2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

631 lines
20 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

'use strict'
const { webidl } = require('../fetch/webidl')
const { DOMException } = require('../fetch/constants')
const { URLSerializer } = require('../fetch/dataURL')
const { staticPropertyDescriptors, states, opcodes, emptyBuffer } = require('./constants')
const {
} = require('./symbols')
const { isEstablished, isClosing, isValidSubprotocol, failWebsocketConnection, fireEvent } = require('./util')
const { establishWebSocketConnection } = require('./connection')
const { WebsocketFrameSend } = require('./frame')
const { ByteParser } = require('./receiver')
const { kEnumerableProperty, isBlobLike } = require('../core/util')
const { getGlobalDispatcher } = require('../global')
const { types } = require('util')
let experimentalWarned = false
// https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-definition
class WebSocket extends EventTarget {
#events = {
open: null,
error: null,
close: null,
message: null
#bufferedAmount = 0
#protocol = ''
#extensions = ''
* @param {string} url
* @param {string|string[]} protocols
constructor (url, protocols = []) {
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, { header: 'WebSocket constructor' })
if (!experimentalWarned) {
experimentalWarned = true
process.emitWarning('WebSockets are experimental, expect them to change at any time.', {
code: 'UNDICI-WS'
const options = webidl.converters['DOMString or sequence<DOMString> or WebSocketInit'](protocols)
url = webidl.converters.USVString(url)
protocols = options.protocols
// 1. Let urlRecord be the result of applying the URL parser to url.
let urlRecord
try {
urlRecord = new URL(url)
} catch (e) {
// 2. If urlRecord is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
throw new DOMException(e, 'SyntaxError')
// 3. If urlRecords scheme is not "ws" or "wss", then throw a
// "SyntaxError" DOMException.
if (urlRecord.protocol !== 'ws:' && urlRecord.protocol !== 'wss:') {
throw new DOMException(
`Expected a ws: or wss: protocol, got ${urlRecord.protocol}`,
// 4. If urlRecords fragment is non-null, then throw a "SyntaxError"
// DOMException.
if (urlRecord.hash) {
throw new DOMException('Got fragment', 'SyntaxError')
// 5. If protocols is a string, set protocols to a sequence consisting
// of just that string.
if (typeof protocols === 'string') {
protocols = [protocols]
// 6. If any of the values in protocols occur more than once or otherwise
// fail to match the requirements for elements that comprise the value
// of `Sec-WebSocket-Protocol` fields as defined by The WebSocket
// protocol, then throw a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
if (protocols.length !== new Set(protocols.map(p => p.toLowerCase())).size) {
throw new DOMException('Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol value', 'SyntaxError')
if (protocols.length > 0 && !protocols.every(p => isValidSubprotocol(p))) {
throw new DOMException('Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol value', 'SyntaxError')
// 7. Set this's url to urlRecord.
this[kWebSocketURL] = urlRecord
// 8. Let client be this's relevant settings object.
// 9. Run this step in parallel:
// 1. Establish a WebSocket connection given urlRecord, protocols,
// and client.
this[kController] = establishWebSocketConnection(
(response) => this.#onConnectionEstablished(response),
// Each WebSocket object has an associated ready state, which is a
// number representing the state of the connection. Initially it must
// be CONNECTING (0).
this[kReadyState] = WebSocket.CONNECTING
// The extensions attribute must initially return the empty string.
// The protocol attribute must initially return the empty string.
// Each WebSocket object has an associated binary type, which is a
// BinaryType. Initially it must be "blob".
this[kBinaryType] = 'blob'
* @see https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-close
* @param {number|undefined} code
* @param {string|undefined} reason
close (code = undefined, reason = undefined) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (code !== undefined) {
code = webidl.converters['unsigned short'](code, { clamp: true })
if (reason !== undefined) {
reason = webidl.converters.USVString(reason)
// 1. If code is present, but is neither an integer equal to 1000 nor an
// integer in the range 3000 to 4999, inclusive, throw an
// "InvalidAccessError" DOMException.
if (code !== undefined) {
if (code !== 1000 && (code < 3000 || code > 4999)) {
throw new DOMException('invalid code', 'InvalidAccessError')
let reasonByteLength = 0
// 2. If reason is present, then run these substeps:
if (reason !== undefined) {
// 1. Let reasonBytes be the result of encoding reason.
