
990 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
var lexical = require('lexical');
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const CSS_TO_STYLES = new Map();
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function getDOMTextNode(element) {
let node = element;
while (node != null) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return node;
node = node.firstChild;
return null;
function getDOMIndexWithinParent(node) {
const parent = node.parentNode;
if (parent == null) {
throw new Error('Should never happen');
return [parent, Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf(node)];
* Creates a selection range for the DOM.
* @param editor - The lexical editor.
* @param anchorNode - The anchor node of a selection.
* @param _anchorOffset - The amount of space offset from the anchor to the focus.
* @param focusNode - The current focus.
* @param _focusOffset - The amount of space offset from the focus to the anchor.
* @returns The range of selection for the DOM that was created.
function createDOMRange(editor, anchorNode, _anchorOffset, focusNode, _focusOffset) {
const anchorKey = anchorNode.getKey();
const focusKey = focusNode.getKey();
const range = document.createRange();
let anchorDOM = editor.getElementByKey(anchorKey);
let focusDOM = editor.getElementByKey(focusKey);
let anchorOffset = _anchorOffset;
let focusOffset = _focusOffset;
if (lexical.$isTextNode(anchorNode)) {
anchorDOM = getDOMTextNode(anchorDOM);
if (lexical.$isTextNode(focusNode)) {
focusDOM = getDOMTextNode(focusDOM);
if (anchorNode === undefined || focusNode === undefined || anchorDOM === null || focusDOM === null) {
return null;
if (anchorDOM.nodeName === 'BR') {
[anchorDOM, anchorOffset] = getDOMIndexWithinParent(anchorDOM);
if (focusDOM.nodeName === 'BR') {
[focusDOM, focusOffset] = getDOMIndexWithinParent(focusDOM);
const firstChild = anchorDOM.firstChild;
if (anchorDOM === focusDOM && firstChild != null && firstChild.nodeName === 'BR' && anchorOffset === 0 && focusOffset === 0) {
focusOffset = 1;
try {
range.setStart(anchorDOM, anchorOffset);
range.setEnd(focusDOM, focusOffset);
} catch (e) {
return null;
if (range.collapsed && (anchorOffset !== focusOffset || anchorKey !== focusKey)) {
// Range is backwards, we need to reverse it
range.setStart(focusDOM, focusOffset);
range.setEnd(anchorDOM, anchorOffset);
return range;
* Creates DOMRects, generally used to help the editor find a specific location on the screen.
* @param editor - The lexical editor
* @param range - A fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes.
* @returns The selectionRects as an array.
function createRectsFromDOMRange(editor, range) {
const rootElement = editor.getRootElement();
if (rootElement === null) {
return [];
const rootRect = rootElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(rootElement);
const rootPadding = parseFloat(computedStyle.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(computedStyle.paddingRight);
const selectionRects = Array.from(range.getClientRects());
let selectionRectsLength = selectionRects.length;
//sort rects from top left to bottom right.
selectionRects.sort((a, b) => {
const top = a.top - b.top;
// Some rects match position closely, but not perfectly,
// so we give a 3px tolerance.
if (Math.abs(top) <= 3) {
return a.left - b.left;
return top;
let prevRect;
for (let i = 0; i < selectionRectsLength; i++) {
const selectionRect = selectionRects[i];
// Exclude rects that overlap preceding Rects in the sorted list.
const isOverlappingRect = prevRect && prevRect.top <= selectionRect.top && prevRect.top + prevRect.height > selectionRect.top && prevRect.left + prevRect.width > selectionRect.left;
// Exclude selections that span the entire element
const selectionSpansElement = selectionRect.width + rootPadding === rootRect.width;
if (isOverlappingRect || selectionSpansElement) {
selectionRects.splice(i--, 1);
prevRect = selectionRect;
return selectionRects;
* Creates an object containing all the styles and their values provided in the CSS string.
* @param css - The CSS string of styles and their values.
* @returns The styleObject containing all the styles and their values.
function getStyleObjectFromRawCSS(css) {
const styleObject = {};
const styles = css.split(';');
for (const style of styles) {
if (style !== '') {
const [key, value] = style.split(/:([^]+)/); // split on first colon
if (key && value) {
styleObject[key.trim()] = value.trim();
return styleObject;
* Given a CSS string, returns an object from the style cache.
