#Interface: DispatchInterceptor Extends: `Function` A function that can be applied to the `Dispatcher.Dispatch` function before it is invoked with a dispatch request. This allows one to write logic to intercept both the outgoing request, and the incoming response. ### Parameter: `Dispatcher.Dispatch` The base dispatch function you are decorating. ### ReturnType: `Dispatcher.Dispatch` A dispatch function that has been altered to provide additional logic ### Basic Example Here is an example of an interceptor being used to provide a JWT bearer token ```js 'use strict' const insertHeaderInterceptor = dispatch => { return function InterceptedDispatch(opts, handler){ opts.headers.push('Authorization', 'Bearer [Some token]') return dispatch(opts, handler) } } const client = new Client('https://localhost:3000', { interceptors: { Client: [insertHeaderInterceptor] } }) ``` ### Basic Example 2 Here is a contrived example of an interceptor stripping the headers from a response. ```js 'use strict' const clearHeadersInterceptor = dispatch => { const { DecoratorHandler } = require('undici') class ResultInterceptor extends DecoratorHandler { onHeaders (statusCode, headers, resume) { return super.onHeaders(statusCode, [], resume) } } return function InterceptedDispatch(opts, handler){ return dispatch(opts, new ResultInterceptor(handler)) } } const client = new Client('https://localhost:3000', { interceptors: { Client: [clearHeadersInterceptor] } }) ```