2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

735 lines
23 KiB

'use strict'
const SOURCE_DEFAULT = require('./types/type').SOURCE_DEFAULT
class Api {
return '*'
static get (opts) {
return new Api(opts)
constructor (opts) {
opts = opts || {}
this.types = []
this._helpOpts = opts.helpOpts || {}
this._factories = {
// meta
unknownType: this.getUnknownType,
_context: this.getContext,
helpBuffer: this.getHelpBuffer,
// common types
boolean: this.getBoolean,
string: this.getString,
number: this.getNumber,
path: this.getPath,
file: this.getFile,
dir: this.getDir,
enum: this.getEnum,
array: this.getArray,
// specialty types
helpType: this.getHelpType,
versionType: this.getVersionType,
// advanced types
positional: this.getPositional,
commandType: this.getCommand
this._showHelpByDefault = 'showHelpByDefault' in opts ? opts.showHelpByDefault : false
this._strictMode = 'strictMode' in opts ? opts.strictMode : false
this._magicCommandAdded = false
this._modulesSeen = opts.modulesSeen || []
if (!Api.ROOT_NAME) Api.ROOT_NAME = this.name
configure (opts) {
opts = opts || {}
// lazily configured instance dependencies (expects a single instance)
this._utils = opts.utils || this._utils
this._pathLib = opts.pathLib || this._pathLib
this._fsLib = opts.fsLib || this._fsLib
// lazily configured factory dependencies (expects a function to call per instance)
if ('factories' in opts) {
Object.keys(opts.factories).forEach(name => this.registerFactory(name, opts.factories[name]))
// other
this._name = opts.name || this._name
this._parentName = opts.parentName || this._parentName // TODO this seems awfully hacky
return this
newChild (commandName, childOptions) {
return new Api(Object.assign({
factories: this._factories,
utils: this.utils,
pathLib: this.pathLib,
fsLib: this.fsLib,
name: this.name + ' ' + commandName,
parentName: this.name,
modulesSeen: this._modulesSeen.slice(),
helpOpts: this._assignHelpOpts({}, this.helpOpts),
showHelpByDefault: this._showHelpByDefault,
strictMode: this._strictMode
}, childOptions))
_assignHelpOpts (target, source) {
'lineSep', 'sectionSep', 'pad', 'indent', 'split', 'icon', 'slogan',
'usagePrefix', 'usageHasOptions', 'groupOrder', 'epilogue', 'maxWidth',
'examplePrefix', 'exampleOrder', 'usageCommandPlaceholder',
'usageArgsPlaceholder', 'usageOptionsPlaceholder', 'showHelpOnError',
'styleGroup', 'styleGroupError', 'styleFlags', 'styleFlagsError',
'styleDesc', 'styleDescError', 'styleHints', 'styleHintsError', 'styleMessages',
'styleUsagePrefix', 'styleUsagePositionals', 'styleUsageCommandPlaceholder',
'styleUsageArgsPlaceholder', 'styleUsageOptionsPlaceholder', 'styleExample',
].forEach(opt => {
if (opt in source) target[opt] = source[opt]
return target
// lazy dependency accessors
get unknownType () {
if (!this._unknownType) this._unknownType = this.get('unknownType').withParent(Api.ROOT_NAME)
return this._unknownType
get utils () {
if (!this._utils) this._utils = require('./lib/utils').get()
return this._utils
get helpOpts () {
return this._helpOpts
get pathLib () {
if (!this._pathLib) this._pathLib = require('path')
return this._pathLib
get fsLib () {
if (!this._fsLib) this._fsLib = require('fs')
return this._fsLib
get name () {
if (typeof this._name !== 'string') this._name = this.pathLib.basename(process.argv[1], '.js')
return this._name
get parentName () {
return this._parentName || 'node'
// type factories
registerFactory (name, factory) {
if (name && typeof factory === 'function') this._factories[name] = factory
return this
get (name, opts) {
if (name && this._factories[name]) return this._factories[name].call(this, opts)
return null
// meta factories
getUnknownType (opts) {
return require('./types/unknown').get(opts)
getContext (opts) {
return require('./context').get(opts)
getHelpBuffer (opts) {
return require('./buffer').get(opts)
// common type factories
getBoolean (opts) {
return require('./types/boolean').get(opts)
getString (opts) {
