'use strict' const crypto = require('crypto') const MiniPass = require('minipass') const SPEC_ALGORITHMS = ['sha512', 'sha384', 'sha256'] const DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS = ['sha512'] // TODO: this should really be a hardcoded list of algorithms we support, // rather than [a-z0-9]. const BASE64_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9+/]+(?:=?=?)$/i const SRI_REGEX = /^([a-z0-9]+)-([^?]+)([?\S*]*)$/ const STRICT_SRI_REGEX = /^([a-z0-9]+)-([A-Za-z0-9+/=]{44,88})(\?[\x21-\x7E]*)?$/ const VCHAR_REGEX = /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/ const getOptString = options => options?.length ? `?${options.join('?')}` : '' class IntegrityStream extends MiniPass { #emittedIntegrity #emittedSize #emittedVerified constructor (opts) { super() this.size = 0 this.opts = opts // may be overridden later, but set now for class consistency this.#getOptions() // options used for calculating stream. can't be changed. const algorithms = opts?.algorithms || DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS this.algorithms = Array.from( new Set(algorithms.concat(this.algorithm ? [this.algorithm] : [])) ) this.hashes = this.algorithms.map(crypto.createHash) } #getOptions () { // For verification this.sri = this.opts?.integrity ? parse(this.opts?.integrity, this.opts) : null this.expectedSize = this.opts?.size this.goodSri = this.sri ? !!Object.keys(this.sri).length : false this.algorithm = this.goodSri ? this.sri.pickAlgorithm(this.opts) : null this.digests = this.goodSri ? this.sri[this.algorithm] : null this.optString = getOptString(this.opts?.options) } on (ev, handler) { if (ev === 'size' && this.#emittedSize) { return handler(this.#emittedSize) } if (ev === 'integrity' && this.#emittedIntegrity) { return handler(this.#emittedIntegrity) } if (ev === 'verified' && this.#emittedVerified) { return handler(this.#emittedVerified) } return super.on(ev, handler) } emit (ev, data) { if (ev === 'end') { this.#onEnd() } return super.emit(ev, data) } write (data) { this.size += data.length this.hashes.forEach(h => h.update(data)) return super.write(data) } #onEnd () { if (!this.goodSri) { this.#getOptions() } const newSri = parse(this.hashes.map((h, i) => { return `${this.algorithms[i]}-${h.digest('base64')}${this.optString}` }).join(' '), this.opts) // Integrity verification mode const match = this.goodSri && newSri.match(this.sri, this.opts) if (typeof this.expectedSize === 'number' && this.size !== this.expectedSize) { /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ const err = new Error(`stream size mismatch when checking ${this.sri}.\n Wanted: ${this.expectedSize}\n Found: ${this.size}`) err.code = 'EBADSIZE' err.found = this.size err.expected = this.expectedSize err.sri = this.sri this.emit('error', err) } else if (this.sri && !match) { /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ const err = new Error(`${this.sri} integrity checksum failed when using ${this.algorithm}: wanted ${this.digests} but got ${newSri}. (${this.size} bytes)`) err.code = 'EINTEGRITY' err.found = newSri err.expected = this.digests err.algorithm = this.algorithm err.sri = this.sri this.emit('error', err) } else { this.#emittedSize = this.size this.emit('size', this.size) this.#emittedIntegrity = newSri this.emit('integrity', newSri) if (match) { this.#emittedVerified = match this.emit('verified', match) } } } } class Hash { get isHash () { return true } constructor (hash, opts) { const strict = opts?.strict this.source = hash.trim() // set default values so that we make V8 happy to // always see a familiar object template. this.digest = '' this.algorithm = '' this.options = [] // 3.1. Integrity metadata (called "Hash" by ssri) // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#integrity-metadata-description const match = this.source.match( strict ? STRICT_SRI_REGEX : SRI_REGEX ) if (!match) { return } if (strict && !SPEC_ALGORITHMS.includes(match[1])) { return } this.algorithm = match[1] this.digest = match[2] const rawOpts = match[3] if (rawOpts) { this.options = rawOpts.slice(1).split('?') } } hexDigest () { return this.digest && Buffer.from(this.digest, 'base64').toString('hex') } toJSON () { return this.toString() } toString (opts) { if (opts?.strict) { // Strict mode enforces the standard as close to the foot of the // letter as it can. if (!