2024-09-23 19:40:12 -04:00

249 lines
5.5 KiB

* deps/ecc/index.js - Elliptic Curve Entry Point
* Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. See LICENSE file.
"use strict";
var forge = require("../../deps/forge"),
BigInteger = forge.jsbn.BigInteger,
ec = require("./math.js"),
CURVES = require("./curves.js");
// ### Helpers
function hex2bn(s) {
return new BigInteger(s, 16);
function bn2bin(bn, len) {
if (!len) {
len = Math.ceil(bn.bitLength() / 8);
len = len * 2;
var hex = bn.toString(16);
// truncate-left if too large
hex = hex.substring(Math.max(hex.length - len, 0));
// pad-left if too small
while (len > hex.length) {
hex = "0" + hex;
return Buffer.from(hex, "hex");
function bin2bn(s) {
if ("string" === typeof s) {
s = Buffer.from(s, "binary");
return hex2bn(s.toString("hex"));
function keySizeBytes(params) {
return Math.ceil(params.getN().bitLength() / 8);
function namedCurve(curve) {
var params = CURVES[curve];
if (!params) {
throw new TypeError("unsupported named curve: " + curve);
return params;
function normalizeEcdsa(params, md) {
var log2n = params.getN().bitLength(),
mdLen = md.length * 8;
var e = bin2bn(md);
if (log2n < mdLen) {
e = e.shiftRight(mdLen - log2n);
return e;
// ### EC Public Key
* @param {String} curve The named curve
* @param {BigInteger} x The X coordinate
* @param {BigInteger} y The Y coordinate
function ECPublicKey(curve, x, y) {
var params = namedCurve(curve),
c = params.getCurve();
var key = new ec.ECPointFp(c,
this.curve = curve;
this.params = params;
this.point = key;
var size = keySizeBytes(params);
this.x = bn2bin(x, size);
this.y = bn2bin(y, size);
// basics
ECPublicKey.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.params.curve.contains(this.point);
ECPublicKey.prototype.verify = function(md, sig) {
var N = this.params.getN(),
G = this.params.getG();
// prepare and validate (r, s)
var r = bin2bn(sig.r),
s = bin2bn(sig.s);
if (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || r.compareTo(N) >= 0) {
return false;
if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || r.compareTo(N) >= 0) {
return false;
// normalize input
var e = normalizeEcdsa(this.params, md);
// verify (r, s)
var w = s.modInverse(N),
u1 = e.multiply(w).mod(N),
u2 = r.multiply(w).mod(N);
var v = G.multiplyTwo(u1, this.point, u2).getX().toBigInteger();
v = v.mod(N);
return v.equals(r);
// ### EC Private Key
* @param {String} curve The named curve
* @param {Buffer} key The private key value
function ECPrivateKey(curve, key) {
var params = namedCurve(curve);
this.curve = curve;
this.params = params;
var size = keySizeBytes(params);
this.d = bn2bin(key, size);
ECPrivateKey.prototype.toPublicKey = function() {
var d = bin2bn(this.d);
var P = this.params.getG().multiply(d);
return new ECPublicKey(this.curve,
ECPrivateKey.prototype.sign = function(md) {
var keysize = keySizeBytes(this.params),
N = this.params.getN(),
G = this.params.getG(),
e = normalizeEcdsa(this.params, md),
d = bin2bn(this.d);
var r, s;
var k, x1, z;
do {
do {
// determine random nonce
do {
k = bin2bn(forge.random.getBytes(keysize));
} while (k.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || k.compareTo(N) >= 0);
// (x1, y1) = k * G
x1 = G.multiply(k).getX().toBigInteger();
// r = x1 mod N
r = x1.mod(N);
} while (r.equals(BigInteger.ZERO));
// s = (k^-1 * (e + r * d)) mod N
z = d.multiply(r);
z = e.add(z);
s = k.modInverse(N).multiply(z).mod(N);
} while (s.equals(BigInteger.ONE));
// convert (r, s) to bytes
var len = keySizeBytes(this.params);
r = bn2bin(r, len);
s = bn2bin(s, len);
return {
r: r,
s: s
// basics
ECPrivateKey.prototype.isValid = function() {
var d = bin2bn(this.d),
n1 = this.params.getN().subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
return (d.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) >= 0) &&
(d.compareTo(n1) < 0);
ECPrivateKey.prototype.computeSecret = function(pubkey) {
var d = bin2bn(this.d);
var S = pubkey.point.multiply(d).getX().toBigInteger();
S = bn2bin(S, keySizeBytes(this.params));
return S;
// ### Public API
exports.generateKeyPair = function(curve) {
var params = namedCurve(curve),
n = params.getN();
// generate random within range [1, N-1)
var r = forge.random.getBytes(keySizeBytes(params));
r = bin2bn(r);
var n1 = n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
var d = r.mod(n1).add(BigInteger.ONE);
var privkey = new ECPrivateKey(curve, d),
pubkey = privkey.toPublicKey();
return {
"private": privkey,
"public": pubkey
exports.asPublicKey = function(curve, x, y) {
if ("string" === typeof x) {
x = hex2bn(x);
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(x)) {
x = bin2bn(x);
if ("string" === typeof y) {
y = hex2bn(y);
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(y)) {
y = bin2bn(y);
var pubkey = new ECPublicKey(curve, x, y);
return pubkey;
exports.asPrivateKey = function(curve, d) {
// Elaborate way to get to a Buffer from a (String|Buffer|BigInteger)
if ("string" === typeof d) {
d = hex2bn(d);
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(d)) {
d = bin2bn(d);
var privkey = new ECPrivateKey(curve, d);
return privkey;