2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

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(function () {
'use strict';
* Utility module to work with key-value stores.
* @module map
* Creates a new Map instance.
* @function
* @return {Map<any, any>}
* @function
const create$6 = () => new Map();
* Copy a Map object into a fresh Map object.
* @function
* @template X,Y
* @param {Map<X,Y>} m
* @return {Map<X,Y>}
const copy = m => {
const r = create$6();
m.forEach((v, k) => { r.set(k, v); });
return r
* Get map property. Create T if property is undefined and set T on map.
* ```js
* const listeners = map.setIfUndefined(events, 'eventName', set.create)
* listeners.add(listener)
* ```
* @function
* @template V,K
* @template {Map<K,V>} MAP
* @param {MAP} map
* @param {K} key
* @param {function():V} createT
* @return {V}
const setIfUndefined = (map, key, createT) => {
let set = map.get(key);
if (set === undefined) {
map.set(key, set = createT());
return set
* Creates an Array and populates it with the content of all key-value pairs using the `f(value, key)` function.
* @function
* @template K
* @template V
* @template R
* @param {Map<K,V>} m
* @param {function(V,K):R} f
* @return {Array<R>}
const map$1 = (m, f) => {
const res = [];
for (const [key, value] of m) {
res.push(f(value, key));
return res
* Tests whether any key-value pairs pass the test implemented by `f(value, key)`.
* @todo should rename to some - similarly to Array.some
* @function
* @template K
* @template V
* @param {Map<K,V>} m
* @param {function(V,K):boolean} f
* @return {boolean}
const any = (m, f) => {
for (const [key, value] of m) {
if (f(value, key)) {
return true
return false
* Utility module to work with sets.
* @module set
const create$5 = () => new Set();
* Utility module to work with Arrays.
* @module array
* Return the last element of an array. The element must exist
* @template L
* @param {ArrayLike<L>} arr
* @return {L}
const last = arr => arr[arr.length - 1];
* Transforms something array-like to an actual Array.
* @function
* @template T
* @param {ArrayLike<T>|Iterable<T>} arraylike
* @return {T}
const from = Array.from;
const isArray = Array.isArray;
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
const toLowerCase = s => s.toLowerCase();
const trimLeftRegex = /^\s*/g;
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
const trimLeft = s => s.replace(trimLeftRegex, '');
const fromCamelCaseRegex = /([A-Z])/g;
* @param {string} s
* @param {string} separator
* @return {string}
const fromCamelCase = (s, separator) => trimLeft(s.replace(fromCamelCaseRegex, match => `${separator}${toLowerCase(match)}`));
* @param {string} str
* @return {Uint8Array}
const _encodeUtf8Polyfill = str => {
const encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
const len = encodedString.length;
const buf = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buf[i] = /** @type {number} */ (encodedString.codePointAt(i));
return buf
/* c8 ignore next */
const utf8TextEncoder = /** @type {TextEncoder} */ (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextEncoder() : null);
* @param {string} str
* @return {Uint8Array}
const _encodeUtf8Native = str => utf8TextEncoder.encode(str);
* @param {string} str
* @return {Uint8Array}
/* c8 ignore next */
const encodeUtf8 = utf8TextEncoder ? _encodeUtf8Native : _encodeUtf8Polyfill;
/* c8 ignore next */
let utf8TextDecoder = typeof TextDecoder === 'undefined' ? null : new TextDecoder('utf-8', { fatal: true, ignoreBOM: true });
/* c8 ignore start */
if (utf8TextDecoder && utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1) {
// Safari doesn't handle BOM correctly.
// This fixes a bug in Safari 13.0.5 where it produces a BOM the first time it is called.
// utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1 on the first call and
// utf8TextDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array()).length === 1 on the second call
// Another issue is that from then on no BOM chars are recognized anymore
/* c8 ignore next */
utf8TextDecoder = null;
* Often used conditions.
* @module conditions
* @template T
* @param {T|null|undefined} v
* @return {T|null}
/* c8 ignore next */
const undefinedToNull = v => v === undefined ? null : v;
/* eslint-env browser */
* Isomorphic variable storage.
* Uses LocalStorage in the browser and falls back to in-memory storage.
* @module storage
/* c8 ignore start */
class VarStoragePolyfill {
constructor () {
this.map = new Map();
* @param {string} key
* @param {any} newValue
setItem (key, newValue) {
this.map.set(key, newValue);
* @param {string} key
getItem (key) {
return this.map.get(key)
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @type {any}
let _localStorage = new VarStoragePolyfill();
let usePolyfill = true;
/* c8 ignore start */
try {
// if the same-origin rule is violated, accessing localStorage might thrown an error
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
_localStorage = localStorage;
usePolyfill = false;
} catch (e) { }
/* c8 ignore stop */
* This is basically localStorage in browser, or a polyfill in nodejs
/* c8 ignore next */
const varStorage = _localStorage;
* Utility functions for working with EcmaScript objects.
* @module object
* Object.assign
const assign = Object.assign;
* @param {Object<string,any>} obj
const keys = Object.keys;
* @template V
* @param {{[k:string]:V}} obj
* @param {function(V,string):any} f
const forEach$1 = (obj, f) => {
for (const key in obj) {
f(obj[key], key);
* @todo implement mapToArray & map
* @template R
* @param {Object<string,any>} obj
* @param {function(any,string):R} f
* @return {Array<R>}
const map = (obj, f) => {
const results = [];
for (const key in obj) {
results.push(f(obj[key], key));
return results
* @param {Object<string,any>} obj
* @return {number}
const length$1 = obj => keys(obj).length;
* @param {Object|undefined} obj
const isEmpty = obj => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
for (const _k in obj) {
return false
return true
* @param {Object<string,any>} obj
* @param {function(any,string):boolean} f
* @return {boolean}
const every = (obj, f) => {
for (const key in obj) {
if (!f(obj[key], key)) {
return false
return true
* Calls `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`.
* @param {any} obj
* @param {string|symbol} key
* @return {boolean}
const hasProperty = (obj, key) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
* @param {Object<string,any>} a
* @param {Object<string,any>} b
* @return {boolean}
const equalFlat = (a, b) => a === b || (length$1(a) === length$1(b) && every(a, (val, key) => (val !== undefined || hasProperty(b, key)) && b[key] === val));
* Common functions and function call helpers.
* @module function
* Calls all functions in `fs` with args. Only throws after all functions were called.
* @param {Array<function>} fs
* @param {Array<any>} args
const callAll = (fs, args, i = 0) => {
try {
for (; i < fs.length; i++) {
} finally {
if (i < fs.length) {
callAll(fs, args, i + 1);
* @template T
* @param {T} a
* @param {T} b
* @return {boolean}
const equalityStrict = (a, b) => a === b;
/* c8 ignore start */
* @param {any} a
* @param {any} b
* @return {boolean}
const equalityDeep = (a, b) => {
if (a == null || b == null) {
return equalityStrict(a, b)
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return false
if (a === b) {
return true
switch (a.constructor) {
case ArrayBuffer:
a = new Uint8Array(a);
b = new Uint8Array(b);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
case Uint8Array: {
if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) {
return false
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false
case Set: {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
return false
for (const value of a) {
if (!b.has(value)) {
return false
case Map: {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
return false
for (const key of a.keys()) {
if (!b.has(key) || !equalityDeep(a.get(key), b.get(key))) {
return false
case Object:
if (length$1(a) !== length$1(b)) {
return false
for (const key in a) {
if (!hasProperty(a, key) || !equalityDeep(a[key], b[key])) {
return false
case Array:
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!equalityDeep(a[i], b[i])) {
return false
return false
return true
* @template V
* @template {V} OPTS
* @param {V} value
* @param {Array<OPTS>} options
// @ts-ignore
const isOneOf = (value, options) => options.includes(value);
* Isomorphic module to work access the environment (query params, env variables).
* @module map
/* c8 ignore next */
// @ts-ignore
const isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.release &&
/* c8 ignore next */
const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && !isNode;
* @type {Map<string,string>}
let params;
/* c8 ignore start */
const computeParams = () => {
if (params === undefined) {
if (isNode) {
params = create$6();
const pargs = process.argv;
let currParamName = null;
for (let i = 0; i < pargs.length; i++) {
const parg = pargs[i];
if (parg[0] === '-') {
if (currParamName !== null) {
params.set(currParamName, '');
currParamName = parg;
} else {
if (currParamName !== null) {
params.set(currParamName, parg);
currParamName = null;
if (currParamName !== null) {
params.set(currParamName, '');
// in ReactNative for example this would not be true (unless connected to the Remote Debugger)
} else if (typeof location === 'object') {
params = create$6(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
(location.search || '?').slice(1).split('&').forEach((kv) => {
if (kv.length !== 0) {
const [key, value] = kv.split('=');
params.set(`--${fromCamelCase(key, '-')}`, value);
params.set(`-${fromCamelCase(key, '-')}`, value);
} else {
params = create$6();
return params
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {string} name
* @return {boolean}
/* c8 ignore next */
const hasParam = (name) => computeParams().has(name);
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} defaultVal
* @return {string}
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const getParam = (name, defaultVal) =>
computeParams().get(name) || defaultVal;
* @param {string} name
* @return {string|null}
/* c8 ignore next 4 */
const getVariable = (name) =>
? undefinedToNull(process.env[name.toUpperCase()])
: undefinedToNull(varStorage.getItem(name));
* @param {string} name
* @return {boolean}
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const hasConf = (name) =>
hasParam('--' + name) || getVariable(name) !== null;
/* c8 ignore next */
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const forceColor = isNode &&
isOneOf(process.env.FORCE_COLOR, ['true', '1', '2']);
/* c8 ignore start */
const supportsColor = !hasParam('no-colors') &&
(!isNode || process.stdout.isTTY || forceColor) && (
!isNode || hasParam('color') || forceColor ||
getVariable('COLORTERM') !== null ||
(getVariable('TERM') || '').includes('color')
/* c8 ignore stop */
* Working with value pairs.
* @module pair
* @template L,R
class Pair {
* @param {L} left
* @param {R} right
constructor (left, right) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
* @template L,R
* @param {L} left
* @param {R} right
* @return {Pair<L,R>}
const create$4 = (left, right) => new Pair(left, right);
* @template L,R
* @param {Array<Pair<L,R>>} arr
* @param {function(L, R):any} f
const forEach = (arr, f) => arr.forEach(p => f(p.left, p.right));
/* eslint-env browser */
/* c8 ignore start */
* @type {Document}
const doc = /** @type {Document} */ (typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {});
* @param {string} name
* @return {HTMLElement}
const createElement = name => doc.createElement(name);
* @return {DocumentFragment}
const createDocumentFragment = () => doc.createDocumentFragment();
* @param {string} text
* @return {Text}
const createTextNode = text => doc.createTextNode(text);
/** @type {DOMParser} */ (typeof DOMParser !== 'undefined' ? new DOMParser() : null);
* @param {Element} el
* @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,string|boolean>>} attrs Array of key-value pairs
* @return {Element}
const setAttributes = (el, attrs) => {
forEach(attrs, (key, value) => {
if (value === false) {
} else if (value === true) {
el.setAttribute(key, '');
} else {
// @ts-ignore
el.setAttribute(key, value);
return el
* @param {Array<Node>|HTMLCollection} children
* @return {DocumentFragment}
const fragment = children => {
const fragment = createDocumentFragment();
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
appendChild(fragment, children[i]);
return fragment
* @param {Element} parent
* @param {Array<Node>} nodes
* @return {Element}
const append = (parent, nodes) => {
appendChild(parent, fragment(nodes));
return parent
* @param {EventTarget} el
* @param {string} name
* @param {EventListener} f
const addEventListener = (el, name, f) => el.addEventListener(name, f);
* @param {string} name
* @param {Array<pair.Pair<string,string>|pair.Pair<string,boolean>>} attrs Array of key-value pairs
* @param {Array<Node>} children
* @return {Element}
const element = (name, attrs = [], children = []) =>
append(setAttributes(createElement(name), attrs), children);
* @param {string} t
* @return {Text}
const text = createTextNode;
* @param {Map<string,string>} m
* @return {string}
const mapToStyleString = m => map$1(m, (value, key) => `${key}:${value};`).join('');
* @param {Node} parent
* @param {Node} child
* @return {Node}
const appendChild = (parent, child) => parent.appendChild(child);
/* c8 ignore stop */
* JSON utility functions.
* @module json
* Transform JavaScript object to JSON.
* @param {any} object
* @return {string}
const stringify = JSON.stringify;
/* global requestIdleCallback, requestAnimationFrame, cancelIdleCallback, cancelAnimationFrame */
* Utility module to work with EcmaScript's event loop.
* @module eventloop
* @type {Array<function>}
let queue = [];
const _runQueue = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
queue = [];
* @param {function():void} f
const enqueue = f => {
if (queue.length === 1) {
setTimeout(_runQueue, 0);
* Common Math expressions.
* @module math
const floor = Math.floor;
const ceil = Math.ceil;
const abs = Math.abs;
const round = Math.round;
const log10 = Math.log10;
* @function
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number} The sum of a and b
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
* @function
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number} The smaller element of a and b
const min = (a, b) => a < b ? a : b;
* @function
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @return {number} The bigger element of a and b
const max = (a, b) => a > b ? a : b;
* Base 10 exponential function. Returns the value of 10 raised to the power of pow.
* @param {number} exp
* @return {number}
const exp10 = exp => Math.pow(10, exp);
* @param {number} n
* @return {boolean} Wether n is negative. This function also differentiates between -0 and +0
const isNegativeZero = n => n !== 0 ? n < 0 : 1 / n < 0;
* Utility module to work with EcmaScript Symbols.
* @module symbol
* Return fresh symbol.
* @return {Symbol}
const create$3 = Symbol;
* Utility module to convert metric values.
* @module metric
const prefixUp = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'];
const prefixDown = ['', 'm', 'μ', 'n', 'p', 'f', 'a', 'z', 'y'];
* Calculate the metric prefix for a number. Assumes E.g. `prefix(1000) = { n: 1, prefix: 'k' }`
* @param {number} n
* @param {number} [baseMultiplier] Multiplier of the base (10^(3*baseMultiplier)). E.g. `convert(time, -3)` if time is already in milli seconds
* @return {{n:number,prefix:string}}
const prefix = (n, baseMultiplier = 0) => {
const nPow = n === 0 ? 0 : log10(n);
let mult = 0;
while (nPow < mult * 3 && baseMultiplier > -8) {
while (nPow >= 3 + mult * 3 && baseMultiplier < 8) {
const prefix = baseMultiplier < 0 ? prefixDown[-baseMultiplier] : prefixUp[baseMultiplier];
return {
n: round((mult > 0 ? n / exp10(mult * 3) : n * exp10(mult * -3)) * 1e12) / 1e12,
* Utility module to work with time.
* @module time
* Return current unix time.
* @return {number}
const getUnixTime = Date.now;
* Transform time (in ms) to a human readable format. E.g. 1100 => 1.1s. 60s => 1min. .001 => 10μs.
* @param {number} d duration in milliseconds
* @return {string} humanized approximation of time
const humanizeDuration = d => {
if (d < 60000) {
const p = prefix(d, -1);
return round(p.n * 100) / 100 + p.prefix + 's'
d = floor(d / 1000);
const seconds = d % 60;
const minutes = floor(d / 60) % 60;
const hours = floor(d / 3600) % 24;
const days = floor(d / 86400);
if (days > 0) {
return days + 'd' + ((hours > 0 || minutes > 30) ? ' ' + (minutes > 30 ? hours + 1 : hours) + 'h' : '')
if (hours > 0) {
/* c8 ignore next */
return hours + 'h' + ((minutes > 0 || seconds > 30) ? ' ' + (seconds > 30 ? minutes + 1 : minutes) + 'min' : '')
return minutes + 'min' + (seconds > 0 ? ' ' + seconds + 's' : '')
const BOLD = create$3();
const UNBOLD = create$3();
const BLUE = create$3();
const GREY = create$3();
const GREEN = create$3();
const RED = create$3();
const PURPLE = create$3();
const ORANGE = create$3();
const UNCOLOR = create$3();
/* c8 ignore start */
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
* @return {Array<string|object|number>}
const computeNoColorLoggingArgs = args => {
const logArgs = [];
// try with formatting until we find something unsupported
let i = 0;
for (; i < args.length; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) ; else if (arg.constructor === Object) {
return logArgs
/* c8 ignore stop */
* Isomorphic logging module with support for colors!
* @module logging
* @type {Object<Symbol,pair.Pair<string,string>>}
const _browserStyleMap = {
[BOLD]: create$4('font-weight', 'bold'),
[UNBOLD]: create$4('font-weight', 'normal'),
[BLUE]: create$4('color', 'blue'),
[GREEN]: create$4('color', 'green'),
[GREY]: create$4('color', 'grey'),
[RED]: create$4('color', 'red'),
[PURPLE]: create$4('color', 'purple'),
[ORANGE]: create$4('color', 'orange'), // not well supported in chrome when debugging node with inspector - TODO: deprecate
[UNCOLOR]: create$4('color', 'black')
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
* @return {Array<string|object|number>}
/* c8 ignore start */
const computeBrowserLoggingArgs = (args) => {
const strBuilder = [];
const styles = [];
const currentStyle = create$6();
* @type {Array<string|Object|number>}
let logArgs = [];
// try with formatting until we find something unsupported
let i = 0;
for (; i < args.length; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
// @ts-ignore
const style = _browserStyleMap[arg];
if (style !== undefined) {
currentStyle.set(style.left, style.right);
} else {
if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) {
const style = mapToStyleString(currentStyle);
if (i > 0 || style.length > 0) {
strBuilder.push('%c' + arg);
} else {
} else {
if (i > 0) {
// create logArgs with what we have so far
logArgs = styles;
// append the rest
for (; i < args.length; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
if (!(arg instanceof Symbol)) {
return logArgs
/* c8 ignore stop */
/* c8 ignore start */
const computeLoggingArgs = supportsColor
? computeBrowserLoggingArgs
: computeNoColorLoggingArgs;
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const print = (...args) => {
/* c8 ignore next */
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.print(args));
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {Error} err
/* c8 ignore start */
const printError = (err) => {
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.printError(err));
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {string} url image location
* @param {number} height height of the image in pixel
/* c8 ignore start */
const printImg = (url, height) => {
if (isBrowser) {
'%c ',
`font-size: ${height}px; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(${url})`
// console.log('%c ', `font-size: ${height}x; background: url(${url}) no-repeat;`)
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.printImg(url, height));
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {string} base64
* @param {number} height
/* c8 ignore next 2 */
const printImgBase64 = (base64, height) =>
printImg(`data:image/gif;base64,${base64}`, height);
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const group = (...args) => {
/* c8 ignore next */
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.group(args));
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
const groupCollapsed = (...args) => {
/* c8 ignore next */
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.groupCollapsed(args));
const groupEnd = () => {
/* c8 ignore next */
vconsoles.forEach((vc) => vc.groupEnd());
const vconsoles = create$5();
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
* @return {Array<Element>}
/* c8 ignore start */
const _computeLineSpans = (args) => {
const spans = [];
const currentStyle = new Map();
// try with formatting until we find something unsupported
let i = 0;
for (; i < args.length; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
// @ts-ignore
const style = _browserStyleMap[arg];
if (style !== undefined) {
currentStyle.set(style.left, style.right);
} else {
if (arg.constructor === String || arg.constructor === Number) {
// @ts-ignore
const span = element('span', [
create$4('style', mapToStyleString(currentStyle))
], [text(arg.toString())]);
if (span.innerHTML === '') {
span.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
} else {
// append the rest
for (; i < args.length; i++) {
let content = args[i];
if (!(content instanceof Symbol)) {
if (content.constructor !== String && content.constructor !== Number) {
content = ' ' + stringify(content) + ' ';
element('span', [], [text(/** @type {string} */ (content))])
return spans
/* c8 ignore stop */
const lineStyle =
'font-family:monospace;border-bottom:1px solid #e2e2e2;padding:2px;';
/* c8 ignore start */
class VConsole {
* @param {Element} dom
constructor (dom) {
this.dom = dom;
* @type {Element}
this.ccontainer = this.dom;
this.depth = 0;
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
* @param {boolean} collapsed
group (args, collapsed = false) {
enqueue(() => {
const triangleDown = element('span', [
create$4('hidden', collapsed),
create$4('style', 'color:grey;font-size:120%;')
], [text('▼')]);
const triangleRight = element('span', [
create$4('hidden', !collapsed),
create$4('style', 'color:grey;font-size:125%;')
], [text('▶')]);
const content = element(
`${lineStyle};padding-left:${this.depth * 10}px`
[triangleDown, triangleRight, text(' ')].concat(
const nextContainer = element('div', [
create$4('hidden', collapsed)
const nextLine = element('div', [], [content, nextContainer]);
append(this.ccontainer, [nextLine]);
this.ccontainer = nextContainer;
// when header is clicked, collapse/uncollapse container
addEventListener(content, 'click', (_event) => {
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
groupCollapsed (args) {
this.group(args, true);
groupEnd () {
enqueue(() => {
if (this.depth > 0) {
// @ts-ignore
this.ccontainer = this.ccontainer.parentElement.parentElement;
* @param {Array<string|Symbol|Object|number>} args
print (args) {
enqueue(() => {
append(this.ccontainer, [
element('div', [
`${lineStyle};padding-left:${this.depth * 10}px`
], _computeLineSpans(args))
* @param {Error} err
printError (err) {
this.print([RED, BOLD, err.toString()]);
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} height
printImg (url, height) {
enqueue(() => {
append(this.ccontainer, [
element('img', [
create$4('src', url),
create$4('height', `${round(height * 1.5)}px`)
* @param {Node} node
printDom (node) {
enqueue(() => {
append(this.ccontainer, [node]);
destroy () {
enqueue(() => {
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @param {Element} dom
/* c8 ignore next */
const createVConsole = (dom) => new VConsole(dom);
/* eslint-env browser */
* Binary data constants.
* @module binary
* n-th bit activated.
* @type {number}
const BIT1 = 1;
const BIT2 = 2;
const BIT3 = 4;
const BIT4 = 8;
const BIT6 = 32;
const BIT7 = 64;
const BIT8 = 128;
const BITS5 = 31;
const BITS6 = 63;
const BITS7 = 127;
* @type {number}
const BITS31 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
* @type {number}
const BITS32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/* eslint-env browser */
const getRandomValues = crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
* Isomorphic module for true random numbers / buffers / uuids.
* Attention: falls back to Math.random if the browser does not support crypto.
* @module random
const uint32 = () => getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0];
// @ts-ignore
const uuidv4Template = [1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11;
* @return {string}
const uuidv4 = () => uuidv4Template.replace(/[018]/g, /** @param {number} c */ c =>
(c ^ uint32() & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
* @module prng
* Xorshift32 is a very simple but elegang PRNG with a period of `2^32-1`.
class Xorshift32 {
* @param {number} seed Unsigned 32 bit number
constructor (seed) {
this.seed = seed;
* @type {number}
this._state = seed;
* Generate a random signed integer.