// 2. If reasonBytes is longer than 123 bytes, then throw a
// "SyntaxError" DOMException.
reasonByteLength = Buffer.byteLength(reason)
if (reasonByteLength > 123) {
throw new DOMException(
`Reason must be less than 123 bytes; received ${reasonByteLength}`,
// 3. Run the first matching steps from the following list:
if (this[kReadyState] === WebSocket.CLOSING || this[kReadyState] === WebSocket.CLOSED) {
// If this's ready state is CLOSING (2) or CLOSED (3)
// Do nothing.
} else if (!isEstablished(this)) {
// If the WebSocket connection is not yet established
// Fail the WebSocket connection and set this's ready state
// to CLOSING (2).
failWebsocketConnection(this, 'Connection was closed before it was established.')
this[kReadyState] = WebSocket.CLOSING
} else if (!isClosing(this)) {
// If the WebSocket closing handshake has not yet been started
// Start the WebSocket closing handshake and set this's ready
// state to CLOSING (2).
// - If neither code nor reason is present, the WebSocket Close
// message must not have a body.
// - If code is present, then the status code to use in the
// WebSocket Close message must be the integer given by code.
// - If reason is also present, then reasonBytes must be
// provided in the Close message after the status code.
const frame = new WebsocketFrameSend()
// If neither code nor reason is present, the WebSocket Close
// message must not have a body.
// If code is present, then the status code to use in the
// WebSocket Close message must be the integer given by code.
if (code !== undefined && reason === undefined) {
frame.frameData = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2)
frame.frameData.writeUInt16BE(code, 0)
} else if (code !== undefined && reason !== undefined) {
// If reason is also present, then reasonBytes must be
// provided in the Close message after the status code.
frame.frameData = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2 + reasonByteLength)
frame.frameData.writeUInt16BE(code, 0)
// the body MAY contain UTF-8-encoded data with value /reason/
frame.frameData.write(reason, 2, 'utf-8')
} else {
frame.frameData = emptyBuffer
/** @type {import('stream').Duplex} */
const socket = this[kResponse].socket
socket.write(frame.createFrame(opcodes.CLOSE), (err) => {
if (!err) {
this[kSentClose] = true
// Upon either sending or receiving a Close control frame, it is said
// that _The WebSocket Closing Handshake is Started_ and that the
// WebSocket connection is in the CLOSING state.
this[kReadyState] = states.CLOSING
} else {
// Otherwise
// Set this's ready state to CLOSING (2).
this[kReadyState] = WebSocket.CLOSING
* @see https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-send
* @param {NodeJS.TypedArray|ArrayBuffer|Blob|string} data
send (data) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, { header: 'WebSocket.send' })
data = webidl.converters.WebSocketSendData(data)
// 1. If this's ready state is CONNECTING, then throw an
// "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (this[kReadyState] === WebSocket.CONNECTING) {
throw new DOMException('Sent before connected.', 'InvalidStateError')
// 2. Run the appropriate set of steps from the following list:
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-6.1
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-5.2
if (!isEstablished(this) || isClosing(this)) {
/** @type {import('stream').Duplex} */
const socket = this[kResponse].socket
// If data is a string
if (typeof data === 'string') {
// If the WebSocket connection is established and the WebSocket
// closing handshake has not yet started, then the user agent
// must send a WebSocket Message comprised of the data argument
// using a text frame opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g.
