'use strict'; var packageInfo = require('../package.json'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var util = require('util'); var net = require('net'); var tls = require('tls'); var os = require('os'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var DataStream = require('./data-stream'); var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough; var shared = require('nodemailer-shared'); var ntlm = require('httpntlm/ntlm'); // default timeout values in ms var CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // how much to wait for the connection to be established var SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 * 1000; // how much to wait for socket inactivity before disconnecting the client var GREETING_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; // how much to wait after connection is established but SMTP greeting is not receieved module.exports = SMTPConnection; /** * Generates a SMTP connection object * * Optional options object takes the following possible properties: * * * **port** - is the port to connect to (defaults to 25 or 465) * * **host** - is the hostname or IP address to connect to (defaults to 'localhost') * * **secure** - use SSL * * **ignoreTLS** - ignore server support for STARTTLS * * **requireTLS** - forces the client to use STARTTLS * * **name** - the name of the client server * * **localAddress** - outbound address to bind to (see: http://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_net_connect_options_connectionlistener) * * **greetingTimeout** - Time to wait in ms until greeting message is received from the server (defaults to 10000) * * **connectionTimeout** - how many milliseconds to wait for the connection to establish * * **socketTimeout** - Time of inactivity until the connection is closed (defaults to 1 hour) * * **lmtp** - if true, uses LMTP instead of SMTP protocol * * **logger** - bunyan compatible logger interface * * **debug** - if true pass SMTP traffic to the logger * * **tls** - options for createCredentials * * **socket** - existing socket to use instead of creating a new one (see: http://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_class_net_socket) * * **secured** - boolean indicates that the provided socket has already been upgraded to tls * * @constructor * @namespace SMTP Client module * @param {Object} [options] Option properties */ function SMTPConnection(options) { EventEmitter.call(this); this.id = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('base64').replace(/\W/g, ''); this.stage = 'init'; this.options = options || {}; this.secureConnection = !!this.options.secure; this.alreadySecured = !!this.options.secured; this.port = this.options.port || (this.secureConnection ? 465 : 25); this.host = this.options.host || 'localhost'; if (typeof this.options.secure === 'undefined' && this.port === 465) { // if secure option is not set but port is 465, then default to secure this.secureConnection = true; } this.name = this.options.name || this._getHostname(); this.logger = shared.getLogger(this.options); /** * Expose version nr, just for the reference * @type {String} */ this.version = packageInfo.version; /** * If true, then the user is authenticated * @type {Boolean} */ this.authenticated = false; /** * If set to true, this instance is no longer active * @private */ this.destroyed = false; /** * Defines if the current connection is secure or not. If not, * STARTTLS can be used if available * @private */ this.secure = !!this.secureConnection; /** * Store incomplete messages coming from the server * @private */ this._remainder = ''; /** * Unprocessed responses from the server * @type {Array} */ this._responseQueue = []; /** * The socket connecting to the server * @publick */ this._socket = false; /** * Lists supported auth mechanisms * @private */ this._supportedAuth = []; /** * Includes current envelope (from, to) * @private */ this._envelope = false; /** * Lists supported extensions * @private */ this._supportedExtensions = []; /** * Defines the maximum allowed size for a single message * @private */ this._maxAllowedSize = 0; /** * Function queue to run if a data chunk comes from the server * @private */ this._responseActions = []; this._recipientQueue = []; /** * Timeout variable for waiting the greeting * @private */ this._greetingTimeout = false; /** * Timeout variable for waiting the connection to start * @private */ this._connectionTimeout = false; /** * If the socket is deemed already closed * @private */ this._destroyed = false; /** * If the socket is already being closed * @private */ this._closing = false; } util.inherits(SMTPConnection, EventEmitter); /** * Creates a connection to a SMTP server and sets up connection * listener */ SMTPConnection.prototype.connect = function (connectCallback) { if (typeof connectCallback === 'function') { this.once('connect', function () { this.logger.debug('[%s] SMTP handshake finished', this.id); connectCallback(); }.bind(this)); } var opts = { port: this.port, host: this.host }; if (this.options.localAddress) { opts.localAddress = this.options.localAddress; } if (this.options.connection) { // connection is already opened this._socket = this.options.connection; if (this.secureConnection && !this.alreadySecured) { setImmediate(this._upgradeConnection.bind(this, function (err) { if (err) { this._onError(new Error('Error initiating TLS - ' + (err.message || err)), 'ETLS', false, 'CONN'); return; } this._onConnect(); }.bind(this))); } else { setImmediate(this._onConnect.bind(this)); } } else if (this.options.socket) { // socket object is set up but not yet connected this._socket = this.options.socket; try { this._socket.connect(this.port, this.host, this._onConnect.bind(this)); } catch (E) { return setImmediate(this._onError.bind(this, E, 'ECONNECTION', false, 'CONN')); } } else if (this.secureConnection) { // connect using tls if (this.options.tls) { Object.keys(this.options.tls).forEach(function (key) { opts[key] = this.options.tls[key]; }.bind(this)); } try { this._socket = tls.connect(this.port, this.host, opts, this._onConnect.bind(this)); } catch (E) { return setImmediate(this._onError.bind(this, E, 'ECONNECTION', false, 'CONN')); } } else { // connect using plaintext try { this._socket = net.connect(opts, this._onConnect.bind(this)); } catch (E) { return setImmediate(this._onError.bind(this, E, 'ECONNECTION', false, 'CONN')); } } this._connectionTimeout = setTimeout(function () { this._onError('Connection timeout', 'ETIMEDOUT', false, 'CONN'); }.bind(this), this.options.connectionTimeout || CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); this._socket.on('error', function (err) { this._onError(err, 'ECONNECTION', false, 'CONN'); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Sends QUIT */ SMTPConnection.prototype.quit = function () { this._sendCommand('QUIT'); this._responseActions.push(this.close); }; /** * Closes the connection to the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype.close = function () { clearTimeout(this._connectionTimeout); clearTimeout(this._greetingTimeout); this._responseActions = []; // allow to run this function only once if (this._closing) { return; } this._closing = true; var closeMethod = 'end'; if (this.stage === 'init') { // Close the socket immediately when connection timed out closeMethod = 'destroy'; } this.logger.debug('[%s] Closing connection to the server using "%s"', this.id, closeMethod); var socket = this._socket && this._socket.socket || this._socket; if (socket && !socket.destroyed) { try { this._socket[closeMethod](); } catch (E) { // just ignore } } this._destroy(); }; /** * Authenticate user */ SMTPConnection.prototype.login = function (authData, callback) { this._auth = authData || {}; this._user = this._auth.xoauth2 && this._auth.xoauth2.options && this._auth.xoauth2.options.user || this._auth.user || ''; this._authMethod = false; if (this.options.authMethod) { this._authMethod = this.options.authMethod.toUpperCase().trim(); } else if (this._auth.xoauth2 && this._supportedAuth.indexOf('XOAUTH2') >= 0) { this._authMethod = 'XOAUTH2'; } else if (this._auth.domain && this._supportedAuth.indexOf('NTLM') >= 0) { this._authMethod = 'NTLM'; } else { // use first supported this._authMethod = (this._supportedAuth[0] || 'PLAIN').toUpperCase().trim(); } switch (this._authMethod) { case 'XOAUTH2': this._handleXOauth2Token(false, callback); return; case 'LOGIN': this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_LOGIN_USER(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('AUTH LOGIN'); return; case 'PLAIN': this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTHComplete(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('AUTH PLAIN ' + new Buffer( //this._auth.user+'\u0000'+ '\u0000' + // skip authorization identity as it causes problems with some servers this._auth.user + '\u0000' + this._auth.pass, 'utf-8').toString('base64')); return; case 'CRAM-MD5': this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_CRAM_MD5(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('AUTH CRAM-MD5'); return; case 'NTLM': this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_NTLM_TYPE1(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('AUTH ' + ntlm.createType1Message({ domain: this._auth.domain || '', workstation: this._auth.workstation || '' })); return; } return callback(this._formatError('Unknown authentication method "' + this._authMethod + '"', 'EAUTH', false, 'API')); }; /** * Sends a message * * @param {Object} envelope Envelope object, {from: addr, to: [addr]} * @param {Object} message String, Buffer or a Stream * @param {Function} callback Callback to return once sending is completed */ SMTPConnection.prototype.send = function (envelope, message, done) { if (!message) { return done(this._formatError('Empty message', 'EMESSAGE', false, 'API')); } // reject larger messages than allowed if (this._maxAllowedSize && envelope.size > this._maxAllowedSize) { return setImmediate(function () { done(this._formatError('Message size larger than allowed ' + this._maxAllowedSize, 'EMESSAGE', false, 'MAIL FROM')); }.bind(this)); } // ensure that callback is only called once var returned = false; var callback = function () { if (returned) { return; } returned = true; done.