* @return {Number} A 32 bit signed integer.
next () {
let x = this._state;
x ^= x << 13;
x ^= x >> 17;
x ^= x << 5;
this._state = x;
return (x >>> 0) / (BITS32 + 1)
* @module prng
* This is a variant of xoroshiro128plus - the fastest full-period generator passing BigCrush without systematic failures.
* This implementation follows the idea of the original xoroshiro128plus implementation,
* but is optimized for the JavaScript runtime. I.e.
* * The operations are performed on 32bit integers (the original implementation works with 64bit values).
* * The initial 128bit state is computed based on a 32bit seed and Xorshift32.
* * This implementation returns two 32bit values based on the 64bit value that is computed by xoroshiro128plus.
* Caution: The last addition step works slightly different than in the original implementation - the add carry of the
* first 32bit addition is not carried over to the last 32bit.
* [Reference implementation](http://vigna.di.unimi.it/xorshift/xoroshiro128plus.c)
class Xoroshiro128plus {
* @param {number} seed Unsigned 32 bit number
constructor (seed) {
this.seed = seed;
// This is a variant of Xoroshiro128plus to fill the initial state
const xorshift32 = new Xorshift32(seed);
this.state = new Uint32Array(4);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.state[i] = xorshift32.next() * BITS32;
this._fresh = true;
* @return {number} Float/Double in [0,1)
next () {
const state = this.state;
if (this._fresh) {
this._fresh = false;
return ((state[0] + state[2]) >>> 0) / (BITS32 + 1)
} else {
this._fresh = true;
const s0 = state[0];
const s1 = state[1];
const s2 = state[2] ^ s0;
const s3 = state[3] ^ s1;
// function js_rotl (x, k) {
// k = k - 32
// const x1 = x[0]
// const x2 = x[1]
// x[0] = x2 << k | x1 >>> (32 - k)
// x[1] = x1 << k | x2 >>> (32 - k)
// }
// rotl(s0, 55) // k = 23 = 55 - 32; j = 9 = 32 - 23
state[0] = (s1 << 23 | s0 >>> 9) ^ s2 ^ (s2 << 14 | s3 >>> 18);
state[1] = (s0 << 23 | s1 >>> 9) ^ s3 ^ (s3 << 14);
// rol(s1, 36) // k = 4 = 36 - 32; j = 23 = 32 - 9
state[2] = s3 << 4 | s2 >>> 28;
state[3] = s2 << 4 | s3 >>> 28;
return (((state[1] + state[3]) >>> 0) / (BITS32 + 1))
// Reference implementation
// Source: http://vigna.di.unimi.it/xorshift/xoroshiro128plus.c
// By David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna
// Who published the reference implementation under Public Domain (CC0)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint64_t s[2];
static inline uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, int k) {
return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
uint64_t next(void) {
const uint64_t s0 = s[0];
uint64_t s1 = s[1];
s1 ^= s0;
s[0] = rotl(s0, 55) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14); // a, b
s[1] = rotl(s1, 36); // c
return (s[0] + s[1]) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
int main(void)
int i;
s[0] = 1111 | (1337ul << 32);
s[1] = 1234 | (9999ul << 32);
printf("1000 outputs of genrand_int31()\n");
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
printf("%10lu ", i);
printf("%10lu ", next());
printf("- %10lu ", s[0] >> 32);
printf("%10lu ", (s[0] << 32) >> 32);
printf("%10lu ", s[1] >> 32);
printf("%10lu ", (s[1] << 32) >> 32);
// if (i%5==4) printf("\n");
return 0;
* Utility helpers for working with numbers.
* @module number
/* c8 ignore next */
const isInteger = Number.isInteger || (num => typeof num === 'number' && isFinite(num) && floor(num) === num);
* Efficient schema-less binary encoding with support for variable length encoding.
* Use [lib0/encoding] with [lib0/decoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
* Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
* and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/)
* which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
* ```js
* // encoding step
* const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
* encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
* encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
* const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
* ```
* ```js
* // decoding step
* const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(buf)
* decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
* decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
* decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
* ```
* @module encoding
* A BinaryEncoder handles the encoding to an Uint8Array.
class Encoder {
constructor () {
this.cpos = 0;
this.cbuf = new Uint8Array(100);
* @type {Array<Uint8Array>}
this.bufs = [];
* @function
* @return {Encoder}
const createEncoder = () => new Encoder();
* The current length of the encoded data.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @return {number}
const length = encoder => {
let len = encoder.cpos;
for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
len += encoder.bufs[i].length;
return len
* Transform to Uint8Array.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @return {Uint8Array} The created ArrayBuffer.
const toUint8Array = encoder => {
const uint8arr = new Uint8Array(length(encoder));
let curPos = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < encoder.bufs.length; i++) {
const d = encoder.bufs[i];
uint8arr.set(d, curPos);
curPos += d.length;
uint8arr.set(createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos), curPos);
return uint8arr
* Verify that it is possible to write `len` bytes wtihout checking. If
* necessary, a new Buffer with the required length is attached.
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} len
const verifyLen = (encoder, len) => {
const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length;
if (bufferLen - encoder.cpos < len) {
encoder.bufs.push(createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(encoder.cbuf.buffer, 0, encoder.cpos));
encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(max(bufferLen, len) * 2);
encoder.cpos = 0;
* Write one byte to the encoder.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num The byte that is to be encoded.
const write = (encoder, num) => {
const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length;
if (encoder.cpos === bufferLen) {
encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(bufferLen * 2);
encoder.cpos = 0;
encoder.cbuf[encoder.cpos++] = num;
* Write one byte as an unsigned integer.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeUint8 = write;
* Write a variable length unsigned integer. Max encodable integer is 2^53.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeVarUint = (encoder, num) => {
while (num > BITS7) {
write(encoder, BIT8 | (BITS7 & num));
num = floor(num / 128); // shift >>> 7
write(encoder, BITS7 & num);
* Write a variable length integer.
* We use the 7th bit instead for signaling that this is a negative number.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num The number that is to be encoded.
const writeVarInt = (encoder, num) => {
const isNegative = isNegativeZero(num);
if (isNegative) {
num = -num;
// |- whether to continue reading |- whether is negative |- number
write(encoder, (num > BITS6 ? BIT8 : 0) | (isNegative ? BIT7 : 0) | (BITS6 & num));
num = floor(num / 64); // shift >>> 6
// We don't need to consider the case of num === 0 so we can use a different
// pattern here than above.
while (num > 0) {
write(encoder, (num > BITS7 ? BIT8 : 0) | (BITS7 & num));
num = floor(num / 128); // shift >>> 7
* A cache to store strings temporarily
const _strBuffer = new Uint8Array(30000);
const _maxStrBSize = _strBuffer.length / 3;
* Write a variable length string.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
const _writeVarStringNative = (encoder, str) => {
if (str.length < _maxStrBSize) {
// We can encode the string into the existing buffer
/* c8 ignore next */
const written = utf8TextEncoder.encodeInto(str, _strBuffer).written || 0;
writeVarUint(encoder, written);
for (let i = 0; i < written; i++) {
write(encoder, _strBuffer[i]);
} else {
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, encodeUtf8(str));
* Write a variable length string.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
const _writeVarStringPolyfill = (encoder, str) => {
const encodedString = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
const len = encodedString.length;
writeVarUint(encoder, len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
write(encoder, /** @type {number} */ (encodedString.codePointAt(i)));
* Write a variable length string.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {String} str The string that is to be encoded.
/* c8 ignore next */
const writeVarString = (utf8TextEncoder && /** @type {any} */ (utf8TextEncoder).encodeInto) ? _writeVarStringNative : _writeVarStringPolyfill;
* Append fixed-length Uint8Array to the encoder.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
const writeUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
const bufferLen = encoder.cbuf.length;
const cpos = encoder.cpos;
const leftCopyLen = min(bufferLen - cpos, uint8Array.length);
const rightCopyLen = uint8Array.length - leftCopyLen;
encoder.cbuf.set(uint8Array.subarray(0, leftCopyLen), cpos);
encoder.cpos += leftCopyLen;
if (rightCopyLen > 0) {
// Still something to write, write right half..
// Append new buffer
// must have at least size of remaining buffer
encoder.cbuf = new Uint8Array(max(bufferLen * 2, rightCopyLen));
// copy array
encoder.cpos = rightCopyLen;
* Append an Uint8Array to Encoder.
* @function
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
const writeVarUint8Array = (encoder, uint8Array) => {
writeVarUint(encoder, uint8Array.byteLength);
writeUint8Array(encoder, uint8Array);
* Create an DataView of the next `len` bytes. Use it to write data after
* calling this function.
* ```js
* // write float32 using DataView
* const dv = writeOnDataView(encoder, 4)
* dv.setFloat32(0, 1.1)
* // read float32 using DataView
* const dv = readFromDataView(encoder, 4)
* dv.getFloat32(0) // => 1.100000023841858 (leaving it to the reader to find out why this is the correct result)
* ```
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} len
* @return {DataView}
const writeOnDataView = (encoder, len) => {
verifyLen(encoder, len);
const dview = new DataView(encoder.cbuf.buffer, encoder.cpos, len);
encoder.cpos += len;
return dview
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num
const writeFloat32 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 4).setFloat32(0, num, false);
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {number} num
const writeFloat64 = (encoder, num) => writeOnDataView(encoder, 8).setFloat64(0, num, false);
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {bigint} num
const writeBigInt64 = (encoder, num) => /** @type {any} */ (writeOnDataView(encoder, 8)).setBigInt64(0, num, false);
const floatTestBed = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
* Check if a number can be encoded as a 32 bit float.
* @param {number} num
* @return {boolean}
const isFloat32 = num => {
floatTestBed.setFloat32(0, num);
return floatTestBed.getFloat32(0) === num
* Encode data with efficient binary format.
* Differences to JSON:
* • Transforms data to a binary format (not to a string)
* • Encodes undefined, NaN, and ArrayBuffer (these can't be represented in JSON)
* • Numbers are efficiently encoded either as a variable length integer, as a
* 32 bit float, as a 64 bit float, or as a 64 bit bigint.
* Encoding table:
* | Data Type | Prefix | Encoding Method | Comment |
* | ------------------- | -------- | ------------------ | ------- |
* | undefined | 127 | | Functions, symbol, and everything that cannot be identified is encoded as undefined |
* | null | 126 | | |
* | integer | 125 | writeVarInt | Only encodes 32 bit signed integers |
* | float32 | 124 | writeFloat32 | |
* | float64 | 123 | writeFloat64 | |
* | bigint | 122 | writeBigInt64 | |
* | boolean (false) | 121 | | True and false are different data types so we save the following byte |
* | boolean (true) | 120 | | - 0b01111000 so the last bit determines whether true or false |
* | string | 119 | writeVarString | |
* | object<string,any> | 118 | custom | Writes {length} then {length} key-value pairs |
* | array<any> | 117 | custom | Writes {length} then {length} json values |
* | Uint8Array | 116 | writeVarUint8Array | We use Uint8Array for any kind of binary data |
* Reasons for the decreasing prefix:
* We need the first bit for extendability (later we may want to encode the
* prefix with writeVarUint). The remaining 7 bits are divided as follows:
* [0-30] the beginning of the data range is used for custom purposes
* (defined by the function that uses this library)
* [31-127] the end of the data range is used for data encoding by
* lib0/encoding.js
* @param {Encoder} encoder
* @param {undefined|null|number|bigint|boolean|string|Object<string,any>|Array<any>|Uint8Array} data
const writeAny = (encoder, data) => {
switch (typeof data) {
case 'string':
write(encoder, 119);
writeVarString(encoder, data);
case 'number':
if (isInteger(data) && abs(data) <= BITS31) {
write(encoder, 125);
writeVarInt(encoder, data);
} else if (isFloat32(data)) {
// TYPE 124: FLOAT32
write(encoder, 124);
writeFloat32(encoder, data);
} else {
// TYPE 123: FLOAT64
write(encoder, 123);
writeFloat64(encoder, data);
case 'bigint':
// TYPE 122: BigInt
write(encoder, 122);
writeBigInt64(encoder, data);
case 'object':
if (data === null) {
// TYPE 126: null
write(encoder, 126);
} else if (isArray(data)) {
// TYPE 117: Array
write(encoder, 117);
writeVarUint(encoder, data.length);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
writeAny(encoder, data[i]);
} else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
// TYPE 116: ArrayBuffer
write(encoder, 116);
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, data);
} else {
// TYPE 118: Object
write(encoder, 118);
const keys = Object.keys(data);
writeVarUint(encoder, keys.length);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
writeVarString(encoder, key);
writeAny(encoder, data[key]);
case 'boolean':
// TYPE 120/121: boolean (true/false)
write(encoder, data ? 120 : 121);
// TYPE 127: undefined
write(encoder, 127);
* Now come a few stateful encoder that have their own classes.
* Basic Run Length Encoder - a basic compression implementation.
* Encodes [1,1,1,7] to [1,3,7,1] (3 times 1, 1 time 7). This encoder might do more harm than good if there are a lot of values that are not repeated.
* It was originally used for image compression. Cool .. article http://csbruce.com/cbm/transactor/pdfs/trans_v7_i06.pdf
* @note T must not be null!
* @template T
class RleEncoder extends Encoder {
* @param {function(Encoder, T):void} writer
constructor (writer) {
* The writer
this.w = writer;
* Current state
* @type {T|null}
this.s = null;
this.count = 0;
* @param {T} v
write (v) {
if (this.s === v) {
} else {
if (this.count > 0) {
// flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
writeVarUint(this, this.count - 1); // since count is always > 0, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
this.count = 1;
// write first value
this.w(this, v);
this.s = v;
* @param {UintOptRleEncoder} encoder
const flushUintOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
if (encoder.count > 0) {
// flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
// case 1: just a single value. set sign to positive
// case 2: write several values. set sign to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encoder.count === 1 ? encoder.s : -encoder.s);
if (encoder.count > 1) {
writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2); // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
* Optimized Rle encoder that does not suffer from the mentioned problem of the basic Rle encoder.
* Internally uses VarInt encoder to write unsigned integers. If the input occurs multiple times, we write
* write it as a negative number. The UintOptRleDecoder then understands that it needs to read a count.
* Encodes [1,2,3,3,3] as [1,2,-3,3] (once 1, once 2, three times 3)
class UintOptRleEncoder {
constructor () {
this.encoder = new Encoder();
* @type {number}
this.s = 0;
this.count = 0;
* @param {number} v
write (v) {
if (this.s === v) {
} else {
this.count = 1;
this.s = v;
toUint8Array () {
return toUint8Array(this.encoder)
* @param {IntDiffOptRleEncoder} encoder
const flushIntDiffOptRleEncoder = encoder => {
if (encoder.count > 0) {
// 31 bit making up the diff | wether to write the counter
// const encodedDiff = encoder.diff << 1 | (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1)
const encodedDiff = encoder.diff * 2 + (encoder.count === 1 ? 0 : 1);
// flush counter, unless this is the first value (count = 0)
// case 1: just a single value. set first bit to positive
// case 2: write several values. set first bit to negative to indicate that there is a length coming
writeVarInt(encoder.encoder, encodedDiff);
if (encoder.count > 1) {
writeVarUint(encoder.encoder, encoder.count - 2); // since count is always > 1, we can decrement by one. non-standard encoding ftw
* A combination of the IntDiffEncoder and the UintOptRleEncoder.
* The count approach is similar to the UintDiffOptRleEncoder, but instead of using the negative bitflag, it encodes
* in the LSB whether a count is to be read. Therefore this Encoder only supports 31 bit integers!
* Encodes [1, 2, 3, 2] as [3, 1, 6, -1] (more specifically [(1 << 1) | 1, (3 << 0) | 0, -1])
* Internally uses variable length encoding. Contrary to normal UintVar encoding, the first byte contains:
* * 1 bit that denotes whether the next value is a count (LSB)
* * 1 bit that denotes whether this value is negative (MSB - 1)
* * 1 bit that denotes whether to continue reading the variable length integer (MSB)
* Therefore, only five bits remain to encode diff ranges.
* Use this Encoder only when appropriate. In most cases, this is probably a bad idea.
class IntDiffOptRleEncoder {
constructor () {
this.encoder = new Encoder();
* @type {number}
this.s = 0;
this.count = 0;
this.diff = 0;
* @param {number} v
write (v) {
if (this.diff === v - this.s) {
this.s = v;
} else {
this.count = 1;
this.diff = v - this.s;
this.s = v;
toUint8Array () {
return toUint8Array(this.encoder)
* Optimized String Encoder.
* Encoding many small strings in a simple Encoder is not very efficient. The function call to decode a string takes some time and creates references that must be eventually deleted.
* In practice, when decoding several million small strings, the GC will kick in more and more often to collect orphaned string objects (or maybe there is another reason?).
* This string encoder solves the above problem. All strings are concatenated and written as a single string using a single encoding call.
* The lengths are encoded using a UintOptRleEncoder.
class StringEncoder {
constructor () {
* @type {Array<string>}
this.sarr = [];
this.s = '';
this.lensE = new UintOptRleEncoder();
* @param {string} string
write (string) {
this.s += string;
if (this.s.length > 19) {
this.s = '';
toUint8Array () {
const encoder = new Encoder();
this.s = '';
writeVarString(encoder, this.sarr.join(''));
writeUint8Array(encoder, this.lensE.toUint8Array());
return toUint8Array(encoder)
* Error helpers.
* @module error
* @param {string} s
* @return {Error}
/* c8 ignore next */
const create$2 = s => new Error(s);
* @throws {Error}
* @return {never}
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const methodUnimplemented = () => {
throw create$2('Method unimplemented')
* @throws {Error}
* @return {never}
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const unexpectedCase = () => {
throw create$2('Unexpected case')
* Efficient schema-less binary decoding with support for variable length encoding.
* Use [lib0/decoding] with [lib0/encoding]. Every encoding function has a corresponding decoding function.
* Encodes numbers in little-endian order (least to most significant byte order)
* and is compatible with Golang's binary encoding (https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/binary/)
* which is also used in Protocol Buffers.
* ```js
* // encoding step
* const encoder = encoding.createEncoder()
* encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, 256)
* encoding.writeVarString(encoder, 'Hello world!')
* const buf = encoding.toUint8Array(encoder)
* ```
* ```js
* // decoding step
* const decoder = decoding.createDecoder(buf)
* decoding.readVarUint(decoder) // => 256
* decoding.readVarString(decoder) // => 'Hello world!'
* decoding.hasContent(decoder) // => false - all data is read
* ```
* @module decoding
const errorUnexpectedEndOfArray = create$2('Unexpected end of array');
const errorIntegerOutOfRange = create$2('Integer out of Range');
* A Decoder handles the decoding of an Uint8Array.
class Decoder {
* @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array Binary data to decode
constructor (uint8Array) {
* Decoding target.
* @type {Uint8Array}
this.arr = uint8Array;
* Current decoding position.
* @type {number}
this.pos = 0;
* @function
* @param {Uint8Array} uint8Array
* @return {Decoder}
const createDecoder = uint8Array => new Decoder(uint8Array);
* Create an Uint8Array view of the next `len` bytes and advance the position by `len`.
* Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
* Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
* @param {number} len The length of bytes to read
* @return {Uint8Array}
const readUint8Array = (decoder, len) => {
const view = createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer(decoder.arr.buffer, decoder.pos + decoder.arr.byteOffset, len);
decoder.pos += len;
return view
* Read variable length Uint8Array.
* Important: The Uint8Array still points to the underlying ArrayBuffer. Make sure to discard the result as soon as possible to prevent any memory leaks.
* Use `buffer.copyUint8Array` to copy the result into a new Uint8Array.
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder
* @return {Uint8Array}
const readVarUint8Array = decoder => readUint8Array(decoder, readVarUint(decoder));
* Read one byte as unsigned integer.
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder The decoder instance
* @return {number} Unsigned 8-bit integer
const readUint8 = decoder => decoder.arr[decoder.pos++];
* Read unsigned integer (32bit) with variable length.
* 1/8th of the storage is used as encoding overhead.
* * numbers < 2^7 is stored in one bytlength
* * numbers < 2^14 is stored in two bylength
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder
* @return {number} An unsigned integer.length
const readVarUint = decoder => {
let num = 0;
let mult = 1;
const len = decoder.arr.length;
while (decoder.pos < len) {
const r = decoder.arr[decoder.pos++];
// num = num | ((r & binary.BITS7) << len)
num = num + (r & BITS7) * mult; // shift $r << (7*#iterations) and add it to num
mult *= 128; // next iteration, shift 7 "more" to the left
if (r < BIT8) {
return num
/* c8 ignore start */
if (num > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
throw errorIntegerOutOfRange
/* c8 ignore stop */
throw errorUnexpectedEndOfArray
* We don't test this function anymore as we use native decoding/encoding by default now.
* Better not modify this anymore..
* Transforming utf8 to a string is pretty expensive. The code performs 10x better
* when String.fromCodePoint is fed with all characters as arguments.
* But most environments have a maximum number of arguments per functions.
* For effiency reasons we apply a maximum of 10000 characters at once.
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder
* @return {String} The read String.
/* c8 ignore start */
const _readVarStringPolyfill = decoder => {
let remainingLen = readVarUint(decoder);
if (remainingLen === 0) {
return ''
} else {
let encodedString = String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder)); // remember to decrease remainingLen
if (--remainingLen < 100) { // do not create a Uint8Array for small strings
while (remainingLen--) {
encodedString += String.fromCodePoint(readUint8(decoder));
} else {
while (remainingLen > 0) {
const nextLen = remainingLen < 10000 ? remainingLen : 10000;
// this is dangerous, we create a fresh array view from the existing buffer
const bytes = decoder.arr.subarray(decoder.pos, decoder.pos + nextLen);
decoder.pos += nextLen;
// Starting with ES5.1 we can supply a generic array-like object as arguments
encodedString += String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, /** @type {any} */ (bytes));
remainingLen -= nextLen;
return decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString))
/* c8 ignore stop */
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder
* @return {String} The read String
const _readVarStringNative = decoder =>
/** @type any */ (utf8TextDecoder).decode(readVarUint8Array(decoder));
* Read string of variable length
* * varUint is used to store the length of the string
* @function
* @param {Decoder} decoder
* @return {String} The read String
/* c8 ignore next */
const readVarString = utf8TextDecoder ? _readVarStringNative : _readVarStringPolyfill;
* Utility functions to work with buffers (Uint8Array).
* @module buffer
* Create Uint8Array with initial content from buffer
* @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer
* @param {number} byteOffset
* @param {number} length
const createUint8ArrayViewFromArrayBuffer = (buffer, byteOffset, length) => new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
* Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators.
* Given a seed a PRNG generates a sequence of numbers that cannot be reasonably predicted.
* Two PRNGs must generate the same random sequence of numbers if given the same seed.
