# Pretty CLI A mini-module to style a [sywac](http://sywac.io/) instance in a standard way ## Install Either: `npm install @tryghost/pretty-cli --save` Or: `yarn add @tryghost/pretty-cli` ## Usage E.g. `const prettyCLI = require('@tryghost/pretty-cli');` `prettyCLI` is a pre-styled instance of the [sywac](http://sywac.io/) API. See the [sywac quickstart](http://sywac.io/docs/) and [config guide](http://sywac.io/docs/sync-config.html) for full usage. Example: ``` #!/usr/bin/env node const prettyCLI = require('@tryghost/pretty-cli'); prettyCLI .command({ flags: 'myTask [option]', desc: 'Run myTask', run: (argv) => { ... do something here } }) .parseAndExit(); ``` Pretty CLI also provides a common UI interface, providing log functions to output coloured messages to the UI: ``` const ui = require('@tryghost/pretty-cli/ui');` ui.log.info('Done'); ui.log.warn('Uh Oh', 'Something went wrong'); ``` You can also grab a fresh instance of the api with `prettyCLI.Api.get()`. The style rules used are available at `prettyCLI.styles`. ## Test - `yarn lint` run just eslint - `yarn test` run lint && tests # Copyright & License Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Ghost Foundation - Released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).