($isTextNode(lastNode) && !lastNode.isToken() && endOffset !== lastNode.getTextContentSize()) {
if (lastNode.isSegmented()) {
const textNode = $createTextNode(lastNode.getTextContent());
lastNode = textNode;
// root node selections only select whole nodes, so no text splice is necessary
if (!$isRootNode(endPoint.getNode()) && endPoint.type === 'text') {
lastNode = lastNode.spliceText(0, endOffset, '');
} else {
const lastNodeParent = lastNode.getParentOrThrow();
if (!lastNodeParent.canBeEmpty() && lastNodeParent.getChildrenSize() === 1) {
} else {
} else {
// Either move the remaining nodes of the last parent to after
// the first child, or remove them entirely. If the last parent
// is the same as the first parent, this logic also works.
const lastNodeChildren = lastElement.getChildren();
const selectedNodesSet = new Set(selectedNodes);
const firstAndLastElementsAreEqual = firstElement.is(lastElement);
// We choose a target to insert all nodes after. In the case of having
// and inline starting parent element with a starting node that has no
// siblings, we should insert after the starting parent element, otherwise
// we will incorrectly merge into the starting parent element.
// TODO: should we keep on traversing parents if we're inside another
// nested inline element?
const insertionTarget = firstElement.isInline() && firstNode.getNextSibling() === null ? firstElement : firstNode;
for (let i = lastNodeChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const lastNodeChild = lastNodeChildren[i];
if (lastNodeChild.is(firstNode) || $isElementNode(lastNodeChild) && lastNodeChild.isParentOf(firstNode)) {
if (lastNodeChild.isAttached()) {
if (!selectedNodesSet.has(lastNodeChild) || lastNodeChild.is(lastElementChild)) {
if (!firstAndLastElementsAreEqual) {
insertionTarget.insertAfter(lastNodeChild, false);
} else {
if (!firstAndLastElementsAreEqual) {
// Check if we have already moved out all the nodes of the
// last parent, and if so, traverse the parent tree and mark
// them all as being able to deleted too.
let parent = lastElement;
let lastRemovedParent = null;
while (parent !== null) {
const children = parent.getChildren();
const childrenLength = children.length;
if (childrenLength === 0 || children[childrenLength - 1].is(lastRemovedParent)) {
lastRemovedParent = parent;
parent = parent.getParent();
// Ensure we do splicing after moving of nodes, as splicing
// can have side-effects (in the case of hashtags).
if (!firstNode.isToken()) {
firstNode = firstNode.spliceText(startOffset, firstNodeTextLength - startOffset, text, true);
if (firstNode.getTextContent() === '') {
} else if (firstNode.isComposing() && this.anchor.type === 'text') {
// When composing, we need to adjust the anchor offset so that
// we correctly replace that right range.
this.anchor.offset -= text.length;
} else if (startOffset === firstNodeTextLength) {
} else {
const textNode = $createTextNode(text);
// Remove all selected nodes that haven't already been removed.
for (let i = 1; i < selectedNodesLength; i++) {
const selectedNode = selectedNodes[i];
const key = selectedNode.__key;
if (!markedNodeKeysForKeep.has(key)) {
* Removes the text in the Selection, adjusting the EditorState accordingly.
removeText() {
* Applies the provided format to the TextNodes in the Selection, splitting or
* merging nodes as necessary.
* @param formatType the format type to apply to the nodes in the Selection.
formatText(formatType) {
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
// When changing format, we should stop composition
const selectedNodes = this.getNodes();
const selectedTextNodes = [];
for (const selectedNode of selectedNodes) {
if ($isTextNode(selectedNode)) {
const selectedTextNodesLength = selectedTextNodes.length;
if (selectedTextNodesLength === 0) {
// When changing format, we should stop composition
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
const isBackward = this.isBackward();
const startPoint = isBackward ? focus : anchor;
const endPoint = isBackward ? anchor : focus;
let firstIndex = 0;
let firstNode = selectedTextNodes[0];
let startOffset = startPoint.type === 'element' ? 0 : startPoint.offset;
// In case selection started at the end of text node use next text node
if (startPoint.type === 'text' && startOffset === firstNode.getTextContentSize()) {
firstIndex = 1;
firstNode = selectedTextNodes[1];
startOffset = 0;
if (firstNode == null) {
const firstNextFormat = firstNode.getFormatFlags(formatType, null);
const lastIndex = selectedTextNodesLength - 1;
let lastNode = selectedTextNodes[lastIndex];
const endOffset = endPoint.type === 'text' ? endPoint.offset : lastNode.getTextContentSize();
// Single node selected
if (firstNode.is(lastNode)) {
// No actual text is selected, so do nothing.
if (startOffset === endOffset) {
// The entire node is selected, so just format it
if (startOffset === 0 && endOffset === firstNode.getTextContentSize()) {
} else {
// Node is partially selected, so split it into two nodes
// add style the selected one.
const splitNodes = firstNode.splitText(startOffset, endOffset);
const replacement = startOffset === 0 ? splitNodes[0] : splitNodes[1];
// Update selection only if starts/ends on text node
if (startPoint.type === 'text') {
startPoint.set(replacement.__key, 0, 'text');
if (endPoint.type === 'text') {
endPoint.set(replacement.__key, endOffset - startOffset, 'text');
this.format = firstNextFormat;
// Multiple nodes selected
// The entire first node isn't selected, so split it
if (startOffset !== 0) {
[, firstNode] = firstNode.splitText(startOffset);
startOffset = 0;
const lastNextFormat = lastNode.getFormatFlags(formatType, firstNextFormat);
// If the offset is 0, it means no actual characters are selected,
// so we skip formatting the last node altogether.
if (endOffset > 0) {
if (endOffset !== lastNode.getTextContentSize()) {
[lastNode] = lastNode.splitText(endOffset);
// Process all text nodes in between
for (let i = firstIndex + 1; i < lastIndex; i++) {
const textNode = selectedTextNodes[i];
if (!textNode.isToken()) {
const nextFormat = textNode.getFormatFlags(formatType, lastNextFormat);
// Update selection only if starts/ends on text node
if (startPoint.type === 'text') {
startPoint.set(firstNode.__key, startOffset, 'text');
if (endPoint.type === 'text') {
endPoint.set(lastNode.__key, endOffset, 'text');
this.format = firstNextFormat | lastNextFormat;
* Attempts to "intelligently" insert an arbitrary list of Lexical nodes into the EditorState at the
* current Selection according to a set of heuristics that determine how surrounding nodes
* should be changed, replaced, or moved to accomodate the incoming ones.
* @param nodes - the nodes to insert
insertNodes(nodes) {
if (nodes.length === 0) {
if (this.anchor.key === 'root') {
const selection = $getSelection();
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
throw Error(`Expected RangeSelection after insertParagraph`);
return selection.insertNodes(nodes);
const firstPoint = this.isBackward() ? this.focus : this.anchor;
const firstBlock = $getAncestor(firstPoint.getNode(), INTERNAL_$isBlock);
const last = nodes[nodes.length - 1];
// CASE 1: insert inside a code block
if ('__language' in firstBlock && $isElementNode(firstBlock)) {
if ('__language' in nodes[0]) {
} else {
const index = removeTextAndSplitBlock(this);
firstBlock.splice(index, 0, nodes);
// CASE 2: All elements of the array are inline
const notInline = node => ($isElementNode(node) || $isDecoratorNode(node)) && !node.isInline();
if (!nodes.some(notInline)) {
if (!$isElementNode(firstBlock)) {
throw Error(`Expected 'firstBlock' to be an ElementNode`);
const index = removeTextAndSplitBlock(this);
firstBlock.splice(index, 0, nodes);
// CASE 3: At least 1 element of the array is not inline
const blocksParent = $wrapInlineNodes(nodes);
const nodeToSelect = blocksParent.getLastDescendant();
const blocks = blocksParent.getChildren();
const isLI = node => '__value' in node && '__checked' in node;
const isMergeable = node => $isElementNode(node) && INTERNAL_$isBlock(node) && !node.isEmpty() && $isElementNode(firstBlock) && (!firstBlock.isEmpty() || isLI(firstBlock));
const shouldInsert = !$isElementNode(firstBlock) || !firstBlock.isEmpty();
const insertedParagraph = shouldInsert ? this.insertParagraph() : null;
const lastToInsert = blocks[blocks.length - 1];
let firstToInsert = blocks[0];
if (isMergeable(firstToInsert)) {
if (!$isElementNode(firstBlock)) {
throw Error(`Expected 'firstBlock' to be an ElementNode`);
firstToInsert = blocks[1];
if (firstToInsert) {
insertRangeAfter(firstBlock, firstToInsert);
const lastInsertedBlock = $getAncestor(nodeToSelect, INTERNAL_$isBlock);
if (insertedParagraph && $isElementNode(lastInsertedBlock) && (isLI(insertedParagraph) || INTERNAL_$isBlock(lastToInsert))) {
if ($isElementNode(firstBlock) && firstBlock.isEmpty()) {
// To understand this take a look at the test "can wrap post-linebreak nodes into new element"
const lastChild = $isElementNode(firstBlock) ? firstBlock.getLastChild() : null;
if ($isLineBreakNode(lastChild) && lastInsertedBlock !== firstBlock) {
* Inserts a new ParagraphNode into the EditorState at the current Selection
* @returns the newly inserted node.
insertParagraph() {
if (this.anchor.key === 'root') {
const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();
$getRoot().splice(this.anchor.offset, 0, [paragraph]);
return paragraph;
const index = removeTextAndSplitBlock(this);
const block = $getAncestor(this.anchor.getNode(), INTERNAL_$isBlock);
if (!$isElementNode(block)) {
throw Error(`Expected ancestor to be an ElementNode`);
const firstToAppend = block.getChildAtIndex(index);
const nodesToInsert = firstToAppend ? [firstToAppend, ...firstToAppend.getNextSiblings()] : [];
const newBlock = block.insertNewAfter(this, false);
if (newBlock) {
return newBlock;
// if newBlock is null, it means that block is of type CodeNode.
return null;
* Inserts a logical linebreak, which may be a new LineBreakNode or a new ParagraphNode, into the EditorState at the
* current Selection.
insertLineBreak(selectStart) {
const lineBreak = $createLineBreakNode();
// this is used in MacOS with the command 'ctrl-O' (openLineBreak)
if (selectStart) {
const parent = lineBreak.getParentOrThrow();
const index = lineBreak.getIndexWithinParent();
parent.select(index, index);
* Extracts the nodes in the Selection, splitting nodes where necessary
* to get offset-level precision.
* @returns The nodes in the Selection
extract() {
const selectedNodes = this.getNodes();
const selectedNodesLength = selectedNodes.length;
const lastIndex = selectedNodesLength - 1;
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
let firstNode = selectedNodes[0];
let lastNode = selectedNodes[lastIndex];
const [anchorOffset, focusOffset] = $getCharacterOffsets(this);
if (selectedNodesLength === 0) {
return [];
} else if (selectedNodesLength === 1) {
if ($isTextNode(firstNode) && !this.isCollapsed()) {
const startOffset = anchorOffset > focusOffset ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
const endOffset = anchorOffset > focusOffset ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
const splitNodes = firstNode.splitText(startOffset, endOffset);
const node = startOffset === 0 ? splitNodes[0] : splitNodes[1];
return node != null ? [node] : [];
return [firstNode];
const isBefore = anchor.isBefore(focus);
if ($isTextNode(firstNode)) {
const startOffset = isBefore ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
if (startOffset === firstNode.getTextContentSize()) {
} else if (startOffset !== 0) {
[, firstNode] = firstNode.splitText(startOffset);
selectedNodes[0] = firstNode;
if ($isTextNode(lastNode)) {
const lastNodeText = lastNode.getTextContent();
const lastNodeTextLength = lastNodeText.length;
const endOffset = isBefore ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
if (endOffset === 0) {
} else if (endOffset !== lastNodeTextLength) {
[lastNode] = lastNode.splitText(endOffset);
selectedNodes[lastIndex] = lastNode;
return selectedNodes;
* Modifies the Selection according to the parameters and a set of heuristics that account for
* various node types. Can be used to safely move or extend selection by one logical "unit" without
* dealing explicitly with all the possible node types.
