2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

303 lines
11 KiB

'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const Module = require('module')
const resolve = require('resolve')
const debug = require('debug')('require-in-the-middle')
const moduleDetailsFromPath = require('module-details-from-path')
// Using the default export is discouraged, but kept for backward compatibility.
// Use this instead:
// const { Hook } = require('require-in-the-middle')
module.exports = Hook
module.exports.Hook = Hook
* Is the given module a "core" module?
* https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#core-modules
* @type {(moduleName: string) => boolean}
let isCore
if (Module.isBuiltin) { // Added in node v18.6.0, v16.17.0
isCore = Module.isBuiltin
} else {
const [major, minor] = process.versions.node.split('.').map(Number)
if (major === 8 && minor < 8) {
// For node versions `[8.0, 8.8)` the "http2" module was built-in but
// behind the `--expose-http2` flag. `resolve` only considers unflagged
// modules to be core: https://github.com/browserify/resolve/issues/139
// However, for `ExportsCache` to work for "http2" we need it to be
// considered core.
isCore = moduleName => {
if (moduleName === 'http2') {
return true
// Prefer `resolve.core` lookup to `resolve.isCore(moduleName)` because
// the latter is doing version range matches for every call.
return !!resolve.core[moduleName]
} else {
isCore = moduleName => {
// Prefer `resolve.core` lookup to `resolve.isCore(moduleName)` because
// the latter is doing version range matches for every call.
return !!resolve.core[moduleName]
// 'foo/bar.js' or 'foo/bar/index.js' => 'foo/bar'
const normalize = /([/\\]index)?(\.js)?$/
// Cache `onrequire`-patched exports for modules.
// Exports for built-in (a.k.a. "core") modules are stored in an internal Map.
// Exports for non-core modules are stored on a private field on the `Module`
// object in `require.cache`. This allows users to delete from `require.cache`
// to trigger a re-load (and re-run of the hook's `onrequire`) of a module the
// next time it is required.
// https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/all.html#all_modules_requirecache
// In some special cases -- e.g. some other `require()` hook swapping out
// `Module._cache` like `@babel/register` -- a non-core module won't be in
// `require.cache`. In that case this falls back to caching on the internal Map.
class ExportsCache {
constructor () {
this._localCache = new Map() // <module filename or id> -> <exports>
this._kRitmExports = Symbol('RitmExports')
has (filename, isBuiltin) {
if (this._localCache.has(filename)) {
return true
} else if (!isBuiltin) {
const mod = require.cache[filename]
return !!(mod && this._kRitmExports in mod)
} else {
return false
get (filename, isBuiltin) {
const cachedExports = this._localCache.get(filename)
if (cachedExports !== undefined) {
return cachedExports
} else if (!isBuiltin) {
const mod = require.cache[filename]
return (mod && mod[this._kRitmExports])
set (filename, exports, isBuiltin) {
if (isBuiltin) {
this._localCache.set(filename, exports)
} else if (filename in require.cache) {
require.cache[filename][this._kRitmExports] = exports
} else {
debug('non-core module is unexpectedly not in require.cache: "%s"', filename)
this._localCache.set(filename, exports)
function Hook (modules, options, onrequire) {
if ((this instanceof Hook) === false) return new Hook(modules, options, onrequire)
if (typeof modules === 'function') {
onrequire = modules
modules = null
options = null
} else if (typeof options === 'function') {
onrequire = options
options = null
if (typeof Module._resolveFilename !== 'function') {
console.error('Error: Expected Module._resolveFilename to be a function (was: %s) - aborting!', typeof Module._resolveFilename)
console.error('Please report this error as an issue related to Node.js %s at %s', process.version, require('./package.json').bugs.url)
this._cache = new ExportsCache()
this._unhooked = false
this._origRequire = Module.prototype.require
const self = this
const patching = new Set()
const internals = options ? options.internals === true : false
const hasWhitelist = Array.isArray(modules)
debug('registering require hook')
this._require = Module.prototype.require = function (id) {
if (self._unhooked === true) {
// if the patched require function could not be removed because
// someone else patched it after it was patched here, we just
// abort and pass the request onwards to the original require
debug('ignoring require call - module is soft-unhooked')
return self._origRequire.apply(this, arguments)
const core = isCore(id)
let filename // the string used for caching
if (core) {
filename = id
// If this is a builtin module that can be identified both as 'foo' and
// 'node:foo', then prefer 'foo' as the caching key.
if (id.startsWith('node:')) {
const idWithoutPrefix = id.slice(5)
if (isCore(idWithoutPrefix)) {
filename = idWithoutPrefix
} else {
try {
filename = Module._resolveFilename(id, this)
} catch (resolveErr) {
// If someone *else* monkey-patches before this monkey-patch, then that
// code might expect `require(someId)` to get through so it can be
// handled, even if `someId` cannot be resolved to a filename. In this
// case, instead of throwing we defer to the underlying `require`.
