var chai = require('chai'), expect = chai.expect, sinon = require('sinon'), sinonChai = require('sinon-chai'), nock = require('nock'), rewire = require('rewire'), path = require('path'), Amperize = rewire('../lib/amperize'), amperize; chai.use(sinonChai); chai.config.includeStack = true; describe('Amperize', function () { beforeEach(function () { amperize = new Amperize(); }); afterEach(function () { amperize = undefined; nock.cleanAll(); sinon.restore(); }); describe('is a module', function () { it('which has a constructor', function () { expect(Amperize)'function'); }); it('which has default options', function () { expect(amperize)'config'); expect(amperize.config){ 'amp-img': { layout: 'responsive', width: 600, height: 400 }, 'amp-anim': { layout: 'responsive', width: 600, height: 400 }, 'amp-iframe': { layout: 'responsive', width: 600, height: 400, sandbox: 'allow-scripts allow-same-origin' }, 'amp-youtube': { layout: 'responsive', width: 600, height: 400 }, request_timeout: 3000 }); }); it('which can be configured', function () { var configurable = new Amperize({some: 'options'}); expect(configurable)'config'); expect(configurable.config.some)'options'); }); it('which has htmlParser', function () { expect(amperize)'htmlParser'); expect(amperize.htmlParser)'object'); }); it('which has #parse', function () { expect(amperize)'parse'); expect(amperize.parse)'function'); }); it('which has #amperizer', function () { expect(amperize)'amperizer'); expect(amperize.amperizer)'function'); }); }); describe('#parse', function () { var resetProbeImageSize, imageSizeMock, probeImageSizeStub; beforeEach(function () { // reset rewire so tests are independent if (resetProbeImageSize) { resetProbeImageSize(); } // stubbing the `probe-probe-image-size` lib, so we don't make a request everytime probeImageSizeStub = sinon.stub(); }); it('throws an error if no callback provided', function () { function err() { amperize.parse('', null); } expect(err).throws('No callback provided'); }); it('transforms small into with full image dimensions and fixed layout', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/media/355241_d31358572a2542c5a44738ddcb59e7ea.jpg_256') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 50, height: 50, type: 'jpg'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms big into with full image dimensions and responsive layout', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/media/355241_d31358572a2542c5a44738ddcb59e7ea.jpg_256') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 350, height: 200, type: 'jpg'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms into when width and height is set and overwrites it', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/image.jpg') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 350, height: 200, type: 'jpg'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms into does not overwrite layout attribute', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/image.jpg') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 350, height: 200, type: 'jpg'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms into when no file extension is given', function (done) { // This test is mocked, but works with this specific example. // You can comment out the mocks and the test should still pass. imageSizeMock = nock('') .matchHeader('User-Agent', /Mozilla\/.*Safari\/.*/) .get('/logo/18163505/minilogo') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 104, height: 15, type: 'png'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('falls back to image-size for unprobable images', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/favicon.ico') .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/multi-size.ico')); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('falls back to image-size for unprobable images (uppercase extension)', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/favicon.ICO') .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/multi-size.ico')); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('falls back to image-size for unprobable images (query param)', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/favicon.ICO?v=1') .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/multi-size.ico')); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('returns largest image value for .ico files', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/favicon.ico') .replyWithFile(200, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures/multi-size.ico')); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({ width: 32, height: 32, type: 'ico', images: [ {width: 48, height: 48}, {width: 32, height: 32}, {width: 16, height: 16} ] })); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('sizeOf', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); // TODO: adapt code to not trigger parallel requests for the same image it.skip('uses cached size rather than extra requests for duplicated images in html', function (done) { var GIF1x1 = Buffer.from('R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==', 'base64'); var secondImageSizeMock; imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/image.jpg') .reply(200, GIF1x1); secondImageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/image.jpg') .reply(200, GIF1x1); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(imageSizeMock.isDone()).to.equal(true); expect(secondImageSizeMock.isDone()).to.equal(false); expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.match(/ with only height property into with full dimensions by overriding them', function (done) { imageSizeMock = nock('') .get('/media/l46CtzgjhTm29Cbjq/giphy.gif') .reply(200, { body: '' }); probeImageSizeStub.returns(Promise.resolve({width: 800, height: 600, type: 'gif'})); resetProbeImageSize = Amperize.__set__('probeImageSize', probeImageSizeStub); amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms ', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.contain('sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"'); done(); }); }); it('transforms ', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.contain('sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"'); done(); }); }); it('transforms ', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with frameborder=1 to preserve frameborder=1', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with frameborder to frameborder=1', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with scrolling=0 to preserve scrolling=0', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with scrolling=1 to preserve scrolling=1', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with scrolling to scrolling=1', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowfullscreen to allowfullscreen=""', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowfullscreen="true" to allowfullscreen=""', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowfullscreen="false" to remove allowfullscreen', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowtransparency to allowtransparency=""', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowtransparency="true" to allowtransparency=""', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with allowtransparency="false" to remove allowtransparency', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(' with youtube URL to ', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('transforms ', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.not.contain('allowfullscreen'); expect(result).to.not.contain('frameborder'); expect(result).to.not.contain('allow'); done(); }); }); it('transforms ', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.contain('sandbox="allow-scripts"'); done(); }); }); it('adds \'https\' protocol to '; amperize.parse(url, function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.contain('sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"'); done(); }); }); it('adds \'https\' protocol to


'; amperize.parse(url, function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); expect(result).to.contain('sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"'); done(); }); }); it('transforms local into with default image dimensions', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result).to.contain(''); done(); }); }); it('can handle tag without src and does not transform it', function (done) { amperize.parse('

some text here

', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result)'

some text here

'); done(); }); }); it('can handle invalid URLs', function (done) { amperize.parse('', function (error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(result)''); done(); }); }); it('can handle '); done(); }); }); it('transforms