'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const utils = require('./utils'); const { StripeConnectionError, StripeAuthenticationError, StripePermissionError, StripeRateLimitError, StripeError, StripeAPIError, } = require('./Error'); const {HttpClient} = require('./net/HttpClient'); // Provide extension mechanism for Stripe Resource Sub-Classes StripeResource.extend = utils.protoExtend; // Expose method-creator & prepared (basic) methods StripeResource.method = require('./StripeMethod'); StripeResource.BASIC_METHODS = require('./StripeMethod.basic'); StripeResource.MAX_BUFFERED_REQUEST_METRICS = 100; const MAX_RETRY_AFTER_WAIT = 60; /** * Encapsulates request logic for a Stripe Resource */ function StripeResource(stripe, deprecatedUrlData) { this._stripe = stripe; if (deprecatedUrlData) { throw new Error( 'Support for curried url params was dropped in stripe-node v7.0.0. Instead, pass two ids.' ); } this.basePath = utils.makeURLInterpolator( this.basePath || stripe.getApiField('basePath') ); this.resourcePath = this.path; this.path = utils.makeURLInterpolator(this.path); // DEPRECATED: This was kept for backwards compatibility in case users were // using this, but basic methods are now explicitly defined on a resource. if (this.includeBasic) { this.includeBasic.forEach(function(methodName) { this[methodName] = StripeResource.BASIC_METHODS[methodName]; }, this); } this.initialize(...arguments); } StripeResource.prototype = { path: '', // Methods that don't use the API's default '/v1' path can override it with this setting. basePath: null, initialize() {}, // Function to override the default data processor. This allows full control // over how a StripeResource's request data will get converted into an HTTP // body. This is useful for non-standard HTTP requests. The function should // take method name, data, and headers as arguments. requestDataProcessor: null, // Function to add a validation checks before sending the request, errors should // be thrown, and they will be passed to the callback/promise. validateRequest: null, createFullPath(commandPath, urlData) { return path .join( this.basePath(urlData), this.path(urlData), typeof commandPath == 'function' ? commandPath(urlData) : commandPath ) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); // ugly workaround for Windows }, // Creates a relative resource path with symbols left in (unlike // createFullPath which takes some data to replace them with). For example it // might produce: /invoices/{id} createResourcePathWithSymbols(pathWithSymbols) { return `/${path .join(this.resourcePath, pathWithSymbols || '') .replace(/\\/g, '/')}`; // ugly workaround for Windows }, // DEPRECATED: Here for backcompat in case users relied on this. wrapTimeout: utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout, _timeoutHandler(timeout, req, callback) { return () => { const timeoutErr = new TypeError('ETIMEDOUT'); timeoutErr.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'; req.destroy(timeoutErr); }; }, _addHeadersDirectlyToObject(obj, headers) { // For convenience, make some headers easily accessible on // lastResponse. // NOTE: Stripe responds with lowercase header names/keys. obj.requestId = headers['request-id']; obj.stripeAccount = obj.stripeAccount || headers['stripe-account']; obj.apiVersion = obj.apiVersion || headers['stripe-version']; obj.idempotencyKey = obj.idempotencyKey || headers['idempotency-key']; }, _makeResponseEvent(requestEvent, statusCode, headers) { const requestEndTime = Date.now(); const requestDurationMs = requestEndTime - requestEvent.request_start_time; return utils.removeNullish({ api_version: headers['stripe-version'], account: headers['stripe-account'], idempotency_key: headers['idempotency-key'], method: requestEvent.method, path: requestEvent.path, status: statusCode, request_id: this._getRequestId(headers), elapsed: requestDurationMs, request_start_time: requestEvent.request_start_time, request_end_time: requestEndTime, }); }, _getRequestId(headers) { return headers['request-id']; }, /** * Used by methods with spec.streaming === true. For these methods, we do not * buffer successful responses into memory or do parse them into stripe * objects, we delegate that all of that to the user and pass back the raw * http.Response object to the callback. * * (Unsuccessful responses shouldn't make it here, they should * still be buffered/parsed and handled by _jsonResponseHandler -- see * makeRequest) */ _streamingResponseHandler(requestEvent, callback) { return (res) => { const headers = res.getHeaders(); const streamCompleteCallback = () => { const responseEvent = this._makeResponseEvent( requestEvent, res.getStatusCode(), headers ); this._stripe._emitter.emit('response', responseEvent); this._recordRequestMetrics( this._getRequestId(headers), responseEvent.elapsed ); }; const stream = res.toStream(streamCompleteCallback); // This is here for backwards compatibility, as the stream is a raw // HTTP response in Node and the legacy behavior was to mutate this // response. this._addHeadersDirectlyToObject(stream, headers); return callback(null, stream); }; }, /** * Default handler for Stripe responses. Buffers the response into memory, * parses the JSON and returns it (i.e. passes it to the callback) if there * is no "error" field. Otherwise