const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const {MemberCreatedEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events'); const messages = { emailVerificationNeeded: `We're hard at work processing your import. To make sure you get great deliverability, we'll need to enable some extra features for your account. A member of our team will be in touch with you by email to review your account make sure everything is configured correctly so you're ready to go.`, emailVerificationEmailSubject: `Email needs verification`, emailVerificationEmailMessageImport: `Email verification needed for site: {siteUrl}, has imported: {amountTriggered} members in the last 30 days.`, emailVerificationEmailMessageAdmin: `Email verification needed for site: {siteUrl} has added: {amountTriggered} members through the Admin client in the last 30 days.`, emailVerificationEmailMessageAPI: `Email verification needed for site: {siteUrl} has added: {amountTriggered} members through the API in the last 30 days.` }; class VerificationTrigger { /** * * @param {object} deps * @param {() => number} deps.getApiTriggerThreshold Threshold for triggering API&Import sourced verifications * @param {() => number} deps.getAdminTriggerThreshold Threshold for triggering Admin sourced verifications * @param {() => number} deps.getImportTriggerThreshold Threshold for triggering Import sourced verifications * @param {() => boolean} deps.isVerified Check Ghost config to see if we are already verified * @param {() => boolean} deps.isVerificationRequired Check Ghost settings to see whether verification has been requested * @param {(content: {subject: string, message: string, amountTriggered: number}) => Promise} deps.sendVerificationEmail Sends an email to the escalation address to confirm that customer needs to be verified * @param {any} deps.Settings Ghost Settings model * @param {any} deps.eventRepository For querying events */ constructor({ getApiTriggerThreshold, getAdminTriggerThreshold, getImportTriggerThreshold, isVerified, isVerificationRequired, sendVerificationEmail, Settings, eventRepository }) { this._getApiTriggerThreshold = getApiTriggerThreshold; this._getAdminTriggerThreshold = getAdminTriggerThreshold; this._getImportTriggerThreshold = getImportTriggerThreshold; this._isVerified = isVerified; this._isVerificationRequired = isVerificationRequired; this._sendVerificationEmail = sendVerificationEmail; this._Settings = Settings; this._eventRepository = eventRepository; this._handleMemberCreatedEvent = this._handleMemberCreatedEvent.bind(this); DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberCreatedEvent, this._handleMemberCreatedEvent); } get _apiTriggerThreshold() { return this._getApiTriggerThreshold(); } get _adminTriggerThreshold() { return this._getAdminTriggerThreshold(); } get _importTriggerThreshold() { return this._getImportTriggerThreshold(); } /** * * @param {MemberCreatedEvent} event */ async _handleMemberCreatedEvent(event) { const source =; let sourceThreshold; if (source === 'api') { sourceThreshold = this._apiTriggerThreshold; } else if (source === 'admin') { sourceThreshold = this._adminTriggerThreshold; } if (['api', 'admin'].includes(source) && isFinite(sourceThreshold)) { const createdAt = new Date(); createdAt.setDate(createdAt.getDate() - 30); const events = await this._eventRepository.getSignupEvents({}, { source: source, created_at: { $gt: createdAt.toISOString().replace('T', ' ').substring(0, 19) } }); const membersTotal = (await this._eventRepository.getSignupEvents({}, { source: 'member' })); if ( > Math.max(sourceThreshold, membersTotal)) { await this._startVerificationProcess({ amount:, throwOnTrigger: false, source: source }); } } } async getImportThreshold() { const volumeThreshold = this._importTriggerThreshold; if (isFinite(volumeThreshold)) { const membersTotal = (await this._eventRepository.getSignupEvents({}, { source: 'member' })); return Math.max(membersTotal, volumeThreshold); } else { return volumeThreshold; } } /** * Returns false if email verification is required to send an email. It also updates the verification check and might activate email verification. * Use this when sending emails. */ async checkVerificationRequired() { // Check if import threshold is reached (could happen that a long import is in progress and we didn't check the threshold yet) await this.testImportThreshold(); return this._isVerificationRequired() && !this._isVerified(); } async testImportThreshold() { if (!isFinite(this._importTriggerThreshold)) { // Infinite threshold, quick path return; } if (this._isVerified()) { // Already verified, no need to check limits return; } if (this._isVerificationRequired()) { // Already requested verification, no need to calculate again return; } const createdAt = new Date(); createdAt.setDate(createdAt.getDate() - 30); const events = await this._eventRepository.getSignupEvents({}, { source: 'import', created_at: { $gt: createdAt.toISOString().replace('T', ' ').substring(0, 19) } }); const membersTotal = (await this._eventRepository.getSignupEvents({}, { source: 'member' })); // Import threshold is either the total number of members (discounting any created by imports in // the last 30 days) or the threshold defined in config, whichever is greater. const importThreshold = Math.max(membersTotal -, this._importTriggerThreshold); if (isFinite(importThreshold) && > importThreshold) { await this._startVerificationProcess({ amount:, throwOnTrigger: false, source: 'import' }); } } /** * @typedef IVerificationResult * @property {boolean} needsVerification Whether the verification workflow was triggered */ /** * * @param {object} config * @param {number} config.amount The amount of members that triggered the verification process * @param {boolean} config.throwOnTrigger Whether to throw if verification is needed * @param {string} config.source Source of the verification trigger - currently either 'api' or 'import' * @returns {Promise} Object containing property "needsVerification" - true when triggered */ async _startVerificationProcess({ amount, throwOnTrigger, source }) { if (!this._isVerified()) { // Only trigger flag change and escalation email the first time if (!this._isVerificationRequired()) { await this._Settings.edit([{ key: 'email_verification_required', value: true }], {context: {internal: true}}); // Setting import as a default message let verificationMessage = messages.emailVerificationEmailMessageImport; if (source === 'api') { verificationMessage = messages.emailVerificationEmailMessageAPI; } else if (source === 'admin') { verificationMessage = messages.emailVerificationEmailMessageAdmin; } await this._sendVerificationEmail({ message: verificationMessage, subject: messages.emailVerificationEmailSubject, amountTriggered: amount }); if (throwOnTrigger) { throw new errors.HostLimitError({ message: messages.emailVerificationNeeded, code: 'EMAIL_VERIFICATION_NEEDED' }); } return { needsVerification: true }; } } return { needsVerification: false }; } } module.exports = VerificationTrigger;