return require('./types/string').get(opts)
getNumber (opts) {
return require('./types/number').get(opts)
getPath (opts) {
return require('./types/path').get(Object.assign({
pathLib: this.pathLib,
fsLib: this.fsLib
}, opts))
getFile (opts) {
return this.getPath(Object.assign({ dirAllowed: false }, opts))
getDir (opts) {
return this.getPath(Object.assign({ fileAllowed: false }, opts))
getEnum (opts) {
return require('./types/enum').get(opts)
getArray (opts) {
return require('./types/array').get(opts)
// specialty type factories
getHelpType (opts) {
return require('./types/help').get(opts)
getVersionType (opts) {
return require('./types/version').get(opts)
// advanced type factories
getPositional (opts) {
return require('./types/positional').get(opts)
getCommand (opts) {
return require('./types/command').get(opts)
// help text
preface (icon, slogan) {
this.helpOpts.icon = icon
this.helpOpts.slogan = slogan
return this
usage (usage) {
if (typeof usage === 'string') this.helpOpts.usage = usage
else if (usage) {
const keyMap = {
usage: 'usage',
prefix: 'usagePrefix',
commandPlaceholder: 'usageCommandPlaceholder',
argsPlaceholder: 'usageArgsPlaceholder',
optionsPlaceholder: 'usageOptionsPlaceholder'
Object.keys(keyMap).forEach(key => {
if (key in usage) this.helpOpts[keyMap[key]] = usage[key]
return this
groupOrder (orderArray) {
if (Array.isArray(orderArray) || typeof orderArray === 'undefined') this.helpOpts.groupOrder = orderArray
return this
example (example, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
if (typeof example === 'string') {
opts.flags = example
} else if (!Array.isArray(example) && typeof example === 'object') {
opts = example
const group = opts.group || 'Examples:'
if (!this.helpOpts.examples) this.helpOpts.examples = {}
this.helpOpts.examples[group] = (this.helpOpts.examples[group] || []).concat(opts)
return this
exampleOrder (orderArray) {
if (Array.isArray(orderArray) || typeof orderArray === 'undefined') this.helpOpts.exampleOrder = orderArray
return this
epilogue (epilogue) {
this.helpOpts.epilogue = epilogue
return this
outputSettings (settings) {
if (!settings) return this
;['lineSep', 'sectionSep', 'pad', 'indent', 'split', 'maxWidth', 'examplePrefix', 'showHelpOnError'].forEach(opt => {
if (opt in settings) this.helpOpts[opt] = settings[opt]
return this
style (hooks) {
if (!hooks) return this
'group', 'groupError', 'flags', 'flagsError', 'desc', 'descError', 'hints',
'hintsError', 'messages', 'usagePrefix', 'usagePositionals', 'usageCommandPlaceholder',
'usageArgsPlaceholder', 'usageOptionsPlaceholder', 'example', 'all'
].forEach(key => {
if (typeof hooks[key] === 'function') {
const helpOptsKey = 'style' + key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)
this.helpOpts[helpOptsKey] = hooks[key]
return this
showHelpByDefault (boolean) {
this._showHelpByDefault = boolean !== false
return this
strict (boolean) {
this._strictMode = boolean !== false
return this
addStrictModeErrors (context) {
if (this._strictMode) {
const unknownOptions = context.getUnknownSlurpedOptions()
if (unknownOptions.length > 0) {
context.cliMessage(`Unknown options: ${unknownOptions.map(u => u.raw).join(', ')}`)
const unknownArguments = context.getUnknownArguments()
if (unknownArguments.length > 0) {
context.cliMessage(`Unknown arguments: ${unknownArguments.join(' ')}`)
// complex types
commandDirectory (dir, opts) {
if (typeof dir === 'object') {
opts = dir
dir = ''
opts = Object.assign({}, opts)
if (!Array.isArray(opts.extensions)) opts.extensions = ['.js']
let searchDir
if (dir && typeof dir === 'string' && this.pathLib.isAbsolute(dir)) {
searchDir = dir
} else {
const callerFile = this.utils.getCallerFile()
if (this._modulesSeen.indexOf(callerFile) === -1) this._modulesSeen.push(callerFile)
searchDir = this.pathLib.dirname(callerFile)
if (dir && typeof dir === 'string') searchDir = this.pathLib.resolve(searchDir, dir)
let filepath
let mod
this.fsLib.readdirSync(searchDir).forEach(fileInDir => {