* @param css - The CSS property as a string.
* @returns The value of the given CSS property.
function getStyleObjectFromCSS(css) {
let value = CSS_TO_STYLES.get(css);
if (value === undefined) {
value = getStyleObjectFromRawCSS(css);
CSS_TO_STYLES.set(css, value);
// Freeze the value in DEV to prevent accidental mutations
return value;
* Gets the CSS styles from the style object.
* @param styles - The style object containing the styles to get.
* @returns A string containing the CSS styles and their values.
function getCSSFromStyleObject(styles) {
let css = '';
for (const style in styles) {
if (style) {
css += `${style}: ${styles[style]};`;
return css;
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
function $updateElementNodeProperties(target, source) {
target.__first = source.__first;
target.__last = source.__last;
target.__size = source.__size;
target.__format = source.__format;
target.__indent = source.__indent;
target.__dir = source.__dir;
return target;
function $updateTextNodeProperties(target, source) {
target.__format = source.__format;
target.__style = source.__style;
target.__mode = source.__mode;
target.__detail = source.__detail;
return target;
* Returns a copy of a node, but generates a new key for the copy.
* @param node - The node to be cloned.
* @returns The clone of the node.
function $cloneWithProperties(node) {
const constructor = node.constructor;
// @ts-expect-error
const clone = constructor.clone(node);
clone.__parent = node.__parent;
clone.__next = node.__next;
clone.__prev = node.__prev;
if (lexical.$isElementNode(node) && lexical.$isElementNode(clone)) {
return $updateElementNodeProperties(clone, node);
if (lexical.$isTextNode(node) && lexical.$isTextNode(clone)) {
return $updateTextNodeProperties(clone, node);
return clone;
* Generally used to append text content to HTML and JSON. Grabs the text content and "slices"
* it to be generated into the new TextNode.
* @param selection - The selection containing the node whose TextNode is to be edited.
* @param textNode - The TextNode to be edited.
* @returns The updated TextNode.
function $sliceSelectedTextNodeContent(selection, textNode) {
const anchorAndFocus = selection.getStartEndPoints();
if (textNode.isSelected(selection) && !textNode.isSegmented() && !textNode.isToken() && anchorAndFocus !== null) {
const [anchor, focus] = anchorAndFocus;
const isBackward = selection.isBackward();
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const focusNode = focus.getNode();
const isAnchor = textNode.is(anchorNode);
const isFocus = textNode.is(focusNode);
if (isAnchor || isFocus) {
const [anchorOffset, focusOffset] = lexical.$getCharacterOffsets(selection);
const isSame = anchorNode.is(focusNode);
const isFirst = textNode.is(isBackward ? focusNode : anchorNode);
const isLast = textNode.is(isBackward ? anchorNode : focusNode);
let startOffset = 0;
let endOffset = undefined;
if (isSame) {
startOffset = anchorOffset > focusOffset ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
endOffset = anchorOffset > focusOffset ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
} else if (isFirst) {
const offset = isBackward ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
startOffset = offset;
endOffset = undefined;
} else if (isLast) {
const offset = isBackward ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
startOffset = 0;
endOffset = offset;
textNode.__text = textNode.__text.slice(startOffset, endOffset);
return textNode;
return textNode;
* Determines if the current selection is at the end of the node.
* @param point - The point of the selection to test.
* @returns true if the provided point offset is in the last possible position, false otherwise.
function $isAtNodeEnd(point) {
if (point.type === 'text') {
return point.offset === point.getNode().getTextContentSize();
const node = point.getNode();
if (!lexical.$isElementNode(node)) {
throw Error(`isAtNodeEnd: node must be a TextNode or ElementNode`);
return point.offset === node.getChildrenSize();
* Trims text from a node in order to shorten it, eg. to enforce a text's max length. If it deletes text
* that is an ancestor of the anchor then it will leave 2 indents, otherwise, if no text content exists, it deletes
* the TextNode. It will move the focus to either the end of any left over text or beginning of a new TextNode.
* @param editor - The lexical editor.
* @param anchor - The anchor of the current selection, where the selection should be pointing.