constructs/passes an appropriate Error. */ _jsonResponseHandler(requestEvent, callback) { return (res) => { const headers = res.getHeaders(); const requestId = this._getRequestId(headers); const statusCode = res.getStatusCode(); const responseEvent = this._makeResponseEvent( requestEvent, statusCode, headers ); this._stripe._emitter.emit('response', responseEvent); res .toJSON() .then( (jsonResponse) => { if (jsonResponse.error) { let err; // Convert OAuth error responses into a standard format // so that the rest of the error logic can be shared if (typeof jsonResponse.error === 'string') { jsonResponse.error = { type: jsonResponse.error, message: jsonResponse.error_description, }; } jsonResponse.error.headers = headers; jsonResponse.error.statusCode = statusCode; jsonResponse.error.requestId = requestId; if (statusCode === 401) { err = new StripeAuthenticationError(jsonResponse.error); } else if (statusCode === 403) { err = new StripePermissionError(jsonResponse.error); } else if (statusCode === 429) { err = new StripeRateLimitError(jsonResponse.error); } else { err = StripeError.generate(jsonResponse.error); } throw err; } return jsonResponse; }, (e) => { throw new StripeAPIError({ message: 'Invalid JSON received from the Stripe API', exception: e, requestId: headers['request-id'], }); } ) .then( (jsonResponse) => { this._recordRequestMetrics(requestId, responseEvent.elapsed); // Expose raw response object. const rawResponse = res.getRawResponse(); this._addHeadersDirectlyToObject(rawResponse, headers); Object.defineProperty(jsonResponse, 'lastResponse', { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: rawResponse, }); callback.call(this, null, jsonResponse); }, (e) => callback.call(this, e, null) ); }; }, _generateConnectionErrorMessage(requestRetries) { return `An error occurred with our connection to Stripe.${ requestRetries > 0 ? ` Request was retried ${requestRetries} times.` : '' }`; }, _errorHandler(req, requestRetries, callback) { return (message, detail) => { callback.call( this, new StripeConnectionError({ message: this._generateConnectionErrorMessage(requestRetries), detail: error, }), null ); }; }, // For more on when and how to retry API requests, see https://stripe.com/docs/error-handling#safely-retrying-requests-with-idempotency _shouldRetry(res, numRetries, maxRetries) { // Do not retry if we are out of retries. if (numRetries >= maxRetries) { return false; } // Retry on connection error. if (!res) { return true; } // The API may ask us not to retry (e.g., if doing so would be a no-op) // or advise us to retry (e.g., in cases of lock timeouts); we defer to that. if (res.getHeaders()['stripe-should-retry'] === 'false') { return false; } if (res.getHeaders()['stripe-should-retry'] === 'true') { return true; } // Retry on conflict errors. if (res.getStatusCode() === 409) { return true; } // Retry on 500, 503, and other internal errors. // // Note that we expect the stripe-should-retry header to be false // in most cases when a 500 is returned, since our idempotency framework // would typically replay it anyway. if (res.getStatusCode() >= 500) { return true; } return false; }, _getSleepTimeInMS(numRetries, retryAfter = null) { const initialNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getInitialNetworkRetryDelay(); const maxNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getMaxNetworkRetryDelay(); // Apply exponential backoff with initialNetworkRetryDelay on the // number of numRetries so far as inputs. Do not allow the number to exceed // maxNetworkRetryDelay. let sleepSeconds = Math.min( initialNetworkRetryDelay * Math.pow(numRetries - 1, 2), maxNetworkRetryDelay ); // Apply some jitter by randomizing the value in the range of // (sleepSeconds / 2) to (sleepSeconds). sleepSeconds *= 0.5 * (1 + Math.random()); // But never sleep less than the base sleep seconds. sleepSeconds = Math.max(initialNetworkRetryDelay, sleepSeconds); // And never sleep less than the time the API asks us to wait, assuming it's a reasonable ask. if (Number.isInteger(retryAfter) && retryAfter <= MAX_RETRY_AFTER_WAIT) { sleepSeconds = Math.max(sleepSeconds, retryAfter); } return sleepSeconds * 1000; }, // Max retries can be set on a per request basis. Favor those over the global setting _getMaxNetworkRetries(settings = {}) { return settings.maxNetworkRetries && Number.isInteger(settings.maxNetworkRetries) ? settings.maxNetworkRetries : this._stripe.getMaxNetworkRetries(); }, _defaultIdempotencyKey(method, settings) { // If this is a POST and we allow multiple retries, ensure an idempotency key. const maxRetries = this._getMaxNetworkRetries(settings); if (method === 'POST' && maxRetries > 0) { return `stripe-node-retry-${utils.uuid4()}`; } return null; }, _makeHeaders( auth, contentLength, apiVersion, clientUserAgent, method, userSuppliedHeaders, userSuppliedSettings ) { const defaultHeaders = { // Use specified auth token or use default from this stripe instance: Authorization: auth ? `Bearer ${auth}` : this._stripe.getApiField('auth'), Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': this._getUserAgentString(), 'X-Stripe-Client-User-Agent': clientUserAgent, 'X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry': this._getTelemetryHeader(), 'Stripe-Version': apiVersion, 'Stripe-Account': this._stripe.getApiField('stripeAccount'), 