* @param alter the type of modification to perform
* @param isBackward whether or not selection is backwards
* @param granularity the granularity at which to apply the modification
modify(alter, isBackward, granularity) {
const focus = this.focus;
const anchor = this.anchor;
const collapse = alter === 'move';
// Handle the selection movement around decorators.
const possibleNode = $getAdjacentNode(focus, isBackward);
if ($isDecoratorNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isIsolated()) {
// Make it possible to move selection from range selection to
// node selection on the node.
if (collapse && possibleNode.isKeyboardSelectable()) {
const nodeSelection = $createNodeSelection();
const sibling = isBackward ? possibleNode.getPreviousSibling() : possibleNode.getNextSibling();
if (!$isTextNode(sibling)) {
const parent = possibleNode.getParentOrThrow();
let offset;
let elementKey;
if ($isElementNode(sibling)) {
elementKey = sibling.__key;
offset = isBackward ? sibling.getChildrenSize() : 0;
} else {
offset = possibleNode.getIndexWithinParent();
elementKey = parent.__key;
if (!isBackward) {
focus.set(elementKey, offset, 'element');
if (collapse) {
anchor.set(elementKey, offset, 'element');
} else {
const siblingKey = sibling.__key;
const offset = isBackward ? sibling.getTextContent().length : 0;
focus.set(siblingKey, offset, 'text');
if (collapse) {
anchor.set(siblingKey, offset, 'text');
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
if (!domSelection) {
const blockCursorElement = editor._blockCursorElement;
const rootElement = editor._rootElement;
// Remove the block cursor element if it exists. This will ensure selection
// works as intended. If we leave it in the DOM all sorts of strange bugs
// occur. :/
if (rootElement !== null && blockCursorElement !== null && $isElementNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isInline() && !possibleNode.canBeEmpty()) {
removeDOMBlockCursorElement(blockCursorElement, editor, rootElement);
// We use the DOM selection.modify API here to "tell" us what the selection
// will be. We then use it to update the Lexical selection accordingly. This
// is much more reliable than waiting for a beforeinput and using the ranges
// from getTargetRanges(), and is also better than trying to do it ourselves
// using Intl.Segmenter or other workarounds that struggle with word segments
// and line segments (especially with word wrapping and non-Roman languages).
moveNativeSelection(domSelection, alter, isBackward ? 'backward' : 'forward', granularity);
// Guard against no ranges
if (domSelection.rangeCount > 0) {
const range = domSelection.getRangeAt(0);
// Apply the DOM selection to our Lexical selection.
const anchorNode = this.anchor.getNode();
const root = $isRootNode(anchorNode) ? anchorNode : $getNearestRootOrShadowRoot(anchorNode);
this.dirty = true;
if (!collapse) {
// Validate selection; make sure that the new extended selection respects shadow roots
const nodes = this.getNodes();
const validNodes = [];
let shrinkSelection = false;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const nextNode = nodes[i];
if ($hasAncestor(nextNode, root)) {
} else {
shrinkSelection = true;
if (shrinkSelection && validNodes.length > 0) {
// validNodes length check is a safeguard against an invalid selection; as getNodes()
// will return an empty array in this case
if (isBackward) {
const firstValidNode = validNodes[0];
if ($isElementNode(firstValidNode)) {
} else {
} else {
const lastValidNode = validNodes[validNodes.length - 1];
if ($isElementNode(lastValidNode)) {
} else {
// Because a range works on start and end, we might need to flip
// the anchor and focus points to match what the DOM has, not what
// the range has specifically.
if (domSelection.anchorNode !== range.startContainer || domSelection.anchorOffset !== range.startOffset) {
* Performs one logical character deletion operation on the EditorState based on the current Selection.
* Handles different node types.
* @param isBackward whether or not the selection is backwards.
deleteCharacter(isBackward) {
const wasCollapsed = this.isCollapsed();
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
const anchor = this.anchor;
const focus = this.focus;
let anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
if (!isBackward && (
// Delete forward handle case
anchor.type === 'element' && $isElementNode(anchorNode) && anchor.offset === anchorNode.getChildrenSize() || anchor.type === 'text' && anchor.offset === anchorNode.getTextContentSize())) {
const parent = anchorNode.getParent();
const nextSibling = anchorNode.getNextSibling() || (parent === null ? null : parent.getNextSibling());
if ($isElementNode(nextSibling) && nextSibling.isShadowRoot()) {
// Handle the deletion around decorators.
const possibleNode = $getAdjacentNode(focus, isBackward);
if ($isDecoratorNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isIsolated()) {
// Make it possible to move selection from range selection to
// node selection on the node.
if (possibleNode.isKeyboardSelectable() && $isElementNode(anchorNode) && anchorNode.getChildrenSize() === 0) {
const nodeSelection = $createNodeSelection();
} else {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
editor.dispatchCommand(SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND, undefined);
} else if (!isBackward && $isElementNode(possibleNode) && $isElementNode(anchorNode) && anchorNode.isEmpty()) {
this.modify('extend', isBackward, 'character');
if (!this.isCollapsed()) {
const focusNode = focus.type === 'text' ? focus.getNode() : null;
anchorNode = anchor.type === 'text' ? anchor.getNode() : null;
if (focusNode !== null && focusNode.isSegmented()) {
const offset = focus.offset;
const textContentSize = focusNode.getTextContentSize();
if (focusNode.is(anchorNode) || isBackward && offset !== textContentSize || !isBackward && offset !== 0) {
$removeSegment(focusNode, isBackward, offset);
} else if (anchorNode !== null && anchorNode.isSegmented()) {
const offset = anchor.offset;
const textContentSize = anchorNode.getTextContentSize();
if (anchorNode.is(focusNode) || isBackward && offset !== 0 || !isBackward && offset !== textContentSize) {
$removeSegment(anchorNode, isBackward, offset);
$updateCaretSelectionForUnicodeCharacter(this, isBackward);
} else if (isBackward && anchor.offset === 0) {
// Special handling around rich text nodes
const element = anchor.type === 'element' ? anchor.getNode() : anchor.getNode().getParentOrThrow();
if (element.collapseAtStart(this)) {
if (isBackward && !wasCollapsed && this.isCollapsed() && this.anchor.type === 'element' && this.anchor.offset === 0) {
const anchorNode = this.anchor.getNode();
if (anchorNode.isEmpty() && $isRootNode(anchorNode.getParent()) && anchorNode.getIndexWithinParent() === 0) {
* Performs one logical line deletion operation on the EditorState based on the current Selection.
* Handles different node types.
* @param isBackward whether or not the selection is backwards.
deleteLine(isBackward) {
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
if (this.anchor.type === 'text') {
this.modify('extend', isBackward, 'lineboundary');
// If selection is extended to cover text edge then extend it one character more
// to delete its parent element. Otherwise text content will be deleted but empty
// parent node will remain
const endPoint = isBackward ? this.focus : this.anchor;
if (endPoint.offset === 0) {
this.modify('extend', isBackward, 'character');
* Performs one logical word deletion operation on the EditorState based on the current Selection.
* Handles different node types.
* @param isBackward whether or not the selection is backwards.
deleteWord(isBackward) {
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
this.modify('extend', isBackward, 'word');
* Returns whether the Selection is "backwards", meaning the focus
* logically precedes the anchor in the EditorState.
* @returns true if the Selection is backwards, false otherwise.
isBackward() {
return this.focus.isBefore(this.anchor);
getStartEndPoints() {
return [this.anchor, this.focus];
function $isNodeSelection(x) {
return x instanceof NodeSelection;
function getCharacterOffset(point) {
const offset = point.offset;
if (point.type === 'text') {
return offset;
const parent = point.getNode();
return offset === parent.getChildrenSize() ? parent.getTextContent().length : 0;
function $getCharacterOffsets(selection) {
const anchorAndFocus = selection.getStartEndPoints();
if (anchorAndFocus === null) {
return [0, 0];
const [anchor, focus] = anchorAndFocus;
if (anchor.type === 'element' && focus.type === 'element' && anchor.key === focus.key && anchor.offset === focus.offset) {
return [0, 0];
return [getCharacterOffset(anchor), getCharacterOffset(focus)];
function $swapPoints(selection) {
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const anchorKey = anchor.key;
const anchorOffset = anchor.offset;
const anchorType = anchor.type;
$setPointValues(anchor, focus.key, focus.offset, focus.type);
$setPointValues(focus, anchorKey, anchorOffset, anchorType);
selection._cachedNodes = null;
function moveNativeSelection(domSelection, alter, direction, granularity) {
// Selection.modify() method applies a change to the current selection or cursor position,
// but is still non-standard in some browsers.
domSelection.modify(alter, direction, granularity);
function $updateCaretSelectionForUnicodeCharacter(selection, isBackward) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (anchorNode === focusNode && anchor.type === 'text' && focus.type === 'text') {
// Handling of multibyte characters
const anchorOffset = anchor.offset;
const focusOffset = focus.offset;
const isBefore = anchorOffset < focusOffset;
const startOffset = isBefore ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
const endOffset = isBefore ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
const characterOffset = endOffset - 1;
if (startOffset !== characterOffset) {
const text = anchorNode.getTextContent().slice(startOffset, endOffset);
if (!doesContainGrapheme(text)) {
if (isBackward) {
focus.offset = characterOffset;
} else {
anchor.offset = characterOffset;
function $removeSegment(node, isBackward, offset) {
const textNode = node;
const textContent = textNode.getTextContent();
const split = textContent.split(/(?=\s)/g);
const splitLength = split.length;
let segmentOffset = 0;
let restoreOffset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < splitLength; i++) {
const text = split[i];
const isLast = i === splitLength - 1;
restoreOffset = segmentOffset;
segmentOffset += text.length;
if (isBackward && segmentOffset === offset || segmentOffset > offset || isLast) {
split.splice(i, 1);
if (isLast) {
restoreOffset = undefined;
const nextTextContent = split.join('').trim();
if (nextTextContent === '') {
} else {
textNode.select(restoreOffset, restoreOffset);
function shouldResolveAncestor(resolvedElement, resolvedOffset, lastPoint) {
const parent = resolvedElement.getParent();
return lastPoint === null || parent === null || !parent.canBeEmpty() || parent !== lastPoint.getNode();
function internalResolveSelectionPoint(dom, offset, lastPoint, editor) {
let resolvedOffset = offset;
let resolvedNode;
// If we have selection on an element, we will
// need to figure out (using the offset) what text
// node should be selected.
if (dom.nodeType === DOM_ELEMENT_TYPE) {
// Resolve element to a ElementNode, or TextNode, or null
let moveSelectionToEnd = false;
// Given we're moving selection to another node, selection is
// definitely dirty.
// We use the anchor to find which child node to select
const childNodes = dom.childNodes;
const childNodesLength = childNodes.length;
// If the anchor is the same as length, then this means we
// need to select the very last text node.
if (resolvedOffset === childNodesLength) {
moveSelectionToEnd = true;
resolvedOffset = childNodesLength - 1;
let childDOM = childNodes[resolvedOffset];
let hasBlockCursor = false;
if (childDOM === editor._blockCursorElement) {
childDOM = childNodes[resolvedOffset + 1];
hasBlockCursor = true;
} else if (editor._blockCursorElement !== null) {
resolvedNode = getNodeFromDOM(childDOM);
if ($isTextNode(resolvedNode)) {
resolvedOffset = getTextNodeOffset(resolvedNode, moveSelectionToEnd);
} else {
let resolvedElement = getNodeFromDOM(dom);
// Ensure resolvedElement is actually a element.