* @param delCount - The amount of characters to delete. Useful as a dynamic variable eg. textContentSize - maxLength;
function trimTextContentFromAnchor(editor, anchor, delCount) {
// Work from the current selection anchor point
let currentNode = anchor.getNode();
let remaining = delCount;
if (lexical.$isElementNode(currentNode)) {
const descendantNode = currentNode.getDescendantByIndex(anchor.offset);
if (descendantNode !== null) {
currentNode = descendantNode;
while (remaining > 0 && currentNode !== null) {
if (lexical.$isElementNode(currentNode)) {
const lastDescendant = currentNode.getLastDescendant();
if (lastDescendant !== null) {
currentNode = lastDescendant;
let nextNode = currentNode.getPreviousSibling();
let additionalElementWhitespace = 0;
if (nextNode === null) {
let parent = currentNode.getParentOrThrow();
let parentSibling = parent.getPreviousSibling();
while (parentSibling === null) {
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent === null) {
nextNode = null;
parentSibling = parent.getPreviousSibling();
if (parent !== null) {
additionalElementWhitespace = parent.isInline() ? 0 : 2;
nextNode = parentSibling;
let text = currentNode.getTextContent();
// If the text is empty, we need to consider adding in two line breaks to match
// the content if we were to get it from its parent.
if (text === '' && lexical.$isElementNode(currentNode) && !currentNode.isInline()) {
// TODO: should this be handled in core?
text = '\n\n';
const currentNodeSize = text.length;
if (!lexical.$isTextNode(currentNode) || remaining >= currentNodeSize) {
const parent = currentNode.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getChildrenSize() === 0 && !lexical.$isRootNode(parent)) {
remaining -= currentNodeSize + additionalElementWhitespace;
currentNode = nextNode;
} else {
const key = currentNode.getKey();
// See if we can just revert it to what was in the last editor state
const prevTextContent = editor.getEditorState().read(() => {
const prevNode = lexical.$getNodeByKey(key);
if (lexical.$isTextNode(prevNode) && prevNode.isSimpleText()) {
return prevNode.getTextContent();
return null;
const offset = currentNodeSize - remaining;
const slicedText = text.slice(0, offset);
if (prevTextContent !== null && prevTextContent !== text) {
const prevSelection = lexical.$getPreviousSelection();
let target = currentNode;
if (!currentNode.isSimpleText()) {
const textNode = lexical.$createTextNode(prevTextContent);
target = textNode;
} else {
if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(prevSelection) && prevSelection.isCollapsed()) {
const prevOffset = prevSelection.anchor.offset;
target.select(prevOffset, prevOffset);
} else if (currentNode.isSimpleText()) {
// Split text
const isSelected = anchor.key === key;
let anchorOffset = anchor.offset;
// Move offset to end if it's less than the remaining number, otherwise
// we'll have a negative splitStart.
if (anchorOffset < remaining) {
anchorOffset = currentNodeSize;
const splitStart = isSelected ? anchorOffset - remaining : 0;
const splitEnd = isSelected ? anchorOffset : offset;
if (isSelected && splitStart === 0) {
const [excessNode] = currentNode.splitText(splitStart, splitEnd);
} else {
const [, excessNode] = currentNode.splitText(splitStart, splitEnd);
} else {
const textNode = lexical.$createTextNode(slicedText);
remaining = 0;
* Gets the TextNode's style object and adds the styles to the CSS.
* @param node - The TextNode to add styles to.
function $addNodeStyle(node) {
const CSSText = node.getStyle();
const styles = getStyleObjectFromRawCSS(CSSText);
CSS_TO_STYLES.set(CSSText, styles);
function $patchStyle(target, patch) {
const prevStyles = getStyleObjectFromCSS('getStyle' in target ? target.getStyle() : target.style);
const newStyles = Object.entries(patch).reduce((styles, [key, value]) => {
if (value instanceof Function) {
styles[key] = value(prevStyles[key]);
} else if (value === null) {
delete styles[key];
} else {
styles[key] = value;
return styles;
}, {
} || {});
const newCSSText = getCSSFromStyleObject(newStyles);
CSS_TO_STYLES.set(newCSSText, newStyles);
* Applies the provided styles to the TextNodes in the provided Selection.
* Will update partially selected TextNodes by splitting the TextNode and applying
* the styles to the appropriate one.
* @param selection - The selected node(s) to update.
