#!/usr/bin/env node /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Einar Lielmanis, Liam Newman, and contributors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Js-Beautify Command-line for node.js ------------------------------------- Written by Daniel Stockman (daniel.stockman@gmail.com) */ /*jshint strict:false */ var debug = process.env.DEBUG_JSBEAUTIFY || process.env.JSBEAUTIFY_DEBUG ? function() { console.error.apply(console, arguments); } : function() {}; var fs = require('fs'), cc = require('config-chain'), beautify = require('../index'), nopt = require('nopt'), glob = require('glob'); nopt.invalidHandler = function(key, val) { throw new Error(key + " was invalid with value \"" + val + "\""); }; nopt.typeDefs.brace_style = { type: "brace_style", validate: function(data, key, val) { data[key] = val; // TODO: expand-strict is obsolete, now identical to expand. Remove in future version // TODO: collapse-preserve-inline is obselete, now identical to collapse,preserve-inline = true. Remove in future version var validVals = ["collapse", "collapse-preserve-inline", "expand", "end-expand", "expand-strict", "none", "preserve-inline"]; var valSplit = val.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+/); //Split will always return at least one parameter for (var i = 0; i < valSplit.length; i++) { if (validVals.indexOf(valSplit[i]) === -1) { return false; } } return true; } }; nopt.typeDefs.glob = { type: "glob", validate: function(data, key, val) { if (typeof val === 'string' && glob.hasMagic(val)) { // Preserve value if it contains glob magic data[key] = val; return true; } else { // Otherwise validate it as regular path return nopt.typeDefs.path.validate(data, key, val); } } }; var path = require('path'), editorconfig = require('editorconfig'), knownOpts = { // Beautifier "indent_size": Number, "indent_char": String, "eol": String, "indent_level": Number, "indent_with_tabs": Boolean, "preserve_newlines": Boolean, "max_preserve_newlines": Number, "space_in_paren": Boolean, "space_in_empty_paren": Boolean, "jslint_happy": Boolean, "space_after_anon_function": Boolean, "space_after_named_function": Boolean, "brace_style": "brace_style", //See above for validation "unindent_chained_methods": Boolean, "break_chained_methods": Boolean, "keep_array_indentation": Boolean, "unescape_strings": Boolean, "wrap_line_length": Number, "wrap_attributes": ["auto", "force", "force-aligned", "force-expand-multiline", "aligned-multiple", "preserve", "preserve-aligned"], "wrap_attributes_indent_size": Number, "e4x": Boolean, "end_with_newline": Boolean, "comma_first": Boolean, "operator_position": ["before-newline", "after-newline", "preserve-newline"], "indent_empty_lines": Boolean, "templating": [String, Array], // CSS-only "selector_separator_newline": Boolean, "newline_between_rules": Boolean, "space_around_combinator": Boolean, //deprecated - replaced with space_around_combinator, remove in future version "space_around_selector_separator": Boolean, // HTML-only "max_char": Number, // obsolete since 1.3.5 "inline": [String, Array], "unformatted": [String, Array], "content_unformatted": [String, Array], "indent_inner_html": [Boolean], "indent_handlebars": [Boolean], "indent_scripts": ["keep", "separate", "normal"], "extra_liners": [String, Array], "unformatted_content_delimiter": String, // CLI "version": Boolean, "help": Boolean, "files": ["glob", Array], "outfile": path, "replace": Boolean, "quiet": Boolean, "type": ["js", "css", "html"], "config": path, "editorconfig": Boolean }, // dasherizeShorthands provides { "indent-size": ["--indent_size"] } // translation, allowing more convenient dashes in CLI arguments shortHands = dasherizeShorthands({ // Beautifier "s": ["--indent_size"], "c": ["--indent_char"], "e": ["--eol"], "l": ["--indent_level"], "t": ["--indent_with_tabs"], "p": ["--preserve_newlines"], "m": ["--max_preserve_newlines"], "P": ["--space_in_paren"], "Q": ["--space_in_empty_paren"], "j": ["--jslint_happy"], "a": ["--space_after_anon_function"], "b": ["--brace_style"], "u": ["--unindent_chained_methods"], "B": ["--break_chained_methods"], "k": ["--keep_array_indentation"], "x": ["--unescape_strings"], "w": ["--wrap_line_length"], "X": ["--e4x"], "n": ["--end_with_newline"], "C": ["--comma_first"], "O": ["--operator_position"], // CSS-only "L": ["--selector_separator_newline"], "N": ["--newline_between_rules"], // HTML-only "A": ["--wrap_attributes"], "i": ["--wrap_attributes_indent_size"], "W": ["--max_char"], // obsolete since 1.3.5 "d": ["--inline"], "U": ["--unformatted"], "T": ["--content_unformatted"], "I": ["--indent_inner_html"], "H": ["--indent_handlebars"], "S": ["--indent_scripts"], "E": ["--extra_liners"], // non-dasherized