'use strict'; var utils = require('./utils'); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var isArray = Array.isArray; var defaults = { allowDots: false, allowEmptyArrays: false, allowPrototypes: false, allowSparse: false, arrayLimit: 20, charset: 'utf-8', charsetSentinel: false, comma: false, decodeDotInKeys: false, decoder: utils.decode, delimiter: '&', depth: 5, duplicates: 'combine', ignoreQueryPrefix: false, interpretNumericEntities: false, parameterLimit: 1000, parseArrays: true, plainObjects: false, strictDepth: false, strictNullHandling: false }; var interpretNumericEntities = function (str) { return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function ($0, numberStr) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(numberStr, 10)); }); }; var parseArrayValue = function (val, options) { if (val && typeof val === 'string' && options.comma && val.indexOf(',') > -1) { return val.split(','); } return val; }; // This is what browsers will submit when the ✓ character occurs in an // application/x-www-form-urlencoded body and the encoding of the page containing // the form is iso-8859-1, or when the submitted form has an accept-charset // attribute of iso-8859-1. Presumably also with other charsets that do not contain // the ✓ character, such as us-ascii. var isoSentinel = 'utf8=%26%2310003%3B'; // encodeURIComponent('✓') // These are the percent-encoded utf-8 octets representing a checkmark, indicating that the request actually is utf-8 encoded. var charsetSentinel = 'utf8=%E2%9C%93'; // encodeURIComponent('✓') var parseValues = function parseQueryStringValues(str, options) { var obj = { __proto__: null }; var cleanStr = options.ignoreQueryPrefix ? str.replace(/^\?/, '') : str; cleanStr = cleanStr.replace(/%5B/gi, '[').replace(/%5D/gi, ']'); var limit = options.parameterLimit === Infinity ? undefined : options.parameterLimit; var parts = cleanStr.split(options.delimiter, limit); var skipIndex = -1; // Keep track of where the utf8 sentinel was found var i; var charset = options.charset; if (options.charsetSentinel) { for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { if (parts[i].indexOf('utf8=') === 0) { if (parts[i] === charsetSentinel) { charset = 'utf-8'; } else if (parts[i] === isoSentinel) { charset = 'iso-8859-1'; } skipIndex = i; i = parts.length; // The eslint settings do not allow break; } } } for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { if (i === skipIndex) { continue; } var part = parts[i]; var bracketEqualsPos = part.indexOf(']='); var pos = bracketEqualsPos === -1 ? part.indexOf('=') : bracketEqualsPos + 1; var key, val; if (pos === -1) { key = options.decoder(part, defaults.decoder, charset, 'key'); val = options.strictNullHandling ? null : ''; } else { key = options.decoder(part.slice(0, pos), defaults.decoder, charset, 'key'); val = utils.maybeMap( parseArrayValue(part.slice(pos + 1), options), function (encodedVal) { return options.decoder(encodedVal, defaults.decoder, charset, 'value'); } ); } if (val && options.interpretNumericEntities && charset === 'iso-8859-1') { val = interpretNumericEntities(val); } if (part.indexOf('[]=') > -1) { val = isArray(val) ? [val] : val; } var existing = has.call(obj, key); if (existing && options.duplicates === 'combine') { obj[key] = utils.combine(obj[key], val); } else if (!existing || options.duplicates === 'last') { obj[key] = val; } } return obj; }; var parseObject = function (chain, val, options, valuesParsed) { var leaf = valuesParsed ? val : parseArrayValue(val, options); for (var i = chain.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var obj; var root = chain[i]; if (root === '[]' && options.parseArrays) { obj = options.allowEmptyArrays && (leaf === '' || (options.strictNullHandling && leaf === null)) ? [] : [].concat(leaf); } else { obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; var cleanRoot = root.charAt(0) === '[' && root.charAt(root.length - 1) === ']' ? root.slice(1, -1) : root; var decodedRoot = options.decodeDotInKeys ? cleanRoot.replace(/%2E/g, '.') : cleanRoot; var index = parseInt(decodedRoot, 10); if (!options.parseArrays && decodedRoot === '') { obj = { 0: leaf }; } else if ( !isNaN(index) && root !== decodedRoot && String(index) === decodedRoot && index >= 0 && (options.parseArrays && index <= options.arrayLimit) ) { obj = []; obj[index] = leaf; } else if (decodedRoot !== '__proto__') { obj[decodedRoot] = leaf; } } leaf = obj; } return leaf; }; var parseKeys = function parseQueryStringKeys(givenKey, val, options, valuesParsed) { if (!givenKey) { return; } // Transform dot notation to bracket notation var key = options.allowDots ? givenKey.