declare namespace pReflect { interface PromiseFulfilledResult { isFulfilled: true; isRejected: false; value: ValueType; } interface PromiseRejectedResult { isFulfilled: false; isRejected: true; reason: unknown; } type PromiseResult = | PromiseFulfilledResult | PromiseRejectedResult; } declare const pReflect: { /** Make a promise always fulfill with its actual fulfillment value or rejection reason. @param promise - A promise to reflect upon. @returns Promise reflection. @example ``` import pReflect = require('p-reflect'); // Here, `Promise.all` would normally fail early because one of the promises rejects, but by using `p-reflect`, we can ignore the rejection and handle it later on. (async () => { const promises = [ getPromise(), getPromiseThatRejects(), getPromise() ]; const results = await Promise.all(; console.log(results); /* [ { isFulfilled: true, isRejected: false, value: '🦄' }, { isFulfilled: false, isRejected: true, reason: [Error: 👹] }, { isFulfilled: true, isRejected: false, value: '🐴' } ] *\/ const resolvedString = results .filter(result => result.isFulfilled) .map(result => result.value) .join(''); console.log(resolvedString); //=> '🦄🐴' })(); ``` */ (promise: PromiseLike): Promise< pReflect.PromiseResult >; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release, refactor the whole definition to: // declare function pReflect( // promise: PromiseLike // ): Promise>; // export = pReflect; default: typeof pReflect; }; export = pReflect;