'use strict' const Busboy = require('busboy') const util = require('../core/util') const { ReadableStreamFrom, isBlobLike, isReadableStreamLike, readableStreamClose, createDeferredPromise, fullyReadBody } = require('./util') const { FormData } = require('./formdata') const { kState } = require('./symbols') const { webidl } = require('./webidl') const { DOMException, structuredClone } = require('./constants') const { Blob, File: NativeFile } = require('buffer') const { kBodyUsed } = require('../core/symbols') const assert = require('assert') const { isErrored } = require('../core/util') const { isUint8Array, isArrayBuffer } = require('util/types') const { File: UndiciFile } = require('./file') const { parseMIMEType, serializeAMimeType } = require('./dataURL') let ReadableStream = globalThis.ReadableStream /** @type {globalThis['File']} */ const File = NativeFile ?? UndiciFile // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-bodyinit-extract function extractBody (object, keepalive = false) { if (!ReadableStream) { ReadableStream = require('stream/web').ReadableStream } // 1. Let stream be null. let stream = null // 2. If object is a ReadableStream object, then set stream to object. if (object instanceof ReadableStream) { stream = object } else if (isBlobLike(object)) { // 3. Otherwise, if object is a Blob object, set stream to the // result of running object’s get stream. stream = object.stream() } else { // 4. Otherwise, set stream to a new ReadableStream object, and set // up stream. stream = new ReadableStream({ async pull (controller) { controller.enqueue( typeof source === 'string' ? new TextEncoder().encode(source) : source ) queueMicrotask(() => readableStreamClose(controller)) }, start () {}, type: undefined }) } // 5. Assert: stream is a ReadableStream object. assert(isReadableStreamLike(stream)) // 6. Let action be null. let action = null // 7. Let source be null. let source = null // 8. Let length be null. let length = null // 9. Let type be null. let type = null // 10. Switch on object: if (typeof object === 'string') { // Set source to the UTF-8 encoding of object. // Note: setting source to a Uint8Array here breaks some mocking assumptions. source = object // Set type to `text/plain;charset=UTF-8`. type = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' } else if (object instanceof URLSearchParams) { // URLSearchParams // spec says to run application/x-www-form-urlencoded on body.list // this is implemented in Node.js as apart of an URLSearchParams instance toString method // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/e46c680bf2b211bbd52cf959ca17ee98c7f657f5/lib/internal/url.js#L490 // and https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/e46c680bf2b211bbd52cf959ca17ee98c7f657f5/lib/internal/url.js#L1100 // Set source to the result of running the application/x-www-form-urlencoded serializer with object’s list. source = object.toString() // Set type to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8`. type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' } else if (isArrayBuffer(object)) { // BufferSource/ArrayBuffer // Set source to a copy of the bytes held by object. source = new Uint8Array(object.slice()) } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(object)) { // BufferSource/ArrayBufferView // Set source to a copy of the bytes held by object. source = new Uint8Array(object.buffer.slice(object.byteOffset, object.byteOffset + object.byteLength)) } else if (util.isFormDataLike(object)) { const boundary = `----formdata-undici-${Math.random()}`.replace('.', '').slice(0, 32) const prefix = `--${boundary}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data` /*! formdata-polyfill. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting */ const escape = (str) => str.replace(/\n/g, '%0A').replace(/\r/g, '%0D').replace(/"/g, '%22') const normalizeLinefeeds = (value) => value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '\r\n') // Set action to this step: run the multipart/form-data // encoding algorithm, with object’s entry list and UTF-8. // - This ensures that the body is immutable and can't be changed afterwords // - That the content-length is calculated in advance. // - And that all parts are pre-encoded and ready to be sent. const enc = new TextEncoder() const blobParts = [] const rn = new Uint8Array([13, 10]) // '\r\n' length = 0 let hasUnknownSizeValue = false for (const [name, value] of object) { if (typeof value === 'string') { const chunk = enc.encode(prefix + `; name="${escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name))}"` + `\r\n\r\n${normalizeLinefeeds(value)}\r\n`) blobParts.push(chunk) length += chunk.byteLength } else { const chunk = enc.encode(`${prefix}; name="${escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name))}"` + (value.name ? `; filename="${escape(value.name)}"` : '') + '\r\n' + `Content-Type: ${ value.type || 'application/octet-stream' }\r\n\r\n`) blobParts.push(chunk, value, rn) if (typeof value.size === 'number') { length += chunk.byteLength + value.size + rn.byteLength } else { hasUnknownSizeValue = true } } } const chunk = enc.encode(`--${boundary}--`) blobParts.push(chunk) length += chunk.byteLength if (hasUnknownSizeValue) { length = null } // Set source to object. source = object action = async function * () { for (const part of blobParts) { if (part.stream) { yield * part.stream() } else { yield part } } } // Set type to `multipart/form-data; boundary=`, // followed by the multipart/form-data boundary string generated // by the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm. type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary } else if (isBlobLike(object)) { // Blob // Set source to object. source = object // Set length to object’s