2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

298 lines
10 KiB

import { isNaN, isVueViewModel, isSyntheticEvent } from './is.js';
import { memoBuilder } from './memo.js';
import { convertToPlainObject } from './object.js';
import { getFunctionName } from './stacktrace.js';
* Recursively normalizes the given object.
* - Creates a copy to prevent original input mutation
* - Skips non-enumerable properties
* - When stringifying, calls `toJSON` if implemented
* - Removes circular references
* - Translates non-serializable values (`undefined`/`NaN`/functions) to serializable format
* - Translates known global objects/classes to a string representations
* - Takes care of `Error` object serialization
* - Optionally limits depth of final output
* - Optionally limits number of properties/elements included in any single object/array
* @param input The object to be normalized.
* @param depth The max depth to which to normalize the object. (Anything deeper stringified whole.)
* @param maxProperties The max number of elements or properties to be included in any single array or
* object in the normallized output.
* @returns A normalized version of the object, or `"**non-serializable**"` if any errors are thrown during normalization.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function normalize(input, depth = 100, maxProperties = +Infinity) {
try {
// since we're at the outermost level, we don't provide a key
return visit('', input, depth, maxProperties);
} catch (err) {
return { ERROR: `**non-serializable** (${err})` };
/** JSDoc */
function normalizeToSize(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
// Default Node.js REPL depth
depth = 3,
// 100kB, as 200kB is max payload size, so half sounds reasonable
maxSize = 100 * 1024,
) {
const normalized = normalize(object, depth);
if (jsonSize(normalized) > maxSize) {
return normalizeToSize(object, depth - 1, maxSize);
return normalized ;
* Visits a node to perform normalization on it
* @param key The key corresponding to the given node
* @param value The node to be visited
* @param depth Optional number indicating the maximum recursion depth
* @param maxProperties Optional maximum number of properties/elements included in any single object/array
* @param memo Optional Memo class handling decycling
function visit(
depth = +Infinity,
maxProperties = +Infinity,
memo = memoBuilder(),
) {
const [memoize, unmemoize] = memo;
// Get the simple cases out of the way first
if (
value == null || // this matches null and undefined -> eqeq not eqeqeq
(['number', 'boolean', 'string'].includes(typeof value) && !isNaN(value))
) {
return value ;
const stringified = stringifyValue(key, value);
// Anything we could potentially dig into more (objects or arrays) will have come back as `"[object XXXX]"`.
// Everything else will have already been serialized, so if we don't see that pattern, we're done.
if (!stringified.startsWith('[object ')) {
return stringified;
// From here on, we can assert that `value` is either an object or an array.
// Do not normalize objects that we know have already been normalized. As a general rule, the
// "__sentry_skip_normalization__" property should only be used sparingly and only should only be set on objects that
// have already been normalized.
if ((value )['__sentry_skip_normalization__']) {
return value ;
// We can set `__sentry_override_normalization_depth__` on an object to ensure that from there
// We keep a certain amount of depth.
// This should be used sparingly, e.g. we use it for the redux integration to ensure we get a certain amount of state.
const remainingDepth =
typeof (value )['__sentry_override_normalization_depth__'] === 'number'
? ((value )['__sentry_override_normalization_depth__'] )
: depth;
// We're also done if we've reached the max depth
if (remainingDepth === 0) {
// At this point we know `serialized` is a string of the form `"[object XXXX]"`. Clean it up so it's just `"[XXXX]"`.
return stringified.replace('object ', '');
// If we've already visited this branch, bail out, as it's circular reference. If not, note that we're seeing it now.
if (memoize(value)) {
return '[Circular ~]';
// If the value has a `toJSON` method, we call it to extract more information
const valueWithToJSON = value ;
if (valueWithToJSON && typeof valueWithToJSON.toJSON === 'function') {
try {
const jsonValue = valueWithToJSON.toJSON();
// We need to normalize the return value of `.toJSON()` in case it has circular references
return visit('', jsonValue, remainingDepth - 1, maxProperties, memo);
} catch (err) {
// pass (The built-in `toJSON` failed, but we can still try to do it ourselves)
// At this point we know we either have an object or an array, we haven't seen it before, and we're going to recurse
// because we haven't yet reached the max depth. Create an accumulator to hold the results of visiting each
// property/entry, and keep track of the number of items we add to it.
const normalized = (Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {}) ;
let numAdded = 0;
// Before we begin, convert`Error` and`Event` instances into plain objects, since some of each of their relevant
// properties are non-enumerable and otherwise would get missed.
const visitable = convertToPlainObject(value );
for (const visitKey in visitable) {
// Avoid iterating over fields in the prototype if they've somehow been exposed to enumeration.