if (resolvedElement === null) {
return null;
if ($isElementNode(resolvedElement)) {
let child = resolvedElement.getChildAtIndex(resolvedOffset);
if ($isElementNode(child) && shouldResolveAncestor(child, resolvedOffset, lastPoint)) {
const descendant = moveSelectionToEnd ? child.getLastDescendant() : child.getFirstDescendant();
if (descendant === null) {
resolvedElement = child;
resolvedOffset = 0;
} else {
child = descendant;
resolvedElement = $isElementNode(child) ? child : child.getParentOrThrow();
if ($isTextNode(child)) {
resolvedNode = child;
resolvedElement = null;
resolvedOffset = getTextNodeOffset(child, moveSelectionToEnd);
} else if (child !== resolvedElement && moveSelectionToEnd && !hasBlockCursor) {
} else {
const index = resolvedElement.getIndexWithinParent();
// When selecting decorators, there can be some selection issues when using resolvedOffset,
// and instead we should be checking if we're using the offset
if (offset === 0 && $isDecoratorNode(resolvedElement) && getNodeFromDOM(dom) === resolvedElement) {
resolvedOffset = index;
} else {
resolvedOffset = index + 1;
resolvedElement = resolvedElement.getParentOrThrow();
if ($isElementNode(resolvedElement)) {
return $createPoint(resolvedElement.__key, resolvedOffset, 'element');
} else {
// TextNode or null
resolvedNode = getNodeFromDOM(dom);
if (!$isTextNode(resolvedNode)) {
return null;
return $createPoint(resolvedNode.__key, resolvedOffset, 'text');
function resolveSelectionPointOnBoundary(point, isBackward, isCollapsed) {
const offset = point.offset;
const node = point.getNode();
if (offset === 0) {
const prevSibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
const parent = node.getParent();
if (!isBackward) {
if ($isElementNode(prevSibling) && !isCollapsed && prevSibling.isInline()) {
point.key = prevSibling.__key;
point.offset = prevSibling.getChildrenSize();
// @ts-expect-error: intentional
point.type = 'element';
} else if ($isTextNode(prevSibling)) {
point.key = prevSibling.__key;
point.offset = prevSibling.getTextContent().length;
} else if ((isCollapsed || !isBackward) && prevSibling === null && $isElementNode(parent) && parent.isInline()) {
const parentSibling = parent.getPreviousSibling();
if ($isTextNode(parentSibling)) {
point.key = parentSibling.__key;
point.offset = parentSibling.getTextContent().length;
} else if (offset === node.getTextContent().length) {
const nextSibling = node.getNextSibling();
const parent = node.getParent();
if (isBackward && $isElementNode(nextSibling) && nextSibling.isInline()) {
point.key = nextSibling.__key;
point.offset = 0;
// @ts-expect-error: intentional
point.type = 'element';
} else if ((isCollapsed || isBackward) && nextSibling === null && $isElementNode(parent) && parent.isInline() && !parent.canInsertTextAfter()) {
const parentSibling = parent.getNextSibling();
if ($isTextNode(parentSibling)) {
point.key = parentSibling.__key;
point.offset = 0;
function normalizeSelectionPointsForBoundaries(anchor, focus, lastSelection) {
if (anchor.type === 'text' && focus.type === 'text') {
const isBackward = anchor.isBefore(focus);
const isCollapsed = anchor.is(focus);
// Attempt to normalize the offset to the previous sibling if we're at the
// start of a text node and the sibling is a text node or inline element.
resolveSelectionPointOnBoundary(anchor, isBackward, isCollapsed);
resolveSelectionPointOnBoundary(focus, !isBackward, isCollapsed);
if (isCollapsed) {
focus.key = anchor.key;
focus.offset = anchor.offset;
focus.type = anchor.type;
const editor = getActiveEditor();
if (editor.isComposing() && editor._compositionKey !== anchor.key && $isRangeSelection(lastSelection)) {
const lastAnchor = lastSelection.anchor;
const lastFocus = lastSelection.focus;
$setPointValues(anchor, lastAnchor.key, lastAnchor.offset, lastAnchor.type);
$setPointValues(focus, lastFocus.key, lastFocus.offset, lastFocus.type);
function internalResolveSelectionPoints(anchorDOM, anchorOffset, focusDOM, focusOffset, editor, lastSelection) {
if (anchorDOM === null || focusDOM === null || !isSelectionWithinEditor(editor, anchorDOM, focusDOM)) {
return null;
const resolvedAnchorPoint = internalResolveSelectionPoint(anchorDOM, anchorOffset, $isRangeSelection(lastSelection) ? lastSelection.anchor : null, editor);
if (resolvedAnchorPoint === null) {
return null;
const resolvedFocusPoint = internalResolveSelectionPoint(focusDOM, focusOffset, $isRangeSelection(lastSelection) ? lastSelection.focus : null, editor);
if (resolvedFocusPoint === null) {
return null;
if (resolvedAnchorPoint.type === 'element' && resolvedFocusPoint.type === 'element') {
const anchorNode = getNodeFromDOM(anchorDOM);
const focusNode = getNodeFromDOM(focusDOM);
// Ensure if we're selecting the content of a decorator that we
// return null for this point, as it's not in the controlled scope
// of Lexical.
if ($isDecoratorNode(anchorNode) && $isDecoratorNode(focusNode)) {
return null;
// Handle normalization of selection when it is at the boundaries.
normalizeSelectionPointsForBoundaries(resolvedAnchorPoint, resolvedFocusPoint, lastSelection);
return [resolvedAnchorPoint, resolvedFocusPoint];
function $isBlockElementNode(node) {
return $isElementNode(node) && !node.isInline();
// This is used to make a selection when the existing
// selection is null, i.e. forcing selection on the editor
// when it current exists outside the editor.
function internalMakeRangeSelection(anchorKey, anchorOffset, focusKey, focusOffset, anchorType, focusType) {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
const selection = new RangeSelection($createPoint(anchorKey, anchorOffset, anchorType), $createPoint(focusKey, focusOffset, focusType), 0, '');
selection.dirty = true;
editorState._selection = selection;
return selection;
function $createRangeSelection() {
const anchor = $createPoint('root', 0, 'element');
const focus = $createPoint('root', 0, 'element');
return new RangeSelection(anchor, focus, 0, '');
function $createNodeSelection() {
return new NodeSelection(new Set());
function internalCreateSelection(editor) {
const currentEditorState = editor.getEditorState();
const lastSelection = currentEditorState._selection;
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(editor._window);
if ($isRangeSelection(lastSelection) || lastSelection == null) {
return internalCreateRangeSelection(lastSelection, domSelection, editor, null);
return lastSelection.clone();
function internalCreateRangeSelection(lastSelection, domSelection, editor, event) {
const windowObj = editor._window;
if (windowObj === null) {
return null;
// When we create a selection, we try to use the previous
// selection where possible, unless an actual user selection
// change has occurred. When we do need to create a new selection
// we validate we can have text nodes for both anchor and focus
// nodes. If that holds true, we then return that selection
// as a mutable object that we use for the editor state for this
// update cycle. If a selection gets changed, and requires a
// update to native DOM selection, it gets marked as "dirty".
// If the selection changes, but matches with the existing
// DOM selection, then we only need to sync it. Otherwise,
// we generally bail out of doing an update to selection during
// reconciliation unless there are dirty nodes that need
// reconciling.
const windowEvent = event || windowObj.event;
const eventType = windowEvent ? windowEvent.type : undefined;
const isSelectionChange = eventType === 'selectionchange';
const useDOMSelection = !getIsProcessingMutations() && (isSelectionChange || eventType === 'beforeinput' || eventType === 'compositionstart' || eventType === 'compositionend' || eventType === 'click' && windowEvent && windowEvent.detail === 3 || eventType === 'drop' || eventType === undefined);
let anchorDOM, focusDOM, anchorOffset, focusOffset;
if (!$isRangeSelection(lastSelection) || useDOMSelection) {
if (domSelection === null) {
return null;
anchorDOM = domSelection.anchorNode;
focusDOM = domSelection.focusNode;
anchorOffset = domSelection.anchorOffset;
focusOffset = domSelection.focusOffset;
if (isSelectionChange && $isRangeSelection(lastSelection) && !isSelectionWithinEditor(editor, anchorDOM, focusDOM)) {
return lastSelection.clone();
} else {
return lastSelection.clone();
// Let's resolve the text nodes from the offsets and DOM nodes we have from
// native selection.
const resolvedSelectionPoints = internalResolveSelectionPoints(anchorDOM, anchorOffset, focusDOM, focusOffset, editor, lastSelection);
if (resolvedSelectionPoints === null) {
return null;
const [resolvedAnchorPoint, resolvedFocusPoint] = resolvedSelectionPoints;
return new RangeSelection(resolvedAnchorPoint, resolvedFocusPoint, !$isRangeSelection(lastSelection) ? 0 : lastSelection.format, !$isRangeSelection(lastSelection) ? '' : lastSelection.style);
function $getSelection() {
const editorState = getActiveEditorState();
return editorState._selection;
function $getPreviousSelection() {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
return editor._editorState._selection;
function $updateElementSelectionOnCreateDeleteNode(selection, parentNode, nodeOffset, times = 1) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (!parentNode.is(anchorNode) && !parentNode.is(focusNode)) {
const parentKey = parentNode.__key;
// Single node. We shift selection but never redimension it
if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
const selectionOffset = anchor.offset;
if (nodeOffset <= selectionOffset && times > 0 || nodeOffset < selectionOffset && times < 0) {
const newSelectionOffset = Math.max(0, selectionOffset + times);
anchor.set(parentKey, newSelectionOffset, 'element');
focus.set(parentKey, newSelectionOffset, 'element');
// The new selection might point to text nodes, try to resolve them
} else {
// Multiple nodes selected. We shift or redimension selection
const isBackward = selection.isBackward();
const firstPoint = isBackward ? focus : anchor;
const firstPointNode = firstPoint.getNode();
const lastPoint = isBackward ? anchor : focus;
const lastPointNode = lastPoint.getNode();
if (parentNode.is(firstPointNode)) {
const firstPointOffset = firstPoint.offset;
if (nodeOffset <= firstPointOffset && times > 0 || nodeOffset < firstPointOffset && times < 0) {
firstPoint.set(parentKey, Math.max(0, firstPointOffset + times), 'element');
if (parentNode.is(lastPointNode)) {
const lastPointOffset = lastPoint.offset;
if (nodeOffset <= lastPointOffset && times > 0 || nodeOffset < lastPointOffset && times < 0) {
lastPoint.set(parentKey, Math.max(0, lastPointOffset + times), 'element');
// The new selection might point to text nodes, try to resolve them
function $updateSelectionResolveTextNodes(selection) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const anchorOffset = anchor.offset;
const focus = selection.focus;
const focusOffset = focus.offset;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (selection.isCollapsed()) {
if (!$isElementNode(anchorNode)) {
const childSize = anchorNode.getChildrenSize();
const anchorOffsetAtEnd = anchorOffset >= childSize;
const child = anchorOffsetAtEnd ? anchorNode.getChildAtIndex(childSize - 1) : anchorNode.getChildAtIndex(anchorOffset);
if ($isTextNode(child)) {
let newOffset = 0;
if (anchorOffsetAtEnd) {
newOffset = child.getTextContentSize();
anchor.set(child.__key, newOffset, 'text');
focus.set(child.__key, newOffset, 'text');
if ($isElementNode(anchorNode)) {
const childSize = anchorNode.getChildrenSize();
const anchorOffsetAtEnd = anchorOffset >= childSize;
const child = anchorOffsetAtEnd ? anchorNode.getChildAtIndex(childSize - 1) : anchorNode.getChildAtIndex(anchorOffset);
if ($isTextNode(child)) {
let newOffset = 0;
if (anchorOffsetAtEnd) {
newOffset = child.getTextContentSize();
anchor.set(child.__key, newOffset, 'text');
if ($isElementNode(focusNode)) {
const childSize = focusNode.getChildrenSize();
const focusOffsetAtEnd = focusOffset >= childSize;
const child = focusOffsetAtEnd ? focusNode.getChildAtIndex(childSize - 1) : focusNode.getChildAtIndex(focusOffset);
if ($isTextNode(child)) {
let newOffset = 0;
if (focusOffsetAtEnd) {
newOffset = child.getTextContentSize();
focus.set(child.__key, newOffset, 'text');
function applySelectionTransforms(nextEditorState, editor) {
const prevEditorState = editor.getEditorState();
const prevSelection = prevEditorState._selection;
const nextSelection = nextEditorState._selection;
if ($isRangeSelection(nextSelection)) {
const anchor = nextSelection.anchor;
const focus = nextSelection.focus;
let anchorNode;
if (anchor.type === 'text') {
anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
anchorNode.selectionTransform(prevSelection, nextSelection);
if (focus.type === 'text') {
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
if (anchorNode !== focusNode) {
focusNode.selectionTransform(prevSelection, nextSelection);
function moveSelectionPointToSibling(point, node, parent, prevSibling, nextSibling) {
let siblingKey = null;
let offset = 0;
let type = null;
if (prevSibling !== null) {
siblingKey = prevSibling.__key;
if ($isTextNode(prevSibling)) {
offset = prevSibling.getTextContentSize();
type = 'text';
} else if ($isElementNode(prevSibling)) {
offset = prevSibling.getChildrenSize();
type = 'element';
} else {
if (nextSibling !== null) {
siblingKey = nextSibling.__key;
if ($isTextNode(nextSibling)) {
type = 'text';
} else if ($isElementNode(nextSibling)) {
type = 'element';
if (siblingKey !== null && type !== null) {
point.set(siblingKey, offset, type);
} else {
offset = node.getIndexWithinParent();
if (offset === -1) {
// Move selection to end of parent
offset = parent.getChildrenSize();
point.set(parent.__key, offset, 'element');
function adjustPointOffsetForMergedSibling(point, isBefore, key, target, textLength) {
if (point.type === 'text') {
point.key = key;
if (!isBefore) {
point.offset += textLength;
} else if (point.offset > target.getIndexWithinParent()) {
point.offset -= 1;
function updateDOMSelection(prevSelection, nextSelection, editor, domSelection, tags, rootElement, nodeCount) {
const anchorDOMNode = domSelection.anchorNode;
const focusDOMNode = domSelection.focusNode;
const anchorOffset = domSelection.anchorOffset;
const focusOffset = domSelection.focusOffset;
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
// TODO: make this not hard-coded, and add another config option
// that makes this configurable.