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, '[$1]') : givenKey; // The regex chunks var brackets = /(\[[^[\]]*])/; var child = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g; // Get the parent var segment = options.depth > 0 && brackets.exec(key); var parent = segment ? key.slice(0, segment.index) : key; // Stash the parent if it exists var keys = []; if (parent) { // If we aren't using plain objects, optionally prefix keys that would overwrite object prototype properties if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, parent)) { if (!options.allowPrototypes) { return; } } keys.push(parent); } // Loop through children appending to the array until we hit depth var i = 0; while (options.depth > 0 && (segment = child.exec(key)) !== null && i < options.depth) { i += 1; if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, segment[1].slice(1, -1))) { if (!options.allowPrototypes) { return; } } keys.push(segment[1]); } // If there's a remainder, check strictDepth option for throw, else just add whatever is left if (segment) { if (options.strictDepth === true) { throw new RangeError('Input depth exceeded depth option of ' + options.depth + ' and strictDepth is true'); } keys.push('[' + key.slice(segment.index) + ']'); } return parseObject(keys, val, options, valuesParsed); }; var normalizeParseOptions = function normalizeParseOptions(opts) { if (!opts) { return defaults; } if (typeof opts.allowEmptyArrays !== 'undefined' && typeof opts.allowEmptyArrays !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('`allowEmptyArrays` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided'); } if (typeof opts.decodeDotInKeys !== 'undefined' && typeof opts.decodeDotInKeys !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('`decodeDotInKeys` option can only be `true` or `false`, when provided'); } if (opts.decoder !== null && typeof opts.decoder !== 'undefined' && typeof opts.decoder !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Decoder has to be a function.'); } if (typeof opts.charset !== 'undefined' && opts.charset !== 'utf-8' && opts.charset !== 'iso-8859-1') { throw new TypeError('The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined'); } var charset = typeof opts.charset === 'undefined' ? defaults.charset : opts.charset; var duplicates = typeof opts.duplicates === 'undefined' ? defaults.duplicates : opts.duplicates; if (duplicates !== 'combine' && duplicates !== 'first' && duplicates !== 'last') { throw new TypeError('The duplicates option must be either combine, first, or last'); } var allowDots = typeof opts.allowDots === 'undefined' ? opts.decodeDotInKeys === true ? true : defaults.allowDots : !!opts.allowDots; return { allowDots: allowDots, allowEmptyArrays: typeof opts.allowEmptyArrays === 'boolean' ? !!opts.allowEmptyArrays : defaults.allowEmptyArrays, allowPrototypes: typeof opts.allowPrototypes === 'boolean' ? opts.allowPrototypes : defaults.allowPrototypes, allowSparse: typeof opts.allowSparse === 'boolean' ? opts.allowSparse : defaults.allowSparse, arrayLimit: typeof opts.arrayLimit === 'number' ? opts.arrayLimit : defaults.arrayLimit, charset: charset, charsetSentinel: typeof opts.charsetSentinel === 'boolean' ? opts.charsetSentinel : defaults.charsetSentinel, comma: typeof opts.comma === 'boolean' ? opts.comma : defaults.comma, decodeDotInKeys: typeof opts.decodeDotInKeys === 'boolean' ? opts.decodeDotInKeys : defaults.decodeDotInKeys, decoder: typeof opts.decoder === 'function' ? opts.decoder : defaults.decoder, delimiter: typeof opts.delimiter === 'string' || utils.isRegExp(opts.delimiter) ? opts.delimiter : defaults.delimiter, // eslint-disable-next-line no-implicit-coercion, no-extra-parens depth: (typeof opts.depth === 'number' || opts.depth === false) ? +opts.depth : defaults.depth, duplicates: duplicates, ignoreQueryPrefix: opts.ignoreQueryPrefix === true, interpretNumericEntities: typeof opts.interpretNumericEntities === 'boolean' ? opts.interpretNumericEntities : defaults.interpretNumericEntities, parameterLimit: typeof opts.parameterLimit === 'number' ? opts.parameterLimit : defaults.parameterLimit, parseArrays: opts.parseArrays !== false, plainObjects: typeof opts.plainObjects === 'boolean' ? opts.plainObjects : defaults.plainObjects, strictDepth: typeof opts.strictDepth === 'boolean' ? !!opts.strictDepth : defaults.strictDepth, strictNullHandling: typeof opts.strictNullHandling === 'boolean' ? opts.strictNullHandling : defaults.strictNullHandling }; }; module.exports = function (str, opts) { var options = normalizeParseOptions(opts); if (str === '' || str === null || typeof str === 'undefined') { return options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; } var tempObj = typeof str === 'string' ? parseValues(str, options) : str; var obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; // Iterate over the keys and setup the new object var keys = Object.keys(tempObj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; var newObj = parseKeys(key, tempObj[key], options, typeof str === 'string'); obj = utils.merge(obj, newObj, options); } if (options.allowSparse === true) { return obj; } return utils.compact(obj); };