const zlib = require('zlib'); const {pipeline} = require('stream'); const {promisify} = require('util'); const {createReadStream, createWriteStream} = require('fs'); const fs = require('fs').promises; const pipe = promisify(pipeline); const path = require('path'); const {processSize} = require('../util/configProcessors'); const {EventEmitter} = require('events'); const {NewFile} = require('./customEvents'); class FileRotator extends EventEmitter { constructor(config) { super(); this._startNewFile = config.startNewFile; this._totalFiles = config.totalFiles; this._totalSize = processSize(config.totalSize); this._gzip = config.gzip; this._path = config.path; this._initialised = false; this._currentHandle = null; } async initialise() { if (this._initialised) { return; } this._initialised = true; await this._deleteFiles(); if (this._startNewFile) { await this.rotate(); } else { // Will open existing rather than immediately rotate await this._initialiseNewFile(); } } getCurrentHandle() { return this._currentHandle; } async rotate() { if (this._currentHandle) { await this._closeFileHandle(); this._currentHandle = null; } if (this._gzip) { await this._gzipCurrentFile(); } await this._deleteFiles(); await this._moveIntermediateFiles(); await this._initialiseNewFile(); // Set by _initialiseNewFile return this._currentHandle; } async shutdown() { if (this._currentHandle) { await this._closeFileHandle(); this._currentHandle = null; } } async _initialiseNewFile() { this._currentHandle = await, false), 'a'); const fileInfo = await this._currentHandle.stat(); this.emit(NewFile, fileInfo); return this._currentHandle; } async _gzipCurrentFile() { const inputName = this._getFileName(0, false); const outputName = this._getFileName(0, true); try { fs.stat(inputName); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return; } else { throw err; } } const gzip = zlib.createGzip(); const source = createReadStream(inputName); const destination = createWriteStream(outputName); await pipe(source, gzip, destination); source.close(); destination.close(); await fs.unlink(inputName); } _getFileName(number, gzip) { const parsedPath = path.parse(this._path); let base = `${}.${String(number - 1)}${parsedPath.ext}`; if (number === 0) { base = .replace('.%N', '') .replace('_%N', '') .replace('-%N', '') .replace('%N', '') + parsedPath.ext; } else if ('%N') >= 0) { base ='%N', String(number - 1)) + parsedPath.ext; } const isGzip = this._gzip && gzip; if (isGzip) { base += '.gz'; } return path.join(parsedPath.dir, base); } async _deleteFiles() { const filesToDelete = []; // Only count backups - start at file 1 to ignore current file let fileNumber = 1; let bytesTotal = 0; for (; ; fileNumber++) { const name = this._getFileName(fileNumber, true); try { const result = await fs.stat(name); bytesTotal += result.size; if ((this._totalSize && bytesTotal > this._totalSize) || (this._totalFiles && fileNumber >= this._totalFiles)) { filesToDelete.push(name); } } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { break; } else { throw err; } } } for (const file of filesToDelete) { await fs.unlink(file); } } async _moveIntermediateFiles() { const filesToMove = []; let fileNumber = 0; for (; ; fileNumber++) { const name = this._getFileName(fileNumber, true); try { const result = await fs.stat(name); filesToMove.push(result); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { break; } else { throw err; } } } // Set to last file in sequence fileNumber -= 1; while (fileNumber >= 0) { await fs.rename(this._getFileName(fileNumber, true), this._getFileName(fileNumber + 1, true)); fileNumber -= 1; } } async _closeFileHandle() { if (this._currentHandle) { const closePromise = this._currentHandle.close(); this._currentHandle = null; await closePromise; } } } module.exports = FileRotator;