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const _ = require('lodash');
const validator = require('@tryghost/validator');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default;
const ghostBookshelf = require('./base');
const baseUtils = require('./base/utils');
const limitService = require('../services/limits');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const security = require('@tryghost/security');
const {pipeline} = require('@tryghost/promise');
const validatePassword = require('../lib/validate-password');
const permissions = require('../services/permissions');
const urlUtils = require('../../shared/url-utils');
const activeStates = ['active', 'warn-1', 'warn-2', 'warn-3', 'warn-4'];
const ASSIGNABLE_ROLES = ['Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author', 'Contributor'];
const messages = {
valueCannotBeBlank: 'Value in [{tableName}.{columnKey}] cannot be blank.',
onlyOneRolePerUserSupported: 'Only one role per user is supported at the moment.',
methodDoesNotSupportOwnerRole: 'This method does not support assigning the owner role',
invalidRoleValue: {
message: 'Role should be an existing role id or a role name',
context: 'Invalid role assigned to the user',
help: 'Change the provided role to a role id or use a role name.'
userNotFound: 'User not found',
ownerNotFound: 'Owner not found',
notEnoughPermission: 'You do not have permission to perform this action',
cannotChangeStatus: 'You cannot change your own status.',
cannotChangeOwnRole: 'You cannot change your own role.',
cannotChangeOwnersRole: 'Cannot change Owner\'s role',
noUserWithEnteredEmailAddr: 'There is no user with that email address.',
accountSuspended: 'Your account was suspended.',
passwordRequiredForOperation: 'Password is required for this operation',
incorrectPassword: 'Your password is incorrect.',
onlyOwnerCanTransferOwnerRole: 'Only owners are able to transfer the owner role.',
onlyAdmCanBeAssignedOwnerRole: 'Only administrators can be assigned the owner role.',
onlyActiveAdmCanBeAssignedOwnerRole: 'Only active administrators can be assigned the owner role.',
userUpdateError: {
emailIsAlreadyInUse: 'Email is already in use',
help: 'Visit and save your profile after logging in to check for problems.'
* inactive: owner user before blog setup, suspended users
* locked user: imported users, they get a random password
const inactiveStates = ['inactive', 'locked'];
const allStates = activeStates.concat(inactiveStates);
let User;
let Users;
User = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'users',
actionsCollectCRUD: true,
actionsResourceType: 'user',
defaults: function defaults() {
return {
password: security.identifier.uid(50),
visibility: 'public',
status: 'active',
comment_notifications: true,
free_member_signup_notification: true,
paid_subscription_started_notification: true,
paid_subscription_canceled_notification: false,
mention_notifications: true,
recommendation_notifications: true,
milestone_notifications: true,
donation_notifications: true
format(options) {
if (!_.isEmpty(options.website) &&
!validator.isURL(options.website, {
require_protocol: true,
protocols: ['http', 'https']
})) {
options.website = 'http://' + options.website;
const attrs = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.format.call(this, options);
['profile_image', 'cover_image'].forEach((attr) => {
if (attrs[attr]) {
attrs[attr] = urlUtils.toTransformReady(attrs[attr]);
return attrs;
parse() {
const attrs = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments);
['profile_image', 'cover_image'].forEach((attr) => {
if (attrs[attr]) {
attrs[attr] = urlUtils.transformReadyToAbsolute(attrs[attr]);
return attrs;
emitChange: function emitChange(event, options) {
const eventToTrigger = 'user' + '.' + event;
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.emitChange.bind(this)(this, eventToTrigger, options);
* @TODO:
* The user model does not use bookshelf-relations yet.