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; if (typeof message.on === 'function') { message.on('error', function (err) { return callback(this._formatError(err, 'ESTREAM', false, 'API')); }.bind(this)); } this._setEnvelope(envelope, function (err, info) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var stream = this._createSendStream(function (err, str) { if (err) { return callback(err); } info.response = str; return callback(null, info); }); if (typeof message.pipe === 'function') { message.pipe(stream); } else { stream.write(message); stream.end(); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Resets connection state * * @param {Function} callback Callback to return once connection is reset */ SMTPConnection.prototype.reset = function (callback) { this._sendCommand('RSET'); this._responseActions.push(function (str) { if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { return callback(this._formatError('Could not reset session state:\n' + str, 'EPROTOCOL', str, 'RSET')); } this._envelope = false; return callback(null, true); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Connection listener that is run when the connection to * the server is opened * * @event */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onConnect = function () { clearTimeout(this._connectionTimeout); this.logger.info('[%s] %s established to %s:%s', this.id, this.secure ? 'Secure connection' : 'Connection', this._socket.remoteAddress, this._socket.remotePort); if (this._destroyed) { // Connection was established after we already had canceled it this.close(); return; } this.stage = 'connected'; // clear existing listeners for the socket this._socket.removeAllListeners('data'); this._socket.removeAllListeners('timeout'); this._socket.removeAllListeners('close'); this._socket.removeAllListeners('end'); this._socket.on('data', this._onData.bind(this)); this._socket.once('close', this._onClose.bind(this)); this._socket.once('end', this._onEnd.bind(this)); this._socket.setTimeout(this.options.socketTimeout || SOCKET_TIMEOUT); this._socket.on('timeout', this._onTimeout.bind(this)); this._greetingTimeout = setTimeout(function () { // if still waiting for greeting, give up if (this._socket && !this._destroyed && this._responseActions[0] === this._actionGreeting) { this._onError('Greeting never received', 'ETIMEDOUT', false, 'CONN'); } }.bind(this), this.options.greetingTimeout || GREETING_TIMEOUT); this._responseActions.push(this._actionGreeting); // we have a 'data' listener set up so resume socket if it was paused this._socket.resume(); }; /** * 'data' listener for data coming from the server * * @event * @param {Buffer} chunk Data chunk coming from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onData = function (chunk) { if (this._destroyed || !chunk || !chunk.length) { return; } var data = (chunk || '').toString('binary'); var lines = (this._remainder + data).split(/\r?\n/); var lastline; this._remainder = lines.pop(); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (this._responseQueue.length) { lastline = this._responseQueue[this._responseQueue.length - 1]; if (/^\d+\-/.test(lastline.split('\n').pop())) { this._responseQueue[this._responseQueue.length - 1] += '\n' + lines[i]; continue; } } this._responseQueue.push(lines[i]); } this._processResponse(); }; /** * 'error' listener for the socket * * @event * @param {Error} err Error object * @param {String} type Error name */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onError = function (err, type, data, command) { clearTimeout(this._connectionTimeout); clearTimeout(this._greetingTimeout); if (this._destroyed) { // just ignore, already closed // this might happen when a socket is canceled because of reached timeout // but the socket timeout error itself receives only after return; } err = this._formatError(err, type, data, command); this.logger.error('[%s] %s', this.id, err.message); this.emit('error', err); this.close(); }; SMTPConnection.prototype._formatError = function (message, type, response, command) { var err; if (/Error\]$/i.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(message))) { err = message; } else { err = new Error(message); } if (type && type !== 'Error') { err.code = type; } if (response) { err.response = response; err.message += ': ' + response; } var responseCode = typeof response === 'string' && Number((response.match(/^\d+/) || [])[0]) || false; if (responseCode) { err.responseCode = responseCode; } if (command) { err.command = command; } return err; }; /** * 'close' listener for the socket * * @event */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onClose = function () { this.logger.info('[%s] Connection closed', this.id); if ([this._actionGreeting, this.close].indexOf(this._responseActions[0]) < 0 && !this._destroyed) { return this._onError(new Error('Connection closed unexpectedly'), 'ECONNECTION', false, 'CONN'); } this._destroy(); }; /** * 'end' listener for the socket * * @event */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onEnd = function () { this._destroy(); }; /** * 'timeout' listener for the socket * * @event */ SMTPConnection.prototype._onTimeout = function () { return this._onError(new Error('Timeout'), 'ETIMEDOUT', false, 'CONN'); }; /** * Destroys the client, emits 