// For example the Azure Functions Node.js worker module does this,
// where `@azure/functions-core` resolves to an internal object.
// https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-nodejs-worker/blob/v3.5.2/src/setupCoreModule.ts#L46-L54
debug('Module._resolveFilename("%s") threw %j, calling original Module.require', id, resolveErr.message)
return self._origRequire.apply(this, arguments)
let moduleName, basedir
debug('processing %s module require(\'%s\'): %s', core === true ? 'core' : 'non-core', id, filename)
// return known patched modules immediately
if (self._cache.has(filename, core) === true) {
debug('returning already patched cached module: %s', filename)
return self._cache.get(filename, core)
// Check if this module has a patcher in-progress already.
// Otherwise, mark this module as patching in-progress.
const isPatching = patching.has(filename)
if (isPatching === false) {
const exports = self._origRequire.apply(this, arguments)
// If it's already patched, just return it as-is.
if (isPatching === true) {
debug('module is in the process of being patched already - ignoring: %s', filename)
return exports
// The module has already been loaded,
// so the patching mark can be cleaned up.
if (core === true) {
if (hasWhitelist === true && modules.includes(filename) === false) {
debug('ignoring core module not on whitelist: %s', filename)
return exports // abort if module name isn't on whitelist
moduleName = filename
} else if (hasWhitelist === true && modules.includes(filename)) {
// whitelist includes the absolute path to the file including extension
const parsedPath = path.parse(filename)
moduleName = parsedPath.name
basedir = parsedPath.dir
} else {
const stat = moduleDetailsFromPath(filename)
if (stat === undefined) {
debug('could not parse filename: %s', filename)
return exports // abort if filename could not be parsed
moduleName = stat.name
basedir = stat.basedir
// Ex: require('foo/lib/../bar.js')
// moduleName = 'foo'
// fullModuleName = 'foo/bar'
const fullModuleName = resolveModuleName(stat)
debug('resolved filename to module: %s (id: %s, resolved: %s, basedir: %s)', moduleName, id, fullModuleName, basedir)
let matchFound = false
if (hasWhitelist) {
if (!id.startsWith('.') && modules.includes(id)) {
// Not starting with '.' means `id` is identifying a module path,
// as opposed to a local file path. (Note: I'm not sure about
// absolute paths, but those are handled above.)
// If this `id` is in `modules`, then this could be a match to an
// package "exports" entry point that wouldn't otherwise match below.
moduleName = id
matchFound = true
// abort if module name isn't on whitelist
if (!modules.includes(moduleName) && !modules.includes(fullModuleName)) {
return exports
if (modules.includes(fullModuleName) && fullModuleName !== moduleName) {
// if we get to this point, it means that we're requiring a whitelisted sub-module
moduleName = fullModuleName
matchFound = true
if (!matchFound) {
// figure out if this is the main module file, or a file inside the module
let res
try {
res = resolve.sync(moduleName, { basedir })
} catch (e) {
debug('could not resolve module: %s', moduleName)
self._cache.set(filename, exports, core)
return exports // abort if module could not be resolved (e.g. no main in package.json and no index.js file)
if (res !== filename) {
// this is a module-internal file
if (internals === true) {
// use the module-relative path to the file, prefixed by original module name
moduleName = moduleName + path.sep + path.relative(basedir, filename)
debug('preparing to process require of internal file: %s', moduleName)
} else {
debug('ignoring require of non-main module file: %s', res)
self._cache.set(filename, exports, core)
return exports // abort if not main module file
// ensure that the cache entry is assigned a value before calling
// onrequire, in case calling onrequire requires the same module.
self._cache.set(filename, exports, core)
debug('calling require hook: %s', moduleName)
const patchedExports = onrequire(exports, moduleName, basedir)
self._cache.set(filename, patchedExports, core)
debug('returning module: %s', moduleName)
return patchedExports
Hook.prototype.unhook = function () {
this._unhooked = true
if (this._require === Module.prototype.require) {
Module.prototype.require = this._origRequire
debug('unhook successful')
} else {
debug('unhook unsuccessful')
function resolveModuleName (stat) {
const normalizedPath = path.sep !== '/' ? stat.path.split(path.sep).join('/') : stat.path
return path.posix.join(stat.name, normalizedPath).replace(normalize, '')