* Therefore we have to remove the relations manually.
onDestroying(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onDestroying.apply(this, arguments);
return (options.transacting || ghostBookshelf.knex)('roles_users')
.where('user_id', model.id)
onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onDestroyed.apply(this, arguments);
if (_.includes(activeStates, model.previous('status'))) {
model.emitChange('deactivated', options);
model.emitChange('deleted', options);
onCreated: function onCreated(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onCreated.apply(this, arguments);
model.emitChange('added', options);
// active is the default state, so if status isn't provided, this will be an active user
if (!model.get('status') || _.includes(activeStates, model.get('status'))) {
model.emitChange('activated', options);
onUpdated: function onUpdated(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onUpdated.apply(this, arguments);
model.statusChanging = model.get('status') !== model.previous('status');
model.isActive = _.includes(activeStates, model.get('status'));
if (model.statusChanging) {
model.emitChange(model.isActive ? 'activated' : 'deactivated', options);
} else {
if (model.isActive) {
model.emitChange('activated.edited', options);
model.emitChange('edited', options);
isActive: function isActive() {
return activeStates.indexOf(this.get('status')) !== -1;
isLocked: function isLocked() {
return this.get('status') === 'locked';
isInactive: function isInactive() {
return this.get('status') === 'inactive';
* Lookup Gravatar if email changes to update image url
* Generating a slug requires a db call to look for conflicting slugs
onSaving: function onSaving(newPage, attr, options) {
const self = this;
const tasks = [];
let passwordValidation = {};
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onSaving.apply(this, arguments);
* Bookshelf call order:
* - onSaving
* - onValidate (validates the model against the schema)
* Before we can generate a slug, we have to ensure that the name is not blank.
if (!this.get('name')) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.valueCannotBeBlank, {
tableName: this.tableName,
columnKey: 'name'
// If the user's email is set & has changed & we are not importing
if (self.hasChanged('email') && self.get('email') && !options.importing) {
tasks.push((function lookUpGravatar() {
const {gravatar} = require('../lib/image');
return gravatar.lookup({
email: self.get('email')
}).then(function (response) {
if (response && response.image) {
self.set('profile_image', response.image);
if (this.hasChanged('slug') || !this.get('slug')) {
tasks.push((function generateSlug() {
return ghostBookshelf.Model.generateSlug(
self.get('slug') || self.get('name'),
status: 'all',
transacting: options.transacting,
shortSlug: !self.get('slug')
.then(function then(slug) {
self.set({slug: slug});
* CASE: add model, hash password
* CASE: update model, hash password
* Important:
* - Password hashing happens when we import a database
* - we do some pre-validation checks, because onValidate is called AFTER onSaving
* - when importing, we set the password to a random uid and don't validate, just hash it and lock the user
* - when importing with `importPersistUser` we check if the password is a bcrypt hash already and fall back to
* normal behavior if not (set random password, lock user, and hash password)
* - no validations should run, when importing
if (self.hasChanged('password')) {
this.set('password', String(this.get('password')));
// CASE: import with `importPersistUser` should always be an bcrypt password already,
// and won't re-hash or overwrite it.
// In case the password is not bcrypt hashed we fall back to the standard behavior.
if (options.importPersistUser && this.get('password').match(/^\$2[ayb]\$.{56}$/i)) {
if (options.importing) {
// always set password to a random uid when importing
this.set('password', security.identifier.uid(50));
// lock users so they have to follow the password reset flow
if (this.get('status') !== 'inactive') {
this.set('status', 'locked');
} else {
// CASE: we're not importing data, validate the data
passwordValidation = validatePassword(this.get('password'), this.get('email'));
if (!passwordValidation.isValid) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: passwordValidation.message
tasks.push((function hashPassword() {
return security.password.hash(self.get('password'))
.then(function (hash) {
self.set('password', hash);
return Promise.all(tasks);
toJSON: function toJSON(unfilteredOptions) {
const options = User.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'toJSON');
const attrs = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.toJSON.call(this, options);
// remove password hash for security reasons
delete attrs.password;
return attrs;
posts: function posts() {
return this.hasMany('Posts', 'created_by');
sessions: function sessions() {
return this.hasMany('Session');
roles: function roles() {
return this.belongsToMany('Role');
permissions: function permissionsFn() {
return this.belongsToMany('Permission');
apiKeys() {
return this.hasMany('ApiKey', 'user_id');
hasRole: function hasRole(roleName) {
const roles = this.related('roles');
return roles.some(function getRole(role) {
return role.get('name') === roleName;
updateLastSeen: function updateLastSeen() {
this.set({last_seen: new Date()});
return this.save();
enforcedFilters: function enforcedFilters(options) {
if (options.context && options.context.internal) {
return null;
return options.context && options.context.public ? 'status:[' + allStates.join(',') + ']' : null;
defaultFilters: function defaultFilters(options) {
if (options.context && options.context.internal) {
return null;
return options.context && options.context.public ? null : 'status:[' + allStates.join(',') + ']';
* You can pass an extra `status=VALUES` field.