( // The spec has very restricted productions for algorithms. // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#source-list-syntax SPEC_ALGORITHMS.includes(this.algorithm) && // Usually, if someone insists on using a "different" base64, we // leave it as-is, since there's multiple standards, and the // specified is not a URL-safe variant. // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#base64_value this.digest.match(BASE64_REGEX) && // Option syntax is strictly visual chars. // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#grammardef-option-expression // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234#appendix-B.1 this.options.every(opt => opt.match(VCHAR_REGEX)) )) { return '' } } return `${this.algorithm}-${this.digest}${getOptString(this.options)}` } } function integrityHashToString (toString, sep, opts, hashes) { const toStringIsNotEmpty = toString !== '' let shouldAddFirstSep = false let complement = '' const lastIndex = hashes.length - 1 for (let i = 0; i < lastIndex; i++) { const hashString = Hash.prototype.toString.call(hashes[i], opts) if (hashString) { shouldAddFirstSep = true complement += hashString complement += sep } } const finalHashString = Hash.prototype.toString.call(hashes[lastIndex], opts) if (finalHashString) { shouldAddFirstSep = true complement += finalHashString } if (toStringIsNotEmpty && shouldAddFirstSep) { return toString + sep + complement } return toString + complement } class Integrity { get isIntegrity () { return true } toJSON () { return this.toString() } isEmpty () { return Object.keys(this).length === 0 } toString (opts) { let sep = opts?.sep || ' ' let toString = '' if (opts?.strict) { // Entries must be separated by whitespace, according to spec. sep = sep.replace(/\S+/g, ' ') for (const hash of SPEC_ALGORITHMS) { if (this[hash]) { toString = integrityHashToString(toString, sep, opts, this[hash]) } } } else { for (const hash of Object.keys(this)) { toString = integrityHashToString(toString, sep, opts, this[hash]) } } return toString } concat (integrity, opts) { const other = typeof integrity === 'string' ? integrity : stringify(integrity, opts) return parse(`${this.toString(opts)} ${other}`, opts) } hexDigest () { return parse(this, { single: true }).hexDigest() } // add additional hashes to an integrity value, but prevent // *changing* an existing integrity hash. merge (integrity, opts) { const other = parse(integrity, opts) for (const algo in other) { if (this[algo]) { if (!this[algo].find(hash => other[algo].find(otherhash => hash.digest === otherhash.digest))) { throw new Error('hashes do not match, cannot update integrity') } } else { this[algo] = other[algo] } } } match (integrity, opts) { const other = parse(integrity, opts) if (!other) { return false } const algo = other.pickAlgorithm(opts) return ( this[algo] && other[algo] && this[algo].find(hash => other[algo].find(otherhash => hash.digest === otherhash.digest ) ) ) || false } pickAlgorithm (opts) { const pickAlgorithm = opts?.pickAlgorithm || getPrioritizedHash const keys = Object.keys(this) return keys.reduce((acc, algo) => { return pickAlgorithm(acc, algo) || acc }) } } module.exports.parse = parse function parse (sri, opts) { if (!sri) { return null } if (typeof sri === 'string') { return _parse(sri, opts) } else if (sri.algorithm && sri.digest) { const fullSri = new Integrity() fullSri[sri.algorithm] = [sri] return _parse(stringify(fullSri, opts), opts) } else { return _parse(stringify(sri, opts), opts) } } function _parse (integrity, opts) { // 3.4.3. Parse metadata // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#parse-metadata if (opts?.single) { return new Hash(integrity, opts) } const hashes = integrity.trim().split(/\s+/).reduce((acc, string) => { const hash = new Hash(string, opts) if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) { const algo = hash.algorithm if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] } acc[algo].push(hash) } return acc }, new Integrity()) return hashes.isEmpty() ? null : hashes } module.exports.stringify = stringify function stringify (obj, opts) { if (obj.algorithm && obj.digest) { return Hash.prototype.toString.call(obj, opts) } else if (typeof obj === 'string') { return stringify(parse(obj, opts), opts) } else { return Integrity.prototype.toString.call(obj, opts) } } module.exports.fromHex = fromHex function fromHex (hexDigest, algorithm, opts) { const optString = getOptString(opts?.options) return parse( `${algorithm}-${ Buffer.from(hexDigest, 'hex').toString('base64') }${optString}`, opts ) } module.exports.fromData = fromData function fromData (data, opts) { const algorithms = opts?.algorithms || DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS const optString = getOptString(opts?.options) return algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => { const digest = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data).digest('base64') const hash = new Hash( `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`, opts ) /* istanbul ignore else - it would be VERY strange if the string we * just calculated with an algo did not have an algo or digest. */ if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) { const hashAlgo = hash.algorithm if (!acc[hashAlgo]) { acc[hashAlgo] = [] } acc[hashAlgo].push(hash) } return acc }, new Integrity()) } module.exports.fromStream = fromStream function fromStream (stream, opts) { const istream = integrityStream(opts) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.pipe(istream) stream.on('error', reject) istream.on('error', reject) let sri istream.on('integrity', s => { sri = s }) istream.on('end', () => resolve(sri)) istream.on('data', () => {}) }) } module.exports.checkData = checkData function checkData (data, sri, opts) { sri = parse(sri, opts) if (!sri || !Object.keys(sri).length) { if (opts?.error) { throw Object.assign( new Error('No valid integrity hashes to check against'), { code: 'EINTEGRITY', } ) } else { return false } } const algorithm = sri.pickAlgorithm(opts) const digest = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(data).digest('base64') const newSri = parse({ algorithm, digest }) const match = newSri.match(sri, opts) opts = opts || {} if (match || !(opts.error)) { return match } else if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && (data.length !== opts.size)) { /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ const err = new Error(`data size mismatch when checking ${sri}.\n Wanted: ${opts.size}\n Found: ${data.length}`) err.code = 'EBADSIZE' err.found = data.length err.expected = opts.size err.sri = sri throw err } else { /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ const err = new Error(`Integrity checksum failed when using ${algorithm}: Wanted ${sri}, but got ${newSri}. (${data.length} bytes)`) err.code = 'EINTEGRITY' err.found = newSri err.expected = sri err.algorithm = algorithm err.sri = sri throw err } } module.exports.checkStream = checkStream function checkStream (stream, sri, opts) { opts = opts || Object.create(null) opts.integrity = sri sri = parse(sri, opts) if (!sri || !Object.keys(sri).length) { return Promise.reject(Object.assign( new Error('No valid integrity hashes to check against'), { code: 'EINTEGRITY', } )) } const checker = integrityStream(opts) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.pipe(checker) stream.on('error', reject) checker.on('error', reject) let verified checker.on('verified', s => { verified = s }) checker.on('end', () => resolve(verified)) checker.on('data', () => {}) }) } module.exports.integrityStream = integrityStream function integrityStream (opts = Object.create(null)) { return new IntegrityStream(opts) } module.exports.create = createIntegrity function createIntegrity (opts) { const algorithms = opts?.algorithms || DEFAULT_ALGORITHMS const optString = getOptString(opts?.options) const hashes = algorithms.map(crypto.createHash) return { update: function (chunk, enc) { hashes.forEach(h => h.update(chunk, enc)) return this }, digest: function (enc) { const integrity = algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => { const digest = hashes.shift().digest('base64') const hash = new Hash( `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`, opts ) /* istanbul ignore else - it would be VERY strange if the hash we * just calculated with an algo did not have an algo or digest. */ if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) { const hashAlgo = hash.algorithm if (!acc[hashAlgo]) { acc[hashAlgo] = [] } acc[hashAlgo].push(hash) } return acc }, new Integrity()) return integrity }, } } const NODE_HASHES = new Set(crypto.getHashes()) // This is a Best Effortâ„¢ at a reasonable priority for hash algos const DEFAULT_PRIORITY = [ 'md5', 'whirlpool', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', // TODO - it's unclear _which_ of these Node will actually use as its name // for the algorithm, so we guesswork it based on the OpenSSL names. 'sha3', 'sha3-256', 'sha3-384', 'sha3-512', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512', ].filter(algo => NODE_HASHES.has(algo)) function getPrioritizedHash (algo1, algo2) { /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ return DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo1.toLowerCase()) >= DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo2.toLowerCase()) ? algo1 : algo2 }