'end' */ SMTPConnection.prototype._destroy = function () { if (this._destroyed) { return; } this._destroyed = true; this.emit('end'); }; /** * Upgrades the connection to TLS * * @param {Function} callback Callback function to run when the connection * has been secured */ SMTPConnection.prototype._upgradeConnection = function (callback) { // do not remove all listeners or it breaks node v0.10 as there's // apparently a 'finish' event set that would be cleared as well // we can safely keep 'error', 'end', 'close' etc. events this._socket.removeAllListeners('data'); // incoming data is going to be gibberish from this point onwards this._socket.removeAllListeners('timeout'); // timeout will be re-set for the new socket object var socketPlain = this._socket; var opts = { socket: this._socket, host: this.host }; Object.keys(this.options.tls || {}).forEach(function (key) { opts[key] = this.options.tls[key]; }.bind(this)); this._socket = tls.connect(opts, function () { this.secure = true; this._socket.on('data', this._onData.bind(this)); socketPlain.removeAllListeners('close'); socketPlain.removeAllListeners('end'); return callback(null, true); }.bind(this)); this._socket.on('error', this._onError.bind(this)); this._socket.once('close', this._onClose.bind(this)); this._socket.once('end', this._onEnd.bind(this)); this._socket.setTimeout(this.options.socketTimeout || SOCKET_TIMEOUT); // 10 min. this._socket.on('timeout', this._onTimeout.bind(this)); // resume in case the socket was paused socketPlain.resume(); }; /** * Processes queued responses from the server * * @param {Boolean} force If true, ignores _processing flag */ SMTPConnection.prototype._processResponse = function () { if (!this._responseQueue.length) { return false; } var str = (this._responseQueue.shift() || '').toString(); if (/^\d+\-/.test(str.split('\n').pop())) { // keep waiting for the final part of multiline response return; } if (this.options.debug) { this.logger.debug('[%s] S: %s', this.id, str.replace(/\r?\n$/, '')); } if (!str.trim()) { // skip unexpected empty lines setImmediate(this._processResponse.bind(this, true)); } var action = this._responseActions.shift(); if (typeof action === 'function') { action.call(this, str); setImmediate(this._processResponse.bind(this, true)); } else { return this._onError(new Error('Unexpected Response'), 'EPROTOCOL', str, 'CONN'); } }; /** * Send a command to the server, append \r\n * * @param {String} str String to be sent to the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._sendCommand = function (str) { if (this._destroyed) { // Connection already closed, can't send any more data return; } if (this._socket.destroyed) { return this.close(); } if (this.options.debug) { this.logger.debug('[%s] C: %s', this.id, (str || '').toString().replace(/\r?\n$/, '')); } this._socket.write(new Buffer(str + '\r\n', 'utf-8')); }; /** * Initiates a new message by submitting envelope data, starting with * MAIL FROM: command * * @param {Object} envelope Envelope object in the form of * {from:'...', to:['...']} * or * {from:{address:'...',name:'...'}, to:[address:'...',name:'...']} */ SMTPConnection.prototype._setEnvelope = function (envelope, callback) { var args = []; var useSmtpUtf8 = false; this._envelope = envelope || {}; this._envelope.from = (this._envelope.from && this._envelope.from.address || this._envelope.from || '').toString().trim(); this._envelope.to = [].concat(this._envelope.to || []).map(function (to) { return (to && to.address || to || '').toString().trim(); }); if (!this._envelope.to.length) { return callback(this._formatError('No recipients defined', 'EENVELOPE', false, 'API')); } if (this._envelope.from && /[\r\n<>]/.test(this._envelope.from)) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid sender ' + JSON.stringify(this._envelope.from), 'EENVELOPE', false, 'API')); } // check if the sender address uses only ASCII characters, // otherwise require usage of SMTPUTF8 extension if (/[\x80-\uFFFF]/.test(this._envelope.from)) { useSmtpUtf8 = true; } for (var i = 0, len = this._envelope.to.length; i < len; i++) { if (!this._envelope.to[i] || /[\r\n<>]/.test(this._envelope.to[i])) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid recipient ' + JSON.stringify(this._envelope.to[i]), 'EENVELOPE', false, 'API')); } // check if the recipients addresses use only ASCII characters, // otherwise require usage of SMTPUTF8 extension if (/[\x80-\uFFFF]/.test(this._envelope.to[i])) { useSmtpUtf8 = true; } } // clone the recipients array for latter manipulation this._envelope.rcptQueue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._envelope.to || [])); this._envelope.rejected = []; this._envelope.rejectedErrors = []; this._envelope.accepted = []; if (this._envelope.dsn) { try { this._envelope.dsn = this._setDsnEnvelope(this._envelope.dsn); } catch (err) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid dsn ' + err.message, 'EENVELOPE', false, 'API')); } } this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionMAIL(str, callback); }.bind(this)); // If the server supports SMTPUTF8 and the envelope includes an internationalized // email address then append SMTPUTF8 keyword to the