'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var domhandler = require('domhandler'); var selderee = require('selderee'); /** * A {@link BuilderFunction} implementation. * * Creates a function (in a {@link Picker} wrapper) that can run * the decision tree against `htmlparser2` `Element` nodes. * * @typeParam V - the type of values associated with selectors. * * @param nodes - nodes ({@link DecisionTreeNode}) * from the root level of the decision tree. * * @returns a {@link Picker} object. */ function hp2Builder(nodes) { return new selderee.Picker(handleArray(nodes)); } // ============================================== function handleArray(nodes) { const matchers = nodes.map(handleNode); return (el, ...tail) => flatMap(matchers, m => m(el, ...tail)); } function handleNode(node) { switch (node.type) { case 'terminal': { const result = [node.valueContainer]; return (el, ...tail) => result; } case 'tagName': return handleTagName(node); case 'attrValue': return handleAttrValueName(node); case 'attrPresence': return handleAttrPresenceName(node); case 'pushElement': return handlePushElementNode(node); case 'popElement': return handlePopElementNode(node); } } function handleTagName(node) { const variants = {}; for (const variant of node.variants) { variants[variant.value] = handleArray(variant.cont); } return (el, ...tail) => { const continuation = variants[el.name]; return (continuation) ? continuation(el, ...tail) : []; }; } function handleAttrPresenceName(node) { const attrName = node.name; const continuation = handleArray(node.cont); return (el, ...tail) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(el.attribs, attrName)) ? continuation(el, ...tail) : []; } function handleAttrValueName(node) { const callbacks = []; for (const matcher of node.matchers) { const predicate = matcher.predicate; const continuation = handleArray(matcher.cont); callbacks.push((attr, el, ...tail) => (predicate(attr) ? continuation(el, ...tail) : [])); } const attrName = node.name; return (el, ...tail) => { const attr = el.attribs[attrName]; return (attr || attr === '') ? flatMap(callbacks, cb => cb(attr, el, ...tail)) : []; }; } function handlePushElementNode(node) { const continuation = handleArray(node.cont); const leftElementGetter = (node.combinator === '+') ? getPrecedingElement : getParentElement; return (el, ...tail) => { const next = leftElementGetter(el); if (next === null) { return []; } return continuation(next, el, ...tail); }; } const getPrecedingElement = (el) => { const prev = el.prev; if (prev === null) { return null; } return (domhandler.isTag(prev)) ? prev : getPrecedingElement(prev); }; const getParentElement = (el) => { const parent = el.parent; return (parent && domhandler.isTag(parent)) ? parent : null; }; function handlePopElementNode(node) { const continuation = handleArray(node.cont); return (el, next, ...tail) => continuation(next, ...tail); } // Can be removed after transition to Node 12. function flatMap(items, mapper) { return [].concat(...amap(items, mapper)); } function amap(items, mapper) { const len = items.length; const res = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { res[i] = mapper(items[i]); } return res; } exports.hp2Builder = hp2Builder;