* Long-Term: We should deprecate these short cuts and force users to use the filter param.
extraFilters: function extraFilters(options) {
if (!options.status) {
return null;
let filter = null;
// CASE: Check if the incoming status value is valid, otherwise fallback to "active"
if (options.status !== 'all') {
options.status = allStates.indexOf(options.status) > -1 ? options.status : 'active';
if (options.status === 'active') {
filter = `status:[${activeStates}]`;
} else if (options.status === 'all') {
filter = `status:[${allStates}]`;
} else {
filter = `status:${options.status}`;
delete options.status;
return filter;
}, {
orderDefaultOptions: function orderDefaultOptions() {
return {
last_seen: 'DESC',
name: 'ASC',
created_at: 'DESC'
* Returns an array of keys permitted in a method's `options` hash, depending on the current method.
* @param {String} methodName The name of the method to check valid options for.
* @return {Array} Keys allowed in the `options` hash of the model's method.
permittedOptions: function permittedOptions(methodName, options) {
let permittedOptionsToReturn = ghostBookshelf.Model.permittedOptions.call(this, methodName);
// allowlists for the `options` hash argument on methods, by method name.
// these are the only options that can be passed to Bookshelf / Knex.
const validOptions = {
findOne: ['withRelated', 'status'],
setup: ['id'],
edit: ['withRelated', 'importPersistUser'],
add: ['importPersistUser'],
findPage: ['status'],
findAll: ['filter']
if (validOptions[methodName]) {
permittedOptionsToReturn = permittedOptionsToReturn.concat(validOptions[methodName]);
// CASE: The `withRelated` parameter is allowed when using the public API, but not the `roles` value.
// Otherwise we expose too much information.
// @TODO: the target controller should define the allowed includes, but not the model layer O_O (https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/10106)
if (options && options.context && options.context.public) {
if (options.withRelated && options.withRelated.indexOf('roles') !== -1) {
options.withRelated.splice(options.withRelated.indexOf('roles'), 1);
return permittedOptionsToReturn;
countRelations() {
return {
posts(modelOrCollection, options) {
modelOrCollection.query('columns', 'users.*', (qb) => {
.join('posts_authors', 'posts.id', 'posts_authors.post_id')
.whereRaw('posts_authors.author_id = users.id')
if (options.context && options.context.public) {
// @TODO use the filter behavior for posts
qb.andWhere('posts.type', '=', 'post');
qb.andWhere('posts.status', '=', 'published');
* ### Find One
* We have to clone the data, because we remove values from this object.
* This is not expected from outside!