if (tags.has('collaboration') && activeElement !== rootElement || activeElement !== null && isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput(activeElement)) {
if (!$isRangeSelection(nextSelection)) {
// We don't remove selection if the prevSelection is null because
// of editor.setRootElement(). If this occurs on init when the
// editor is already focused, then this can cause the editor to
// lose focus.
if (prevSelection !== null && isSelectionWithinEditor(editor, anchorDOMNode, focusDOMNode)) {
const anchor = nextSelection.anchor;
const focus = nextSelection.focus;
const anchorKey = anchor.key;
const focusKey = focus.key;
const anchorDOM = getElementByKeyOrThrow(editor, anchorKey);
const focusDOM = getElementByKeyOrThrow(editor, focusKey);
const nextAnchorOffset = anchor.offset;
const nextFocusOffset = focus.offset;
const nextFormat = nextSelection.format;
const nextStyle = nextSelection.style;
const isCollapsed = nextSelection.isCollapsed();
let nextAnchorNode = anchorDOM;
let nextFocusNode = focusDOM;
let anchorFormatOrStyleChanged = false;
if (anchor.type === 'text') {
nextAnchorNode = getDOMTextNode(anchorDOM);
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
anchorFormatOrStyleChanged = anchorNode.getFormat() !== nextFormat || anchorNode.getStyle() !== nextStyle;
} else if ($isRangeSelection(prevSelection) && prevSelection.anchor.type === 'text') {
anchorFormatOrStyleChanged = true;
if (focus.type === 'text') {
nextFocusNode = getDOMTextNode(focusDOM);
// If we can't get an underlying text node for selection, then
// we should avoid setting selection to something incorrect.
if (nextAnchorNode === null || nextFocusNode === null) {
if (isCollapsed && (prevSelection === null || anchorFormatOrStyleChanged || $isRangeSelection(prevSelection) && (prevSelection.format !== nextFormat || prevSelection.style !== nextStyle))) {
markCollapsedSelectionFormat(nextFormat, nextStyle, nextAnchorOffset, anchorKey, performance.now());
// Diff against the native DOM selection to ensure we don't do
// an unnecessary selection update. We also skip this check if
// we're moving selection to within an element, as this can
// sometimes be problematic around scrolling.
if (anchorOffset === nextAnchorOffset && focusOffset === nextFocusOffset && anchorDOMNode === nextAnchorNode && focusDOMNode === nextFocusNode &&
// Badly interpreted range selection when collapsed - #1482
!(domSelection.type === 'Range' && isCollapsed)) {
// If the root element does not have focus, ensure it has focus
if (activeElement === null || !rootElement.contains(activeElement)) {
preventScroll: true
if (anchor.type !== 'element') {
// Apply the updated selection to the DOM. Note: this will trigger
// a "selectionchange" event, although it will be asynchronous.
try {
domSelection.setBaseAndExtent(nextAnchorNode, nextAnchorOffset, nextFocusNode, nextFocusOffset);
} catch (error) {
// If we encounter an error, continue. This can sometimes
// occur with FF and there's no good reason as to why it
// should happen.
if (!tags.has('skip-scroll-into-view') && nextSelection.isCollapsed() && rootElement !== null && rootElement === document.activeElement) {
const selectionTarget = nextSelection instanceof RangeSelection && nextSelection.anchor.type === 'element' ? nextAnchorNode.childNodes[nextAnchorOffset] || null : domSelection.rangeCount > 0 ? domSelection.getRangeAt(0) : null;
if (selectionTarget !== null) {
let selectionRect;
if (selectionTarget instanceof Text) {
const range = document.createRange();
selectionRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
} else {
selectionRect = selectionTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(editor, selectionRect, rootElement);
function $insertNodes(nodes) {
let selection = $getSelection() || $getPreviousSelection();
if (selection === null) {
selection = $getRoot().selectEnd();
function $getTextContent() {
const selection = $getSelection();
if (selection === null) {
return '';
return selection.getTextContent();
function removeTextAndSplitBlock(selection) {
if (!selection.isCollapsed()) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
let node = anchor.getNode();
let offset = anchor.offset;
while (!INTERNAL_$isBlock(node)) {
[node, offset] = splitNodeAtPoint(node, offset);
return offset;
function splitNodeAtPoint(node, offset) {
const parent = node.getParent();
if (!parent) {
const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();
return [$getRoot(), 0];
if ($isTextNode(node)) {
const split = node.splitText(offset);
if (split.length === 0) {
return [parent, node.getIndexWithinParent()];
const x = offset === 0 ? 0 : 1;
const index = split[0].getIndexWithinParent() + x;
return [parent, index];
if (!$isElementNode(node) || offset === 0) {
return [parent, node.getIndexWithinParent()];
const firstToAppend = node.getChildAtIndex(offset);
if (firstToAppend) {
const insertPoint = new RangeSelection($createPoint(node.__key, offset, 'element'), $createPoint(node.__key, offset, 'element'), 0, '');
const newElement = node.insertNewAfter(insertPoint);
if (newElement) {
newElement.append(firstToAppend, ...firstToAppend.getNextSiblings());
return [parent, node.getIndexWithinParent() + 1];
function $wrapInlineNodes(nodes) {
// We temporarily insert the topLevelNodes into an arbitrary ElementNode,
// since insertAfter does not work on nodes that have no parent (TO-DO: fix that).
const virtualRoot = $createParagraphNode();
let currentBlock = null;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
const isLineBreakNode = $isLineBreakNode(node);
if (isLineBreakNode || $isDecoratorNode(node) && node.isInline() || $isElementNode(node) && node.isInline() || $isTextNode(node) || node.isParentRequired()) {
if (currentBlock === null) {
currentBlock = node.createParentElementNode();
// In the case of LineBreakNode, we just need to
// add an empty ParagraphNode to the topLevelBlocks.
if (isLineBreakNode) {
if (currentBlock !== null) {
} else {
currentBlock = null;
return virtualRoot;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
let activeEditorState = null;
let activeEditor = null;
let isReadOnlyMode = false;
let isAttemptingToRecoverFromReconcilerError = false;
let infiniteTransformCount = 0;
const observerOptions = {
characterData: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true
function isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode() {
return isReadOnlyMode || activeEditorState !== null && activeEditorState._readOnly;
function errorOnReadOnly() {
if (isReadOnlyMode) {
throw Error(`Cannot use method in read-only mode.`);
function errorOnInfiniteTransforms() {
if (infiniteTransformCount > 99) {
throw Error(`One or more transforms are endlessly triggering additional transforms. May have encountered infinite recursion caused by transforms that have their preconditions too lose and/or conflict with each other.`);
function getActiveEditorState() {
if (activeEditorState === null) {
throw Error(`Unable to find an active editor state. State helpers or node methods can only be used synchronously during the callback of editor.update() or editorState.read().`);
return activeEditorState;
function getActiveEditor() {
if (activeEditor === null) {
throw Error(`Unable to find an active editor. This method can only be used synchronously during the callback of editor.update().`);
return activeEditor;
function internalGetActiveEditor() {
return activeEditor;
function $applyTransforms(editor, node, transformsCache) {
const type = node.__type;
const registeredNode = getRegisteredNodeOrThrow(editor, type);
let transformsArr = transformsCache.get(type);
if (transformsArr === undefined) {
transformsArr = Array.from(registeredNode.transforms);
transformsCache.set(type, transformsArr);
const transformsArrLength = transformsArr.length;
for (let i = 0; i < transformsArrLength; i++) {
if (!node.isAttached()) {
function $isNodeValidForTransform(node, compositionKey) {
return node !== undefined &&
// We don't want to transform nodes being composed
node.__key !== compositionKey && node.isAttached();
function $normalizeAllDirtyTextNodes(editorState, editor) {
const dirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
for (const nodeKey of dirtyLeaves) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if ($isTextNode(node) && node.isAttached() && node.isSimpleText() && !node.isUnmergeable()) {
* Transform heuristic:
* 1. We transform leaves first. If transforms generate additional dirty nodes we repeat step 1.
* The reasoning behind this is that marking a leaf as dirty marks all its parent elements as dirty too.
* 2. We transform elements. If element transforms generate additional dirty nodes we repeat step 1.
* If element transforms only generate additional dirty elements we only repeat step 2.
* Note that to keep track of newly dirty nodes and subtrees we leverage the editor._dirtyNodes and
* editor._subtrees which we reset in every loop.
function $applyAllTransforms(editorState, editor) {
const dirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
const dirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
const nodeMap = editorState._nodeMap;
const compositionKey = $getCompositionKey();
const transformsCache = new Map();
let untransformedDirtyLeaves = dirtyLeaves;
let untransformedDirtyLeavesLength = untransformedDirtyLeaves.size;
let untransformedDirtyElements = dirtyElements;
let untransformedDirtyElementsLength = untransformedDirtyElements.size;
while (untransformedDirtyLeavesLength > 0 || untransformedDirtyElementsLength > 0) {
if (untransformedDirtyLeavesLength > 0) {
// We leverage editor._dirtyLeaves to track the new dirty leaves after the transforms
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
for (const nodeKey of untransformedDirtyLeaves) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if ($isTextNode(node) && node.isAttached() && node.isSimpleText() && !node.isUnmergeable()) {
if (node !== undefined && $isNodeValidForTransform(node, compositionKey)) {
$applyTransforms(editor, node, transformsCache);
untransformedDirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
untransformedDirtyLeavesLength = untransformedDirtyLeaves.size;
// We want to prioritize node transforms over element transforms
if (untransformedDirtyLeavesLength > 0) {
// All dirty leaves have been processed. Let's do elements!
// We have previously processed dirty leaves, so let's restart the editor leaves Set to track
// new ones caused by element transforms
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
editor._dirtyElements = new Map();
for (const currentUntransformedDirtyElement of untransformedDirtyElements) {
const nodeKey = currentUntransformedDirtyElement[0];
const intentionallyMarkedAsDirty = currentUntransformedDirtyElement[1];
if (nodeKey !== 'root' && !intentionallyMarkedAsDirty) {
const node = nodeMap.get(nodeKey);
if (node !== undefined && $isNodeValidForTransform(node, compositionKey)) {
$applyTransforms(editor, node, transformsCache);
dirtyElements.set(nodeKey, intentionallyMarkedAsDirty);
untransformedDirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
untransformedDirtyLeavesLength = untransformedDirtyLeaves.size;
untransformedDirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
untransformedDirtyElementsLength = untransformedDirtyElements.size;
editor._dirtyLeaves = dirtyLeaves;
editor._dirtyElements = dirtyElements;
function $parseSerializedNode(serializedNode) {
const internalSerializedNode = serializedNode;
return $parseSerializedNodeImpl(internalSerializedNode, getActiveEditor()._nodes);
function $parseSerializedNodeImpl(serializedNode, registeredNodes) {
const type = serializedNode.type;
const registeredNode = registeredNodes.get(type);
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`parseEditorState: type "${type}" + not found`);
const nodeClass = registeredNode.klass;
if (serializedNode.type !== nodeClass.getType()) {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${nodeClass.name} does not implement .importJSON().`);
const node = nodeClass.importJSON(serializedNode);
const children = serializedNode.children;
if ($isElementNode(node) && Array.isArray(children)) {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const serializedJSONChildNode = children[i];
const childNode = $parseSerializedNodeImpl(serializedJSONChildNode, registeredNodes);
return node;
function parseEditorState(serializedEditorState, editor, updateFn) {
const editorState = createEmptyEditorState();
const previousActiveEditorState = activeEditorState;
const previousReadOnlyMode = isReadOnlyMode;
const previousActiveEditor = activeEditor;
const previousDirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
const previousDirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
const previousCloneNotNeeded = editor._cloneNotNeeded;
const previousDirtyType = editor._dirtyType;
editor._dirtyElements = new Map();
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
editor._cloneNotNeeded = new Set();
editor._dirtyType = 0;
activeEditorState = editorState;
isReadOnlyMode = false;
activeEditor = editor;
try {
const registeredNodes = editor._nodes;
const serializedNode = serializedEditorState.root;
$parseSerializedNodeImpl(serializedNode, registeredNodes);
if (updateFn) {
// Make the editorState immutable
editorState._readOnly = true;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
} finally {
editor._dirtyElements = previousDirtyElements;
editor._dirtyLeaves = previousDirtyLeaves;
editor._cloneNotNeeded = previousCloneNotNeeded;
editor._dirtyType = previousDirtyType;
activeEditorState = previousActiveEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = previousReadOnlyMode;
activeEditor = previousActiveEditor;
return editorState;
// This technically isn't an update but given we need
// exposure to the module's active bindings, we have this
// function here
function readEditorState(editorState, callbackFn) {
const previousActiveEditorState = activeEditorState;
const previousReadOnlyMode = isReadOnlyMode;
const previousActiveEditor = activeEditor;
activeEditorState = editorState;
isReadOnlyMode = true;
activeEditor = null;
try {
return callbackFn();
} finally {
activeEditorState = previousActiveEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = previousReadOnlyMode;
activeEditor = previousActiveEditor;
function handleDEVOnlyPendingUpdateGuarantees(pendingEditorState) {
// Given we can't Object.freeze the nodeMap as it's a Map,
// we instead replace its set, clear and delete methods.
const nodeMap = pendingEditorState._nodeMap;
nodeMap.set = () => {
throw new Error('Cannot call set() on a frozen Lexical node map');
nodeMap.clear = () => {
throw new Error('Cannot call clear() on a frozen Lexical node map');
nodeMap.delete = () => {
throw new Error('Cannot call delete() on a frozen Lexical node map');
function commitPendingUpdates(editor, recoveryEditorState) {
const pendingEditorState = editor._pendingEditorState;
const rootElement = editor._rootElement;
const shouldSkipDOM = editor._headless || rootElement === null;
if (pendingEditorState === null) {
// ======
// Reconciliation has started.