* @module prng
* Description of the function
* @callback generatorNext
* @return {number} A random float in the cange of [0,1)
* A random type generator.
* @typedef {Object} PRNG
* @property {generatorNext} next Generate new number
const DefaultPRNG = Xoroshiro128plus;
* Create a Xoroshiro128plus Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator.
* This is the fastest full-period generator passing BigCrush without systematic failures.
* But there are more PRNGs available in ./PRNG/.
* @param {number} seed A positive 32bit integer. Do not use negative numbers.
* @return {PRNG}
const create$1 = seed => new DefaultPRNG(seed);
/* c8 ignore stop */
* Utility helpers for generating statistics.
* @module statistics
* @param {Array<number>} arr Array of values
* @return {number} Returns null if the array is empty
const median = arr => arr.length === 0 ? NaN : (arr.length % 2 === 1 ? arr[(arr.length - 1) / 2] : (arr[floor((arr.length - 1) / 2)] + arr[ceil((arr.length - 1) / 2)]) / 2);
* @param {Array<number>} arr
* @return {number}
const average = arr => arr.reduce(add, 0) / arr.length;
* Utility helpers to work with promises.
* @module promise
* @template T
* @callback PromiseResolve
* @param {T|PromiseLike<T>} [result]
* @template T
* @param {function(PromiseResolve<T>,function(Error):void):any} f
* @return {Promise<T>}
const create = f => /** @type {Promise<T>} */ (new Promise(f));
* `Promise.all` wait for all promises in the array to resolve and return the result
* @template {unknown[] | []} PS
* @param {PS} ps
* @return {Promise<{ -readonly [P in keyof PS]: Awaited<PS[P]> }>}
* Checks if an object is a promise using ducktyping.
* Promises are often polyfilled, so it makes sense to add some additional guarantees if the user of this
* library has some insane environment where global Promise objects are overwritten.
* @param {any} p
* @return {boolean}
const isPromise = p => p instanceof Promise || (p && p.then && p.catch && p.finally);
/* eslint-env browser */
const measure = performance.measure.bind(performance);
const now = performance.now.bind(performance);
const mark = performance.mark.bind(performance);
* Testing framework with support for generating tests.
* ```js
* // test.js template for creating a test executable
* import { runTests } from 'lib0/testing'
* import * as log from 'lib0/logging'
* import * as mod1 from './mod1.test.js'
* import * as mod2 from './mod2.test.js'
* import { isBrowser, isNode } from 'lib0/environment.js'
* if (isBrowser) {
* // optional: if this is ran in the browser, attach a virtual console to the dom
* log.createVConsole(document.body)
* }
* runTests({
* mod1,
* mod2,
* }).then(success => {
* if (isNode) {
* process.exit(success ? 0 : 1)
* }
* })
* ```
* ```js
* // mod1.test.js
* /**
* * runTests automatically tests all exported functions that start with "test".
* * The name of the function should be in camelCase and is used for the logging output.
* *
* * @param {t.TestCase} tc
* *\/
* export const testMyFirstTest = tc => {
* t.compare({ a: 4 }, { a: 4 }, 'objects are equal')
* }
* ```
* Now you can simply run `node test.js` to run your test or run test.js in the browser.
* @module testing
/* c8 ignore next */
const envSeed = hasParam('--seed') ? Number.parseInt(getParam('--seed', '0')) : null;
class TestCase {
* @param {string} moduleName
* @param {string} testName
constructor (moduleName, testName) {
* @type {string}
this.moduleName = moduleName;
* @type {string}
this.testName = testName;
* This type can store custom information related to the TestCase
* @type {Map<string,any>}
this.meta = new Map();
this._seed = null;
this._prng = null;
resetSeed () {
this._seed = null;
this._prng = null;
* @type {number}
/* c8 ignore next */
get seed () {
/* c8 ignore else */
if (this._seed === null) {
/* c8 ignore next */
this._seed = envSeed === null ? uint32() : envSeed;
return this._seed
* A PRNG for this test case. Use only this PRNG for randomness to make the test case reproducible.
* @type {prng.PRNG}
get prng () {
/* c8 ignore else */
if (this._prng === null) {
this._prng = create$1(this.seed);
return this._prng
const repetitionTime = Number(getParam('--repetition-time', '50'));
/* c8 ignore next */
const testFilter = hasParam('--filter') ? getParam('--filter', '') : null;
/* c8 ignore next */
const testFilterRegExp = testFilter !== null ? new RegExp(testFilter) : /.*/;
const repeatTestRegex = /^(repeat|repeating)\s/;
* @param {string} moduleName
* @param {string} name
* @param {function(TestCase):void|Promise<any>} f
* @param {number} i
* @param {number} numberOfTests
const run = async (moduleName, name, f, i, numberOfTests) => {
const uncamelized = fromCamelCase(name.slice(4), ' ');
const filtered = !testFilterRegExp.test(`[${i + 1}/${numberOfTests}] ${moduleName}: ${uncamelized}`);
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
if (filtered) {
return true
const tc = new TestCase(moduleName, name);
const repeat = repeatTestRegex.test(uncamelized);
const groupArgs = [GREY, `[${i + 1}/${numberOfTests}] `, PURPLE, `${moduleName}: `, BLUE, uncamelized];
/* c8 ignore next 5 */
if (testFilter === null) {
} else {
const times = [];
const start = now();
let lastTime = start;
* @type {any}
let err = null;
do {
try {
const p = f(tc);
if (isPromise(p)) {
await p;
} catch (_err) {
err = _err;
const currTime = now();
times.push(currTime - lastTime);
lastTime = currTime;
if (repeat && err === null && (lastTime - start) < repetitionTime) {
} else {
} while (err === null && (lastTime - start) < repetitionTime)
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
if (err !== null && err.constructor !== SkipError) {
measure(name, `${name}-start`, `${name}-end`);
const duration = lastTime - start;
let success = true;
times.sort((a, b) => a - b);
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
const againMessage = isBrowser
? ` - ${window.location.host + window.location.pathname}?filter=\\[${i + 1}/${tc._seed === null ? '' : `&seed=${tc._seed}`}`
: `\nrepeat: npm run test -- --filter "\\[${i + 1}/" ${tc._seed === null ? '' : `--seed ${tc._seed}`}`;
const timeInfo = (repeat && err === null)
? ` - ${times.length} repetitions in ${humanizeDuration(duration)} (best: ${humanizeDuration(times[0])}, worst: ${humanizeDuration(last(times))}, median: ${humanizeDuration(median(times))}, average: ${humanizeDuration(average(times))})`
: ` in ${humanizeDuration(duration)}`;
if (err !== null) {
/* c8 ignore start */
if (err.constructor === SkipError) {
print(GREY, BOLD, 'Skipped: ', UNBOLD, uncamelized);
} else {
success = false;
print(RED, BOLD, 'Failure: ', UNBOLD, UNCOLOR, uncamelized, GREY, timeInfo, againMessage);
/* c8 ignore stop */
} else {
print(GREEN, BOLD, 'Success: ', UNBOLD, UNCOLOR, uncamelized, GREY, timeInfo, againMessage);
return success
* @param {any} _constructor
* @param {any} a
* @param {any} b
* @param {string} path
* @throws {TestError}
const compareValues = (_constructor, a, b, path) => {
if (a !== b) {
fail(`Values ${stringify(a)} and ${stringify(b)} don't match (${path})`);
return true
* @param {string?} message
* @param {string} reason
* @param {string} path
* @throws {TestError}
const _failMessage = (message, reason, path) => fail(
message === null
? `${reason} ${path}`
: `${message} (${reason}) ${path}`
* @param {any} a
* @param {any} b
* @param {string} path
* @param {string?} message
* @param {function(any,any,any,string,any):boolean} customCompare
const _compare = (a, b, path, message, customCompare) => {
// we don't use assert here because we want to test all branches (istanbul errors if one branch is not tested)
if (a == null || b == null) {
return compareValues(null, a, b, path)
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
_failMessage(message, 'Constructors don\'t match', path);
let success = true;
switch (a.constructor) {
case ArrayBuffer:
a = new Uint8Array(a);
b = new Uint8Array(b);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
case Uint8Array: {
if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) {
_failMessage(message, 'ArrayBuffer lengths match', path);
for (let i = 0; success && i < a.length; i++) {
success = success && a[i] === b[i];
case Set: {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
_failMessage(message, 'Sets have different number of attributes', path);
// @ts-ignore
a.forEach(value => {
if (!b.has(value)) {
_failMessage(message, `b.${path} does have ${value}`, path);
case Map: {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
_failMessage(message, 'Maps have different number of attributes', path);
// @ts-ignore
a.forEach((value, key) => {
if (!b.has(key)) {
_failMessage(message, `Property ${path}["${key}"] does not exist on second argument`, path);
_compare(value, b.get(key), `${path}["${key}"]`, message, customCompare);
case Object:
if (length$1(a) !== length$1(b)) {
_failMessage(message, 'Objects have a different number of attributes', path);
forEach$1(a, (value, key) => {
if (!hasProperty(b, key)) {
_failMessage(message, `Property ${path} does not exist on second argument`, path);
_compare(value, b[key], `${path}["${key}"]`, message, customCompare);
case Array:
if (a.length !== b.length) {
_failMessage(message, 'Arrays have a different number of attributes', path);
// @ts-ignore
a.forEach((value, i) => _compare(value, b[i], `${path}[${i}]`, message, customCompare));
/* c8 ignore next 4 */
if (!customCompare(a.constructor, a, b, path, compareValues)) {
_failMessage(message, `Values ${stringify(a)} and ${stringify(b)} don't match`, path);
assert(success, message);
return true
* @template T
* @param {T} a
* @param {T} b
* @param {string?} [message]
* @param {function(any,T,T,string,any):boolean} [customCompare]
const compare = (a, b, message = null, customCompare = compareValues) => _compare(a, b, 'obj', message, customCompare);
* @template T
* @param {T} property
* @param {string?} [message]
* @return {asserts property is NonNullable<T>}
* @throws {TestError}
/* c8 ignore next */
const assert = (property, message = null) => { property || fail(`Assertion failed${message !== null ? `: ${message}` : ''}`); };
* @param {Object<string, Object<string, function(TestCase):void|Promise<any>>>} tests
const runTests = async tests => {
* @param {string} testname
const filterTest = testname => testname.startsWith('test') || testname.startsWith('benchmark');
const numberOfTests = map(tests, mod => map(mod, (f, fname) => /* c8 ignore next */ f && filterTest(fname) ? 1 : 0).reduce(add, 0)).reduce(add, 0);
let successfulTests = 0;
let testnumber = 0;
const start = now();
for (const modName in tests) {
const mod = tests[modName];
for (const fname in mod) {
const f = mod[fname];
/* c8 ignore else */
if (f && filterTest(fname)) {
const repeatEachTest = 1;
let success = true;
for (let i = 0; success && i < repeatEachTest; i++) {
success = await run(modName, fname, f, testnumber, numberOfTests);
/* c8 ignore else */
if (success) {
const end = now();
const success = successfulTests === numberOfTests;
/* c8 ignore start */
if (success) {
print(GREEN, BOLD, 'All tests successful!', GREY, UNBOLD, ` in ${humanizeDuration(end - start)}`);
printImgBase64(nyanCatImage, 50);
} else {
const failedTests = numberOfTests - successfulTests;
print(RED, BOLD, `> ${failedTests} test${failedTests > 1 ? 's' : ''} failed`);
/* c8 ignore stop */
return success
class TestError extends Error {}
* @param {string} reason
* @throws {TestError}
const fail = reason => {
print(RED, BOLD, 'X ', UNBOLD, reason);
throw new TestError('Test Failed')
class SkipError extends Error {}
// eslint-disable-next-line
const nyanCatImage = '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* Observable class prototype.
* @module observable
/* c8 ignore start */
* Handles named events.
* @deprecated
* @template N
class Observable {
constructor () {
* Some desc.
* @type {Map<N, any>}
this._observers = create$6();
* @param {N} name
* @param {function} f
on (name, f) {
setIfUndefined(this._observers, name, create$5).add(f);
* @param {N} name
* @param {function} f
once (name, f) {
* @param {...any} args
const _f = (...args) => {
this.off(name, _f);
this.on(name, _f);
* @param {N} name
* @param {function} f
off (name, f) {
const observers = this._observers.get(name);
if (observers !== undefined) {
if (observers.size === 0) {
* Emit a named event. All registered event listeners that listen to the
* specified name will receive the event.
* @todo This should catch exceptions
* @param {N} name The event name.
* @param {Array<any>} args The arguments that are applied to the event listener.
emit (name, args) {
// copy all listeners to an array first to make sure that no event is emitted to listeners that are subscribed while the event handler is called.
return from((this._observers.get(name) || create$6()).values()).forEach(f => f(...args))
destroy () {
this._observers = create$6();
/* c8 ignore end */
* Utility module to create and manipulate Iterators.
* @module iterator
* @template T
* @param {function():IteratorResult<T>} next
* @return {IterableIterator<T>}
const createIterator = next => ({
* @return {IterableIterator<T>}
[Symbol.iterator] () {
return this
// @ts-ignore
* @template T
* @param {Iterator<T>} iterator
* @param {function(T):boolean} filter
const iteratorFilter = (iterator, filter) => createIterator(() => {
let res;
do {
res = iterator.next();
} while (!res.done && !filter(res.value))
return res
* @template T,M
* @param {Iterator<T>} iterator
* @param {function(T):M} fmap
const iteratorMap = (iterator, fmap) => createIterator(() => {
const { done, value } = iterator.next();
return { done, value: done ? undefined : fmap(value) }
class DeleteItem {
* @param {number} clock
* @param {number} len
constructor (clock, len) {
* @type {number}
this.clock = clock;
* @type {number}
this.len = len;
* We no longer maintain a DeleteStore. DeleteSet is a temporary object that is created when needed.
* - When created in a transaction, it must only be accessed after sorting, and merging
* - This DeleteSet is send to other clients
* - We do not create a DeleteSet when we send a sync message. The DeleteSet message is created directly from StructStore
* - We read a DeleteSet as part of a sync/update message. In this case the DeleteSet is already sorted and merged.
class DeleteSet {
constructor () {
* @type {Map<number,Array<DeleteItem>>}
this.clients = new Map();
* Iterate over all structs that the DeleteSet gc's.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @param {function(GC|Item):void} f
* @function
const iterateDeletedStructs = (transaction, ds, f) =>
ds.clients.forEach((deletes, clientid) => {
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (transaction.doc.store.clients.get(clientid));
for (let i = 0; i < deletes.length; i++) {
const del = deletes[i];
iterateStructs(transaction, structs, del.clock, del.len, f);
* @param {Array<DeleteItem>} dis
* @param {number} clock
* @return {number|null}
* @private
* @function
const findIndexDS = (dis, clock) => {
let left = 0;
let right = dis.length - 1;
while (left <= right) {
const midindex = floor((left + right) / 2);
const mid = dis[midindex];
const midclock = mid.clock;
if (midclock <= clock) {
if (clock < midclock + mid.len) {
return midindex
left = midindex + 1;
} else {
right = midindex - 1;
return null
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @param {ID} id
* @return {boolean}
* @private
* @function
const isDeleted = (ds, id) => {
const dis = ds.clients.get(id.client);
return dis !== undefined && findIndexDS(dis, id.clock) !== null
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @private
* @function
const sortAndMergeDeleteSet = ds => {
ds.clients.forEach(dels => {
dels.sort((a, b) => a.clock - b.clock);
// merge items without filtering or splicing the array
// i is the current pointer
// j refers to the current insert position for the pointed item
// try to merge dels[i] into dels[j-1] or set dels[j]=dels[i]
let i, j;
for (i = 1, j = 1; i < dels.length; i++) {
const left = dels[j - 1];
const right = dels[i];
if (left.clock + left.len >= right.clock) {
left.len = max(left.len, right.clock + right.len - left.clock);
} else {
if (j < i) {
dels[j] = right;
dels.length = j;
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @param {number} client
* @param {number} clock
* @param {number} length
* @private
* @function
const addToDeleteSet = (ds, client, clock, length) => {
setIfUndefined(ds.clients, client, () => /** @type {Array<DeleteItem>} */ ([])).push(new DeleteItem(clock, length));
* @param {DSEncoderV1 | DSEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @private
* @function
const writeDeleteSet = (encoder, ds) => {
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, ds.clients.size);
// Ensure that the delete set is written in a deterministic order
.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0])
.forEach(([client, dsitems]) => {
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, client);
const len = dsitems.length;
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const item = dsitems[i];
* @module Y
const generateNewClientId = uint32;
* @typedef {Object} DocOpts
* @property {boolean} [DocOpts.gc=true] Disable garbage collection (default: gc=true)
* @property {function(Item):boolean} [DocOpts.gcFilter] Will be called before an Item is garbage collected. Return false to keep the Item.
* @property {string} [DocOpts.guid] Define a globally unique identifier for this document
* @property {string | null} [DocOpts.collectionid] Associate this document with a collection. This only plays a role if your provider has a concept of collection.
* @property {any} [DocOpts.meta] Any kind of meta information you want to associate with this document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will store the meta information as well.
* @property {boolean} [DocOpts.autoLoad] If a subdocument, automatically load document. If this is a subdocument, remote peers will load the document as well automatically.
* @property {boolean} [DocOpts.shouldLoad] Whether the document should be synced by the provider now. This is toggled to true when you call ydoc.load()
* A Yjs instance handles the state of shared data.
* @extends Observable<string>
class Doc extends Observable {
* @param {DocOpts} opts configuration
constructor ({ guid = uuidv4(), collectionid = null, gc = true, gcFilter = () => true, meta = null, autoLoad = false, shouldLoad = true } = {}) {
this.gc = gc;
this.gcFilter = gcFilter;
this.clientID = generateNewClientId();
this.guid = guid;
this.collectionid = collectionid;
* @type {Map<string, AbstractType<YEvent<any>>>}
this.share = new Map();
this.store = new StructStore();
* @type {Transaction | null}
this._transaction = null;
* @type {Array<Transaction>}
this._transactionCleanups = [];
* @type {Set<Doc>}
this.subdocs = new Set();
* If this document is a subdocument - a document integrated into another document - then _item is defined.
* @type {Item?}
this._item = null;
this.shouldLoad = shouldLoad;
this.autoLoad = autoLoad;
this.meta = meta;
* This is set to true when the persistence provider loaded the document from the database or when the `sync` event fires.
* Note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire the `load` event when the doc content is loaded from the database.
* @type {boolean}
this.isLoaded = false;
* This is set to true when the connection provider has successfully synced with a backend.
* Note that when using peer-to-peer providers this event may not provide very useful.
* Also note that not all providers implement this feature. Provider authors are encouraged to fire
* the `sync` event when the doc has been synced (with `true` as a parameter) or if connection is
* lost (with false as a parameter).
this.isSynced = false;
* Promise that resolves once the document has been loaded from a presistence provider.
this.whenLoaded = create(resolve => {
this.on('load', () => {
this.isLoaded = true;
const provideSyncedPromise = () => create(resolve => {
* @param {boolean} isSynced
const eventHandler = (isSynced) => {
if (isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true) {
this.off('sync', eventHandler);
this.on('sync', eventHandler);
this.on('sync', isSynced => {
if (isSynced === false && this.isSynced) {
this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise();
this.isSynced = isSynced === undefined || isSynced === true;
if (!this.isLoaded) {
this.emit('load', []);
* Promise that resolves once the document has been synced with a backend.
* This promise is recreated when the connection is lost.
* Note the documentation about the `isSynced` property.
this.whenSynced = provideSyncedPromise();
* Notify the parent document that you request to load data into this subdocument (if it is a subdocument).
* `load()` might be used in the future to request any provider to load the most current data.
* It is safe to call `load()` multiple times.
load () {
const item = this._item;
if (item !== null && !this.shouldLoad) {
transact(/** @type {any} */ (item.parent).doc, transaction => {
}, null, true);
this.shouldLoad = true;
getSubdocs () {
return this.subdocs
getSubdocGuids () {
return new Set(from(this.subdocs).map(doc => doc.guid))
* Changes that happen inside of a transaction are bundled. This means that
* the observer fires _after_ the transaction is finished and that all changes
* that happened inside of the transaction are sent as one message to the
* other peers.
* @template T
* @param {function(Transaction):T} f The function that should be executed as a transaction
* @param {any} [origin] Origin of who started the transaction. Will be stored on transaction.origin
* @return T
* @public
transact (f, origin = null) {
return transact(this, f, origin)
* Define a shared data type.
* Multiple calls of `y.get(name, TypeConstructor)` yield the same result
* and do not overwrite each other. I.e.
* `y.define(name, Y.Array) === y.define(name, Y.Array)`
* After this method is called, the type is also available on `y.share.get(name)`.
* *Best Practices:*
* Define all types right after the Yjs instance is created and store them in a separate object.
* Also use the typed methods `getText(name)`, `getArray(name)`, ..
* @example
* const y = new Y(..)
* const appState = {
* document: y.getText('document')
* comments: y.getArray('comments')
* }
* @param {string} name
* @param {Function} TypeConstructor The constructor of the type definition. E.g. Y.Text, Y.Array, Y.Map, ...
* @return {AbstractType<any>} The created type. Constructed with TypeConstructor
* @public
get (name, TypeConstructor = AbstractType) {
const type = setIfUndefined(this.share, name, () => {
// @ts-ignore
const t = new TypeConstructor();
t._integrate(this, null);
return t
const Constr = type.constructor;
if (TypeConstructor !== AbstractType && Constr !== TypeConstructor) {
if (Constr === AbstractType) {
// @ts-ignore
const t = new TypeConstructor();
t._map = type._map;
type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item?} n */ n => {
for (; n !== null; n = n.left) {
// @ts-ignore
n.parent = t;
t._start = type._start;
for (let n = t._start; n !== null; n = n.right) {
n.parent = t;
t._length = type._length;
this.share.set(name, t);
t._integrate(this, null);
return t
} else {
throw new Error(`Type with the name ${name} has already been defined with a different constructor`)
return type
* @template T
* @param {string} [name]
* @return {YArray<T>}
* @public
getArray (name = '') {
// @ts-ignore
return this.get(name, YArray)
* @param {string} [name]
* @return {YText}
* @public
getText (name = '') {
// @ts-ignore
return this.get(name, YText)
* @template T
* @param {string} [name]
* @return {YMap<T>}
* @public
getMap (name = '') {
// @ts-ignore
return this.get(name, YMap)
* @param {string} [name]
* @return {YXmlFragment}
* @public
getXmlFragment (name = '') {
// @ts-ignore
return this.get(name, YXmlFragment)
* Converts the entire document into a js object, recursively traversing each yjs type
* Doesn't log types that have not been defined (using ydoc.getType(..)).
* @deprecated Do not use this method and rather call toJSON directly on the shared types.