hybrid shortcuts "good-stuff": [ "--keep_array_indentation", "--keep_function_indentation", "--jslint_happy" ], "js": ["--type", "js"], "css": ["--type", "css"], "html": ["--type", "html"], // CLI "v": ["--version"], "h": ["--help"], "f": ["--files"], "file": ["--files"], "o": ["--outfile"], "r": ["--replace"], "q": ["--quiet"] // no shorthand for "config" // no shorthand for "editorconfig" // no shorthand for "indent_empty_lines" // not shorthad for "templating" }); function verifyExists(fullPath) { return fs.existsSync(fullPath) ? fullPath : null; } function findRecursive(dir, fileName) { var fullPath = path.join(dir, fileName); var nextDir = path.dirname(dir); var result = verifyExists(fullPath); if (!result && (nextDir !== dir)) { result = findRecursive(nextDir, fileName); } return result; } function getUserHome() { var user_home = ''; try { user_home = process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOME || ''; } catch (ex) {} return user_home; } function set_file_editorconfig_opts(file, config) { try { var eConfigs = editorconfig.parseSync(file); if (eConfigs.indent_style === "tab") { config.indent_with_tabs = true; } else if (eConfigs.indent_style === "space") { config.indent_with_tabs = false; } if (eConfigs.indent_size) { config.indent_size = eConfigs.indent_size; } if (eConfigs.max_line_length) { if (eConfigs.max_line_length === "off") { config.wrap_line_length = 0; } else { config.wrap_line_length = parseInt(eConfigs.max_line_length, 10); } } if (eConfigs.insert_final_newline === true) { config.end_with_newline = true; } else if (eConfigs.insert_final_newline === false) { config.end_with_newline = false; } if (eConfigs.end_of_line) { if (eConfigs.end_of_line === 'cr') { config.eol = '\r'; } else if (eConfigs.end_of_line === 'lf') { config.eol = '\n'; } else if (eConfigs.end_of_line === 'crlf') { config.eol = '\r\n'; } } } catch (e) { debug(e); } } // var cli = require('js-beautify/cli'); cli.interpret(); var interpret = exports.interpret = function(argv, slice) { var parsed; try { parsed = nopt(knownOpts, shortHands, argv, slice); } catch (ex) { usage(ex); // console.error(ex); // console.error('Run `' + getScriptName() + ' -h` for help.'); process.exit(1); } if (parsed.version) { console.log(require('../../package.json').version); process.exit(0); } else if (parsed.help) { usage(); process.exit(0); } var cfg; var configRecursive = findRecursive(process.cwd(), '.jsbeautifyrc'); var configHome = verifyExists(path.join(getUserHome() || "", ".jsbeautifyrc")); var configDefault = __dirname + '/../config/defaults.json'; try { cfg = cc( parsed, cleanOptions(cc.env('jsbeautify_'), knownOpts), parsed.config, configRecursive, configHome, configDefault ).snapshot; } catch (ex) { debug(cfg); // usage(ex); console.error(ex); console.error('Error while loading beautifier configuration.'); console.error('Configuration file chain included:'); if (parsed.config) { console.error(parsed.config); } if (configRecursive) { console.error(configRecursive); } if (configHome) { console.error(configHome); } console.error(configDefault); console.error('Run `' + getScriptName() + ' -h` for help.'); process.exit(1); } try { // Verify arguments checkType(cfg); checkFiles(cfg); debug(cfg); // Process files synchronously to avoid EMFILE error cfg.files.forEach(processInputSync, { cfg: cfg }); } catch (ex) { debug(cfg); // usage(ex); console.error(ex); console.error('Run `' + getScriptName() + ' -h` for help.'); process.exit(1); } }; // interpret args immediately when called as executable if (require.main === module) { interpret(); } function usage(err) { var scriptName = getScriptName(); var msg = [ scriptName + '@' + require('../../package.json').version, '', 'CLI Options:', ' -f, --file Input file(s) (Pass \'-\' for stdin)', ' -r, --replace Write output in-place, replacing input', ' -o, --outfile Write output to file (default stdout)', ' --config Path to config file', ' --type [js|css|html] ["js"]', ' -q, --quiet Suppress logging to stdout', ' -h, --help Show this help', ' -v, --version Show the version', '', 'Beautifier Options:', ' -s, --indent-size Indentation size [4]', ' -c, --indent-char Indentation character [" "]', ' -t, --indent-with-tabs Indent with tabs, overrides -s and -c', ' -e, --eol Character(s) to use as line terminators.', ' [first newline in file, otherwise "\\n]', ' -n, --end-with-newline End output with newline', ' --indent-empty-lines Keep indentation on empty lines', ' --templating List of templating languages (auto,none,django,erb,handlebars,php,smarty) ["auto"] auto = none in JavaScript, all in html', ' --editorconfig Use EditorConfig to set up the options' ]; switch (scriptName.split('-').shift()) { case "js": msg.push(' -l, --indent-level