'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const shared = require('../shared'); const mimeTypes = require('../mime-funcs/mime-types'); const MailComposer = require('../mail-composer'); const DKIM = require('../dkim'); const httpProxyClient = require('../smtp-connection/http-proxy-client'); const util = require('util'); const urllib = require('url'); const packageData = require('../../package.json'); const MailMessage = require('./mail-message'); const net = require('net'); const dns = require('dns'); const crypto = require('crypto'); /** * Creates an object for exposing the Mail API * * @constructor * @param {Object} transporter Transport object instance to pass the mails to */ class Mail extends EventEmitter { constructor(transporter, options, defaults) { super(); this.options = options || {}; this._defaults = defaults || {}; this._defaultPlugins = { compile: [(...args) => this._convertDataImages(...args)], stream: [] }; this._userPlugins = { compile: [], stream: [] }; this.meta = new Map(); this.dkim = this.options.dkim ? new DKIM(this.options.dkim) : false; this.transporter = transporter; this.transporter.mailer = this; this.logger = shared.getLogger(this.options, { component: this.options.component || 'mail' }); this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'create' }, 'Creating transport: %s', this.getVersionString() ); // setup emit handlers for the transporter if (typeof this.transporter.on === 'function') { // deprecated log interface this.transporter.on('log', log => { this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'transport' }, '%s: %s', log.type, log.message ); }); // transporter errors this.transporter.on('error', err => { this.logger.error( { err, tnx: 'transport' }, 'Transport Error: %s', err.message ); this.emit('error', err); }); // indicates if the sender has became idle this.transporter.on('idle', (...args) => { this.emit('idle', ...args); }); } /** * Optional methods passed to the underlying transport object */ ['close', 'isIdle', 'verify'].forEach(method => { this[method] = (...args) => { if (typeof this.transporter[method] === 'function') { if (method === 'verify' && typeof this.getSocket === 'function') { this.transporter.getSocket = this.getSocket; this.getSocket = false; } return this.transporter[method](...args); } else { this.logger.warn( { tnx: 'transport', methodName: method }, 'Non existing method %s called for transport', method ); return false; } }; }); // setup proxy handling if (this.options.proxy && typeof this.options.proxy === 'string') { this.setupProxy(this.options.proxy); } } use(step, plugin) { step = (step || '').toString(); if (!this._userPlugins.hasOwnProperty(step)) { this._userPlugins[step] = [plugin]; } else { this._userPlugins[step].push(plugin); } return this; } /** * Sends an email using the preselected transport object * * @param {Object} data E-data description * @param {Function?} callback Callback to run once the sending succeeded or failed */ sendMail(data, callback = null) { let promise; if (!callback) { promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { callback = shared.callbackPromise(resolve, reject); }); } if (typeof this.getSocket === 'function') { this.transporter.getSocket = this.getSocket; this.getSocket = false; } let mail = new MailMessage(this, data); this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'transport', name: this.transporter.name, version: this.transporter.version, action: 'send' }, 'Sending mail using %s/%s', this.transporter.name, this.transporter.version ); this._processPlugins('compile', mail, err => { if (err) { this.logger.error( { err, tnx: 'plugin', action: 'compile' }, 'PluginCompile Error: %s', err.message ); return callback(err); } mail.message = new MailComposer(mail.data).compile(); mail.setMailerHeader(); mail.setPriorityHeaders(); mail.setListHeaders(); this._processPlugins('stream', mail, err => { if (err) { this.logger.error( { err, tnx: 'plugin', action: 'stream' }, 'PluginStream Error: %s', err.message ); return callback(err); } if (mail.data.dkim || this.dkim) { mail.message.processFunc(input => { let dkim = mail.data.dkim ? new DKIM(mail.data.dkim) : this.dkim; this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'DKIM', messageId: mail.message.messageId(), dkimDomains: dkim.keys.map(key => key.keySelector + '.' + key.domainName).join(', ') }, 'Signing outgoing message with %s keys', dkim.keys.length ); return