'Idempotency-Key': this._defaultIdempotencyKey( method, userSuppliedSettings ), }; // As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2: // A user agent SHOULD send a Content-Length in a request message when // no Transfer-Encoding is sent and the request method defines a meaning // for an enclosed payload body. For example, a Content-Length header // field is normally sent in a POST request even when the value is 0 // (indicating an empty payload body). A user agent SHOULD NOT send a // Content-Length header field when the request message does not contain // a payload body and the method semantics do not anticipate such a // body. // // These method types are expected to have bodies and so we should always // include a Content-Length. const methodHasPayload = method == 'POST' || method == 'PUT' || method == 'PATCH'; // If a content length was specified, we always include it regardless of // whether the method semantics anticipate such a body. This keeps us // consistent with historical behavior. We do however want to warn on this // and fix these cases as they are semantically incorrect. if (methodHasPayload || contentLength) { if (!methodHasPayload) { utils.emitWarning( `${method} method had non-zero contentLength but no payload is expected for this verb` ); } defaultHeaders['Content-Length'] = contentLength; } return Object.assign( utils.removeNullish(defaultHeaders), // If the user supplied, say 'idempotency-key', override instead of appending by ensuring caps are the same. utils.normalizeHeaders(userSuppliedHeaders) ); }, _getUserAgentString() { const packageVersion = this._stripe.getConstant('PACKAGE_VERSION'); const appInfo = this._stripe._appInfo ? this._stripe.getAppInfoAsString() : ''; return `Stripe/v1 NodeBindings/${packageVersion} ${appInfo}`.trim(); }, _getTelemetryHeader() { if ( this._stripe.getTelemetryEnabled() && this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > 0 ) { const metrics = this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.shift(); return JSON.stringify({ last_request_metrics: metrics, }); } }, _recordRequestMetrics(requestId, requestDurationMs) { if (this._stripe.getTelemetryEnabled() && requestId) { if ( this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > StripeResource.MAX_BUFFERED_REQUEST_METRICS ) { utils.emitWarning( 'Request metrics buffer is full, dropping telemetry message.' ); } else { this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.push({ request_id: requestId, request_duration_ms: requestDurationMs, }); } } }, _request(method, host, path, data, auth, options = {}, callback) { let requestData; const retryRequest = ( requestFn, apiVersion, headers, requestRetries, retryAfter ) => { return setTimeout( requestFn, this._getSleepTimeInMS(requestRetries, retryAfter), apiVersion, headers, requestRetries + 1 ); }; const makeRequest = (apiVersion, headers, numRetries) => { // timeout can be set on a per-request basis. Favor that over the global setting const timeout = options.settings && Number.isInteger(options.settings.timeout) && options.settings.timeout >= 0 ? options.settings.timeout : this._stripe.getApiField('timeout'); const req = this._stripe .getApiField('httpClient') .makeRequest( host || this._stripe.getApiField('host'), this._stripe.getApiField('port'), path, method, headers, requestData, this._stripe.getApiField('protocol'), timeout ); const requestStartTime = Date.now(); const requestEvent = utils.removeNullish({ api_version: apiVersion, account: headers['Stripe-Account'], idempotency_key: headers['Idempotency-Key'], method, path, request_start_time: requestStartTime, }); const requestRetries = numRetries || 0; const maxRetries = this._getMaxNetworkRetries(options.settings); this._stripe._emitter.emit('request', requestEvent); req .then((res) => { if (this._shouldRetry(res, requestRetries, maxRetries)) { return retryRequest( makeRequest, apiVersion, headers, requestRetries, res.getHeaders()['retry-after'] ); } else if (options.streaming && res.getStatusCode() < 400) { return this._streamingResponseHandler(requestEvent, callback)(res); } else { return this._jsonResponseHandler(requestEvent, callback)(res); } }) .catch((error) => { if (this._shouldRetry(null, requestRetries, maxRetries)) { return retryRequest( makeRequest, apiVersion, headers, requestRetries, null ); } else { const isTimeoutError = error.code && error.code === HttpClient.TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE; return callback.call( this, new StripeConnectionError({ message: isTimeoutError ? `Request aborted due to timeout being reached (${timeout}ms)` : this._generateConnectionErrorMessage(requestRetries), detail: error, }) ); } }); }; const prepareAndMakeRequest = (error, data) => { if (error) { return callback(error); } requestData = data; this._stripe.getClientUserAgent((clientUserAgent) => { const apiVersion = this._stripe.getApiField('version'); const headers = this._makeHeaders( auth, requestData.length, apiVersion, clientUserAgent, method, options.headers, options.settings ); makeRequest(apiVersion, headers); }); }; if (this.requestDataProcessor) { this.requestDataProcessor( method, data, options.headers, prepareAndMakeRequest ); } else { prepareAndMakeRequest(null, utils.stringifyRequestData(data || {})); } }, }; module.exports = StripeResource;