* @param patch - The patch to apply, which can include multiple styles. { CSSProperty: value }. Can also accept a function that returns the new property value.
function $patchStyleText(selection, patch) {
const selectedNodes = selection.getNodes();
const selectedNodesLength = selectedNodes.length;
const anchorAndFocus = selection.getStartEndPoints();
if (anchorAndFocus === null) {
const [anchor, focus] = anchorAndFocus;
const lastIndex = selectedNodesLength - 1;
let firstNode = selectedNodes[0];
let lastNode = selectedNodes[lastIndex];
if (selection.isCollapsed() && lexical.$isRangeSelection(selection)) {
$patchStyle(selection, patch);
const firstNodeText = firstNode.getTextContent();
const firstNodeTextLength = firstNodeText.length;
const focusOffset = focus.offset;
let anchorOffset = anchor.offset;
const isBefore = anchor.isBefore(focus);
let startOffset = isBefore ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
let endOffset = isBefore ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
const startType = isBefore ? anchor.type : focus.type;
const endType = isBefore ? focus.type : anchor.type;
const endKey = isBefore ? focus.key : anchor.key;
// This is the case where the user only selected the very end of the
// first node so we don't want to include it in the formatting change.
if (lexical.$isTextNode(firstNode) && startOffset === firstNodeTextLength) {
const nextSibling = firstNode.getNextSibling();
if (lexical.$isTextNode(nextSibling)) {
// we basically make the second node the firstNode, changing offsets accordingly
anchorOffset = 0;
startOffset = 0;
firstNode = nextSibling;
// This is the case where we only selected a single node
if (selectedNodes.length === 1) {
if (lexical.$isTextNode(firstNode) && firstNode.canHaveFormat()) {
startOffset = startType === 'element' ? 0 : anchorOffset > focusOffset ? focusOffset : anchorOffset;
endOffset = endType === 'element' ? firstNodeTextLength : anchorOffset > focusOffset ? anchorOffset : focusOffset;
// No actual text is selected, so do nothing.
if (startOffset === endOffset) {
// The entire node is selected, so just format it
if (startOffset === 0 && endOffset === firstNodeTextLength) {
$patchStyle(firstNode, patch);
firstNode.select(startOffset, endOffset);
} else {
// The node is partially selected, so split it into two nodes
// and style the selected one.
const splitNodes = firstNode.splitText(startOffset, endOffset);
const replacement = startOffset === 0 ? splitNodes[0] : splitNodes[1];
$patchStyle(replacement, patch);
replacement.select(0, endOffset - startOffset);
} // multiple nodes selected.
} else {
if (lexical.$isTextNode(firstNode) && startOffset < firstNode.getTextContentSize() && firstNode.canHaveFormat()) {
if (startOffset !== 0) {
// the entire first node isn't selected, so split it
firstNode = firstNode.splitText(startOffset)[1];
startOffset = 0;
anchor.set(firstNode.getKey(), startOffset, 'text');
$patchStyle(firstNode, patch);
if (lexical.$isTextNode(lastNode) && lastNode.canHaveFormat()) {
const lastNodeText = lastNode.getTextContent();
const lastNodeTextLength = lastNodeText.length;
// The last node might not actually be the end node
// If not, assume the last node is fully-selected unless the end offset is
// zero.
if (lastNode.__key !== endKey && endOffset !== 0) {
endOffset = lastNodeTextLength;
// if the entire last node isn't selected, split it
if (endOffset !== lastNodeTextLength) {
[lastNode] = lastNode.splitText(endOffset);
if (endOffset !== 0 || endType === 'element') {
$patchStyle(lastNode, patch);
// style all the text nodes in between
for (let i = 1; i < lastIndex; i++) {
const selectedNode = selectedNodes[i];
const selectedNodeKey = selectedNode.getKey();
if (lexical.$isTextNode(selectedNode) && selectedNode.canHaveFormat() && selectedNodeKey !== firstNode.getKey() && selectedNodeKey !== lastNode.getKey() && !selectedNode.isToken()) {
$patchStyle(selectedNode, patch);
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* Converts all nodes in the selection that are of one block type to another.
* @param selection - The selected blocks to be converted.
