
146 lines
4.5 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const settingsCache = require('./settings-cache');
const config = require('./config');
const messages = {
errorMessage: 'The \\{\\{{helperName}\\}\\} helper is not available.',
errorContext: 'The {flagName} flag must be enabled in labs if you wish to use the \\{\\{{helperName}\\}\\} helper.',
errorHelp: 'See {url}'
// flags in this list always return `true`, allows quick global enable prior to full flag removal
const GA_FEATURES = [
// NOTE: this allowlist is meant to be used to filter out any unexpected
// input for the "labs" setting value
module.exports.GA_KEYS = [...GA_FEATURES];
module.exports.getAll = () => {
const labs = _.cloneDeep(settingsCache.get('labs')) || {};
ALPHA_FEATURES.forEach((alphaKey) => {
if (labs[alphaKey] && !(config.get('enableDeveloperExperiments') || process.env.NODE_ENV.startsWith('test'))) {
delete labs[alphaKey];
GA_FEATURES.forEach((gaKey) => {
labs[gaKey] = true;
const labsConfig = config.get('labs') || {};
Object.keys(labsConfig).forEach((key) => {
labs[key] = labsConfig[key];
labs.members = settingsCache.get('members_signup_access') !== 'none';
return labs;
module.exports.getAllFlags = function () {
* @param {string} flag
* @returns {boolean}
module.exports.isSet = function isSet(flag) {
const labsConfig = module.exports.getAll();
return !!(labsConfig && labsConfig[flag] && labsConfig[flag] === true);
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.flagKey the internal lookup key of the flag e.g. labs.isSet(matchHelper)
* @param {string} options.flagName the user-facing name of the flag e.g. Match helper
* @param {string} options.helperName Name of the helper to be enabled/disabled
* @param {string} [options.errorMessage] Optional replacement error message
* @param {string} [options.errorContext] Optional replacement context message
* @param {string} [options.errorHelp] Optional replacement help message
* @param {string} [options.helpUrl] Url to show in the help message
* @param {string} [options.async] is the helper async?
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {Promise<Handlebars.SafeString>|Handlebars.SafeString}
module.exports.enabledHelper = function enabledHelper(options, callback) {
const errDetails = {};
let errString;
if (module.exports.isSet(options.flagKey) === true) {
// helper is active, use the callback
return callback();
// Else, the helper is not active and we need to handle this as an error
errDetails.message = tpl(options.errorMessage || messages.errorMessage, {helperName: options.helperName});
errDetails.context = tpl(options.errorContext || messages.errorContext, {
helperName: options.helperName,
flagName: options.flagName
errDetails.help = tpl(options.errorHelp || messages.errorHelp, {url: options.helpUrl});
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
logging.error(new errors.DisabledFeatureError({
message: errDetails.message,
context: errDetails.context,
help: errDetails.help
const {SafeString} = require('express-hbs');
errString = new SafeString(`<script>console.error("${_.values(errDetails).join(' ')}");</script>`);
if (options.async) {
return Promise.resolve(errString);
return errString;
module.exports.enabledMiddleware = flag => function labsEnabledMw(req, res, next) {
if (module.exports.isSet(flag) === true) {
return next();
} else {
return next(new errors.NotFoundError());