connect-slashes =============== Trailing slash redirect middleware for Connect and Express.js. Useful for creating canonical urls in your Node.js applications. ## Installation ``` $ npm install connect-slashes ``` ## Usage ```javascript var connect = require("connect") , slashes = require("connect-slashes"); connect() // or express() .use(connect.static()) .use(slashes()) // must come after static middleware! .listen(3000); ``` Alternatively, you can pass `false` as the first argument to `.slashes()` in order to remove trailing slashes instead of appending them: ```javascript .use(slashes(false)); ``` ## Additional settings You can also pass a second argument with an options object. For example, if an application is behind a reverse proxy server that removes part of the URL (a base_path) before proxying to the application, then the `base` can be specified with an option: ```javascript .use(slashes(true, { base: "/blog" })); // prepends a base url to the redirect ``` By default, all redirects are using the 301 Moved Permanently header. You can change this behavior by passing in the optional `code` option: ```javascript .use(slashes(true, { code: 302 })); // 302 Temporary redirects ``` You can also set additional headers to the redirect response with the `headers` option: ```javascript .use(slashes(true, { headers: { "Cache-Control": "public" } })); ``` ## Notes 1. Only GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests will be redirected (to avoid losing POST/PUT data) 2. This middleware will append or remove a trailing slash to all request urls. This includes filenames (/app.css => /app.css/), so it may break your static files. Make sure to `.use()` this middleware only after the `connect.static()` middleware. ## LICENSE MIT