2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

373 lines
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* jwe/decrypt.js - Decrypt from a JWE
* Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. See LICENSE file.
"use strict";
var base64url = require("../util/base64url"),
AlgConfig = require("../util/algconfig"),
JWK = require("../jwk"),
merge = require("../util/merge"),
pako = require("pako");
algorithms: "*"
* @class JWE.Decrypter
* @classdesc Processor of encrypted data.
* @description
* **NOTE:** This class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead
* call {@link JWE.createDecrypt}.
function JWEDecrypter(ks, globalOpts) {
var assumedKey,
if (JWK.isKey(ks)) {
assumedKey = ks;
keystore = assumedKey.keystore;
} else if (JWK.isKeyStore(ks)) {
keystore = ks;
} else {
throw new TypeError("Keystore must be provided");
globalOpts = merge({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, globalOpts);
* Decrypts the given input.
* {opts}, if provided, is used to customize this specific decrypt operation.
* This argument has the same semantics as {JWE.createDecrypt}, and takes
* precedence over those options.
* The returned PRomise, when fulfilled, returns an object with the
* following members:
* - `header` - The JOSE Header, combined from the relevant "header" and
* "protected" fields from the original JWE object.
* - `protected` - An array containing the names of the protected fields
* - `key` - The used to decrypt the content
* - `payload` - The decrypted content (as a Buffer)
* - `plaintext` - An alias for `payload`
* @param {Object|String} input The encrypted content
* @param {Object} [opts] The options for this decryption operation.
* @returns {Promise} A promise for the decyprted plaintext
Object.defineProperty(this, "decrypt", {
value: function(input, opts) {
opts = merge({}, globalOpts, opts || {});
var extraHandlers = opts.handlers || {};
var handlerKeys = Object.keys(extraHandlers);
var algSpec = new AlgConfig(opts.algorithms);
/* eslint camelcase: [0] */
if (typeof input === "string") {
input = input.split(".");
input = {
protected: input[0],
recipients: [
encrypted_key: input[1]
iv: input[2],
ciphertext: input[3],
tag: input[4]
} else if (!input || typeof input !== "object") {
throw new Error("invalid input");
if ("encrypted_key" in input) {
input.recipients = [
encrypted_key: input.encrypted_key
var promise;
// ensure recipients exists
var rcptList = input.recipients || [{}];
promise = Promise.resolve(rcptList);
//combine fields
var fields,
promise = promise.then(function(rcptList) {
if (input.protected) {
protect = base64url.decode(input.protected).toString("utf8");
protect = JSON.parse(protect);
// verify "crit" field first
var crit = protect.crit;
if (crit) {
if (!Array.isArray(crit)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid 'crit' header"));
for (var idx = 0; crit.length > idx; idx++) {
if (-1 === handlerKeys.indexOf(crit[idx])) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Critical extension is not supported: " + crit[idx]
fields = protect;
protect = Object.keys(protect);
} else {
fields = {};
protect = [];
fields = merge(input.unprotected || {}, fields);
rcptList = rcptList.map(function(r) {
var promise = Promise.resolve();
var header = r.header || {};
header = merge(header, fields);
r.header = header;
r.protected = protect;
// check on allowed algorithms
if (!algSpec.match(header.alg)) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Algorithm not allowed: " + header.alg));
if (!algSpec.match(header.enc)) {
promise = promise.then(function () {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Algorithm not allowed: " + header.enc));
if (header.epk) {
promise = promise.then(function() {
return JWK.asKey(header.epk);
promise = promise.then(function(epk) {
header.epk = epk.toObject(false);
return promise.then(function() {
return r;
return Promise.all(rcptList);
// decrypt with first key found
var algKey,
promise = promise.then(function(rcptList) {
var jwe = {};
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var processKey = function() {
var rcpt = rcptList.shift();
if (!rcpt) {
reject(new Error("no key found"));
var algPromise = Promise.resolve(rcpt);
algPromise = algPromise.then(function(rcpt) {
// try to unwrap encrypted key
var prekey = kdata = rcpt.encrypted_key || "";
prekey = base64url.decode(prekey);
algKey = assumedKey || keystore.get({
use: "enc",
alg: rcpt.header.alg,
kid: rcpt.header.kid
if (algKey) {
return algKey.unwrap(rcpt.header.alg, prekey, rcpt.header);
} else {
return Promise.reject();
algPromise = algPromise.then(function(key) {
encKey = {
"kty": "oct",
"k": base64url.encode(key)
encKey = JWK.asKey(encKey);
jwe.key = algKey;
jwe.header = rcpt.header;
jwe.protected = rcpt.protected;
// assign decipher inputs
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
jwe.iv = input.iv;
jwe.tag = input.tag;
jwe.ciphertext = input.ciphertext;
return jwe;
// process any prepare-decrypt handlers
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
var processing = [];
handlerKeys.forEach(function(h) {
h = extraHandlers[h];
var p;
if ("function" === typeof h) {
p = h(jwe);
} else if ("object" === typeof h && "function" === typeof h.prepare) {
p = h.prepare(jwe);
if (p) {
return Promise.all(processing).then(function() {
// don't actually care about individual handler results
// assume {jwe} is updated
return jwe;
// prepare decrypt inputs
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(jwe.ciphertext)) {
jwe.ciphertext = base64url.decode(jwe.ciphertext);
return jwe;
// decrypt it!
