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// Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
// This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). Copyright 2021 Datadog, Inc.
const { URL } = require('url')
const specifiers = new Map()
const isWin = process.platform === 'win32'
// FIXME: Typescript extensions are added temporarily until we find a better
// way of supporting arbitrary extensions
const EXTENSION_RE = /\.(js|mjs|cjs|ts|mts|cts)$/
const NODE_VERSION = process.versions.node.split('.')
const NODE_MAJOR = Number(NODE_VERSION[0])
const NODE_MINOR = Number(NODE_VERSION[1])
let entrypoint
let getExports
if (NODE_MAJOR >= 20 || (NODE_MAJOR === 18 && NODE_MINOR >= 19)) {
getExports = require('./lib/get-exports.js')
} else {
getExports = (url) => import(url).then(Object.keys)
function hasIitm (url) {
try {
return new URL(url).searchParams.has('iitm')
} catch {
return false
function isIitm (url, meta) {
return url === meta.url || url === meta.url.replace('hook.mjs', 'hook.js')
function deleteIitm (url) {
let resultUrl
try {
const urlObj = new URL(url)
if (urlObj.searchParams.has('iitm')) {
resultUrl = urlObj.href
if (resultUrl.startsWith('file:node:')) {
resultUrl = resultUrl.replace('file:', '')
if (resultUrl.startsWith('file:///node:')) {
resultUrl = resultUrl.replace('file:///', '')
} else {
resultUrl = urlObj.href
} catch {
resultUrl = url
return resultUrl
function isNodeMajor16AndMinor17OrGreater () {
return NODE_MAJOR === 16 && NODE_MINOR >= 17
function isFileProtocol (urlObj) {
return urlObj.protocol === 'file:'
function isNodeProtocol (urlObj) {
return urlObj.protocol === 'node:'
function needsToAddFileProtocol (urlObj) {
if (NODE_MAJOR === 17) {
return !isFileProtocol(urlObj)
if (isNodeMajor16AndMinor17OrGreater()) {
return !isFileProtocol(urlObj) && !isNodeProtocol(urlObj)
return !isFileProtocol(urlObj) && NODE_MAJOR < 18
* Determines if a specifier represents an export all ESM line.
* Note that the expected `line` isn't 100% valid ESM. It is derived
* from the `getExports` function wherein we have recognized the true
* line and re-mapped it to one we expect.
* @param {string} line
* @returns {boolean}
function isStarExportLine (line) {
return /^\* from /.test(line)
function isBareSpecifier (specifier) {
// Relative and absolute paths are not bare specifiers.
if (
specifier.startsWith('.') ||
specifier.startsWith('/')) {
return false
// Valid URLs are not bare specifiers. (file:, http:, node:, etc.)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (URL.hasOwnProperty('canParse')) {
return !URL.canParse(specifier)
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new URL(specifier)
return false
} catch (err) {
return true
* Processes a module's exports and builds a set of setter blocks.
* @param {object} params
* @param {string} params.srcUrl The full URL to the module to process.
* @param {object} params.context Provided by the loaders API.
* @param {Function} params.parentGetSource Provides the source code for the parent module.
* @param {bool} params.excludeDefault Exclude the default export.
* @returns {Promise<Map<string, string>>} The shimmed setters for all the exports
* from the module and any transitive export all modules.
async function processModule ({ srcUrl, context, parentGetSource, parentResolve, excludeDefault }) {
const exportNames = await getExports(srcUrl, context, parentGetSource)
const starExports = new Set()
const setters = new Map()
const addSetter = (name, setter, isStarExport = false) => {
if (setters.has(name)) {
if (isStarExport) {
// If there's already a matching star export, delete it
if (starExports.has(name)) {
// and return so this is excluded
// if we already have this export but it is from a * export, overwrite it
if (starExports.has(name)) {
setters.set(name, setter)
} else {
// Store export * exports so we know they can be overridden by explicit
// named exports
if (isStarExport) {
setters.set(name, setter)
for (const n of exportNames) {
if (n === 'default' && excludeDefault) continue
if (isStarExportLine(n) === true) {
const [, modFile] = n.split('* from ')
let modUrl
if (isBareSpecifier(modFile)) {
// Bare specifiers need to be resolved relative to the parent module.
