const config = require('./config'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const SentryKnexTracingIntegration = require('./SentryKnexTracingIntegration'); const sentryConfig = config.get('sentry'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); /** * @param {import('@sentry/node').Event} event * @param {import('@sentry/node').EventHint} hint * @returns {import('@sentry/node').Event | null} */ const beforeSend = function (event, hint) { try { const exception = hint.originalException; const code = exception?.code ?? null; const context = exception?.context ?? null; const errorType = exception?.errorType ?? null; const id = exception?.id ?? null; const statusCode = exception?.statusCode ?? null; event.tags = event.tags || {}; if (errors.utils.isGhostError(exception)) { // Unexpected errors have a generic error message, set it back to context if there is one if (code === 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR' && context !== null) { if (event.exception.values?.length > 0) { event.exception.values[0].type = context; } } // This is a mysql2 error — add some additional context if (exception.sql) { const sql = exception.sql; const errno = exception.errno ?? null; const sqlErrorCode = exception.sqlErrorCode ?? null; const sqlMessage = exception.sqlMessage ?? null; const sqlState = exception.sqlState ?? null; if (event.exception.values?.length > 0) { event.exception.values[0].type = `SQL Error ${errno}: ${sqlErrorCode}`; event.exception.values[0].value = sqlMessage; event.contexts = event.contexts || {}; event.contexts.mysql = { errno: errno, code: sqlErrorCode, sql: sql, message: sqlMessage, state: sqlState }; } } // This is a Ghost Error, copy all our extra data to tags event.tags.type = errorType; event.tags.code = code; = id; event.tags.status_code = statusCode; // Only handle 500 errors for now // This is because the only other 5XX error should be 503, which are deliberate maintenance/boot errors if (statusCode === 500) { return event; } else { return null; } } return event; } catch (error) { // If any errors occur in beforeSend, send the original event to Sentry // Better to have some information than no information return event; } }; const ALLOWED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS = [ '/ghost/api', // any Ghost API call '/members/api', // any Members API call '/:slug', // any frontend post/page '/author', // any frontend author page '/tag' // any frontend tag page ].map((path) => { // Sentry names HTTP transactions like: " " i.e. "GET /ghost/api/content/settings" // Match any of the paths above with any HTTP method, and also the homepage "GET /" return new RegExp(`^(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)\\s(?${path}\\/.+|\\/$)`); }); /** * @param {import('@sentry/node').Event} event * @returns {import('@sentry/node').Event | null} */ const beforeSendTransaction = function (event) { // Drop transactions that are not in the allowed list for (const transaction of ALLOWED_HTTP_TRANSACTIONS) { const match = event.transaction.match(transaction); if (match?.groups?.path) { return event; } } return null; }; if (sentryConfig && !sentryConfig.disabled) { const Sentry = require('@sentry/node'); const version = require('@tryghost/version').full; let environment = config.get('PRO_ENV'); if (!environment) { environment = config.get('env'); } /** @type {import('@sentry/node').NodeOptions} */ const sentryInitConfig = { dsn: sentryConfig.dsn, release: 'ghost@' + version, environment: environment, maxValueLength: 1000, integrations: [ Sentry.extraErrorDataIntegration() ], beforeSend, beforeSendTransaction }; // Enable tracing if sentry.tracing.enabled is true if (sentryConfig.tracing?.enabled === true) { sentryInitConfig.integrations.push(new Sentry.Integrations.Http({tracing: true})); sentryInitConfig.tracesSampleRate = parseFloat(sentryConfig.tracing.sampleRate) || 0.0; // Enable profiling, if configured, only if tracing is also configured if (sentryConfig.profiling?.enabled === true) { // Import Sentry's profiling integration if available let ProfilingIntegration; try { ({ProfilingIntegration} = require('@sentry/profiling-node')); } catch (err) { logging.warn('Sentry Profiling Integration not available'); ProfilingIntegration = null; } if (ProfilingIntegration) { sentryInitConfig.integrations.push(new ProfilingIntegration()); sentryInitConfig.profilesSampleRate = parseFloat(sentryConfig.profiling.sampleRate) || 0.0; } } } Sentry.init(sentryInitConfig); module.exports = { requestHandler: Sentry.Handlers.requestHandler(), errorHandler: Sentry.Handlers.errorHandler(), tracingHandler: Sentry.Handlers.tracingHandler(), captureException: Sentry.captureException, captureMessage: Sentry.captureMessage, beforeSend: beforeSend, beforeSendTransaction: beforeSendTransaction, initQueryTracing: (knex) => { if (sentryConfig.tracing?.enabled === true) { const integration = new SentryKnexTracingIntegration(knex); Sentry.addIntegration(integration); } } }; } else { const expressNoop = function (req, res, next) { next(); }; const noop = () => {}; module.exports = { requestHandler: expressNoop, errorHandler: expressNoop, tracingHandler: expressNoop, captureException: noop, initQueryTracing: noop }; }