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"All the best!": "Barcha ezgu tilaklar!",
"Complete signup for {{siteTitle}}!": "",
"Complete your sign up to {{siteTitle}}!": "{{siteTitle}}ga roʻyxatdan oʻtishni yakunlang!",
"Confirm email address": "",
"Confirm signup": "",
"Confirm your email address": "",
"Confirm your email update for {{siteTitle}}!": "{{siteTitle}} yangilanishini uchun elektron pochtangiz tasdiqlang!",
"Confirm your subscription to {{siteTitle}}": "{{siteTitle}}ga obunangizni tasdiqlang",
"For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time.": "Xavfsizligingiz uchun havola 24 soat ichida yaroqsiz bo'ladi.",
"Hey there,": "Salom,",
"Hey there!": "",
"If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email.": "Agar siz bu soʻrovni amalga oshirmagan boʻlsangiz, bu xatni eʼtiborsiz qoldirishingiz mumkin.",
"If you did not make this request, you can simply delete this message.": "Agar siz ushbu so'rovni amalga oshirmagan bo'lsangiz, bu xabarni shunchaki o'chirib tashlashingiz mumkin.",
"Please confirm your email address with this link:": "Iltimos, elektron pochta manzilingizni ushbu havola bilan tasdiqlang:",
"Secure sign in link for {{siteTitle}}": "{{siteTitle}} uchun xavfsiz kirish havolasi",
"See you soon!": "Ko'rishguncha!",
"Sent to {{email}}": "{{email}}ga yuborildi",
"Sign in": "",
"Sign in to {{siteTitle}}": "{{siteTitle}}ga kirish",
"Tap the link below to complete the signup process for {{siteTitle}}, and be automatically signed in:": "{{siteTitle}} uchun roʻyxatdan oʻtish jarayonini yakunlash va avtomatik ravishda tizimga kirish uchun quyidagi havolani bosing:",
"Thank you for signing up to {{siteTitle}}!": "{{siteTitle}} uchun roʻyxatdan oʻtganingiz uchun tashakkur!",
"Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}!": "{{siteTitle}} obunangiz uchun rahmat!",
"Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}.": "",
"Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}. Tap the link below to be automatically signed in:": "{{siteTitle}} obunangiz uchun rahmat. Avtomatik tizimga kirish uchun quyidagi havolani bosing:",
"This email address will not be used.": "Ushbu elektron pochta manzili ishlatilmaydi.",
"Welcome back to {{siteTitle}}!": "{{siteTitle}}ga xush kelibsiz!",
"Welcome back! Use this link to securely sign in to your {{siteTitle}} account:": "Qaytib kelganingizdan xursandmiz! {{siteTitle}} hisobingizga xavfsiz kirish uchun ushbu havoladan foydalaning:",
"You can also copy & paste this URL into your browser:": "Ushbu URL manzilini brauzeringizga nusxalashingiz va joylashtirishingiz mumkin:",
"You will not be signed up, and no account will be created for you.": "Siz ro'yxatdan o'tmaysiz va siz uchun hech qanday hisob yaratilmaydi.",
"You will not be subscribed.": "Siz obuna bo'lmaysiz.",
"You're one tap away from subscribing to {{siteTitle}} — please confirm your email address with this link:": "{{siteTitle}} ga obuna boʻlish uchun bir qadam qoldi — elektron pochta manzilingizni ushbu havola orqali tasdiqlang:",
"You're one tap away from subscribing to {{siteTitle}}!": ""