const _ = require('lodash'); const api = require('./api').endpoints; const config = require('../shared/config'); const urlUtils = require('./../shared/url-utils'); const jobsService = require('./services/jobs'); const databaseInfo = require('./data/db/info'); const request = require('@tryghost/request'); const ghostVersion = require('@tryghost/version'); const UpdateCheckService = require('@tryghost/update-check-service'); /** * Initializes and triggers update check * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.rethrowErrors] - if true, errors will be thrown instead of logged * @param {Boolean} [options.forceUpdate] - if true, the update check will be triggered regardless of the environment or scheudle, defaults to config if no value provided * @param {String} [options.updateCheckUrl] - the url to check for updates against, defaults to config if no value provided * @returns {Promise} */ module.exports = async ({ rethrowErrors = false, forceUpdate = config.get('updateCheck:forceUpdate'), updateCheckUrl = config.get('updateCheck:url') } = {}) => { if (!forceUpdate) { const allowedCheckEnvironments = ['development', 'production']; // CASE: The check will not happen if your NODE_ENV is not in the allowed defined environments if (_.indexOf(allowedCheckEnvironments, process.env.NODE_ENV) === -1) { return; } } const {GhostMailer} = require('./services/mail'); const ghostMailer = new GhostMailer(); const updateChecker = new UpdateCheckService({ api: { settings: { read:, edit: api.settings.edit }, posts: { browse: api.posts.browse }, users: { browse: api.users.browse }, notifications: { add: api.notifications.add } }, config: { mail: config.get('mail'), env: config.get('env'), databaseType: databaseInfo.getEngine(), checkEndpoint: updateCheckUrl, isPrivacyDisabled: config.isPrivacyDisabled('useUpdateCheck'), notificationGroups: config.get('notificationGroups'), siteUrl: urlUtils.urlFor('home', true), forceUpdate, ghostVersion: ghostVersion.original, rethrowErrors }, request, sendEmail: ghostMailer.send.bind(ghostMailer) }); await updateChecker.check(); }; module.exports.scheduleRecurringJobs = () => { // use a random seconds/minutes/hours value to avoid spikes to the update service API const s = Math.floor(Math.random() * 60); // 0-59 const m = Math.floor(Math.random() * 60); // 0-59 const h = Math.floor(Math.random() * 24); // 0-23 jobsService.addJob({ at: `${s} ${m} ${h} * * *`, // Every day job: require('path').resolve(__dirname, 'run-update-check.js'), name: 'update-check' }); };