const _ = require('lodash'); const debug = require('debug')('mongo-knex:converter'); const debugExtended = require('debug')('mongo-knex:converter-extended'); const logicOps = [ '$and', '$or' ]; const compOps = { $eq: '=', $ne: '!=', $gt: '>', $gte: '>=', $lt: '<', $lte: '<=', $in: 'in', $nin: 'not in', $regex: 'like', $not: 'not like' }; // We don't use a backslash as escpae character, because knex reescapes backslashes in binded parameters const likeEscapeCharacter = '*'; const isOp = key => key.charAt(0) === '$'; const isLogicOp = key => isOp(key) && _.includes(logicOps, key); const isCompOp = key => isOp(key) && _.includes(_.keys(compOps), key); const isNegationOp = key => isOp(key) && _.includes(['$ne', '$nin'], key); const isStatementGroupOp = key => _.includes([compOps.$in, compOps.$nin], key); /** * JSON Stringify with RegExp support * @param {Object} json * @returns */ const stringify = (json) => { return JSON.stringify(json, function (key, value) { if (value instanceof RegExp) { return value.toString(); } return value; }); }; const processRegExp = ({source, ignoreCase}) => { // A regexp is transformed into a LIKE SQL query. // So we need to remove all the regexp escaped characters // We don't support any special regexp operators apart from startsWith and endsWith (or both) queries source = source.replace(/\\([.*+?^${}()|[\]\\/])/g, '$1'); if (ignoreCase) { source = source.toLowerCase(); } // Escape escape character itself source = source.replace(new RegExp(_.escapeRegExp(likeEscapeCharacter), 'g'), likeEscapeCharacter + likeEscapeCharacter); // Escape special LIKE characters (% and _) source = source.replace(/%/g, likeEscapeCharacter + '%'); source = source.replace(/_/g, likeEscapeCharacter + '_'); // For starts with and ends with in SQL we have to put the wildcard at the opposite end of the string to the regex symbol! if (source.startsWith('^')) { source = source.substring(1) + '%'; } else if (source.endsWith('$')) { source = '%' + source.substring(0, source.length - 1); } else { source = '%' + source + '%'; } return {source, ignoreCase}; }; class MongoToKnex { /** * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.tableName * * @param {Object} config * @param {Object} config.relations structure: * {[relation-name]}: { * tableName: String (e.g. tags) * tableNameAs: String (e.g. t, optional) * type: String (e.g. manyToMany) * joinTable: String (e.g. posts_tags) * joinFrom: String (e.g. post_id) * joinTo: String (e.g. tag_id) * } */ constructor(options = {}, config = {}) { this.tableName = options.tableName; this.cte = config.cte; this.config = {}; Object.assign(this.config, {relations: {}}, config); } processWhereType(mode, op, value) { if (value === null) { return (mode === '$or' ? 'orWhere' : 'where') + (op === '$ne' ? 'NotNull' : 'Null'); } if (mode === '$or') { return 'orWhere'; } return 'andWhere'; } /** * Determine if statement lives on parent table or if statement refers to a relation. */ processStatement(column, op, value) { const [tableName, columnName] = column.split('.'); // CASE: relation? if (columnName) { debug(tableName, columnName); const table = tableName; let relation = this.config.relations[table]; if (!relation) { // CASE: you want to filter by a column on the join table relation = _.find(this.config.relations, (_relation) => { return _relation.joinTable === table; }); // CASE: assume it's a column on the destination table if (!relation) { return { column: column, operator: op, value: value, isRelation: false }; } return { joinTable: relation.joinTable, table: relation.tableName, column: columnName, operator: op, value: value, config: relation, isRelation: true }; } return { table: tableName, column: columnName, operator: op, value: value, config: relation, isRelation: true }; } // CASE: fallback, status=draft -> posts.status=draft return { column: (this.cte && this.cte === true) ? `${column}` : `${this.tableName}.