MAIL FROM command if (useSmtpUtf8 && this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('SMTPUTF8') >= 0) { args.push('SMTPUTF8'); this._usingSmtpUtf8 = true; } // If the server supports 8BITMIME and the message might contain non-ascii bytes // then append the 8BITMIME keyword to the MAIL FROM command if (this._envelope.use8BitMime && this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('8BITMIME') >= 0) { args.push('BODY=8BITMIME'); this._using8BitMime = true; } if (this._envelope.size && this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('SIZE') >= 0) { args.push('SIZE=' + this._envelope.size); } // If the server supports DSN and the envelope includes an DSN prop // then append DSN params to the MAIL FROM command if (this._envelope.dsn && this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('DSN') >= 0) { if (this._envelope.dsn.ret) { args.push('RET=' + this._envelope.dsn.ret); } if (this._envelope.dsn.envid) { args.push('ENVID=' + this._envelope.dsn.envid); } } this._sendCommand('MAIL FROM:<' + (this._envelope.from) + '>' + (args.length ? ' ' + args.join(' ') : '')); }; SMTPConnection.prototype._setDsnEnvelope = function (params) { var ret = params.ret ? params.ret.toString().toUpperCase() : null; if (ret && ['FULL', 'HDRS'].indexOf(ret) < 0) { throw new Error('ret: ' + JSON.stringify(ret)); } var envid = params.envid ? params.envid.toString() : null; var notify = params.notify ? params.notify : null; if (notify) { if (typeof notify === 'string') { notify = notify.split(','); } notify = notify.map(function (n) { return n.trim().toUpperCase(); }); var validNotify = ['NEVER', 'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE', 'DELAY']; var invaliNotify = notify.filter(function (n) { return validNotify.indexOf(n) === -1; }); if (invaliNotify.length || (notify.length > 1 && notify.indexOf('NEVER') >= 0)) { throw new Error('notify: ' + JSON.stringify(notify.join(','))); } notify = notify.join(','); } var orcpt = params.orcpt ? params.orcpt.toString() : null; return { ret: ret, envid: envid, notify: notify, orcpt: orcpt }; }; SMTPConnection.prototype._getDsnRcptToArgs = function () { var args = []; // If the server supports DSN and the envelope includes an DSN prop // then append DSN params to the RCPT TO command if (this._envelope.dsn && this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('DSN') >= 0) { if (this._envelope.dsn.notify) { args.push('NOTIFY=' + this._envelope.dsn.notify); } if (this._envelope.dsn.orcpt) { args.push('ORCPT=' + this._envelope.dsn.orcpt); } } return (args.length ? ' ' + args.join(' ') : ''); }; SMTPConnection.prototype._createSendStream = function (callback) { var dataStream = new DataStream(); var logStream; if (this.options.lmtp) { this._envelope.accepted.forEach(function (recipient, i) { var final = i === this._envelope.accepted.length - 1; this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionLMTPStream(recipient, final, str, callback); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } else { this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionSMTPStream(str, callback); }.bind(this)); } dataStream.pipe(this._socket, { end: false }); if (this.options.debug) { logStream = new PassThrough(); logStream.on('readable', function () { var chunk; while ((chunk = logStream.read())) { this.logger.debug('[%s] C: %s', this.id, chunk.toString('binary').replace(/\r?\n$/, '')); } }.bind(this)); dataStream.pipe(logStream); } dataStream.once('end', function () { this.logger.info('[%s] C: <%s bytes encoded mime message (source size %s bytes)>', this.id, dataStream.outByteCount, dataStream.inByteCount); }.bind(this)); return dataStream; }; /** ACTIONS **/ /** * Will be run after the connection is created and the server sends * a greeting. If the incoming message starts with 220 initiate * SMTP session by sending EHLO command * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionGreeting = function (str) { clearTimeout(this._greetingTimeout); if (str.substr(0, 3) !== '220') { this._onError(new Error('Invalid greeting from server:\n' + str), 'EPROTOCOL', str, 'CONN'); return; } if (this.options.lmtp) { this._responseActions.push(this._actionLHLO); this._sendCommand('LHLO ' + this.name); } else { this._responseActions.push(this._actionEHLO); this._sendCommand('EHLO ' + this.name); } }; /** * Handles server response for LHLO command. If it yielded in * error, emit 'error', otherwise treat this as an EHLO response * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionLHLO = function (str) { if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { this._onError(new Error('Invalid response for LHLO:\n' + str), 'EPROTOCOL', str, 'LHLO'); return; } this._actionEHLO(str); }; /** * Handles server response for EHLO command. If it yielded in * error, try HELO instead, otherwise initiate TLS negotiation * if STARTTLS is supported by the server or move into the * authentication phase. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionEHLO = function (str) { var match; if (str.substr(0, 3) === '421') { this._onError(new Error('Server terminates connection:\n' + str), 'ECONNECTION', str, 'EHLO'); return; } if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { if (this.options.requireTLS) { this._onError(new Error('EHLO failed but HELO does not support required STARTTLS:\n' + str), 'ECONNECTION', str, 'EHLO'); return; } // Try HELO instead this._responseActions.push(this._actionHELO); this._sendCommand('HELO ' + this.name); return; } // Detect if the server supports STARTTLS if (!this.secure && !this.options.ignoreTLS && (/[ \-]STARTTLS\b/mi.test(str) || this.options.requireTLS)) { this._sendCommand('STARTTLS'); this._responseActions.push(this._actionSTARTTLS); return; } // Detect if the server supports SMTPUTF8 if (/[ \-]SMTPUTF8\b/mi.test(str)) { this._supportedExtensions.push('SMTPUTF8'); } // Detect if the server supports DSN if (/[ \-]DSN\b/mi.test(str)) { this._supportedExtensions.push('DSN'); } // Detect if the server supports 8BITMIME if (/[ \-]8BITMIME\b/mi.test(str)) { this._supportedExtensions.push('8BITMIME'); } // Detect if the server supports PIPELINING if (/[ \-]PIPELINING\b/mi.test(str)) { this._supportedExtensions.push('PIPELINING'); } // Detect if the server supports PLAIN auth if (/AUTH(?:(\s+|=)[^\n]*\s+|\s+|=)PLAIN/i.test(str)) { this._supportedAuth.push('PLAIN'); } // Detect if the server supports LOGIN auth if (/AUTH(?:(\s+|=)[^\n]*\s+|\s+|=)LOGIN/i.test(str)) { this._supportedAuth.push('LOGIN'); } // Detect if the server supports CRAM-MD5 auth if (/AUTH(?:(\s+|=)[^\n]*\s+|\s+|=)CRAM-MD5/i.test(str)) { this._supportedAuth.push('CRAM-MD5'); } // Detect if the server supports XOAUTH2 auth if (/AUTH(?:(\s+|=)[^\n]*\s+|\s+|=)XOAUTH2/i.test(str)) { this._supportedAuth.push('XOAUTH2'); } // Detect if the server supports SIZE extensions (and the max allowed size) if ((match = str.match(/[ \-]SIZE(?:\s+(\d+))?/mi))) { this._supportedExtensions.push('SIZE'); this._maxAllowedSize = Number(match[1]) || 0; } this.emit('connect'); }; /** * Handles server response for HELO command. If it yielded in * error, emit 'error', otherwise move into the authentication phase. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionHELO = function (str) { if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { this._onError(new Error('Invalid response for EHLO/HELO:\n' + str), 'EPROTOCOL', str, 'HELO'); return; } this.emit('connect'); }; /** * Handles server response for STARTTLS command. If there's an error * try HELO instead, otherwise initiate TLS upgrade. If the upgrade * succeedes restart the EHLO * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionSTARTTLS = function (str) { if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { if (this.options.opportunisticTLS) { this.logger.info('[%s] Failed STARTTLS upgrade, continuing unencrypted', this.id); return this.emit('connect'); } this._onError(new Error('Error upgrading connection with STARTTLS'), 'ETLS', str, 'STARTTLS'); return; } this._upgradeConnection(function (err, secured) { if (err) { this._onError(new Error('Error initiating TLS - ' + (err.message || err)), 'ETLS', false, 'STARTTLS'); return; } this.logger.info('[%s] Connection upgraded with STARTTLS', this.id); if (secured) { // restart session this._responseActions.push(this._actionEHLO); this._sendCommand('EHLO ' + this.name); } else { this.emit('connect'); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Handle the response for AUTH LOGIN command. We are expecting * '334 VXNlcm5hbWU6' (base64 for 'Username:'). Data to be sent as * response needs to be base64 encoded username. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_LOGIN_USER = function (str, callback) { if (str !== '334 VXNlcm5hbWU6') { callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6"', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH LOGIN')); return; } this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_LOGIN_PASS(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand(new Buffer(this._auth.user + '', 'utf-8').toString('base64')); }; /** * Handle the response for AUTH NTLM, which should be a * '334 '. See http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html * We already sent the Type1 message, the challenge is a Type2 message, we * need to respond with a Type3 message. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_NTLM_TYPE1 = function (str, callback) { var challengeMatch = str.match(/^334\s+(.+)$/); var challengeString = ''; if (!challengeMatch) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for server challenge string', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH NTLM')); } else { challengeString = challengeMatch[1]; } if (!/^NTLM/i.test(challengeString)) { challengeString = 'NTLM ' + challengeString; } var type2Message = ntlm.parseType2Message(challengeString, callback); if (!type2Message) { return; } var type3Message = ntlm.createType3Message(type2Message, { domain: this._auth.domain || '', workstation: this._auth.workstation || '', username: this._auth.user, password: this._auth.pass }); type3Message = type3Message.substring(5); // remove the "NTLM " prefix this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_NTLM_TYPE3(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand(type3Message); }; /** * Handle the response for AUTH CRAM-MD5 command. We are expecting * '334 '. Data to be sent as response needs to be * base64 decoded challenge string, MD5 hashed using the password as * a HMAC key, prefixed by the username and a space, and finally all * base64 encoded again. