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var DEBUG = false; // `true` to print debugging info.
var TIMER = false; // `true` to time calls to `parse()` and print the results.
var debug = require('./debug')('parse');
var lex = require('./lexer');
exports = module.exports = parse;
var _comments; // Whether comments are allowed.
var _depth; // Current block nesting depth.
var _position; // Whether to include line/column position.
var _tokens; // Array of lexical tokens.
* Convert a CSS string or array of lexical tokens into a `stringify`-able AST.
* @param {String} css CSS string or array of lexical token
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.comments=false] allow comment nodes in the AST
* @returns {Object} `stringify`-able AST
function parse(css, options) {
var start; // Debug timer start.
options || (options = {});
_comments = !!options.comments;
_position = !!options.position;
_depth = 0;
// Operate on a copy of the given tokens, or the lex()'d CSS string.
_tokens = Array.isArray(css) ? css.slice() : lex(css);
var rule;
var rules = [];
var token;
TIMER && (start = Date.now());
while ((token = next())) {
rule = parseToken(token);
rule && rules.push(rule);
TIMER && debug('ran in', (Date.now() - start) + 'ms');
return {
type: "stylesheet",
stylesheet: {
rules: rules
// -- Functions --------------------------------------------------------------
* Build an AST node from a lexical token.
* @param {Object} token lexical token
* @param {Object} [override] object hash of properties that override those
* already in the token, or that will be added to the token.
* @returns {Object} AST node
function astNode(token, override) {
override || (override = {});
var key;
var keys = ['type', 'name', 'value'];
var node = {};
// Avoiding [].forEach for performance reasons.
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
if (token[key]) {
node[key] = override[key] || token[key];
keys = Object.keys(override);
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
key = keys[i];
if (!node[key]) {
node[key] = override[key];
if (_position) {
node.position = {
start: token.start,
end: token.end
DEBUG && debug('astNode:', JSON.stringify(node, null, 2));
return node;
* Remove a lexical token from the stack and return the removed token.
* @returns {Object} lexical token
function next() {
var token = _tokens.shift();
DEBUG && debug('next:', JSON.stringify(token, null, 2));
return token;
// -- Parse* Functions ---------------------------------------------------------
* Convert an @-group lexical token to an AST node.
* @param {Object} token @-group lexical token
* @returns {Object} @-group AST node
function parseAtGroup(token) {
_depth = _depth + 1;
// As the @-group token is assembled, relevant token values are captured here
// temporarily. They will later be used as `tokenize()` overrides.
var overrides = {};
switch (token.type) {
case 'font-face':
case 'viewport' :
overrides.declarations = parseDeclarations();
case 'page':
overrides.prefix = token.prefix;
overrides.declarations = parseDeclarations();
overrides.prefix = token.prefix;
overrides.rules = parseRules();
return astNode(token, overrides);
* Convert an @import lexical token to an AST node.
* @param {Object} token @import lexical token
* @returns {Object} @import AST node
function parseAtImport(token) {
return astNode(token);
* Convert an @charset token to an AST node.
* @param {Object} token @charset lexical token
* @returns {Object} @charset node
function parseCharset(token) {
return astNode(token);
* Convert a comment token to an AST Node.
* @param {Object} token comment lexical token
* @returns {Object} comment node
function parseComment(token) {
return astNode(token, {text: token.text});
function parseNamespace(token) {
return astNode(token);
* Convert a property lexical token to a property AST node.
* @returns {Object} property node
function parseProperty(token) {
return astNode(token);
* Convert a selector lexical token to a selector AST node.
* @param {Object} token selector lexical token
* @returns {Object} selector node
function parseSelector(token) {
function trim(str) {
return str.trim();
return astNode(token, {
type: 'rule',
selectors: token.text.split(',').map(trim),
declarations: parseDeclarations(token)
* Convert a lexical token to an AST node.
* @returns {Object|undefined} AST node
function parseToken(token) {
switch (token.type) {
// Cases are listed in roughly descending order of probability.
case 'property': return parseProperty(token);
case 'selector': return parseSelector(token);
case 'at-group-end': _depth = _depth - 1; return;
case 'media' :
case 'keyframes' :return parseAtGroup(token);
case 'comment': if (_comments) { return parseComment(token); } break;
case 'charset': return parseCharset(token);
case 'import': return parseAtImport(token);
case 'namespace': return parseNamespace(token);
case 'font-face':
case 'supports' :
case 'viewport' :
case 'document' :
case 'page' : return parseAtGroup(token);
DEBUG && debug('parseToken: unexpected token:', JSON.stringify(token));
// -- Parse Helper Functions ---------------------------------------------------
* Iteratively parses lexical tokens from the stack into AST nodes until a
* conditional function returns `false`, at which point iteration terminates
* and any AST nodes collected are returned.
* @param {Function} conditionFn
* @param {Object} token the lexical token being parsed
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if the token should be parsed, `false` otherwise
* @return {Array} AST nodes
function parseTokensWhile(conditionFn) {
var node;
var nodes = [];
var token;
while ((token = next()) && (conditionFn && conditionFn(token))) {
node = parseToken(token);
node && nodes.push(node);
// Place an unused non-`end` lexical token back onto the stack.
if (token && token.type !== 'end') {
return nodes;
* Convert a series of tokens into a sequence of declaration AST nodes.
* @returns {Array} declaration nodes
function parseDeclarations() {
return parseTokensWhile(function (token) {
return (token.type === 'property' || token.type === 'comment');
* Convert a series of tokens into a sequence of rule nodes.
* @returns {Array} rule nodes
function parseRules() {
return parseTokensWhile(function () { return _depth; });