* @TODO: use base class
* @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne to include roles
* **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne](base.js.html#Find%20One)
findOne: function findOne(dataToClone, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'findOne');
let query;
let status;
let data = _.cloneDeep(dataToClone);
const lookupRole = data.role;
// Ensure only valid fields/columns are added to query
if (options.columns) {
options.columns = _.intersection(options.columns, this.prototype.permittedAttributes());
delete data.role;
data = _.defaults(data || {}, {
status: 'all'
status = data.status;
delete data.status;
data = this.filterData(data);
// Support finding by role
if (lookupRole) {
options.withRelated = _.union(options.withRelated, ['roles']);
query = this.forge(data);
query.query('join', 'roles_users', 'users.id', '=', 'roles_users.user_id');
query.query('join', 'roles', 'roles_users.role_id', '=', 'roles.id');
query.query('where', 'roles.name', '=', lookupRole);
} else {
query = this.forge(data);
if (status === 'active') {
query.query('whereIn', 'status', activeStates);
} else if (status !== 'all') {
query.query('where', {status: status});
return query.fetch(options);
* Returns users who should receive a specific type of alert
* @param {'free-signup'|'paid-started'|'paid-canceled'} type The type of alert to fetch users for
* @param {any} options
* @return {Promise<[Object]>} Array of users
getEmailAlertUsers(type, options) {
options = options || {};
let filter = 'status:active';
if (type === 'free-signup') {
filter += '+free_member_signup_notification:true';
} else if (type === 'paid-started') {
filter += '+paid_subscription_started_notification:true';
} else if (type === 'paid-canceled') {
filter += '+paid_subscription_canceled_notification:true';
} else if (type === 'mention-received') {
filter += '+mention_notifications:true';
} else if (type === 'milestone-received') {
filter += '+milestone_notifications:true';
} else if (type === 'donation') {
filter += '+donation_notifications:true';
} else if (type === 'recommendation-received') {
filter += '+recommendation_notifications:true';
const updatedOptions = _.merge({}, options, {filter, withRelated: ['roles']});
return this.findAll(updatedOptions).then((users) => {
return users.toJSON().filter((user) => {
return user?.roles?.some((role) => {
return ['Owner', 'Administrator'].includes(role.name);
* ### Edit
* Note: In case of login the last_seen attribute gets updated.
* @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.edit to handle returning the full object
* **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.edit](base.js.html#edit)
edit: function edit(data, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'edit');
const self = this;
const ops = [];
if (data.roles && data.roles.length > 1) {
return Promise.reject(
new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.onlyOneRolePerUserSupported)
if (data.email) {
ops.push(function checkForDuplicateEmail() {
return self.getByEmail(data.email, options).then(function then(user) {
if (user && user.id !== options.id) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.userUpdateError.emailIsAlreadyInUse)
ops.push(function update() {
return ghostBookshelf.Model.edit.call(self, data, options).then(async (user) => {
let roleId;
if (!data.roles || !data.roles.length) {
return user;
roleId = data.roles[0].id || data.roles[0];
return user.roles().fetch().then((roles) => {
// return if the role is already assigned
if (roles.models[0].id === roleId) {
if (ASSIGNABLE_ROLES.includes(roleId)) {
// return if the role is already assigned
if (roles.models[0].get('name') === roleId) {
return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({
name: roleId
} else if (ObjectId.isValid(roleId)){
return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({
id: roleId
} else {
return Promise.reject(
new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.invalidRoleValue.message),
context: tpl(messages.invalidRoleValue.context),
help: tpl(messages.invalidRoleValue.help)
}).then((roleToAssign) => {
if (roleToAssign && roleToAssign.get('name') === 'Owner') {
return Promise.reject(
new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.methodDoesNotSupportOwnerRole)
} else if (roleToAssign) {
// assign all other roles
return user.roles().updatePivot({role_id: roleToAssign.id});
}).then(() => {
options.status = 'all';
return self.findOne({id: user.id}, options);
}).then((model) => {
model._changed = user._changed;
return model;
return pipeline(ops);
* ## Add
* Naive user add
* Hashes the password provided before saving to the database.
* We have to clone the data, because we remove values from this object.
* This is not expected from outside!
