import Throttle from '../lib/index' import nock from 'nock' import { assert } from 'chai' import request from 'superagent' import _ from 'lodash' import debug from 'debug' const debugThrottle = debug('superagent-throttle') nock('http://stub') .get('/time') .times(1000) .reply(201, () => nock('http://stub') .get('/delay') .socketDelay(2000) .times(1000) .reply(200, '') nock('http://stub') .get('/error') .times(1000) .reply(400) nock('http://stub') .get('/redirect') .times(1000) .reply(301, '', { 'Location': 'http://stub/delay' }) nock('http://stub') .get('/redirect-to-error') .times(1000) .reply(301, '', { 'Location': 'http://stub/error' }) nock.disableNetConnect() /** * ## log * * a helper to write pretty tables when attached to Throttle events */ function log (prefix) { let count = 0 let start = return (request) => { if (!debugThrottle.enabled) return let rate let check = new Date( - request.throttle.ratePer) rate = request.throttle._requestTimes.length - 1 - _.findLastIndex( request.throttle._requestTimes, (date) => (date < check) ) count += 1 console.log([ '| ', _.padEnd(prefix, 10, ' '), '| ', _.padStart(count, 3, ' '), ' | ', _.padStart( - start, 6, ' '), ' | conc: ', _.padStart(request.throttle._current, 3, ' '), ' | rate: ', _.padStart(rate, 3, ' '), ' | queued: ', _.padStart(request.throttle._buffer.length, 3, ' '), ' | ', request.serial ].join('')) } } /** * ## max * * collates various maximums, useful for tests */ function max () { let count = 0 let maxRate = 0 let maxConcurrent = 0 let maxBuffer = 0 return (request) => { if (request) { let rate let check = new Date( - request.throttle.ratePer) rate = request.throttle._requestTimes.length - 1 - _.findLastIndex( request.throttle._requestTimes, (date) => (date < check) ) count += 1 if (maxConcurrent < request.throttle._current) { maxConcurrent = request.throttle._current } if (maxRate < rate) { maxRate = rate } if (maxBuffer < request.throttle._buffer.length) { maxBuffer = request.throttle._buffer.length } } return { count, maxRate, maxConcurrent, maxBuffer } } } describe('throttle', function () { this.timeout(15000) it('should clear errored requests (issue #6)', (done) => { let throttle = new Throttle() // `stub/delay` will return after 2000ms request .get('http://stub/delay') .timeout(1000) .use(throttle.plugin()) .end((err) => { if (err) console.log(err) // console.log(throttle._current) assert(throttle._current === 0, 'request has not been cleared') done() }) }) it('should work with low concurrency', (done) => { let highest = max() let throttle = new Throttle({ active: true, rate: 1000, ratePer: 2000, concurrent: 2 }) throttle.on('sent', highest) throttle.on('received', highest) _.times(10, function (idx) { request .get('stub/time') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end() }) throttle.on('drained', () => { let result = highest() assert(result.maxConcurrent === 2, 'highest concurrency was 2') done() }) }) it('should work with low rate', (done) => { let highest = max() let throttle = new Throttle({ active: true, rate: 2, ratePer: 1000, concurrent: 2 }) throttle.on('sent', highest) throttle.on('received', highest) throttle.on('sent', log('sent')) throttle.on('received', log('rcvd')) _.times(10, (idx) => { request .get('stub/time') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end() }) throttle.on('drained', () => { let result = highest() assert(result.maxRate === 2, 'highest rate was 2') done() }) }) it('should work when resource bound (issue #6)', (done) => { let highest = max() let throttle = new Throttle({ active: true, rate: 1000, ratePer: 5000, concurrent: 1000 }) throttle.on('sent', highest) throttle.on('received', highest) throttle.on('sent', log('sent')) throttle.on('received', log('rcvd')) _.times(500, function (idx) { request .get('stub/time') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end() }) throttle.on('drained', () => { assert.isOk(true, 'has thrown error?') done() }) }) /** * ## it should allow serialised queues * * this test is pretty ugly, but I can't think of a better way for the time * being. Basically there's an array of serial identifiers, which are attached * to requests, then as they come back those identifiers are stored, and teh * test is passed if no serialised requests come back consecutively. * * a better test would ensure that no two serial requests for the same uri * are requested simultaneously. But for now this will do. * */ it('should allow serialised queues', (done) => { let throttle = new Throttle({ active: true, rate: 10, ratePer: 5000, concurrent: 2 }) // throttle.on('sent', log('sent')) // throttle.on('received', log('rcvd')) let uris = [ undefined, 'someUri', 'someUri', 'someUri', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ] let responses = [] _.each(uris, (uri) => { request.get('http://stub/time') .use(throttle.plugin(uri)) .end((err, res) => { if (err) console.log(err) else responses.push(request.serial) }) }) throttle.on('drained', () => { // responses should not have two consecutive 'someUri' let consecutive = _.some(responses, (response, idx) => { if (idx === 0) return if ( (responses[idx - 1] === 'someUri') && (responses[idx] === 'someUri') ) return true }) assert.isOk(!consecutive, 'requests have not been serialised') done() }) }) it('should not break end handler (issue #5)', (done) => { let throttle = new Throttle() request .get('stub/time') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end(() => { assert.isOk(true, 'end handler not working?') done() }) }) it('should return superagent instance (issue #2)', () => { let throttle = new Throttle() let instance = request.get('stub/time') let returned = instance.use(throttle.plugin()) assert(instance === returned, 'instance not returned') }) it('should not throw error when error listeners are attached', done => { const throttle = new Throttle() .on('error', () => null) const instance = request.get('stub/error') .use(throttle.plugin()) assert.doesNotThrow(() => instance.end(() => done()) ) }) it('should work with redirects', (done) => { let throttle = new Throttle() // currently failing with uncatchable 'Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded' request .get('http://stub/redirect') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end((err) => { if (err) console.log(err) done() }) }) it('should work with lots of redirects', (done) => { let highest = max() let throttle = new Throttle({ active: true, rate: 10, ratePer: 500, concurrent: 5 }) throttle.on('sent', highest) throttle.on('received', highest) throttle.on('sent', log('sent')) throttle.on('received', log('rcvd')) _.times(20, function (idx) { request .get('stub/redirect') .use(throttle.plugin()) .end() }) throttle.on('drained', () => { assert.isOk(true, 'has thrown error?') done() }) }) })