const MOBILEDOC_VERSION = '0.3.1'; const GHOST_VERSION = '4.0'; const BLANK_DOC = { version: MOBILEDOC_VERSION, ghostVersion: GHOST_VERSION, markups: [], atoms: [], cards: [], sections: [ [1, 'p', [ [0, [], 0, ''] ]] ] }; const MD_TEXT_SECTION = 1; const MD_LIST_SECTION = 3; const MD_CARD_SECTION = 10; const MD_TEXT_MARKER = 0; const MD_ATOM_MARKER = 1; const L_IS_BOLD = 1; const L_IS_ITALIC = 1 << 1; const L_IS_STRIKETHROUGH = 1 << 2; const L_IS_UNDERLINE = 1 << 3; const L_IS_CODE = 1 << 4; const L_IS_SUBSCRIPT = 1 << 5; const L_IS_SUPERSCRIPT = 1 << 6; const L_FORMAT_MAP = new Map([ [L_IS_BOLD, 'strong'], [L_IS_ITALIC, 'em'], [L_IS_STRIKETHROUGH, 's'], [L_IS_UNDERLINE, 'u'], [L_IS_CODE, 'code'], [L_IS_SUBSCRIPT, 'sub'], [L_IS_SUPERSCRIPT, 'sup'] ]); const HEADING_TYPES = ['heading', 'extended-heading']; const TEXT_TYPES = ['text', 'extended-text']; // TODO: Feels a little too explicit as it will need updating every time we add a new card. // // One alternative is to use a list of all built-in Lexical types and assume that anything // not listed is a card but that feels more dangerous. // // Another alternative is to grab the list of cards from kg-default-nodes but that's creating // more inter-dependencies that makes development setup tricky. const KNOWN_CARDS = [ 'audio', 'bookmark', 'button', 'callout', 'codeblock', 'email-cta', 'email', 'embed', 'file', 'gallery', 'header', 'horizontalrule', 'html', 'image', 'markdown', 'paywall', 'product', 'signup', 'toggle', 'video' ]; const CARD_NAME_MAP = { codeblock: 'code', horizontalrule: 'hr' }; const CARD_PROPERTY_MAP = { embed: { embedType: 'type' } }; export function lexicalToMobiledoc(serializedLexical) { if (serializedLexical === null || serializedLexical === undefined || serializedLexical === '') { return JSON.stringify(BLANK_DOC); } const lexical = JSON.parse(serializedLexical); if (!lexical.root) { return JSON.stringify(BLANK_DOC); } const mobiledoc = buildEmptyDoc(); lexical.root.children.forEach(child => addRootChild(child, mobiledoc)); return JSON.stringify(mobiledoc); } /* internal functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ function buildEmptyDoc() { return { version: MOBILEDOC_VERSION, ghostVersion: GHOST_VERSION, atoms: [], cards: [], markups: [], sections: [] }; } function getOrSetMarkupIndex(markup, mobiledoc) { let index = mobiledoc.markups.findIndex(m => m[0] === markup); if (index === -1) { mobiledoc.markups.push([markup]); index = mobiledoc.markups.length - 1; } return index; } function getOrSetAtomIndex(atom, mobiledoc) { let index = mobiledoc.atoms.findIndex(m => m[0] === atom); if (index === -1) { mobiledoc.atoms.push(atom); index = mobiledoc.atoms.length - 1; } return index; } function addRootChild(child, mobiledoc) { if (child.type === 'paragraph') { addTextSection(child, mobiledoc); } if (HEADING_TYPES.includes(child.type)) { addTextSection(child, mobiledoc, child.tag); } if (child.type === 'quote') { addTextSection(child, mobiledoc, 'blockquote'); } if (child.type === 'aside') { addTextSection(child, mobiledoc, 'aside'); } if (child.type === 'list') { addListSection(child, mobiledoc, child.tag); } if (KNOWN_CARDS.includes(child.type)) { addCardSection(child, mobiledoc); } } function addTextSection(childWithFormats, mobiledoc, tagName = 'p') { const markers = buildMarkers(childWithFormats, mobiledoc); const section = [MD_TEXT_SECTION, tagName, markers]; mobiledoc.sections.push(section); } function addListSection(listChild, mobiledoc, tagName = 'ul') { const listItems = buildListItems(listChild, mobiledoc); const section = [MD_LIST_SECTION, tagName, listItems]; mobiledoc.sections.push(section); } function buildListItems(listRoot, mobiledoc) { const listItems = []; flattenListChildren(listRoot); listRoot.children.forEach((listItemChild) => { if (listItemChild.type === 'listitem') { const markers = buildMarkers(listItemChild, mobiledoc); listItems.push(markers); } }); return listItems; } function flattenListChildren(listRoot) { const flatListItems = []; function traverse(item) { item.children?.forEach((child) => { child.children?.forEach((grandchild) => { if (grandchild.type === 'list') { traverse(grandchild); child.children.splice(child.children.indexOf(grandchild), 1); } }); if (child.type === 'listitem' && child.children.length) { flatListItems.push(child); } }); } traverse(listRoot); listRoot.children = flatListItems; } function buildMarkers(childWithFormats, mobiledoc) { const markers = []; if (!childWithFormats.children.length) { markers.push([MD_TEXT_MARKER, [], 0, '']); } else { // mobiledoc tracks opened/closed formats across markers whereas lexical // lists all formats for each marker so we need to manually track open formats let openMarkups = []; // markup: a specific format, or tag name+attributes // marker: a piece of text with 0 or more markups childWithFormats.children.forEach((child, childIndex) => { if (TEXT_TYPES.includes(child.type)) { if (child.format !