'use strict' var tap = require('tap') var test = tap.test var sinon = require('sinon') var shimmer = require('../index.js') var outsider = 0 function counter () { return ++outsider } function anticounter () { return --outsider } var generator = { inc: counter, dec: anticounter } test('should unwrap safely', function (t) { t.plan(18) t.equal(counter, generator.inc, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.equal(anticounter, generator.dec, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.inc() }) t.equal(1, outsider, 'calls have side effects') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.dec() }) t.equal(0, outsider, 'calls have side effects') function wrapper (original) { return function () { return original.apply(this, arguments) } } shimmer.massWrap(generator, ['inc', 'dec'], wrapper) t.doesNotEqual(counter, generator.inc, 'function should be wrapped') t.doesNotEqual(anticounter, generator.dec, 'function should be wrapped') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.inc() }) t.equal(1, outsider, 'original function has still been called') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.dec() }) t.equal(0, outsider, 'original function has still been called') shimmer.massUnwrap(generator, ['inc', 'dec']) t.equal(counter, generator.inc, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.equal(anticounter, generator.dec, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.inc() }) t.equal(1, outsider, 'original function has still been called') t.doesNotThrow(function () { generator.dec() }) t.equal(0, outsider, 'original function has still been called') }) test("shouldn't throw on double unwrapping", function (t) { t.plan(10) t.equal(counter, generator.inc, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.equal(anticounter, generator.dec, 'basic function equality testing should work') var mock = sinon.stub() shimmer({ logger: mock }) function wrapper (original) { return function () { return original.apply(this, arguments) } } shimmer.wrap(generator, 'inc', wrapper) shimmer.wrap(generator, 'dec', wrapper) t.doesNotEqual(counter, generator.inc, 'function should be wrapped') t.doesNotEqual(anticounter, generator.dec, 'function should be wrapped') shimmer.massUnwrap(generator, ['inc', 'dec']) t.equal(counter, generator.inc, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.equal(anticounter, generator.dec, 'basic function equality testing should work') t.doesNotThrow(function () { shimmer.massUnwrap(generator, ['inc', 'dec']) }, 'should double unwrap without issue') t.equal(counter, generator.inc, 'function is unchanged after unwrapping') t.equal(anticounter, generator.dec, 'function is unchanged after unwrapping') t.doesNotThrow(function () { sinon.assert.calledWith(mock, 'no original to unwrap to -- ' + 'has inc already been unwrapped?') sinon.assert.calledWith(mock, 'no original to unwrap to -- ' + 'has dec already been unwrapped?') sinon.assert.calledTwice(mock) }, 'logger was called with the expected message') }) test('massUnwrap called with no arguments', function (t) { t.plan(2) var mock = sinon.expectation .create('logger') .twice() shimmer({ logger: mock }) t.doesNotThrow(function () { shimmer.massUnwrap() }, 'should log instead of throwing') t.doesNotThrow(function () { mock.verify() }, 'logger was called with the expected message') }) test('massUnwrap called with module but nothing else', function (t) { t.plan(2) var mock = sinon.expectation .create('logger') .withExactArgs('must provide one or more functions to unwrap on modules') .once() shimmer({ logger: mock }) t.doesNotThrow(function () { shimmer.massUnwrap(generator) }, "wrapping with only 1 argument doesn't throw") t.doesNotThrow(function () { mock.verify() }, 'logger was called with the expected message') })