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_CRAM_MD5 = function (str, callback) { var challengeMatch = str.match(/^334\s+(.+)$/); var challengeString = ''; if (!challengeMatch) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for server challenge string', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH CRAM-MD5')); } else { challengeString = challengeMatch[1]; } // Decode from base64 var base64decoded = new Buffer(challengeString, 'base64').toString('ascii'), hmac_md5 = crypto.createHmac('md5', this._auth.pass); hmac_md5.update(base64decoded); var hex_hmac = hmac_md5.digest('hex'), prepended = this._auth.user + ' ' + hex_hmac; this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTH_CRAM_MD5_PASS(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand(new Buffer(prepended).toString('base64')); }; /** * Handles the response to CRAM-MD5 authentication, if there's no error, * the user can be considered logged in. Start waiting for a message to send * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_CRAM_MD5_PASS = function (str, callback) { if (!str.match(/^235\s+/)) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for "235"', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH CRAM-MD5')); } this.logger.info('[%s] User %s authenticated', this.id, JSON.stringify(this._user)); this.authenticated = true; callback(null, true); }; /** * Handles the TYPE3 response for NTLM authentication, if there's no error, * the user can be considered logged in. Start waiting for a message to send * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_NTLM_TYPE3 = function (str, callback) { if (!str.match(/^235\s+/)) { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for "235"', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH NTLM')); } this.logger.info('[%s] User %s authenticated', this.id, JSON.stringify(this._user)); this.authenticated = true; callback(null, true); }; /** * Handle the response for AUTH LOGIN command. We are expecting * '334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6' (base64 for 'Password:'). Data to be sent as * response needs to be base64 encoded password. * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTH_LOGIN_PASS = function (str, callback) { if (str !== '334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6') { return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login sequence while waiting for "334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6"', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH LOGIN')); } this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTHComplete(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand(new Buffer(this._auth.pass + '', 'utf-8').toString('base64')); }; /** * Handles the response for authentication, if there's no error, * the user can be considered logged in. Start waiting for a message to send * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionAUTHComplete = function (str, isRetry, callback) { if (!callback && typeof isRetry === 'function') { callback = isRetry; isRetry = undefined; } if (str.substr(0, 3) === '334') { this._responseActions.push(function (str) { if (isRetry || !this._auth.xoauth2 || typeof this._auth.xoauth2 !== 'object') { this._actionAUTHComplete(str, true, callback); } else { setTimeout(this._handleXOauth2Token.bind(this, true, callback), Math.random() * 4000 + 1000); } }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand(''); return; } if (str.charAt(0) !== '2') { this.logger.info('[%s] User %s failed to authenticate', this.id, JSON.stringify(this._user)); return callback(this._formatError('Invalid login', 'EAUTH', str, 'AUTH ' + this._authMethod)); } this.logger.info('[%s] User %s authenticated', this.id, JSON.stringify(this._user)); this.authenticated = true; callback(null, true); }; /** * Handle response for a MAIL FROM: command * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionMAIL = function (str, callback) { var message, curRecipient; if (Number(str.charAt(0)) !== 2) { if (this._usingSmtpUtf8 && /^550 /.test(str) && /[\x80-\uFFFF]/.test(this._envelope.from)) { message = 'Internationalized mailbox name not allowed'; } else { message = 'Mail command failed'; } return callback(this._formatError(message, 'EENVELOPE', str, 'MAIL FROM')); } if (!this._envelope.rcptQueue.length) { return callback(this._formatError('Can\'t send mail - no recipients defined', 'EENVELOPE', false, 'API')); } else { this._recipientQueue = []; if (this._supportedExtensions.indexOf('PIPELINING') >= 0) { while (this._envelope.rcptQueue.length) { curRecipient = this._envelope.rcptQueue.shift(); this._recipientQueue.push(curRecipient); this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionRCPT(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('RCPT TO:<' + curRecipient + '>' + this._getDsnRcptToArgs()); } } else { curRecipient = this._envelope.rcptQueue.shift(); this._recipientQueue.push(curRecipient); this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionRCPT(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('RCPT TO:<' + curRecipient + '>' + this._getDsnRcptToArgs()); } } }; /** * Handle response for a RCPT TO: command * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionRCPT = function (str, callback) { var message, err, curRecipient = this._recipientQueue.shift(); if (Number(str.charAt(0)) !