* @param createElement - The function that creates the node. eg. $createParagraphNode.
function $setBlocksType(selection, createElement) {
if (selection === null) {
const anchorAndFocus = selection.getStartEndPoints();
const anchor = anchorAndFocus ? anchorAndFocus[0] : null;
if (anchor !== null && anchor.key === 'root') {
const element = createElement();
const root = lexical.$getRoot();
const firstChild = root.getFirstChild();
if (firstChild) {
firstChild.replace(element, true);
} else {
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
const firstSelectedBlock = anchor !== null ? $getAncestor(anchor.getNode(), INTERNAL_$isBlock) : false;
if (firstSelectedBlock && nodes.indexOf(firstSelectedBlock) === -1) {
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
if (!INTERNAL_$isBlock(node)) {
if (!lexical.$isElementNode(node)) {
throw Error(`Expected block node to be an ElementNode`);
const targetElement = createElement();
node.replace(targetElement, true);
function isPointAttached(point) {
return point.getNode().isAttached();
function $removeParentEmptyElements(startingNode) {
let node = startingNode;
while (node !== null && !lexical.$isRootOrShadowRoot(node)) {
const latest = node.getLatest();
const parentNode = node.getParent();
if (latest.getChildrenSize() === 0) {
node = parentNode;
* @deprecated
* Wraps all nodes in the selection into another node of the type returned by createElement.
* @param selection - The selection of nodes to be wrapped.
* @param createElement - A function that creates the wrapping ElementNode. eg. $createParagraphNode.
* @param wrappingElement - An element to append the wrapped selection and its children to.
function $wrapNodes(selection, createElement, wrappingElement = null) {
const anchorAndFocus = selection.getStartEndPoints();
const anchor = anchorAndFocus ? anchorAndFocus[0] : null;
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
const nodesLength = nodes.length;
if (anchor !== null && (nodesLength === 0 || nodesLength === 1 && anchor.type === 'element' && anchor.getNode().getChildrenSize() === 0)) {
const target = anchor.type === 'text' ? anchor.getNode().getParentOrThrow() : anchor.getNode();
const children = target.getChildren();
let element = createElement();
children.forEach(child => element.append(child));
if (wrappingElement) {
element = wrappingElement.append(element);
let topLevelNode = null;
let descendants = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nodesLength; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
// Determine whether wrapping has to be broken down into multiple chunks. This can happen if the
// user selected multiple Root-like nodes that have to be treated separately as if they are
// their own branch. I.e. you don't want to wrap a whole table, but rather the contents of each
// of each of the cell nodes.
if (lexical.$isRootOrShadowRoot(node)) {
$wrapNodesImpl(selection, descendants, descendants.length, createElement, wrappingElement);
descendants = [];
topLevelNode = node;
} else if (topLevelNode === null || topLevelNode !== null && lexical.$hasAncestor(node, topLevelNode)) {
} else {
$wrapNodesImpl(selection, descendants, descendants.length, createElement, wrappingElement);
descendants = [node];
$wrapNodesImpl(selection, descendants, descendants.length, createElement, wrappingElement);
* Wraps each node into a new ElementNode.
* @param selection - The selection of nodes to wrap.
* @param nodes - An array of nodes, generally the descendants of the selection.
* @param nodesLength - The length of nodes.
* @param createElement - A function that creates the wrapping ElementNode. eg. $createParagraphNode.
* @param wrappingElement - An element to wrap all the nodes into.
* @returns
function $wrapNodesImpl(selection, nodes, nodesLength, createElement, wrappingElement = null) {
if (nodes.length === 0) {
const firstNode = nodes[0];
const elementMapping = new Map();
const elements = [];
// The below logic is to find the right target for us to
// either insertAfter/insertBefore/append the corresponding
// elements to. This is made more complicated due to nested
// structures.
let target = lexical.$isElementNode(firstNode) ? firstNode : firstNode.getParentOrThrow();
if (target.isInline()) {
target = target.getParentOrThrow();
let targetIsPrevSibling = false;
while (target !== null) {
const prevSibling = target.getPreviousSibling();
if (prevSibling !== null) {
target = prevSibling;
targetIsPrevSibling = true;
target = target.getParentOrThrow();
if (lexical.$isRootOrShadowRoot(target)) {
const emptyElements = new Set();
// Find any top level empty elements
for (let i = 0; i < nodesLength; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
if (lexical.$isElementNode(node) && node.getChildrenSize() === 0) {
const movedNodes = new Set();
// Move out all leaf nodes into our elements array.