* @param {object} dataToClone
* @param {object} unfilteredOptions
* @extends ghostBookshelf.Model.add to manage all aspects of user signup
* **See:** [ghostBookshelf.Model.add](base.js.html#Add)
add: function add(dataToClone, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'add');
const self = this;
const data = _.cloneDeep(dataToClone);
let userData = this.filterData(data);
let roles;
// check for too many roles
if (data.roles && data.roles.length > 1) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.onlyOneRolePerUserSupported)
function getAuthorRole() {
return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Author'}, _.pick(options, 'transacting'))
.then(function then(authorRole) {
return [authorRole.get('id')];
* We need this default author role because of the following Ghost feature:
* You setup your blog and you can invite people instantly, but without choosing a role.
* roles: [] -> no default role (used for owner creation, see fixtures.json)
* roles: undefined -> default role
roles = data.roles;
delete data.roles;
return ghostBookshelf.Model.add.call(self, userData, options)
.then(function then(addedUser) {
// Assign the userData to our created user so we can pass it back
userData = addedUser;
.then(function () {
if (!roles) {
return getAuthorRole();
return Promise.resolve(roles);
.then(function (_roles) {
roles = _roles;
// CASE: it is possible to add roles by name, by id or by object
if (_.isString(roles[0]) && !ObjectId.isValid(roles[0])) {
const rolePromises = roles.map((roleName) => {
return ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({
name: roleName
}, options);
return Promise.all(rolePromises)
.then((roleModels) => {
roles = roleModels.map((roleModel) => {
return roleModel.id;
return Promise.resolve();
.then(function () {
return baseUtils.attach(User, userData.id, 'roles', roles, options);
.then(function then() {
// find and return the added user
return self.findOne({id: userData.id, status: 'all'}, options);
destroy: function destroy(unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'destroy', {extraAllowedProperties: ['id']});
const destroyUser = () => {
return ghostBookshelf.Model.destroy.call(this, options);
if (!options.transacting) {
return ghostBookshelf.transaction((transacting) => {
options.transacting = transacting;
return destroyUser();
return destroyUser();
* We override the owner!
* Owner already has a slug -> force setting a new one by setting slug to null
* @TODO: kill setup function?
setup: function setup(data, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'setup');
const self = this;
const userData = this.filterData(data);
let passwordValidation = {};
passwordValidation = validatePassword(userData.password, userData.email, data.blogTitle);
if (!passwordValidation.isValid) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: passwordValidation.message
userData.slug = null;
return self.edit(userData, options);
* Right now the setup of the blog depends on the user status.
* Only if the owner user is `inactive`, then the blog is not setup.
* e.g. if you transfer ownership to a locked user, you blog is still setup.
* @TODO: Rename `inactive` status to something else, it's confusing. e.g. requires-setup
* @TODO: Depending on the user status results in https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/8003
isSetup: function isSetup(options) {
return this.getOwnerUser(options)
.then(function (owner) {
return owner.get('status') !== 'inactive';
getOwnerUser: function getOwnerUser(options) {
options = options || {};
return this.findOne({
role: 'Owner',
status: 'all'
}, options).then(function (owner) {
if (!owner) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.ownerNotFound)
return owner;
permissible: async function permissible(userModelOrId, action, context, unsafeAttrs, loadedPermissions, hasUserPermission, hasApiKeyPermission) {
const self = this;
const userModel = userModelOrId;
let origArgs;
// If we passed in a model without its related roles, we need to fetch it again
if (_.isObject(userModelOrId) && !_.isObject(userModelOrId.related('roles'))) {
userModelOrId = userModelOrId.id;
// If we passed in an id instead of a model get the model first
if (_.isNumber(userModelOrId) || _.isString(userModelOrId)) {
// Grab the original args without the first one
origArgs = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1);
// Get the actual user model
return this.findOne({
id: userModelOrId,
status: 'all'
}, {withRelated: ['roles']}).then(function then(foundUserModel) {
if (!foundUserModel) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.userNotFound)
// Build up the original args but substitute with actual model
const newArgs = [foundUserModel].concat(origArgs);
return self.permissible.apply(self, newArgs);
const isUnsuspending = unsafeAttrs.status && unsafeAttrs.status === 'active' && userModel.get('status') === 'inactive';
// If we have a staff user limit & the staff user is being unsuspended (don't count contributors)
if (limitService.isLimited('staff') && action === 'edit' && isUnsuspending && !userModel.hasRole('Contributor')) {
await limitService.errorIfWouldGoOverLimit('staff');
if (action === 'edit') {
// Users with the role 'Editor', 'Author', and 'Contributor' have complex permissions when the action === 'edit'
// We now have all the info we need to construct the permissions
if (context.user === userModel.get('id')) {
// If this is the same user that requests the operation allow it.