// ======
const currentEditorState = editor._editorState;
const currentSelection = currentEditorState._selection;
const pendingSelection = pendingEditorState._selection;
const needsUpdate = editor._dirtyType !== NO_DIRTY_NODES;
const previousActiveEditorState = activeEditorState;
const previousReadOnlyMode = isReadOnlyMode;
const previousActiveEditor = activeEditor;
const previouslyUpdating = editor._updating;
const observer = editor._observer;
let mutatedNodes = null;
editor._pendingEditorState = null;
editor._editorState = pendingEditorState;
if (!shouldSkipDOM && needsUpdate && observer !== null) {
activeEditor = editor;
activeEditorState = pendingEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = false;
// We don't want updates to sync block the reconciliation.
editor._updating = true;
try {
const dirtyType = editor._dirtyType;
const dirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
const dirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
mutatedNodes = reconcileRoot(currentEditorState, pendingEditorState, editor, dirtyType, dirtyElements, dirtyLeaves);
} catch (error) {
// Report errors
if (error instanceof Error) {
// Reset editor and restore incoming editor state to the DOM
if (!isAttemptingToRecoverFromReconcilerError) {
resetEditor(editor, null, rootElement, pendingEditorState);
editor._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
isAttemptingToRecoverFromReconcilerError = true;
commitPendingUpdates(editor, currentEditorState);
isAttemptingToRecoverFromReconcilerError = false;
} else {
// To avoid a possible situation of infinite loops, lets throw
throw error;
} finally {
observer.observe(rootElement, observerOptions);
editor._updating = previouslyUpdating;
activeEditorState = previousActiveEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = previousReadOnlyMode;
activeEditor = previousActiveEditor;
if (!pendingEditorState._readOnly) {
pendingEditorState._readOnly = true;
if ($isRangeSelection(pendingSelection)) {
const dirtyLeaves = editor._dirtyLeaves;
const dirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
const normalizedNodes = editor._normalizedNodes;
const tags = editor._updateTags;
const deferred = editor._deferred;
if (needsUpdate) {
editor._dirtyType = NO_DIRTY_NODES;
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
editor._dirtyElements = new Map();
editor._normalizedNodes = new Set();
editor._updateTags = new Set();
$garbageCollectDetachedDecorators(editor, pendingEditorState);
// ======
// Reconciliation has finished. Now update selection and trigger listeners.
// ======
const domSelection = shouldSkipDOM ? null : getDOMSelection(editor._window);
// Attempt to update the DOM selection, including focusing of the root element,
// and scroll into view if needed.
if (editor._editable &&
// domSelection will be null in headless
domSelection !== null && (needsUpdate || pendingSelection === null || pendingSelection.dirty)) {
activeEditor = editor;
activeEditorState = pendingEditorState;
try {
if (observer !== null) {
if (needsUpdate || pendingSelection === null || pendingSelection.dirty) {
const blockCursorElement = editor._blockCursorElement;
if (blockCursorElement !== null) {
removeDOMBlockCursorElement(blockCursorElement, editor, rootElement);
updateDOMSelection(currentSelection, pendingSelection, editor, domSelection, tags, rootElement);
updateDOMBlockCursorElement(editor, rootElement, pendingSelection);
if (observer !== null) {
observer.observe(rootElement, observerOptions);
} finally {
activeEditor = previousActiveEditor;
activeEditorState = previousActiveEditorState;
if (mutatedNodes !== null) {
triggerMutationListeners(editor, mutatedNodes, tags, dirtyLeaves, currentEditorState);
if (!$isRangeSelection(pendingSelection) && pendingSelection !== null && (currentSelection === null || !currentSelection.is(pendingSelection))) {
editor.dispatchCommand(SELECTION_CHANGE_COMMAND, undefined);
* Capture pendingDecorators after garbage collecting detached decorators
const pendingDecorators = editor._pendingDecorators;
if (pendingDecorators !== null) {
editor._decorators = pendingDecorators;
editor._pendingDecorators = null;
triggerListeners('decorator', editor, true, pendingDecorators);
// If reconciler fails, we reset whole editor (so current editor state becomes empty)
// and attempt to re-render pendingEditorState. If that goes through we trigger
// listeners, but instead use recoverEditorState which is current editor state before reset
// This specifically important for collab that relies on prevEditorState from update
// listener to calculate delta of changed nodes/properties
triggerTextContentListeners(editor, recoveryEditorState || currentEditorState, pendingEditorState);
triggerListeners('update', editor, true, {
editorState: pendingEditorState,
prevEditorState: recoveryEditorState || currentEditorState,
triggerDeferredUpdateCallbacks(editor, deferred);
function triggerTextContentListeners(editor, currentEditorState, pendingEditorState) {
const currentTextContent = getEditorStateTextContent(currentEditorState);
const latestTextContent = getEditorStateTextContent(pendingEditorState);
if (currentTextContent !== latestTextContent) {
triggerListeners('textcontent', editor, true, latestTextContent);
function triggerMutationListeners(editor, mutatedNodes, updateTags, dirtyLeaves, prevEditorState) {
const listeners = Array.from(editor._listeners.mutation);
const listenersLength = listeners.length;
for (let i = 0; i < listenersLength; i++) {
const [listener, klass] = listeners[i];
const mutatedNodesByType = mutatedNodes.get(klass);
if (mutatedNodesByType !== undefined) {
listener(mutatedNodesByType, {
function triggerListeners(type, editor, isCurrentlyEnqueuingUpdates, ...payload) {
const previouslyUpdating = editor._updating;
editor._updating = isCurrentlyEnqueuingUpdates;
try {
const listeners = Array.from(editor._listeners[type]);
for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
// @ts-ignore
listeners[i].apply(null, payload);
} finally {
editor._updating = previouslyUpdating;
function triggerCommandListeners(editor, type, payload) {
if (editor._updating === false || activeEditor !== editor) {
let returnVal = false;
editor.update(() => {
returnVal = triggerCommandListeners(editor, type, payload);
return returnVal;
const editors = getEditorsToPropagate(editor);
for (let i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
for (let e = 0; e < editors.length; e++) {
const currentEditor = editors[e];
const commandListeners = currentEditor._commands;
const listenerInPriorityOrder = commandListeners.get(type);
if (listenerInPriorityOrder !== undefined) {
const listenersSet = listenerInPriorityOrder[i];
if (listenersSet !== undefined) {
const listeners = Array.from(listenersSet);
const listenersLength = listeners.length;
for (let j = 0; j < listenersLength; j++) {
if (listeners[j](payload, editor) === true) {
return true;
return false;
function triggerEnqueuedUpdates(editor) {
const queuedUpdates = editor._updates;
if (queuedUpdates.length !== 0) {
const queuedUpdate = queuedUpdates.shift();
if (queuedUpdate) {
const [updateFn, options] = queuedUpdate;
beginUpdate(editor, updateFn, options);
function triggerDeferredUpdateCallbacks(editor, deferred) {
editor._deferred = [];
if (deferred.length !== 0) {
const previouslyUpdating = editor._updating;
editor._updating = true;
try {
for (let i = 0; i < deferred.length; i++) {
} finally {
editor._updating = previouslyUpdating;
function processNestedUpdates(editor, initialSkipTransforms) {
const queuedUpdates = editor._updates;
let skipTransforms = initialSkipTransforms || false;
// Updates might grow as we process them, we so we'll need
// to handle each update as we go until the updates array is
// empty.
while (queuedUpdates.length !== 0) {
const queuedUpdate = queuedUpdates.shift();
if (queuedUpdate) {
const [nextUpdateFn, options] = queuedUpdate;
let onUpdate;
let tag;
if (options !== undefined) {
onUpdate = options.onUpdate;
tag = options.tag;
if (options.skipTransforms) {
skipTransforms = true;
if (onUpdate) {
if (tag) {
return skipTransforms;
function beginUpdate(editor, updateFn, options) {
const updateTags = editor._updateTags;
let onUpdate;
let tag;
let skipTransforms = false;
let discrete = false;
if (options !== undefined) {
onUpdate = options.onUpdate;
tag = options.tag;
if (tag != null) {
skipTransforms = options.skipTransforms || false;
discrete = options.discrete || false;
if (onUpdate) {
const currentEditorState = editor._editorState;
let pendingEditorState = editor._pendingEditorState;
let editorStateWasCloned = false;
if (pendingEditorState === null || pendingEditorState._readOnly) {
pendingEditorState = editor._pendingEditorState = cloneEditorState(pendingEditorState || currentEditorState);
editorStateWasCloned = true;
pendingEditorState._flushSync = discrete;
const previousActiveEditorState = activeEditorState;
const previousReadOnlyMode = isReadOnlyMode;
const previousActiveEditor = activeEditor;
const previouslyUpdating = editor._updating;
activeEditorState = pendingEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = false;
editor._updating = true;
activeEditor = editor;
try {
if (editorStateWasCloned) {
if (editor._headless) {
if (currentEditorState._selection !== null) {
pendingEditorState._selection = currentEditorState._selection.clone();
} else {
pendingEditorState._selection = internalCreateSelection(editor);
const startingCompositionKey = editor._compositionKey;
skipTransforms = processNestedUpdates(editor, skipTransforms);
applySelectionTransforms(pendingEditorState, editor);
if (editor._dirtyType !== NO_DIRTY_NODES) {
if (skipTransforms) {
$normalizeAllDirtyTextNodes(pendingEditorState, editor);
} else {
$applyAllTransforms(pendingEditorState, editor);
$garbageCollectDetachedNodes(currentEditorState, pendingEditorState, editor._dirtyLeaves, editor._dirtyElements);
const endingCompositionKey = editor._compositionKey;
if (startingCompositionKey !== endingCompositionKey) {
pendingEditorState._flushSync = true;
const pendingSelection = pendingEditorState._selection;
if ($isRangeSelection(pendingSelection)) {
const pendingNodeMap = pendingEditorState._nodeMap;
const anchorKey = pendingSelection.anchor.key;
const focusKey = pendingSelection.focus.key;
if (pendingNodeMap.get(anchorKey) === undefined || pendingNodeMap.get(focusKey) === undefined) {
throw Error(`updateEditor: selection has been lost because the previously selected nodes have been removed and selection wasn't moved to another node. Ensure selection changes after removing/replacing a selected node.`);
} else if ($isNodeSelection(pendingSelection)) {
// TODO: we should also validate node selection?
