const _ = require('lodash'); const path = require('path'); const {sequence} = require('@tryghost/promise'); const debug = require('debug')('knex-migrator:index'); const database = require('./database'); const utils = require('./utils'); const errors = require('./errors'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const migrations = require('../migrations'); const locking = require('./locking'); /** * @description Prototype of Knex-migrator. * @param {Object} options * @constructor */ function KnexMigrator(options = {}) { let config = utils.loadConfig(options); if (!config.database) { throw new Error('MigratorConfig.js needs to export a database config.'); } if (!config.migrationPath) { throw new Error('MigratorConfig.js needs to export the location of your migration files.'); } if (!config.currentVersion) { throw new Error('MigratorConfig.js needs to export the a current version.'); } this.executedFromShell = options.executedFromShell; this.currentVersion = config.currentVersion; this.migrationPath = config.migrationPath; this.subfolder = config.subfolder || 'versions'; this.dbConfig = config.database; } /** * `knex-migrator init` * * @description This task will run init scripts. * * The `init` command goes through the following steps: * * 1. Create a database knex connection. * 2. Create database if it does not exist. * 3. Create tables for knex-migrator (migrations, migrations-lock) * 4. Run table upgrades/migrations if available. * 5. Lock the tables to avoid running migrations in parallel. * 6. Execute hooks and init scripts. * 7. Init completion: add all existing migration scripts to the database to make it possible to detect a state of the database correctly. * 8. Unlock tables. * 9. Disconnect from database otherwise the CLI won't close properly. * * The `init` command can be triggered via `knex-migrator migrate --init`. * This is a feature which makes it easier to not having to differentiate if a database needs a migration or an * initilisation. The special characteristic of this combo is that the init completation shouldn't run, because * otherwise we would overjump migration files to execute. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options you can pass in (disableHooks, noScripts, skipInitCompletion, only, skip) * @returns {Promise} */ KnexMigrator.prototype.init = function init(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this, disableHooks = options.disableHooks, noScripts = options.noScripts, skipInitCompletion = options.skipInitCompletion, skippedTasks = [], hooks = {}; try { if (!disableHooks) { hooks = require(path.join(self.migrationPath, '/hooks/init')); } } catch (err) { debug('Hook Error: ' + err.message); debug('No hooks found, no problem.'); } this.connection = database.connect(this.dbConfig); return database.createDatabaseIfNotExist(self.dbConfig) .then(function () { if (noScripts) { return; } // @NOTE: create table outside of the transaction! (implicit) return database.createMigrationsTable(self.connection).then(function () { return () { return locking.lock(self.connection) .then(function () { if (hooks.before) { debug('Before hook'); return hooks.before({ connection: self.connection }); } }) .then(function executeMigrate() { return self._migrateTo({ version: 'init', only: options.only, skip: options.skip }); }) .then(function (response) { skippedTasks = response.skippedTasks; if (hooks.after) { debug('After hook'); return hooks.after({ connection: self.connection }); } }) .then(function () { const initTasks = utils.listFiles(path.join(self.migrationPath, 'init')); /** * CASE 1: You can disable init completion manually * CASE 2: Only skip init completion if you have all init scripts in place already!! * * Example: * - knex-migrator migrate --init should not execute init completion * -> does not run init completion * * Example: * - knex-migrator init (process was destroyed, you only have 1 init script in your db) * - knex-migrator init (the other init script get's executed) * -> run init completion * */ if (skippedTasks.length === initTasks.length || skipInitCompletion) { return Promise.resolve(); } let versionsToMigrateTo; // CASE: insert all migration files, otherwise you will run into problems // e.g. you are on 1.2, you initialise the database, but there is 1.3 migration script try { versionsToMigrateTo = utils.readVersionFolders( path.join(self.migrationPath, self.subfolder)) || []; } catch (err) { // CASE: versions folder does not exists if (err.code === 'READ_FOLDERS') { return Promise.resolve(); } throw err; } return database.createTransaction(self.connection, async function (transacting) { const existingMigrations = await transacting('migrations').select('name'); const existingMigrationsNames = =>; const migrationsToAdd = []; // CASE: Run over all migration scripts and add the file name to the database. for (const versionToMigrateTo of versionsToMigrateTo) { let versionPath = path.join(self.migrationPath, self.subfolder, versionToMigrateTo); let filesToMigrateTo = utils.listFiles(versionPath) || []; // CASE: check if migration exists, do not insert twice for (const name of filesToMigrateTo) { if (existingMigrationsNames.includes(name)) { continue; } migrationsToAdd.push({ name, version: versionToMigrateTo, currentVersion: self.currentVersion }); } } await self.connection .batchInsert('migrations', migrationsToAdd) .transacting(transacting); }); }) .then(function () { return locking.unlock(self.connection); }) .catch(function (err) { if (err instanceof errors.MigrationsAreLockedError) { throw err; } if (err instanceof errors.LockError) { throw err; } return locking.unlock(self.connection) .then(function () { throw err; }); }); }); }); }) .then(function onInitSuccess() { debug('Init Success'); }) .catch(function onInitError(err) { // CASE: Do not rollback if migrations are locked if (err instanceof errors.MigrationsAreLockedError) { throw err; } // CASE: Do not rollback migration scripts, if lock error if (err instanceof errors.LockError) { throw err; } // CASE: ETIMEDOUT, ENOTFOUND if (err instanceof errors.DatabaseError) { throw err; } debug('Rolling back: ' + err.message); return self._rollback({ version: 'init', skippedTasks: { init: skippedTasks } }).then(function () { throw err; }).catch(function (innerErr) { if (errors.utils.isGhostError(innerErr)) { throw err; } throw new errors.RollbackError({ message: innerErr.message, err: innerErr, context: `OuterError: ${err.message}` }); }); }) .finally(function () { let ops = []; if (hooks.shutdown) { ops.push(function shutdownHook() { debug('Shutdown hook'); return hooks.shutdown({ executedFromShell: self.executedFromShell }); }); } ops.push(function destroyConnection() { debug('Destroy connection'); return self.connection.destroy() .then(function () { debug('Destroyed connection'); }); }); return sequence( => () => { return op.bind(self)(); })); }); }; /** * `knex-migrator migrate` * * @description This task will run migration scripts. * * The `migrate` task runs through the following steps: * * 1. Create a database knex connection. * 2. Ensure connection works as expected. * 3. Run table upgrades/migrations if available. * 4. Lock the target tables to avoid running migrations in parallel. * 5. Perform an integrity check to figure out which migrations need to run (compare files against database) * 6. Execute migrations. * 7. Unlock table. * 8. Disconnect from database otherwise the CLI won't close properly. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options you can pass in (version, force, init, only, skip) * @returns {Promise} */ KnexMigrator.prototype.migrate = async function migrate(options) { options = options || {}; let onlyVersion = options.version, force = options.force, init = options.init, onlyFile = options.only, versionsToMigrate = [], hooks = {}; // CASE: you can only use only in combination with the version flag if (onlyFile && !onlyVersion) { onlyFile = null; } if (onlyVersion) { debug('onlyVersion: ' + onlyVersion); } // CASE: `--init` flag is passed. Combo feature. if (init) { await this.init(); } try { hooks = require(path.join(this.migrationPath, '/hooks/migrate')); } catch (err) { debug('Hook Error: ' + err.message); debug('No hooks found, no problem.'); } this.connection = database.connect(this.dbConfig); try { await database.ensureConnectionWorks(this.connection); await; await locking.lock(this.connection); const result = await this._integrityCheck({force}); _.each(result, function (_value, version) { // CASE: Log which versions won't be executed based on the "only" flag if (onlyVersion && version !== onlyVersion) { debug('Do not execute: ' + version); return; } }); if (onlyVersion) { // CASE: filter out versions which should not run let containsVersion = _.find(result, function (_obj, key) { return key === onlyVersion; }); if (!containsVersion) { logging.warn('Cannot find requested version: ' + onlyVersion); } } _.each(result, function (value, version) { // CASE: compare files on disk with files in database if (value.expected !== value.actual) { debug('Need to execute migrations for: ' + version); versionsToMigrate.push(version); } }); if (versionsToMigrate.length) { if (hooks.before) { debug('Before hook'); await hooks.before({ connection: this.connection }); }'Running migrations.'); for (const versionToMigrate of versionsToMigrate) { try { await this._migrateTo({ version: versionToMigrate, only: onlyFile, hooks: hooks }); } catch (err) { // CASE: Do not rollback if migrations are locked if (err instanceof errors.MigrationsAreLockedError) { throw err; } // CASE: Do not rollback migration scripts, if lock error if (err instanceof errors.LockError) { throw err; } // CASE: ETIMEDOUT, ENOTFOUND if (err instanceof errors.DatabaseError) { throw err; } if (err.context && { debug(`Task failed: ${}`); }`Rolling back: ${err.message}.`); const versionsMigrated = versionsToMigrate.slice( 0, versionsToMigrate.indexOf(versionToMigrate) + 1 ); versionsMigrated.reverse(); try { for (const versionMigrated of versionsMigrated) { await this._rollback({version: versionMigrated, task: err.context}); }`Rollback was successful.