size. length = object.size // If object’s type attribute is not the empty byte sequence, set // type to its value. if (object.type) { type = object.type } } else if (typeof object[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function') { // If keepalive is true, then throw a TypeError. if (keepalive) { throw new TypeError('keepalive') } // If object is disturbed or locked, then throw a TypeError. if (util.isDisturbed(object) || object.locked) { throw new TypeError( 'Response body object should not be disturbed or locked' ) } stream = object instanceof ReadableStream ? object : ReadableStreamFrom(object) } // 11. If source is a byte sequence, then set action to a // step that returns source and length to source’s length. if (typeof source === 'string' || util.isBuffer(source)) { length = Buffer.byteLength(source) } // 12. If action is non-null, then run these steps in in parallel: if (action != null) { // Run action. let iterator stream = new ReadableStream({ async start () { iterator = action(object)[Symbol.asyncIterator]() }, async pull (controller) { const { value, done } = await iterator.next() if (done) { // When running action is done, close stream. queueMicrotask(() => { controller.close() }) } else { // Whenever one or more bytes are available and stream is not errored, // enqueue a Uint8Array wrapping an ArrayBuffer containing the available // bytes into stream. if (!isErrored(stream)) { controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(value)) } } return controller.desiredSize > 0 }, async cancel (reason) { await iterator.return() }, type: undefined }) } // 13. Let body be a body whose stream is stream, source is source, // and length is length. const body = { stream, source, length } // 14. Return (body, type). return [body, type] } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#bodyinit-safely-extract function safelyExtractBody (object, keepalive = false) { if (!ReadableStream) { // istanbul ignore next ReadableStream = require('stream/web').ReadableStream } // To safely extract a body and a `Content-Type` value from // a byte sequence or BodyInit object object, run these steps: // 1. If object is a ReadableStream object, then: if (object instanceof ReadableStream) { // Assert: object is neither disturbed nor locked. // istanbul ignore next assert(!util.isDisturbed(object), 'The body has already been consumed.') // istanbul ignore next assert(!object.locked, 'The stream is locked.') } // 2. Return the results of extracting object. return extractBody(object, keepalive) } function cloneBody (body) { // To clone a body body, run these steps: // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-clone // 1. Let « out1, out2 » be the result of teeing body’s stream. const [out1, out2] = body.stream.tee() const out2Clone = structuredClone(out2, { transfer: [out2] }) // This, for whatever reasons, unrefs out2Clone which allows // the process to exit by itself. const [, finalClone] = out2Clone.tee() // 2. Set body’s stream to out1. body.stream = out1 // 3. Return a body whose stream is out2 and other members are copied from body. return { stream: finalClone, length: body.length, source: body.source } } async function * consumeBody (body) { if (body) { if (isUint8Array(body)) { yield body } else { const stream = body.stream if (util.isDisturbed(stream)) { throw new TypeError('The body has already been consumed.') } if (stream.locked) { throw new TypeError('The stream is locked.') } // Compat. stream[kBodyUsed] = true yield * stream } } } function throwIfAborted (state) { if (state.aborted) { throw new DOMException('The operation was aborted.', 'AbortError') } } function bodyMixinMethods (instance) { const methods = { blob () { // The blob() method steps are to return the result of // running consume body with this and the following step // given a byte sequence bytes: return a Blob whose // contents are bytes and whose type attribute is this’s // MIME type. return specConsumeBody(this, (bytes) => { let mimeType = bodyMimeType(this) if (mimeType === 'failure') { mimeType = '' } else if (mimeType) { mimeType = serializeAMimeType(mimeType) } // Return a Blob whose contents are bytes and type attribute // is mimeType. return new Blob([bytes], { type: mimeType }) }, instance) }, arrayBuffer () { // The arrayBuffer() method steps are to return the result // of running consume body with this and the following step // given a byte sequence bytes: return a new ArrayBuffer // whose contents are bytes. return specConsumeBody(this, (bytes) => { return new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer }, instance) }, text () { // The text() method steps are to return the result of running // consume body with this and UTF-8 decode. return specConsumeBody(this, utf8DecodeBytes, instance) }, json () { // The json() method steps are to return the result of running // consume body with this and parse JSON from bytes. return specConsumeBody(this, parseJSONFromBytes, instance) }, async formData () { webidl.brandCheck(this, instance) throwIfAborted(this[kState]) const contentType = this.headers.get('Content-Type') // If mimeType’s essence is "multipart/form-data", then: if (/multipart\/form-data/.test(contentType)) { const headers = {} for (const [key, value] of this.headers) headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value const responseFormData = new FormData() let busboy try { busboy = Busboy({ headers, defParamCharset: 'utf8' }) } catch (err) { throw new DOMException(`${err}`, 'AbortError') } busboy.on('field', (name, value) => { responseFormData.append(name, value) }) busboy.on('file', (name, value, info) => { const { filename, encoding, mimeType } = info const chunks = [] if (encoding === 'base64' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'base64') { let base64chunk = '' value.on('data', (chunk) => { base64chunk += chunk.toString().replace(/[\r\n]/gm, '') const end = base64chunk.length - base64chunk.length % 4 chunks.push(Buffer.from(base64chunk.slice(0, end), 'base64')) base64chunk = base64chunk.slice(end) }) value.on('end', () => { chunks.push(Buffer.from(base64chunk, 'base64')) responseFormData.append(name, new File(chunks, filename, { type: mimeType })) }) } else { value.on('data', (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk) }) value.on('end', () => { responseFormData.append(name, new File(chunks, filename, { type: mimeType })) }) } }) const busboyResolve = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { busboy.on('finish', resolve) busboy.on('error', (err) => reject(new TypeError(err))) }) if (this.body !