if (pendingSelection._nodes.size === 0) {
pendingEditorState._selection = null;
} catch (error) {
// Report errors
if (error instanceof Error) {
// Restore existing editor state to the DOM
editor._pendingEditorState = currentEditorState;
editor._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
} finally {
activeEditorState = previousActiveEditorState;
isReadOnlyMode = previousReadOnlyMode;
activeEditor = previousActiveEditor;
editor._updating = previouslyUpdating;
infiniteTransformCount = 0;
const shouldUpdate = editor._dirtyType !== NO_DIRTY_NODES || editorStateHasDirtySelection(pendingEditorState, editor);
if (shouldUpdate) {
if (pendingEditorState._flushSync) {
pendingEditorState._flushSync = false;
} else if (editorStateWasCloned) {
scheduleMicroTask(() => {
} else {
pendingEditorState._flushSync = false;
if (editorStateWasCloned) {
editor._deferred = [];
editor._pendingEditorState = null;
function updateEditor(editor, updateFn, options) {
if (editor._updating) {
editor._updates.push([updateFn, options]);
} else {
beginUpdate(editor, updateFn, options);
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class DecoratorNode extends LexicalNode {
constructor(key) {
* The returned value is added to the LexicalEditor._decorators
decorate(editor, config) {
throw Error(`decorate: base method not extended`);
isIsolated() {
return false;
isInline() {
return true;
isKeyboardSelectable() {
return true;
function $isDecoratorNode(node) {
return node instanceof DecoratorNode;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class ElementNode extends LexicalNode {
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
constructor(key) {
this.__first = null;
this.__last = null;
this.__size = 0;
this.__format = 0;
this.__indent = 0;
this.__dir = null;
getFormat() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__format;
getFormatType() {
const format = this.getFormat();
return ELEMENT_FORMAT_TO_TYPE[format] || '';
getIndent() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__indent;
getChildren() {
const children = [];
let child = this.getFirstChild();
while (child !== null) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
return children;
getChildrenKeys() {
const children = [];
let child = this.getFirstChild();
while (child !== null) {
child = child.getNextSibling();
return children;
getChildrenSize() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__size;
isEmpty() {
return this.getChildrenSize() === 0;
isDirty() {
const editor = getActiveEditor();
const dirtyElements = editor._dirtyElements;
return dirtyElements !== null && dirtyElements.has(this.__key);
isLastChild() {
const self = this.getLatest();
const parentLastChild = this.getParentOrThrow().getLastChild();
return parentLastChild !== null && parentLastChild.is(self);
getAllTextNodes() {
const textNodes = [];
let child = this.getFirstChild();
while (child !== null) {
if ($isTextNode(child)) {
if ($isElementNode(child)) {
const subChildrenNodes = child.getAllTextNodes();
child = child.getNextSibling();
return textNodes;
getFirstDescendant() {
let node = this.getFirstChild();
while (node !== null) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const child = node.getFirstChild();
if (child !== null) {
node = child;
return node;
getLastDescendant() {
let node = this.getLastChild();
while (node !== null) {
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const child = node.getLastChild();
if (child !== null) {
node = child;
return node;
getDescendantByIndex(index) {
const children = this.getChildren();
const childrenLength = children.length;
// For non-empty element nodes, we resolve its descendant
// (either a leaf node or the bottom-most element)
if (index >= childrenLength) {
const resolvedNode = children[childrenLength - 1];
return $isElementNode(resolvedNode) && resolvedNode.getLastDescendant() || resolvedNode || null;
const resolvedNode = children[index];
return $isElementNode(resolvedNode) && resolvedNode.getFirstDescendant() || resolvedNode || null;
getFirstChild() {
const self = this.getLatest();
const firstKey = self.__first;
return firstKey === null ? null : $getNodeByKey(firstKey);
getFirstChildOrThrow() {
const firstChild = this.getFirstChild();
if (firstChild === null) {
throw Error(`Expected node ${this.__key} to have a first child.`);
return firstChild;
getLastChild() {
const self = this.getLatest();
const lastKey = self.__last;
return lastKey === null ? null : $getNodeByKey(lastKey);
getLastChildOrThrow() {
const lastChild = this.getLastChild();
if (lastChild === null) {
throw Error(`Expected node ${this.__key} to have a last child.`);
return lastChild;
getChildAtIndex(index) {
const size = this.getChildrenSize();
let node;
let i;
if (index < size / 2) {
node = this.getFirstChild();
i = 0;
while (node !== null && i <= index) {
if (i === index) {
return node;
node = node.getNextSibling();
return null;
node = this.getLastChild();
i = size - 1;
while (node !== null && i >= index) {
if (i === index) {
return node;
node = node.getPreviousSibling();
return null;
getTextContent() {
let textContent = '';
const children = this.getChildren();
const childrenLength = children.length;
for (let i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {
const child = children[i];
textContent += child.getTextContent();
if ($isElementNode(child) && i !== childrenLength - 1 && !child.isInline()) {
textContent += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK;
return textContent;
getTextContentSize() {
let textContentSize = 0;
const children = this.getChildren();
const childrenLength = children.length;
for (let i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {
const child = children[i];
textContentSize += child.getTextContentSize();
if ($isElementNode(child) && i !== childrenLength - 1 && !child.isInline()) {
textContentSize += DOUBLE_LINE_BREAK.length;
return textContentSize;
getDirection() {
const self = this.getLatest();
return self.__dir;
hasFormat(type) {
if (type !== '') {
const formatFlag = ELEMENT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[type];
return (this.getFormat() & formatFlag) !== 0;
return false;
// Mutators
select(_anchorOffset, _focusOffset) {
const selection = $getSelection();
let anchorOffset = _anchorOffset;
let focusOffset = _focusOffset;
const childrenCount = this.getChildrenSize();
if (!this.canBeEmpty()) {
if (_anchorOffset === 0 && _focusOffset === 0) {
const firstChild = this.getFirstChild();
if ($isTextNode(firstChild) || $isElementNode(firstChild)) {
return firstChild.select(0, 0);
} else if ((_anchorOffset === undefined || _anchorOffset === childrenCount) && (_focusOffset === undefined || _focusOffset === childrenCount)) {
const lastChild = this.getLastChild();
if ($isTextNode(lastChild) || $isElementNode(lastChild)) {
return lastChild.select();
if (anchorOffset === undefined) {
anchorOffset = childrenCount;
if (focusOffset === undefined) {
focusOffset = childrenCount;
const key = this.__key;
if (!$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
return internalMakeRangeSelection(key, anchorOffset, key, focusOffset, 'element', 'element');
} else {
selection.anchor.set(key, anchorOffset, 'element');
selection.focus.set(key, focusOffset, 'element');
selection.dirty = true;
return selection;
selectStart() {
const firstNode = this.getFirstDescendant();
return firstNode ? firstNode.selectStart() : this.select();
selectEnd() {
const lastNode = this.getLastDescendant();
return lastNode ? lastNode.selectEnd() : this.select();
clear() {
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
const children = this.getChildren();
children.forEach(child => child.remove());
return writableSelf;
append(...nodesToAppend) {
return this.splice(this.getChildrenSize(), 0, nodesToAppend);
setDirection(direction) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__dir = direction;
return self;
setFormat(type) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__format = type !== '' ? ELEMENT_TYPE_TO_FORMAT[type] : 0;
return this;
setIndent(indentLevel) {
const self = this.getWritable();
self.__indent = indentLevel;
return this;
splice(start, deleteCount, nodesToInsert) {
const nodesToInsertLength = nodesToInsert.length;
const oldSize = this.getChildrenSize();
const writableSelf = this.getWritable();
const writableSelfKey = writableSelf.__key;
const nodesToInsertKeys = [];
const nodesToRemoveKeys = [];
const nodeAfterRange = this.getChildAtIndex(start + deleteCount);
let nodeBeforeRange = null;
let newSize = oldSize - deleteCount + nodesToInsertLength;
if (start !== 0) {
if (start === oldSize) {
nodeBeforeRange = this.getLastChild();
} else {
const node = this.getChildAtIndex(start);
if (node !== null) {
nodeBeforeRange = node.getPreviousSibling();
if (deleteCount > 0) {
let nodeToDelete = nodeBeforeRange === null ? this.getFirstChild() : nodeBeforeRange.getNextSibling();
for (let i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) {
if (nodeToDelete === null) {
throw Error(`splice: sibling not found`);
const nextSibling = nodeToDelete.getNextSibling();
const nodeKeyToDelete = nodeToDelete.__key;
const writableNodeToDelete = nodeToDelete.getWritable();
nodeToDelete = nextSibling;
let prevNode = nodeBeforeRange;
for (let i = 0; i < nodesToInsertLength; i++) {
const nodeToInsert = nodesToInsert[i];
if (prevNode !== null && nodeToInsert.is(prevNode)) {
nodeBeforeRange = prevNode = prevNode.getPreviousSibling();
const writableNodeToInsert = nodeToInsert.getWritable();
if (writableNodeToInsert.__parent === writableSelfKey) {
const nodeKeyToInsert = nodeToInsert.__key;
if (prevNode === null) {
writableSelf.__first = nodeKeyToInsert;
writableNodeToInsert.__prev = null;
} else {
const writablePrevNode = prevNode.getWritable();
writablePrevNode.__next = nodeKeyToInsert;
writableNodeToInsert.__prev = writablePrevNode.__key;
if (nodeToInsert.__key === writableSelfKey) {
throw Error(`append: attempting to append self`);
// Set child parent to self
writableNodeToInsert.__parent = writableSelfKey;
prevNode = nodeToInsert;
if (start + deleteCount === oldSize) {
if (prevNode !== null) {
const writablePrevNode = prevNode.getWritable();
writablePrevNode.__next = null;
writableSelf.__last = prevNode.__key;
} else if (nodeAfterRange !== null) {
const writableNodeAfterRange = nodeAfterRange.getWritable();
if (prevNode !== null) {
const writablePrevNode = prevNode.getWritable();
writableNodeAfterRange.__prev = prevNode.__key;
writablePrevNode.__next = nodeAfterRange.__key;
} else {
writableNodeAfterRange.__prev = null;
writableSelf.__size = newSize;
// In case of deletion we need to adjust selection, unlink removed nodes
// and clean up node itself if it becomes empty. None of these needed
// for insertion-only cases
if (nodesToRemoveKeys.length) {
// Adjusting selection, in case node that was anchor/focus will be deleted
const selection = $getSelection();
if ($isRangeSelection(selection)) {
const nodesToRemoveKeySet = new Set(nodesToRemoveKeys);
const nodesToInsertKeySet = new Set(nodesToInsertKeys);
const {
} = selection;
if (isPointRemoved(anchor, nodesToRemoveKeySet, nodesToInsertKeySet)) {
moveSelectionPointToSibling(anchor, anchor.getNode(), this, nodeBeforeRange, nodeAfterRange);
if (isPointRemoved(focus, nodesToRemoveKeySet, nodesToInsertKeySet)) {
moveSelectionPointToSibling(focus, focus.getNode(), this, nodeBeforeRange, nodeAfterRange);
// Cleanup if node can't be empty
if (newSize === 0 && !this.canBeEmpty() && !$isRootOrShadowRoot(this)) {
return writableSelf;
// JSON serialization
exportJSON() {
return {
children: [],
direction: this.getDirection(),
format: this.getFormatType(),
indent: this.getIndent(),
type: 'element',
version: 1
// These are intended to be extends for specific element heuristics.
insertNewAfter(selection, restoreSelection) {
return null;
canIndent() {
return true;
* This method controls the behavior of a the node during backwards
* deletion (i.e., backspace) when selection is at the beginning of
* the node (offset 0)
collapseAtStart(selection) {
return false;
excludeFromCopy(destination) {
return false;
// TODO 0.10 deprecate
canExtractContents() {
return true;
canReplaceWith(replacement) {
return true;
canInsertAfter(node) {
return true;
canBeEmpty() {
return true;
canInsertTextBefore() {
return true;
canInsertTextAfter() {
return true;
isInline() {
return false;
// A shadow root is a Node that behaves like RootNode. The shadow root (and RootNode) mark the
// end of the hiercharchy, most implementations should treat it as there's nothing (upwards)
// beyond this point. For example, node.getTopLevelElement(), when performed inside a TableCellNode
// will return the immediate first child underneath TableCellNode instead of RootNode.
