2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

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"{{amount}} characters left": "caractaran air fhàgail: {{amount}}",
"{{amount}} comments": "beachdan: {{amount}}",
"{{amount}} days ago": "o chionn {{amount}}l",
"{{amount}} hrs ago": "o chionn {{amount}}u",
"{{amount}} mins ago": "o chionn {{amount}}m",
"{{amount}} months ago": "o chionn {{amount}}m",
"{{amount}} more": "{{amount}} a bharrachd",
"{{amount}} seconds ago": "o chionn {{amount}}d",
"{{amount}} weeks ago": "o chionn {{amount}}s",
"{{amount}} years ago": "o chionn {{amount}}b",
"1 comment": "1 bheachd",
"Add comment": "Fàg beachd air",
"Add context to your comment, share your name and expertise to foster a healthy discussion.": "Cuir co-theacsa ris a' bheachd agad, cuir d' ainm is sàr-eòlas ris gus deasbad fallain a brosnachadh.",
"Add reply": "Cuir freagairt ris",
"Already a member?": "Eil thu nad bhall mar-thà?",
"Anonymous": "Gun ainm",
"Become a member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Clàraich nad bhall an làrach-lìn, {{publication}}, gus beachd fhàgail air.",
"Become a paid member of {{publication}} to start commenting.": "Clàraich nad bhall phrìomhach an làrach-lìn, {{publication}}, gus beachd fhàgail air.",
"Cancel": "Sguir dheth",
"Comment": "Beachd",
"Complete your profile": "Lìon a-steach a' phròifil agad",
"Delete": "Sguab às",
"Deleted member": "Ball air a sguabadh às",
"Discussion": "Deasbad",
"Edit": "Deasaich",
"Edit this comment": "Deasaich am beachd seo",
"edited": "Air a dheasachad",
"Enter your name": "Cuir a-steach d ainm",
"Expertise": "Sàr-eòlas",
"Founder @ Acme Inc": "Neach-stèidheachaidh @ Acme Inc",
"Full-time parent": "Pàrant làn-ùine",
"Head of Marketing at Acme, Inc": "Àrd-cheann Margaidheachd aig Acme, Inc",
"Hide": "Cuir am falach",
"Hide comment": "Cuir am beachd am falach",
"Jamie Larson": "Seamaidh Larson",
"Join the discussion": "Gabh pàirt san deasbad",
"Just now": "An-dràsta",
"Local resident": "Neach-còmhnaidh ionadail",
"Member discussion": "Deasbad",
"Name": "Ainm",
"Neurosurgeon": "Niùro-làmh-lèigh",
"One day ago": "O chionn latha",
"One hour ago": "O chionn uair a thìde",
"One min ago": "O chionn mionaid",
"One month ago": "O chionn mìos",
"One week ago": "O chionn seachdain",
"One year ago": "O chionn bliadhna",
"Reply": "Cuir freagairt",
"Reply to comment": "Cuir freagaist ri beachd",
"Report": "Dèan aithris air",
"Report comment": "Dèan aithris air beachd",
"Report this comment": "Dèan aithris air a bheachd seo",
"Report this comment?": "Eil thu airson aithris a dhèanamh air a bheachd seo?",
"Save": "Sabhail",
"Sending": "Ga chur",
"Sent": "Air a chur",
"Show": "Seall",
"Show {{amount}} more replies": "An àireamh de bheachdan a bharrachd a chìthear: {{amount}}",
"Show {{amount}} previous comments": "An àireamh de bheachdan roimhe a chìthear: {{amount}}",
"Show 1 more reply": "Seall beachd a bharrachd",
"Show 1 previous comment": "Seall am beachd roimhe",
"Show comment": "Seall am beachd",
"Sign in": "Clàraich a-steach",
"Sign up now": "Clàraich a-nis",
"Start the conversation": "Tòisich an deasbad",
"This comment has been hidden.": "Chaidh am beachd seo a chur am falach.",
"This comment has been removed.": "Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às.",
"Upgrade now": "Àrdaich a-nis",
"Yesterday": "An-dè",
"You want to report this comment?": "A bheil thu airson aithris a dhèanamh air a bheachd seo?",
"Your request will be sent to the owner of this site.": "Thèid an iarrtas agad a chur gu neach-seilbh an làrach-lìn seo."