const knex = require('knex'), omit = require('lodash/omit'), debug = require('debug')('knex-migrator:database'), errors = require('./errors'); const DatabaseInfo = require('@tryghost/database-info'); const {sequence} = require('@tryghost/promise'); /** * @NOTE: Knex-migrator only supports knex query builder. * * @param options * @returns {Knex.QueryBuilder | Knex} */ exports.connect = function connect(options) { options = options || {}; // Alias `mysql` to `mysql2` so we can maintain backwards compatibility if (options.client === 'mysql') { options.client = 'mysql2'; } const client = options.client; if (client === 'sqlite3') { options.useNullAsDefault = options.useNullAsDefault || false; } if (client === 'mysql2') { options.connection.timezone = options.connection.timezone || 'Z'; options.connection.charset = options.connection.charset || 'utf8mb4'; options.connection.decimalNumbers = true; delete options.connection.filename; } return knex(options); }; /** * If you instantiate knex, you won't know if the connection works. * This helper functions is used to test the connection. It's basically a "test query". * * @param connection * @returns {Promise | Promise | Promise} */ exports.ensureConnectionWorks = (connection) => { return connection.raw('SELECT 1+1 as RESULT;') .catch((err) => { if (err.code === 'ENOTFOUND' || err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT' || err.code === 'EAI_AGAIN') { throw new errors.DatabaseError({ message: 'Invalid database host.', help: 'Please double check your database config.', err: err }); } throw new errors.DatabaseError({ message: err.message, help: 'Unknown database error', err: err }); }); }; /** * @description Helper to create a transaction. * @param callback * @returns {*} */ module.exports.createTransaction = function (connection, callback) { return connection.transaction(callback); }; /** * @description Helper to create the migration table. * * @TODO: * @TODO: * @returns {Promise | Promise | * | Promise} */ exports.createMigrationsTable = async function createMigrationsTable(connection) { const hasTable = await connection.schema.hasTable('migrations'); if (hasTable) { return; } // CASE: table does not exist debug('Creating table: migrations'); await connection.schema.createTable('migrations', function (table) { table.increments().primary(); table.string('name'); table.string('version'); table.string('currentVersion'); }); }; /** * Knex-migrator has an inbuilt feature to create a database if it does not exist yet. * * @param dbConfig * @returns {*} */ exports.createDatabaseIfNotExist = function createDatabaseIfNotExist(dbConfig) { const name = dbConfig.connection.database, charset = dbConfig.connection.charset || 'utf8mb4'; // @NOTE: Skip, because sqlite3 is a file based database. if (DatabaseInfo.isSQLiteConfig(dbConfig)) { return Promise.resolve(); } else if (!DatabaseInfo.isMySQLConfig(dbConfig)) { return Promise.reject(new errors.KnexMigrateError({ message: 'Database is not supported.' })); } const connection = exports.connect({ client: dbConfig.client, connection: omit(dbConfig.connection, ['database']) }); debug('Create database', name); return exports.ensureConnectionWorks(connection) .then(function () { return connection.raw('CREATE DATABASE `' + name + '` CHARACTER SET ' + charset + ';'); }) .catch(function (err) { // CASE: DB exists if (err.errno === 1007) { return Promise.resolve(); } throw new errors.DatabaseError({ message: err.message, err: err, code: 'DATABASE_CREATION_FAILED' }); }) .finally(function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { connection.destroy(function (err) { if (err) { return reject(err); } debug('Destroy connection'); resolve(); }); }); }); }; /** * Drops a database. Is called when you call `knex-migrator reset`. * * @param options * @returns {*} */ exports.drop = function drop(options) { options = options || {}; const connection = options.connection, dbConfig = options.dbConfig; if (DatabaseInfo.isMySQL(connection)) { debug('Drop database: ' + dbConfig.connection.database); return connection.raw('DROP DATABASE `' + dbConfig.connection.database + '`;') .catch(function (err) { // CASE: database does not exist, skip if (err.errno === 1049) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.reject(new errors.KnexMigrateError({ err: err })); }); } else if (DatabaseInfo.isSQLite(connection)) { // @NOTE: sqlite3 does not support "DROP DATABASE". We have to drop each table instead. // @NOTE: We cannot just remove the sqlite3 file, because any database connection will get invalid. return connection.raw('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table";') .then(function (tables) { return sequence( => () => { if ( === 'sqlite_sequence') { debug('Skip drop table: ' +; return Promise.resolve(); } debug('Drop table: ' +; return connection.schema.dropTableIfExists(; })); }) .catch(function (err) { // CASE: database file was never initialised if (err.errno === 10) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.reject(new errors.KnexMigrateError({ err: err })); }); } else { return Promise.reject(new errors.KnexMigrateError({ message: 'Database client not supported: ' + dbConfig.client })); } };