hasUserPermission = true;
} else if (loadedPermissions.user && userModel.hasRole('Owner')) {
// Owner can only be edited by owner
hasUserPermission = loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Owner'});
} else if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Editor'})) {
// If the user we are trying to edit is an Author or Contributor, allow it
hasUserPermission = userModel.hasRole('Author') || userModel.hasRole('Contributor');
if (action === 'destroy') {
// Owner cannot be deleted EVER
if (userModel.hasRole('Owner')) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
// Users with the role 'Editor' have complex permissions when the action === 'destroy'
if (loadedPermissions.user && _.some(loadedPermissions.user.roles, {name: 'Editor'})) {
// Alternatively, if the user we are trying to edit is an Author, allow it
hasUserPermission = context.user === userModel.get('id') || userModel.hasRole('Author') || userModel.hasRole('Contributor');
// CASE: can't edit my own status to inactive or locked
if (action === 'edit' && userModel.id === context.user) {
if (User.inactiveStates.indexOf(unsafeAttrs.status) !== -1) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.cannotChangeStatus)
// CASE: i want to edit roles
if (action === 'edit' && unsafeAttrs.roles && unsafeAttrs.roles[0]) {
let role = unsafeAttrs.roles[0];
let roleId = role.id || role;
let editedUserId = userModel.id;
// @NOTE: role id of logged in user
let contextRoleId = loadedPermissions.user.roles[0].id;
if (roleId !== contextRoleId && editedUserId === context.user) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.cannotChangeOwnRole)
if (limitService.isLimited('staff') && userModel.hasRole('Contributor') && role.name !== 'Contributor') {
// CASE: if your site is limited to a certain number of staff users
// Trying to change the role of a contributor, who doesn't count towards the limit, to any other role requires a limit check
// To check if it's OK to add one more staff user
await limitService.errorIfWouldGoOverLimit('staff');
return User.getOwnerUser()
.then((owner) => {
// CASE: owner can assign role to any user
if (context.user === owner.id) {
if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
// CASE: You try to change the role of the owner user
if (editedUserId === owner.id) {
if (owner.related('roles').at(0).id !== roleId) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.cannotChangeOwnersRole)
} else if (roleId !== contextRoleId) {
// CASE: you are trying to change a role, but you are not owner
// @NOTE: your role is not the same than the role you try to change (!)
// e.g. admin can assign admin role to a user, but not owner
return permissions.canThis(context).assign.role(role)
.then(() => {
if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
// Finds the user by email, and checks the password
// @TODO: shorten this function and rename...