${column}`, operator: op, value: value, isRelation: false }; } /** * We group the relations by a unique key. * Each grouping will create a sub query. * * Returns a group structure of following format: * { * "groupKey": { * innerWhereStatements: [], * joinFilterStatements: [] * } * } */ groupRelationStatements(statements, mode) { const group = {}; // groups depend on the mode of grouping, if its and $and we need to treat a filter on // joining table differently than we would with $or // e.g. for $or we can create a subquery or group that filter, // for $and we have to include joining table filter in every group const innerWhereStatements = (mode === '$and') ? statements.filter(r => !(r.joinTable)) : statements; _.each(innerWhereStatements, (statement, idx) => { /** * CASE: * - we should not use the same sub query if the column name is the same (two sub queries) * - e.g. $and conjunction requires us to use 2 sub queries, because we have to look at each individual tag * * - we should also not use grouping of negated values for the same reasons as above */ let createSubGroup = isNegationOp(statement.operator); if (!createSubGroup && group[statement.table]) { createSubGroup = _.find(group[statement.table].innerWhereStatements, (innerStatement) => { if (innerStatement.column === statement.column) { return true; } }); } let groupKey = statement.table; if (createSubGroup) { groupKey = `${statement.table}_${idx})}`; if (group[groupKey]) { //eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax throw new Error('Key collision detected'); } } if (!group[groupKey]) { group[groupKey] = {}; group[groupKey].innerWhereStatements = []; } group[groupKey].innerWhereStatements.push(statement); }); // NOTE: filters applied on join level have to be included when they are // a part of $and group if (mode === '$and') { const joinFilterStatements = statements.filter(r => (r.joinTable)); _.each(Object.keys(group), (key) => { group[key].joinFilterStatements = joinFilterStatements; }); } return group; } /** * Build queries for relations. */ buildRelationQuery(qb, relations, mode) { debug(`(buildRelationQuery)`); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(buildRelationQuery) ${stringify(relations)}`); } const groupedRelations = this.groupRelationStatements(relations, mode); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(buildRelationQuery) grouped: ${stringify(groupedRelations)}`); } // CASE: {tags: [where clause, where clause], tags_123: [where clause], authors: [where clause, where clause]} _.each(Object.keys(groupedRelations), (key) => { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) build relation for ${key}`); const statements = groupedRelations[key].innerWhereStatements; // CASE: any statement for the same relation should contain the same config const reference = statements[0]; if (reference.config.type === 'manyToMany') { if (_.every( => s.operator), isCompOp)) { // CASE: only negate whole group when all the operators in the group are negative, // otherwise we cannot combine groups with negated and regular equation operators const negateGroup = _.every( => s.operator), (operator) => { return isNegationOp(operator); }); const comp = negateGroup ? compOps.$nin : compOps.$in; const whereType = ['whereNull', 'whereNotNull'].includes(reference.whereType) ? 'andWhere' : (['orWhereNull', 'orWhereNotNull'].includes(reference.whereType) ? 'orWhere' : reference.whereType); // CASE: WHERE (IN | NOT IN) (SELECT ...) qb[whereType](`${this.tableName}.id`, comp, function () { const joinFilterStatements = groupedRelations[key].joinFilterStatements; let innerJoinValue = reference.config.tableName; let innerJoinOn = `${reference.config.tableName}.${reference.config.joinToForeign || 'id'}`; // CASE: you can define a name for the join table if (reference.config.tableNameAs) { innerJoinValue = `${reference.config.tableName} as ${reference.config.tableNameAs}`; innerJoinOn = `${reference.config.tableNameAs}.${reference.config.joinToForeign || 'id'}`; } const joinType = reference.config.joinType || 'innerJoin'; const innerQB = this .select(`${reference.config.joinTable}.${reference.config.joinFrom}`) .from(`${reference.config.joinTable}`)[joinType](innerJoinValue, function () { this.on(innerJoinOn, '=', `${reference.config.joinTable}.${reference.config.joinTo}`); // CASE: when applying AND con junction and having multiple groups the filter // related to joining table has to be applied within each group _.each(joinFilterStatements, (joinFilter) => { this.andOn(`${joinFilter.joinTable}.