== 0) { // text child has formats, track which are new and which have closed const openedFormats = []; const childFormats = readFormat(child.format); let closedFormatCount = 0; childFormats.forEach((format) => { if (!openMarkups.includes(format)) { openMarkups.push(format); openedFormats.push(format); } }); // mobiledoc will immediately close any formats if the next section doesn't use them or it's not a text section if (!childWithFormats.children[childIndex + 1] || !TEXT_TYPES.includes(childWithFormats.children[childIndex + 1].type)) { // no more children, close all formats closedFormatCount = openMarkups.length; openMarkups = []; } else { const nextChild = childWithFormats.children[childIndex + 1]; const nextFormats = readFormat(nextChild.format); const firstMissingFormatIndex = openMarkups.findIndex(format => !nextFormats.includes(format)); if (firstMissingFormatIndex !== -1) { const formatsToClose = openMarkups.slice(firstMissingFormatIndex); closedFormatCount = formatsToClose.length; openMarkups = openMarkups.slice(0, firstMissingFormatIndex); } } const markupIndexes = => getOrSetMarkupIndex(format, mobiledoc)); markers.push([MD_TEXT_MARKER, markupIndexes, closedFormatCount, child.text]); } else { // text child has no formats so we close all formats in mobiledoc let closedFormatCount = openMarkups.length; openMarkups = []; markers.push([MD_TEXT_MARKER, [], closedFormatCount, child.text]); } } if (child.type === 'link') { const linkMarkup = ['a', ['href', child.url]]; const linkMarkupIndex = mobiledoc.markups.push(linkMarkup) - 1; child.children.forEach((linkChild, linkChildIndex) => { if (linkChild.format !== 0) { const openedMarkupIndexes = []; const openedFormats = []; // first child of a link opens the link markup if (linkChildIndex === 0) { openMarkups.push(linkMarkup); openedMarkupIndexes.push(linkMarkupIndex); } // text child has formats, track which are new and which have closed const childFormats = readFormat(linkChild.format); let closedMarkupCount = 0; childFormats.forEach((format) => { if (!openMarkups.includes(format)) { openMarkups.push(format); openedFormats.push(format); } }); // mobiledoc will immediately close any formats if the next section doesn't use them if (!child.children[linkChildIndex + 1]) { // last child of a link closes all markups closedMarkupCount = openMarkups.length; openMarkups = []; } else { const nextChild = child.children[linkChildIndex + 1]; const nextFormats = readFormat(nextChild.format); const firstMissingFormatIndex = openMarkups.findIndex((markup) => { const markupIsLink = JSON.stringify(markup) === JSON.stringify(linkMarkup); return !markupIsLink && !nextFormats.includes(markup); }); if (firstMissingFormatIndex !== -1) { const formatsToClose = openMarkups.slice(firstMissingFormatIndex); closedMarkupCount = formatsToClose.length; openMarkups = openMarkups.slice(0, firstMissingFormatIndex); } } openedMarkupIndexes.push( => getOrSetMarkupIndex(format, mobiledoc))); markers.push([MD_TEXT_MARKER, openedMarkupIndexes, closedMarkupCount, linkChild.text]); } else { const openedMarkupIndexes = []; // first child of a link opens the link markup if (linkChildIndex === 0) { openMarkups.push(linkMarkup); openedMarkupIndexes.push(linkMarkupIndex); } let closedMarkupCount = openMarkups.length - 1; // don't close the link markup, just the others // last child of a link closes all markups if (!child.children[linkChildIndex + 1]) { closedMarkupCount += 1; // close the link markup openMarkups = []; } markers.push([MD_TEXT_MARKER, openedMarkupIndexes, closedMarkupCount, linkChild.text]); } }); } if (child.type === 'linebreak') { const atom = ['soft-return', '', {}]; const atomIndex = getOrSetAtomIndex(atom, mobiledoc); markers.push([MD_ATOM_MARKER, [], 0, atomIndex]); } }); } return markers; } // Lexical stores formats as a bitmask, so we need to read the bitmask to // determine which formats are present function readFormat(format) { const formats = []; L_FORMAT_MAP.forEach((value, key) => { if ((format & key) !== 0) { formats.push(value); } }); return formats; } function addCardSection(child, mobiledoc) { const cardType = child.type; let cardName = child.type; // rename card if there's a difference between lexical/mobiledoc if (CARD_NAME_MAP[cardName]) { cardName = CARD_NAME_MAP[cardName]; } // don't include type in the payload delete child.type; // rename any properties to match mobiledoc if (CARD_PROPERTY_MAP[cardType]) { const map = CARD_PROPERTY_MAP[cardType]; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(map)) { child[value] = child[key]; delete child[key]; } } const card = [cardName, child];; const cardIndex = - 1; const section = [MD_CARD_SECTION, cardIndex]; mobiledoc.sections.push(section); }