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(visitable, visitKey)) {
if (numAdded >= maxProperties) {
normalized[visitKey] = '[MaxProperties ~]';
// Recursively visit all the child nodes
const visitValue = visitable[visitKey];
normalized[visitKey] = visit(visitKey, visitValue, remainingDepth - 1, maxProperties, memo);
// Once we've visited all the branches, remove the parent from memo storage
// Return accumulated values
return normalized;
/* eslint-disable complexity */
* Stringify the given value. Handles various known special values and types.
* Not meant to be used on simple primitives which already have a string representation, as it will, for example, turn
* the number 1231 into "[Object Number]", nor on `null`, as it will throw.
* @param value The value to stringify
* @returns A stringified representation of the given value
function stringifyValue(
// this type is a tiny bit of a cheat, since this function does handle NaN (which is technically a number), but for
// our internal use, it'll do
) {
try {
if (key === 'domain' && value && typeof value === 'object' && (value )._events) {
return '[Domain]';
if (key === 'domainEmitter') {
return '[DomainEmitter]';
// It's safe to use `global`, `window`, and `document` here in this manner, as we are asserting using `typeof` first
// which won't throw if they are not present.
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && value === global) {
return '[Global]';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && value === window) {
return '[Window]';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && value === document) {
return '[Document]';
if (isVueViewModel(value)) {
return '[VueViewModel]';
// React's SyntheticEvent thingy
if (isSyntheticEvent(value)) {
return '[SyntheticEvent]';
if (typeof value === 'number' && value !== value) {
return '[NaN]';
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return `[Function: ${getFunctionName(value)}]`;
if (typeof value === 'symbol') {
return `[${String(value)}]`;
// stringified BigInts are indistinguishable from regular numbers, so we need to label them to avoid confusion
if (typeof value === 'bigint') {
return `[BigInt: ${String(value)}]`;
// Now that we've knocked out all the special cases and the primitives, all we have left are objects. Simply casting
// them to strings means that instances of classes which haven't defined their `toStringTag` will just come out as
// `"[object Object]"`. If we instead look at the constructor's name (which is the same as the name of the class),
// we can make sure that only plain objects come out that way.
const objName = getConstructorName(value);
// Handle HTML Elements
if (/^HTML(\w*)Element$/.test(objName)) {
return `[HTMLElement: ${objName}]`;
return `[object ${objName}]`;
} catch (err) {
return `**non-serializable** (${err})`;
/* eslint-enable complexity */
function getConstructorName(value) {
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return prototype ? prototype.constructor.name : 'null prototype';
/** Calculates bytes size of input string */
function utf8Length(value) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
return ~-encodeURI(value).split(/%..|./).length;
/** Calculates bytes size of input object */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function jsonSize(value) {
return utf8Length(JSON.stringify(value));
* Normalizes URLs in exceptions and stacktraces to a base path so Sentry can fingerprint
* across platforms and working directory.
* @param url The URL to be normalized.
* @param basePath The application base path.
* @returns The normalized URL.
function normalizeUrlToBase(url, basePath) {
const escapedBase = basePath
// Backslash to forward
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
// Escape RegExp special characters
.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&');
let newUrl = url;
try {
newUrl = decodeURI(url);
} catch (_Oo) {
// Sometime this breaks
return (
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.replace(/webpack:\/?/g, '') // Remove intermediate base path
// eslint-disable-next-line @sentry-internal/sdk/no-regexp-constructor
.replace(new RegExp(`(file://)?/*${escapedBase}/*`, 'ig'), 'app:///')
export { normalize, normalizeToSize, normalizeUrlToBase, visit as walk };
//# sourceMappingURL=normalize.js.map