== null) for await (const chunk of consumeBody(this[kState].body)) busboy.write(chunk) busboy.end() await busboyResolve return responseFormData } else if (/application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/.test(contentType)) { // Otherwise, if mimeType’s essence is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", then: // 1. Let entries be the result of parsing bytes. let entries try { let text = '' // application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser will keep the BOM. // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-parser const textDecoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM: true }) for await (const chunk of consumeBody(this[kState].body)) { if (!isUint8Array(chunk)) { throw new TypeError('Expected Uint8Array chunk') } text += textDecoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true }) } text += textDecoder.decode() entries = new URLSearchParams(text) } catch (err) { // istanbul ignore next: Unclear when new URLSearchParams can fail on a string. // 2. If entries is failure, then throw a TypeError. throw Object.assign(new TypeError(), { cause: err }) } // 3. Return a new FormData object whose entries are entries. const formData = new FormData() for (const [name, value] of entries) { formData.append(name, value) } return formData } else { // Wait a tick before checking if the request has been aborted. // Otherwise, a TypeError can be thrown when an AbortError should. await Promise.resolve() throwIfAborted(this[kState]) // Otherwise, throw a TypeError. throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: `${instance.name}.formData`, message: 'Could not parse content as FormData.' }) } } } return methods } function mixinBody (prototype) { Object.assign(prototype.prototype, bodyMixinMethods(prototype)) } /** * @see https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-consume-body * @param {Response|Request} object * @param {(value: unknown) => unknown} convertBytesToJSValue * @param {Response|Request} instance */ async function specConsumeBody (object, convertBytesToJSValue, instance) { webidl.brandCheck(object, instance) throwIfAborted(object[kState]) // 1. If object is unusable, then return a promise rejected // with a TypeError. if (bodyUnusable(object[kState].body)) { throw new TypeError('Body is unusable') } // 2. Let promise be a new promise. const promise = createDeferredPromise() // 3. Let errorSteps given error be to reject promise with error. const errorSteps = (error) => promise.reject(error) // 4. Let successSteps given a byte sequence data be to resolve // promise with the result of running convertBytesToJSValue // with data. If that threw an exception, then run errorSteps // with that exception. const successSteps = (data) => { try { promise.resolve(convertBytesToJSValue(data)) } catch (e) { errorSteps(e) } } // 5. If object’s body is null, then run successSteps with an // empty byte sequence. if (object[kState].body == null) { successSteps(new Uint8Array()) return promise.promise } // 6. Otherwise, fully read object’s body given successSteps, // errorSteps, and object’s relevant global object. fullyReadBody(object[kState].body, successSteps, errorSteps) // 7. Return promise. return promise.promise } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#body-unusable function bodyUnusable (body) { // An object including the Body interface mixin is // said to be unusable if its body is non-null and // its body’s stream is disturbed or locked. return body != null && (body.stream.locked || util.isDisturbed(body.stream)) } /** * @see https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-decode * @param {Buffer} buffer */ function utf8DecodeBytes (buffer) { if (buffer.length === 0) { return '' } // 1. Let buffer be the result of peeking three bytes from // ioQueue, converted to a byte sequence. // 2. If buffer is 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF, then read three // bytes from ioQueue. (Do nothing with those bytes.) if (buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) { buffer = buffer.subarray(3) } // 3. Process a queue with an instance of UTF-8’s // decoder, ioQueue, output, and "replacement". const output = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer) // 4. Return output. return output } /** * @see https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#parse-json-bytes-to-a-javascript-value * @param {Uint8Array} bytes */ function parseJSONFromBytes (bytes) { return JSON.parse(utf8DecodeBytes(bytes)) } /** * @see https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-mime-type * @param {import('./response').Response|import('./request').Request} object */ function bodyMimeType (object) { const { headersList } = object[kState] const contentType = headersList.get('content-type') if (contentType === null) { return 'failure' } return parseMIMEType(contentType) } module.exports = { extractBody, safelyExtractBody, cloneBody, mixinBody }