`); throw err; } catch (innerErr) { if (errors.utils.isGhostError(innerErr)) { throw err; } throw new errors.RollbackError({ message: innerErr.message, err: innerErr, context: `OuterError: ${err.message}` }); } finally { await locking.unlock(this.connection); } } } if (hooks.after) { debug('After hook'); await hooks.after({ connection: this.connection }); } } await locking.unlock(this.connection); } finally { if (hooks.shutdown) { debug('Shutdown hook'); await hooks.shutdown({ executedFromShell: this.executedFromShell }); } debug('Destroy connection'); await this.connection.destroy(); debug('Destroyed connection'); } }; /** * `knex-migrator reset` * * @description The rest command will do a full hard reset. * * It will: * * 1. Create a connection to the database. * 2. Ensure connection works as expected. * 3. Lock the table to avoid running reset in parallel. * 4. Run table upgrades/migrations if available. * 5. Drop the database. * * If you pass the "force" flag, you will skip step 2-4. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options the user can pass in (force) * @returns {*} */ KnexMigrator.prototype.reset = function reset(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this; let force = options.force; this.connection = database.connect(this.dbConfig); // CASE: ignore lock completely and drop the db if (force) { return database.drop({ connection: self.connection, dbConfig: self.dbConfig }).catch(function onRestError(err) { // Database does not exist. MySql. if (err.errno === 1049) { return Promise.resolve(); } throw err; }).finally(function () { debug('Destroy connection'); return self.connection.destroy() .then(function () { debug('Destroyed connection'); }); }); } return database.ensureConnectionWorks(this.connection) .then(function () { return; }) .then(function () { return locking.lock(self.connection); }) .then(function () { return database.drop({ connection: self.connection, dbConfig: self.dbConfig }); }) .catch(function onRestError(err) { if (err instanceof errors.MigrationsAreLockedError) { throw err; } // CASE: ETIMEDOUT, ENOTFOUND if (err instanceof errors.DatabaseError) { throw err; } debug('Reset error: ' + err.message); // CASE: Database does not exist. For MySql. if (err.errno === 1049) { return Promise.resolve(); } return locking.unlock(self.connection) .then(function () { throw err; }); }) .finally(function () { debug('Destroy connection'); return self.connection.destroy() .then(function () { debug('Destroyed connection'); }); }); }; /** * `knex-migrator health` * * @description This task detects the (migration) state of your database. * * It asks the database if.... * * - the database was initialised? * - migration files need to be executed? * * The task runs through the following steps: * * 1. Create a database connection. * 2. Ensure the connection works (credentials are correct) * 3. Run table upgrades/migrations if available. * 4. Asks if the database is locked and aborts if so. * 5. Perform an integrity check to figure out which migrations need to run (compare files against database) * 6. Returns result. * 7. Destroy connection. * * @returns {Promise} */ KnexMigrator.prototype.isDatabaseOK = function isDatabaseOK() { let self = this; this.connection = database.connect(this.dbConfig); return database.ensureConnectionWorks(this.connection) .then(function () { return; }) .then(function () { return locking.isLocked(self.connection); }) .then(function () { return self._integrityCheck(); }) .then(function (result) { // CASE: if an init script was removed, the health check will be positive (see #48) if (result.init && result.init.expected > result.init.actual) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Please run `yarn knex-migrator init`', code: 'DB_NOT_INITIALISED' }); } _.each(_.omit(result, 'init'), function (value) { // CASE: there are more migrations expected than have been run, database needs to be migrated if (value.expected > value.actual) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Migrations are missing. Please run `yarn knex-migrator migrate`.', code: 'DB_NEEDS_MIGRATION', help: `Expected: ${value.expected} items in migrations table, found: ${value.actual}` }); // CASE: there are more actual migrations than expected, something has gone wrong :( } else if (value.expected < value.actual) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Detected more items in the migrations table than expected. Please manually inspect the migrations table.', code: 'MIGRATION_STATE_ERROR', help: `Expected: ${value.expected} items in migrations table, found: ${value.actual}` }); } }); }) .catch(function (err) { // CASE: database does not exist if (err.errno === 1049) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Please run `yarn knex-migrator init`', code: 'DB_NOT_INITIALISED' }); } throw err; }) .finally(function () { if (!self.connection) { return; } debug('Destroy connection'); return self.connection.destroy() .then(function () { debug('Destroyed connection'); }); }); }; /** * `knex-migrator rollback` * * @description This task will rollback the database to a version. * * It will: * * 1. Create a connection to the database. * 2. Ensure the connection works (credentials are correct) * 3. Asks the database if the lock is active. * 4. If the lock is not active, you cannot rollback. This is the current default behaviour. * 5. If you pass the "force" flag, you can rollback if the lock is inactive. * 6. Executes rollback helper to rollback to a version. * 7. Destroy connection. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options the user can pass in (force, version, v, disableHooks) * @returns {Promise} */ KnexMigrator.prototype.rollback = function rollback(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this; let force = options.force; let version = options.version || options.v; let disableHooks = options.disableHooks; let hooks = {}; this.connection = database.connect(this.dbConfig); const helper = function helper() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { try { if (!disableHooks) { // @TODO: load init or migrate hooks hooks = require(path.join(self.migrationPath, '/hooks/init')); } } catch (err) { debug('Hook Error: ' + err.message); debug('No hooks found, no problem.'); } if (hooks.before) { return hooks.before({ connection: self.connection }).then(resolve).catch(reject); } resolve(); }).then(function () { let whereQuery = {}; // CASE 1: rollback to specific version (query all and filter out) // CASE 2: rollback current version you are on if (version) { debug(`Rollback to specific version: ${version}`); whereQuery = {}; } else { whereQuery = { currentVersion: self.currentVersion }; } return self.connection('migrations') .where(whereQuery) .then(function (values) { if (!values.length) { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'No migrations available to rollback.' }); } // CASE: filter out all versions which are smaller than the version we want to rollback to if (version) { values = _.filter(values, function (value) { return utils.isGreaterThanVersion({ greaterVersion: value.version, smallerVersion: version }); }); } // @NOTE: we never ever rollback init scripts for now. // this can be very dangerous, because it removes tables // @EXCEPTION: you run init scripts and they fail values = _.filter(values, function (value) { return value.version !== 'init'; }); values.reverse(); return sequence( => () => { return self._rollback({ version: value.version, onlyTasks: [] }); })); }); }).then(function () { if (hooks.shutdown) { return hooks.shutdown({ executedFromShell: self.executedFromShell }); } }); }; return database.ensureConnectionWorks(this.connection) .then(function () { return; }) .then(function () { return locking.isLocked(self.connection); }) .then(function () { // CASE: db is not locked, force if (force) { return helper(); } throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'Rollback did not happen.', help: 'Use --force if you want to force a rollback. By default, rollbacks are only allowed if your database is locked.' }); }) .catch(function (err) { if (err instanceof errors.MigrationsAreLockedError) { return helper() .then(function () { return locking.unlock(self.connection); }); } throw err; }) .finally(function () { if (!self.connection) { return; } debug('Destroy connection'); return self.connection.destroy() .then(function () { debug('Destroyed connection'); }); }); }; // @TODO: All of these functions below are helper functions. Source them out as part of /** * @description Private helper function for rolling back. It is called in various places to rollback to a state. * * Cases: * * 1. Init or migrate task failed, rollback the previous tasks too. * 2. Rollback task is executed. * * It will: * * 1. Read the migration tasks from disk. * 2. Call "down" fn of target migration script. * 3. Delete migration entry from database. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options the user can pass in (version, skippedTasks, onlyTasks, task) * @returns {Promise>} * @private */ KnexMigrator.prototype._rollback = function _rollback(options) { let version = options.version; let skippedTasks = options.skippedTasks || []; let onlyTasks = options.onlyTasks || []; const failedTask = options.task; let tasks = []; let self = this; if (version !== 'init') { tasks = utils.readTasks(path.join(this.migrationPath, this.subfolder, version)); } else { try { tasks = utils.readTasks(path.join(this.migrationPath, version)); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'MIGRATION_PATH') { tasks = []; } else { throw err; } } } // CASE: rollback failed in one of the tasks in init or migrate // CASE: if no task available, you are about to rollback manually `knex-migrator rollback` if (failedTask) { const newTasks = []; for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i = i + 1) { const task = tasks[i]; if ( !