dkim.sign(input, mail.data._dkim); }); } this.transporter.send(mail, (...args) => { if (args[0]) { this.logger.error( { err: args[0], tnx: 'transport', action: 'send' }, 'Send Error: %s', args[0].message ); } callback(...args); }); }); }); return promise; } getVersionString() { return util.format('%s (%s; +%s; %s/%s)', packageData.name, packageData.version, packageData.homepage, this.transporter.name, this.transporter.version); } _processPlugins(step, mail, callback) { step = (step || '').toString(); if (!this._userPlugins.hasOwnProperty(step)) { return callback(); } let userPlugins = this._userPlugins[step] || []; let defaultPlugins = this._defaultPlugins[step] || []; if (userPlugins.length) { this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'transaction', pluginCount: userPlugins.length, step }, 'Using %s plugins for %s', userPlugins.length, step ); } if (userPlugins.length + defaultPlugins.length === 0) { return callback(); } let pos = 0; let block = 'default'; let processPlugins = () => { let curplugins = block === 'default' ? defaultPlugins : userPlugins; if (pos >= curplugins.length) { if (block === 'default' && userPlugins.length) { block = 'user'; pos = 0; curplugins = userPlugins; } else { return callback(); } } let plugin = curplugins[pos++]; plugin(mail, err => { if (err) { return callback(err); } processPlugins(); }); }; processPlugins(); } /** * Sets up proxy handler for a Nodemailer object * * @param {String} proxyUrl Proxy configuration url */ setupProxy(proxyUrl) { let proxy = urllib.parse(proxyUrl); // setup socket handler for the mailer object this.getSocket = (options, callback) => { let protocol = proxy.protocol.replace(/:$/, '').toLowerCase(); if (this.meta.has('proxy_handler_' + protocol)) { return this.meta.get('proxy_handler_' + protocol)(proxy, options, callback); } switch (protocol) { // Connect using a HTTP CONNECT method case 'http': case 'https': httpProxyClient(proxy.href, options.port, options.host, (err, socket) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, { connection: socket }); }); return; case 'socks': case 'socks5': case 'socks4': case 'socks4a': { if (!this.meta.has('proxy_socks_module')) { return callback(new Error('Socks module not loaded')); } let connect = ipaddress => { let proxyV2 = !!this.meta.get('proxy_socks_module').SocksClient; let socksClient = proxyV2 ? this.meta.get('proxy_socks_module').SocksClient : this.meta.get('proxy_socks_module'); let proxyType = Number(proxy.protocol.replace(/\D/g, '')) || 5; let connectionOpts = { proxy: { ipaddress, port: Number(proxy.port), type: proxyType }, [proxyV2 ? 'destination' : 'target']: { host: options.host, port: options.port }, command: 'connect' }; if (proxy.auth) { let username = decodeURIComponent(proxy.auth.split(':').shift()); let password = decodeURIComponent(proxy.auth.split(':').pop()); if (proxyV2) { connectionOpts.proxy.userId = username; connectionOpts.proxy.password = password; } else if (proxyType === 4) { connectionOpts.userid = username; } else { connectionOpts.authentication = { username, password }; } } socksClient.createConnection(connectionOpts, (err, info) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, { connection: info.socket || info }); }); }; if (net.isIP(proxy.hostname)) { return connect(proxy.hostname); } return dns.resolve(proxy.hostname, (err, address) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } connect(Array.isArray(address) ? address[0] : address); }); } } callback(new Error('Unknown proxy configuration')); }; } _convertDataImages(mail, callback) { if ((!this.options.attachDataUrls && !mail.data.attachDataUrls) || !mail.data.html) { return callback(); } mail.resolveContent(mail.data, 'html', (err, html) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } let cidCounter = 0; html = (html || '') .toString() .replace(/(]{0,1024} src\s{0,20}=[\s"']{0,20})(data:([^;]+);[^"'>\s]+)/gi, (match, prefix, dataUri, mimeType) => { let cid = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex') + '@localhost'; if (!mail.data.attachments) { mail.data.attachments = []; } if (!Array.isArray(mail.data.attachments)) { mail.data.attachments = [].concat(mail.data.attachments || []); } mail.data.attachments.push({ path: dataUri, cid, filename: 'image-' + ++cidCounter + '.' + mimeTypes.detectExtension(mimeType) }); return prefix + 'cid:' + cid; }); mail.data.html = html; callback(); }); } set(key, value) { return this.meta.set(key, value); } get(key) { return this.meta.get(key); } } module.exports = Mail;