filepath = this.pathLib.join(searchDir, fileInDir)
if (opts.extensions.indexOf(this.pathLib.extname(fileInDir)) !== -1 && this._modulesSeen.indexOf(filepath) === -1) {
mod = require(filepath)
if (mod.flags || mod.aliases) {
} else if (typeof mod === 'function') {
aliases: this.pathLib.basename(fileInDir, this.pathLib.extname(fileInDir)),
run: mod
return this
command (dsl, opts) {
this._internalCommand(dsl, opts)
return this
_internalCommand (dsl, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
// argument shuffling
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
opts = { run: opts }
if (dsl && typeof dsl === 'object') {
opts = Object.assign({}, dsl, opts)
} else if (typeof dsl === 'string') {
opts = Object.assign({}, opts)
opts.flags = dsl
} else {
opts = Object.assign({}, opts)
if (!opts.flags && opts.aliases) opts.flags = [].concat(opts.aliases)[0]
// opts is an object and opts.flags is the dsl
// split dsl into name/alias and positionals
// then populate opts.aliases and opts.params
const mp = this.utils.stringToMultiPositional(opts.flags)
const name = mp.shift()
opts.aliases = opts.aliases ? Array.from(new Set([name].concat(opts.aliases))) : [name]
if (mp.length) {
this.helpOpts.usageHasArgs = true
if (!opts.params) opts.params = mp
else if (!opts.paramsDsl) opts.paramsDsl = mp.join(' ')
this.helpOpts.usageHasCommand = true
const commandType = this.get('commandType', opts)
return commandType
positional (dsl, opts) {
opts = Object.assign({}, opts) // copy object so we don't alter object with external refs
let addedToHelp = false
// TODO this logic is repetitive and messy
if (Array.isArray(dsl)) {
opts.params = dsl.slice()
} else if (typeof dsl === 'object') {
if (dsl.params) opts = Object.assign({}, dsl)
else opts.params = Object.assign({}, dsl)
} else if (typeof dsl === 'string') {
this.helpOpts.usagePositionals = (this.helpOpts.usagePositionals || []).concat(dsl)
addedToHelp = true
const array = this.utils.stringToMultiPositional(dsl)
if (!opts.params) {
opts.params = array
} else if (Array.isArray(opts.params)) {
opts.params = array.map((string, index) => {
return opts.params[index] ? Object.assign({ flags: string }, opts.params[index]) : string
} else {
opts.params = Object.keys(opts.params).map((key, index) => {
let obj = opts.params[key]
if (obj && !obj.flags) obj = Object.assign({ flags: array[index] }, obj)
// if (obj && !obj.aliases) obj.aliases = key
return obj
opts.ignore = [].concat(opts.ignore).filter(Boolean)
const params = Array.isArray(opts.params) ? opts.params.slice() : Object.keys(opts.params).map(key => {
let obj = opts.params[key]
if (obj && !obj.flags) obj = Object.assign({ flags: key }, obj)
return obj
let numSkipped = 0
params.forEach((param, index) => {
if (!param) return numSkipped++
// accept an array of strings or objects
if (typeof param === 'string') param = { flags: param }
else param = Object.assign({}, param)
if (!param.flags && param.aliases) param.flags = [].concat(param.aliases)[0]
if (!addedToHelp) this.helpOpts.usagePositionals = (this.helpOpts.usagePositionals || []).concat(param.flags)
// allow "commentary" things in positional dsl string via opts.ignore
if (~opts.ignore.indexOf(param.flags)) return numSkipped++
// TODO if no flags or aliases, throw error
// convenience to define descriptions in opts
if (!(param.description || param.desc) && (opts.paramsDescription || opts.paramsDesc)) {
param.desc = [].concat(opts.paramsDescription || opts.paramsDesc)[index - numSkipped]
if (!param.group && opts.paramsGroup) param.group = opts.paramsGroup
// don't apply command desc to positional params (via configure calls below)
const optsDescription = opts.description
const optsDesc = opts.desc
delete opts.description
delete opts.desc
// inferPositionalProperties will generate flags/aliases for wrapped elementType needed for parsing
const positionalFlags = param.flags
delete param.flags
param = Object.assign(this.utils.inferPositionalProperties(positionalFlags, Object.keys(this._factories)), param)
