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## Mobiledoc DOM Renderer
This is a DOM renderer for the [Mobiledoc format](https://github.com/bustlelabs/mobiledoc-kit/blob/master/MOBILEDOC.md) used
by [Mobiledoc-Kit](https://github.com/bustlelabs/mobiledoc-kit).
To learn more about Mobiledoc cards and renderers, see the **[Mobiledoc Cards docs](https://github.com/bustlelabs/mobiledoc-kit/blob/master/CARDS.md)**.
The renderer is a small library intended for use in browser clients.
### Usage
var mobiledoc = {
version: "0.3.0",
markups: ["B"],
atoms: [],
cards: [],
sections: [
[1, 'P', [ // array of markers
// marker
[ 0, // marker type 0 (standard text)
[0], // open markups (by index)
0, // close count
'hello world'
var renderer = new MobiledocDOMRenderer({cards: []});
var rendered = renderer.render(mobiledoc);
var result = rendered.result;
// renders <div><p><b>hello world</b></b></div>
// into 'output' element
The Renderer constructor accepts a single object with the following optional properties:
* `cards` [array] - The list of card objects that the renderer may encounter in the mobiledoc
* `atoms` [array] - The list of atom objects that the renderer may encounter in the mobiledoc
* `cardOptions` [object] - Options to pass to cards and atoms when they are rendered
* `unknownCardHandler` [function] - Will be called when any unknown card is enountered
* `unknownAtomHandler` [function] - Will be called when any unknown atom is enountered
* `sectionElementRenderer` [object] - A map of hooks for section element rendering.
* Valid keys are P, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, BLOCKQUOTE, ASIDE
* Arguments are `tagName, dom`
* A valid value is a function that returns an element
* `markupElementRenderer` [object] - A map of hooks for inline element rendering.
* Valid keys are B, I, STRONG, EM, A, U, SUB, SUP, S, CODE
* Arguments are `tagName, dom, attributes={}`
* A valid value is a function that returns an element
* `dom` [object] - A native or [SimpleDOM](https://github.com/krisselden/simple-dom)
implementation of the DOM.
The return value from `renderer.render(mobiledoc)` is an object with two properties:
* `result` [DOM Node] - The rendered result
* `teardown` [function] - When called, this function will tear down the rendered mobiledoc and call any teardown handlers that were registered by cards when they were rendered
#### Rendering HTML
In a browser, rendering to HTML is simple:
var renderer = new MobiledocDOMRenderer();
var rendered = renderer.render(mobiledoc);
var html = rendered.result.outerHTML;
However on the server in Node.js, native DOM APIs are not available. To make
server-rendering easy, this DOM
renderer is [SimpleDOM](https://github.com/krisselden/simple-dom)
compatible. You may pass an instance of a SimpleDOM document and serialize
its output. For example:
var renderer = new MobiledocDOMRenderer({
dom: new SimpleDOM.Document()
var rendered = renderer.render(mobiledoc);
var serializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer([]);
var html = serializer.serializeChildren(rendered.result);
This usage of the DOM renderer for rendering HTML has the advantage of allowing
developers to easily implement cards that work in a server and client context.
#### sectionElementRenderer
Use this renderer option to customize what element is used when rendering
a section.
var renderer = new MobiledocDOMRenderer({
sectionElementRenderer: {
P: function(_, dom) { return dom.createElement('span'); },
H1: function(_, dom) { return dom.createElement('h2'); },
H2: function(tagName, dom) {
var element = dom.createElement(tagName);
element.setAttribute('class', 'subheadline');
return element;
/* Valid keys are P, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, BLOCKQUOTE, ASIDE */
var rendered = renderer.render(mobiledoc);
#### markupElementRenderer
Use this renderer option to customize what inline tags are used when rendering
a section's content.
var renderer = new MobiledocDOMRenderer({
markupElementRenderer: {
B: function(_, dom) { return dom.createElement('strong'); },
A: function(tagName, dom, attrs={}) {
let element = dom.createElement(tagName);
for (let attr in attrs) {
element.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
element.setAttribute('rel', 'nofollow');
return element;
var rendered = renderer.render(mobiledoc);
#### Attribute Sanitization (XSS Protection)
Mobiledoc DOM Renderer sanitizes the `href` attribute of 'A' markups, prefixing
the string `unsafe:` on potentially unsafe urls. It determines an environment-
appropriate URL protocol parser. In rare cases it may be unable to determine one
(this can happen when running the renderer in a Node VM Sandbox, like ember-cli-
fastboot does), and will throw in that case. To fix this, you can provide a
custom markupElementRenderer for the 'A' tag that will be used instead of the
### Tests
* To run tests via testem: `npm test`
* To run tests in the browser: `npm start` and open http://localhost:4200/tests
### Releasing
* Use `np` (install with `npm install -g np`)
* `np <version>` (e.g. `np 0.5.2`)
* `git push --tags`