* @return {Object<string, any>}
toJSON () {
* @type {Object<string, any>}
const doc = {};
this.share.forEach((value, key) => {
doc[key] = value.toJSON();
return doc
* Emit `destroy` event and unregister all event handlers.
destroy () {
from(this.subdocs).forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy());
const item = this._item;
if (item !== null) {
this._item = null;
const content = /** @type {ContentDoc} */ (item.content);
content.doc = new Doc({ guid: this.guid, ...content.opts, shouldLoad: false });
content.doc._item = item;
transact(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent.doc, transaction => {
const doc = content.doc;
if (!item.deleted) {
}, null, true);
this.emit('destroyed', [true]);
this.emit('destroy', [this]);
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {function(...any):any} f
on (eventName, f) {
super.on(eventName, f);
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {function} f
off (eventName, f) {
super.off(eventName, f);
class DSEncoderV1 {
constructor () {
this.restEncoder = createEncoder();
toUint8Array () {
return toUint8Array(this.restEncoder)
resetDsCurVal () {
// nop
* @param {number} clock
writeDsClock (clock) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, clock);
* @param {number} len
writeDsLen (len) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len);
class UpdateEncoderV1 extends DSEncoderV1 {
* @param {ID} id
writeLeftID (id) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client);
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock);
* @param {ID} id
writeRightID (id) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.client);
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, id.clock);
* Use writeClient and writeClock instead of writeID if possible.
* @param {number} client
writeClient (client) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, client);
* @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
writeInfo (info) {
writeUint8(this.restEncoder, info);
* @param {string} s
writeString (s) {
writeVarString(this.restEncoder, s);
* @param {boolean} isYKey
writeParentInfo (isYKey) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, isYKey ? 1 : 0);
* @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
writeTypeRef (info) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, info);
* Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
* @param {number} len
writeLen (len) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len);
* @param {any} any
writeAny (any) {
writeAny(this.restEncoder, any);
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
writeBuf (buf) {
writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf);
* @param {any} embed
writeJSON (embed) {
writeVarString(this.restEncoder, JSON.stringify(embed));
* @param {string} key
writeKey (key) {
writeVarString(this.restEncoder, key);
class DSEncoderV2 {
constructor () {
this.restEncoder = createEncoder(); // encodes all the rest / non-optimized
this.dsCurrVal = 0;
toUint8Array () {
return toUint8Array(this.restEncoder)
resetDsCurVal () {
this.dsCurrVal = 0;
* @param {number} clock
writeDsClock (clock) {
const diff = clock - this.dsCurrVal;
this.dsCurrVal = clock;
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, diff);
* @param {number} len
writeDsLen (len) {
if (len === 0) {
writeVarUint(this.restEncoder, len - 1);
this.dsCurrVal += len;
class UpdateEncoderV2 extends DSEncoderV2 {
constructor () {
* @type {Map<string,number>}
this.keyMap = new Map();
* Refers to the next uniqe key-identifier to me used.
* See writeKey method for more information.
* @type {number}
this.keyClock = 0;
this.keyClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
this.clientEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();
this.leftClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
this.rightClockEncoder = new IntDiffOptRleEncoder();
this.infoEncoder = new RleEncoder(writeUint8);
this.stringEncoder = new StringEncoder();
this.parentInfoEncoder = new RleEncoder(writeUint8);
this.typeRefEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();
this.lenEncoder = new UintOptRleEncoder();
toUint8Array () {
const encoder = createEncoder();
writeVarUint(encoder, 0); // this is a feature flag that we might use in the future
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.keyClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.clientEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.leftClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.rightClockEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.infoEncoder));
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.stringEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.parentInfoEncoder));
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.typeRefEncoder.toUint8Array());
writeVarUint8Array(encoder, this.lenEncoder.toUint8Array());
// @note The rest encoder is appended! (note the missing var)
writeUint8Array(encoder, toUint8Array(this.restEncoder));
return toUint8Array(encoder)
* @param {ID} id
writeLeftID (id) {
* @param {ID} id
writeRightID (id) {
* @param {number} client
writeClient (client) {
* @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
writeInfo (info) {
* @param {string} s
writeString (s) {
* @param {boolean} isYKey
writeParentInfo (isYKey) {
this.parentInfoEncoder.write(isYKey ? 1 : 0);
* @param {number} info An unsigned 8-bit integer
writeTypeRef (info) {
* Write len of a struct - well suited for Opt RLE encoder.
* @param {number} len
writeLen (len) {
* @param {any} any
writeAny (any) {
writeAny(this.restEncoder, any);
* @param {Uint8Array} buf
writeBuf (buf) {
writeVarUint8Array(this.restEncoder, buf);
* This is mainly here for legacy purposes.
* Initial we incoded objects using JSON. Now we use the much faster lib0/any-encoder. This method mainly exists for legacy purposes for the v1 encoder.
* @param {any} embed
writeJSON (embed) {
writeAny(this.restEncoder, embed);
* Property keys are often reused. For example, in y-prosemirror the key `bold` might
* occur very often. For a 3d application, the key `position` might occur very often.
* We cache these keys in a Map and refer to them via a unique number.
* @param {string} key
writeKey (key) {
const clock = this.keyMap.get(key);
if (clock === undefined) {
* @todo uncomment to introduce this feature finally
* Background. The ContentFormat object was always encoded using writeKey, but the decoder used to use readString.
* Furthermore, I forgot to set the keyclock. So everything was working fine.
* However, this feature here is basically useless as it is not being used (it actually only consumes extra memory).
* I don't know yet how to reintroduce this feature..
* Older clients won't be able to read updates when we reintroduce this feature. So this should probably be done using a flag.
// this.keyMap.set(key, this.keyClock)
} else {
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {Array<GC|Item>} structs All structs by `client`
* @param {number} client
* @param {number} clock write structs starting with `ID(client,clock)`
* @function
const writeStructs = (encoder, structs, client, clock) => {
// write first id
clock = max(clock, structs[0].id.clock); // make sure the first id exists
const startNewStructs = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
// write # encoded structs
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, structs.length - startNewStructs);
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, clock);
const firstStruct = structs[startNewStructs];
// write first struct with an offset
firstStruct.write(encoder, clock - firstStruct.id.clock);
for (let i = startNewStructs + 1; i < structs.length; i++) {
structs[i].write(encoder, 0);
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {Map<number,number>} _sm
* @private
* @function
const writeClientsStructs = (encoder, store, _sm) => {
// we filter all valid _sm entries into sm
const sm = new Map();
_sm.forEach((clock, client) => {
// only write if new structs are available
if (getState(store, client) > clock) {
sm.set(client, clock);
getStateVector(store).forEach((_clock, client) => {
if (!_sm.has(client)) {
sm.set(client, 0);
// write # states that were updated
writeVarUint(encoder.restEncoder, sm.size);
// Write items with higher client ids first
// This heavily improves the conflict algorithm.
from(sm.entries()).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]).forEach(([client, clock]) => {
writeStructs(encoder, /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client)), client, clock);
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @private
* @function
const writeStructsFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => writeClientsStructs(encoder, transaction.doc.store, transaction.beforeState);
* General event handler implementation.
* @template ARG0, ARG1
* @private
class EventHandler {
constructor () {
* @type {Array<function(ARG0, ARG1):void>}
this.l = [];
* @template ARG0,ARG1
* @returns {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>}
* @private
* @function
const createEventHandler = () => new EventHandler();
* Adds an event listener that is called when
* {@link EventHandler#callEventListeners} is called.
* @template ARG0,ARG1
* @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
* @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler.
* @private
* @function
const addEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) =>
* Removes an event listener.
* @template ARG0,ARG1
* @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
* @param {function(ARG0,ARG1):void} f The event handler that was added with
* {@link EventHandler#addEventListener}
* @private
* @function
const removeEventHandlerListener = (eventHandler, f) => {
const l = eventHandler.l;
const len = l.length;
eventHandler.l = l.filter(g => f !== g);
if (len === eventHandler.l.length) {
console.error('[yjs] Tried to remove event handler that doesn\'t exist.');
* Call all event listeners that were added via
* {@link EventHandler#addEventListener}.
* @template ARG0,ARG1
* @param {EventHandler<ARG0,ARG1>} eventHandler
* @param {ARG0} arg0
* @param {ARG1} arg1
* @private
* @function
const callEventHandlerListeners = (eventHandler, arg0, arg1) =>
callAll(eventHandler.l, [arg0, arg1]);
class ID {
* @param {number} client client id
* @param {number} clock unique per client id, continuous number
constructor (client, clock) {
* Client id
* @type {number}
this.client = client;
* unique per client id, continuous number
* @type {number}
this.clock = clock;
* @param {ID | null} a
* @param {ID | null} b
* @return {boolean}
* @function
const compareIDs = (a, b) => a === b || (a !== null && b !== null && a.client === b.client && a.clock === b.clock);
* @param {number} client
* @param {number} clock
* @private
* @function
const createID = (client, clock) => new ID(client, clock);
* The top types are mapped from y.share.get(keyname) => type.
* `type` does not store any information about the `keyname`.
* This function finds the correct `keyname` for `type` and throws otherwise.
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @return {string}
* @private
* @function
const findRootTypeKey = type => {
// @ts-ignore _y must be defined, otherwise unexpected case
for (const [key, value] of type.doc.share.entries()) {
if (value === type) {
return key
throw unexpectedCase()
* @param {Item} item
* @param {Snapshot|undefined} snapshot
* @protected
* @function
const isVisible = (item, snapshot) => snapshot === undefined
? !item.deleted
: snapshot.sv.has(item.id.client) && (snapshot.sv.get(item.id.client) || 0) > item.id.clock && !isDeleted(snapshot.ds, item.id);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Snapshot} snapshot
const splitSnapshotAffectedStructs = (transaction, snapshot) => {
const meta = setIfUndefined(transaction.meta, splitSnapshotAffectedStructs, create$5);
const store = transaction.doc.store;
// check if we already split for this snapshot
if (!meta.has(snapshot)) {
snapshot.sv.forEach((clock, client) => {
if (clock < getState(store, client)) {
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(client, clock));
iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, snapshot.ds, _item => {});
class StructStore {
constructor () {
* @type {Map<number,Array<GC|Item>>}
this.clients = new Map();
* @type {null | { missing: Map<number, number>, update: Uint8Array }}
this.pendingStructs = null;
* @type {null | Uint8Array}
this.pendingDs = null;
* Return the states as a Map<client,clock>.
* Note that clock refers to the next expected clock id.
* @param {StructStore} store
* @return {Map<number,number>}
* @public
* @function
const getStateVector = store => {
const sm = new Map();
store.clients.forEach((structs, client) => {
const struct = structs[structs.length - 1];
sm.set(client, struct.id.clock + struct.length);
return sm
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {number} client
* @return {number}
* @public
* @function
const getState = (store, client) => {
const structs = store.clients.get(client);
if (structs === undefined) {
return 0
const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1];
return lastStruct.id.clock + lastStruct.length
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {GC|Item} struct
* @private
* @function
const addStruct = (store, struct) => {
let structs = store.clients.get(struct.id.client);
if (structs === undefined) {
structs = [];
store.clients.set(struct.id.client, structs);
} else {
const lastStruct = structs[structs.length - 1];
if (lastStruct.id.clock + lastStruct.length !== struct.id.clock) {
throw unexpectedCase()
* Perform a binary search on a sorted array
* @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
* @param {number} clock
* @return {number}
* @private
* @function
const findIndexSS = (structs, clock) => {
let left = 0;
let right = structs.length - 1;
let mid = structs[right];
let midclock = mid.id.clock;
if (midclock === clock) {
return right
// @todo does it even make sense to pivot the search?
// If a good split misses, it might actually increase the time to find the correct item.
// Currently, the only advantage is that search with pivoting might find the item on the first try.
let midindex = floor((clock / (midclock + mid.length - 1)) * right); // pivoting the search
while (left <= right) {
mid = structs[midindex];
midclock = mid.id.clock;
if (midclock <= clock) {
if (clock < midclock + mid.length) {
return midindex
left = midindex + 1;
} else {
right = midindex - 1;
midindex = floor((left + right) / 2);
// Always check state before looking for a struct in StructStore
// Therefore the case of not finding a struct is unexpected
throw unexpectedCase()
* Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {ID} id
* @return {GC|Item}
* @private
* @function
const find = (store, id) => {
* @type {Array<GC|Item>}
// @ts-ignore
const structs = store.clients.get(id.client);
return structs[findIndexSS(structs, id.clock)]
* Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
* @private
* @function
const getItem = /** @type {function(StructStore,ID):Item} */ (find);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
* @param {number} clock
const findIndexCleanStart = (transaction, structs, clock) => {
const index = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
const struct = structs[index];
if (struct.id.clock < clock && struct instanceof Item) {
structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, clock - struct.id.clock));
return index + 1
return index
* Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {ID} id
* @return {Item}
* @private
* @function
const getItemCleanStart = (transaction, id) => {
const structs = /** @type {Array<Item>} */ (transaction.doc.store.clients.get(id.client));
return structs[findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, id.clock)]
* Expects that id is actually in store. This function throws or is an infinite loop otherwise.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {ID} id
* @return {Item}
* @private
* @function
const getItemCleanEnd = (transaction, store, id) => {
* @type {Array<Item>}
// @ts-ignore
const structs = store.clients.get(id.client);
const index = findIndexSS(structs, id.clock);
const struct = structs[index];
if (id.clock !== struct.id.clock + struct.length - 1 && struct.constructor !== GC) {
structs.splice(index + 1, 0, splitItem(transaction, struct, id.clock - struct.id.clock + 1));
return struct
* Replace `item` with `newitem` in store
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {GC|Item} struct
* @param {GC|Item} newStruct
* @private
* @function
const replaceStruct = (store, struct, newStruct) => {
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(struct.id.client));
structs[findIndexSS(structs, struct.id.clock)] = newStruct;
* Iterate over a range of structs
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Array<Item|GC>} structs
* @param {number} clockStart Inclusive start
* @param {number} len
* @param {function(GC|Item):void} f
* @function
const iterateStructs = (transaction, structs, clockStart, len, f) => {
if (len === 0) {
const clockEnd = clockStart + len;
let index = findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockStart);
let struct;
do {
struct = structs[index++];
if (clockEnd < struct.id.clock + struct.length) {
findIndexCleanStart(transaction, structs, clockEnd);
} while (index < structs.length && structs[index].id.clock < clockEnd)
* A transaction is created for every change on the Yjs model. It is possible
* to bundle changes on the Yjs model in a single transaction to
* minimize the number on messages sent and the number of observer calls.
* If possible the user of this library should bundle as many changes as
* possible. Here is an example to illustrate the advantages of bundling:
* @example
* const map = y.define('map', YMap)
* // Log content when change is triggered
* map.observe(() => {
* console.log('change triggered')
* })
* // Each change on the map type triggers a log message:
* map.set('a', 0) // => "change triggered"
* map.set('b', 0) // => "change triggered"
* // When put in a transaction, it will trigger the log after the transaction:
* y.transact(() => {
* map.set('a', 1)
* map.set('b', 1)
* }) // => "change triggered"
* @public
class Transaction {
* @param {Doc} doc
* @param {any} origin
* @param {boolean} local
constructor (doc, origin, local) {
* The Yjs instance.
* @type {Doc}
this.doc = doc;
* Describes the set of deleted items by ids
* @type {DeleteSet}
this.deleteSet = new DeleteSet();
* Holds the state before the transaction started.
* @type {Map<Number,Number>}
this.beforeState = getStateVector(doc.store);
* Holds the state after the transaction.
* @type {Map<Number,Number>}
this.afterState = new Map();
* All types that were directly modified (property added or child
* inserted/deleted). New types are not included in this Set.
* Maps from type to parentSubs (`item.parentSub = null` for YArray)
* @type {Map<AbstractType<YEvent<any>>,Set<String|null>>}
this.changed = new Map();
* Stores the events for the types that observe also child elements.
* It is mainly used by `observeDeep`.
* @type {Map<AbstractType<YEvent<any>>,Array<YEvent<any>>>}
this.changedParentTypes = new Map();
* @type {Array<AbstractStruct>}
this._mergeStructs = [];
* @type {any}
this.origin = origin;
* Stores meta information on the transaction
* @type {Map<any,any>}
this.meta = new Map();
* Whether this change originates from this doc.
* @type {boolean}
this.local = local;
* @type {Set<Doc>}
this.subdocsAdded = new Set();
* @type {Set<Doc>}
this.subdocsRemoved = new Set();
* @type {Set<Doc>}
this.subdocsLoaded = new Set();
* @type {boolean}
this._needFormattingCleanup = false;
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @return {boolean} Whether data was written.
const writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction = (encoder, transaction) => {
if (transaction.deleteSet.clients.size === 0 && !any(transaction.afterState, (clock, client) => transaction.beforeState.get(client) !== clock)) {
return false
writeStructsFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
writeDeleteSet(encoder, transaction.deleteSet);
return true
* If `type.parent` was added in current transaction, `type` technically
* did not change, it was just added and we should not fire events for `type`.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<YEvent<any>>} type
* @param {string|null} parentSub
const addChangedTypeToTransaction = (transaction, type, parentSub) => {
const item = type._item;
if (item === null || (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0) && !item.deleted)) {
setIfUndefined(transaction.changed, type, create$5).add(parentSub);
* @param {Array<AbstractStruct>} structs
* @param {number} pos
* @return {number} # of merged structs
const tryToMergeWithLefts = (structs, pos) => {
let right = structs[pos];
let left = structs[pos - 1];
let i = pos;
for (; i > 0; right = left, left = structs[--i - 1]) {
if (left.deleted === right.deleted && left.constructor === right.constructor) {
if (left.mergeWith(right)) {
if (right instanceof Item && right.parentSub !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (right.parent)._map.get(right.parentSub) === right) {
/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (right.parent)._map.set(right.parentSub, /** @type {Item} */ (left));
const merged = pos - i;
if (merged) {
// remove all merged structs from the array
structs.splice(pos + 1 - merged, merged);
return merged
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {function(Item):boolean} gcFilter
const tryGcDeleteSet = (ds, store, gcFilter) => {
for (const [client, deleteItems] of ds.clients.entries()) {
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) {
const deleteItem = deleteItems[di];
const endDeleteItemClock = deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len;
for (
let si = findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock), struct = structs[si];
si < structs.length && struct.id.clock < endDeleteItemClock;
struct = structs[++si]
) {
const struct = structs[si];
if (deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len <= struct.id.clock) {
if (struct instanceof Item && struct.deleted && !struct.keep && gcFilter(struct)) {
struct.gc(store, false);
* @param {DeleteSet} ds
* @param {StructStore} store
const tryMergeDeleteSet = (ds, store) => {
// try to merge deleted / gc'd items
// merge from right to left for better efficiecy and so we don't miss any merge targets
ds.clients.forEach((deleteItems, client) => {
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
for (let di = deleteItems.length - 1; di >= 0; di--) {
const deleteItem = deleteItems[di];
// start with merging the item next to the last deleted item
const mostRightIndexToCheck = min(structs.length - 1, 1 + findIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.clock + deleteItem.len - 1));
for (
let si = mostRightIndexToCheck, struct = structs[si];
si > 0 && struct.id.clock >= deleteItem.clock;
struct = structs[si]
) {
si -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, si);
* @param {Array<Transaction>} transactionCleanups
* @param {number} i
const cleanupTransactions = (transactionCleanups, i) => {
if (i < transactionCleanups.length) {
const transaction = transactionCleanups[i];
const doc = transaction.doc;
const store = doc.store;
const ds = transaction.deleteSet;
const mergeStructs = transaction._mergeStructs;
try {
transaction.afterState = getStateVector(transaction.doc.store);
doc.emit('beforeObserverCalls', [transaction, doc]);
* An array of event callbacks.
* Each callback is called even if the other ones throw errors.
* @type {Array<function():void>}
const fs = [];
// observe events on changed types
transaction.changed.forEach((subs, itemtype) =>
fs.push(() => {
if (itemtype._item === null || !itemtype._item.deleted) {
itemtype._callObserver(transaction, subs);
fs.push(() => {
// deep observe events
transaction.changedParentTypes.forEach((events, type) => {
// We need to think about the possibility that the user transforms the
// Y.Doc in the event.
if (type._dEH.l.length > 0 && (type._item === null || !type._item.deleted)) {
events = events
.filter(event =>
event.target._item === null || !event.target._item.deleted
.forEach(event => {
event.currentTarget = type;
// path is relative to the current target
event._path = null;
// sort events by path length so that top-level events are fired first.
.sort((event1, event2) => event1.path.length - event2.path.length);
// We don't need to check for events.length
// because we know it has at least one element
callEventHandlerListeners(type._dEH, events, transaction);
fs.push(() => doc.emit('afterTransaction', [transaction, doc]));
callAll(fs, []);
if (transaction._needFormattingCleanup) {
} finally {
// Replace deleted items with ItemDeleted / GC.
// This is where content is actually remove from the Yjs Doc.
if (doc.gc) {
tryGcDeleteSet(ds, store, doc.gcFilter);
tryMergeDeleteSet(ds, store);
// on all affected store.clients props, try to merge
transaction.afterState.forEach((clock, client) => {
const beforeClock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0;
if (beforeClock !== clock) {
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
// we iterate from right to left so we can safely remove entries
const firstChangePos = max(findIndexSS(structs, beforeClock), 1);
for (let i = structs.length - 1; i >= firstChangePos;) {
i -= 1 + tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, i);
// try to merge mergeStructs
// @todo: it makes more sense to transform mergeStructs to a DS, sort it, and merge from right to left
// but at the moment DS does not handle duplicates
for (let i = mergeStructs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const { client, clock } = mergeStructs[i].id;
const structs = /** @type {Array<GC|Item>} */ (store.clients.get(client));
const replacedStructPos = findIndexSS(structs, clock);
if (replacedStructPos + 1 < structs.length) {
if (tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos + 1) > 1) {
continue // no need to perform next check, both are already merged
if (replacedStructPos > 0) {
tryToMergeWithLefts(structs, replacedStructPos);
if (!transaction.local && transaction.afterState.get(doc.clientID) !== transaction.beforeState.get(doc.clientID)) {
print(ORANGE, BOLD, '[yjs] ', UNBOLD, RED, 'Changed the client-id because another client seems to be using it.');
doc.clientID = generateNewClientId();
// @todo Merge all the transactions into one and provide send the data as a single update message
doc.emit('afterTransactionCleanup', [transaction, doc]);
if (doc._observers.has('update')) {
const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV1();
const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
if (hasContent) {
doc.emit('update', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]);
if (doc._observers.has('updateV2')) {
const encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2();
const hasContent = writeUpdateMessageFromTransaction(encoder, transaction);
if (hasContent) {
doc.emit('updateV2', [encoder.toUint8Array(), transaction.origin, doc, transaction]);
const { subdocsAdded, subdocsLoaded, subdocsRemoved } = transaction;
if (subdocsAdded.size > 0 || subdocsRemoved.size > 0 || subdocsLoaded.size > 0) {
subdocsAdded.forEach(subdoc => {
subdoc.clientID = doc.clientID;
if (subdoc.collectionid == null) {
subdoc.collectionid = doc.collectionid;
subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => doc.subdocs.delete(subdoc));
doc.emit('subdocs', [{ loaded: subdocsLoaded, added: subdocsAdded, removed: subdocsRemoved }, doc, transaction]);
subdocsRemoved.forEach(subdoc => subdoc.destroy());
if (transactionCleanups.length <= i + 1) {
doc._transactionCleanups = [];
doc.emit('afterAllTransactions', [doc, transactionCleanups]);
} else {
cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, i + 1);
* Implements the functionality of `y.transact(()=>{..})`
* @template T
* @param {Doc} doc
* @param {function(Transaction):T} f
* @param {any} [origin=true]
* @return {T}
* @function
const transact = (doc, f, origin = null, local = true) => {
const transactionCleanups = doc._transactionCleanups;
let initialCall = false;
* @type {any}
let result = null;
if (doc._transaction === null) {
initialCall = true;
doc._transaction = new Transaction(doc, origin, local);
if (transactionCleanups.length === 1) {
doc.emit('beforeAllTransactions', [doc]);
doc.emit('beforeTransaction', [doc._transaction, doc]);
try {
result = f(doc._transaction);
} finally {
if (initialCall) {
const finishCleanup = doc._transaction === transactionCleanups[0];
doc._transaction = null;
if (finishCleanup) {
// The first transaction ended, now process observer calls.