Initial indentation level [0]'); msg.push(' -p, --preserve-newlines Preserve line-breaks (--no-preserve-newlines disables)'); msg.push(' -m, --max-preserve-newlines Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk [10]'); msg.push(' -P, --space-in-paren Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b )'); msg.push(' -E, --space-in-empty-paren Add a single space inside empty paren, ie. f( )'); msg.push(' -j, --jslint-happy Enable jslint-stricter mode'); msg.push(' -a, --space-after-anon-function Add a space before an anonymous function\'s parens, ie. function ()'); msg.push(' --space_after_named_function Add a space before a named function\'s parens, ie. function example ()'); msg.push(' -b, --brace-style [collapse|expand|end-expand|none][,preserve-inline] [collapse,preserve-inline]'); msg.push(' -u, --unindent-chained-methods Don\'t indent chained method calls'); msg.push(' -B, --break-chained-methods Break chained method calls across subsequent lines'); msg.push(' -k, --keep-array-indentation Preserve array indentation'); msg.push(' -x, --unescape-strings Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation'); msg.push(' -w, --wrap-line-length Wrap lines that exceed N characters [0]'); msg.push(' -X, --e4x Pass E4X xml literals through untouched'); msg.push(' --good-stuff Warm the cockles of Crockford\'s heart'); msg.push(' -C, --comma-first Put commas at the beginning of new line instead of end'); msg.push(' -O, --operator-position Set operator position (before-newline|after-newline|preserve-newline) [before-newline]'); break; case "html": msg.push(' -b, --brace-style [collapse|expand|end-expand] ["collapse"]'); msg.push(' -I, --indent-inner-html Indent body and head sections. Default is false.'); msg.push(' -H, --indent-handlebars Indent handlebars. Default is false.'); msg.push(' -S, --indent-scripts [keep|separate|normal] ["normal"]'); msg.push(' -w, --wrap-line-length Wrap lines that exceed N characters [0]'); msg.push(' -A, --wrap-attributes Wrap html tag attributes to new lines [auto|force|force-aligned|force-expand-multiline|aligned-multiple|preserve|preserve-aligned] ["auto"]'); msg.push(' -i, --wrap-attributes-indent-size Indent wrapped tags to after N characters [indent-level]'); msg.push(' -p, --preserve-newlines Preserve line-breaks (--no-preserve-newlines disables)'); msg.push(' -m, --max-preserve-newlines Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk [10]'); msg.push(' -U, --unformatted List of tags (defaults to inline) that should not be reformatted'); msg.push(' -T, --content_unformatted List of tags (defaults to pre) whose content should not be reformatted'); msg.push(' -E, --extra_liners List of tags (defaults to [head,body,/html] that should have an extra newline'); msg.push(' --unformatted_content_delimiter Keep text content together between this string [""]'); break; case "css": msg.push(' -b, --brace-style [collapse|expand] ["collapse"]'); msg.push(' -L, --selector-separator-newline Add a newline between multiple selectors.'); msg.push(' -N, --newline-between-rules Add a newline between CSS rules.'); } if (err) { msg.push(err); msg.push(''); console.error(msg.join('\n')); } else { console.log(msg.join('\n')); } } // main iterator, {cfg} passed as thisArg of forEach call function processInputSync(filepath) { var data = null, config = this.cfg, outfile = config.outfile, input; // -o passed with no value overwrites if (outfile === true || config.replace) { outfile = filepath; } var fileType = getOutputType(outfile, filepath, config.type); if (config.editorconfig) { var editorconfig_filepath = filepath; if (editorconfig_filepath === '-') { if (outfile) { editorconfig_filepath = outfile; } else { editorconfig_filepath = 'stdin.' + fileType; } } debug("EditorConfig is enabled for ", editorconfig_filepath); config = cc(config).snapshot; set_file_editorconfig_opts(editorconfig_filepath, config); debug(config); } if (filepath === '-') { input = process.stdin; input.setEncoding('utf8'); input.on('error', function() { throw 'Must pipe input or define at least one file.'; }); input.on('data', function(chunk) { data = data || ''; data += chunk; }); input.on('end', function() { if (data === null) { throw 'Must pipe input or define at least one file.'; } makePretty(fileType, data, config, outfile, writePretty); // Where things get beautified }); input.resume(); } else { data = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'); makePretty(fileType, data, config, outfile, writePretty); } } function makePretty(fileType, code, config, outfile, callback) { try { var pretty = beautify[fileType](code, config); callback(null, pretty, outfile, config); } catch (ex) { callback(ex); } } function writePretty(err, pretty, outfile, config) { debug('writing ' + outfile); if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } if (outfile) { fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(outfile), { recursive: true }); if (isFileDifferent(outfile, pretty)) { try { fs.writeFileSync(outfile, pretty, 'utf8'); logToStdout('beautified ' + path.relative(process.cwd(), outfile), config); } catch (ex) { onOutputError(ex); } } else { logToStdout('beautified ' + path.relative(process.cwd(), outfile) + ' - unchanged', config); } } else { process.stdout.write(pretty); } } function isFileDifferent(filePath, expected) { try { return fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8') !