const result = await parentResolve(modFile, { parentURL: srcUrl })
modUrl = result.url
} else {
modUrl = new URL(modFile, srcUrl).href
const setters = await processModule({
srcUrl: modUrl,
excludeDefault: true
for (const [name, setter] of setters.entries()) {
addSetter(name, setter, true)
} else {
addSetter(n, `
let $${n} = _.${n}
export { $${n} as ${n} }
set.${n} = (v) => {
$${n} = v
return true
return setters
function addIitm (url) {
const urlObj = new URL(url)
urlObj.searchParams.set('iitm', 'true')
return needsToAddFileProtocol(urlObj) ? 'file:' + urlObj.href : urlObj.href
function createHook (meta) {
let cachedResolve
const iitmURL = new URL('lib/register.js', meta.url).toString()
async function resolve (specifier, context, parentResolve) {
cachedResolve = parentResolve
// See github.com/DataDog/import-in-the-middle/pull/76.
if (specifier === iitmURL) {
return {
url: specifier,
shortCircuit: true
const { parentURL = '' } = context
const newSpecifier = deleteIitm(specifier)
if (isWin && parentURL.indexOf('file:node') === 0) {
context.parentURL = ''
const url = await parentResolve(newSpecifier, context, parentResolve)
if (parentURL === '' && !EXTENSION_RE.test(url.url)) {
entrypoint = url.url
return { url: url.url, format: 'commonjs' }
if (isIitm(parentURL, meta) || hasIitm(parentURL)) {
return url
// Node.js v21 renames importAssertions to importAttributes
if (
(context.importAssertions && context.importAssertions.type === 'json') ||
(context.importAttributes && context.importAttributes.type === 'json')
) {
return url
// If the file is referencing itself, we need to skip adding the iitm search params
if (url.url === parentURL) {
return {
url: url.url,
shortCircuit: true,
format: url.format
specifiers.set(url.url, specifier)
return {
url: addIitm(url.url),
shortCircuit: true,
format: url.format
async function getSource (url, context, parentGetSource) {
if (hasIitm(url)) {
const realUrl = deleteIitm(url)
try {
const setters = await processModule({
srcUrl: realUrl,
parentResolve: cachedResolve
return {
source: `
import { register } from '${iitmURL}'
import * as namespace from ${JSON.stringify(realUrl)}
// Mimic a Module object (https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-module-namespace-objects).
const _ = Object.assign(
Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: 'Module' } }),
const set = {}
register(${JSON.stringify(realUrl)}, _, set, ${JSON.stringify(specifiers.get(realUrl))})
} catch (cause) {
// If there are other ESM loader hooks registered as well as iitm,
// depending on the order they are registered, source might not be
// JavaScript.
// If we fail to parse a module for exports, we should fall back to the
// parent loader. These modules will not be wrapped with proxies and
// cannot be Hook'ed but at least this does not take down the entire app
// and block iitm from being used.
// We log the error because there might be bugs in iitm and without this
// it would be very tricky to debug
const err = new Error(`'import-in-the-middle' failed to wrap '${realUrl}'`)
err.cause = cause
// Revert back to the non-iitm URL
url = realUrl
return parentGetSource(url, context, parentGetSource)
// For Node.js 16.12.0 and higher.
async function load (url, context, parentLoad) {
if (hasIitm(url)) {
const { source } = await getSource(url, context, parentLoad)
return {
shortCircuit: true,
format: 'module'
return parentLoad(url, context, parentLoad)
if (NODE_MAJOR >= 17 || (NODE_MAJOR === 16 && NODE_MINOR >= 12)) {
return { load, resolve }
} else {
return {
getFormat (url, context, parentGetFormat) {
if (hasIitm(url)) {
return {
format: 'module'
if (url === entrypoint) {
return {
format: 'commonjs'
return parentGetFormat(url, context, parentGetFormat)
module.exports = { createHook }