== { newTasks.push(task); } else if ( === { /** * @NOTE * * The task, which has failed, is never written to the database. * But we have to double check if the target task was running in a transaction. * * Transaction: no need to rollback this task * No Transaction: we have to rollback this task, because of implicit commits */ if (!failedTask.config || !failedTask.config.transaction) { newTasks.push(task); } break; } } tasks = newTasks; } // CASE: one of the migrations that are about to be rolled back is marked as irreversible. Exit early without performing any actions const irreversibleMigrations = _.filter(tasks, function (task) { return !!_.get(task, 'config.irreversible'); }); if (irreversibleMigrations.length) { return Promise.reject(new errors.IrreversibleMigrationError({ message: 'Unable to rollback', help: 'There are irreversible migrations when rolling back to the selected version, this typically means data required for earlier versions has been deleted. Please restore from a backup instead.', code: 'IRREVERSIBLE_MIGRATION' })); } tasks.reverse(); return sequence( => () => { if (skippedTasks[version] && skippedTasks[version].indexOf( !== -1) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (onlyTasks.length && onlyTasks.indexOf( === -1) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (!task.down) { debug('No down function provided',; return self.connection('migrations') .where({ name:, version: version, currentVersion: self.currentVersion }) .delete(); } debug('Rollback',; if (task.config && task.config.transaction) { return database.createTransaction(self.connection, function (txn) { return task.down({ transacting: txn }); }).then(function () { return self.connection('migrations') .where({ name:, version: version }) .delete(); }); } return task.down({ connection: self.connection }).then(function () { return self.connection('migrations') .where({ name:, version: version }) .delete(); }); })); }; /** * @description Private migrate helper. * * Cases: * 1. Init task will use this helper to migrate to "init". * 2. Migrate task will use this helper to migrate to a version e.g. "1.1" * * It will: * 1. Read the migration tasks from disk. * 2. Execute hooks. * 3. Create a transaction for the target migration file if configured. Each migration scripts can run in one transaction. * If multiple versions/scripts are executed, we cannot run all of them in a single txn, because implicit commands can happen in between. * 4. Execute "up" function of migration file. * 5. Returns any skipped task. Skipped tasks are tasks which failed. Only one task is returned, the last one which failed. * * @param {Object} options - Custom options the user can pass in (version, hooks, only, skip) * @returns {Promise<{skippedTasks: Array}>} * @private */ KnexMigrator.prototype._migrateTo = function _migrateTo(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this, version = options.version, hooks = options.hooks || {}, only = options.only || null, skip = options.skip || null, subfolder = this.subfolder, skippedTasks = [], tasks = []; if (version !== 'init') { tasks = utils.readTasks(path.join(self.migrationPath, subfolder, version)); } else { try { tasks = utils.readTasks(path.join(self.migrationPath, version)); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'MIGRATION_PATH') { tasks = []; } else { throw err; } } } if (only !== null) { debug('only: ' + only); tasks = [tasks[only - 1]]; } else if (skip !== null) { debug('skip: ' + skip); tasks.splice(skip - 1, 1); } debug('Migrate: ' + version + ' with ' + tasks.length + ' tasks.'); debug('Tasks: ' + JSON.stringify(tasks)); return sequence( => () => { return self._beforeEach({ task:, version: version }).then(function () { if (hooks.beforeEach) { return hooks.beforeEach({ connection: self.connection }); } }).then(function () { debug('Running up: ' +; if (task.config && task.config.transaction) { return database.createTransaction(self.connection, function (txn) { return task.up({ transacting: txn }); }); } return task.up({ connection: self.connection }); }).then(function () { if (hooks.afterEach) { return hooks.afterEach({ connection: self.connection }); } }).then(function () { return self._afterEach({ task: task, version: version }); }).catch(function (err) { if (err instanceof errors.MigrationExistsError) { debug('Skipping:' +; skippedTasks.push(; return Promise.resolve(); } /** * @NOTE: When your database encoding is set to utf8mb4 and you set a field length > 191 characters, * MySQL will throw an error, BUT it won't roll back the changes, because ALTER/CREATE table commands are * implicit commands. * * * */ if (err.code === 'ER_TOO_LONG_KEY') { let match = err.message.match(/`\w+`/g); let table = match[0]; let field = match[2]; throw new errors.MigrationScriptError({ message: 'Field length of %field% in %table% is too long!'.replace('%field%', field).replace('%table%', table), context: 'This usually happens if your database encoding is utf8mb4.\n' + 'All unique fields and indexes must be lower than 191 characters.