'use strict'; var Bluebird = require('bluebird').getNewLibraryCopy(), configure = require('request-promise-core/configure/request2'), stealthyRequire = require('stealthy-require'); try { // Load Request freshly - so that users can require an unaltered request instance! var request = stealthyRequire(require.cache, function () { return require('request'); }, function () { require('tough-cookie'); }, module); } catch (err) { /* istanbul ignore next */ var EOL = require('os').EOL; /* istanbul ignore next */ console.error(EOL + '###' + EOL + '### The "request" library is not installed automatically anymore.' + EOL + '### But is a dependency of "request-promise".' + EOL + '### Please install it with:' + EOL + '### npm install request --save' + EOL + '###' + EOL); /* istanbul ignore next */ throw err; } Bluebird.config({cancellation: true}); configure({ request: request, PromiseImpl: Bluebird, expose: [ 'then', 'catch', 'finally', 'cancel', 'promise' // Would you like to expose more Bluebird methods? Try e.g. `rp(...).promise().tap(...)` first. `.promise()` returns the full-fledged Bluebird promise. ], constructorMixin: function (resolve, reject, onCancel) { var self = this; onCancel(function () { self.abort(); }); } }); request.bindCLS = function RP$bindCLS() { throw new Error('CLS support was dropped. To get it back read: https://github.com/request/request-promise/wiki/Getting-Back-Support-for-Continuation-Local-Storage'); }; module.exports = request;