
203 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict'
const net = require('net')
const tls = require('tls')
const { once } = require('events')
const timers = require('timers/promises')
const { normalizeOptions, cacheOptions } = require('./options')
const { getProxy, getProxyAgent, proxyCache } = require('./proxy.js')
const Errors = require('./errors.js')
const { Agent: AgentBase } = require('agent-base')
module.exports = class Agent extends AgentBase {
constructor (options = {}) {
const { timeouts, proxy, noProxy, ...normalizedOptions } = normalizeOptions(options)
this.#options = normalizedOptions
this.#timeouts = timeouts
if (proxy) {
this.#proxy = new URL(proxy)
this.#noProxy = noProxy
this.#ProxyAgent = getProxyAgent(proxy)
get proxy () {
return this.#proxy ? { url: this.#proxy } : {}
#getProxy (options) {
if (!this.#proxy) {
const proxy = getProxy(`${options.protocol}//${options.host}:${options.port}`, {
proxy: this.#proxy,
noProxy: this.#noProxy,
if (!proxy) {
const cacheKey = cacheOptions({
timeouts: this.#timeouts,
if (proxyCache.has(cacheKey)) {
return proxyCache.get(cacheKey)
let ProxyAgent = this.#ProxyAgent
if (Array.isArray(ProxyAgent)) {
ProxyAgent = options.secureEndpoint ? ProxyAgent[1] : ProxyAgent[0]
const proxyAgent = new ProxyAgent(proxy, this.#options)
proxyCache.set(cacheKey, proxyAgent)
return proxyAgent
// takes an array of promises and races them against the connection timeout
// which will throw the necessary error if it is hit. This will return the
// result of the promise race.
async #timeoutConnection ({ promises, options, timeout }, ac = new AbortController()) {
if (timeout) {
const connectionTimeout = timers.setTimeout(timeout, null, { signal: ac.signal })
.then(() => {
throw new Errors.ConnectionTimeoutError(`${options.host}:${options.port}`)
}).catch((err) => {
if (err.name === 'AbortError') {
throw err
let result
try {
result = await Promise.race(promises)
} catch (err) {
throw err
return result
async connect (request, options) {
// if the connection does not have its own lookup function
// set, then use the one from our options
options.lookup ??= this.#options.lookup
let socket
let timeout = this.#timeouts.connection
const proxy = this.#getProxy(options)
if (proxy) {
// some of the proxies will wait for the socket to fully connect before
// returning so we have to await this while also racing it against the
// connection timeout.
const start = Date.now()
socket = await this.#timeoutConnection({
promises: [proxy.connect(request, options)],
// see how much time proxy.connect took and subtract it from
// the timeout
if (timeout) {
timeout = timeout - (Date.now() - start)
} else {
socket = (options.secureEndpoint ? tls : net).connect(options)
socket.setKeepAlive(this.keepAlive, this.keepAliveMsecs)
const abortController = new AbortController()
const { signal } = abortController
const connectPromise = socket[options.secureEndpoint ? 'secureConnecting' : 'connecting']
? once(socket, options.secureEndpoint ? 'secureConnect' : 'connect', { signal })
: Promise.resolve()
await this.#timeoutConnection({
promises: [
once(socket, 'error', { signal }).then((err) => {
throw err[0]
}, abortController)
if (this.#timeouts.idle) {
socket.setTimeout(this.#timeouts.idle, () => {
socket.destroy(new Errors.IdleTimeoutError(`${options.host}:${options.port}`))
return socket
addRequest (request, options) {
const proxy = this.#getProxy(options)
// it would be better to call proxy.addRequest here but this causes the
// http-proxy-agent to call its super.addRequest which causes the request
// to be added to the agent twice. since we only support 3 agents
// currently (see the required agents in proxy.js) we have manually
// checked that the only public methods we need to call are called in the
// next block. this could change in the future and presumably we would get
// failing tests until we have properly called the necessary methods on
// each of our proxy agents
if (proxy?.setRequestProps) {
proxy.setRequestProps(request, options)
request.setHeader('connection', this.keepAlive ? 'keep-alive' : 'close')
if (this.#timeouts.response) {
let responseTimeout
request.once('finish', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
request.destroy(new Errors.ResponseTimeoutError(request, this.#proxy))
}, this.#timeouts.response)
request.once('response', () => {
if (this.#timeouts.transfer) {
let transferTimeout
request.once('response', (res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
res.destroy(new Errors.TransferTimeoutError(request, this.#proxy))
}, this.#timeouts.transfer)
res.once('close', () => {
return super.addRequest(request, options)