2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

314 lines
8.8 KiB

'use strict';
* Converts tokens for a single address into an address object
* @param {Array} tokens Tokens object
* @return {Object} Address object
function _handleAddress(tokens) {
let token;
let isGroup = false;
let state = 'text';
let address;
let addresses = [];
let data = {
address: [],
comment: [],
group: [],
text: []
let i;
let len;
// Filter out <addresses>, (comments) and regular text
for (i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) {
token = tokens[i];
if (token.type === 'operator') {
switch (token.value) {
case '<':
state = 'address';
case '(':
state = 'comment';
case ':':
state = 'group';
isGroup = true;
state = 'text';
} else if (token.value) {
if (state === 'address') {
// handle use case where unquoted name includes a "<"
// Apple Mail truncates everything between an unexpected < and an address
// and so will we
token.value = token.value.replace(/^[^<]*<\s*/, '');
// If there is no text but a comment, replace the two
if (!data.text.length && data.comment.length) {
data.text = data.comment;
data.comment = [];
if (isGroup) {
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#appendix-A.1.3
data.text = data.text.join(' ');
name: data.text || (address && address.name),
group: data.group.length ? addressparser(data.group.join(',')) : []
} else {
// If no address was found, try to detect one from regular text
if (!data.address.length && data.text.length) {
for (i = data.text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (data.text[i].match(/^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+$/)) {
data.address = data.text.splice(i, 1);
let _regexHandler = function (address) {
if (!data.address.length) {
data.address = [address.trim()];
return ' ';
} else {
return address;
// still no address
if (!data.address.length) {
for (i = data.text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// fixed the regex to parse email address correctly when email address has more than one @
data.text[i] = data.text[i].replace(/\s*\b[^@\s]+@[^\s]+\b\s*/, _regexHandler).trim();
if (data.address.length) {
// If there's still is no text but a comment exixts, replace the two
if (!data.text.length && data.comment.length) {
data.text = data.comment;
data.comment = [];
// Keep only the first address occurence, push others to regular text
if (data.address.length > 1) {
data.text = data.text.concat(data.address.splice(1));
// Join values with spaces
data.text = data.text.join(' ');
data.address = data.address.join(' ');
if (!data.address && isGroup) {
return [];
} else {
address = {
address: data.address || data.text || '',
name: data.text || data.address || ''
if (address.address === address.name) {
if ((address.address || '').match(/@/)) {
address.name = '';
} else {
address.address = '';
return addresses;
* Creates a Tokenizer object for tokenizing address field strings
* @constructor
* @param {String} str Address field string
class Tokenizer {
constructor(str) {
this.str = (str || '').toString();
this.operatorCurrent = '';
this.operatorExpecting = '';
this.node = null;
this.escaped = false;
this.list = [];
* Operator tokens and which tokens are expected to end the sequence
this.operators = {
'"': '"',
'(': ')',
'<': '>',
',': '',
':': ';',
// Semicolons are not a legal delimiter per the RFC2822 grammar other
// than for terminating a group, but they are also not valid for any
// other use in this context. Given that some mail clients have
// historically allowed the semicolon as a delimiter equivalent to the
// comma in their UI, it makes sense to treat them the same as a comma
// when used outside of a group.
';': ''
* Tokenizes the original input string
* @return {Array} An array of operator|text tokens
tokenize() {
let chr,
list = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this.str.length; i < len; i++) {
chr = this.str.charAt(i);
this.list.forEach(node => {
node.value = (node.value || '').toString().trim();
if (node.value) {
return list;
* Checks if a character is an operator or text and acts accordingly
* @param {String} chr Character from the address field
checkChar(chr) {
if (this.escaped) {
// ignore next condition blocks
} else if (chr === this.operatorExpecting) {
this.node = {
type: 'operator',
value: chr
this.node = null;
this.operatorExpecting = '';
this.escaped = false;
} else if (!this.operatorExpecting && chr in this.operators) {
this.node = {
type: 'operator',
value: chr
this.node = null;
this.operatorExpecting = this.operators[chr];
this.escaped = false;
} else if (['"', "'"].includes(this.operatorExpecting) && chr === '\\') {
this.escaped = true;
if (!this.node) {
this.node = {
type: 'text',
value: ''
if (chr === '\n') {
// Convert newlines to spaces. Carriage return is ignored as \r and \n usually
// go together anyway and there already is a WS for \n. Lone \r means something is fishy.
chr = ' ';
if (chr.charCodeAt(0) >= 0x21 || [' ', '\t'].includes(chr)) {
// skip command bytes
this.node.value += chr;
this.escaped = false;
* Parses structured e-mail addresses from an address field
* Example:
* 'Name <address@domain>'
* will be converted to
* [{name: 'Name', address: 'address@domain'}]
* @param {String} str Address field
* @return {Array} An array of address objects
function addressparser(str, options) {
options = options || {};
let tokenizer = new Tokenizer(str);
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize();
let addresses = [];
let address = [];
let parsedAddresses = [];
tokens.forEach(token => {
if (token.type === 'operator' && (token.value === ',' || token.value === ';')) {
if (address.length) {
address = [];
} else {
if (address.length) {
addresses.forEach(address => {
address = _handleAddress(address);
if (address.length) {
parsedAddresses = parsedAddresses.concat(address);
if (options.flatten) {
let addresses = [];
let walkAddressList = list => {
list.forEach(address => {
if (address.group) {
return walkAddressList(address.group);
} else {
return addresses;
return parsedAddresses;
// expose to the world
module.exports = addressparser;