if (!param.elementType) param.elementType = this._getType(param).configure(opts, false)
param.flags = positionalFlags
const positional = this.get('positional', param).configure(opts, false)
opts.description = optsDescription
opts.desc = optsDesc
if (this.unknownType) this.unknownType.addPositional(positional)
return this
// configure any arg type
custom (type) {
if (type) {
if (typeof type.withParent === 'function') type.withParent(this.name)
if (typeof type.validateConfig === 'function') type.validateConfig(this.utils)
return this
_normalizeOpts (flags, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
if (Array.isArray(flags)) {
opts.aliases = flags // treat an array as aliases
} else if (typeof flags === 'string') {
opts.flags = flags // treat a string as flags
} else if (typeof flags === 'object') {
opts = flags
return opts
_addOptionType (flags, opts, name) {
this.helpOpts.usageHasOptions = true
return this.custom(this._getType(flags, opts, name))
_getType (flags, opts, name) {
opts = this._normalizeOpts(flags, opts)
name = String(name || opts.type)
if (name.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
const types = name.split(':').filter(Boolean)
if (types[0] === 'array') return this._getArrayType(flags, opts, types.slice(1).join(':') || 'string')
name = types[0]
return this.get(name, opts)
_getArrayType (flags, opts, subtypeName) {
opts = this._normalizeOpts(flags, opts) // TODO this may be redundant
subtypeName = String(subtypeName || opts.type)
if (subtypeName.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
const types = subtypeName.split(':').filter(Boolean)
if (types[0] === 'array') {
opts.elementType = this._getArrayType(flags, opts, types.slice(1).join(':') || 'string')
return this.get('array', opts)
subtypeName = types[0]
opts.elementType = this.get(subtypeName, opts)
return this.get('array', opts)
// specify 'type' (as string) in opts
option (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts)
// common individual value types
boolean (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'boolean')
string (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'string')
number (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'number')
path (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'path')
file (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'file')
dir (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'dir')
enumeration (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'enum')
// specialty types
help (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'helpType')
version (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'versionType')
// multiple value types
array (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'array')
stringArray (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'array:string')
numberArray (flags, opts) {
return this._addOptionType(flags, opts, 'array:number')
// TODO more types
// lifecycle hook
check (handler) {
this._checkHandler = handler
return this
// parse and exit if there's output (e.g. help text) or a non-zero code; otherwise resolves to argv
// useful for standard CLIs
parseAndExit (args) {
return this.parse(args).then(result => {
if (result.output) {
if (result.code !== 0) process.exit(result.code)
return result.argv
// parse and resolve to a context result (never exits)
// useful for chatbots or checking results
parse (args) {
// init context and kick off recursive type parsing/execution
const context = this.initContext(false).slurpArgs(args)
// init unknownType in context only for the top-level (all levels share/overwrite the same argv._)
if (this.unknownType) {
this.unknownType.setValue(context, this.unknownType.defaultVal)
this.unknownType.applySource(context, SOURCE_DEFAULT)
if (this._showHelpByDefault && !context.details.args.length) context.deferHelp() // preemptively request help
return this.parseFromContext(context).then(whenDone => {
