const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid').default; const {BadRequestError, IncorrectUsageError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const Tier = require('./Tier'); /** * @typedef {object} ITierRepository * @prop {(id: ObjectID) => Promise} getById * @prop {(tier: Tier) => Promise} save * @prop {(options?: {filter?: string}) => Promise} getAll */ /** * @typedef {object} ISlugService * @prop {(input: string) => Promise} generate */ /** * @template {Model} * @typedef {object} Page * @prop {Model[]} data * @prop {object} meta * @prop {object} meta.pagination * @prop {number} - The current page * @prop {number} meta.pagination.pages - The total number of pages * @prop {number} meta.pagination.limit - The limit of models per page * @prop {number} - The totaL number of models across all pages * @prop {number|null} meta.pagination.prev - The number of the previous page, or null if there isn't one * @prop {number|null} - The number of the next page, or null if there isn't one */ module.exports = class TiersAPI { /** @type {ITierRepository} */ #repository; /** @type {ISlugService} */ #slugService; constructor(deps) { this.#repository = deps.repository; this.#slugService = deps.slugService; } /** * @param {object} [options] * @param {any} [options.filter] - A mongo query object * * @returns {Promise>} */ async browse(options = {}) { if (typeof options.filter === 'string') { throw new IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'filter must be a mongo query object' }); } const tiers = await this.#repository.getAll(options); return { data: tiers, meta: { pagination: { page: 1, pages: 1, limit: tiers.length, total: tiers.length, prev: null, next: null } } }; } /** * @param {string} idString * * @returns {Promise} */ async read(idString) { const id = ObjectID.createFromHexString(idString); const tier = await this.#repository.getById(id); return tier; } /** * Fetches the default tier * @param {object} [options] * @returns {Promise} */ async readDefaultTier(options = {}) { const [defaultTier] = await this.#repository.getAll({ filter: { $and: [ {type: 'paid'}, {active: true} ] }, limit: 1, ...options }); return defaultTier; } /** * @param {string} idString * @param {object} data * @returns {Promise} */ async edit(idString, data) { const id = ObjectID.createFromHexString(idString); const tier = await this.#repository.getById(id); const editableProperties = [ 'name', 'benefits', 'description', 'visibility', 'status', 'trialDays', 'welcomePageURL' ]; for (const editableProperty of editableProperties) { if (Reflect.has(data, editableProperty)) { tier[editableProperty] = data[editableProperty]; } } tier.updatePricing({ currency: data.currency || tier.currency, monthlyPrice: data.monthlyPrice || tier.monthlyPrice, yearlyPrice: data.yearlyPrice || tier.yearlyPrice }); await; return tier; } /** * @param {object} data * @returns {Promise} */ async add(data) { if (data.type === 'free') { throw new BadRequestError({ message: 'Cannot create free Tier' }); } const slug = await this.#slugService.generate(data.slug ||; const tier = await Tier.create({ slug, type: 'paid', status: 'active', visibility: data.visibility, name:, description: data.description, benefits: data.benefits, welcomePageURL: data.welcomePageURL, monthlyPrice: data.monthlyPrice, yearlyPrice: data.yearlyPrice, currency: data.currency, trialDays: data.trialDays }); await; return tier; } };