isShadowRoot() {
return false;
canMergeWith(node) {
return false;
extractWithChild(child, selection, destination) {
return false;
function $isElementNode(node) {
return node instanceof ElementNode;
function isPointRemoved(point, nodesToRemoveKeySet, nodesToInsertKeySet) {
let node = point.getNode();
while (node) {
const nodeKey = node.__key;
if (nodesToRemoveKeySet.has(nodeKey) && !nodesToInsertKeySet.has(nodeKey)) {
return true;
node = node.getParent();
return false;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class RootNode extends ElementNode {
/** @internal */
static getType() {
return 'root';
static clone() {
return new RootNode();
constructor() {
this.__cachedText = null;
getTopLevelElementOrThrow() {
throw Error(`getTopLevelElementOrThrow: root nodes are not top level elements`);
getTextContent() {
const cachedText = this.__cachedText;
if (isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode() || getActiveEditor()._dirtyType === NO_DIRTY_NODES) {
if (cachedText !== null) {
return cachedText;
return super.getTextContent();
remove() {
throw Error(`remove: cannot be called on root nodes`);
replace(node) {
throw Error(`replace: cannot be called on root nodes`);
insertBefore(nodeToInsert) {
throw Error(`insertBefore: cannot be called on root nodes`);
insertAfter(nodeToInsert) {
throw Error(`insertAfter: cannot be called on root nodes`);
// View
updateDOM(prevNode, dom) {
return false;
// Mutate
append(...nodesToAppend) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodesToAppend.length; i++) {
const node = nodesToAppend[i];
if (!$isElementNode(node) && !$isDecoratorNode(node)) {
throw Error(`rootNode.append: Only element or decorator nodes can be appended to the root node`);
return super.append(...nodesToAppend);
static importJSON(serializedNode) {
// We don't create a root, and instead use the existing root.
const node = $getRoot();
return node;
exportJSON() {
return {
children: [],
direction: this.getDirection(),
format: this.getFormatType(),
indent: this.getIndent(),
type: 'root',
version: 1
collapseAtStart() {
return true;
function $createRootNode() {
return new RootNode();
function $isRootNode(node) {
return node instanceof RootNode;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function editorStateHasDirtySelection(editorState, editor) {
const currentSelection = editor.getEditorState()._selection;
const pendingSelection = editorState._selection;
// Check if we need to update because of changes in selection
if (pendingSelection !== null) {
if (pendingSelection.dirty || !pendingSelection.is(currentSelection)) {
return true;
} else if (currentSelection !== null) {
return true;
return false;
function cloneEditorState(current) {
return new EditorState(new Map(current._nodeMap));
function createEmptyEditorState() {
return new EditorState(new Map([['root', $createRootNode()]]));
function exportNodeToJSON(node) {
const serializedNode = node.exportJSON();
const nodeClass = node.constructor;
if (serializedNode.type !== nodeClass.getType()) {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${nodeClass.name} does not match the serialized type. Check if .exportJSON() is implemented and it is returning the correct type.`);
if ($isElementNode(node)) {
const serializedChildren = serializedNode.children;
if (!Array.isArray(serializedChildren)) {
throw Error(`LexicalNode: Node ${nodeClass.name} is an element but .exportJSON() does not have a children array.`);
const children = node.getChildren();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i];
const serializedChildNode = exportNodeToJSON(child);
// @ts-expect-error
return serializedNode;
class EditorState {
constructor(nodeMap, selection) {
this._nodeMap = nodeMap;
this._selection = selection || null;
this._flushSync = false;
this._readOnly = false;
isEmpty() {
return this._nodeMap.size === 1 && this._selection === null;
read(callbackFn) {
return readEditorState(this, callbackFn);
clone(selection) {
const editorState = new EditorState(this._nodeMap, selection === undefined ? this._selection : selection);
editorState._readOnly = true;
return editorState;
toJSON() {
return readEditorState(this, () => ({
root: exportNodeToJSON($getRoot())
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/** @noInheritDoc */
class ParagraphNode extends ElementNode {
static getType() {
return 'paragraph';
static clone(node) {
return new ParagraphNode(node.__key);
// View
createDOM(config) {
const dom = document.createElement('p');
const classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(config.theme, 'paragraph');
if (classNames !== undefined) {
const domClassList = dom.classList;
return dom;
updateDOM(prevNode, dom, config) {
return false;
static importDOM() {
return {
p: node => ({
conversion: convertParagraphElement,
priority: 0
exportDOM(editor) {
const {
} = super.exportDOM(editor);
if (element && isHTMLElement(element)) {
if (this.isEmpty()) element.append(document.createElement('br'));
const formatType = this.getFormatType();
element.style.textAlign = formatType;
const direction = this.getDirection();
if (direction) {
element.dir = direction;
const indent = this.getIndent();
if (indent > 0) {
// padding-inline-start is not widely supported in email HTML, but
// Lexical Reconciler uses padding-inline-start. Using text-indent instead.
element.style.textIndent = `${indent * 20}px`;
return {
static importJSON(serializedNode) {
const node = $createParagraphNode();
return node;
exportJSON() {
return {
type: 'paragraph',
version: 1
// Mutation
insertNewAfter(_, restoreSelection) {
const newElement = $createParagraphNode();
const direction = this.getDirection();
this.insertAfter(newElement, restoreSelection);
return newElement;
collapseAtStart() {
const children = this.getChildren();
// If we have an empty (trimmed) first paragraph and try and remove it,
// delete the paragraph as long as we have another sibling to go to
if (children.length === 0 || $isTextNode(children[0]) && children[0].getTextContent().trim() === '') {
const nextSibling = this.getNextSibling();
if (nextSibling !== null) {
return true;
const prevSibling = this.getPreviousSibling();
if (prevSibling !== null) {
return true;
return false;
function convertParagraphElement(element) {
const node = $createParagraphNode();
if (element.style) {
const indent = parseInt(element.style.textIndent, 10) / 20;
if (indent > 0) {
return {
function $createParagraphNode() {
return $applyNodeReplacement(new ParagraphNode());
function $isParagraphNode(node) {
return node instanceof ParagraphNode;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/3841
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
* Type helper for extracting the payload type from a command.
* @example
* ```ts
* const MY_COMMAND = createCommand<SomeType>();
* // ...
* editor.registerCommand(MY_COMMAND, payload => {
* // Type of `payload` is inferred here. But lets say we want to extract a function to delegate to
* handleMyCommand(editor, payload);
* return true;
* });
* function handleMyCommand(editor: LexicalEditor, payload: CommandPayloadType<typeof MY_COMMAND>) {
* // `payload` is of type `SomeType`, extracted from the command.
* }
* ```
function resetEditor(editor, prevRootElement, nextRootElement, pendingEditorState) {
const keyNodeMap = editor._keyToDOMMap;
editor._editorState = createEmptyEditorState();
editor._pendingEditorState = pendingEditorState;
editor._compositionKey = null;
editor._dirtyType = NO_DIRTY_NODES;
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
editor._normalizedNodes = new Set();
editor._updateTags = new Set();
editor._updates = [];
editor._blockCursorElement = null;
const observer = editor._observer;
if (observer !== null) {
editor._observer = null;
// Remove all the DOM nodes from the root element
if (prevRootElement !== null) {
prevRootElement.textContent = '';
if (nextRootElement !== null) {
nextRootElement.textContent = '';
keyNodeMap.set('root', nextRootElement);
function initializeConversionCache(nodes, additionalConversions) {
const conversionCache = new Map();
const handledConversions = new Set();
const addConversionsToCache = map => {
Object.keys(map).forEach(key => {
let currentCache = conversionCache.get(key);
if (currentCache === undefined) {
currentCache = [];
conversionCache.set(key, currentCache);
nodes.forEach(node => {
const importDOM = node.klass.importDOM != null ? node.klass.importDOM.bind(node.klass) : null;
if (importDOM == null || handledConversions.has(importDOM)) {
const map = importDOM();
if (map !== null) {
if (additionalConversions) {
return conversionCache;
* Creates a new LexicalEditor attached to a single contentEditable (provided in the config). This is
* the lowest-level initialization API for a LexicalEditor. If you're using React or another framework,
* consider using the appropriate abstractions, such as LexicalComposer
* @param editorConfig - the editor configuration.
* @returns a LexicalEditor instance
function createEditor(editorConfig) {
const config = editorConfig || {};
const activeEditor = internalGetActiveEditor();
const theme = config.theme || {};
const parentEditor = editorConfig === undefined ? activeEditor : config.parentEditor || null;
const disableEvents = config.disableEvents || false;
const editorState = createEmptyEditorState();
const namespace = config.namespace || (parentEditor !== null ? parentEditor._config.namespace : createUID());
const initialEditorState = config.editorState;
const nodes = [RootNode, TextNode, LineBreakNode, TabNode, ParagraphNode, ...(config.nodes || [])];
const {
} = config;
const isEditable = config.editable !== undefined ? config.editable : true;
let registeredNodes;
if (editorConfig === undefined && activeEditor !== null) {
registeredNodes = activeEditor._nodes;
} else {
registeredNodes = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let klass = nodes[i];
let replace = null;
let replaceWithKlass = null;
if (typeof klass !== 'function') {
const options = klass;
klass = options.replace;
replace = options.with;
replaceWithKlass = options.withKlass || null;
// Ensure custom nodes implement required methods.
const name = klass.name;
if (name !== 'RootNode') {
const proto = klass.prototype;
['getType', 'clone'].forEach(method => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!klass.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
console.warn(`${name} must implement static "${method}" method`);
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
!klass.hasOwnProperty('importDOM') &&
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
klass.hasOwnProperty('exportDOM')) {
console.warn(`${name} should implement "importDOM" if using a custom "exportDOM" method to ensure HTML serialization (important for copy & paste) works as expected`);
if (proto instanceof DecoratorNode) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!proto.hasOwnProperty('decorate')) {
console.warn(`${proto.constructor.name} must implement "decorate" method`);
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
!klass.hasOwnProperty('importJSON')) {
console.warn(`${name} should implement "importJSON" method to ensure JSON and default HTML serialization works as expected`);
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
!proto.hasOwnProperty('exportJSON')) {
console.warn(`${name} should implement "exportJSON" method to ensure JSON and default HTML serialization works as expected`);
const type = klass.getType();
const transform = klass.transform();
const transforms = new Set();
if (transform !== null) {
registeredNodes.set(type, {
exportDOM: html && html.export ? html.export.get(klass) : undefined,
const editor = new LexicalEditor(editorState, parentEditor, registeredNodes, {
}, onError ? onError : console.error, initializeConversionCache(registeredNodes, html ? html.import : undefined), isEditable);
if (initialEditorState !== undefined) {
editor._pendingEditorState = initialEditorState;
editor._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
return editor;
class LexicalEditor {
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
constructor(editorState, parentEditor, nodes, config, onError, htmlConversions, editable) {
this._parentEditor = parentEditor;
// The root element associated with this editor
this._rootElement = null;
// The current editor state
this._editorState = editorState;
// Handling of drafts and updates
this._pendingEditorState = null;
// Used to help co-ordinate selection and events
this._compositionKey = null;
this._deferred = [];
// Used during reconciliation
this._keyToDOMMap = new Map();
this._updates = [];
this._updating = false;
// Listeners
this._listeners = {
decorator: new Set(),
editable: new Set(),
mutation: new Map(),
root: new Set(),
textcontent: new Set(),
update: new Set()
// Commands
this._commands = new Map();
// Editor configuration for theme/context.
this._config = config;
// Mapping of types to their nodes
this._nodes = nodes;
// React node decorators for portals
this._decorators = {};
this._pendingDecorators = null;
// Used to optimize reconciliation
this._dirtyType = NO_DIRTY_NODES;
this._cloneNotNeeded = new Set();
this._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
this._dirtyElements = new Map();
this._normalizedNodes = new Set();
this._updateTags = new Set();
// Handling of DOM mutations
this._observer = null;
// Used for identifying owning editors
this._key = createUID();
this._onError = onError;
this._htmlConversions = htmlConversions;
this._editable = editable;
this._headless = parentEditor !== null && parentEditor._headless;
this._window = null;
this._blockCursorElement = null;
* @returns true if the editor is currently in "composition" mode due to receiving input
* through an IME, or 3P extension, for example. Returns false otherwise.
isComposing() {
return this._compositionKey != null;
* Registers a listener for Editor update event. Will trigger the provided callback
* each time the editor goes through an update (via {@link LexicalEditor.update}) until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerUpdateListener(listener) {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.update;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for for when the editor changes between editable and non-editable states.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerEditableListener(listener) {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.editable;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when the editor's decorator object changes. The decorator object contains
* all DecoratorNode keys -> their decorated value. This is primarily used with external UI frameworks.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerDecoratorListener(listener) {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.decorator;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when Lexical commits an update to the DOM and the text content of
* the editor changes from the previous state of the editor. If the text content is the
* same between updates, no notifications to the listeners will happen.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerTextContentListener(listener) {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.textcontent;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when the editor's root DOM element (the content editable
* Lexical attaches to) changes. This is primarily used to attach event listeners to the root
* element. The root listener function is executed directly upon registration and then on
* any subsequent update.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerRootListener(listener) {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.root;
listener(this._rootElement, null);
return () => {
listener(null, this._rootElement);
* Registers a listener that will trigger anytime the provided command
* is dispatched, subject to priority. Listeners that run at a higher priority can "intercept"
* commands and prevent them from propagating to other handlers by returning true.