== 2) { // this is a soft error if (this._usingSmtpUtf8 && /^553 /.test(str) && /[\x80-\uFFFF]/.test(curRecipient)) { message = 'Internationalized mailbox name not allowed'; } else { message = 'Recipient command failed'; } this._envelope.rejected.push(curRecipient); // store error for the failed recipient err = this._formatError(message, 'EENVELOPE', str, 'RCPT TO'); err.recipient = curRecipient; this._envelope.rejectedErrors.push(err); } else { this._envelope.accepted.push(curRecipient); } if (!this._envelope.rcptQueue.length && !this._recipientQueue.length) { if (this._envelope.rejected.length < this._envelope.to.length) { this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionDATA(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('DATA'); } else { err = this._formatError('Can\'t send mail - all recipients were rejected', 'EENVELOPE', str, 'RCPT TO'); err.rejected = this._envelope.rejected; err.rejectedErrors = this._envelope.rejectedErrors; return callback(err); } } else if (this._envelope.rcptQueue.length) { curRecipient = this._envelope.rcptQueue.shift(); this._recipientQueue.push(curRecipient); this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionRCPT(str, callback); }.bind(this)); this._sendCommand('RCPT TO:<' + curRecipient + '>' + this._getDsnRcptToArgs()); } }; /** * Handle response for a DATA command * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionDATA = function (str, callback) { // response should be 354 but according to this issue https://github.com/eleith/emailjs/issues/24 // some servers might use 250 instead, so lets check for 2 or 3 as the first digit if ([2, 3].indexOf(Number(str.charAt(0))) < 0) { return callback(this._formatError('Data command failed', 'EENVELOPE', str, 'DATA')); } var response = { accepted: this._envelope.accepted, rejected: this._envelope.rejected }; if (this._envelope.rejectedErrors.length) { response.rejectedErrors = this._envelope.rejectedErrors; } callback(null, response); }; /** * Handle response for a DATA stream when using SMTP * We expect a single response that defines if the sending succeeded or failed * * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionSMTPStream = function (str, callback) { if (Number(str.charAt(0)) !== 2) { // Message failed return callback(this._formatError('Message failed', 'EMESSAGE', str, 'DATA')); } else { // Message sent succesfully return callback(null, str); } }; /** * Handle response for a DATA stream * We expect a separate response for every recipient. All recipients can either * succeed or fail separately * * @param {String} recipient The recipient this response applies to * @param {Boolean} final Is this the final recipient? * @param {String} str Message from the server */ SMTPConnection.prototype._actionLMTPStream = function (recipient, final, str, callback) { var err; if (Number(str.charAt(0)) !== 2) { // Message failed err = this._formatError('Message failed for recipient ' + recipient, 'EMESSAGE', str, 'DATA'); err.recipient = recipient; this._envelope.rejected.push(recipient); this._envelope.rejectedErrors.push(err); for (var i = 0, len = this._envelope.accepted.length; i < len; i++) { if (this._envelope.accepted[i] === recipient) { this._envelope.accepted.splice(i, 1); } } } if (final) { return callback(null, str); } }; SMTPConnection.prototype._handleXOauth2Token = function (isRetry, callback) { this._responseActions.push(function (str) { this._actionAUTHComplete(str, isRetry, callback); }.bind(this)); if (this._auth.xoauth2 && typeof this._auth.xoauth2 === 'object') { this._auth.xoauth2[isRetry ? 'generateToken' : 'getToken'](function (err, token) { if (err) { this.logger.info('[%s] User %s failed to authenticate', this.id, JSON.stringify(this._user)); return callback(this._formatError(err, 'EAUTH', false, 'AUTH XOAUTH2')); } this._sendCommand('AUTH XOAUTH2 ' + token); }.bind(this)); } else { this._sendCommand('AUTH XOAUTH2 ' + this._buildXOAuth2Token(this._auth.user, this._auth.xoauth2)); } }; /** * Builds a login token for XOAUTH2 authentication command * * @param {String} user E-mail address of the user * @param {String} token Valid access token for the user * @return {String} Base64 formatted login token */ SMTPConnection.prototype._buildXOAuth2Token = function (user, token) { var authData = [ 'user=' + (user || ''), 'auth=Bearer ' + token, '', '' ]; return new Buffer(authData.join('\x01')).toString('base64'); }; SMTPConnection.prototype._getHostname = function () { // defaul hostname is machine hostname or [IP] var defaultHostname = os.hostname() || ''; // ignore if not FQDN if (defaultHostname.indexOf('.') < 0) { defaultHostname = '[]'; } // IP should be enclosed in [] if (defaultHostname.match(/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/)) { defaultHostname = '[' + defaultHostname + ']'; } return defaultHostname; };