// Observer call may create new transactions for which we need to call the observers and do cleanup.
// We don't want to nest these calls, so we execute these calls one after
// another.
// Also we need to ensure that all cleanups are called, even if the
// observes throw errors.
// This file is full of hacky try {} finally {} blocks to ensure that an
// event can throw errors and also that the cleanup is called.
cleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, 0);
return result
const errorComputeChanges = 'You must not compute changes after the event-handler fired.';
* @template {AbstractType<any>} T
* YEvent describes the changes on a YType.
class YEvent {
* @param {T} target The changed type.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
constructor (target, transaction) {
* The type on which this event was created on.
* @type {T}
this.target = target;
* The current target on which the observe callback is called.
* @type {AbstractType<any>}
this.currentTarget = target;
* The transaction that triggered this event.
* @type {Transaction}
this.transaction = transaction;
* @type {Object|null}
this._changes = null;
* @type {null | Map<string, { action: 'add' | 'update' | 'delete', oldValue: any, newValue: any }>}
this._keys = null;
* @type {null | Array<{ insert?: string | Array<any> | object | AbstractType<any>, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object<string, any> }>}
this._delta = null;
* @type {Array<string|number>|null}
this._path = null;
* Computes the path from `y` to the changed type.
* @todo v14 should standardize on path: Array<{parent, index}> because that is easier to work with.
* The following property holds:
* @example
* let type = y
* event.path.forEach(dir => {
* type = type.get(dir)
* })
* type === event.target // => true
get path () {
return this._path || (this._path = getPathTo(this.currentTarget, this.target))
* Check if a struct is deleted by this event.
* In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted.
* @param {AbstractStruct} struct
* @return {boolean}
deletes (struct) {
return isDeleted(this.transaction.deleteSet, struct.id)
* @type {Map<string, { action: 'add' | 'update' | 'delete', oldValue: any, newValue: any }>}
get keys () {
if (this._keys === null) {
if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) {
throw create$2(errorComputeChanges)
const keys = new Map();
const target = this.target;
const changed = /** @type Set<string|null> */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target));
changed.forEach(key => {
if (key !== null) {
const item = /** @type {Item} */ (target._map.get(key));
* @type {'delete' | 'add' | 'update'}
let action;
let oldValue;
if (this.adds(item)) {
let prev = item.left;
while (prev !== null && this.adds(prev)) {
prev = prev.left;
if (this.deletes(item)) {
if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) {
action = 'delete';
oldValue = last(prev.content.getContent());
} else {
} else {
if (prev !== null && this.deletes(prev)) {
action = 'update';
oldValue = last(prev.content.getContent());
} else {
action = 'add';
oldValue = undefined;
} else {
if (this.deletes(item)) {
action = 'delete';
oldValue = last(/** @type {Item} */ item.content.getContent());
} else {
return // nop
keys.set(key, { action, oldValue });
this._keys = keys;
return this._keys
* This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the
* event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in
* unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes
* is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object.
* @type {Array<{insert?: string | Array<any> | object | AbstractType<any>, retain?: number, delete?: number, attributes?: Object<string, any>}>}
get delta () {
return this.changes.delta
* Check if a struct is added by this event.
* In contrast to change.deleted, this method also returns true if the struct was added and then deleted.
* @param {AbstractStruct} struct
* @return {boolean}
adds (struct) {
return struct.id.clock >= (this.transaction.beforeState.get(struct.id.client) || 0)
* This is a computed property. Note that this can only be safely computed during the
* event call. Computing this property after other changes happened might result in
* unexpected behavior (incorrect computation of deltas). A safe way to collect changes
* is to store the `changes` or the `delta` object. Avoid storing the `transaction` object.
* @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
get changes () {
let changes = this._changes;
if (changes === null) {
if (this.transaction.doc._transactionCleanups.length === 0) {
throw create$2(errorComputeChanges)
const target = this.target;
const added = create$5();
const deleted = create$5();
* @type {Array<{insert:Array<any>}|{delete:number}|{retain:number}>}
const delta = [];
changes = {
keys: this.keys
const changed = /** @type Set<string|null> */ (this.transaction.changed.get(target));
if (changed.has(null)) {
* @type {any}
let lastOp = null;
const packOp = () => {
if (lastOp) {
for (let item = target._start; item !== null; item = item.right) {
if (item.deleted) {
if (this.deletes(item) && !this.adds(item)) {
if (lastOp === null || lastOp.delete === undefined) {
lastOp = { delete: 0 };
lastOp.delete += item.length;
} // else nop
} else {
if (this.adds(item)) {
if (lastOp === null || lastOp.insert === undefined) {
lastOp = { insert: [] };
lastOp.insert = lastOp.insert.concat(item.content.getContent());
} else {
if (lastOp === null || lastOp.retain === undefined) {
lastOp = { retain: 0 };
lastOp.retain += item.length;
if (lastOp !== null && lastOp.retain === undefined) {
this._changes = changes;
return /** @type {any} */ (changes)
* Compute the path from this type to the specified target.
* @example
* // `child` should be accessible via `type.get(path[0]).get(path[1])..`
* const path = type.getPathTo(child)
* // assuming `type instanceof YArray`
* console.log(path) // might look like => [2, 'key1']
* child === type.get(path[0]).get(path[1])
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {AbstractType<any>} child target
* @return {Array<string|number>} Path to the target
* @private
* @function
const getPathTo = (parent, child) => {
const path = [];
while (child._item !== null && child !== parent) {
if (child._item.parentSub !== null) {
// parent is map-ish
} else {
// parent is array-ish
let i = 0;
let c = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (child._item.parent)._start;
while (c !== child._item && c !== null) {
if (!c.deleted) {
c = c.right;
child = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (child._item.parent);
return path
const maxSearchMarker = 80;
* A unique timestamp that identifies each marker.
* Time is relative,.. this is more like an ever-increasing clock.
* @type {number}
let globalSearchMarkerTimestamp = 0;
class ArraySearchMarker {
* @param {Item} p
* @param {number} index
constructor (p, index) {
p.marker = true;
this.p = p;
this.index = index;
this.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++;
* @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker
const refreshMarkerTimestamp = marker => { marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++; };
* This is rather complex so this function is the only thing that should overwrite a marker
* @param {ArraySearchMarker} marker
* @param {Item} p
* @param {number} index
const overwriteMarker = (marker, p, index) => {
marker.p.marker = false;
marker.p = p;
p.marker = true;
marker.index = index;
marker.timestamp = globalSearchMarkerTimestamp++;
* @param {Array<ArraySearchMarker>} searchMarker
* @param {Item} p
* @param {number} index
const markPosition = (searchMarker, p, index) => {
if (searchMarker.length >= maxSearchMarker) {
// override oldest marker (we don't want to create more objects)
const marker = searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? a : b);
overwriteMarker(marker, p, index);
return marker
} else {
// create new marker
const pm = new ArraySearchMarker(p, index);
return pm
* Search marker help us to find positions in the associative array faster.
* They speed up the process of finding a position without much bookkeeping.
* A maximum of `maxSearchMarker` objects are created.
* This function always returns a refreshed marker (updated timestamp)
* @param {AbstractType<any>} yarray
* @param {number} index
const findMarker = (yarray, index) => {
if (yarray._start === null || index === 0 || yarray._searchMarker === null) {
return null
const marker = yarray._searchMarker.length === 0 ? null : yarray._searchMarker.reduce((a, b) => abs(index - a.index) < abs(index - b.index) ? a : b);
let p = yarray._start;
let pindex = 0;
if (marker !== null) {
p = marker.p;
pindex = marker.index;
refreshMarkerTimestamp(marker); // we used it, we might need to use it again
// iterate to right if possible
while (p.right !== null && pindex < index) {
if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
if (index < pindex + p.length) {
pindex += p.length;
p = p.right;
// iterate to left if necessary (might be that pindex > index)
while (p.left !== null && pindex > index) {
p = p.left;
if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
pindex -= p.length;
// we want to make sure that p can't be merged with left, because that would screw up everything
// in that cas just return what we have (it is most likely the best marker anyway)
// iterate to left until p can't be merged with left
while (p.left !== null && p.left.id.client === p.id.client && p.left.id.clock + p.left.length === p.id.clock) {
p = p.left;
if (!p.deleted && p.countable) {
pindex -= p.length;
// @todo remove!
// assure position
// {
// let start = yarray._start
// let pos = 0
// while (start !== p) {
// if (!start.deleted && start.countable) {
// pos += start.length
// }
// start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right)
// }
// if (pos !== pindex) {
// debugger
// throw new Error('Gotcha position fail!')
// }
// }
// if (marker) {
// if (window.lengthes == null) {
// window.lengthes = []
// window.getLengthes = () => window.lengthes.sort((a, b) => a - b)
// }
// window.lengthes.push(marker.index - pindex)
// console.log('distance', marker.index - pindex, 'len', p && p.parent.length)
// }
if (marker !== null && abs(marker.index - pindex) < /** @type {YText|YArray<any>} */ (p.parent).length / maxSearchMarker) {
// adjust existing marker
overwriteMarker(marker, p, pindex);
return marker
} else {
// create new marker
return markPosition(yarray._searchMarker, p, pindex)
* Update markers when a change happened.
* This should be called before doing a deletion!
* @param {Array<ArraySearchMarker>} searchMarker
* @param {number} index
* @param {number} len If insertion, len is positive. If deletion, len is negative.
const updateMarkerChanges = (searchMarker, index, len) => {
for (let i = searchMarker.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const m = searchMarker[i];
if (len > 0) {
* @type {Item|null}
let p = m.p;
p.marker = false;
// Ideally we just want to do a simple position comparison, but this will only work if
// search markers don't point to deleted items for formats.
// Iterate marker to prev undeleted countable position so we know what to do when updating a position
while (p && (p.deleted || !p.countable)) {
p = p.left;
if (p && !p.deleted && p.countable) {
// adjust position. the loop should break now
m.index -= p.length;
if (p === null || p.marker === true) {
// remove search marker if updated position is null or if position is already marked
searchMarker.splice(i, 1);
m.p = p;
p.marker = true;
if (index < m.index || (len > 0 && index === m.index)) { // a simple index <= m.index check would actually suffice
m.index = max(index, m.index + len);
* Call event listeners with an event. This will also add an event to all
* parents (for `.observeDeep` handlers).
* @template EventType
* @param {AbstractType<EventType>} type
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {EventType} event
const callTypeObservers = (type, transaction, event) => {
const changedType = type;
const changedParentTypes = transaction.changedParentTypes;
while (true) {
// @ts-ignore
setIfUndefined(changedParentTypes, type, () => []).push(event);
if (type._item === null) {
type = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (type._item.parent);
callEventHandlerListeners(changedType._eH, event, transaction);
* @template EventType
* Abstract Yjs Type class
class AbstractType {
constructor () {
* @type {Item|null}
this._item = null;
* @type {Map<string,Item>}
this._map = new Map();
* @type {Item|null}
this._start = null;
* @type {Doc|null}
this.doc = null;
this._length = 0;
* Event handlers
* @type {EventHandler<EventType,Transaction>}
this._eH = createEventHandler();
* Deep event handlers
* @type {EventHandler<Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction>}
this._dEH = createEventHandler();
* @type {null | Array<ArraySearchMarker>}
this._searchMarker = null;
* @return {AbstractType<any>|null}
get parent () {
return this._item ? /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this._item.parent) : null
* Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
* * Save this struct in the os
* * This type is sent to other client
* * Observer functions are fired
* @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
* @param {Item|null} item
_integrate (y, item) {
this.doc = y;
this._item = item;
* @return {AbstractType<EventType>}
_copy () {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @return {AbstractType<EventType>}
clone () {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} _encoder
_write (_encoder) { }
* The first non-deleted item
get _first () {
let n = this._start;
while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
n = n.right;
return n
* Creates YEvent and calls all type observers.
* Must be implemented by each type.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<null|string>} _parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
_callObserver (transaction, _parentSubs) {
if (!transaction.local && this._searchMarker) {
this._searchMarker.length = 0;
* Observe all events that are created on this type.
* @param {function(EventType, Transaction):void} f Observer function
observe (f) {
addEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f);
* Observe all events that are created by this type and its children.
* @param {function(Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction):void} f Observer function
observeDeep (f) {
addEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f);
* Unregister an observer function.
* @param {function(EventType,Transaction):void} f Observer function
unobserve (f) {
removeEventHandlerListener(this._eH, f);
* Unregister an observer function.
* @param {function(Array<YEvent<any>>,Transaction):void} f Observer function
unobserveDeep (f) {
removeEventHandlerListener(this._dEH, f);
* @abstract
* @return {any}
toJSON () {}
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @param {number} start
* @param {number} end
* @return {Array<any>}
* @private
* @function
const typeListSlice = (type, start, end) => {
if (start < 0) {
start = type._length + start;
if (end < 0) {
end = type._length + end;
let len = end - start;
const cs = [];
let n = type._start;
while (n !== null && len > 0) {
if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
const c = n.content.getContent();
if (c.length <= start) {
start -= c.length;
} else {
for (let i = start; i < c.length && len > 0; i++) {
start = 0;
n = n.right;
return cs
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @return {Array<any>}
* @private
* @function
const typeListToArray = type => {
const cs = [];
let n = type._start;
while (n !== null) {
if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
const c = n.content.getContent();
for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
n = n.right;
return cs
* Executes a provided function on once on overy element of this YArray.
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @param {function(any,number,any):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
* @private
* @function
const typeListForEach = (type, f) => {
let index = 0;
let n = type._start;
while (n !== null) {
if (n.countable && !n.deleted) {
const c = n.content.getContent();
for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
f(c[i], index++, type);
n = n.right;
* @template C,R
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @param {function(C,number,AbstractType<any>):R} f
* @return {Array<R>}
* @private
* @function
const typeListMap = (type, f) => {
* @type {Array<any>}
const result = [];
typeListForEach(type, (c, i) => {
result.push(f(c, i, type));
return result
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @return {IterableIterator<any>}
* @private
* @function
const typeListCreateIterator = type => {
let n = type._start;
* @type {Array<any>|null}
let currentContent = null;
let currentContentIndex = 0;
return {
[Symbol.iterator] () {
return this
next: () => {
// find some content
if (currentContent === null) {
while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
n = n.right;
// check if we reached the end, no need to check currentContent, because it does not exist
if (n === null) {
return {
done: true,
value: undefined
// we found n, so we can set currentContent
currentContent = n.content.getContent();
currentContentIndex = 0;
n = n.right; // we used the content of n, now iterate to next
const value = currentContent[currentContentIndex++];
// check if we need to empty currentContent
if (currentContent.length <= currentContentIndex) {
currentContent = null;
return {
done: false,
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
* @param {number} index
* @return {any}
* @private
* @function
const typeListGet = (type, index) => {
const marker = findMarker(type, index);
let n = type._start;
if (marker !== null) {
n = marker.p;
index -= marker.index;
for (; n !== null; n = n.right) {
if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
if (index < n.length) {
return n.content.getContent()[index]
index -= n.length;
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {Item?} referenceItem
* @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|boolean|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
* @private
* @function
const typeListInsertGenericsAfter = (transaction, parent, referenceItem, content) => {
let left = referenceItem;
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
const store = doc.store;
const right = referenceItem === null ? parent._start : referenceItem.right;
* @type {Array<Object|Array<any>|number|null>}
let jsonContent = [];
const packJsonContent = () => {
if (jsonContent.length > 0) {
left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentAny(jsonContent));
left.integrate(transaction, 0);
jsonContent = [];
content.forEach(c => {
if (c === null) {
} else {
switch (c.constructor) {
case Number:
case Object:
case Boolean:
case Array:
case String:
switch (c.constructor) {
case Uint8Array:
case ArrayBuffer:
left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentBinary(new Uint8Array(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (c))));
left.integrate(transaction, 0);
case Doc:
left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (c)));
left.integrate(transaction, 0);
if (c instanceof AbstractType) {
left = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentType(c));
left.integrate(transaction, 0);
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected content type in insert operation')
const lengthExceeded = create$2('Length exceeded!');
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {number} index
* @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
* @private
* @function
const typeListInsertGenerics = (transaction, parent, index, content) => {
if (index > parent._length) {
throw lengthExceeded
if (index === 0) {
if (parent._searchMarker) {
updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, index, content.length);
return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, null, content)
const startIndex = index;
const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
let n = parent._start;
if (marker !== null) {
n = marker.p;
index -= marker.index;
// we need to iterate one to the left so that the algorithm works
if (index === 0) {
// @todo refactor this as it actually doesn't consider formats
n = n.prev; // important! get the left undeleted item so that we can actually decrease index
index += (n && n.countable && !n.deleted) ? n.length : 0;
for (; n !== null; n = n.right) {
if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
if (index <= n.length) {
if (index < n.length) {
// insert in-between
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + index));
index -= n.length;
if (parent._searchMarker) {
updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, content.length);
return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content)
* Pushing content is special as we generally want to push after the last item. So we don't have to update
* the serach marker.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {Array<Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array>} content
* @private
* @function
const typeListPushGenerics = (transaction, parent, content) => {
// Use the marker with the highest index and iterate to the right.
const marker = (parent._searchMarker || []).reduce((maxMarker, currMarker) => currMarker.index > maxMarker.index ? currMarker : maxMarker, { index: 0, p: parent._start });
let n = marker.p;
if (n) {
while (n.right) {
n = n.right;
return typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, parent, n, content)
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {number} index
* @param {number} length
* @private
* @function
const typeListDelete = (transaction, parent, index, length) => {
if (length === 0) { return }
const startIndex = index;
const startLength = length;
const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
let n = parent._start;
if (marker !== null) {
n = marker.p;
index -= marker.index;
// compute the first item to be deleted
for (; n !== null && index > 0; n = n.right) {
if (!n.deleted && n.countable) {
if (index < n.length) {
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + index));
index -= n.length;
// delete all items until done
while (length > 0 && n !== null) {
if (!n.deleted) {
if (length < n.length) {
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(n.id.client, n.id.clock + length));
length -= n.length;
n = n.right;
if (length > 0) {
throw lengthExceeded
if (parent._searchMarker) {
updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, startIndex, -startLength + length /* in case we remove the above exception */);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {string} key
* @private
* @function
const typeMapDelete = (transaction, parent, key) => {
const c = parent._map.get(key);
if (c !== undefined) {
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {string} key
* @param {Object|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>} value
* @private
* @function
const typeMapSet = (transaction, parent, key, value) => {
const left = parent._map.get(key) || null;
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
let content;
if (value == null) {
content = new ContentAny([value]);
} else {
switch (value.constructor) {
case Number:
case Object:
case Boolean:
case Array:
case String:
content = new ContentAny([value]);
case Uint8Array:
content = new ContentBinary(/** @type {Uint8Array} */ (value));
case Doc:
content = new ContentDoc(/** @type {Doc} */ (value));
if (value instanceof AbstractType) {
content = new ContentType(value);
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected content type')
new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, null, null, parent, key, content).integrate(transaction, 0);
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {string} key
* @return {Object<string,any>|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>|undefined}
* @private
* @function
const typeMapGet = (parent, key) => {
const val = parent._map.get(key);
return val !== undefined && !val.deleted ? val.content.getContent()[val.length - 1] : undefined
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @return {Object<string,Object<string,any>|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>|undefined>}
* @private
* @function
const typeMapGetAll = (parent) => {
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const res = {};
parent._map.forEach((value, key) => {
if (!value.deleted) {
res[key] = value.content.getContent()[value.length - 1];
return res
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {string} key
* @return {boolean}
* @private
* @function
const typeMapHas = (parent, key) => {
const val = parent._map.get(key);
return val !== undefined && !val.deleted
* @param {Map<string,Item>} map
* @return {IterableIterator<Array<any>>}
* @private
* @function
const createMapIterator = map => iteratorFilter(map.entries(), /** @param {any} entry */ entry => !entry[1].deleted);
* @module YArray
* Event that describes the changes on a YArray
* @template T
* @extends YEvent<YArray<T>>
class YArrayEvent extends YEvent {
* @param {YArray<T>} yarray The changed type
* @param {Transaction} transaction The transaction object
constructor (yarray, transaction) {
super(yarray, transaction);
this._transaction = transaction;
* A shared Array implementation.
* @template T
* @extends AbstractType<YArrayEvent<T>>
* @implements {Iterable<T>}
class YArray extends AbstractType {
constructor () {
* @type {Array<any>?}
* @private
this._prelimContent = [];
* @type {Array<ArraySearchMarker>}
this._searchMarker = [];
* Construct a new YArray containing the specified items.
* @template {Object<string,any>|Array<any>|number|null|string|Uint8Array} T
* @param {Array<T>} items
* @return {YArray<T>}
static from (items) {
* @type {YArray<T>}
const a = new YArray();
return a
* Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
* * Save this struct in the os
* * This type is sent to other client
* * Observer functions are fired
* @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
* @param {Item} item
_integrate (y, item) {
super._integrate(y, item);
this.insert(0, /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent));
this._prelimContent = null;
* @return {YArray<T>}
_copy () {
return new YArray()
* @return {YArray<T>}
clone () {
* @type {YArray<T>}
const arr = new YArray();
arr.insert(0, this.toArray().map(el =>
el instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof el} */ (el.clone()) : el
return arr
get length () {
return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length
* Creates YArrayEvent and calls observers.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
_callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs);
callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YArrayEvent(this, transaction));
* Inserts new content at an index.
* Important: This function expects an array of content. Not just a content
* object. The reason for this "weirdness" is that inserting several elements
* is very efficient when it is done as a single operation.