// because it would need to be buffered but the buffer is full,
// the user agent must flag the WebSocket as full and then close
// the WebSocket connection. Any invocation of this method with a
// string argument that does not throw an exception must increase
// the bufferedAmount attribute by the number of bytes needed to
// express the argument as UTF-8.
const value = Buffer.from(data)
const frame = new WebsocketFrameSend(value)
const buffer = frame.createFrame(opcodes.TEXT)
this.#bufferedAmount += value.byteLength
socket.write(buffer, () => {
this.#bufferedAmount -= value.byteLength
} else if (types.isArrayBuffer(data)) {
// If the WebSocket connection is established, and the WebSocket
// closing handshake has not yet started, then the user agent must
// send a WebSocket Message comprised of data using a binary frame
// opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need
// to be buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must flag
// the WebSocket as full and then close the WebSocket connection.
// The data to be sent is the data stored in the buffer described
// by the ArrayBuffer object. Any invocation of this method with an
// ArrayBuffer argument that does not throw an exception must
// increase the bufferedAmount attribute by the length of the
// ArrayBuffer in bytes.
const value = Buffer.from(data)
const frame = new WebsocketFrameSend(value)
const buffer = frame.createFrame(opcodes.BINARY)
this.#bufferedAmount += value.byteLength
socket.write(buffer, () => {
this.#bufferedAmount -= value.byteLength
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
// If the WebSocket connection is established, and the WebSocket
// closing handshake has not yet started, then the user agent must
// send a WebSocket Message comprised of data using a binary frame
// opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to
// be buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must flag the
// WebSocket as full and then close the WebSocket connection. The
// data to be sent is the data stored in the section of the buffer
// described by the ArrayBuffer object that data references. Any
// invocation of this method with this kind of argument that does
// not throw an exception must increase the bufferedAmount attribute
// by the length of datas buffer in bytes.
const ab = Buffer.from(data, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength)
const frame = new WebsocketFrameSend(ab)
const buffer = frame.createFrame(opcodes.BINARY)
this.#bufferedAmount += ab.byteLength
socket.write(buffer, () => {
this.#bufferedAmount -= ab.byteLength
} else if (isBlobLike(data)) {
// If the WebSocket connection is established, and the WebSocket
// closing handshake has not yet started, then the user agent must
// send a WebSocket Message comprised of data using a binary frame
// opcode; if the data cannot be sent, e.g. because it would need to
// be buffered but the buffer is full, the user agent must flag the
// WebSocket as full and then close the WebSocket connection. The data
// to be sent is the raw data represented by the Blob object. Any
// invocation of this method with a Blob argument that does not throw
// an exception must increase the bufferedAmount attribute by the size
// of the Blob objects raw data, in bytes.
const frame = new WebsocketFrameSend()
data.arrayBuffer().then((ab) => {
const value = Buffer.from(ab)
frame.frameData = value
const buffer = frame.createFrame(opcodes.BINARY)
this.#bufferedAmount += value.byteLength
socket.write(buffer, () => {
this.#bufferedAmount -= value.byteLength
get readyState () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
// The readyState getter steps are to return this's ready state.
return this[kReadyState]
get bufferedAmount () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#bufferedAmount
get url () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
// The url getter steps are to return this's url, serialized.
return URLSerializer(this[kWebSocketURL])
get extensions () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#extensions
get protocol () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#protocol
get onopen () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#events.open
set onopen (fn) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (this.#events.open) {
this.removeEventListener('open', this.#events.open)
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
this.#events.open = fn
this.addEventListener('open', fn)
} else {
this.#events.open = null
get onerror () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#events.error
set onerror (fn) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (this.#events.error) {
this.removeEventListener('error', this.#events.error)
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
this.#events.error = fn
this.addEventListener('error', fn)
} else {
this.#events.error = null
get onclose () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#events.close
set onclose (fn) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (this.#events.close) {
this.removeEventListener('close', this.#events.close)
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
this.#events.close = fn
this.addEventListener('close', fn)
} else {
this.#events.close = null
get onmessage () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this.#events.message
set onmessage (fn) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (this.#events.message) {
this.removeEventListener('message', this.#events.message)
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
this.#events.message = fn
this.addEventListener('message', fn)
} else {
this.#events.message = null
get binaryType () {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
return this[kBinaryType]
set binaryType (type) {
webidl.brandCheck(this, WebSocket)
if (type !== 'blob' && type !== 'arraybuffer') {
this[kBinaryType] = 'blob'
} else {
this[kBinaryType] = type
* @see https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#feedback-from-the-protocol
#onConnectionEstablished (response) {
// processResponse is called when the "responses header list has been received and initialized."