// If we find a top level empty element, also move make
// an element for that.
for (let i = 0; i < nodesLength; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
let parent = node.getParent();
if (parent !== null && parent.isInline()) {
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent !== null && lexical.$isLeafNode(node) && !movedNodes.has(node.getKey())) {
const parentKey = parent.getKey();
if (elementMapping.get(parentKey) === undefined) {
const targetElement = createElement();
elementMapping.set(parentKey, targetElement);
// Move node and its siblings to the new
// element.
parent.getChildren().forEach(child => {
if (lexical.$isElementNode(child)) {
// Skip nested leaf nodes if the parent has already been moved
child.getChildrenKeys().forEach(key => movedNodes.add(key));
} else if (emptyElements.has(node.getKey())) {
if (!lexical.$isElementNode(node)) {
throw Error(`Expected node in emptyElements to be an ElementNode`);
const targetElement = createElement();
if (wrappingElement !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const element = elements[i];
let lastElement = null;
// If our target is Root-like, let's see if we can re-adjust
// so that the target is the first child instead.
if (lexical.$isRootOrShadowRoot(target)) {
if (targetIsPrevSibling) {
if (wrappingElement !== null) {
} else {
for (let i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const element = elements[i];
} else {
const firstChild = target.getFirstChild();
if (lexical.$isElementNode(firstChild)) {
target = firstChild;
if (firstChild === null) {
if (wrappingElement) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const element = elements[i];
lastElement = element;
} else {
if (wrappingElement !== null) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const element = elements[i];
lastElement = element;
} else {
if (wrappingElement) {
} else {
for (let i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const element = elements[i];
lastElement = element;
const prevSelection = lexical.$getPreviousSelection();
if (lexical.$isRangeSelection(prevSelection) && isPointAttached(prevSelection.anchor) && isPointAttached(prevSelection.focus)) {
} else if (lastElement !== null) {
} else {
selection.dirty = true;
* Determines if the default character selection should be overridden. Used with DecoratorNodes
* @param selection - The selection whose default character selection may need to be overridden.
* @param isBackward - Is the selection backwards (the focus comes before the anchor)?
* @returns true if it should be overridden, false if not.
function $shouldOverrideDefaultCharacterSelection(selection, isBackward) {
const possibleNode = lexical.$getAdjacentNode(selection.focus, isBackward);
return lexical.$isDecoratorNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isIsolated() || lexical.$isElementNode(possibleNode) && !possibleNode.isInline() && !possibleNode.canBeEmpty();
* Moves the selection according to the arguments.
* @param selection - The selected text or nodes.
* @param isHoldingShift - Is the shift key being held down during the operation.
* @param isBackward - Is the selection selected backwards (the focus comes before the anchor)?
* @param granularity - The distance to adjust the current selection.
function $moveCaretSelection(selection, isHoldingShift, isBackward, granularity) {
selection.modify(isHoldingShift ? 'extend' : 'move', isBackward, granularity);
* Tests a parent element for right to left direction.
* @param selection - The selection whose parent is to be tested.
* @returns true if the selections' parent element has a direction of 'rtl' (right to left), false otherwise.
function $isParentElementRTL(selection) {
const anchorNode = selection.anchor.getNode();
const parent = lexical.$isRootNode(anchorNode) ? anchorNode : anchorNode.getParentOrThrow();
return parent.getDirection() === 'rtl';
* Moves selection by character according to arguments.
* @param selection - The selection of the characters to move.
* @param isHoldingShift - Is the shift key being held down during the operation.
* @param isBackward - Is the selection backward (the focus comes before the anchor)?
function $moveCharacter(selection, isHoldingShift, isBackward) {
const isRTL = $isParentElementRTL(selection);
$moveCaretSelection(selection, isHoldingShift, isBackward ? !isRTL : isRTL, 'character');
* Expands the current Selection to cover all of the content in the editor.
* @param selection - The current selection.
function $selectAll(selection) {
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const anchorNode = anchor.getNode();
const topParent = anchorNode.getTopLevelElementOrThrow();
const root = topParent.getParentOrThrow();
let firstNode = root.getFirstDescendant();
let lastNode = root.getLastDescendant();
let firstType = 'element';
let lastType = 'element';
let lastOffset = 0;
if (lexical.$isTextNode(firstNode)) {
firstType = 'text';
} else if (!lexical.$isElementNode(firstNode) && firstNode !== null) {
firstNode = firstNode.getParentOrThrow();
if (lexical.$isTextNode(lastNode)) {
lastType = 'text';
lastOffset = lastNode.getTextContentSize();
} else if (!lexical.$isElementNode(lastNode) && lastNode !== null) {
lastNode = lastNode.getParentOrThrow();
if (firstNode && lastNode) {
anchor.set(firstNode.getKey(), 0, firstType);
focus.set(lastNode.getKey(), lastOffset, lastType);
* Returns the current value of a CSS property for Nodes, if set. If not set, it returns the defaultValue.