== expected; } catch (ex) { // failing to read is the same as different return true; } } // workaround the fact that nopt.clean doesn't return the object passed in :P function cleanOptions(data, types) { nopt.clean(data, types); return data; } // error handler for output stream that swallows errors silently, // allowing the loop to continue over unwritable files. function onOutputError(err) { if (err.code === 'EACCES') { console.error(err.path + " is not writable. Skipping!"); } else { console.error(err); process.exit(0); } } // turn "--foo_bar" into "foo-bar" function dasherizeFlag(str) { return str.replace(/^\-+/, '').replace(/_/g, '-'); } // translate weird python underscored keys into dashed argv, // avoiding single character aliases. function dasherizeShorthands(hash) { // operate in-place Object.keys(hash).forEach(function(key) { // each key value is an array var val = hash[key][0]; // only dasherize one-character shorthands if (key.length === 1 && val.indexOf('_') > -1) { hash[dasherizeFlag(val)] = val; } }); return hash; } function getOutputType(outfile, filepath, configType) { if (outfile && /\.(js|css|html)$/.test(outfile)) { return outfile.split('.').pop(); } else if (filepath !== '-' && /\.(js|css|html)$/.test(filepath)) { return filepath.split('.').pop(); } else if (configType) { return configType; } else { throw 'Could not determine appropriate beautifier from file paths: ' + filepath; } } function getScriptName() { return path.basename(process.argv[1]); } function checkType(parsed) { var scriptType = getScriptName().split('-').shift(); if (!/^(js|css|html)$/.test(scriptType)) { scriptType = null; } debug("executable type:", scriptType); var parsedType = parsed.type; debug("parsed type:", parsedType); if (!parsedType) { debug("type defaulted:", scriptType); parsed.type = scriptType; } } function checkFiles(parsed) { var argv = parsed.argv; var isTTY = true; var file_params = parsed.files || []; var hadGlob = false; try { isTTY = process.stdin.isTTY; } catch (ex) { debug("error querying for isTTY:", ex); } debug('isTTY: ' + isTTY); // assume any remaining args are files file_params = file_params.concat(argv.remain); parsed.files = []; // assume any remaining args are files file_params.forEach(function(f) { // strip stdin path eagerly added by nopt in '-f -' case if (f === '-') { return; } var foundFiles = []; var isGlob = glob.hasMagic(f); // Input was a glob if (isGlob) { hadGlob = true; foundFiles = glob(f, { sync: true, absolute: true, ignore: ['**/node_modules/**', '**/.git/**'] }); } else { // Input was not a glob, add it to an array so we are able to handle it in the same loop below try { testFilePath(f); } catch (err) { // if file is not found, and the resolved path indicates stdin marker if (path.parse(f).base === '-') { f = '-'; } else { throw err; } } foundFiles = [f]; } if (foundFiles && foundFiles.length) { // Add files to the parsed.files if it didn't exist in the array yet foundFiles.forEach(function(file) { var filePath = path.resolve(file); if (file === '-') { // case of stdin parsed.files.push(file); } else if (parsed.files.indexOf(filePath) === -1) { parsed.files.push(filePath); } }); } }); if ('string' === typeof parsed.outfile && isTTY && !parsed.files.length) { testFilePath(parsed.outfile); // use outfile as input when no other files passed in args parsed.files.push(parsed.outfile); // operation is now an implicit overwrite parsed.replace = true; } if (hadGlob || parsed.files.length > 1) { parsed.replace = true; } if (!parsed.files.length && !hadGlob) { // read stdin by default parsed.files.push('-'); } debug('files.length ' + parsed.files.length); if (parsed.files.indexOf('-') > -1 && isTTY && !hadGlob) { throw 'Must pipe input or define at least one file.'; } return parsed; } function testFilePath(filepath) { try { if (filepath !== "-") { fs.statSync(filepath); } } catch (err) { throw 'Unable to open path "' + filepath + '"'; } } function logToStdout(str, config) { if (typeof config.quiet === "undefined" || !config.quiet) { console.log(str); } }