${joinFilter.column}`, compOps[joinFilter.operator], joinFilter.value); }); }); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) innerQB sql-pre: ${innerQB.toSQL().sql}`); } _.each(statements, (statement, _key) => { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) build relation where statements for ${_key}`); const statementColumn = `${statement.joinTable || statement.table}.${statement.column}`; let statementOp; if (negateGroup) { statementOp = compOps.$in; } else { if (isNegationOp(statement.operator)) { statementOp = compOps.$nin; } else { statementOp = compOps[statement.operator]; } } let statementValue = statement.value; // CASE: need to normalize value to array when it's a group operation if (isStatementGroupOp(statementOp)) { statementValue = !_.isArray(statement.value) ? [statement.value] : statement.value; } innerQB[statement.whereType](statementColumn, statementOp, statementValue); }); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) innerQB sql-post: ${innerQB.toSQL().sql}`); } return innerQB; }); } else { debug(`one of ${key} group statements contains unknown operator`); } } else if (reference.config.type === 'oneToOne') { if (_.every( => s.operator), isCompOp)) { // CASE: only negate whole group when all the operators in the group are negative, // otherwise we cannot combine groups with negated and regular equation operators const negateGroup = _.every( => s.operator), (operator) => { return isNegationOp(operator); }); const comp = negateGroup ? compOps.$nin : compOps.$in; const tableName = this.tableName; const where = reference.whereType === 'orWhere' ? 'orWhere' : 'where'; qb[where](`${this.tableName}.id`, comp, function () { const joinFilterStatements = groupedRelations[key].joinFilterStatements; let innerJoinValue = reference.config.tableName; let innerJoinOn = `${reference.config.tableName}.${reference.config.joinFrom}`; // CASE: you can define a name for the join table if (reference.config.tableNameAs) { innerJoinValue = `${reference.config.tableName} as ${reference.config.tableNameAs}`; innerJoinOn = `${reference.config.tableNameAs}.${reference.config.joinFrom}`; } const innerQB = this .select(`${tableName}.id`) .from(`${tableName}`) .leftJoin(innerJoinValue, function () { this.on(innerJoinOn, '=', `${tableName}.id`); // CASE: when applying AND con junction and having multiple groups the filter // related to joining table has to be applied within each group _.each(joinFilterStatements, (joinFilter) => { this.andOn(`${joinFilter.joinTable}.${joinFilter.column}`, compOps[joinFilter.operator], joinFilter.value); }); }); _.each(statements, (statement, _key) => { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) build relation where statements for ${_key}`); const statementColumn = `${statement.table}.${statement.column}`; let statementOp; // NOTE: this negation is here to ensure records with no relation are // include in negation (e.g. `relation.columnName: {$ne: null}) if (negateGroup) { statementOp = compOps.$in; if (statement.value === null) { statement.whereType = (statement.whereType === 'whereNotNull') ? 'whereNull' : 'whereNotNull'; } } else { if (isNegationOp(statement.operator)) { statementOp = compOps.$nin; } else { statementOp = compOps[statement.operator]; } } let statementValue = statement.value; // CASE: need to normalize value to array when it's a group operation if (isStatementGroupOp(statementOp)) { statementValue = !_.isArray(statement.value) ? [statement.value] : statement.value; } innerQB[statement.whereType](statementColumn, statementOp, statementValue); }); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debug(`(buildRelationQuery) innerQB sql-pre: ${innerQB.toSQL().sql}`); } return innerQB; }); } else { debug(`one of ${key} group statements contains unknown operator`); } } }); } /** * Determines if statement is a simple where comparison on the parent table or if the statement is a relation query. * * e.g. * * `where column = value` * `where column != value` * `where column > value` */ buildComparison(qb, mode, statement, op, value, group) { const comp = compOps[op] || '='; const processedStatement = this.processStatement(statement, op, value); let whereType = this.processWhereType(mode, op, value); debug(`(buildComparison) mode: ${mode}, op: ${op}, isRelation: ${processedStatement.isRelation}, group: ${group}`); // Call out to build any necessary relation queries if (processedStatement.isRelation) { processedStatement.whereType = whereType; // CASE: if the statement is not part of a group, execute the query instantly if (!group) { this.buildRelationQuery(qb, [processedStatement], mode); return; } // CASE: if the statement is part of a group, collect the relation statements to be able to group them later if (!, 'relations')) { qb.relations = []; } qb.relations.push(processedStatement); return; } // Build the comparisons using our processed data const column = processedStatement.column; op = processedStatement.operator; value = processedStatement.value; if (op === '$regex' || op === '$not') { const {source, ignoreCase} = processRegExp(value); value = source; // CASE: regex with i flag needs whereRaw to wrap column in lower() else fall through if (ignoreCase) { whereType += 'Raw'; debug(`(buildComparison) whereType: ${whereType}, statement: ${statement}, op: ${op}, comp: ${comp}, value: ${value} (REGEX/i)`); qb[whereType](`lower(??) ${comp} ? ESCAPE ?`, [column, value, likeEscapeCharacter]); return; } whereType += 'Raw'; debug(`(buildComparison) whereType: ${whereType}, statement: ${statement}, op: ${op}, comp: ${comp}, value: ${value} (REGEX)`); qb[whereType](`?? ${comp} ? ESCAPE ?`, [column, value, likeEscapeCharacter]); return; } debug(`(buildComparison) whereType: ${whereType}, statement: ${statement}, op: ${op}, comp: ${comp}, value: ${value}`); qb[whereType](column, comp, value); } /** * {author: 'carl'} */ buildWhereClause(qb, mode, statement, sub, group) { debug(`(buildWhereClause) mode: ${mode}, statement: ${statement}`); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(buildWhereClause) ${stringify(sub)}`); } // CASE sub is an atomic value, we use "eq" as default operator if (!_.isObject(sub)) { return this.buildComparison(qb, mode, statement, '$eq', sub, group); } // CASE: sub is an object, contains statements and operators _.forIn(sub, (value, op) => { if (isCompOp(op)) { this.buildComparison(qb, mode, statement, op, value, group); } else { debug('unknown operator'); } }); } /** * {$and: [{author: 'carl'}, {status: 'draft'}]}} * {$and: {author: 'carl'}} * {$and: {author: { $in: [...] }}} */ buildWhereGroup(qb, parentMode, mode, sub) { const whereType = this.processWhereType(parentMode); debug(`(buildWhereGroup) mode: ${mode}, whereType: ${whereType}`); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(buildWhereGroup) ${stringify(sub)}`); } qb[whereType]((_qb) => { if (_.isArray(sub)) { sub.forEach(statement => this.buildQuery(_qb, mode, statement, true)); } else if (_.isObject(sub)) { this.buildQuery(_qb, mode, sub, true); } // CASE: now execute all relation statements of this group if (, 'relations')) { this.buildRelationQuery(_qb, _qb.relations, mode); delete _qb.relations; } }); } buildQuery(qb, mode, sub, group) { debug(`(buildQuery) mode: ${mode}`); if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(buildQuery) ${stringify(sub)}`); } _.forIn(sub, (value, key) => { debug(`(buildQuery) key: ${key}`); if (isLogicOp(key)) { // CASE: you have two groups ($or), you have one group ($and) this.buildWhereGroup(qb, mode, key, value); } else { this.buildWhereClause(qb, mode, key, value, group); } }); } /** * The converter receives sub query objects e.g. `qb.where('..', (qb) => {})`, which * we then pass around to our class methods. That's why we pass the parent `qb` object * around instead of remembering it as `this.qb`. There are multiple `qb` objects. */ processJSON(qb, mongoJSON) { debug('(processJSON)'); // DEBUG=mongo-knex:converter,mongo-knex:converter-extended if (debugExtended.enabled) { debugExtended(`(processJSON) ${stringify(mongoJSON)}`); } // 'and' is the default behaviour this.buildQuery(qb, '$and', mongoJSON); } } module.exports = function convertor(qb, mongoJSON, config) { const mongoToKnex = new MongoToKnex({ tableName: qb._single.table }, config); mongoToKnex.processJSON(qb, mongoJSON); return qb; };