const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const {TierCreatedEvent, TierPriceChangeEvent, TierNameChangeEvent} = require('@tryghost/tiers'); const OfferCreatedEvent = require('@tryghost/members-offers').events.OfferCreatedEvent; const {BadRequestError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); class PaymentsService { /** * @param {object} deps * @param {import('bookshelf').Model} deps.Offer * @param {import('@tryghost/members-offers/lib/application/OffersAPI')} deps.offersAPI * @param {import('@tryghost/members-stripe-service/lib/StripeAPI')} deps.stripeAPIService * @param {{get(key: string): any}} deps.settingsCache */ constructor(deps) { /** @private */ this.OfferModel = deps.Offer; /** @private */ this.StripeProductModel = deps.StripeProduct; /** @private */ this.StripePriceModel = deps.StripePrice; /** @private */ this.StripeCustomerModel = deps.StripeCustomer; /** @private */ this.offersAPI = deps.offersAPI; /** @private */ this.stripeAPIService = deps.stripeAPIService; /** @private */ this.settingsCache = deps.settingsCache; DomainEvents.subscribe(OfferCreatedEvent, async (event) => { await this.getCouponForOffer(; }); DomainEvents.subscribe(TierCreatedEvent, async (event) => { if ( === 'paid') { await this.getPriceForTierCadence(, 'month'); await this.getPriceForTierCadence(, 'year'); } }); DomainEvents.subscribe(TierPriceChangeEvent, async (event) => { if ( === 'paid') { await this.getPriceForTierCadence(, 'month'); await this.getPriceForTierCadence(, 'year'); } }); DomainEvents.subscribe(TierNameChangeEvent, async (event) => { if ( === 'paid') { await this.updateNameForTierProducts(; } }); } /** * @param {object} params * @param {Tier} params.tier * @param {Tier.Cadence} params.cadence * @param {Offer} [params.offer] * @param {Member} [params.member] * @param {Object.} [params.metadata] * @param {string} params.successUrl * @param {string} params.cancelUrl * @param {string} [] * * @returns {Promise} */ async getPaymentLink({tier, cadence, offer, member, metadata, successUrl, cancelUrl, email}) { let coupon = null; let trialDays = null; if (offer) { if (! { throw new BadRequestError({ message: 'This Offer is not valid for the Tier' }); } if (offer.type === 'trial') { trialDays = offer.amount; } else { coupon = await this.getCouponForOffer(; } } let customer = null; if (member) { customer = await this.getCustomerForMember(member); } const price = await this.getPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence); const data = { metadata, successUrl: successUrl, cancelUrl: cancelUrl, trialDays: trialDays ?? tier.trialDays, coupon: coupon?.id }; // If we already have a coupon, we don't want to give trial days over it if ( { delete data.trialDays; } if (!customer && email) { data.customerEmail = email; } const session = await this.stripeAPIService.createCheckoutSession(, customer, data); return session.url; } /** * @param {object} params * @param {Member} [params.member] * @param {Object.} [params.metadata] * @param {string} params.successUrl * @param {string} params.cancelUrl * @param {boolean} [params.isAuthenticated] * @param {string} [] * * @returns {Promise} */ async getDonationPaymentLink({member, metadata, successUrl, cancelUrl, email, isAuthenticated}) { let customer = null; if (member && isAuthenticated) { customer = await this.getCustomerForMember(member); } const data = { priceId: (await this.getPriceForDonations()).id, metadata, successUrl: successUrl, cancelUrl: cancelUrl, customer, customerEmail: !customer && email ? email : null }; const session = await this.stripeAPIService.createDonationCheckoutSession(data); return session.url; } async getCustomerForMember(member) { const rows = await this.StripeCustomerModel.where({ member_id: }).query().select('customer_id'); for (const row of rows) { try { const customer = await this.stripeAPIService.getCustomer(row.customer_id); if (!customer.deleted) { return customer; } } catch (err) { logging.warn(err); } } const customer = await this.createCustomerForMember(member); return customer; } async createCustomerForMember(member) { const customer = await this.stripeAPIService.createCustomer({ email: member.get('email'), name: member.get('name') }); await this.StripeCustomerModel.add({ member_id:, customer_id:, email:, name: }); return customer; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/tiers').Tier} tier * @returns {Promise<{id: string}>} */ async getProductForTier(tier) { const rows = await this.StripeProductModel .where({product_id:}) .query() .select('stripe_product_id'); for (const row of rows) { try { const product = await this.stripeAPIService.getProduct(row.stripe_product_id); if ( { return {id:}; } } catch (err) { logging.warn(err); } } const product = await this.createProductForTier(tier); return { id: }; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/tiers').Tier} tier * @returns {Promise} */ async createProductForTier(tier) { const product = await this.stripeAPIService.createProduct({name:}); await this.StripeProductModel.add({ product_id:, stripe_product_id: }); return product; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/tiers').Tier} tier * @returns {Promise} */ async updateNameForTierProducts(tier) { const rows = await this.StripeProductModel .where({product_id:}) .query() .select('stripe_product_id'); for (const row of rows) { await this.stripeAPIService.updateProduct(row.stripe_product_id, { name: }); } } /** * @returns {Promise<{id: string}>} */ async getProductForDonations({name}) { const existingDonationPrices = await this.StripePriceModel .where({ type: 'donation' }) .query() .select('stripe_product_id'); for (const row