\n' + 'Please correct your field length and reset your database with `yarn knex-migrator reset`.\n', help: 'Read more here:\n', err: err }); } throw new errors.MigrationScriptError({ message: err.message, help: 'Error occurred while executing the following migration: ' +, context: task, err: err }); }); })).then(function () { return { skippedTasks: skippedTasks }; }); }; /** * @description Private helper to execute logic before each migration script is executed. * * It ensures that migration scripts are not executed twice. * * @param {Object} options * @returns {*} * @private */ KnexMigrator.prototype._beforeEach = function _beforeEach(options) { options = options || {}; let task = options.task, version = options.version; return this.connection('migrations') .then(function (migrations) { if (!migrations.length) { return; } if (_.find(migrations, {name: task, version: version})) { throw new errors.MigrationExistsError(); } }); }; /** * @description Private helper to execute logic after each migration script is executed. * * It ensures that migration files are inserted into the database. * * @param {Object} options * @returns {*} * @private */ KnexMigrator.prototype._afterEach = function _afterEach(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this; let task = options.task; let version = options.version; return this.connection('migrations') .insert({ name:, version: version, currentVersion: self.currentVersion }); }; /** * @description Private helper to execute an integrity check. The integrity check compares files against entries in the * database. It returns expected and actual database state. * * @param {Object} options - Custom user options (force) * @returns {Promise} * @private */ KnexMigrator.prototype._integrityCheck = async function _integrityCheck(options) { options = options || {}; let self = this, subfolder = this.subfolder, force = options.force, folders = [], toReturn = {}, futureVersions = []; // CASE: we always fetch the init scripts and check them // 1. to be able to add more init scripts // 2. to check if migration scripts need's to be executed or not, see folders.push('init'); // CASE: no subfolder yet. You can tell knex-migrator if scripts live on a sub folder. try { folders = folders.concat(utils.readVersionFolders(path.join(self.migrationPath, subfolder))); } catch (err) { // ignore } try { const dbMigrations = await this .connection('migrations') .select('version') .count('version', {as: 'c'}) .groupBy('version'); _.each(folders, function (folder) { // CASE: versions/1.1-members or versions/2.0-payments if (folder !== 'init') { try { folder = folder.match(/([\d._]+)/)[0]; } catch (err) { logging.warn('Cannot parse folder name.'); logging.warn('Ignore Folder: ' + folder); return; } } // CASE: // if your current version is 1.0 and you add migration scripts for the next version 1.1 // we won't execute them until your current version changes to 1.1 or until you force KM to migrate to it if (self.currentVersion && !force) { if (utils.isGreaterThanVersion({smallerVersion: self.currentVersion, greaterVersion: folder})) { futureVersions.push(folder); } } let actual = 0; let expected; const migrationCount = dbMigrations.find(m => m.version === folder); if (migrationCount) { actual = migrationCount.c; } if (folder !== 'init') { expected = utils.listFiles(path.join(self.migrationPath, subfolder, folder)).length; } else { expected = utils.listFiles(path.join(self.migrationPath, folder)).length; } debug('Version ' + folder + ' expected: ' + expected); debug('Version ' + folder + ' actual: ' + actual); toReturn[folder] = { expected: expected, actual: actual }; }); // CASE: ensure that either you have to run `migrate --force` or they ran already if (futureVersions.length) { _.each(futureVersions, function (futureVersion) { if (toReturn[futureVersion].actual !== toReturn[futureVersion].expected) { logging.warn('knex-migrator is skipping ' + futureVersion); logging.warn('Current version in MigratorConfig.js is smaller then requested version, use --force to proceed!'); logging.warn('Please run `yarn knex-migrator migrate --v ' + futureVersion + ' --force` to proceed!'); delete toReturn[futureVersion]; } }); } return toReturn; } catch (err) { // CASE: no database selected (database.connection.database="") if (err.errno === 1046) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Please define a target database in your configuration.', help: 'database: {\n\tconnection:\n\t\tdatabase:"database_name"\n\t}\n}\n', code: 'DB_NOT_INITIALISED' }); } // CASE: database does not exist if (err.errno === 1049) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Please run `yarn knex-migrator init`', code: 'DB_NOT_INITIALISED' }); } // CASE: migration table does not exist if (err.errno === 1 || err.errno === 1146) { throw new errors.DatabaseIsNotOkError({ message: 'Please run `yarn knex-migrator init`', code: 'MIGRATION_TABLE_IS_MISSING' }); } throw err; } }; module.exports = KnexMigrator;