* @example
* // Insert character 'a' at position 0
* yarray.insert(0, ['a'])
* // Insert numbers 1, 2 at position 1
* yarray.insert(1, [1, 2])
* @param {number} index The index to insert content at.
* @param {Array<T>} content The array of content
insert (index, content) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, /** @type {any} */ (content));
} else {
/** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, 0, ...content);
* Appends content to this YArray.
* @param {Array<T>} content Array of content to append.
* @todo Use the following implementation in all types.
push (content) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeListPushGenerics(transaction, this, /** @type {any} */ (content));
} else {
/** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).push(...content);
* Preppends content to this YArray.
* @param {Array<T>} content Array of content to preppend.
unshift (content) {
this.insert(0, content);
* Deletes elements starting from an index.
* @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements
* @param {number} length The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1.
delete (index, length = 1) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length);
} else {
/** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent).splice(index, length);
* Returns the i-th element from a YArray.
* @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray
* @return {T}
get (index) {
return typeListGet(this, index)
* Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
* @return {Array<T>}
toArray () {
return typeListToArray(this)
* Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
* @param {number} [start]
* @param {number} [end]
* @return {Array<T>}
slice (start = 0, end = this.length) {
return typeListSlice(this, start, end)
* Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object.
* @return {Array<any>}
toJSON () {
return this.map(c => c instanceof AbstractType ? c.toJSON() : c)
* Returns an Array with the result of calling a provided function on every
* element of this YArray.
* @template M
* @param {function(T,number,YArray<T>):M} f Function that produces an element of the new Array
* @return {Array<M>} A new array with each element being the result of the
* callback function
map (f) {
return typeListMap(this, /** @type {any} */ (f))
* Executes a provided function once on overy element of this YArray.
* @param {function(T,number,YArray<T>):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
forEach (f) {
typeListForEach(this, f);
* @return {IterableIterator<T>}
[Symbol.iterator] () {
return typeListCreateIterator(this)
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
_write (encoder) {
* @template T
* @extends YEvent<YMap<T>>
* Event that describes the changes on a YMap.
class YMapEvent extends YEvent {
* @param {YMap<T>} ymap The YArray that changed.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<any>} subs The keys that changed.
constructor (ymap, transaction, subs) {
super(ymap, transaction);
this.keysChanged = subs;
* @template MapType
* A shared Map implementation.
* @extends AbstractType<YMapEvent<MapType>>
* @implements {Iterable<MapType>}
class YMap extends AbstractType {
* @param {Iterable<readonly [string, any]>=} entries - an optional iterable to initialize the YMap
constructor (entries) {
* @type {Map<string,any>?}
* @private
this._prelimContent = null;
if (entries === undefined) {
this._prelimContent = new Map();
} else {
this._prelimContent = new Map(entries);
* Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
* * Save this struct in the os
* * This type is sent to other client
* * Observer functions are fired
* @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
* @param {Item} item
_integrate (y, item) {
super._integrate(y, item)
;/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).forEach((value, key) => {
this.set(key, value);
this._prelimContent = null;
* @return {YMap<MapType>}
_copy () {
return new YMap()
* @return {YMap<MapType>}
clone () {
* @type {YMap<MapType>}
const map = new YMap();
this.forEach((value, key) => {
map.set(key, value instanceof AbstractType ? /** @type {typeof value} */ (value.clone()) : value);
return map
* Creates YMapEvent and calls observers.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
_callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YMapEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs));
* Transforms this Shared Type to a JSON object.
* @return {Object<string,any>}
toJSON () {
* @type {Object<string,MapType>}
const map = {};
this._map.forEach((item, key) => {
if (!item.deleted) {
const v = item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1];
map[key] = v instanceof AbstractType ? v.toJSON() : v;
return map
* Returns the size of the YMap (count of key/value pairs)
* @return {number}
get size () {
return [...createMapIterator(this._map)].length
* Returns the keys for each element in the YMap Type.
* @return {IterableIterator<string>}
keys () {
return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[0])
* Returns the values for each element in the YMap Type.
* @return {IterableIterator<any>}
values () {
return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1])
* Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs
* @return {IterableIterator<any>}
entries () {
return iteratorMap(createMapIterator(this._map), /** @param {any} v */ v => [v[0], v[1].content.getContent()[v[1].length - 1]])
* Executes a provided function on once on every key-value pair.
* @param {function(MapType,string,YMap<MapType>):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
forEach (f) {
this._map.forEach((item, key) => {
if (!item.deleted) {
f(item.content.getContent()[item.length - 1], key, this);
* Returns an Iterator of [key, value] pairs
* @return {IterableIterator<any>}
[Symbol.iterator] () {
return this.entries()
* Remove a specified element from this YMap.
* @param {string} key The key of the element to remove.
delete (key) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapDelete(transaction, this, key);
} else {
/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).delete(key);
* Adds or updates an element with a specified key and value.
* @template {MapType} VAL
* @param {string} key The key of the element to add to this YMap
* @param {VAL} value The value of the element to add
* @return {VAL}
set (key, value) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapSet(transaction, this, key, /** @type {any} */ (value));
} else {
/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).set(key, value);
return value
* Returns a specified element from this YMap.
* @param {string} key
* @return {MapType|undefined}
get (key) {
return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, key))
* Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified key exists or not.
* @param {string} key The key to test.
* @return {boolean}
has (key) {
return typeMapHas(this, key)
* Removes all elements from this YMap.
clear () {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
this.forEach(function (_value, key, map) {
typeMapDelete(transaction, map, key);
} else {
/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimContent).clear();
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
_write (encoder) {
* @param {any} a
* @param {any} b
* @return {boolean}
const equalAttrs = (a, b) => a === b || (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object' && a && b && equalFlat(a, b));
class ItemTextListPosition {
* @param {Item|null} left
* @param {Item|null} right
* @param {number} index
* @param {Map<string,any>} currentAttributes
constructor (left, right, index, currentAttributes) {
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.index = index;
this.currentAttributes = currentAttributes;
* Only call this if you know that this.right is defined
forward () {
if (this.right === null) {
switch (this.right.content.constructor) {
case ContentFormat:
if (!this.right.deleted) {
updateCurrentAttributes(this.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (this.right.content));
if (!this.right.deleted) {
this.index += this.right.length;
this.left = this.right;
this.right = this.right.right;
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} pos
* @param {number} count steps to move forward
* @return {ItemTextListPosition}
* @private
* @function
const findNextPosition = (transaction, pos, count) => {
while (pos.right !== null && count > 0) {
switch (pos.right.content.constructor) {
case ContentFormat:
if (!pos.right.deleted) {
updateCurrentAttributes(pos.currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (pos.right.content));
if (!pos.right.deleted) {
if (count < pos.right.length) {
// split right
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(pos.right.id.client, pos.right.id.clock + count));
pos.index += pos.right.length;
count -= pos.right.length;
pos.left = pos.right;
pos.right = pos.right.right;
// pos.forward() - we don't forward because that would halve the performance because we already do the checks above
return pos
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {number} index
* @return {ItemTextListPosition}
* @private
* @function
const findPosition = (transaction, parent, index) => {
const currentAttributes = new Map();
const marker = findMarker(parent, index);
if (marker) {
const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(marker.p.left, marker.p, marker.index, currentAttributes);
return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index - marker.index)
} else {
const pos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, parent._start, 0, currentAttributes);
return findNextPosition(transaction, pos, index)
* Negate applied formats
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {Map<string,any>} negatedAttributes
* @private
* @function
const insertNegatedAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes) => {
// check if we really need to remove attributes
while (
currPos.right !== null && (
currPos.right.deleted === true || (
currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat &&
equalAttrs(negatedAttributes.get(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key), /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value)
) {
if (!currPos.right.deleted) {
negatedAttributes.delete(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).key);
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
negatedAttributes.forEach((val, key) => {
const left = currPos.left;
const right = currPos.right;
const nextFormat = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val));
nextFormat.integrate(transaction, 0);
currPos.right = nextFormat;
* @param {Map<string,any>} currentAttributes
* @param {ContentFormat} format
* @private
* @function
const updateCurrentAttributes = (currentAttributes, format) => {
const { key, value } = format;
if (value === null) {
} else {
currentAttributes.set(key, value);
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
* @private
* @function
const minimizeAttributeChanges = (currPos, attributes) => {
// go right while attributes[right.key] === right.value (or right is deleted)
while (true) {
if (currPos.right === null) {
} else if (currPos.right.deleted || (currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat && equalAttrs(attributes[(/** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content)).key] || null, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content).value))) ; else {
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
* @return {Map<string,any>}
* @private
* @function
const insertAttributes = (transaction, parent, currPos, attributes) => {
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
const negatedAttributes = new Map();
// insert format-start items
for (const key in attributes) {
const val = attributes[key];
const currentVal = currPos.currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
if (!equalAttrs(currentVal, val)) {
// save negated attribute (set null if currentVal undefined)
negatedAttributes.set(key, currentVal);
const { left, right } = currPos;
currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, new ContentFormat(key, val));
currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0);
return negatedAttributes
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {string|object|AbstractType<any>} text
* @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
* @private
* @function
const insertText = (transaction, parent, currPos, text, attributes) => {
currPos.currentAttributes.forEach((_val, key) => {
if (attributes[key] === undefined) {
attributes[key] = null;
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes);
const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes);
// insert content
const content = text.constructor === String ? new ContentString(/** @type {string} */ (text)) : (text instanceof AbstractType ? new ContentType(text) : new ContentEmbed(text));
let { left, right, index } = currPos;
if (parent._searchMarker) {
updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, content.getLength());
right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), left, left && left.lastId, right, right && right.id, parent, null, content);
right.integrate(transaction, 0);
currPos.right = right;
currPos.index = index;
insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {AbstractType<any>} parent
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {number} length
* @param {Object<string,any>} attributes
* @private
* @function
const formatText = (transaction, parent, currPos, length, attributes) => {
const doc = transaction.doc;
const ownClientId = doc.clientID;
minimizeAttributeChanges(currPos, attributes);
const negatedAttributes = insertAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, attributes);
// iterate until first non-format or null is found
// delete all formats with attributes[format.key] != null
// also check the attributes after the first non-format as we do not want to insert redundant negated attributes there
// eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
iterationLoop: while (
currPos.right !== null &&
(length > 0 ||
negatedAttributes.size > 0 &&
(currPos.right.deleted || currPos.right.content.constructor === ContentFormat)
) {
if (!currPos.right.deleted) {
switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) {
case ContentFormat: {
const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (currPos.right.content);
const attr = attributes[key];
if (attr !== undefined) {
if (equalAttrs(attr, value)) {
} else {
if (length === 0) {
// no need to further extend negatedAttributes
// eslint-disable-next-line no-labels
break iterationLoop
negatedAttributes.set(key, value);
} else {
currPos.currentAttributes.set(key, value);
if (length < currPos.right.length) {
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(currPos.right.id.client, currPos.right.id.clock + length));
length -= currPos.right.length;
// Quill just assumes that the editor starts with a newline and that it always
// ends with a newline. We only insert that newline when a new newline is
// inserted - i.e when length is bigger than type.length
if (length > 0) {
let newlines = '';
for (; length > 0; length--) {
newlines += '\n';
currPos.right = new Item(createID(ownClientId, getState(doc.store, ownClientId)), currPos.left, currPos.left && currPos.left.lastId, currPos.right, currPos.right && currPos.right.id, parent, null, new ContentString(newlines));
currPos.right.integrate(transaction, 0);
insertNegatedAttributes(transaction, parent, currPos, negatedAttributes);
* Call this function after string content has been deleted in order to
* clean up formatting Items.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} start
* @param {Item|null} curr exclusive end, automatically iterates to the next Content Item
* @param {Map<string,any>} startAttributes
* @param {Map<string,any>} currAttributes
* @return {number} The amount of formatting Items deleted.
* @function
const cleanupFormattingGap = (transaction, start, curr, startAttributes, currAttributes) => {
* @type {Item|null}
let end = start;
* @type {Map<string,ContentFormat>}
const endFormats = create$6();
while (end && (!end.countable || end.deleted)) {
if (!end.deleted && end.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
const cf = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content);
endFormats.set(cf.key, cf);
end = end.right;
let cleanups = 0;
let reachedCurr = false;
while (start !== end) {
if (curr === start) {
reachedCurr = true;
if (!start.deleted) {
const content = start.content;
switch (content.constructor) {
case ContentFormat: {
const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content);
const startAttrValue = startAttributes.get(key) || null;
if (endFormats.get(key) !== content || startAttrValue === value) {
// Either this format is overwritten or it is not necessary because the attribute already existed.
if (!reachedCurr && (currAttributes.get(key) || null) === value && startAttrValue !== value) {
if (startAttrValue === null) {
} else {
currAttributes.set(key, startAttrValue);
if (!reachedCurr && !start.deleted) {
updateCurrentAttributes(currAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (content));
start = /** @type {Item} */ (start.right);
return cleanups
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item | null} item
const cleanupContextlessFormattingGap = (transaction, item) => {
// iterate until item.right is null or content
while (item && item.right && (item.right.deleted || !item.right.countable)) {
item = item.right;
const attrs = new Set();
// iterate back until a content item is found
while (item && (item.deleted || !item.countable)) {
if (!item.deleted && item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
const key = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content).key;
if (attrs.has(key)) {
} else {
item = item.left;
* This function is experimental and subject to change / be removed.
* Ideally, we don't need this function at all. Formatting attributes should be cleaned up
* automatically after each change. This function iterates twice over the complete YText type
* and removes unnecessary formatting attributes. This is also helpful for testing.
* This function won't be exported anymore as soon as there is confidence that the YText type works as intended.
* @param {YText} type
* @return {number} How many formatting attributes have been cleaned up.
const cleanupYTextFormatting = type => {
let res = 0;
transact(/** @type {Doc} */ (type.doc), transaction => {
let start = /** @type {Item} */ (type._start);
let end = type._start;
let startAttributes = create$6();
const currentAttributes = copy(startAttributes);
while (end) {
if (end.deleted === false) {
switch (end.content.constructor) {
case ContentFormat:
updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (end.content));
res += cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, end, startAttributes, currentAttributes);
startAttributes = copy(currentAttributes);
start = end;
end = end.right;
return res
* This will be called by the transction once the event handlers are called to potentially cleanup
* formatting attributes.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
const cleanupYTextAfterTransaction = transaction => {
* @type {Set<YText>}
const needFullCleanup = new Set();
// check if another formatting item was inserted
const doc = transaction.doc;
for (const [client, afterClock] of transaction.afterState.entries()) {
const clock = transaction.beforeState.get(client) || 0;
if (afterClock === clock) {
iterateStructs(transaction, /** @type {Array<Item|GC>} */ (doc.store.clients.get(client)), clock, afterClock, item => {
if (
!item.deleted && /** @type {Item} */ (item).content.constructor === ContentFormat && item.constructor !== GC
) {
needFullCleanup.add(/** @type {any} */ (item).parent);
// cleanup in a new transaction
transact(doc, (t) => {
iterateDeletedStructs(transaction, transaction.deleteSet, item => {
if (item instanceof GC || !(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent)._hasFormatting) || needFullCleanup.has(/** @type {YText} */ (item.parent))) {
const parent = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent);
if (item.content.constructor === ContentFormat) {
} else {
// If no formatting attribute was inserted or deleted, we can make due with contextless
// formatting cleanups.
// Contextless: it is not necessary to compute currentAttributes for the affected position.
cleanupContextlessFormattingGap(t, item);
// If a formatting item was inserted, we simply clean the whole type.
// We need to compute currentAttributes for the current position anyway.
for (const yText of needFullCleanup) {
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {ItemTextListPosition} currPos
* @param {number} length
* @return {ItemTextListPosition}
* @private
* @function
const deleteText = (transaction, currPos, length) => {
const startLength = length;
const startAttrs = copy(currPos.currentAttributes);
const start = currPos.right;
while (length > 0 && currPos.right !== null) {
if (currPos.right.deleted === false) {
switch (currPos.right.content.constructor) {
case ContentType:
case ContentEmbed:
case ContentString:
if (length < currPos.right.length) {
getItemCleanStart(transaction, createID(currPos.right.id.client, currPos.right.id.clock + length));
length -= currPos.right.length;
if (start) {
cleanupFormattingGap(transaction, start, currPos.right, startAttrs, currPos.currentAttributes);
const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (/** @type {Item} */ (currPos.left || currPos.right).parent);
if (parent._searchMarker) {
updateMarkerChanges(parent._searchMarker, currPos.index, -startLength + length);
return currPos
* The Quill Delta format represents changes on a text document with
* formatting information. For mor information visit {@link https://quilljs.com/docs/delta/|Quill Delta}
* @example
* {
* ops: [
* { insert: 'Gandalf', attributes: { bold: true } },
* { insert: ' the ' },
* { insert: 'Grey', attributes: { color: '#cccccc' } }
* ]
* }
* Attributes that can be assigned to a selection of text.
* @example
* {
* bold: true,
* font-size: '40px'
* }
* @typedef {Object} TextAttributes
* @extends YEvent<YText>
* Event that describes the changes on a YText type.
class YTextEvent extends YEvent {
* @param {YText} ytext
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<any>} subs The keys that changed
constructor (ytext, transaction, subs) {
super(ytext, transaction);
* Whether the children changed.
* @type {Boolean}
* @private
this.childListChanged = false;
* Set of all changed attributes.
* @type {Set<string>}
this.keysChanged = new Set();
subs.forEach((sub) => {
if (sub === null) {
this.childListChanged = true;
} else {
* @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
get changes () {
if (this._changes === null) {
* @type {{added:Set<Item>,deleted:Set<Item>,keys:Map<string,{action:'add'|'update'|'delete',oldValue:any}>,delta:Array<{insert?:Array<any>|string|AbstractType<any>|object, delete?:number, retain?:number}>}}
const changes = {
keys: this.keys,
delta: this.delta,
added: new Set(),
deleted: new Set()
this._changes = changes;
return /** @type {any} */ (this._changes)
* Compute the changes in the delta format.
* A {@link https://quilljs.com/docs/delta/|Quill Delta}) that represents the changes on the document.
* @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType<any>, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object<string,any>}>}
* @public
get delta () {
if (this._delta === null) {
const y = /** @type {Doc} */ (this.target.doc);
* @type {Array<{insert?:string|object|AbstractType<any>, delete?:number, retain?:number, attributes?: Object<string,any>}>}
const delta = [];
transact(y, transaction => {
const currentAttributes = new Map(); // saves all current attributes for insert
const oldAttributes = new Map();
let item = this.target._start;
* @type {string?}
let action = null;
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const attributes = {}; // counts added or removed new attributes for retain
* @type {string|object}
let insert = '';
let retain = 0;
let deleteLen = 0;
const addOp = () => {
if (action !== null) {
* @type {any}
let op = null;
switch (action) {
case 'delete':
if (deleteLen > 0) {
op = { delete: deleteLen };
deleteLen = 0;
case 'insert':
if (typeof insert === 'object' || insert.length > 0) {
op = { insert };
if (currentAttributes.size > 0) {
op.attributes = {};
currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
if (value !== null) {
op.attributes[key] = value;
insert = '';
case 'retain':
if (retain > 0) {
op = { retain };
if (!isEmpty(attributes)) {
op.attributes = assign({}, attributes);
retain = 0;
if (op) delta.push(op);
action = null;
while (item !== null) {
switch (item.content.constructor) {
case ContentType:
case ContentEmbed:
if (this.adds(item)) {
if (!this.deletes(item)) {
action = 'insert';
insert = item.content.getContent()[0];
} else if (this.deletes(item)) {
if (action !== 'delete') {
action = 'delete';
deleteLen += 1;
} else if (!item.deleted) {
if (action !== 'retain') {
action = 'retain';
retain += 1;
case ContentString:
if (this.adds(item)) {
if (!this.deletes(item)) {
if (action !== 'insert') {
action = 'insert';
insert += /** @type {ContentString} */ (item.content).str;
} else if (this.deletes(item)) {
if (action !== 'delete') {
action = 'delete';
deleteLen += item.length;
} else if (!item.deleted) {
if (action !== 'retain') {
action = 'retain';
retain += item.length;
case ContentFormat: {
const { key, value } = /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content);
if (this.adds(item)) {
if (!this.deletes(item)) {
const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) {
if (action === 'retain') {
if (equalAttrs(value, (oldAttributes.get(key) || null))) {
delete attributes[key];
} else {
attributes[key] = value;
} else if (value !== null) {
} else if (this.deletes(item)) {
oldAttributes.set(key, value);
const curVal = currentAttributes.get(key) || null;
if (!equalAttrs(curVal, value)) {
if (action === 'retain') {
attributes[key] = curVal;
} else if (!item.deleted) {
oldAttributes.set(key, value);
const attr = attributes[key];
if (attr !== undefined) {
if (!equalAttrs(attr, value)) {
if (action === 'retain') {
if (value === null) {
delete attributes[key];
} else {
attributes[key] = value;
} else if (attr !== null) { // this will be cleaned up automatically by the contextless cleanup function
if (!item.deleted) {
if (action === 'insert') {
updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (item.content));
item = item.right;
while (delta.length > 0) {
const lastOp = delta[delta.length - 1];
if (lastOp.retain !== undefined && lastOp.attributes === undefined) {
// retain delta's if they don't assign attributes
} else {
this._delta = delta;
return /** @type {any} */ (this._delta)
* Type that represents text with formatting information.
* This type replaces y-richtext as this implementation is able to handle
* block formats (format information on a paragraph), embeds (complex elements
* like pictures and videos), and text formats (**bold**, *italic*).
* @extends AbstractType<YTextEvent>
class YText extends AbstractType {
* @param {String} [string] The initial value of the YText.
constructor (string) {
* Array of pending operations on this type
* @type {Array<function():void>?}
this._pending = string !== undefined ? [() => this.insert(0, string)] : [];
* @type {Array<ArraySearchMarker>|null}
this._searchMarker = [];
* Whether this YText contains formatting attributes.
* This flag is updated when a formatting item is integrated (see ContentFormat.integrate)
this._hasFormatting = false;
* Number of characters of this text type.
* @type {number}
get length () {
return this._length
* @param {Doc} y
* @param {Item} item
_integrate (y, item) {
super._integrate(y, item);
try {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).forEach(f => f());
} catch (e) {
this._pending = null;
_copy () {
return new YText()
* @return {YText}
clone () {
const text = new YText();
return text
* Creates YTextEvent and calls observers.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
_callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
super._callObserver(transaction, parentSubs);
const event = new YTextEvent(this, transaction, parentSubs);
callTypeObservers(this, transaction, event);
// If a remote change happened, we try to cleanup potential formatting duplicates.
if (!transaction.local && this._hasFormatting) {
transaction._needFormattingCleanup = true;
* Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type.
* @public
toString () {
let str = '';
* @type {Item|null}
let n = this._start;
while (n !== null) {
if (!n.deleted && n.countable && n.content.constructor === ContentString) {
str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str;
n = n.right;
return str
* Returns the unformatted string representation of this YText type.