of existingDonationPrices) { const product = await this.StripeProductModel .where({ stripe_product_id: row.stripe_product_id }) .query() .select('stripe_product_id') .first(); if (product) { // Check active in Stripe try { const stripeProduct = await this.stripeAPIService.getProduct(row.stripe_product_id); if ( { return {id:}; } } catch (err) { logging.warn(err); } } } const product = await this.createProductForDonations({name}); return { id: }; } /** * Stripe's nickname field is limited to 250 characters * @returns {string} */ getDonationPriceNickname() { const nickname = 'Support ' + this.settingsCache.get('title'); return nickname.substring(0, 250); } /** * @returns {Promise<{id: string}>} */ async getPriceForDonations() { const nickname = this.getDonationPriceNickname(); const currency = this.settingsCache.get('donations_currency'); const suggestedAmount = this.settingsCache.get('donations_suggested_amount'); // Stripe requires a minimum charge amount // @see const amount = suggestedAmount && suggestedAmount >= 100 ? suggestedAmount : 0; const price = await this.StripePriceModel .where({ type: 'donation', active: true, amount, currency }) .query() .select('stripe_price_id', 'stripe_product_id', 'id', 'nickname') .first(); if (price) { if (price.nickname !== nickname) { // Rename it in Stripe (in case the publication name changed) try { await this.stripeAPIService.updatePrice(price.stripe_price_id, { nickname }); // Update product too await this.stripeAPIService.updateProduct(price.stripe_product_id, { name: nickname }); await this.StripePriceModel.edit({ nickname }, {id:}); } catch (err) { logging.warn(err); } } return { id: price.stripe_price_id }; } const newPrice = await this.createPriceForDonations({ nickname, currency, amount }); return { id: }; } /** * @returns {Promise} */ async createPriceForDonations({currency, amount, nickname}) { const product = await this.getProductForDonations({name: nickname}); const preset = amount ? amount : undefined; // Create the price in Stripe const price = await this.stripeAPIService.createPrice({ currency, product:, custom_unit_amount: { enabled: true, preset }, nickname, type: 'one-time', active: true }); // Save it to the database await this.StripePriceModel.add({ stripe_price_id:, stripe_product_id:, active:, nickname: price.nickname, currency: price.currency, amount, type: 'donation', interval: null }); return price; } /** * @returns {Promise} */ async createProductForDonations({name}) { const product = await this.stripeAPIService.createProduct({ name }); await this.StripeProductModel.add({ product_id: null, stripe_product_id: }); return product; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/tiers').Tier} tier * @param {'month'|'year'} cadence * @returns {Promise<{id: string}>} */ async getPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence) { const product = await this.getProductForTier(tier); const currency = tier.currency.toLowerCase(); const amount = tier.getPrice(cadence); const rows = await this.StripePriceModel.where({ stripe_product_id:, currency, interval: cadence, amount, active: true, type: 'recurring' }).query().select('id', 'stripe_price_id'); for (const row of rows) { try { const price = await this.stripeAPIService.getPrice(row.stripe_price_id); if ( && price.currency.toLowerCase() === currency && price.unit_amount === amount && price.recurring?.interval === cadence) { return { id: }; } else { // Update the database model to prevent future Stripe fetches when it is not needed await this.StripePriceModel.edit({ active: !! }, {id:}); } } catch (err) { logging.error(`Failed to lookup Stripe Price ${row.stripe_price_id}`); logging.error(err); } } const price = await this.createPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence); return { id: }; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/tiers').Tier} tier * @param {'month'|'year'} cadence * @returns {Promise} */ async createPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence) { const product = await this.getProductForTier(tier); const price = await this.stripeAPIService.createPrice({ product:, interval: cadence, currency: tier.currency, amount: tier.getPrice(cadence), nickname: cadence === 'month' ? 'Monthly' : 'Yearly', type: 'recurring', active: true }); await this.StripePriceModel.add({ stripe_price_id:, stripe_product_id:, active:, nickname: price.nickname, currency: price.currency, amount: price.unit_amount, type: 'recurring', interval: cadence }); return price; } /** * @param {string} offerId * * @returns {Promise<{id: string}>} */ async getCouponForOffer(offerId) { const row = await this.OfferModel.where({id: offerId}).query().select('stripe_coupon_id', 'discount_type').first(); if (!row || row.discount_type === 'trial') { return null; } if (!row.stripe_coupon_id) { const offer = await this.offersAPI.getOffer({id: offerId}); await this.createCouponForOffer(offer); return this.getCouponForOffer(offerId); } return { id: row.stripe_coupon_id }; } /** * @param {import('@tryghost/members-offers/lib/application/OfferMapper').OfferDTO} offer */ async createCouponForOffer(offer) { /** @type {import('stripe').Stripe.CouponCreateParams} */ const couponData = { name:, duration: offer.duration }; if (offer.duration === 'repeating') { couponData.duration_in_months = offer.duration_in_months; } if (offer.type === 'percent') { couponData.percent_off = offer.amount; } else { couponData.amount_off = offer.amount; couponData.currency = offer.currency; } const coupon = await this.stripeAPIService.createCoupon(couponData); await this.OfferModel.edit({ stripe_coupon_id: }, { id: }); } } module.exports = PaymentsService;