* @param node - The node whose style value to get.
* @param styleProperty - The CSS style property.
* @param defaultValue - The default value for the property.
* @returns The value of the property for node.
function $getNodeStyleValueForProperty(node, styleProperty, defaultValue) {
const css = node.getStyle();
const styleObject = getStyleObjectFromCSS(css);
if (styleObject !== null) {
return styleObject[styleProperty] || defaultValue;
return defaultValue;
* Returns the current value of a CSS property for TextNodes in the Selection, if set. If not set, it returns the defaultValue.
* If all TextNodes do not have the same value, it returns an empty string.
* @param selection - The selection of TextNodes whose value to find.
* @param styleProperty - The CSS style property.
* @param defaultValue - The default value for the property, defaults to an empty string.
* @returns The value of the property for the selected TextNodes.
function $getSelectionStyleValueForProperty(selection, styleProperty, defaultValue = '') {
let styleValue = null;
const nodes = selection.getNodes();
const anchor = selection.anchor;
const focus = selection.focus;
const isBackward = selection.isBackward();
const endOffset = isBackward ? focus.offset : anchor.offset;
const endNode = isBackward ? focus.getNode() : anchor.getNode();
if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.style !== '') {
const css = selection.style;
const styleObject = getStyleObjectFromCSS(css);
if (styleObject !== null && styleProperty in styleObject) {
return styleObject[styleProperty];
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
// if no actual characters in the end node are selected, we don't
// include it in the selection for purposes of determining style
// value
if (i !== 0 && endOffset === 0 && node.is(endNode)) {
if (lexical.$isTextNode(node)) {
const nodeStyleValue = $getNodeStyleValueForProperty(node, styleProperty, defaultValue);
if (styleValue === null) {
styleValue = nodeStyleValue;
} else if (styleValue !== nodeStyleValue) {
// multiple text nodes are in the selection and they don't all
// have the same style.
styleValue = '';
return styleValue === null ? defaultValue : styleValue;
* This function is for internal use of the library.
* Please do not use it as it may change in the future.
function INTERNAL_$isBlock(node) {
if (lexical.$isDecoratorNode(node)) {
return false;
if (!lexical.$isElementNode(node) || lexical.$isRootOrShadowRoot(node)) {
return false;
const firstChild = node.getFirstChild();
const isLeafElement = firstChild === null || lexical.$isLineBreakNode(firstChild) || lexical.$isTextNode(firstChild) || firstChild.isInline();
return !node.isInline() && node.canBeEmpty() !== false && isLeafElement;
function $getAncestor(node, predicate) {
let parent = node;
while (parent !== null && parent.getParent() !== null && !predicate(parent)) {
parent = parent.getParentOrThrow();
return predicate(parent) ? parent : null;
exports.$addNodeStyle = $addNodeStyle;
exports.$cloneWithProperties = $cloneWithProperties;
exports.$getSelectionStyleValueForProperty = $getSelectionStyleValueForProperty;
exports.$isAtNodeEnd = $isAtNodeEnd;
exports.$isParentElementRTL = $isParentElementRTL;
exports.$moveCaretSelection = $moveCaretSelection;
exports.$moveCharacter = $moveCharacter;
exports.$patchStyleText = $patchStyleText;
exports.$selectAll = $selectAll;
exports.$setBlocksType = $setBlocksType;
exports.$shouldOverrideDefaultCharacterSelection = $shouldOverrideDefaultCharacterSelection;
exports.$sliceSelectedTextNodeContent = $sliceSelectedTextNodeContent;
exports.$wrapNodes = $wrapNodes;
exports.createDOMRange = createDOMRange;
exports.createRectsFromDOMRange = createRectsFromDOMRange;
exports.getStyleObjectFromCSS = getStyleObjectFromCSS;
exports.trimTextContentFromAnchor = trimTextContentFromAnchor;