* Listeners registered at the same priority level will run deterministically in the order of registration.
* @param command - the command that will trigger the callback.
* @param listener - the function that will execute when the command is dispatched.
* @param priority - the relative priority of the listener. 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerCommand(command, listener, priority) {
if (priority === undefined) {
throw Error(`Listener for type "command" requires a "priority".`);
const commandsMap = this._commands;
if (!commandsMap.has(command)) {
commandsMap.set(command, [new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set()]);
const listenersInPriorityOrder = commandsMap.get(command);
if (listenersInPriorityOrder === undefined) {
throw Error(`registerCommand: Command ${String(command)} not found in command map`);
const listeners = listenersInPriorityOrder[priority];
return () => {
if (listenersInPriorityOrder.every(listenersSet => listenersSet.size === 0)) {
* Registers a listener that will run when a Lexical node of the provided class is
* mutated. The listener will receive a list of nodes along with the type of mutation
* that was performed on each: created, destroyed, or updated.
* One common use case for this is to attach DOM event listeners to the underlying DOM nodes as Lexical nodes are created.
* {@link LexicalEditor.getElementByKey} can be used for this.
* @param klass - The class of the node that you want to listen to mutations on.
* @param listener - The logic you want to run when the node is mutated.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerMutationListener(klass, listener) {
const registeredNode = this._nodes.get(klass.getType());
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`Node ${klass.name} has not been registered. Ensure node has been passed to createEditor.`);
const mutations = this._listeners.mutation;
mutations.set(listener, klass);
return () => {
/** @internal */
registerNodeTransformToKlass(klass, listener) {
const type = klass.getType();
const registeredNode = this._nodes.get(type);
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
throw Error(`Node ${klass.name} has not been registered. Ensure node has been passed to createEditor.`);
const transforms = registeredNode.transforms;
return registeredNode;
* Registers a listener that will run when a Lexical node of the provided class is
* marked dirty during an update. The listener will continue to run as long as the node
* is marked dirty. There are no guarantees around the order of transform execution!
* Watch out for infinite loops. See [Node Transforms](https://lexical.dev/docs/concepts/transforms)
* @param klass - The class of the node that you want to run transforms on.
* @param listener - The logic you want to run when the node is updated.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerNodeTransform(klass, listener) {
const registeredNode = this.registerNodeTransformToKlass(klass, listener);
const registeredNodes = [registeredNode];
const replaceWithKlass = registeredNode.replaceWithKlass;
if (replaceWithKlass != null) {
const registeredReplaceWithNode = this.registerNodeTransformToKlass(replaceWithKlass, listener);
markAllNodesAsDirty(this, klass.getType());
return () => {
registeredNodes.forEach(node => node.transforms.delete(listener));
* Used to assert that a certain node is registered, usually by plugins to ensure nodes that they
* depend on have been registered.
* @returns True if the editor has registered the provided node type, false otherwise.
hasNode(node) {
return this._nodes.has(node.getType());
* Used to assert that certain nodes are registered, usually by plugins to ensure nodes that they
* depend on have been registered.
* @returns True if the editor has registered all of the provided node types, false otherwise.
hasNodes(nodes) {
return nodes.every(this.hasNode.bind(this));
* Dispatches a command of the specified type with the specified payload.
* This triggers all command listeners (set by {@link LexicalEditor.registerCommand})
* for this type, passing them the provided payload.
* @param type - the type of command listeners to trigger.
* @param payload - the data to pass as an argument to the command listeners.
dispatchCommand(type, payload) {
return dispatchCommand(this, type, payload);
* Gets a map of all decorators in the editor.
* @returns A mapping of call decorator keys to their decorated content
getDecorators() {
return this._decorators;
* @returns the current root element of the editor. If you want to register
* an event listener, do it via {@link LexicalEditor.registerRootListener}, since
* this reference may not be stable.
getRootElement() {
return this._rootElement;
* Gets the key of the editor
* @returns The editor key
getKey() {
return this._key;
* Imperatively set the root contenteditable element that Lexical listens
* for events on.
setRootElement(nextRootElement) {
const prevRootElement = this._rootElement;
if (nextRootElement !== prevRootElement) {
const classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(this._config.theme, 'root');
const pendingEditorState = this._pendingEditorState || this._editorState;
this._rootElement = nextRootElement;
resetEditor(this, prevRootElement, nextRootElement, pendingEditorState);
if (prevRootElement !== null) {
// TODO: remove this flag once we no longer use UEv2 internally
if (!this._config.disableEvents) {
if (classNames != null) {
if (nextRootElement !== null) {
const windowObj = getDefaultView(nextRootElement);
const style = nextRootElement.style;
style.userSelect = 'text';
style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';
style.wordBreak = 'break-word';
nextRootElement.setAttribute('data-lexical-editor', 'true');
this._window = windowObj;
this._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
// TODO: remove this flag once we no longer use UEv2 internally
if (!this._config.disableEvents) {
addRootElementEvents(nextRootElement, this);
if (classNames != null) {
} else {
// If content editable is unmounted we'll reset editor state back to original
// (or pending) editor state since there will be no reconciliation
this._editorState = pendingEditorState;
this._pendingEditorState = null;
this._window = null;
triggerListeners('root', this, false, nextRootElement, prevRootElement);
* Gets the underlying HTMLElement associated with the LexicalNode for the given key.
* @returns the HTMLElement rendered by the LexicalNode associated with the key.
* @param key - the key of the LexicalNode.
getElementByKey(key) {
return this._keyToDOMMap.get(key) || null;
* Gets the active editor state.
* @returns The editor state
getEditorState() {
return this._editorState;
* Imperatively set the EditorState. Triggers reconciliation like an update.
* @param editorState - the state to set the editor
* @param options - options for the update.
setEditorState(editorState, options) {
if (editorState.isEmpty()) {
throw Error(`setEditorState: the editor state is empty. Ensure the editor state's root node never becomes empty.`);
const pendingEditorState = this._pendingEditorState;
const tags = this._updateTags;
const tag = options !== undefined ? options.tag : null;
if (pendingEditorState !== null && !pendingEditorState.isEmpty()) {
if (tag != null) {
this._pendingEditorState = editorState;
this._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
this._dirtyElements.set('root', false);
this._compositionKey = null;
if (tag != null) {
* Parses a SerializedEditorState (usually produced by {@link EditorState.toJSON}) and returns
* and EditorState object that can be, for example, passed to {@link LexicalEditor.setEditorState}. Typically,
* deserliazation from JSON stored in a database uses this method.
* @param maybeStringifiedEditorState
* @param updateFn
* @returns
parseEditorState(maybeStringifiedEditorState, updateFn) {
const serializedEditorState = typeof maybeStringifiedEditorState === 'string' ? JSON.parse(maybeStringifiedEditorState) : maybeStringifiedEditorState;
return parseEditorState(serializedEditorState, this, updateFn);
* Executes an update to the editor state. The updateFn callback is the ONLY place
* where Lexical editor state can be safely mutated.
* @param updateFn - A function that has access to writable editor state.
* @param options - A bag of options to control the behavior of the update.
* @param options.onUpdate - A function to run once the update is complete.
* Useful for synchronizing updates in some cases.
* @param options.skipTransforms - Setting this to true will suppress all node
* transforms for this update cycle.
* @param options.tag - A tag to identify this update, in an update listener, for instance.
* Some tags are reserved by the core and control update behavior in different ways.
* @param options.discrete - If true, prevents this update from being batched, forcing it to
* run synchronously.
update(updateFn, options) {
updateEditor(this, updateFn, options);
* Focuses the editor
* @param callbackFn - A function to run after the editor is focused.
* @param options - A bag of options
* @param options.defaultSelection - Where to move selection when the editor is
* focused. Can be rootStart, rootEnd, or undefined. Defaults to rootEnd.
focus(callbackFn, options = {}) {
const rootElement = this._rootElement;
if (rootElement !== null) {
// This ensures that iOS does not trigger caps lock upon focus
rootElement.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off');
updateEditor(this, () => {
const selection = $getSelection();
const root = $getRoot();
if (selection !== null) {
// Marking the selection dirty will force the selection back to it
selection.dirty = true;
} else if (root.getChildrenSize() !== 0) {
if (options.defaultSelection === 'rootStart') {
} else {
}, {
onUpdate: () => {
if (callbackFn) {
tag: 'focus'
// In the case where onUpdate doesn't fire (due to the focus update not
// occuring).
if (this._pendingEditorState === null) {
* Removes focus from the editor.
blur() {
const rootElement = this._rootElement;
if (rootElement !== null) {
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(this._window);
if (domSelection !== null) {
* Returns true if the editor is editable, false otherwise.
* @returns True if the editor is editable, false otherwise.
isEditable() {
return this._editable;
* Sets the editable property of the editor. When false, the
* editor will not listen for user events on the underling contenteditable.
* @param editable - the value to set the editable mode to.
setEditable(editable) {
if (this._editable !== editable) {
this._editable = editable;
triggerListeners('editable', this, true, editable);
* Returns a JSON-serializable javascript object NOT a JSON string.
* You still must call JSON.stringify (or something else) to turn the
* state into a string you can transfer over the wire and store in a database.
* See {@link LexicalNode.exportJSON}
* @returns A JSON-serializable javascript object
toJSON() {
return {
editorState: this._editorState.toJSON()
exports.$addUpdateTag = $addUpdateTag;
exports.$applyNodeReplacement = $applyNodeReplacement;
exports.$copyNode = $copyNode;
exports.$createLineBreakNode = $createLineBreakNode;
exports.$createNodeSelection = $createNodeSelection;
exports.$createParagraphNode = $createParagraphNode;
exports.$createPoint = $createPoint;
exports.$createRangeSelection = $createRangeSelection;
exports.$createTabNode = $createTabNode;
exports.$createTextNode = $createTextNode;
exports.$getAdjacentNode = $getAdjacentNode;
exports.$getCharacterOffsets = $getCharacterOffsets;
exports.$getEditor = $getEditor;
exports.$getNearestNodeFromDOMNode = $getNearestNodeFromDOMNode;
exports.$getNearestRootOrShadowRoot = $getNearestRootOrShadowRoot;
exports.$getNodeByKey = $getNodeByKey;
exports.$getPreviousSelection = $getPreviousSelection;
exports.$getRoot = $getRoot;
exports.$getSelection = $getSelection;
exports.$getTextContent = $getTextContent;
exports.$hasAncestor = $hasAncestor;
exports.$hasUpdateTag = $hasUpdateTag;
exports.$insertNodes = $insertNodes;
exports.$isBlockElementNode = $isBlockElementNode;
exports.$isDecoratorNode = $isDecoratorNode;
exports.$isElementNode = $isElementNode;
exports.$isInlineElementOrDecoratorNode = $isInlineElementOrDecoratorNode;
exports.$isLeafNode = $isLeafNode;
exports.$isLineBreakNode = $isLineBreakNode;
exports.$isNodeSelection = $isNodeSelection;
exports.$isParagraphNode = $isParagraphNode;
exports.$isRangeSelection = $isRangeSelection;
exports.$isRootNode = $isRootNode;
exports.$isRootOrShadowRoot = $isRootOrShadowRoot;
exports.$isTabNode = $isTabNode;
exports.$isTextNode = $isTextNode;
exports.$nodesOfType = $nodesOfType;
exports.$normalizeSelection__EXPERIMENTAL = $normalizeSelection;
exports.$parseSerializedNode = $parseSerializedNode;
exports.$selectAll = $selectAll;
exports.$setCompositionKey = $setCompositionKey;
exports.$setSelection = $setSelection;
exports.$splitNode = $splitNode;
exports.DecoratorNode = DecoratorNode;
exports.ElementNode = ElementNode;
exports.LineBreakNode = LineBreakNode;
exports.ParagraphNode = ParagraphNode;
exports.RootNode = RootNode;
exports.TabNode = TabNode;
exports.TextNode = TextNode;
exports.createCommand = createCommand;
exports.createEditor = createEditor;
exports.getNearestEditorFromDOMNode = getNearestEditorFromDOMNode;
exports.isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode = isCurrentlyReadOnlyMode;
exports.isHTMLAnchorElement = isHTMLAnchorElement;
exports.isHTMLElement = isHTMLElement;
exports.isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput = isSelectionCapturedInDecoratorInput;
exports.isSelectionWithinEditor = isSelectionWithinEditor;