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
var adata = input.protected;
if ("aad" in input && null != input.aad) {
adata += "." + input.aad;
var params = {
iv: jwe.iv,
adata: adata,
tag: jwe.tag,
kdata: kdata,
epu: jwe.epu,
epv: jwe.epv
var cdata = jwe.ciphertext;
delete jwe.iv;
delete jwe.tag;
delete jwe.ciphertext;
return encKey.
then(function(enkKey) {
return enkKey.decrypt(jwe.header.enc, cdata, params).
then(function(pdata) {
jwe.payload = jwe.plaintext = pdata;
return jwe;
// (OPTIONAL) decompress plaintext
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
if ("DEF" === jwe.header.zip) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
try {
var data = pako.inflateRaw(Buffer.from(jwe.plaintext))
jwe.payload = jwe.plaintext = Buffer.from(data);
} catch (err) {
return jwe;
// process any post-decrypt handlers
promise = promise.then(function(jwe) {
var processing = [];
handlerKeys.forEach(function(h) {
h = extraHandlers[h];
var p;
if ("object" === typeof h && "function" === typeof h.complete) {
p = h.complete(jwe);
if (p) {
return Promise.all(processing).then(function() {
// don't actually care about individual handler results
// assume {jwe} is updated
return jwe;
return promise;
* @description
* Creates a new Decrypter for the given Key or KeyStore.
* {opts}, when provided, is used to customize decryption processes. The
* following options are currently supported:
* - `handlers` - An object where each name is a JOSE header member name and
* the value can be a boolean, function, or an object.
* Handlers are intended to support 'crit' extensions. When a boolean value,
* the member is expected to be processed once decryption is fully complete.
* When a function, it is called just before the ciphertext is decrypted
* (processed as if it were a `prepare` handler, as decribed below). When an
* object, it can contain any of the following members:
* - `recipient` - A function called after a valid key is determined; it takes
* an object describing the recipient, and returns a Promise that is
* fulfilled once the handler's processing is complete.
* - `prepare` - A function called just prior to decrypting the ciphertext;
* it takes an object describing the decryption result (but containing
* `ciphertext` and `tag' instead of `payload` and `plaintext`), and
* returns a Promise that is fulfilled once the handler's processing is
* complete.
* - `complete` - A function called once decryption is complete, just prior
* to fulfilling the Promise returned by `decrypt()`; it takes the object
* that will be returned by `decrypt()`'s fulfilled Promise, and returns
* a Promise that is fulfilled once the handler's processing is complete.
* Note that normal processing of `decrypt()` does not continue until all
* relevant handlers have completed. Any changes handlers make to the
* provided objects affects `decrypt()`'s processing.
* @param {JWK.Key|JWK.KeyStore} ks The Key or KeyStore to use for decryption.
* @param {Object} [opts] The options for this Decrypter.
* @returns {JWE.Decrypter} The new Decrypter.
function createDecrypt(ks, opts) {
var dec = new JWEDecrypter(ks, opts);
return dec;
module.exports = {
decrypter: JWEDecrypter,
createDecrypt: createDecrypt