// once this happens, the connection is open
this[kResponse] = response
const parser = new ByteParser(this)
parser.on('drain', function onParserDrain () {
response.socket.ws = this
this[kByteParser] = parser
// 1. Change the ready state to OPEN (1).
this[kReadyState] = states.OPEN
// 2. Change the extensions attributes value to the extensions in use, if
// it is not the null value.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-9.1
const extensions = response.headersList.get('sec-websocket-extensions')
if (extensions !== null) {
this.#extensions = extensions
// 3. Change the protocol attributes value to the subprotocol in use, if
// it is not the null value.
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-1.9
const protocol = response.headersList.get('sec-websocket-protocol')
if (protocol !== null) {
this.#protocol = protocol
// 4. Fire an event named open at the WebSocket object.
fireEvent('open', this)
// https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-connecting
WebSocket.CONNECTING = WebSocket.prototype.CONNECTING = states.CONNECTING
// https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-open
WebSocket.OPEN = WebSocket.prototype.OPEN = states.OPEN
// https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-closing
WebSocket.CLOSING = WebSocket.prototype.CLOSING = states.CLOSING
// https://websockets.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-websocket-closed
WebSocket.CLOSED = WebSocket.prototype.CLOSED = states.CLOSED
Object.defineProperties(WebSocket.prototype, {
CONNECTING: staticPropertyDescriptors,
OPEN: staticPropertyDescriptors,
CLOSING: staticPropertyDescriptors,
CLOSED: staticPropertyDescriptors,
url: kEnumerableProperty,
readyState: kEnumerableProperty,
bufferedAmount: kEnumerableProperty,
onopen: kEnumerableProperty,
onerror: kEnumerableProperty,
onclose: kEnumerableProperty,
close: kEnumerableProperty,
onmessage: kEnumerableProperty,
binaryType: kEnumerableProperty,
send: kEnumerableProperty,
extensions: kEnumerableProperty,
protocol: kEnumerableProperty,
[Symbol.toStringTag]: {
value: 'WebSocket',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperties(WebSocket, {
CONNECTING: staticPropertyDescriptors,
OPEN: staticPropertyDescriptors,
CLOSING: staticPropertyDescriptors,
CLOSED: staticPropertyDescriptors
webidl.converters['sequence<DOMString>'] = webidl.sequenceConverter(
webidl.converters['DOMString or sequence<DOMString>'] = function (V) {
if (webidl.util.Type(V) === 'Object' && Symbol.iterator in V) {
return webidl.converters['sequence<DOMString>'](V)
return webidl.converters.DOMString(V)
// This implements the propsal made in https://github.com/whatwg/websockets/issues/42
webidl.converters.WebSocketInit = webidl.dictionaryConverter([
key: 'protocols',
converter: webidl.converters['DOMString or sequence<DOMString>'],
get defaultValue () {
return []
key: 'dispatcher',
converter: (V) => V,
get defaultValue () {
return getGlobalDispatcher()
key: 'headers',
converter: webidl.nullableConverter(webidl.converters.HeadersInit)
webidl.converters['DOMString or sequence<DOMString> or WebSocketInit'] = function (V) {
if (webidl.util.Type(V) === 'Object' && !(Symbol.iterator in V)) {
return webidl.converters.WebSocketInit(V)
return { protocols: webidl.converters['DOMString or sequence<DOMString>'](V) }
webidl.converters.WebSocketSendData = function (V) {
if (webidl.util.Type(V) === 'Object') {
if (isBlobLike(V)) {
return webidl.converters.Blob(V, { strict: false })
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(V) || types.isAnyArrayBuffer(V)) {
return webidl.converters.BufferSource(V)
return webidl.converters.USVString(V)
module.exports = {