* @return {string}
* @public
toJSON () {
return this.toString()
* Apply a {@link Delta} on this shared YText type.
* @param {any} delta The changes to apply on this element.
* @param {object} opts
* @param {boolean} [opts.sanitize] Sanitize input delta. Removes ending newlines if set to true.
* @public
applyDelta (delta, { sanitize = true } = {}) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
const currPos = new ItemTextListPosition(null, this._start, 0, new Map());
for (let i = 0; i < delta.length; i++) {
const op = delta[i];
if (op.insert !== undefined) {
// Quill assumes that the content starts with an empty paragraph.
// Yjs/Y.Text assumes that it starts empty. We always hide that
// there is a newline at the end of the content.
// If we omit this step, clients will see a different number of
// paragraphs, but nothing bad will happen.
const ins = (!sanitize && typeof op.insert === 'string' && i === delta.length - 1 && currPos.right === null && op.insert.slice(-1) === '\n') ? op.insert.slice(0, -1) : op.insert;
if (typeof ins !== 'string' || ins.length > 0) {
insertText(transaction, this, currPos, ins, op.attributes || {});
} else if (op.retain !== undefined) {
formatText(transaction, this, currPos, op.retain, op.attributes || {});
} else if (op.delete !== undefined) {
deleteText(transaction, currPos, op.delete);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.applyDelta(delta));
* Returns the Delta representation of this YText type.
* @param {Snapshot} [snapshot]
* @param {Snapshot} [prevSnapshot]
* @param {function('removed' | 'added', ID):any} [computeYChange]
* @return {any} The Delta representation of this type.
* @public
toDelta (snapshot, prevSnapshot, computeYChange) {
* @type{Array<any>}
const ops = [];
const currentAttributes = new Map();
const doc = /** @type {Doc} */ (this.doc);
let str = '';
let n = this._start;
function packStr () {
if (str.length > 0) {
// pack str with attributes to ops
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const attributes = {};
let addAttributes = false;
currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
addAttributes = true;
attributes[key] = value;
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const op = { insert: str };
if (addAttributes) {
op.attributes = attributes;
str = '';
const computeDelta = () => {
while (n !== null) {
if (isVisible(n, snapshot) || (prevSnapshot !== undefined && isVisible(n, prevSnapshot))) {
switch (n.content.constructor) {
case ContentString: {
const cur = currentAttributes.get('ychange');
if (snapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, snapshot)) {
if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== n.id.client || cur.type !== 'removed') {
currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('removed', n.id) : { type: 'removed' });
} else if (prevSnapshot !== undefined && !isVisible(n, prevSnapshot)) {
if (cur === undefined || cur.user !== n.id.client || cur.type !== 'added') {
currentAttributes.set('ychange', computeYChange ? computeYChange('added', n.id) : { type: 'added' });
} else if (cur !== undefined) {
str += /** @type {ContentString} */ (n.content).str;
case ContentType:
case ContentEmbed: {
* @type {Object<string,any>}
const op = {
insert: n.content.getContent()[0]
if (currentAttributes.size > 0) {
const attrs = /** @type {Object<string,any>} */ ({});
op.attributes = attrs;
currentAttributes.forEach((value, key) => {
attrs[key] = value;
case ContentFormat:
if (isVisible(n, snapshot)) {
updateCurrentAttributes(currentAttributes, /** @type {ContentFormat} */ (n.content));
n = n.right;
if (snapshot || prevSnapshot) {
// snapshots are merged again after the transaction, so we need to keep the
// transaction alive until we are done
transact(doc, transaction => {
if (snapshot) {
splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, snapshot);
if (prevSnapshot) {
splitSnapshotAffectedStructs(transaction, prevSnapshot);
}, 'cleanup');
} else {
return ops
* Insert text at a given index.
* @param {number} index The index at which to start inserting.
* @param {String} text The text to insert at the specified position.
* @param {TextAttributes} [attributes] Optionally define some formatting
* information to apply on the inserted
* Text.
* @public
insert (index, text, attributes) {
if (text.length <= 0) {
const y = this.doc;
if (y !== null) {
transact(y, transaction => {
const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
if (!attributes) {
attributes = {};
// @ts-ignore
pos.currentAttributes.forEach((v, k) => { attributes[k] = v; });
insertText(transaction, this, pos, text, attributes);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insert(index, text, attributes));
* Inserts an embed at a index.
* @param {number} index The index to insert the embed at.
* @param {Object | AbstractType<any>} embed The Object that represents the embed.
* @param {TextAttributes} attributes Attribute information to apply on the
* embed
* @public
insertEmbed (index, embed, attributes = {}) {
const y = this.doc;
if (y !== null) {
transact(y, transaction => {
const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
insertText(transaction, this, pos, embed, attributes);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.insertEmbed(index, embed, attributes));
* Deletes text starting from an index.
* @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting.
* @param {number} length The number of characters to remove. Defaults to 1.
* @public
delete (index, length) {
if (length === 0) {
const y = this.doc;
if (y !== null) {
transact(y, transaction => {
deleteText(transaction, findPosition(transaction, this, index), length);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.delete(index, length));
* Assigns properties to a range of text.
* @param {number} index The position where to start formatting.
* @param {number} length The amount of characters to assign properties to.
* @param {TextAttributes} attributes Attribute information to apply on the
* text.
* @public
format (index, length, attributes) {
if (length === 0) {
const y = this.doc;
if (y !== null) {
transact(y, transaction => {
const pos = findPosition(transaction, this, index);
if (pos.right === null) {
formatText(transaction, this, pos, length, attributes);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.format(index, length, attributes));
* Removes an attribute.
* @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
* @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed.
* @public
removeAttribute (attributeName) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.removeAttribute(attributeName));
* Sets or updates an attribute.
* @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
* @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set.
* @param {any} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set.
* @public
setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue);
} else {
/** @type {Array<function>} */ (this._pending).push(() => this.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue));
* Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name.
* @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
* @param {String} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the
* queried value.
* @return {any} The queried attribute value.
* @public
getAttribute (attributeName) {
return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName))
* Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object.
* @note Xml-Text nodes don't have attributes. You can use this feature to assign properties to complete text-blocks.
* @return {Object<string, any>} A JSON Object that describes the attributes.
* @public
getAttributes () {
return typeMapGetAll(this)
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
_write (encoder) {
* @module YXml
* Define the elements to which a set of CSS queries apply.
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors|CSS_Selectors}
* @example
* query = '.classSelector'
* query = 'nodeSelector'
* query = '#idSelector'
* @typedef {string} CSS_Selector
* Dom filter function.
* @callback domFilter
* @param {string} nodeName The nodeName of the element
* @param {Map} attributes The map of attributes.
* @return {boolean} Whether to include the Dom node in the YXmlElement.
* Represents a subset of the nodes of a YXmlElement / YXmlFragment and a
* position within them.
* Can be created with {@link YXmlFragment#createTreeWalker}
* @public
* @implements {Iterable<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlElement|YXmlHook>}
class YXmlTreeWalker {
* @param {YXmlFragment | YXmlElement} root
* @param {function(AbstractType<any>):boolean} [f]
constructor (root, f = () => true) {
this._filter = f;
this._root = root;
* @type {Item}
this._currentNode = /** @type {Item} */ (root._start);
this._firstCall = true;
[Symbol.iterator] () {
return this
* Get the next node.
* @return {IteratorResult<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook>} The next node.
* @public
next () {
* @type {Item|null}
let n = this._currentNode;
let type = n && n.content && /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type;
if (n !== null && (!this._firstCall || n.deleted || !this._filter(type))) { // if first call, we check if we can use the first item
do {
type = /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type;
if (!n.deleted && (type.constructor === YXmlElement || type.constructor === YXmlFragment) && type._start !== null) {
// walk down in the tree
n = type._start;
} else {
// walk right or up in the tree
while (n !== null) {
if (n.right !== null) {
n = n.right;
} else if (n.parent === this._root) {
n = null;
} else {
n = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (n.parent)._item;
} while (n !== null && (n.deleted || !this._filter(/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type)))
this._firstCall = false;
if (n === null) {
// @ts-ignore
return { value: undefined, done: true }
this._currentNode = n;
return { value: /** @type {any} */ (n.content).type, done: false }
* Represents a list of {@link YXmlElement}.and {@link YXmlText} types.
* A YxmlFragment is similar to a {@link YXmlElement}, but it does not have a
* nodeName and it does not have attributes. Though it can be bound to a DOM
* element - in this case the attributes and the nodeName are not shared.
* @public
* @extends AbstractType<YXmlEvent>
class YXmlFragment extends AbstractType {
constructor () {
* @type {Array<any>|null}
this._prelimContent = [];
* @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
get firstChild () {
const first = this._first;
return first ? first.content.getContent()[0] : null
* Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
* * Save this struct in the os
* * This type is sent to other client
* * Observer functions are fired
* @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
* @param {Item} item
_integrate (y, item) {
super._integrate(y, item);
this.insert(0, /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent));
this._prelimContent = null;
_copy () {
return new YXmlFragment()
* @return {YXmlFragment}
clone () {
const el = new YXmlFragment();
// @ts-ignore
el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item));
return el
get length () {
return this._prelimContent === null ? this._length : this._prelimContent.length
* Create a subtree of childNodes.
* @example
* const walker = elem.createTreeWalker(dom => dom.nodeName === 'div')
* for (let node in walker) {
* // `node` is a div node
* nop(node)
* }
* @param {function(AbstractType<any>):boolean} filter Function that is called on each child element and
* returns a Boolean indicating whether the child
* is to be included in the subtree.
* @return {YXmlTreeWalker} A subtree and a position within it.
* @public
createTreeWalker (filter) {
return new YXmlTreeWalker(this, filter)
* Returns the first YXmlElement that matches the query.
* Similar to DOM's {@link querySelector}.
* Query support:
* - tagname
* - id
* - attribute
* @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children.
* @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook|null} The first element that matches the query or null.
* @public
querySelector (query) {
query = query.toUpperCase();
// @ts-ignore
const iterator = new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query);
const next = iterator.next();
if (next.done) {
return null
} else {
return next.value
* Returns all YXmlElements that match the query.
* Similar to Dom's {@link querySelectorAll}.
* @todo Does not yet support all queries. Currently only query by tagName.
* @param {CSS_Selector} query The query on the children
* @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook|null>} The elements that match this query.
* @public
querySelectorAll (query) {
query = query.toUpperCase();
// @ts-ignore
return from(new YXmlTreeWalker(this, element => element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === query))
* Creates YXmlEvent and calls observers.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Set<null|string>} parentSubs Keys changed on this type. `null` if list was modified.
_callObserver (transaction, parentSubs) {
callTypeObservers(this, transaction, new YXmlEvent(this, parentSubs, transaction));
* Get the string representation of all the children of this YXmlFragment.
* @return {string} The string representation of all children.
toString () {
return typeListMap(this, xml => xml.toString()).join('')
* @return {string}
toJSON () {
return this.toString()
* Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement.
* @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
* this when calling this method in
* nodejs)
* @param {Object<string, any>} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks
* are presented in the DOM
* @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
* used if DomBinding wants to create a
* association to the created DOM type.
* @return {Node} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element}
* @public
toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) {
const fragment = _document.createDocumentFragment();
if (binding !== undefined) {
binding._createAssociation(fragment, this);
typeListForEach(this, xmlType => {
fragment.insertBefore(xmlType.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding), null);
return fragment
* Inserts new content at an index.
* @example
* // Insert character 'a' at position 0
* xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')])
* @param {number} index The index to insert content at
* @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content The array of content
insert (index, content) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeListInsertGenerics(transaction, this, index, content);
} else {
// @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated
this._prelimContent.splice(index, 0, ...content);
* Inserts new content at an index.
* @example
* // Insert character 'a' at position 0
* xml.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText('text')])
* @param {null|Item|YXmlElement|YXmlText} ref The index to insert content at
* @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content The array of content
insertAfter (ref, content) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
const refItem = (ref && ref instanceof AbstractType) ? ref._item : ref;
typeListInsertGenericsAfter(transaction, this, refItem, content);
} else {
const pc = /** @type {Array<any>} */ (this._prelimContent);
const index = ref === null ? 0 : pc.findIndex(el => el === ref) + 1;
if (index === 0 && ref !== null) {
throw create$2('Reference item not found')
pc.splice(index, 0, ...content);
* Deletes elements starting from an index.
* @param {number} index Index at which to start deleting elements
* @param {number} [length=1] The number of elements to remove. Defaults to 1.
delete (index, length = 1) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeListDelete(transaction, this, index, length);
} else {
// @ts-ignore _prelimContent is defined because this is not yet integrated
this._prelimContent.splice(index, length);
* Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
* @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlHook>}
toArray () {
return typeListToArray(this)
* Appends content to this YArray.
* @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content Array of content to append.
push (content) {
this.insert(this.length, content);
* Preppends content to this YArray.
* @param {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>} content Array of content to preppend.
unshift (content) {
this.insert(0, content);
* Returns the i-th element from a YArray.
* @param {number} index The index of the element to return from the YArray
* @return {YXmlElement|YXmlText}
get (index) {
return typeListGet(this, index)
* Transforms this YArray to a JavaScript Array.
* @param {number} [start]
* @param {number} [end]
* @return {Array<YXmlElement|YXmlText>}
slice (start = 0, end = this.length) {
return typeListSlice(this, start, end)
* Executes a provided function on once on overy child element.
* @param {function(YXmlElement|YXmlText,number, typeof self):void} f A function to execute on every element of this YArray.
forEach (f) {
typeListForEach(this, f);
* Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
* BinaryEncoder.
* This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
_write (encoder) {
* @typedef {Object|number|null|Array<any>|string|Uint8Array|AbstractType<any>} ValueTypes
* An YXmlElement imitates the behavior of a
* {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element}.
* * An YXmlElement has attributes (key value pairs)
* * An YXmlElement has childElements that must inherit from YXmlElement
* @template {{ [key: string]: ValueTypes }} [KV={ [key: string]: string }]
class YXmlElement extends YXmlFragment {
constructor (nodeName = 'UNDEFINED') {
this.nodeName = nodeName;
* @type {Map<string, any>|null}
this._prelimAttrs = new Map();
* @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
get nextSibling () {
const n = this._item ? this._item.next : null;
return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null
* @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText|null}
get prevSibling () {
const n = this._item ? this._item.prev : null;
return n ? /** @type {YXmlElement|YXmlText} */ (/** @type {ContentType} */ (n.content).type) : null
* Integrate this type into the Yjs instance.
* * Save this struct in the os
* * This type is sent to other client
* * Observer functions are fired
* @param {Doc} y The Yjs instance
* @param {Item} item
_integrate (y, item) {
super._integrate(y, item)
;(/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs)).forEach((value, key) => {
this.setAttribute(key, value);
this._prelimAttrs = null;
* Creates an Item with the same effect as this Item (without position effect)
* @return {YXmlElement}
_copy () {
return new YXmlElement(this.nodeName)
* @return {YXmlElement<KV>}
clone () {
* @type {YXmlElement<KV>}
const el = new YXmlElement(this.nodeName);
const attrs = this.getAttributes();
forEach$1(attrs, (value, key) => {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
el.setAttribute(key, value);
// @ts-ignore
el.insert(0, this.toArray().map(item => item instanceof AbstractType ? item.clone() : item));
return el
* Returns the XML serialization of this YXmlElement.
* The attributes are ordered by attribute-name, so you can easily use this
* method to compare YXmlElements
* @return {string} The string representation of this type.
* @public
toString () {
const attrs = this.getAttributes();
const stringBuilder = [];
const keys = [];
for (const key in attrs) {
const keysLen = keys.length;
for (let i = 0; i < keysLen; i++) {
const key = keys[i];
stringBuilder.push(key + '="' + attrs[key] + '"');
const nodeName = this.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase();
const attrsString = stringBuilder.length > 0 ? ' ' + stringBuilder.join(' ') : '';
return `<${nodeName}${attrsString}>${super.toString()}</${nodeName}>`
* Removes an attribute from this YXmlElement.
* @param {string} attributeName The attribute name that is to be removed.
* @public
removeAttribute (attributeName) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapDelete(transaction, this, attributeName);
} else {
/** @type {Map<string,any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs).delete(attributeName);
* Sets or updates an attribute.
* @template {keyof KV & string} KEY
* @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that is to be set.
* @param {KV[KEY]} attributeValue The attribute value that is to be set.
* @public
setAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue) {
if (this.doc !== null) {
transact(this.doc, transaction => {
typeMapSet(transaction, this, attributeName, attributeValue);
} else {
/** @type {Map<string, any>} */ (this._prelimAttrs).set(attributeName, attributeValue);
* Returns an attribute value that belongs to the attribute name.
* @template {keyof KV & string} KEY
* @param {KEY} attributeName The attribute name that identifies the
* queried value.
* @return {KV[KEY]|undefined} The queried attribute value.
* @public
getAttribute (attributeName) {
return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGet(this, attributeName))
* Returns whether an attribute exists
* @param {string} attributeName The attribute name to check for existence.
* @return {boolean} whether the attribute exists.
* @public
hasAttribute (attributeName) {
return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapHas(this, attributeName))
* Returns all attribute name/value pairs in a JSON Object.
* @return {{ [Key in Extract<keyof KV,string>]?: KV[Key]}} A JSON Object that describes the attributes.
* @public
getAttributes () {
return /** @type {any} */ (typeMapGetAll(this))
* Creates a Dom Element that mirrors this YXmlElement.
* @param {Document} [_document=document] The document object (you must define
* this when calling this method in
* nodejs)
* @param {Object<string, any>} [hooks={}] Optional property to customize how hooks
* are presented in the DOM
* @param {any} [binding] You should not set this property. This is
* used if DomBinding wants to create a
* association to the created DOM type.
* @return {Node} The {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element|Dom Element}
* @public
toDOM (_document = document, hooks = {}, binding) {
const dom = _document.createElement(this.nodeName);
const attrs = this.getAttributes();
for (const key in attrs) {
const value = attrs[key];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
dom.setAttribute(key, value);
typeListForEach(this, yxml => {
dom.appendChild(yxml.toDOM(_document, hooks, binding));
if (binding !== undefined) {
binding._createAssociation(dom, this);
return dom
* Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
* BinaryEncoder.
* This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
_write (encoder) {
* @extends YEvent<YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlFragment>
* An Event that describes changes on a YXml Element or Yxml Fragment
class YXmlEvent extends YEvent {
* @param {YXmlElement|YXmlText|YXmlFragment} target The target on which the event is created.
* @param {Set<string|null>} subs The set of changed attributes. `null` is included if the
* child list changed.
* @param {Transaction} transaction The transaction instance with wich the
* change was created.
constructor (target, subs, transaction) {
super(target, transaction);
* Whether the children changed.
* @type {Boolean}
* @private
this.childListChanged = false;
* Set of all changed attributes.
* @type {Set<string>}
this.attributesChanged = new Set();
subs.forEach((sub) => {
if (sub === null) {
this.childListChanged = true;
} else {
class AbstractStruct {
* @param {ID} id
* @param {number} length
constructor (id, length) {
this.id = id;
this.length = length;
* @type {boolean}
get deleted () {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* Merge this struct with the item to the right.
* This method is already assuming that `this.id.clock + this.length === this.id.clock`.
* Also this method does *not* remove right from StructStore!
* @param {AbstractStruct} right
* @return {boolean} wether this merged with right
mergeWith (right) {
return false
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} encodingRef
write (encoder, offset, encodingRef) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {number} offset
integrate (transaction, offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
const structGCRefNumber = 0;
* @private
class GC extends AbstractStruct {
get deleted () {
return true
delete () {}
* @param {GC} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
if (this.constructor !== right.constructor) {
return false
this.length += right.length;
return true
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {number} offset
integrate (transaction, offset) {
if (offset > 0) {
this.id.clock += offset;
this.length -= offset;
addStruct(transaction.doc.store, this);
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
encoder.writeLen(this.length - offset);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {StructStore} store
* @return {null | number}
getMissing (transaction, store) {
return null
class ContentBinary {
* @param {Uint8Array} content
constructor (content) {
this.content = content;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return 1
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return [this.content]
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentBinary}
copy () {
return new ContentBinary(this.content)
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentBinary}
splice (offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {ContentBinary} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
return false
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {}
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 3
class ContentDeleted {
* @param {number} len
constructor (len) {
this.len = len;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return this.len
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return []
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return false
* @return {ContentDeleted}
copy () {
return new ContentDeleted(this.len)
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentDeleted}
splice (offset) {
const right = new ContentDeleted(this.len - offset);
this.len = offset;
return right
* @param {ContentDeleted} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
this.len += right.len;
return true
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {
addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet, item.id.client, item.id.clock, this.len);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
encoder.writeLen(this.len - offset);
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 1
* @param {string} guid
* @param {Object<string, any>} opts
const createDocFromOpts = (guid, opts) => new Doc({ guid, ...opts, shouldLoad: opts.shouldLoad || opts.autoLoad || false });
* @private
class ContentDoc {
* @param {Doc} doc
constructor (doc) {
if (doc._item) {
console.error('This document was already integrated as a sub-document. You should create a second instance instead with the same guid.');
* @type {Doc}
this.doc = doc;
* @type {any}
const opts = {};
this.opts = opts;
if (!doc.gc) {
opts.gc = false;
if (doc.autoLoad) {
opts.autoLoad = true;
if (doc.meta !== null) {
opts.meta = doc.meta;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return 1
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return [this.doc]
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentDoc}
copy () {
return new ContentDoc(createDocFromOpts(this.doc.guid, this.opts))
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentDoc}
splice (offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {ContentDoc} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
return false
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {
// this needs to be reflected in doc.destroy as well
this.doc._item = item;
if (this.doc.shouldLoad) {
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {
if (transaction.subdocsAdded.has(this.doc)) {
} else {
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) { }
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 9
* @private
class ContentEmbed {
* @param {Object} embed
constructor (embed) {
this.embed = embed;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return 1
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return [this.embed]
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentEmbed}
copy () {
return new ContentEmbed(this.embed)
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentEmbed}
splice (offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {ContentEmbed} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
return false
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {}
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 5
* @private
class ContentFormat {
* @param {string} key
* @param {Object} value
constructor (key, value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return 1
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return []
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return false
* @return {ContentFormat}
copy () {
return new ContentFormat(this.key, this.value)
* @param {number} _offset
* @return {ContentFormat}
splice (_offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {ContentFormat} _right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (_right) {
return false
* @param {Transaction} _transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (_transaction, item) {
// @todo searchmarker are currently unsupported for rich text documents
const p = /** @type {YText} */ (item.parent);
p._searchMarker = null;
p._hasFormatting = true;
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 6
class ContentAny {
* @param {Array<any>} arr
constructor (arr) {
* @type {Array<any>}
this.arr = arr;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return this.arr.length
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return this.arr
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentAny}
copy () {
return new ContentAny(this.arr)
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentAny}
splice (offset) {
const right = new ContentAny(this.arr.slice(offset));
this.arr = this.arr.slice(0, offset);
return right
* @param {ContentAny} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
this.arr = this.arr.concat(right.arr);
return true
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {}
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
const len = this.arr.length;
encoder.writeLen(len - offset);
for (let i = offset; i < len; i++) {
const c = this.arr[i];
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 8
* @private
class ContentString {
* @param {string} str
constructor (str) {
* @type {string}
this.str = str;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return this.str.length
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return this.str.split('')
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentString}
copy () {
return new ContentString(this.str)
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentString}
splice (offset) {
const right = new ContentString(this.str.slice(offset));
this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset);
// Prevent encoding invalid documents because of splitting of surrogate pairs: https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/248
const firstCharCode = this.str.charCodeAt(offset - 1);
if (firstCharCode >= 0xD800 && firstCharCode <= 0xDBFF) {
// Last character of the left split is the start of a surrogate utf16/ucs2 pair.