if (!context.commandHandlerRun && !context.output) {
if (context.helpRequested && !context.output) {
} else if (context.versionRequested && !context.output) {
} else if (context.messages.length && !context.output) {
return whenDone
}).catch(err => {
}).then(whenDone => {
return context.toResult()
// recursive, meant to be used internally
parseFromContext (context) {
// first complete configuration for special types
let hasCommands = false
let hasDefaultCommand = false
this.types.forEach(type => {
if (type.needsApi) type.configure({ api: this.newChild(type.aliases[0]) }, false)
const implicit = type.implicitCommands
if (implicit && implicit.length) this.unknownType.addImplicit(implicit, type)
if (type.datatype === 'command') {
hasCommands = true
if (type.isDefault) hasDefaultCommand = true
if (!this._magicCommandAdded && this._showHelpByDefault && hasCommands && !hasDefaultCommand) {
this._magicCommandAdded = true
this._internalCommand(Api.DEFAULT_COMMAND_INDICATOR, (argv, context) => {
}).configure({ api: this.newChild(Api.DEFAULT_COMMAND_INDICATOR, { strictMode: false }) }, false)
// add known types to context
// run async parsing for all types except unknown
const parsePromises = this.types.map(type => type.parse(context))
return Promise.all(parsePromises).then(whenDone => {
// now run async parsing for unknown
return (this.unknownType && this.unknownType.parse(context)) || Promise.resolve(true)
}).then(whenDone => {
// once all parsing is complete, populate argv in context (sync)
// first add unknownType to context.argv (because it's needed to determine shouldCoerceAndCheck)
if (this.unknownType) context.populateArgv([this.unknownType.toResult(context, true)])
// next determine shouldCoerceAndCheck
const shouldCoerceAndCheck = this.shouldCoerceAndCheck(context)
// then populate argv with other types, letting them know if it makes sense to apply coercion
context.populateArgv(this.types.map(type => type.toResult(context, shouldCoerceAndCheck)))
// TODO before postParse, determine if any are promptable (and need prompting) and prompt each in series
// run custom api-level async argv check/hook between argv population and command execution
// it should use context.cliMessage to report errors (or can otherwise manipulate context)
if (typeof this._checkHandler === 'function' && shouldCoerceAndCheck) return this._checkHandler(context.argv, context)
return Promise.resolve(true)
}).then(whenDone => {
// run async post-parsing
let postParse = this.types.map(type => type.postParse(context)) // this potentially runs commands
if (this.unknownType) postParse = postParse.concat(this.unknownType.postParse(context))
return Promise.all(postParse)
initContext (includeTypes) {
const context = this.get('_context', {
utils: this.utils,
pathLib: this.pathLib,
fsLib: this.fsLib
return includeTypes ? this.applyTypes(context) : context
applyTypes (context) {
context.pushLevel(this.name, this.types.map(type => {
type.setValue(context, type.defaultVal)
type.applySource(context, SOURCE_DEFAULT)
return type.toObject()
return context
initHelpBuffer () {
const helpOpts = Object.assign({ utils: this.utils, usageName: this.name }, this.helpOpts)
return this.get('helpBuffer', helpOpts)
// clear as mud? this predicts the future, essentially the inverse of conditions found in parse after
// parseFromContext and also the conditions that would make the showHelpByDefault command run
// basically, we don't want to run the custom check handler if help text or version will be output
shouldCoerceAndCheck (context) {
return !context.helpRequested &&
!context.versionRequested &&
!(context.messages && context.messages.length) &&
(!this._magicCommandAdded || context.explicitCommandMatch(this.name))
// optional convenience methods
getHelp (opts) {
return this.initContext(true).addHelp(this.initHelpBuffer(), opts).output
Api.ROOT_NAME = undefined // defined by first Api instance in constructor
module.exports = Api