check: function check(object) {
const self = this;
return this.getByEmail(object.email)
.then((user) => {
if (!user) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.noUserWithEnteredEmailAddr)
if (user.isLocked()) {
throw new errors.PasswordResetRequiredError();
if (user.isInactive()) {
throw new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.accountSuspended)
return self.isPasswordCorrect({plainPassword: object.password, hashedPassword: user.get('password')})
.then(() => {
return user.updateLastSeen();
.then(() => {
user.set({status: 'active'});
return user.save();
.catch((err) => {
if (err.message === 'NotFound' || err.message === 'EmptyResponse') {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.noUserWithEnteredEmailAddr)
throw err;
isPasswordCorrect: function isPasswordCorrect(object) {
const plainPassword = object.plainPassword;
const hashedPassword = object.hashedPassword;
if (!plainPassword || !hashedPassword) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.passwordRequiredForOperation)
return security.password.compare(plainPassword, hashedPassword)
.then(function (matched) {
if (matched) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
context: tpl(messages.incorrectPassword),
message: tpl(messages.incorrectPassword),
help: tpl(messages.userUpdateError.help),
* Naive change password method
* @param {Object} object
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions
changePassword: async function changePassword(object, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'changePassword');
const newPassword = object.newPassword;
const userId = object.user_id;
const oldPassword = object.oldPassword;
const isLoggedInUser = userId === options.context.user;
const skipSessionID = unfilteredOptions.skipSessionID;
options.require = true;
options.withRelated = ['sessions'];
const user = await this.forge({id: userId}).fetch(options);
if (isLoggedInUser) {
await this.isPasswordCorrect({
plainPassword: oldPassword,
hashedPassword: user.get('password')
const updatedUser = await user.save({password: newPassword});
const sessions = user.related('sessions');
for (const session of sessions) {
if (session.get('session_id') !== skipSessionID) {
await session.destroy(options);
return updatedUser;
transferOwnership: function transferOwnership(object, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = ghostBookshelf.Model.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'transferOwnership');
let ownerRole;
let contextUser;
return Promise.all([
ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Owner'}),
User.findOne({id: options.context.user}, {withRelated: ['roles']})
.then((results) => {
ownerRole = results[0];
contextUser = results[1];
// check if user has the owner role
const currentRoles = contextUser.toJSON(options).roles;
if (!_.some(currentRoles, {id: ownerRole.id})) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.onlyOwnerCanTransferOwnerRole)
return Promise.all([
ghostBookshelf.model('Role').findOne({name: 'Administrator'}),
User.findOne({id: object.id}, {withRelated: ['roles']})
.then((results) => {
const adminRole = results[0];
const user = results[1];
if (!user) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.userNotFound)
const {roles: currentRoles, status} = user.toJSON(options);
if (!_.some(currentRoles, {id: adminRole.id})) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.onlyAdmCanBeAssignedOwnerRole)
if (status !== 'active') {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({
message: tpl(messages.onlyActiveAdmCanBeAssignedOwnerRole)
// convert owner to admin
return Promise.all([
contextUser.roles().updatePivot({role_id: adminRole.id}),
user.roles().updatePivot({role_id: ownerRole.id}),
.then((results) => {
return Users.forge()
.query('whereIn', 'id', [contextUser.id, results[2]])
.fetch({withRelated: ['roles']});
// Get the user by email address, enforces case insensitivity rejects if the user is not found
// When multi-user support is added, email addresses must be deduplicated with case insensitivity, so that
// joe@bloggs.com and JOE@BLOGGS.COM cannot be created as two separate users.
getByEmail: function getByEmail(email, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = ghostBookshelf.Model.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'getByEmail');
// We fetch all users and process them in JS as there is no easy way to make this query across all DBs
// Although they all support `lower()`, sqlite can't case transform unicode characters
// This is somewhat mute, as validator.isEmail() also doesn't support unicode, but this is much easier / more
// likely to be fixed in the near future.
options.require = true;
return Users.forge().fetch(options).then(function then(users) {
const userWithEmail = users.find(function findUser(user) {
return user.get('email').toLowerCase() === email.toLowerCase();
if (userWithEmail) {
return userWithEmail;
inactiveStates: inactiveStates
Users = ghostBookshelf.Collection.extend({
model: User
module.exports = {
User: ghostBookshelf.model('User', User),
Users: ghostBookshelf.collection('Users', Users)