// We don't support splitting of surrogate pairs because this may lead to invalid documents.
// Replace the invalid character with a unicode replacement character (<28> / U+FFFD)
this.str = this.str.slice(0, offset - 1) + '<27>';
// replace right as well
right.str = '<27>' + right.str.slice(1);
return right
* @param {ContentString} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
this.str += right.str;
return true
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {}
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {}
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {}
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
encoder.writeString(offset === 0 ? this.str : this.str.slice(offset));
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 4
const YArrayRefID = 0;
const YMapRefID = 1;
const YTextRefID = 2;
const YXmlElementRefID = 3;
const YXmlFragmentRefID = 4;
* @private
class ContentType {
* @param {AbstractType<any>} type
constructor (type) {
* @type {AbstractType<any>}
this.type = type;
* @return {number}
getLength () {
return 1
* @return {Array<any>}
getContent () {
return [this.type]
* @return {boolean}
isCountable () {
return true
* @return {ContentType}
copy () {
return new ContentType(this.type._copy())
* @param {number} offset
* @return {ContentType}
splice (offset) {
throw methodUnimplemented()
* @param {ContentType} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
return false
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} item
integrate (transaction, item) {
this.type._integrate(transaction.doc, item);
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {
let item = this.type._start;
while (item !== null) {
if (!item.deleted) {
} else if (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0)) {
// This will be gc'd later and we want to merge it if possible
// We try to merge all deleted items after each transaction,
// but we have no knowledge about that this needs to be merged
// since it is not in transaction.ds. Hence we add it to transaction._mergeStructs
item = item.right;
this.type._map.forEach(item => {
if (!item.deleted) {
} else if (item.id.clock < (transaction.beforeState.get(item.id.client) || 0)) {
// same as above
* @param {StructStore} store
gc (store) {
let item = this.type._start;
while (item !== null) {
item.gc(store, true);
item = item.right;
this.type._start = null;
this.type._map.forEach(/** @param {Item | null} item */ (item) => {
while (item !== null) {
item.gc(store, true);
item = item.left;
this.type._map = new Map();
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
* @return {number}
getRef () {
return 7
* Split leftItem into two items
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Item} leftItem
* @param {number} diff
* @return {Item}
* @function
* @private
const splitItem = (transaction, leftItem, diff) => {
// create rightItem
const { client, clock } = leftItem.id;
const rightItem = new Item(
createID(client, clock + diff),
createID(client, clock + diff - 1),
if (leftItem.deleted) {
if (leftItem.keep) {
rightItem.keep = true;
if (leftItem.redone !== null) {
rightItem.redone = createID(leftItem.redone.client, leftItem.redone.clock + diff);
// update left (do not set leftItem.rightOrigin as it will lead to problems when syncing)
leftItem.right = rightItem;
// update right
if (rightItem.right !== null) {
rightItem.right.left = rightItem;
// right is more specific.
// update parent._map
if (rightItem.parentSub !== null && rightItem.right === null) {
/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (rightItem.parent)._map.set(rightItem.parentSub, rightItem);
leftItem.length = diff;
return rightItem
* Abstract class that represents any content.
class Item extends AbstractStruct {
* @param {ID} id
* @param {Item | null} left
* @param {ID | null} origin
* @param {Item | null} right
* @param {ID | null} rightOrigin
* @param {AbstractType<any>|ID|null} parent Is a type if integrated, is null if it is possible to copy parent from left or right, is ID before integration to search for it.
* @param {string | null} parentSub
* @param {AbstractContent} content
constructor (id, left, origin, right, rightOrigin, parent, parentSub, content) {
super(id, content.getLength());
* The item that was originally to the left of this item.
* @type {ID | null}
this.origin = origin;
* The item that is currently to the left of this item.
* @type {Item | null}
this.left = left;
* The item that is currently to the right of this item.
* @type {Item | null}
this.right = right;
* The item that was originally to the right of this item.
* @type {ID | null}
this.rightOrigin = rightOrigin;
* @type {AbstractType<any>|ID|null}
this.parent = parent;
* If the parent refers to this item with some kind of key (e.g. YMap, the
* key is specified here. The key is then used to refer to the list in which
* to insert this item. If `parentSub = null` type._start is the list in
* which to insert to. Otherwise it is `parent._map`.
* @type {String | null}
this.parentSub = parentSub;
* If this type's effect is redone this type refers to the type that undid
* this operation.
* @type {ID | null}
this.redone = null;
* @type {AbstractContent}
this.content = content;
* bit1: keep
* bit2: countable
* bit3: deleted
* bit4: mark - mark node as fast-search-marker
* @type {number} byte
this.info = this.content.isCountable() ? BIT2 : 0;
* This is used to mark the item as an indexed fast-search marker
* @type {boolean}
set marker (isMarked) {
if (((this.info & BIT4) > 0) !== isMarked) {
this.info ^= BIT4;
get marker () {
return (this.info & BIT4) > 0
* If true, do not garbage collect this Item.
get keep () {
return (this.info & BIT1) > 0
set keep (doKeep) {
if (this.keep !== doKeep) {
this.info ^= BIT1;
get countable () {
return (this.info & BIT2) > 0
* Whether this item was deleted or not.
* @type {Boolean}
get deleted () {
return (this.info & BIT3) > 0
set deleted (doDelete) {
if (this.deleted !== doDelete) {
this.info ^= BIT3;
markDeleted () {
this.info |= BIT3;
* Return the creator clientID of the missing op or define missing items and return null.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {StructStore} store
* @return {null | number}
getMissing (transaction, store) {
if (this.origin && this.origin.client !== this.id.client && this.origin.clock >= getState(store, this.origin.client)) {
return this.origin.client
if (this.rightOrigin && this.rightOrigin.client !== this.id.client && this.rightOrigin.clock >= getState(store, this.rightOrigin.client)) {
return this.rightOrigin.client
if (this.parent && this.parent.constructor === ID && this.id.client !== this.parent.client && this.parent.clock >= getState(store, this.parent.client)) {
return this.parent.client
// We have all missing ids, now find the items
if (this.origin) {
this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction, store, this.origin);
this.origin = this.left.lastId;
if (this.rightOrigin) {
this.right = getItemCleanStart(transaction, this.rightOrigin);
this.rightOrigin = this.right.id;
if ((this.left && this.left.constructor === GC) || (this.right && this.right.constructor === GC)) {
this.parent = null;
// only set parent if this shouldn't be garbage collected
if (!this.parent) {
if (this.left && this.left.constructor === Item) {
this.parent = this.left.parent;
this.parentSub = this.left.parentSub;
if (this.right && this.right.constructor === Item) {
this.parent = this.right.parent;
this.parentSub = this.right.parentSub;
} else if (this.parent.constructor === ID) {
const parentItem = getItem(store, this.parent);
if (parentItem.constructor === GC) {
this.parent = null;
} else {
this.parent = /** @type {ContentType} */ (parentItem.content).type;
return null
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {number} offset
integrate (transaction, offset) {
if (offset > 0) {
this.id.clock += offset;
this.left = getItemCleanEnd(transaction, transaction.doc.store, createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock - 1));
this.origin = this.left.lastId;
this.content = this.content.splice(offset);
this.length -= offset;
if (this.parent) {
if ((!this.left && (!this.right || this.right.left !== null)) || (this.left && this.left.right !== this.right)) {
* @type {Item|null}
let left = this.left;
* @type {Item|null}
let o;
// set o to the first conflicting item
if (left !== null) {
o = left.right;
} else if (this.parentSub !== null) {
o = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null;
while (o !== null && o.left !== null) {
o = o.left;
} else {
o = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start;
// TODO: use something like DeleteSet here (a tree implementation would be best)
// @todo use global set definitions
* @type {Set<Item>}
const conflictingItems = new Set();
* @type {Set<Item>}
const itemsBeforeOrigin = new Set();
// Let c in conflictingItems, b in itemsBeforeOrigin
// ***{origin}bbbb{this}{c,b}{c,b}{o}***
// Note that conflictingItems is a subset of itemsBeforeOrigin
while (o !== null && o !== this.right) {
if (compareIDs(this.origin, o.origin)) {
// case 1
if (o.id.client < this.id.client) {
left = o;
} else if (compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, o.rightOrigin)) {
// this and o are conflicting and point to the same integration points. The id decides which item comes first.
// Since this is to the left of o, we can break here
} // else, o might be integrated before an item that this conflicts with. If so, we will find it in the next iterations
} else if (o.origin !== null && itemsBeforeOrigin.has(getItem(transaction.doc.store, o.origin))) { // use getItem instead of getItemCleanEnd because we don't want / need to split items.
// case 2
if (!conflictingItems.has(getItem(transaction.doc.store, o.origin))) {
left = o;
} else {
o = o.right;
this.left = left;
// reconnect left/right + update parent map/start if necessary
if (this.left !== null) {
const right = this.left.right;
this.right = right;
this.left.right = this;
} else {
let r;
if (this.parentSub !== null) {
r = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.get(this.parentSub) || null;
while (r !== null && r.left !== null) {
r = r.left;
} else {
r = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start
;/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._start = this;
this.right = r;
if (this.right !== null) {
this.right.left = this;
} else if (this.parentSub !== null) {
// set as current parent value if right === null and this is parentSub
/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._map.set(this.parentSub, this);
if (this.left !== null) {
// this is the current attribute value of parent. delete right
// adjust length of parent
if (this.parentSub === null && this.countable && !this.deleted) {
/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._length += this.length;
addStruct(transaction.doc.store, this);
this.content.integrate(transaction, this);
// add parent to transaction.changed
addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent), this.parentSub);
if ((/** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._item !== null && /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._item.deleted) || (this.parentSub !== null && this.right !== null)) {
// delete if parent is deleted or if this is not the current attribute value of parent
} else {
// parent is not defined. Integrate GC struct instead
new GC(this.id, this.length).integrate(transaction, 0);
* Returns the next non-deleted item
get next () {
let n = this.right;
while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
n = n.right;
return n
* Returns the previous non-deleted item
get prev () {
let n = this.left;
while (n !== null && n.deleted) {
n = n.left;
return n
* Computes the last content address of this Item.
get lastId () {
// allocating ids is pretty costly because of the amount of ids created, so we try to reuse whenever possible
return this.length === 1 ? this.id : createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock + this.length - 1)
* Try to merge two items
* @param {Item} right
* @return {boolean}
mergeWith (right) {
if (
this.constructor === right.constructor &&
compareIDs(right.origin, this.lastId) &&
this.right === right &&
compareIDs(this.rightOrigin, right.rightOrigin) &&
this.id.client === right.id.client &&
this.id.clock + this.length === right.id.clock &&
this.deleted === right.deleted &&
this.redone === null &&
right.redone === null &&
this.content.constructor === right.content.constructor &&
) {
const searchMarker = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent)._searchMarker;
if (searchMarker) {
searchMarker.forEach(marker => {
if (marker.p === right) {
// right is going to be "forgotten" so we need to update the marker
marker.p = this;
// adjust marker index
if (!this.deleted && this.countable) {
marker.index -= this.length;
if (right.keep) {
this.keep = true;
this.right = right.right;
if (this.right !== null) {
this.right.left = this;
this.length += right.length;
return true
return false
* Mark this Item as deleted.
* @param {Transaction} transaction
delete (transaction) {
if (!this.deleted) {
const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent);
// adjust the length of parent
if (this.countable && this.parentSub === null) {
parent._length -= this.length;
addToDeleteSet(transaction.deleteSet, this.id.client, this.id.clock, this.length);
addChangedTypeToTransaction(transaction, parent, this.parentSub);
* @param {StructStore} store
* @param {boolean} parentGCd
gc (store, parentGCd) {
if (!this.deleted) {
throw unexpectedCase()
if (parentGCd) {
replaceStruct(store, this, new GC(this.id, this.length));
} else {
this.content = new ContentDeleted(this.length);
* Transform the properties of this type to binary and write it to an
* BinaryEncoder.
* This is called when this Item is sent to a remote peer.
* @param {UpdateEncoderV1 | UpdateEncoderV2} encoder The encoder to write data to.
* @param {number} offset
write (encoder, offset) {
const origin = offset > 0 ? createID(this.id.client, this.id.clock + offset - 1) : this.origin;
const rightOrigin = this.rightOrigin;
const parentSub = this.parentSub;
const info = (this.content.getRef() & BITS5) |
(origin === null ? 0 : BIT8) | // origin is defined
(rightOrigin === null ? 0 : BIT7) | // right origin is defined
(parentSub === null ? 0 : BIT6); // parentSub is non-null
if (origin !== null) {
if (rightOrigin !== null) {
if (origin === null && rightOrigin === null) {
const parent = /** @type {AbstractType<any>} */ (this.parent);
if (parent._item !== undefined) {
const parentItem = parent._item;
if (parentItem === null) {
// parent type on y._map
// find the correct key
const ykey = findRootTypeKey(parent);
encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey
} else {
encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id
} else if (parent.constructor === String) { // this edge case was added by differential updates
encoder.writeParentInfo(true); // write parentYKey
} else if (parent.constructor === ID) {
encoder.writeParentInfo(false); // write parent id
} else {
if (parentSub !== null) {
this.content.write(encoder, offset);
/** eslint-env browser */
const glo = /** @type {any} */ (typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
? globalThis
: typeof window !== 'undefined'
? window
// @ts-ignore
: typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {});
const importIdentifier = '__ $YJS$ __';
if (glo[importIdentifier] === true) {
* Dear reader of this message. Please take this seriously.
* If you see this message, make sure that you only import one version of Yjs. In many cases,
* your package manager installs two versions of Yjs that are used by different packages within your project.
* Another reason for this message is that some parts of your project use the commonjs version of Yjs
* and others use the EcmaScript version of Yjs.
* This often leads to issues that are hard to debug. We often need to perform constructor checks,
* e.g. `struct instanceof GC`. If you imported different versions of Yjs, it is impossible for us to
* do the constructor checks anymore - which might break the CRDT algorithm.
* https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/438
console.error('Yjs was already imported. This breaks constructor checks and will lead to issues! - https://github.com/yjs/yjs/issues/438');
glo[importIdentifier] = true;
* @module awareness-protocol
const outdatedTimeout = 30000;
* @typedef {Object} MetaClientState
* @property {number} MetaClientState.clock
* @property {number} MetaClientState.lastUpdated unix timestamp
* The Awareness class implements a simple shared state protocol that can be used for non-persistent data like awareness information
* (cursor, username, status, ..). Each client can update its own local state and listen to state changes of
* remote clients. Every client may set a state of a remote peer to `null` to mark the client as offline.
* Each client is identified by a unique client id (something we borrow from `doc.clientID`). A client can override
* its own state by propagating a message with an increasing timestamp (`clock`). If such a message is received, it is
* applied if the known state of that client is older than the new state (`clock < newClock`). If a client thinks that
* a remote client is offline, it may propagate a message with
* `{ clock: currentClientClock, state: null, client: remoteClient }`. If such a
* message is received, and the known clock of that client equals the received clock, it will override the state with `null`.
* Before a client disconnects, it should propagate a `null` state with an updated clock.
* Awareness states must be updated every 30 seconds. Otherwise the Awareness instance will delete the client state.
* @extends {Observable<string>}
class Awareness extends Observable {
* @param {Y.Doc} doc
constructor (doc) {
this.doc = doc;
* @type {number}
this.clientID = doc.clientID;
* Maps from client id to client state
* @type {Map<number, Object<string, any>>}
this.states = new Map();
* @type {Map<number, MetaClientState>}
this.meta = new Map();
this._checkInterval = /** @type {any} */ (setInterval(() => {
const now = getUnixTime();
if (this.getLocalState() !== null && (outdatedTimeout / 2 <= now - /** @type {{lastUpdated:number}} */ (this.meta.get(this.clientID)).lastUpdated)) {
// renew local clock
* @type {Array<number>}
const remove = [];
this.meta.forEach((meta, clientid) => {
if (clientid !== this.clientID && outdatedTimeout <= now - meta.lastUpdated && this.states.has(clientid)) {
if (remove.length > 0) {
removeAwarenessStates(this, remove, 'timeout');
}, floor(outdatedTimeout / 10)));
doc.on('destroy', () => {
destroy () {
this.emit('destroy', [this]);
* @return {Object<string,any>|null}
getLocalState () {
return this.states.get(this.clientID) || null
* @param {Object<string,any>|null} state
setLocalState (state) {
const clientID = this.clientID;
const currLocalMeta = this.meta.get(clientID);
const clock = currLocalMeta === undefined ? 0 : currLocalMeta.clock + 1;
const prevState = this.states.get(clientID);
if (state === null) {
} else {
this.states.set(clientID, state);
this.meta.set(clientID, {
lastUpdated: getUnixTime()
const added = [];
const updated = [];
const filteredUpdated = [];
const removed = [];
if (state === null) {
} else if (prevState == null) {
if (state != null) {
} else {
if (!equalityDeep(prevState, state)) {
if (added.length > 0 || filteredUpdated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
this.emit('change', [{ added, updated: filteredUpdated, removed }, 'local']);
this.emit('update', [{ added, updated, removed }, 'local']);
* @param {string} field
* @param {any} value
setLocalStateField (field, value) {
const state = this.getLocalState();
if (state !== null) {
[field]: value
* @return {Map<number,Object<string,any>>}
getStates () {
return this.states
* Mark (remote) clients as inactive and remove them from the list of active peers.
* This change will be propagated to remote clients.
* @param {Awareness} awareness
* @param {Array<number>} clients
* @param {any} origin
const removeAwarenessStates = (awareness, clients, origin) => {
const removed = [];
for (let i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
const clientID = clients[i];
if (awareness.states.has(clientID)) {
if (clientID === awareness.clientID) {
const curMeta = /** @type {MetaClientState} */ (awareness.meta.get(clientID));
awareness.meta.set(clientID, {
clock: curMeta.clock + 1,
lastUpdated: getUnixTime()
if (removed.length > 0) {
awareness.emit('change', [{ added: [], updated: [], removed }, origin]);
awareness.emit('update', [{ added: [], updated: [], removed }, origin]);
* @param {Awareness} awareness
* @param {Array<number>} clients
* @return {Uint8Array}
const encodeAwarenessUpdate = (awareness, clients, states = awareness.states) => {
const len = clients.length;
const encoder = createEncoder();
writeVarUint(encoder, len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const clientID = clients[i];
const state = states.get(clientID) || null;
const clock = /** @type {MetaClientState} */ (awareness.meta.get(clientID)).clock;
writeVarUint(encoder, clientID);
writeVarUint(encoder, clock);
writeVarString(encoder, JSON.stringify(state));
return toUint8Array(encoder)
* @param {Awareness} awareness
* @param {Uint8Array} update
* @param {any} origin This will be added to the emitted change event
const applyAwarenessUpdate = (awareness, update, origin) => {
const decoder = createDecoder(update);
const timestamp = getUnixTime();
const added = [];
const updated = [];
const filteredUpdated = [];
const removed = [];
const len = readVarUint(decoder);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const clientID = readVarUint(decoder);
let clock = readVarUint(decoder);
const state = JSON.parse(readVarString(decoder));
const clientMeta = awareness.meta.get(clientID);
const prevState = awareness.states.get(clientID);
const currClock = clientMeta === undefined ? 0 : clientMeta.clock;
if (currClock < clock || (currClock === clock && state === null && awareness.states.has(clientID))) {
if (state === null) {
// never let a remote client remove this local state
if (clientID === awareness.clientID && awareness.getLocalState() != null) {
// remote client removed the local state. Do not remote state. Broadcast a message indicating
// that this client still exists by increasing the clock
} else {
} else {
awareness.states.set(clientID, state);
awareness.meta.set(clientID, {
lastUpdated: timestamp
if (clientMeta === undefined && state !== null) {
} else if (clientMeta !== undefined && state === null) {
} else if (state !== null) {
if (!equalityDeep(state, prevState)) {
if (added.length > 0 || filteredUpdated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
awareness.emit('change', [{
added, updated: filteredUpdated, removed
}, origin]);
if (added.length > 0 || updated.length > 0 || removed.length > 0) {
awareness.emit('update', [{
added, updated, removed
}, origin]);
* @param {t.TestCase} tc
const testAwareness = tc => {
const doc1 = new Doc();
doc1.clientID = 0;
const doc2 = new Doc();
doc2.clientID = 1;
const aw1 = new Awareness(doc1);
const aw2 = new Awareness(doc2);
aw1.on('update', /** @param {any} p */ ({ added, updated, removed }) => {
const enc = encodeAwarenessUpdate(aw1, added.concat(updated).concat(removed));
applyAwarenessUpdate(aw2, enc, 'custom');
let lastChangeLocal = /** @type {any} */ (null);
aw1.on('change', /** @param {any} change */ change => {
lastChangeLocal = change;
let lastChange = /** @type {any} */ (null);
aw2.on('change', /** @param {any} change */ change => {
lastChange = change;
aw1.setLocalState({ x: 3 });
compare(aw2.getStates().get(0), { x: 3 });
assert(/** @type {any} */ (aw2.meta.get(0)).clock === 1);
compare(lastChange.added, [0]);
// When creating an Awareness instance, the the local client is already marked as available, so it is not updated.
compare(lastChangeLocal, { added: [], updated: [0], removed: [] });
// update state
lastChange = null;
lastChangeLocal = null;
aw1.setLocalState({ x: 4 });
compare(aw2.getStates().get(0), { x: 4 });
compare(lastChangeLocal, { added: [], updated: [0], removed: [] });
compare(lastChangeLocal, lastChange);
lastChange = null;
lastChangeLocal = null;
aw1.setLocalState({ x: 4 });
assert(lastChange === null);
assert(/** @type {any} */ (aw2.meta.get(0)).clock === 3);
compare(lastChangeLocal, lastChange);
assert(lastChange.removed.length === 1);
compare(aw1.getStates().get(0), undefined);
compare(lastChangeLocal, lastChange);
var awareness = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
testAwareness: testAwareness
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (isBrowser) {
}).then(success => {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (isNode) {
process.exit(success ? 0 : 1);
//# sourceMappingURL=test.js.map